Attic space definition. See what a "technical attic" is in other dictionaries. Survey of the attic of the house. The difference between an attic and an attic

When planning the construction of a house, almost every customer asks the question - what to build under the roof? Attic or attic space? What are the differences between these elements? The ability to separate the concepts of "attic" and "attic" is necessary not only because of the functionality of the premises under the roof, but also in order to avoid possible problems when registering a residential object.

The total usable area of ​​the house largely depends on the purpose of the roof space. Let's take a closer look at what is the difference between an attic and an attic in a private house.

Attic - general concepts

Many in the process of planning the construction of a private house dream of an attic, although the end result may differ from what is desired. Therefore, you should decide on the concept of an attic floor. A clear explanation is given by SNiP (building codes and regulations). Immediately, we note that all legal actions related to registration (re-registration in the BTI, and so on) are necessarily based on this set of laws.

According to SNiP 2.08.01-89 an attic or attic floor is the upper tier located in the attic space. Its facade is formed partially or completely by the roof plane of the building. The height of the walls formed should not exceed 1.5 meters from the floor level to the line of intersection with the roof surface, otherwise it is a full-fledged second floor.

Someone will argue that his attic in a house from a bar has the same shape. It is possible, but fundamental difference is that the attic space is a specially equipped and living area under the roof of the house. This is the second main functional indicator. For this reason, the attic floor needs, especially for houses from a bar. Thermal insulation of additional living space requires additional costs, but as a result, the rooms will be fully suitable for long-term living. Installation of ventilation is mandatory. Without it, ascending air currents from the lower floors will not allow residents to feel comfortable. In addition, the problem of condensation on walls and ceilings is immediately solved.

Attic - is it needed?

Under the attic space, most people mean a certain area under the roof, littered with various rubbish. Old things, household items and household items, spare parts - in general, everything that is a pity to part with for various reasons. SNiP considers the attic as a space between the roof structure, separated by external walls and not intended for living. If additional space is planned for placing engineering equipment and wiring communications, then it is customary to call it a technical attic. There are no other regulations that regulate the differences between the attic and the attic.

In contrast to the attic floor, the attic has a varied design.

According to its properties, the attic can be of two types:

  • Cold. Insulation materials do not go beyond the boundaries of the floor slabs.
  • Warm... In this case, the insulation is within the framework of the roof structure. In addition, the air that leaves the ventilation system of the house passes freely through the space of the attic and thereby serves as an additional source of heating in the cold season.

The attic is not only a makeshift warehouse, but also serves as a kind of air cushion between the roof and residential floors. Interior decoration in this case it is not carried out and there are no additional costs for building materials. But how to equip and improve the attic in a private house, first of all, is up to the owner to decide.

The main differences between the attic and the attic

And yet, what is the difference between an attic and an attic? Let's make a comparison.

  1. The attic floor is intended for permanent residence. Attic space - serves as a technical room.
  2. The attic can be either warm or cold. The attic requires good, high-quality insulation and ventilation.
  3. Design features attic space are varied and do not have clearly defined parameters, but for a residential attic tier maximum height walls should not exceed 1.5 meters
  4. The financial resources spent on equipping the attic are many times higher than the cost of equipping the attic.
  5. requires the installation of special windows. For the attic, one or two small, even deaf windows are enough.
  6. Documentary aspects. Unlike the attic, the total area of ​​a residential building does not include square meters attic.

As you can see, almost all of the differences are based on the functionality and characteristics of the premises.

What's better?

There is no definite answer to the question of which roofing room is better. If the developer is satisfied with the living area of ​​the first floor and the financial situation leaves much to be desired - the attic floor must be abandoned. Any type of attic is fine, and can be converted into living rooms over time. For those who need extra square meters, they want something unusual and creative - the attic floor will come in handy. The only drawback, perhaps, will be the construction on personal plot garage or shed for old things.

Attic device

According to the SNiP "Residential buildings" definition: "An attic floor (attic) is a floor in an attic space, the facade of which is fully or partially formed by the surface (surfaces) of an inclined or sloping roof, while the line of intersection of the plane of the roof and the facade should be at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level of the attic floor ". Pitched roof supported by a special structure consisting of a lathing directly supporting the roof covering, and rafters that transfer the load from the roof's own weight, snow, wind, etc. to the walls and internal supports.

The planning features of the attic are inevitably associated with the structure of the building and with the rooms located below, in addition, interconnection with the communication structure of the base building (stairs, heating, sewer and other networks) must be ensured. With regard to the internal planning, a very wide freedom is allowed - the attic can occupy the entire area of ​​the building, or its part can be two-story and have, in addition to the main one, a mezzanine floor, a winter garden or a veranda, etc. - if only all this fit within the boundaries of the underlying walls of the base building.

For attic floors, it is recommended to choose lightweight structures and materials, since the dead weight of the structures should be minimal, taking into account the load that will be transferred to the underlying building structures. That is, structures should be chosen from wood-based materials or thin-walled cold-formed metal profile... The use of stone or concrete materials for the supporting structure of the attic floor is not recommended.

The roof covering should also be made mainly of lightweight materials in the form of metal sheets, metal tiles, etc. In cases where it is necessary in order to preserve the environment of existing buildings, the coating is made of clay or cement-sand tiles, non-ferrous metal and other materials.

The interior decoration of the attic fencing is carried out mainly from plasterboard sheets. Internal partitions it is advisable to perform element-by-element assembly with cladding drywall sheets on racks made of thin-sheet profiles.

The device of the attic floor in the place of the attic space or on flat roof reduces heat loss through the roof by 7 - 9%. If you observe all the technological subtleties of the device attic room, you can significantly reduce the costs associated with the inevitable and regular roof repairs.

The mansard roof has its own differences, since it is exposed to various influences not only from above, but also from below: warm humid air from living quarters rises and falls in the form of condensation onto inner surface roofs. It is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for its design, that is, take care of high-quality heat, hydro and vapor barrier.

a, b, c - with one-, two- and hipped roof;

g - with a broken roof;

d, e - ridge knots;

g - the joint of the racks;

h - options for supporting the rafters.

The assembly and installation process consists of the following main technological operations:

Assembly of walls with the installation of metal bolts and dowels, window and door fillings;

Installation of floor beams, installation of insulation between beams, sub-floor of the attic;

Installation of rafters, laying of insulation, including heat-reflecting;

Sheathing and roofing;

Sheathing and insulation of gables, installation roof windows ny fillings;

Finishing work (installation of stairs, floors, filing ceilings, etc.).

Warming of attics.

The attic floor is more susceptible to heat loss than the lower floors, for the simple reason that there is no "heat cushion" above it. It has a large overall surface of contact with the external environment. Therefore, for reasons of comfort and economy, effective and thorough thermal insulation is required. WITH inside insulation (facing the room) provides a layer of vapor barrier, and on the outside - waterproofing. It is also important that there is a sufficiently effective ventilation space between the top side of the waterproofing layer and the underside of the roof covering, which would facilitate ventilation and remove the inevitable flow of moist warm air that will penetrate the steam barriers and the thermal insulation layer.

With increased thermal insulation, more stringent requirements are imposed on the thermal seal and its design. This seal prevents warm air from penetrating through the sealing layer. For thermal insulation must be applied effective insulation, for example, a slab of mineral wool based on basalt fiber.

The covering of the attic should not only protect the house from atmospheric precipitation (rain, snow), but also prevent the cooling of the upper floor premises. Warm air always rises, so the air temperature under the ceiling is on average 2 ° C higher than in the middle of the room height. With the same thermal insulation capacity of the walls and roof, heat loss through the latter will always be greater, due to the large temperature difference between the outer and inner surfaces of the attic coating. In addition, the moisture content of warm air is usually higher than cold air, so condensation on the ceiling of an upper floor can form at higher temperatures than on the inner surface of the wall. Therefore, to heat protection roofing more stringent requirements are imposed than for external walls.

Heat loss through the attic is quite large, therefore, correctly performed insulation of its coating can bring a tangible economic effect. When comparing two typical two-story houses with an area of ​​205 m² with mansards insulated in accordance with the old and new requirements, it was found that the modern level of thermal protection allows to reduce heat losses through the coating by more than 3 kW and thereby significantly reduce the power of the heating system and reduce the cost of heating the house.

Icicles hanging from the roof represent a significant danger to people. In the process of knocking down icicles, there is a high probability of damage to the roof with all the ensuing consequences. One of the reasons for the formation of icicles in winter time insufficient thermal insulation of the roof covering. The snow, heated from below by the heat passing through the poorly insulated coating, begins to melt, and the water flowing down from the roof turns into icicles. Only with well-executed thermal insulation will icicles not cause trouble in winter.

When insulating the attic, it must be remembered that heat loss occurs not only through the coating, but also through the end wall. Therefore, the pediment of the house also needs to be well insulated in accordance with modern requirements.

Structurally, the roofing of the attic consists of a system of rafters installed with a step of 600-1000 mm. The space between the rafters is filled with heat-insulating material (insulation). As an insulating material, it is recommended to use mineral wool slabs based on basalt fiber or fiberglass. Thermal insulation boards or mats can be stacked in one or more layers, moreover, the total thickness of the insulation layer depends on the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation, the value of which must be indicated in the certificate of conformity.

Attic device

According to the definition of SNiP "Residential buildings": "An attic floor (attic) is a floor in an attic space, the facade of which is fully or partially formed by the surface (surfaces) of an inclined or sloping roof, while the line of intersection of the plane of the roof and the facade should be at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level of the attic floor ". The pitched roof is supported by a special structure consisting of a sheathing directly supporting the roof covering and rafters that transfer the load from the roof's own weight, snow, wind, etc. to the walls and internal supports.

The planning features of the attic are inevitably associated with the structure of the building and with the rooms located below, in addition, interconnection with the communication structure of the base building (stairs, heating, sewer and other networks) must be ensured. With regard to the internal planning, a very wide freedom is allowed - the attic can occupy the entire area of ​​the building, or its part can be two-story and have, in addition to the main one, a mezzanine floor, a winter garden or a veranda, etc. - if only all this fit within the boundaries of the underlying walls of the base building.

For attic floors, it is recommended to choose lightweight structures and materials, since the dead weight of the structures should be minimal, taking into account the load that will be transferred to the underlying building structures. That is, the structures should be selected from wood-based materials or thin-walled cold-formed metal profiles. The use of stone or concrete materials for the supporting structure of the attic floor is not recommended.

The roof covering should also be made mainly of lightweight materials in the form of metal sheets, metal tiles, etc. In cases where it is necessary in order to preserve the environment of existing buildings, the coating is made of clay or cement-sand tiles, non-ferrous metal and other materials.

The interior decoration of the attic fencing is carried out mainly from plasterboard sheets. It is advisable to carry out internal partitions by element-by-element assembly with plasterboard lining along the posts of thin-sheet profiles.

The device of an attic floor in the place of an attic room or on a flat roof reduces heat loss through the roof by 7 - 9%. If you comply with all the technological subtleties of the attic space, you can significantly reduce the costs associated with the inevitable and regular repair of the roof.

The mansard roof has its own differences, since it is subjected to various influences not only from above, but also from below: warm humid air from living quarters rises and falls in the form of condensation on the inner surface of the roof. It is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for its design, that is, take care of high-quality heat, hydro and vapor barrier.

a, b, c - with one-, two- and hipped roof;

g - with a broken roof;

d, e - ridge knots;

g - the joint of the racks;

h - options for supporting the rafters.

The assembly and installation process consists of the following main technological operations:

- assembly of walls with the installation of metal bolts and dowels, window and door fillings;

- installation of floor beams, installation of insulation between beams, sub-floor of the attic;

- installation of rafters, laying of insulation, including heat-reflecting;

- installation of lathing and roofing;

- cladding and insulation of gables, installation of dormer window fillings;

Finishing work(installation of stairs, floors, ceiling filing, etc.).

Warming of attics.

The attic floor is more susceptible to heat loss than the lower floors, for the simple reason that there is no "heat cushion" above it. It has a large overall surface of contact with the external environment. Therefore, for reasons of comfort and economy, effective and thorough thermal insulation is required. On the inside of the insulation (facing the room) a vapor barrier layer is provided, and on the outside - waterproofing. It is also important that there is a sufficiently effective ventilation space between the top side of the waterproofing layer and the underside of the roof covering, which would facilitate ventilation and remove the inevitable flow of moist warm air that will penetrate the steam barriers and the thermal insulation layer.

With increased thermal insulation, more stringent requirements are imposed on the thermal seal and its design. This seal prevents warm air from penetrating through the sealing layer. For thermal insulation, an effective insulation should be used, for example, a mineral wool slab based on basalt fiber.

The covering of the attic should not only protect the house from atmospheric precipitation (rain, snow), but also prevent the cooling of the upper floor premises. Warm air always rises, so the air temperature under the ceiling is on average 2 ° C higher than in the middle of the room height. With the same thermal insulation capacity of the walls and roof, heat loss through the latter will always be greater, due to the large temperature difference between the outer and inner surfaces of the attic coating. In addition, the moisture content of warm air is usually higher than cold air, so condensation on the ceiling of the upper floor can form at higher temperatures than on the inner surface of the wall. Therefore, more stringent requirements are imposed on the thermal protection of roofing than on the outer walls.

Heat loss through the attic is quite large, therefore, correctly performed insulation of its coating can bring a tangible economic effect. When comparing two typical two-storey houses with an area of ​​205 m² with attic rooms insulated in accordance with the old and new requirements, it was found that the modern level of thermal protection can reduce heat loss through the coating by more than 3 kW and thereby significantly reduce the power of the heating system and reduce costs heating the house.

Icicles hanging from the roof pose a significant danger to humans. In the process of knocking down icicles, there is a high probability of damage to the roof with all the ensuing consequences. One of the reasons for the formation of icicles in winter is the insufficient thermal insulation of the roof covering. The snow, heated from below by the heat passing through the poorly insulated coating, begins to melt, and the water flowing from the roof turns into icicles. Only with well-executed thermal insulation will icicles not cause trouble in winter.

When insulating the attic, it must be remembered that heat loss occurs not only through the coating, but also through the end wall. Therefore, the pediment of the house also needs to be well insulated in accordance with modern requirements.

Structurally, the roofing of the attic consists of a system of rafters installed with a step of 600-1000 mm. The space between the rafters is filled with heat-insulating material (insulation). As an insulating material, it is recommended to use mineral wool slabs based on basalt fiber or fiberglass. Thermal insulation boards or mats can be stacked in one or more layers, moreover, the total thickness of the insulation layer depends on the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation, the value of which must be indicated in the certificate of conformity.


Fire safety of buildings and structures


8.1 Extinguishing a possible fire and carrying out rescue operations are provided with constructive, space-planning, engineering, technical and organizational measures.

These include:

  • arrangement of fire passages and access roads for fire fighting equipment, combined with functional driveways and entrances or special ones;
  • installation of external fire escapes and provision of other methods of lifting the personnel of fire departments and fire fighting equipment to the floors and to the roof of buildings, including the device of elevators with a mode of transportation of fire departments;
  • installation of a fire-fighting water supply system, including combined with a utility or special, and, if necessary, the installation of dry pipes and fire tanks (tanks);
  • smoke protection of the routes of fire departments inside the building;
  • equipping the building, if necessary, with individual and collective means of rescuing people;
  • placement on the territory of a settlement or facility of fire departments with the required number of personnel and equipped with fire fighting equipment that meets the conditions for extinguishing fires at facilities located within their radius of action.

The choice of these measures depends on the degree of fire resistance, the class of structural and functional fire hazard of the building.

8.2 Passages for main and special fire engines should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, SNiP II-89, SNiP II-97.

8.3 * For buildings with a height of 10 m or more up to the eaves of the roof or top outer wall(parapet) it is necessary to provide exits to the roof from staircases directly or through the attic, with the exception of a warm one, or by stairs of the 3rd type or by external fire escapes.

The number of exits to the roof and their location should be provided depending on the functional fire hazard and the size of the building, but at least one exit:

  • for every full and incomplete 100 m of the length of the building with an attic covering and at least one exit for every complete and incomplete 1000 m2 of the roof area of ​​the building with an attic covering for buildings of classes F1, F2, F3 and F4;
  • along fire escapes through 200 m along the perimeter of F5 class buildings.

It is allowed not to provide:

  • fire escapes on the main facade of the building, if the width of the building does not exceed 150 m, and there is a fire water supply line on the side opposite to the main facade;
  • access to the roof of one-story buildings with a covering area of ​​not more than 100 m2.

8.4 * In the attics of buildings, except for buildings of class F1.4, it is necessary to provide exits to the roof, equipped with stationary stairs, through doors, hatches or windows with dimensions of at least 0.6 - 0.8 m.

The exits from the stairwells to the roof or attic should be provided by flights of stairs with platforms in front of the exit, through fire doors Type 2 with dimensions of at least 0.75-1.5 m. The specified flights and platforms can be steel, must have a slope of no more than 2: 1 and a width of at least 0.9 m.

In buildings of classes F1, F2, F3 and F4 up to 15 m high, it is allowed to arrange exits to the attic or roof from stairwells through fire hatches Type 2 with dimensions of 0.6-0.8 m on fixed steel ladders.

8.5 In technical floors, including technical undergrounds and technical attics, the height of the clear passage must be at least 1.8 m; in attics along the entire building at least 1.6 m. The width of these aisles must be at least 1.2 m. On certain sections of no more than 2 m in length, it is allowed to reduce the height of the passage to 1.2 m, and the width to 0.9 m.

8.6 In buildings with mansards, hatches should be provided in the enclosing structures of the attic sinuses.

8.7 In places where the heights of roofs (including for lifting light-aeration lanterns to the roof) of more than 1 m, as a rule, should be provided with fire escapes.

Fire escapes are not provided at a difference in roof heights of more than 10 m, if each roof section with an area of ​​more than 100 m2 has its own exit to the roof that meets the requirements of 8.3, or the height of the lower roof section, determined in accordance with 8.3, does not exceed 10 m.

8.8 To rise to a height of 10 to 20 m and in places where the heights of roofs differ from 1 to 20 m, fire escapes of the P1 type should be used, for climbing to a height of more than 20 m and in places of a difference in heights of more than 20 m, fire escapes of the P2 type should be used.

Fire escapes must be made of non-combustible materials, be located at least 1 m from windows and must be designed for their use by fire departments.

8.9 Between the flights of stairs and between the handrails of the fences of staircases, a gap of at least 75 mm wide in plan view should be provided.

8.10 * In each fire compartment of buildings of class F1.1 with a height of more than 5 m, buildings of all classes of functional fire hazard with a height of more than 28 m (with the exception of buildings of class F1.3), lifts should be provided for transporting fire departments that meet the requirements of NPB 250.

8.11 In buildings with a roof slope of up to 12% inclusive, with a height of more than 10 m to the eaves or top of the outer wall (parapet), as well as in buildings with a roof slope of more than 12% and a height of more than 7 m to the eaves, roof fences should be provided in accordance with GOST 25772. Regardless of the height of the building, fences that meet the requirements of this standard should be provided for operated flat roofs, balconies, loggias, external galleries, open external stairs, staircases and landings.

8.12 Fire stations should be located on the territory in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, SNiP II-89 and NPB 101.

8.13 The need for a fire water supply system and other stationary fire extinguishing means should be provided for depending on the degree of fire resistance, the structural and functional fire hazard of the building, the magnitude and fire and explosion hazard of a temporary fire load.

8.14 The fire-fighting water supply systems of buildings must be provided with constant access for fire departments and their equipment.

SNiP 21-01-97 (Prevention of the spread of fire) "table of contents

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Features of a manor house with an attic

In housing construction, houses with attics are becoming more common. In SNiP 2.08.01-89 * the concept of "attic floor (attic)" means a floor in an attic space, the facade of which is fully or partially formed by the surface (surfaces) of an inclined or sloping roof, while the line of intersection of the plane of the roof and the facade should not be at a height more than 1.5 m from the attic floor level.

Residential building with attic floor differs in many features, as evidenced by the projects developed at TsNIIEPgrazhdanstroy. The main characteristics of a house with an attic include the shape of the roof and its slopes, while the most common are gable, hip, hip, and folded roofs.

The use of spacious attics with truss structures as attic with living and utility rooms provides a significant reduction in construction costs. Attic height is a function of roof slope, building width and wall height above attic floor... An additional reserve of the area of ​​an apartment is especially advisable in houses with high attic spaces - traditional as a result of taking into account the natural and climatic conditions in the middle zone and northern regions of Russia. Besides protection from rain and snow, the peaked finishes residential buildings harmoniously correlate with the endless expanses of the Russian plains. In low-rise buildings, attics occupy large spaces, and the transformation of attic space into a residential floor provides a significant economic effect, which is especially important when building housing in two or three stages of construction ("growing house" vertically).

With a hip and hip roof, the total area of ​​the attic is limited by four slopes, which form a space of the original form; in this case, the total area of ​​the attic can be increased using a semi-storey device (Fig.

Gable roof roofs with their triangular silhouette have high degree rationality (Fig. In a single volume of the attic with a minimum consumption of materials, the attic floor is successfully located not only in one-, but also in a two-level version, it is also possible to install a mezzanine level. increasing the height of the walls and placing the semi-storey.

Rice. Two-storey five-room residential building with an attic. Project number 23 Architect N. Shershneva. Total area 170m Provision with an area of ​​each resident 22m2a - the main facade; b - ground floor plan; в - plan of the second floor; d - attic plan 1 - lobby-front 4.8 m2; 2 - furnace 2.6 m2; 3 - kitchen-dining room 13.7 m2; 4 - living room 17.8 m2; 5 - office 11 m2; 6 - children's bedroom 14.1 m2; 7 - parents' bedroom 10.3 m2; 8 - guest bedroom 9.8 m2; 9 - playroom 25.8 m2; 10 - bedroom 15m2 According to the level of living, the house is one of the economical ones. In the compact volume of the house, the first floor is reserved for daytime stays, the second - for night rest. In the attic under gable roofs there is a bedroom and a playroom, illuminated by windows on the facades. Wooden house made of timber in the tradition of Russian dwelling both in the layout of a house with a Russian stove in the kitchen-dining room and with a passage, and in the architectural forms of the facades. Accommodation facilities include a direct connection between the kitchen-dining room and the living room through an open opening, good proportions rooms, double-height living room, spacious playroom and summer rooms

The least economical classic folded mansard roof, formed by a broken polyhedral contour of the enclosing structures (Fig. With the help of shortened slopes and vertical gables with a folded contour, it is possible to provide the maximum area of ​​premises, including due to the inclusion of a part of vertical or almost vertical walls in the attic volume. A classic roof most fully corresponds to architectural standards attic floor and meets consumers' ideas about individual appearance at home.

Due to the specific shape of the attic, the size of the area of ​​the premises is regulated by building codes. According to the requirements of SNiP 2.08.01-89 *, when determining the area of ​​the attic floor, the area of ​​this room is taken into account with a height up to an inclined ceiling of 1.5 m at an inclination of 30 ° to the horizon, 1.1 m - at 45 °, 0.5 m - at 60 ° and more. For intermediate values, the height is determined by interpolation. The area of ​​a room with a lower height should be taken into account in the total area with a factor of 0.7, while the minimum wall height should be 1.2 m with a ceiling tilt of 30 °, 0.8 - at 45 °, 60 °; not limited when tilted 60 ° or more.

The use of the attic space for placement of premises on two levels is successfully carried out with a significant steepness of the roof or an increase in the height of the walls of the building. The most favorable is considered to be a roof slope ranging from 35 to 55 °. With different roof slopes, depending on the materials (from 22 to 60 °) and with different widths of buildings (from 10 to 16 m), unused attic spaces are equal in volume to 0.5-1.5 floors of a normal residential building. Depending on the degree of inclination, when arranging the attic space under the bevel of the roof, sidewalls of different sizes are formed, separated by a wall or an attic bulkhead.

Rice. Two-storey seven-room house with an attic and a built-in garage. Project number 04 Architects: R. Sakharova, N. Sher-shneva. Total area 278.5 m2 Provision with an area of ​​35.4 m2 per person, which corresponds to a comfortable standard of living a - facade; 6 - ground floor plan; в - plan of the second floor; d - attic plan 1 - storeroom 7.6 m2; 2 - furnace 6.7 m2; 3 - kitchen 13.2 m2; 4 - bathroom 3.6m2; 5 - corridor 2.1 m2; 6 - dining room 16.4 m2; 7 - garage 35.5 m2; 8 - entrance hall 10.2 m2; 9 - sauna 5.3 m2; 10 - recreation room 7.7 m2; 11 - hallway 8.5 m2: 12 - bedroom 27 m2; 13 - bedroom 16.4 m2; 14-living room 32.5'm2; 15-fireplace room 22 m2; 16-bedroom 13.3 m2; 17-bedroom 24 m2; 18-hall In a brick house with a hipped roof and semicircular protruding pyukarns, the first floor is set aside mainly for utility rooms: an entrance hall, a dining room, a kitchen, a sauna with a relaxation room. In contrast to the traditional methods of arrangement of premises, the second floor houses a living room with a fireplace and two bedrooms. Two more bedrooms are provided in the attic floor. The comfort of living has been achieved due to the multi-part zoning, the arrangement of large rooms, a three-light front hall, directly connected to the garage. The original figurative characteristic of the house is in the form of streamlined volumes of facade elements, especially the main entrance to the house, characterized by semicircular endings of the portal, a semicircle of a lowered roof, accented by an arched hatch

The wall separates the low sidewall under the roof from the living quarters and utility rooms, while the space behind the bulkhead is used as a storage room or for built-in furniture with doors and shelves, with pull-out or rotating semicircular drawers.

Dormer windows are varied in types, outlines, and pattern of openings. The most widespread are ordinary windows located on the gables. From the time of the creation of the attic floors by Francois Mansarom and to the present day, vertical windows - lucarnes protruding from the roof plane - have been widely used. Also provided are hatches, fully or partially recessed behind the roof plane. Vertical windows play a significant role in the architectural appearance of a residential building, and the shape of such windows is close to ordinary ones, but sometimes lucarnes are designed either specifically for a pitched roof, or they can be hip, round, oval. In a special row there are windows located not only on the gables, but also on the built-in terraces of the attic floor.

Among the special requirements for a house with an attic is the need to create an appropriate natural light premises. According to the requirements of SNiP 23-05-95 and SNiP 2.08.01-89 *, the minimum ratio of the area of ​​light openings of all living rooms and kitchens of an apartment to the floor area of ​​these premises should be at least 1: 8, and for attics, when using dormer windows, it is allowed to take ratio 1:10.

Rice. Attic six-room house with a basement. Project Ns 27 Architects: V. Kolpikov, I. Gutnik. The total area is 220.2 m The area is 36.5 m2 per person, which corresponds to the standard of comfortable living a - the main facade, b - the plan of the first floor; c - attic plan; d - basement floor plan 1 - hall-front 12.9 m2; 2 - kitchen 15.7 m2; 3 - living room 20.3 m2; 4 - dining room 18.2 m2; 5 - terrace 20.4 m2; 6 - hall of the attic 7.7 m2: 7 - guest bedroom 15.7 m2; 8 - parents' bedroom 23.2 m2; 9 - children's bedroom 15.3 m2; 10 - hall of the basement floor 7.6 m2: 11 - storage room 8 m2; 12 - dressing room-shower room 9.2 m2; 13 - sauna 5 m2; 14 - recreation room, billiard room 28.3 m2: 15 - workshop, furnace 10.2 m2 Successful zoning of premises, rooms are spacious, in the basement there is a special health and wellness zone.

The sleeping quarters, located in the attic, are illuminated by lucarnes in the form of vertical windows, slightly recessed into the plane of the roof. The attic, formed by the broken polyhedral contour of the enclosing structures, is made in compositional unity with the entire volume of the house. The compact volumetric solution provides heat savings. The integrity of the attic floor and the house, the plastic of the facades of a brick building are the distinctive characteristics of a single-family dwelling.

V last years the so-called inclined VELUX windows, also called roof or roof windows, are increasingly used. In most cases, single sloped windows are built into the roof (fig. Attic windows are built in, although it is advisable to use combined window systems. Under-roof windows are convenient in operation, easy to install, organically fit into the roof of the building and are quite neutral in terms of architectural forms. They provide proper insolation of the premises not only with unfavorable orientation of facades, but also in inclement weather.When using sloped windows, snow bags, valleys and abutments, which are the main sources of roof leaks, are excluded.In one building, different types of windows are often combined, for example, vertical and inclined.

Rice. Attic seven-room house with built-in workshop garage. Project number 15 Architect G. Brzhozovsky. Total area 213.4 m Provision with an area of ​​30 m2 per person a - facade; b - basement floor plan; в - plan of the first floor; d - attic plan 1-pantry 14.6 m2; 2 - furnace 8 m2; 3-dining room 15m2; 4-kitchen 14.6 m2; 5-corridor 6.5m2; 6-sauna; 7-living room 23.9 m2; 8 - front 8.2 m2; 9 - workshop garage 27 m2; 10 - hallway 11.3 m2; 11 - guest bedroom 11 m2; 12 - boudoir bedroom 18.5 m2; 13 - guest bedroom 11.4 m2; 14 - bathroom 3.6 m2; 15 - office 11.2 m2; 16 - children's bedroom 17.2 m2 Living comfort creates a spatial combination of a spacious living room and dining room with the help of a transformable partition; successful zoning of premises for "day" and "night", a large kitchen with an attached sauna and access to the apartment area; entrance node from the street, consisting of a bright hall and a front hall with an intra-apartment staircase. The sleeping area is in the attic under the hip roof. The main entrance to the house with brick walls is accentuated by a developed porch and a protruding volume of the building with vertical window in the children's attic bedroom. The rest of the bedrooms and the study are illuminated by sloped VELUX windows

Sloped windows or their combination with other types of openings create a bright interior space. Since the attic ceiling in such an apartment is replaced by a roof with windows facing the sky, roof windows, on the one hand, are reliable protection from bad weather, and on the other, they make it possible to see the sky colored by sunsets and sunrises.

When placing roof windows with one of the essential conditions becomes the ability to review the environment. A wide view is provided when the bottom line of the window is placed at a height of 80-110 cm and you can look out of the window at a level of 90 cm while sitting. using the vertical part of the window, while the latter should be docked with its inclined element (Fig.

The degree of illumination of a particular room depends on its functional orientation, and the number of windows w their location varies depending on the purpose of the premises. So, in winter garden or in the workshop! artist, it is advisable to have continuous glazing, composed of several inclined windows. Significantly less light is required in rooms such as an office, a bedroom, a bathroom, so the windows in them are the traditional way- with piers. Any number of sloped windows can be installed side by side or one above the other.

Rice. Additional window elements in the half-storey increase visibility and illumination

In the absence of a half-floor, roof space can be created small garden by equipping the window with an additional vertical transom (Fig. A small balcony can be opened near one of several windows by folding out the lower part with a railing to a vertical position, while the upper part rises like a regular inclined window (Fig. For free access to a full-fledged balcony tilted windows in the attic are combined with a summer room, in this case the upper windows open in the usual way, and the lower part is pulled out.With roof windows, protection from the sun and prying eyes is carried out using blinds, folded curtains, roller shutters, awnings.

In the awarded competition projects, the well-known postulate about the compositional unity of the volume of the house and its attic completion was manifested in a new way. The novelty of the approach to the integrity of the volumetric solution of the dwelling made it possible to create multi-level roof structures, well-thought-out forms of the attic, connected together with facades in different versions, including by means of “lowered” parts of the roof, often extending to the base of the building.

It was the use of inclined windows that ensured the original shape of the attic: the geometry of the attic floor space, the unusual silhouette of the building, the organic fusion of individual elements of the roof and inclined roof windows. In list original solutions- roofs in the form of a tent, in the form of a hang-glider, with offset levels of coverings of triangular outlines; there were pyramid houses, cylinder houses with a sloping roof. New forms of the attic, organically connected with the BE-LUX combination window systems, ensured the creation of expressive fifth facades of the buildings.

The listed design issues reflect the current level of development of residential buildings with attics. V best projects new trends in the formation of dwellings are traced, and the promising directions of development of the architecture of the attic house are most fully implemented in the recently conducted international competition"Attic in low-rise construction." The evaluation criteria clearly formulated in the competition program made it possible to ensure the high quality of the projects marked with prizes, and the results of the competition as a whole indicate a significant breakthrough into the future and new possibilities for the design and construction of an attic dwelling.

Among the achievements is the manifested importance of inclined windows in the formation of the architecture of a residential building with an attic, especially in cases of ordinary layout of block apartments and carpet buildings, in which lighting of premises with ordinary windows often becomes difficult. In the best projects of the competition, the role of roofing windows turned out to be very active, and not only passive, as was previously thought, due to the placement of the window system in compositional unity with the house, attic floor, roof. Moreover, the innovative approach to the use of VELUX windows predetermined the continuity of the space-planning solution and the interior of a residential building. Thanks to the inclined windows, the interior has become an integral part of the architectural and artistic concept of the attic dwelling, which, in turn, created the possibility of forming a space permeated with streams of light and sunlight. The interiors have bright light compositions; they provide not only illumination of rooms and halls, but also form the aesthetic qualities of intra-apartment premises.

Rice. A window with a vertical additional frame provides space for a tiny roof garden

The significant role of sloped windows in unity with the geometry of the roof, the integrity of the functional and planning composition of the house and the light spatial solution, the novelty of the interior design - all this contributed to the search for figurative characteristics of attic housing both in the direction of designing a house in modern architectural forms and creating a Russian dwelling.

Attic floor (attic) - Glossary of financial and legal terms

The new ideas implemented in the projects are presented in the ‘form of sculptural-plastic volumes of the building with a kind of fifth facade. This trend is expressed brighter than others in a dwelling made in the high-tech style, which, among others, distinguishes the modern architecture of the building. Mansard residential buildings with different architectural solutions, enriched with innovative artistic design, will bring a significant variety to the development of settlements.

Understanding the intricacies of terminology

In the process of studying the characteristics of the premises different types you will have to delve into the meaning of some construction terms, clarify what is considered another floor in the building and how the under-roof space affects the size of the usable area of ​​the house. The ability to separate concepts affects not only the definition of the functionality of the floor, but also the convenience of those living in the house.


The space above the ceiling of the upper floor, bounded from above by the roof, is considered the attic floor. The shape and volume of the room under the roof depends entirely on its shape. Attics are of two types:

Future owners of a building often worry that the attic floor is out of work and that such a large space will be wasted. However, attics were invented for a reason. They create an additional air gap between living quarters and environment, thanks to which houses with attics become much warmer than buildings with flat roof, it is not for nothing that they are recommended to be built in regions with severe winters.

Interior decoration is often not carried out here. Building owners can use the roof space as a storage room or convert it into a technical floor by laying engineering Communication and having technological equipment.

In accordance with building codes, the difference between an attic and an attic lies in many details, but the main difference is that the latter is not considered a living space and you cannot simply equip it and start living there. Only with the appropriate conclusion can the technical attic space be converted into a residential one.


Like the attic, it is located under the roof and occupies the entire overlapping area of ​​the upper floor or part of it, and its walls are partially or completely replaced by the roof, on the shape of which the geometry of the room depends. Sometimes the attic is carried out beyond the perimeter of the outer walls of the building by increasing the underlying overlap or (with a large extension) installing additional supports in the form of walls and columns. High-quality arrangement of the floor helps to expand the living area of ​​the building without increasing the occupied space by land plot square.

The roof of the attic, sheathed from the inside, serves as the ceiling, which must be made sloping, and if the slope is "broken", the volume of the attic will increase.

Attic is a floor or not snip

The height of the walls in the attic cannot exceed 1.5 m, and such housing loses in volume to the rooms on the full floor, but wins in functionality from the attic.

Requirements for attic

The owner of the building is not limited in the choice of thermal insulation and finishing materials, but according to building codes, the structure of the room must meet the following requirements:

  • the ceiling above 2.5 m is located at least 50% of the attic;
  • the front walls of the attic floor intersect with the roof at a height of no more than 1.5 m, otherwise the floor is considered complete.

Advantages and disadvantages of the attic

Like any room, the attic is not devoid of advantages and disadvantages:

  • the inner space of the house can be used to the maximum;
  • the arrangement of living quarters in the attic is cheaper than the construction of a full-fledged floor, therefore such a structure is beneficial for people of average income;
  • the side areas of the room are limited in height by the roof structure;
  • for the installation of windows, it may be necessary to complicate the shape of the roof or purchase special windows for the roof;
  • in each attic room, a forced exhaust must be installed, since due to the low height of the ventilation duct, natural draft does not provide air exchange;
  • the equipment of the attic worsens the operating conditions of many parts of the roof, when the time comes to change the insulation or structural elements, it will not be easy to do this.

So what is the difference between an attic and an attic

The difference becomes tangible already at the stage of budgeting, when the cost of arranging the attic space is calculated. Another difference between these two rooms is that the attic is a room intended for living, specially equipped for this, with high-quality ventilation... Its area, in contrast to the attic, is included in the total usable area of ​​the house. And the attic, even finished, can only serve as a storage room or a place for placing technological equipment.

If there is a pitched roof in a residential building, then a space is formed under it, which can be called an attic or an attic. You need to know what is the difference between an attic and an attic. This is necessary not only to understand the functionality of the under-roof space, but also so that during registration of the house you do not have problems, since the total and living area of ​​the house can differ significantly depending on the purpose of the space under the roof.

An attic in a private house is an opportunity to expand the living space. This concept is clearly explained in SNiP number 2.08.01-89. It is on this document that BTI rely on when registering and re-registering a residential building.

In accordance with SNiP, the attic floor is additional warm living quarters that are located in the space under the roof. They can be completely limited by the slopes of a four-pitched roof or only by two slopes and gables of the building. The attic differs from the attic in that the height of the wall from the level of the floor surface to the line of its intersection with the slope cannot be less than 1.5 m.If the walls are much higher, then this is already a full-fledged second floor, and lower walls can only be on attic. The permissible ceiling height must be at least 2.5 m.

The next difference between the attic floor and the attic is that these are living quarters, and therefore, they must be heated, which requires thorough insulation of roof structures. It is equally important that these rooms need good ventilation and natural light, so the attic should have enough windows.

Important! Even an ordinary attic can be converted into a full-fledged attic. To do this, its walls need to be sewn up along the frame so that the line of intersection with the slopes is at least 1.5 m. You also need to thoroughly insulate the roof structure and equip the dormer windows.

The main advantage that the attic gives home owners is additional living space without extra costs for the construction of another floor. It has been proven that the cost of such an area in a house is 50% less than when building a full-fledged second floor. The thing is that the cost of insulating the roof structure is much less than the cost of building walls of another full-fledged tier.

Attic space

In the minds of many people, the attic should differ from the attic in that it is a space under the roof, littered with unnecessary junk... However, in SNiP, an attic is a room under the roof of a house, which is limited by enclosing structures (walls and slopes), is unheated and is not intended for living.

There is also the concept of a technical attic. It is allowed to install technological equipment, lay engineering communications on it. Unlike the attic floor, strict requirements are not imposed on the attic with respect to the height of the ceilings, the distance from the floor to the line of intersection of the walls with the slopes.

Moreover, there are two types of them:

  • Cold. In this case thermal insulation materials fit only in the ceiling of the last residential tier.
  • Warm. It is insulated not only in interfloor overlap but also in roof structures. Also, an additional source of heating for such a room can be warm air, which rises from the lower floors through the ventilation system and freely passes through the attic space.

The attic is not only additional storage space in the home. It serves as a kind of heat insulator, because the living rooms will be separated from the cold air outside not only by the enclosing structures, but also by the air in the attic space.

Worth knowing: a house with an attic is much warmer than buildings with an attic roof. That is why, in the conditions of our harsh winters, it is reasonable to build residential buildings with a pitched roof and an attic.


Let's summarize and clarify what is the difference between attic and attic spaces:

  1. The attic serves secondary functions and is used as additional storage space or for installing equipment and laying communications. The attic floor is used for permanent residence.
  2. Attic rooms can be warm (but without heating) and cold, attic rooms need thorough insulation and heating.
  3. There are no requirements for the design and shape of the non-residential space. Living rooms under the slopes have strict restrictions: their height must be at least 2.5 m, and from the floor to the line where the slopes join the walls must be at least 1.5 m.
  4. The cost of arranging a residential floor is significant compared to the cost of building an attic.
  5. The attic tier needs the installation of full-fledged windows for lighting and ventilation of the premises. For a non-residential floor, it is enough to make a couple of small dormers for ventilation of the space under the roof.
  6. The area of ​​the attic floor is included in the total and living area of ​​the house, which cannot be said about the non-residential space under the slopes.

It makes no sense to argue that one is worse than the other, since the attic system, if desired and with the availability of funds, can be converted into a full-fledged living space. It is only necessary to insulate the roof system, hem the ceiling and sew up the walls so that they meet regulatory requirements.

Therefore, we can say that when building a private house and arranging a pitched roof system, you should make sure that in the future you have the opportunity to convert the attic space into residential attic rooms. This will allow you with minimal cost, without moving out of the house, to expand the living space.

TECHNICAL FLOOR- the floor used for the placement of engineering equipment and communications. The technical floor is located under the building (technical underground), above the upper floor of the building (technical attic), in one or more middle floors. The technical floor contains heating, water supply, sewerage, air ducts, main networks of electrical equipment and low-current devices. It can also house boilers, pumping rooms, ventilation or air conditioning chambers, water tanks, elevator engine rooms, switchboards, etc.

Each apartment and attic has separate separate land and mortgage registers. The attic was not finished at the time of purchase, meaning it has no partitions, the floor is splashed, where the insulating wool is partially insulated, the insulation is below, and the ceiling is the unopened roof of the building. In addition, this room is not crowded and there is no connection provided.

The applicant asked whether, in this case, the attic should be regarded as a usable building area and whether real estate tax should be paid. According to the company, this attic is not a usable building area and therefore should not be subject to property tax. The company indicated that the attic was purchased only to fulfill the necessary construction works to complete the construction of the apartment. For this, the conditions for construction were created and work is underway to prepare the structure of the building and obtain a building permit.

In residential buildings with a height of up to 9 floors, only a technical underground is usually provided, in buildings up to 16 floors, in addition, a technical attic is arranged. In houses with a higher number of storeys, there should be no more than 50 meters in height between technical floors in order to prevent an increased hydrostatic head in heating and water supply systems. In residential buildings and hotels, when located in the lower floors of public premises, the technical floor is arranged between the residential and public areas. Dimensions of the Technical Floor in height: the minimum height of a clean technical underground is 1.6 m, the minimum height of a clean technical attic is 1.4 m.When placed on the Technical Floor, in addition to pipelines and various engineering equipment, its height is determined depending on the dimensions equipment.

Real estate tax - the usable area of ​​a building or part of it. Usable area of ​​the building or part thereof, as defined in legislation Local Taxes and Fees Act, is the area measured on the inside length of the walls on all floors, excluding stair and crane shafts. Underground garages, basements, cellars and attic areas are also considered as a floor.

The company indicated that, in its current technical condition, the attic is not suitable for its intended use and therefore does not have markings suitable for use in the attic. According to the company, the attic does not meet this criterion. The president of the city of Krakow decided that the position presented by the company was incorrect. He noted that neither the Law on Local Taxes and Duties, nor the Law on Construction contain definitions of the concept of a floor and a usable attic.

In order to protect against noise arising from the operation of engineering equipment, the premises of the technical floor should be soundproofed. To reduce noise and prevent vibration, insulated foundations for the equipment are provided (if the equipment is located in a technical underground). In overground technical floors or in technical attics, engineering equipment is installed on elastic pads or shock-absorbing devices.

The President noted that in this case it is not only about the attic being viewed as history, but whether the attic can be considered. The property tax used is subject to property tax. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure on the technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location, as such, it should be considered as an attic with housing for people, but it can also perform a different function. Therefore, it should be said that the attic in question is intended for some use.

Temporary (payload) loads on the floor in the technical floor are taken according to the actual load, but not less than 200 kg / m2; the overload factor is taken equal: 1.4 - for loads less than 300 kg / m2; 1.3 - for loads from 300 kg / m2 to 500 kg / m2 and 1.2 - for loads from 500 kg / m2 and more. Equipment loads are taken according to technological data with appropriate overload factors. Dynamic loads from equipment are taken into account in accordance with the instructions of the current regulatory documents for design and calculation. load-bearing structures buildings for machines with dynamic loads.

According to the president, there is no doubt that the attic is intended for some use. This is the thesis that it is just a building block. Currently, they can be used, for example, as a warehouse. Therefore, it is taxed under the same conditions as other premises.

It should be noted that the legislator predicted that the amount of property tax depends on the size of the premises. Therefore, the area of ​​rooms or their parts and part of a floor with a height of 1, 40 m to 2, 20 m are considered 50% of the usable area of ​​the building, and if the height is less than 1, 40 m, then it goes down. Floor height in the light should be interpreted as “the distance between the floor and the lowest fixed ceiling member”.

Construction survey object: attic of a residential building

Expertise address: Saint Petersburg

The purpose of the examination: Expert and diagnostic examination of the attic to determine the number of storeys of a residential building.

Characteristics of the object

The object of the examination is a one-apartment three-storey residential building with an attic. On the 1st floor with an area of ​​104.6 m2 there is a garage, a living room, a relaxation room, a sauna, and two bathrooms. On the 2nd floor with an area of ​​98.9 m2 there are kitchen-dining room, bedroom, bathroom. On the 3rd floor with an area of ​​99.7 m2 there is a living room, a bedroom, a dressing room, two bathrooms. A vertical staircase leads from the 3rd floor to the attic with an area of ​​44.8 m2. The house is not finished yet.


During the expert diagnostic examination, the attic of a residential building was examined.

The expert carried out a visual and visual-instrumental examination of the facility, in accordance with the requirements of SP 13-102-2003 "Rules for the examination of load-bearing building structures of buildings and structures." Measurements of geometric characteristics were made in accordance with GOST 26433.0-95 "System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction". Inspection of building structures of buildings and structures is carried out in three interrelated stages:

  • preparation for the survey;
  • preliminary (visual) examination;
  • detailed (instrumental) examination.

In accordance with the requirements of SP 13-102-2003, clause 6.1, preparation for conducting surveys provides for familiarization with the object of the survey, design and as-built documentation for the structure and construction of the facility, with documentation for operation and repairs and reconstruction that have taken place, with the results of previous surveys.

The expert made an external examination of the attic, with selective fixation on a digital camera, which complies with the requirements of SP 13-102-2003 clause 7.2: measuring instruments and devices (binoculars, cameras, tape measures, calipers, probes, etc.) ”.

Construction expert assessment

According to the project, the attic is cold. The developer decided to adapt the attic space for household needs (storage of various things, materials, etc.) and for this he insulated and decorated it, carried out lighting, which is not a violation of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ and SNiP 31-02-2001 "Single-family residential houses":

  • Article 48 Chapter 6 Clause 3. Of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ .... Implementation of the preparation of project documentation is not required for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul of individual housing construction objects (detached residential buildings with no more than three floors, intended for the residence of one families). Developer software own initiative has the right to ensure the preparation of project documentation in relation to the objects of individual housing construction;
  • p. 4.3 of SNiP 31-02-2001 "Single-family residential houses" .... The composition of the premises of the house, their size and functional relationship, as well as the composition of the engineering equipment are determined by the developer. The home should provide facilities for rest, sleep, hygiene, cooking and eating, and other activities normally carried out in the home.

According to Appendix B of SP 55.13330.2011 "Single-family residential houses", the definition of the attic floor and the attic should be found in Appendix B of SP 54.13330.2011 "Residential apartment buildings". Thus, the attic is the space between the ceiling of the upper floor and the covering located above, and the attic is the floor in the attic space, the facade of which is formed in whole or in part by the roof surface. That is, the attic is a floor with a set of premises (rooms, kitchen, bathroom, etc.) with the provision of sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

According to SP 55.13330.2011 "Single-family residential houses", clause 8.7 ... .. Natural lighting should be provided in the living rooms and the kitchen. The level of natural light must comply with the requirements of SP 52.13330. The ratio of the area of ​​light openings to the floor area of ​​living quarters and kitchens should be at least 1: 8. For attic floors, this ratio is allowed to be at least 1:10. (highlighted by the expert).

For our attic space, the area of ​​light openings is 0.7x1.1x4 = 3.08m2.

Floor area 10.681x7.635-0.43x1.09 = 81.55-0.47 = 81.08m2

The ratio of the area of ​​light openings to the floor area is 1:26, that is, less than 1:10, which does not correspond to clause 8.7 of SP 55.13330.2011 "Single-family residential houses". There is no space in the attic, there is one common space between the ceiling of the upper floor and the roof located above with dormer windows, which corresponds to the definition of an attic. The developer insulated the attic, completed finishing work, and provided lighting for its use in the future for household needs.

The insulated attic for household needs is not included in the number of storeys of the building in accordance with clause B.1.6 of Appendix B SP 54.13330.2011 "Residential apartment buildings" .... when determining the number of storeys of a building, all above-ground floors are taken into account, including the technical floor, the attic, as well as ground floor, if the top of its floor is at least 2 m above the average planning level of the earth. When determining the number of floors, all floors are taken into account, including underground, basement, basement, aboveground, technical, attic and others.

Construction expert opinion

Questions for the examination: Expert and diagnostic examination of the attic, in order to determine the number of storeys of a residential building.

Expert answer: The insulated attic for the household needs of a residential building is not an attic floor. The house is three-storey.