The interior of the room on the attic floor. Layout and interior of the attic of a private house

Let's start with the fact that the attic space can not always be turned into a full-fledged housing. If the height from the floor to the top of the roof is less than 2.5 m, and the room itself is very uncomfortable and cramped, then it is more expedient to design and complete the attic floor, or redraw the roof to a broken structure. Of course, these are financial costs, but they are disproportionately lower than ordering to increase residential meters. new project house with an attic, and build it from scratch.

If the shape and dimensions of the room correspond to your ideas about residential meters, as well as meet the fire safety requirements and consumer safety standards for attic floors, then a bedroom on the attic floor is an ideal solution for planning a house.

But before thinking over the interior of the attic bedroom, it is required to carry out high-quality hydro and vapor barrier of the room, it is necessary to insulate the roof and the fronts of the building. For the convenience of using the floor, it is important to think about which staircase to make to the attic, how to place it correctly so that it is compact and easy to climb.

Do not forget that this room is under the roof itself, so it is recommended to pay special attention to sound insulation, of course, rain on the roof is romantic, but when it clatters long time, this causes some discomfort.

Dormer windows play a huge role in organizing the bedroom space. If this is just a conversion of the attic floor into a bedroom, and the windows are very small, there is not enough light to lighten the interior, at least visually, it is recommended to use light, pastel shades and lots of artificial light.

You can go the other way, on the contrary, use dark deep shades, thereby emphasizing the backstage of the attic bedroom. If the extension is done purposefully, remember that windows should occupy at least 10% of the attic floor area.

Also, if the bedroom is located in the attic, pay attention to utilities. It's okay if the size and features of the room do not allow for additional comfortable conditions, and you have to go down to the bathroom. But it is much more pleasant if the shower, toilet and a small kitchenette, even a simple bar counter, are located right in the attic bedroom.

Design Features

The first task that should be solved when decorating the interior is how to equip and competently "fit" into the design. truss system attics and roof slopes. If the room is already low, and the organization of the heat-insulating layer in any case will take another 150-200 mm from each side from the volume, it is not advisable to hem the horizontal ceiling in the attic.

It is better to finish the slopes with clapboard or drywall along the crate, but remember that GVL sheets can only be used in heated rooms, and natural wood must be treated with antiseptics and a fire retardant composition.

In addition, lining the attic with clapboard, block house or timber is an ideal option for finishing bedrooms in country houses, as well as in wooden cottages in country style. Natural materials will only emphasize all the charm and color of suburban housing. The tree breathes, creating natural ventilation of the room and its own microclimate.

Rafters and vertical beams, painted in the same tone with the planes of the fronts and the roof, guarantee the integrity of the space, they are almost invisible against the general background, this technique is relevant for small bedrooms. The contrasting highlighting of the rafters serves to clearly zoning the space, the bedroom in such design solution conditionally divided into a place to sleep, a dressing room, a recreation and work area.

Other topical solution to equip the interior of a bedroom with a mansard roof, it is a combination of wood and drywall decoration, which is pasted over with wallpaper, rattan, cork or finished with textured plaster. There is no limit to fantasy here, but the most sought-after style for a bedroom in the attic is Provence. Light, airy, cozy and very comfortable.

For example, a lining painted in white or cream colors in combination with wallpaper in a small flower immediately has a romantic mood. And the photographs on the walls with the brightest moments in life only enhance the sensations, as if emphasizing the intimacy of the room, because the bedroom is a personal space where you can relax not only with your body, but also with your soul.

Related video: Attic floor– beautiful attic room design ideas
For young, creative and dynamic, the design of a bedroom with a loft-style loft ceiling is the best fit. It is also very relevant if the attic is built of blocks, brick or concrete. This is an inside-out house where the interior can be constantly changing. Characteristic for loft decoration accent wall, changing the geometry of the room, at the same time can serve as an addition to the head of the bed, perhaps the bed will be designed in the form of a podium, to which several steps lead.

Here the question is natural: how to combine the industrial notes of the interior with the comfort of the bedroom? The task is solved with the help of textiles and large posters with sketches dear to the heart, since photo printing today can work almost miracles.

Furniture and textiles

In general, if we talk about style, then the design of the attic floor bedroom is limited only by your own preferences, the main thing here is to create coziness and comfort. This task is solved only by a set of well-chosen materials, original details in the design of the bedroom interior, as well as in a careful selection of furniture, textiles and accessories.

Features of the room, and mainly the roof of the attic, creates some difficulties in the selection and arrangement of furniture in the bedroom. First of all, compact, low furniture, such as a podium bed, is relevant for low rooms, it is best if it is made to order, specifically for the size of your bedroom. If the bedroom is in the attic with high ceilings, then the choice is objectively unlimited.

As for the location of the bed, it is better to place it against the front wall, in the middle, where the ceilings have a maximum height. But often, you have to arrange a sleeping place under the roof slopes, between the rafters.

Tip: Try to position the bed so that there is at least 900 mm from the mattress to the ceiling. At the very least, getting out of bed will keep your head safe from hitting hard surfaces.

The cabinets that are so necessary in the bedroom, it is optimal to make them built-in under the slopes, so you get a lot of storage space, and visually correct the shape of the attic. For the insides, prefabricated metal modules are quite suitable, you can also make shelves from laminated chipboard, plywood or boards that are closed with beautiful compartment facades.

The working area in the bedroom is best defined under the window, preferably away from the bed. Seating area with table and chairs dressing table try to highlight near the opposite wall from the bed. Do not forget to provide lamps with directional light for these areas, as for bedroom lighting, it is better to use soft, diffused light here.

The attic bedroom looks very impressive with LED backlight. In general, a thoughtful light scenario can turn a bedroom with an ordinary interior into a very original space, if you like, a separate secluded and mysterious world in the sky.

Curtains in the bedroom - a pledge healthy sleep and comfortable rest any time of the day. The size, type and design of curtains directly depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the style and height of the ceilings, as well as on the shape skylights. But they must be protected from sunlight. It is best to use the day-night model (it is available in almost all types of curtains), it has a special dark layer that does not let light through.


Tips for arranging the interior of the attic bedroom

The main difficulty in arranging such a room as a bedroom in the attic may be the need to insulate the roof. Even if you plan to live in country house only in the summer, it will still need to be done. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to be in the attic, since the roof gets very hot on hot summer days.

The second difficulty is the need to conduct communications to the attic floor - electricity and heating. In fact, a cozy and beautiful bedroom on the attic floor can only be obtained after all these activities have been completed. How can its interior look like in our photo gallery:

The attic is usually insulated using expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. Lining, drywall or plywood are best suited as cladding for such a room. The choice of a particular material in this case largely depends on the characteristics of the building itself.

With the use of wood, a very cozy attic bedroom is usually obtained. Design (photo above) of this type is most often used for wooden buildings. Attics of stone houses are usually sheathed with plasterboard. Plywood works well in both cases.

Attic lighting. The attic bedroom, like any other room, should be well lit. When installing electrical wiring in the attic, a number of certain rules should be observed. After all, the roof is being built using fire hazardous wooden elements. It is best to entrust the wiring to the attic to specialists.

Important: It is best to stretch not aluminum, but copper wires into the attic. Also, experts advise avoiding the use of junction boxes and installing a separate circuit breaker in such a room.

Heating. Heating the bedroom in this case can be arranged in several ways:

  1. Mount additional pipes from the main system,
  2. Use electric heaters
  3. Build a fireplace in the room.

The third option in our case, most likely, will be the most successful. The interior of the attic bedroom in this case will turn out to be very cozy.

Tip: In addition to heating appliances, you should definitely install an air conditioner or at least a fan. In our climate in the summer, even roof sheathing with mineral wool may not save from the heat.

Attic bedroom design

So, the attic is prepared for the arrangement of the bedroom. Now you can proceed to its design and furniture arrangement. There are a huge number of designs for this room:

Choose a style. For an attic bedroom, some kind of folk or romantic design direction is best suited. Rooms decorated in the style of a chalet, Provence or country are very cozy.

Of course, if you wish, you can decorate the bedroom in a classic style, or using the loft direction. Such an interior design of a bedroom in the attic of a large area will look especially good. In this case, you get a stylish modern room for sleeping.

Color spectrum. Since the attic is most often still not too big, it is best to choose a bedroom design in light colors. The main task in this case is to avoid the fading of the interior. Therefore, sloping walls are best painted in light color, and for vertical ones use sufficiently saturated tones.

Note: The interior of a bedroom with a mansard roof will look very interesting if you combine the colors of the walls with the colors of the bed cover or curtains.

The attic can not only be painted, but also used in design, for example, wallpaper. The rafters on the walls and under the ceiling of broken gable roofs are often left open. Inclined walls in the attic are usually painted in a light color.

Furniture selection and arrangement. A successful bedroom design with an attic ceiling will only work if right choice and furniture placement. For a small attic, it is better not to use too massive interior items. Of course, a tree for placement in a country house fit better Total. However, the bed, chest of drawers, wardrobes and bedside tables should still be compact enough.

Note: It is a very good idea to furnish the attic bedroom with wooden furniture, the shade of which matches the shade of the exposed rafters and beams.

An attic bed is usually installed against one of the sloping walls. At the same time, it would be very nice to separate it from the main room with a light curtain. A chest of drawers with a mirror and a wardrobe can be installed against the gable walls.

Bedroom decor. How successful the attic bedroom design will be depends on the right choice of various kinds of decor. For example, for windows. it is best to use not blinds, but textiles. They should hang ordinary light curtains. In order for them not to dangle, they can be pressed along the line between the lower vertical part of the wall and the upper inclined part with a decorative strip. Be sure to decorate the bedroom with indoor plants in beautiful pots or planters.

Tip: When decorating attic bedrooms, various kinds of shade-resistant plants are most often used. These can be ficuses, cyclomens, philodendrons, calatheas, etc.

The interior of the attic bedroom should also be complemented with beautiful decorative trinkets. Usually porcelain and wicker things are used to decorate attics. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with their number.


Design features of the attic for a cozy bedroom: the uniqueness of the room

A typical attic is a small room with low shaped ceilings and small windows, often insufficiently illuminated by natural light. It is this kind of transformation of a modern cozy and quiet nest, so necessary in the current bustle, that is perfect for arranging a bedroom.

The main drawback of the attic space is obvious: it is the lack of space. More detailed reasons why certain restrictions are imposed on the design of the attic bedroom are as follows:

  • sloped walls,
  • ceiling with variable height,
  • slanted windows, if provided for by the building concept.

If there are usually no difficulties with stylistic design, then various difficulties are often associated with its ergonomic addition to household items. So even at the construction design stage, one should reckon with the recommendations of specialists trained to correctly use every square centimeter of area:

  • it is appropriate to use the space under the slope of the roof for installing a bed, and the headboard is against a low wall (along the bed is installed only in a narrow attic),
  • standard high cabinets give way to shaped ones that fit perfectly into various niches, creating a creative atmosphere,
  • on some photos of a well-appointed bedroom in the attic, you can often see minimalist solutions: compact chests of drawers and small bedside tables,
  • a fabulous place by the window is often reserved for the installation of a table or bed.

Original ideas, stylistic inventions and photos of the attic bedroom.

rural orientation. The interior concept of the attic space often looks towards rustic styles. The spirit of comfort and simplicity radiates from the French provincial style "Provence". perfect for a relaxing environment. An abundance of pure white flowers, with which the rough wooden surfaces, landscapes with lavender fields and other floral motifs - coloring, undoubtedly reminiscent of the place of residence of the style.

However, you can stop at the English "country" focusing on warmth and comfort. Lots of browns. yellow and red shades, a combination of colors and textures bring color, fullness and logical completeness to the design of a rustic bedroom in the attic.

Floors in similar rustic styles made entirely of wood. The ceiling is usually hemmed with environmentally friendly clapboard. However, the beams, not painted “in country style” or wrapped in white in French, look even more spectacular. Carelessly plastered walls are an equally common solution in rustic concepts.

Classic ideas. Gracefulness, solemnity, and, undoubtedly, richness - the classics still serve as a role model and are a monolithic standard among modern stylistic concepts. Key elements of classical impeccability, harmony, elegance and palatial luxury, which was formed in the 16-18 centuries:

  • floor made of natural high-quality materials (wood, marble),
  • light walls (shades closer to the range of white colors), noble colors are also allowed - burgundy, blue, green, olive,
  • furniture made of precious woods, decorated with carvings and gilded fittings.

Fresh ideas for interior design of a residential attic for a bedroom: modern direction. The space under the mansard roof is a great opportunity to join the style of American origin: the loft. The credo of the concept is minimum costs and simplicity in everything. Creative and freedom-loving individuals appreciate the industrial style accent:

  • all kinds of brick ledges and open walls,
  • pipes,
  • rough plaster,
  • plank floor,
  • uncovered ventilation system,
  • modern multifunctional furniture and an abundance of metal surfaces,
  • original accessories (graffiti, road signs, posters).

Such an ultra-modern attic interior and a bedroom can only be combined into one in a spacious attic room with high ceilings and large windows.

Less brutal, more concise and, of course, sharply modern style minimalism great for decorating a bedroom, especially under a small attic. Briefly, this is:

  • flexible shapes easily created with modern means(e.g. drywall)
  • maximum functionality, expressed in the use of a minimum amount of furniture with the possibility of transformation,
  • more often two colors, one of which is white,
  • plastered and painted walls.

For the design of a compact bedroom under the attic is not bad design with Scandinavian accents. Main attributes:

  • milky white, light blue, pale green, beige and other pastel shades,
  • painted plain walls,
  • wooden floor, covered with a layer of varnish,
  • simple and uncluttered furniture,
  • abundance of fabrics with various patterns.

Other accents

In the design of the attic interior, not the last place is given to the choice color solutions and lighting concepts. Non-standard window shapes and their location often do not provide decent room lighting. Therefore, the play of shadows takes place here:

  • light pastel shades help to visually enlarge the space, in which not only the structural elements of the room itself are sustained, but also textile details and the furniture itself,
  • dark tones visually reduce the volume of the room - competent installation of lamps will help to compensate for the phenomenon,
  • the picturesqueness of the attic bedroom in the photo is given by natural light, passed through transparent curtains.

Briefly about the main

The non-standard shape of the attic room forces one to reckon with some compromise decisions regarding the choice of furniture and its further arrangement: the bed is often located under the roof slope with the headboard against a low wall, shaped wardrobes fill various technological niches, and sometimes they are completely replaced by compact chests of drawers and bedside tables.

Related video: Bedrooms on the attic floor photo design

The most popular stylistic concepts for an attic bedroom are:

  • rustic provence and country (not demanding on the volume of the room),
  • impeccable luxury classic (preferable for free attics),
  • American industrial loft concept (the main condition is high ceilings and large windows),
  • technological minimalism (great for compact attic spaces),
  • practical Scandinavian concept (suitable for small attics).

First of all, light colors, lamps and a properly selected set of curtains help to visually compensate for the lack of space. Freshness and modernity of the bedroom give bright colors.


Bedroom on the attic floor: interior in a classic style

It is quite possible to create an island of peace under the roof of your house and provide restful sleep. Under the word "attic" everyone imagines a small room, which is located directly under the roof.
The shape and area of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a room directly depends on the type of roof. For example, a full-fledged residential bedroom will allow you to create a broken gable roof with windows and a semblance of a ceiling.
The instruction indicates the features of such premises:

  • The highlight, but also a problem, of the attic floor are sloping walls. When properly decorated, such unusual walls take on an exclusive look.
    It is the sloping walls that can create an unusual, romantic view, from where a magnificent view of the roofs and the sky opens up. Plain walls will make the attic bedroom an ordinary bedroom.
  • An important condition for the arrangement of the premises is the competent use of free space between the walls. Taking a certain style decision, you can place shelves, hidden cabinets and unusual decorative elements here.
  • Especially the bedroom under the roof is appreciated by the fact that a person, being in bed (see Round beds for the bedroom: from the realm of fantasy), admires starry sky Or the first rays of the morning sun. At right approach to the design of skylights, this will be another advantage of the attic bedroom.
  • The bedroom in the attic can be made in plain or in contrasting colors. When pasting walls with wallpaper or painting water-based paint the room takes on a calmer look. Wooden walls and ceiling look very impressive.

How to equip a bedroom in the attic

When arranging an attic bedroom with your own hands, large structural changes to the roof are most often required. It is not always possible to completely redo the roof. This is due to the fact that a change in design changes the distribution of loads on bearing walls and can lead to the destruction of the roof, and even the entire house.

Tip: Before you decide to create a bedroom interior with a mansard roof, you need to contact a professional architect to carry out calculations and draw up a project. Otherwise, it is dangerous to undertake such a restructuring.

The reasons that push the owner to such a reconstruction are usually:

  • Creation of a new family.
  • The birth of a baby.
  • Creating your own corner for older children.


Attic room interior: photo

Suggested interior photos attic room make it possible to determine how diverse its design can be. When building a house, you should plan the purpose of the attic in order to properly finish the finish in accordance with the features of operation.

Related video: Do-it-yourself wooden loft

The walls and ceiling of the attic room are formed by the sloping parts of the roof. Therefore, decor planning should take into account this difference from a regular room that has proportional dimensions:

  • Thanks to the diversity building structures, geometric shape attic is the most diverse. It can be located in the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building or occupy part of it.

  • When considering the silhouette, the attic space can be triangular, trapezoid, symmetrical or with a one-sided sloping part.
  • Walls can be located within the boundaries of the building or go beyond it, located in the protruding part of the house.

  • The degree of insulation of this part of the house is different, as well as the possibility and methods of carrying out engineering communications: water supply, sewerage, heating.

Benefits of using attic space

The popularity of using the attic is due to a number of positive consequences:

  • significantly increases the living area, which can be arranged, for example, in the form of a sleeping area or an office,
  • indicators of heat and sound protection of the house increase, which reduces the amount of heat loss through the roof and reduces heating costs,

  • the aesthetics of the outer part of the building improves, it becomes possible to give it the desired features of the architectural direction, to use decorative features in the form of windows, columns, arches, conical, broken roofs any form.


Modern materials and ease of use make it possible to turn the technical part of the building, located under the roof, into a practical, stylish room. It is noticed that it has a romantic atmosphere, relaxing energy, conducive to recuperation.

Because of this, it is often placed in a bedroom or lounge. In a place with the smallest ceiling height, a bed is usually installed, placing the headboard against the wall. It is advisable, if the layout of the room allows, to place it near the window in order to be able to admire the starry sky or picturesque landscapes that change depending on the season.

The design of the bedroom is carried out taking into account the features of the room. For example, available ceiling beams often used in design to give a room characteristic feature interior style.

A cozy little room is quite suitable for a child. With the help of colorful decorations, compact furniture, toys, the attic will turn into a wonderful nursery where he can play with friends, read, watch TV shows or do his favorite things.

In the attic, you can equip a room for a teenager in such a way as to satisfy his mature needs for technology, musical instruments, sports hobbies, post photos of your favorite heroes, musicians, actors on the walls. There he will be able to spend with friends rehearsals, workouts or just relax from class.

A practical attic bathroom is another way to use this space and improve the functionality of the home. If dimensions allow, and especially the height of the walls, you can install a compact shower cabin or a small bathroom and toilet in it.

By using interesting ideas, modern building and finishing materials from a cluttered, cobwebbed attic space, you can get a comfortable workshop, a romantic bedroom, a cozy nursery or a comfortable place for privacy.


Making a bedroom in the attic: five consecutive steps

Usually young couples like to settle there, as well as small or grown-up children. But older people will not like to run up and down several times a day. Before making living rooms in the attic, you need to make sure that it will be warm, light and comfortable for a person.

1. Preparatory work

Be sure to insulate the walls and roof, put sealed double-glazed windows on the side windows. If there is not enough lighting, it makes sense to think about installing skylights, which will be located directly on the roof of the house. If you are just planning to build a house, then it is better to provide French side windows or a small balcony.

In addition, it is necessary to remove all ventilation shafts, cables and pipes that used to go through an unused attic. If heating was not supplied there, then there are several options: make a “warm floor" (electric, water), install an electric heating radiator or a free-standing (island) fireplace).

2. Basic finishing work

The walls of the attic bedroom can be wallpapered, painted, plastered, sheathed with clapboard. The choice depends on the preferences of the owner and the chosen interior style. For country, we can recommend wooden panels, varnished to emphasize the pattern of wood. For a bedroom in Provence style - whitewashed walls or with decorative plaster.

For classic styles will be appropriate fabric wallpaper, paint or Venetian plaster on parts of the walls. For all modern styles- wallpaper and paint. In the children's room it is better to use hypoallergenic and washable Decoration Materials. If you decide to stick with wallpaper, then don't choose a dark color and large patterns for a small and poorly lit attic.

Flooring for a bedroom in the attic is better to choose from natural and "warm" materials: parquet, solid wood, cork, natural linoleum. Normal low and small attic will not tolerate podium structures.

The slope of the ceiling is a special detail of the attic bedroom interior, so it is advisable not to level the upper level with plasterboard ceilings. Moreover, at the same time, a significant part of the free space will “eat up”, which is usually not enough in the attic. The ceiling can also be whitewashed, lined with clapboard, painted or wallpapered.

If ceiling or wall beams are visible, then they can be beaten in the interior, after adding brightness to them with the help of special varnishes or impregnations. In the future, their color will need to be supported by another element of the interior: flooring, furniture or large accessories of the same shade. In addition, lamps can be attached to them.

3. The color scheme of the interior of the bedroom in the attic

There are various solutions for the design of attics, depending on the type of attic cross-section (one, two or more inclined walls) and on the level at which the roof slope begins from the floor. But there are a few ideas that are suitable for everyone.

For a small room, it is better to choose a single color for the ceiling and walls. Painted in White color, they smoothly flow into each other, visually increasing the height of the walls and the size of the room. A low ceiling will not "press" so much. An attic bedroom, decorated in white, is one of the most reasonable solutions.

You can revive such an interior either with the help of bright accessories ( decorative pillows, curtains, bedspreads, rugs), or with the help of delicate pastel shades of companion colors - light blue, pale green, pale yellow, ash pink (cross walls, cabinets). You can combine white ceilings and light (beige, sand, cream) wallpaper with a small floral pattern.

If you do not like the light color in the bedroom, then you can paste over or paint one or two transverse walls in a dark calm saturated color(burgundy, blue, green, gray, brown, purple, black). Just remember that the natural lighting of the attic is always very uneven, this leads to increased contrast in different parts of the room.

If the room faces north, then it is necessary to decorate the bedroom in “warm” colors, and vice versa.

4. Furniture and textiles

Many people are accustomed to considering the attic a kind of second-class room, or an auxiliary purpose, from which it is very difficult to make something worthwhile. Well, it is really difficult to beautifully equip the interior of the second floor of the attic type, since this room has non-standard dimensions, and usually suffers from a lack natural light. However, modern designers have proposed a lot of interesting ideas and recommendations on how to decorate the attic interior beautifully. If you want to know how stylish and functional can be modern attic, the photos in our article, of which there are more than two dozen, will clearly demonstrate this and inspire you to equip your own cozy corner under the roof.

The interior of the attic of a wooden house and cottages in the photo

Country houses and cottages from natural wood are distinguished by a special rural flavor, in addition, they have a surprisingly harmonious and comfortable atmosphere, so lovers wooden buildings does not get smaller with age. The interior of the attic in the country is usually arranged in such a way as to emphasize the provincial charm of a wooden house. You can do this with suitable furniture, souvenirs, paintings, textiles and other decor items. However, the cozy interior of the attic country house does not start with furniture and curtains, but with the right lighting.

Important A beautiful and cozy attic (the photo below proves this) is impossible without good natural light. Therefore, at the first stage of repair, take care to install additional skylights between the rafters if there is not enough light from the main window.

Usually, the interior of a country attic is decorated using a large number of natural materials. The floor and walls, and sometimes the ceiling, are sewn up with wooden clapboard, block house or imitation timber. Here you can learn more about the installation of sheathing in the attic. Furniture is also chosen from natural wood. Look great in country interiors rattan and bamboo home furnishings: tables, wicker rocking chairs, baskets for storing clothes. Textiles for curtains and bedspreads are also preferably natural, such as cotton, linen or wool. Animal skins, rugs and other attributes of hunting life fit very organically into the interior of the attic, see the photo below.

The interior design of the attic floor does not have to be filled with rural pastoral motifs. Most modern owners will tell you that this technique, although very successful, is already boring. We offer you separately. You can develop a very modern, stylish and functional attic interior, the photo gallery above shows the most interesting options. Despite the fact that this room is rarely spacious, with the help of space zoning techniques, you can give it a completely different look. And for this it is not at all necessary to divide the interior into parts with the help of partitions or screens. It is much more efficient to use the original backlight.

Idea Emphasize individual areas of the attic interior with a different color finish, an insert of wallpaper with a pattern, a large picture or decorative lighting. So you can select a bed, a work area or a relaxation area.

Photo example of zoning a wooden attic using a niche, finishing from natural stone and lights on the ceiling beams

The best interiors of attic rooms: bedroom, nursery, living room

The idea usually visits us if the family needs another separate bedroom. A small room under the roof of the house is the best suited for such purposes. Even a very modest interior can be made cozy and beautiful if you properly manage the space. The main element of any bedroom - the bed - must be placed so that you can get up from it freely without hitting your head on the ceiling. If there are slanted windows between the attic rafters, the bed can be placed under them to admire the clouds and stars.

Advice Place the bed with the head of the bed against the lowest part of the walls, and closer to the middle of the room. Then the room will not "press" on you, and the bed will be comfortable to get up.

Beautiful interior of the attic bedroom with functional furniture and a good location of the bed headboard to the window

Lucky means not only correct location beds, but also the competent use of free space near the walls for organizing storage places. Ordinary cabinet furniture rarely fits into such a room due to the sloping ceiling. The only way out in this case is to independently manufacture or order built-in furniture according to your standards. A carefully thought-out interior of a bedroom with a mansard roof will allow you to take away special lockers and shelves for storing clothes, bed linen, cosmetics, books, souvenirs and other attributes of sleeping life.

An example of how you can successfully arrange furniture in a small attic of a country house when arranging a bedroom

Under the roof of the house, you can create a cozy corner not only for yourself, but also for your children. To plan original interior children's room in the attic, you need to show imagination, abandon stereotypes and trust your instincts. After all, only you know how your child wants to see his bedroom. A lot depends on the age, gender and preferences of the future little owner or hostess. Apart from bed, most likely, you will need convenient boxes for toys and clothes, shelves for books, a desk and a corner for games.

How to brightly and beautifully decorate the attic inside to get a full-fledged bedroom and playroom for baby

If there are two children in the family, and especially if they are of different sexes, the task of planning the interior of the attic for them is much more complicated. Even kids have a need for personal space, and when there is very little of it, as in the case of a nursery in the attic, it can be very difficult to correctly delimit the interior.

Idea If you have two kids of different sexes, divide the attic in two exactly in the middle with a small plasterboard partition, and decorate the resulting halves of the room in accordance with the wishes of your children.

View of the attic from the inside, divided into separate zones for a boy and a girl with a plasterboard partition

The interior of the attic room for a teenager is usually designed taking into account the tastes and hobbies of the owner. In such a room, it is important to organize a comfortable workplace with good lighting, where the child could perform homework. In addition, special shelves or racks for storing books, CDs, sports equipment will probably be required if a teenager leads an active lifestyle.

Cozy and stylish attic room in blue and purple tones for a teenage boy who is fond of hockey

Living rooms in the attic are relatively rarely equipped, because the interior of such a room should be representative, spacious and functional. However, if we are talking about an attic-type apartment, then there are no other options except how to organize guest room under the roof, no. The main thing here is to try not to clutter up the space with numerous details, and make the most efficient use of every corner. Limit yourself to installing a sofa, a coffee table and a small built-in wardrobe, and it is better to choose a flat TV and hang it on the wall.

Classic living room with skylights, light wallpaper and a winning combination of dark wood and light upholstered furniture

Such pictures clearly confirm that a modest area is not an obstacle in creating beautiful interior attic, no matter what room you decide to equip there.

What does a modern attic look like: an unusual style

The interior of the attic room can be decorated in one of the popular styles so that every detail fits perfectly into the overall concept. This approach is a kind of "aerobatics", it is the most time-consuming and costly, but the result is worth it. Our material "" is specifically devoted to this issue. And here we invite you to take a look at what style the attic is most often decorated in, the photo below will show the best examples of interiors.

Bedroom in the attic, decorated in the popular Provence style using light furniture, pale green textiles and wall frescoes

The Provence style is very much in demand as it is ideal for small cozy rooms under the roof of the house. french provence is the twin brother of all famous style country. However, carved and forged elements, bright and light floral ornaments, as if taking away into a sunny summer, are added to shabby and whitewashed wooden furniture and natural stone trim. Another variation on the theme of provincial romance is an Alpine chalet. This style manifests itself in tapestries, plaids, hand embroidery, wooden beams on the ceiling and an indispensable fireplace.

The interior of the attic living room of a wooden country house, decorated in the style of a chalet with a fireplace, leather furniture and cushions

Almost every house has an attic or attic. Many use given floor as a warehouse for abandoned things. But it is very sad that such a place turns out to be useless to anyone in the house. In fact, this room can become the most beloved and necessary among the residents of the house.

The attic is the perfect place for a bedroom

Depending on the degree of inclination of the roof, the attic floor can be equipped for various adaptations. If the owners have many friends, they like to communicate and want to use the attic for receiving guests, then this will be possible only if the angle of inclination is large. Then the room will be spacious and comfortable for inviting a large number of people. If the angle of inclination is low, then such a room is ideally created for a bedroom, small, cozy, warm, with windows overlooking the starry sky. It will turn out a quiet, romantic corner in the house.

This room in the house is multifunctional. Therefore, when choosing a certain style for bedroom design, you can fulfill the most cherished desires. There is a variety of styles, and you can push off depending on the interior of the house and create a masterpiece of a bedroom in the attic. For example, lovers of the east can arrange a bedroom in gold tones, this will create an atmosphere of prosperity. Those tenants who do not like excesses and originality can choose a traditional classic style. For fans of cleanliness and order, everything can be done in white and gray tones. Sophisticated aristocrats can build themselves a four-poster bed, which will give an atmosphere of luxury, a sense of history.

Creating a layout for a room on the attic floor is not an easy task. The main problematic point in the design is the walls at an angle and the ceiling. Therefore, there is a problem in the installation of furniture high designs. The need to build on the height of the room forces to replace some big details interior to a more compact size. It is especially necessary to place emphasis on the size of the bed, storage space, and cosmetic accessories. First, you should put the necessary furniture for the bedroom, and later, if the living space allows, add other interior details. For example, children's beds, wardrobes, trellis, hang a TV.

It happens that in In some attic rooms, the ceiling has a too sharp angle of inclination. This problem is solvable. You can correct this roughness with plasterboard inserts, so that the ceiling will become more comfortable and comfortable look. These inserts in this case can also serve as a decorating element of wires on the roof.

It often happens that support structures are visible on the attic ceiling. It is not always possible to decorate them for the chosen style. In this case, the disadvantages should be turned into advantages and highlighted as part of the chosen style of the bedroom. You can give them discreet tones, which will soften the situation, or vice versa, make a bright accent on them, which will give the interior an originality.

If the attic room is of impressive size, then with good imagination and high level specialists can make changes to the design of the walls. Special recesses or rounded pillars are created that can be painted in unique colors.

Attic bedroom - photo

A separate word should be said about the choice of material for beautiful bedroom. Having preferences in choosing a certain style of interior design at home, one should not deviate in the choice of material for interior design of a bedroom in the attic. Many people often choose ecostyle, natural, wood material. Lovers of this style wood sheathe the walls and ceiling. Feel the touch of nature, the smell of the forest. But if you wish, you can choose the usual classic wallpaper finish, which also adds beauty and comfort to the room.

The bedroom is a place for relaxation, tranquility, peace, a place where nothing should excite the brain and interfere with sleep. Therefore, a very important role is played by the selection of a color background for the room.

The color scheme should look harmonious with the interior of the entire residential building. It is strange to see the interior of a house made in strictly white colors with a rock-style bedroom, or in a house an interior made in strict minimalism, and oriental luxury in the bedroom. Everything in the house should be harmonious. To calm the nervous system, warm, soft, pale colors are suitable for the bedroom: beige, blue, pale pink, mint, peach. But very saturated tones, such as red, burgundy, orange, will excite the brain, so they are not recommended for a rest room. Remember, dark tones for a bedroom will make it feel smaller, while choosing light colors will make it look bigger.

For the happy owners of an attic room with multiple windows, there is a place to disperse thoughts. Textiles in this case create accents in the room. With it, you can give the bedroom a unique cozy look.

Bedroom in the attic - photo

Many of us in childhood dreamed of having our own little room in the attic at home. The attic (attic) is perceived by us as a secluded, cozy and even a little mysterious place. It is probably not in vain that creative people (sculptors, artists, writers) like to arrange their workshops in the attic.

Often, many people use the attic as a utility or storage room. This is the most standard and, in general, not an interesting option.

Indeed, due to the attic space, you can significantly expand the living area of ​​\u200b\u200ba house or apartment. A children's room, a billiard room, a gym, a study, a bedroom, a bathroom - all these rooms can be located in the attic and fit well into the interior of the house, like an additional floor. It all depends on your imagination and the available space.

For comfortable access to the attic floor, compact folding or sliding stairs are often used. They are used to save space on the lower floor. But, if such a task is not worth it, then a standard, stationary with a slight slope or spiral staircase. It will also be safe for children or older people.

It makes no difference whether you are making an attic in an old attic or in an apartment under a roof, in any case, you should pay attention to some features in the repair and design of such premises. Beveled walls and windows, a ceiling with a slope and different heights require certain rules to be observed in the design of the attic.

Initially, the attic is a dark and gloomy room. You can change the situation by installing special skylights, which will turn it into the brightest and most lit room, fill it with natural light. The design of the attic, for any purpose, is closely related to the location of the windows. It is necessary to use natural light as much as possible, as well as emphasize the views from the panoramic windows.

It is important to choose the right curtains for skylights. Due to the design features, they are made to order, for example in the form of thick roller blinds or special pleated blinds. In most interiors, such curtains are controlled remotely, which is very convenient.

Furniture under the order. Most often, the attic has sloping ceilings, which makes it difficult to rationally use the space when installing wardrobes. The ideal solution would be to use cabinet furniture and wardrobes, which are made to order and can be of any size and shape.

Proper arrangement of furniture. in the attic small size should use the minimum amount of necessary furniture. And the correct arrangement will allow you to visually expand the room, and create a feeling of free space.

In the bedroom, designers advise placing the head of the bed against the low part of the wall. So your gaze will always be directed towards the expanding space. You can always fall asleep looking at the starry sky and wake up under the first rays of the sun of a new day if you place the bed under a sloping window.

In the children's room, the furniture should be arranged a little differently. The bed is recommended to be placed along a high wall. If the height allows, then you can make a play area, and right above it make the so-called loft bed. Near low walls, place low furniture for storing toys.

It is a little more difficult to equip a bathroom or kitchen in the attic. Most likely, builders and designers cannot do here, since it is necessary to carry out communications, as well as strengthen the floor for additional loads.

In order to emphasize unusual shape windows do not have to spend a lot of money and effort - it is enough to use an ordinary curtain (organza) and an additional cornice under the window opening. Now you can easily fix the bottom edge of the curtain or curtain on it.

Apartments in Poznań were previously attic space. Studio Cuns has designed an interior that uses the old brickwork and wooden ceiling structures of the former attic.

The main idea was the organization of free space and the absence of large internal walls. The interior has a Scandinavian style theme and loft style elements. The previously gloomy attic room is now filled with light, comfortable and looks modern. The kitchen, bathroom, and small dining room fit seamlessly into the interior, thanks to the almost complete absence of walls and neutral colors.

In conditions when the land for construction in the city and the nearest suburbs is very expensive, you need to use every meter of free space for life. A well-equipped attic room allows you to slightly expand the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, in which you can place an extra bedroom, a nursery or an office.

With a competent approach, a room located under the roof of a private house turns into a cozy space that is in no way inferior in comfort to other rooms. In this article, we will talk about the simple rules for designing a living space on the attic floor, its design options and how to use it.

An attic is a room equipped under a roof in a house, which is operated as a residential area on an ongoing basis. Its inventor is the French architect Francois Mansart, who gave the name to his invention.

In the 17th century in France, students and the poor often settled in attics under the roofs of houses, whose income was not enough to rent a room with windows. The novice architect Mansart also belonged to such low-income citizens.

However, having settled under the roof, the young designer did not fall into despair, but came up with a way to make a comfortable living space out of a cramped, dark attic, chosen by rodents of all kinds and pigeons.

He created several typical projects of houses with mansard-type roofs, convenient for arranging a living room in the under-roof space, which became very popular. Now the attic space is used as an additional area for equipping a children's room, study, guest bedroom or wardrobe.

Note! Experienced designers believe that even now, attic floor equipment is the cheapest way to increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house without a large-scale reconstruction, strengthening the foundation and serious financial costs.

Design features

The layout and interior of the attic room are important points on which the comfort and usability of this room depends. Consider many aspects: the device of the truss frame, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, ventilation and lighting of the room. There are several main features of the attic:

  1. Roof structure. The roof under which the living room will be equipped must be of the attic type. Its peculiarity is in the changed angle of inclination of the slopes, which has a smaller slope in the upper part and a steeper one in the lower part. The variety of roof shapes suitable for attic equipment is not so great. The best option is a broken gable design.
  2. Ceiling height. The ceiling in the room, if it is used as a living room, must have a height of at least 2.2 meters. In places with a lower height, it is advisable to organize storage places.
  3. Lighting. Getting to the design of the room under the roof, be sure to take care of natural light. To do this, it is necessary to install dormers or ordinary gable windows, which allow the maximum use of natural light.
  4. Heating and thermal insulation. So that it is not cold on the attic floor, it is necessary to reduce heat losses that occur through the large surface of the slopes. To do this, the roof slopes are insulated, and heating is organized inside the room.
  5. Ventilation. To ensure the flow of fresh air, reduce excess humidity and create a comfortable microclimate in the attic, it is necessary to equip forced ventilation.

Remember! In order for a room on the attic floor to be considered residential, three conditions must be met: it must have at least one window, that is, a source of natural light, the ceiling height in this room must exceed 2.2 meters, in winter period the heating system must work.

Use cases

Attic - small space, which, however, can be effectively used to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. At the same time, it is not necessary to use it exclusively in the summer, because if you install it in this room heating appliances the necessary power, as well as organize the insulation of slopes, even in winter it will be warm and comfortable there. If you correctly plan and come up with suitable design, the attic floor can be used for the following purposes:

Interesting! Many homeowners come up with more original variants finishes and ways to use the under-roof space. Some manage to place a large home theater in the attic, avid athletes equip a small gym, bookworms can get their own library. The attic is a room that we always lack to make our dreams come true. The main thing is to correctly formulate your desires.

Lighting and color solutions

The attic floor is a small room, as a rule, the ceilings in it are slightly lower than standard, and the lighting is always insufficient. All these factors lead to the fact that the space seems darker and smaller than it really is. The color in the interior of the attic is of key importance, it can level out all the negative factors, smooth out the corners. Experienced Designers When designing this room, it is recommended to adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. For the design of the attic, the most various colors, but light, pastel shades, pure tones are better suited. Use of light colors helps to make the space visually more spacious.
  2. If you want to use dark or bright colors, one wall can be allocated for this. The rest of the surfaces should be lighter, but matching in tone shades.
  3. For a more voluminous interesting space, you can arrange a room 2-3 with several pastel colors, only slightly different from each other. This technique gives the effect of a single space, visually making the room larger.
  4. It is recommended not to cover light sources with curtains, blinds or heavy curtains. This will lead to the fact that the room will always be dark, cramped, gloomy. On the one hand, light tulle will hide what is happening from prying eyes, and on the other hand, it will make the space light, bright, airy.
  5. Furniture, especially if it occupies a large area, should be in light colors, otherwise it will also visually reduce the attic room.

Keep in mind that light and color in the interior always go hand in hand. There is a simple rule that must be observed to make the room look visually lighter and more spacious: the darker the room and the smaller its area, the lighter the color scheme of decoration and furniture should be.

Finish options

When choosing interior styles, colors and finishes, you must always take into account the ideas of your designer, who will offer the best option. rational use attic floor.

Modern building materials for wall and floor cladding make it possible to realize even the most daring ideas, including the reconstruction of a private village house with your own hands. The decoration of the attic room is carried out in two stages: first, the rough sheathing of the frame, and then the fine finish.

  • When choosing a style in decoration, you should choose the most natural, rustic, rustic design directions. They allow you to fully beat the charm of the attic, make it truly cozy.
  • During finishing works it is recommended to use the most natural building materials that will emphasize closeness with nature, and I will also “breathe”, creating a comfortable microclimate in the room.
  • Storage areas should be built in to make use of areas with a lower ceiling level, where a person is not comfortable.

Remember that wallpaper in the interior of an attic room sheathed with wood is not always a good move. If the chosen style allows, it is better to leave the walls unclad to bring out the natural beauty of the wood.

Work progress

If you are going to convert the attic into a living space with your own hands, then step-by-step instruction won't hurt you. The good news is that it is possible to equip a room under the roof for living both during the construction of the house and with the help of partial reconstruction.

To do this, you must perform the following work:

  1. First you need to insulate the roof slopes. Since the roof has already been covered by this moment, it has to be done from the inside.
  2. With the help of backfill material, the attic floor is insulated to avoid heat loss.
  3. Window openings on the gables of the house are enlarged or cut to improve natural light.
  4. Mounted ladder required to climb to the attic floor.
  5. Equipped with ventilation, heating and electrical wiring.

Important! Sometimes to equip living room under the roof, you have to transfer the elements of the truss frame. It is better to entrust this work to professionals so as not to violate the integrity of the system.

Video instruction