Kitchen sink made of artificial stone: varieties, pros and cons, real photo examples. Corner sink for the kitchen (45 photos): an interesting solution for lack of space White sink in the interior of the kitchen

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When choosing a sink for the kitchen, you need to consider the practicality and quality of the model. Special attention should be paid to the shape, type of product and its stylistic features. You need to buy a sink based on the size of the kitchen set, its location. Using the above recommendations, you can easily and quickly find an original and convenient model.

Selection of kitchen sink by material

In modern plumbing stores you can find kitchen sinks from a variety of different materials: ceramics, stainless steel, artificial stone. Each of them has an attractive appearance, has a variety of shapes and configurations. But most important difference is the cost of models and features of care, their shelf life. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth considering the following qualities:

Kitchen sinks made of artificial stone

They are affordable, light weight and easy to install. Resistant to damage, scratches, do not absorb coloring matter (for example, spilled juice or wine). Easily tolerate temperature changes.

Stainless steel kitchen sink

It is low cost and easy to install. Tolerates exposure hot water, but with careless operation it quickly becomes covered with scratches. It can have a matte and glossy surface. The latter are difficult to maintain due to the constant appearance of stains and stains on the surface.

Ceramic sinks

Relate to more expensive models. Have average weight, due to which, when mounted in a countertop, water does not get inside the headset (due to a snug fit to the prepared hole). The matte surface of the products gives it nobility and sophistication. Not resistant to sudden changes in temperature and with prolonged exposure to coloring liquids can change color.

Using these descriptions, you can find out which models are the most practical and which are the most attractive. But they will also help you figure out how to choose a sink for the kitchen and the following descriptions of product features according to their shapes, sizes and type of installation.

The optimal size and shape of the kitchen sink

Distinguish among modern models mortise sinks and overhead analogues. The first are optimal for the assembled headset, easily fit into overall design. The latter are superimposed on a separate cabinet, allowing you to maximize its life, but have less aesthetic appeal. As for the special shape of the mortise sinks, you need to remember about the place it occupies on the countertop, the location. If the corner sink will save space, then the trapezoid model will make it easier to use.

Also, when choosing, pay attention to the predominance geometric shapes in room design. For example, round sinks for the kitchen or analogues with an oval shape are well suited for stylized kitchens (classic, rococo, provence). Square and rectangular look good in a simplified or strict, restrained interior. The depth of the sink directly depends on the placement features (presence / absence of a shelf in the cabinet) and the requirements of the hostess.

Which kitchen sink will be really convenient?

By studying the attached photos, you can see the variety modern sinks. They can have a steel sheen, have a matte beige, light green tint, or have a “marbled” design. But the practicality of the product determines the presence of auxiliary compartments. An additional bowl will help at any time to defrost food or to dry dishes and utensils. The corrugated wing allows to dry cups, glasses. Such assistants will be very useful to the hostess, but they somewhat increase the size of the product. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth focusing on the ratio of parameters to convenience. In some cases, buying a small and simple sink will be a really right and profitable decision.

Diameter, bowl depth and material - we understand what round kitchen sinks are and offer an overview of popular round models from different manufacturers.

A round sink is well suited for a small kitchen: it is deep, roomy, comfortable and less conspicuous than a rectangular or square one. It is round sinks that are usually the most inexpensive. Plus, a decent model can be found in the assortment of any major manufacturer of kitchen plumbing.

What to look for when choosing?

A round sink has two sizes, which must be indicated on the product card: the diameter of the bowl itself and the overall diameter of the sink, including the sides (for example, 370 and 480 mm). If you wash dishes by hand instead of in the dishwasher, make sure the bowl is large enough to wash large dishes. Don't forget to look at the minimum width kitchen cabinet the model you like requires: usually it is 45-50 cm.

Round kitchen sinks are usually deep: a bowl height of 20 centimeters or more is not uncommon. Due to this, they are more spacious. Even in a small sink, it is quite convenient to wash large pots, plates and baking sheets. But keep in mind: if you have to stand at a deep sink for a long time, your back may hurt due to an uncomfortable tilt.

Hole for faucet
Most round models are non-reversible and have a pre-drilled faucet hole. On the one hand, this is convenient - you don’t have to punch it on your own or embed a tap into the countertop. On the other hand, you will have few options for installing the sink: you will have to arrange it as the manufacturer intended. An exception is integrated sinks for installation under the countertop or on the same level with it. Usually it is just a bowl without sides and a wing. You can install such a sink in any way you like.

filter hole
If you plan to install a water filter, check if the sink you like has a hole for an additional tap.

Choosing a material

Let's see what options for sinks from different materials manufacturers offer.

Round stainless steel kitchen sinks

The most inexpensive and affordable - the price of high-quality stainless steel models starts on average from 3 thousand rubles. European-made sinks (Germany, Italy, the Netherlands) are more expensive: an average of 6-8 thousand rubles.

  • The cost of a sink is most affected by its size, the quality and finish of the steel, as well as the method of installation. The most inexpensive are standard sinks built in from above. The most expensive model universal mounting, which can be installed in any way - above or below the countertop, or flush with it.

Usually steel sinks have one bowl. But if you need a double sink with round bowls, in the interior it looks like this:

And here are the options with one bowl and a tray for defrosting food:

meet and original models, for example, a sink in the shape of a heart:

Examples of how round stainless steel sinks look in the interior of the kitchen different style and size, see the gallery below:

  • Details on how to choose a good stainless steel sink -. Do not miss!

Oval sinks with round bowl

If you do a lot of cooking and often wash dishes by hand, a sink with a sink might be more convenient. In this case, the best option is an oval sink with a round stainless steel granite bowl. The width of the wing can be different, so if you have a small-sized kitchen, try to choose a “inch” model with the desired dimensions.
Price - from 4 thousand rubles, on average 5-7 thousand rubles.

Round sinks made of artificial stone

Manufacturers of kitchen sinks made of artificial granite and marble also love round shapes. So choose suitable model it won't be hard for you.

  • The depth of the bowl can be different: from 17.5 cm (for example, for German granite sinks) to 23 cm (for Cubo granite sink from). However, models with a depth of 18-19.5 cm are much more popular: they are the best for everyday use: comfortable, roomy, while water does not splash out of them, and you do not have to wash the dishes at an angle.
  • The size of the sink itself can vary quite a lot depending on the type of artificial stone. Round granite kitchen sinks are larger and usually have a diameter of 48 to 51 cm. Round marble sinks are smaller - Russian manufacturers produce models with a diameter of 44.5 to 52 cm and offer many models for a small kitchen.
  • Some models of sinks, in addition to the main round bowl, have a small additional triangular section with a separate drain: it is convenient to store a sponge in it or pour coffee or tea leftovers there so as not to stain the large bowl.
  • Round stone sinks are different colors: the most popular is a neutral natural gamma - models of shades of beige, vanilla, champagne, jasmine, white, anthracite, chocolate are available from almost any manufacturer. Cast marble sinks Russian production have a wider palette - they can be green, pink, light green, terracotta, etc.

Natural granite sinks

On Russian market these are offered by a Japanese manufacturer: the brand produces sinks from natural granite. But their price is appropriate - from 46 thousand rubles for the simplest round model.

Copper sinks

Not all manufacturers have copper sinks with a round bowl. Such sinks can be found in the Zorg Copper collection from the Czech factory Zorg (the price is about 37-45 thousand rubles for a mortise sink with a corrugated surface 19 cm deep, depending on the diameter). Copper sinks offers and Russian manufacturer Seaman - in the Natural collection, an “antique” model is presented for installation in a countertop with a diameter of 46 cm (it costs about 40-41 thousand rubles).

Inconvenient washing can turn the cooking process into real torture. And this is not an exaggeration. Scientists have calculated that almost two-thirds of the cases in the kitchen are somehow connected with the kitchen sink. How to make it work long years and was also comfortable, stylish and functional?

What is the ideal sink for the kitchen: expert advice on choosing a sink, a review of prices and materials, manufacturers and photos of popular sink models.

Which sink is right for your kitchen?

To decide which option will be the most the best choice for your kitchen, we'll put together a list of requirements for the perfect sink.

The sink for the kitchen should be large enough. After all, not only plates and cups are usually washed in it, but also pots, pans, baking sheets and other kitchen utensils.

A good sink must withstand high temperatures, accidental impacts and exposure to various household chemicals. At the same time, it is easy to handle and maintains an excellent appearance with a minimum of effort.

It is worth looking closely at the sink only after you decide on the style of your kitchen. Then it will harmoniously fit into the interior and will be combined with kitchen furniture, appliances and accessories.

Be sure to take into account your family's cooking habits—how often you cook, what foods you use, and how many dishes you wash daily.

Decide in advance which faucet you want to choose, what items you will keep near the sink, whether to put a water filter and waste disposal.

Contemporary model in stainless steel, Blanco

Kitchen sink size and bowl depth

The size of the sink depends not only on personal preferences. If you have a small kitchen, you will most likely have to give up a large, spacious sink with two or three bowls. The solution to the problem in this case. Most often it consists of one large or two small rectangular bowls. They can be located on the same line or at an angle to each other. Such a sink not only allows you to use an empty “uncomfortable” corner, but also looks visually more compact.

In addition to the size of the sink, the depth of the bowl is also very important. You should not choose a very deep sink, otherwise you will have to constantly bend down. Backlashconstant pressure and pain in the arms, shoulders, back. If the bowl is too shallow, tall dishes will not fit in it, and splashes of water and fat will constantly fall on the wall or countertop.

According to experts, a depth of 150-180 mm can be considered optimal - and the hostess is comfortable, and the sink will be quite roomy.

When choosing a sink, it is important to take into account such a criterion as its depth - this is the name of the distance between its front and back walls. This distance should be less than the depth of the base cabinet or cabinet of your kitchen set.

Kitchen sink shape

Sinks intended for use in the kitchen can have both quite traditional (round, square, rectangular) and the most bizarre shapes. Modern materials and technology make it possible to realize the bold fantasies of designers and at the same time take into account the recommendations of experts in kitchen ergonomics.

A classic kitchen sink is usually rectangular or square. Often you can find round sinks. Less often - sinks with an oval or triangular bowl.

Convenience considerations influence the choice of sink shape. For example, round kitchen sinks with equal volume with sinks of a different shape often turn out to be more spacious. In addition, it is worth considering which shape of the sink will organically fit into the interior of your kitchen, complementing it in style.

A good kitchen sink can have one, two or three bowls. Which option to give preference to depends on your desire and financial capabilities.

A high-quality sink with two or three bowls will cost more than a regular one. In additional bowls it is very convenient to wash vegetables, fruits or herbs, defrost meat or fish.

A single bowl sink is easier to clean, but less convenient for washing dishes and handling food. A kitchen sink with two bowls is much more convenient and functional. Because of this, they are very popular. A three-bowl sink can become a real work center in the kitchen. As a rule, it has two large bowls and one small one, which is located between them.

Sink mortise or consignment note?

Sinks made of different materials can be mortise or overhead.

Mortise sinks "crash" into kitchen worktop, that is, they are installed in a hole made in it. As a rule, sinks of this type are recommended if your kitchen has a beautiful long overall countertop. Recessed sinks can be installed above or below the countertop, as well as flush with it. Choice the best option depends on the model and your preferences.

Overhead sinks are simply superimposed on the furniture from above, like a lid. Such a sink is traditionally mounted on a special floor cabinet and, as it were, replaces the countertop. As a rule, such models are best suited for kitchen sets made up of separate cabinet modules.

Some manufacturers offer another type of sink - integrated. Most often they are mounted flush with the working surface of the countertop. Their feature is the perfect joining of the edges with the tabletop. Unlike the previous two types, the installation of such sinks is rather complicated and requires specific skills.

What material to choose?

The choice of material from which your sink will be made depends on many things. First of all, from the design of the kitchen and the style of the interior, the desired characteristics and your budget.

Perfect for a modern style kitchen suitable sink from stainless steel or composite materials (the so-called artificial stone).

On cozy kitchen antique-styled metal sinks will look good in country style (brass or bronze sinks are especially good in such an interior), artificial stone or ceramics.

Stainless steel sinks

Stainless steel is perhaps the most popular material. Modern sinks made of this metal, which are produced by well-known manufacturers, are strikingly different from their predecessors in terms of quality and characteristics. True, they cost more.

Quality stainless steel contains chromium and nickel. They give the kitchen sink a beautiful shine and reliably protect it from corrosion. Many metal sinks have one significant drawback - noise. However, manufacturers offer their own solution to the problem - kitchen sinks made of thicker steel with a sound absorber made of soft materials under the bowl.

A stainless steel sink can have a glossy or matte finish. Sometimes it is decorated with a textured pattern. In order to make sure that the sink you like is made of high-quality stainless steel, use a magnet. If it's real good steel, the magnet will slide over the surface of the sink.

Ceramic sinks for the kitchen

Such sinks look incredibly stylish and usually have a beautiful spectacular design. A high-quality ceramic sink designed for the kitchen is usually very resistant to surface damage, scratches, high temperatures and caustic effects of household chemicals. You can safely put a hot pot or pan on it, or put frozen foods. The ceramic surface is easy to clean - modern sinks have a special coating that greatly facilitates the care of the sink. However, ceramic sinks are quite heavy, relatively brittle and can be sensitive to impact.

Kitchen sinks made of artificial stone

Read more about them in our special review -. From it you will learn about the 5 most common problems which owners of such sinks may encounter, how difficult it is to care for them, what color of the stone is the most non-staining, how to choose the right sink and not run into a fake.

The main disadvantage of a composite sink is a rather high price. However, such a minus is more than compensated by their quality characteristics. Good composite sinks are very environmentally friendly. They fit perfectly into almost any kitchen interior. Easy to wash. They have a temperature maximum of +280 degrees. They are not afraid of "chemistry" and absorb the sound of flowing water.

Composite sinks are made from stone chips, a special binder based on resins and pigments. Their colors can mimic a natural stone the weirdest shades. Each manufacturer has a different name for composite material. Franke has fragranite, Blanco has Silgranit, Teka has tegranite, etc.

If you like stone sinks, keep in mind: there are two types of artificial stone - acrylic and agglomerate. The first is made on the basis of acrylic resins, and it is rather capricious. Acrylic stone is easily scratched, however, it can also be easily sanded by returning it to the sink. original view. Also, experts do not recommend pouring boiling water into such a sink and putting hot dishes.

A sink made of granite composite is much stronger and more convenient. The so-called granite sinks are very durable, beautiful and a pleasure to use.

How to add a sink in the kitchen?

Required element perfect sink- wing or dryer. It can be located only on one side of the sink or on both sides of it. Its function is to serve as a stand for dishes, food or hot pots and pans.

The modern sink in the kitchen is a real work center, which includes many additional accessories. They can be sold together with a sink. In this case, they are guaranteed to fit her design and technical parameters. However, you can choose them yourself.

Manufacturers of kitchen sinks often supplement them with waste shredders, grater sets, baskets for washing and drying vegetables and fruits, soap dispensers, as well as cutting boards, the shape of which follows the contours of the sink. All these devices greatly facilitate the life of the hostess and save precious working space in the kitchen.

Where to buy a good sink?

Experts advise to buy kitchen sink in specialized plumbing online stores. Perfect option- if it is an official store large firm, which is engaged in the production or sale of sinks. This not only guarantees quality, but also saves money. In the markets and in small shops, you can often find cheap Asian-made sinks, the quality of which, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired.


Surely, you are interested in the question of how much a good kitchen sink costs, which will serve you for many years.

The price of a sink is influenced by many factors: material, brand, size, number of bowls (main and additional), installation method, non-standard shape and finish, the depth of the sink itself and the bowl, the location of the wing and the ability to turn the sink over so that the wing is on the other side, if it's necessary. And that's not including any accessories!

We analyzed the range of several large plumbing online stores. Of course, these are very approximate and generalized data, but they can be guided by.

Most of all, the range of prices for stainless steel sinks. The most budgetary (models with one bowl of economy class manufacturers) cost from 800 rubles. There are many decent options in the range from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. The same Blanco has inexpensive car washes for 2-4 thousand rubles and elite models for 50-90 thousand rubles.

The price of artificial stone kitchen sinks from well-known manufacturers in online stores starts from 7 thousand rubles, most of the models are in the price range from 9 to 30 thousand rubles. You can find more budget options and below this price, as a rule, these will be Russian-made models.

One of optimal solutions to arrange the space will be a corner sink for the kitchen. In any kitchen, you need to have a lot of items (stove, table for cooking, fridge, sink, etc.), but not all kitchens can boast of having the right space for all this. Designers have to go to the trick and save the available space to the maximum, including by using a corner sink.

Corner sink: advantages and disadvantages

Increasingly in apartments standard layout arranged L-shaped corner kitchen with a sink in the corner. Such a move has some advantages over its typical placement along the wall in the center:

  • space is saved for the countertop and several storage compartments, since the corner sink takes up less space than a conventional rectangular one,
  • the variety of shapes and colors will allow you to fit this design into any interior,
  • the space under the sink is large in volume, which allows you to store there not only a trash can, but also household chemicals, large dishes or other items necessary in the kitchen,
  • the design of a kitchen with a corner sink usually provides for greater convenience for the hostess, because. no need to travel long distances from the stove to the desktop or from the refrigerator to the sink.

There are, however, some disadvantages of such a kitchen layout:

  • the corner behind the sink often becomes a “dead zone” if a sink that is too large is chosen (although it is appropriate to place decorative trifles or items rarely required by the hostess on this part of the countertop),
  • repairing plumbing, if necessary, becomes quite difficult to perform, since the door of the corner cabinet under the sink is usually much smaller than the space hiding behind it.

When choosing, it is worth considering the difficulties that you may encounter when using a kitchen of such a plan. Otherwise, even replacing water filters will result in a rather difficult task.

Select a category 2-room apartment 3-room apartment Beige bathroom Beige living room Beige kitchen Beige bedroom Beige and green kitchen Beige and brown bathroom Beige and brown living room Beige and brown kitchen Beige and brown bedroom Beige and purple bedroom White bathroom White living room White kitchen white bedroom White and pink living room White and beige bathroom White and beige kitchen White and turquoise kitchen White and blue kitchen White and blue bedroom White and yellow living room White and yellow kitchen White and yellow bedroom White and green living room White and green kitchen White and brown bathroom White and brown living room White and brown kitchen White and brown bedroom White and red living room White and orange bathroom White and pink kitchen White and gray bathroom White and gray living room White and gray kitchen White and gray bedroom White and blue bathroom White and blue living room Turquoise kitchen Turquoise brown living room Large Bathroom Bathroom 10 sq. m Bathroom 3 sq. m Bathroom 4 sq. m Bathroom 6 sq. m Bathroom without toilet Bathroom in classical style Bathroom in retro style Bathroom in Scandinavian style bathroom in modern style Mediterranean bathroom Art Deco bathroom Minimalist bathroom Modern bathroom Modern bathroom Japanese style Bathroom with shower Vintage kitchen L-shaped kitchen glossy kitchen blue kitchen blue bedroom Living room Living room in classic style Living room in retro style Scandinavian style living room Contemporary living room Art Deco living room Country style living room Contemporary living room Minimalist living room Modern living room Provence living room Fusion living room Wooden living room wooden kitchen Interior design Living room interior design Apartment interior design Kitchen interior design Bedroom interior design House 2 rooms House 30-50 sq. m House in mediterranean style Fusion house Yellow living room Yellow kitchen Yellow bedroom Tan living room Green living room green kitchen green bedroom Green and Brown Living Room Green and Brown Kitchen Interior Design Ideas Stone Kitchen Apartment 30-50 sqm Apartment 50-100 sqm meters Apartment in Scandinavian style Apartment in Mediterranean style Apartment in country style Apartment in Loft style Apartment in minimalist style Apartment in Art Nouveau style Apartment in Provence style Apartment up to 30 sq. m. meters Studio apartment classic kitchen Brown bathroom Brown living room Brown kitchen brown bedroom Brown and blue bedroom Red living room Red kitchen Red bedroom Red brown living room Red and orange bedroom Red and gray kitchen Red and black kitchen Kitchen Kitchen in oriental style Scandinavian Style Kitchen Mediterranean Style Kitchen Fusion Style Kitchen Art Deco Kitchen Contemporary Kitchen Minimalist Kitchen Provence Kitchen Steampunk Kitchen Country Kitchen Modern Kitchen Island Kitchen Hi-Tech Kitchen Dining Room Kitchen linear kitchen small apartment small kitchen Matte Kitchen Multifunctional Kitchen Modular kitchen olive cuisine orange bathroom orange kitchen Orange bedroom Orange brown kitchen Interior decoration U-shaped kitchen Parallel kitchen Peninsula kitchen Retro kitchens Pink living room Pink kitchen Gray bathroom Gray living room gray kitchen gray bedroom Gray-blue bedroom Gray-yellow living room Gray-green living room Gray-green kitchen Gray-green bedroom Gray-brown living room Gray-brown kitchen Gray-brown bedroom Gray-orange kitchen Gray-blue kitchen Blue-white kitchen Blue-brown kitchen Blue- orange kitchen blue-gray bedroom blue bathroom blue living room blue kitchen Blue bedroom modern kitchen Bedroom Bedroom in classic style Bedroom in retro style Bedroom in romantic style Scandinavian Style Bedroom Modern Style Bedroom Art Deco Bedroom Country Style Bedroom Loft Style Bedroom Minimalist Bedroom Modern Style Bedroom Provence Style Bedroom Japanese Style Bedroom Medium Style purple bedroom Black bathroom Black living room Black kitchen Black bedroom Black and white bathroom Black and white living room Black and white kitchen Black and white bedroom Black and green kitchen