How to choose a hydromassage bath (42 photos): what to look for. Attention to the technical parameters of plumbing. Choosing a whirlpool bath. Step-by-step instruction

The whirlpool bath is gradually leaving the luxury plumbing segment. Today you can buy a high-quality acrylic bathtub with hydromassage according to affordable price... Trading House "Stroitel" offers hydromassage baths "Triton" in Kaliningrad. Baths are manufactured in Russia, prices are reasonable, and quality and equipment are not inferior to foreign counterparts. The warranty period for the "Triton" bathtubs is 10 years. you will find dozens of models of different sizes and volumes: rectangular baths, corner baths, asymmetric baths. The production time for a whirlpool bath is 2-3 weeks. Many models are presented in the sales area of ​​our store. From the article you will learn how to choose the right hydromassage bathtub, how to properly care for the bathroom, what to use Special attention when buying a hydromassage system.

How to choose the size and volume of the whirlpool tub?

A bathroom is, first of all, a place of relaxation, where everything should be as comfortable as possible. Before purchasing an acrylic spa bath, find out the exact dimensions of your bathroom. Most models of acrylic bathtubs "Triton" are suitable for placement in modern apartments, so it won't be difficult for you to remove the annoying old bath and choose a new bath. But it's not that simple! A standard rectangular bathtub measuring 170x70 cm is great for daily hygiene procedures, but it will be difficult for an average-sized adult to relax in it. When it comes to buying a bathtub with a whirlpool system, the size of the tub is crucial - the larger the bathtub, the more enjoyable and rewarding the moments of use will be. If the area of ​​the room does not allow installing a bath comfortable size, buying a hot tub is a waste of money. We recommend that you do a "fitting". Come to our stores and choose the model that is most convenient for you.

For small bathrooms, we advise you to pay attention to deep asymmetric models with an anatomical bed - a person in such a bath is reclining, his body is hidden in the water, his head and hands are comfortably located on the headrest and armrests, wide sides of the bath allow you to place bath accessories.

If you have installed autonomous system heating water, then when choosing a whirlpool bath, you should correlate the volume of the bath with the volume of the boiler installed in the house - the recommended volume of the water heater is 2/3 of the volume of the bath (that is, for 100 liters of bath volume, 67-72 liters of water in the tank should account for).

Which whirlpool system to choose?

Acrylic bathtub "Triton" can be equipped with a system of hydromassage, spinal massage, air massage, combined system, chromotherapy.

Hydromassage is carried out by a stream of water, which is driven by a special centrifugal pump through the pipeline system and ejected through the hydromassage nozzles and spinal massage nozzles. The nozzle is designed in such a way that when it leaves the water jet, air is captured and a mixture of water and air is ejected from the nozzle, thereby increasing the area of ​​action of the jet. It turns out that such a mixed system contains the advantages of two types of massage at once - water and air. It is she who now enjoys the greatest popularity and receives the best reviews from our customers.

Aeromassage performed by air bubbles rising from the bottom of the bath. Air is pumped into the system by an air compressor. Air massage has more relaxing than therapeutic effects on the human body.

The combination of water and air massage normalizes blood circulation, stimulates immune system the body, improves the supply of oxygen to the body.

Chromotherapy, or phototherapy, based on the mechanism of the therapeutic effect of colors through the eyes and skin of a person. As practice shows, the greatest effect of chromotherapy is achieved when combined with hydromassage procedures. The Triton company offers LED chromotherapy of four colors with the most beneficial properties for the human body: yellow, green, blue and red.

If you have a weak water pressure in your plumbing, is it worth buying a hot tub?

Unlike hydromassage shower cabins, the hydromassage bath system is completely autonomous - water is taken by a pump through the water intake from the font. The pressure in the hydromassage system does not depend on the pressure in the water supply.

Where should the hydromassage jets be located?

Layout of hydromassage equipment.

  1. Hydromassage nozzle.
  2. Air massage nozzle.
  3. Spinal massage nozzle.
  4. Drain valve.
  5. Switch tap (hydromassage / back massage).
  6. Massage activation button.
  7. Air supply valve.
  8. Chromotherapy lamp.
  9. Headrest.
  10. Shower head.
  11. Mixer (Niagara).
  12. Mixer tap.
  13. Overflow handle.
  14. Metal handles.

To massage the muscles of the back, lower back and legs, you should choose a model of a hydromassage bathtub with the "Spinal massage" option and hydromassage jets located opposite the backrest.

Air massage jets are built into the bottom of the bath.

How to choose the power of the hydromassage system?

The important thing to remember here is that the power of the centrifugal pump and the air compressor of the whirlpool tub is evenly distributed across all the nozzles installed in the tub. A pump that creates a good water jet pressure in hot tub with 6 nozzles will be half as effective in a spa with 12 nozzles. The Triton company completes hydromassage bathtubs centrifugal pumps 900 or 1500 watts and air compressors 400 or 700 watts. If this seems insufficient to you, we recommend that you pay attention to the "Turbo" option. When ordering the "Turbo" option, an additional air compressor is added to the hydromassage system - the pressure of the water jet becomes several times more powerful (the depth of penetration of the jet into the water column reaches 70 centimeters), the massage becomes more intense. It may also be useful to install a diverter tap, which allows you to turn off the back massage when the hydromassage is running, if the diverter tap is not installed, the hydromassage and back massage work simultaneously, without the possibility of turning off the spinal massage. The strength and direction of the water jet can also be adjusted by turning the jet of the hydromassage nozzle.

Can I install the hot tub myself?

Hydromassage bathtub "Triton" is delivered to the client in assembled... You can install the Triton hydromassage bath yourself. Nevertheless, there are some features of the installation of whirlpool baths.

Lining up communications

The location of the whirlpool motor, compressor, and piping is important to consider when planning bathroom communications. The whirlpool bath is installed strictly on the level, close to the walls of the bathroom (with the exception of freestanding bathtubs), therefore, plumbing and sewer pipes should not interfere with the tight abutment of the sides of the bathtub to the wall, and the level drain device the font must be at least 10 cm from the sewer inlet. In addition, it is necessary to provide Free access to the units of the whirlpool bath for maintenance and repair.

If you purchased a decorative screen ( decorative panel), it is advisable to install it with a small gap of 2-3 cm from the floor. These centimeters will help ensure ventilation of the space under the bathtub, so they should be considered when adjusting the height of the bathtub.

To install the bath in height and horizon, it is enough to correctly adjust the legs.

Electrical safety

Others important point which is worth paying special attention to when installing a spa bath is the wiring in the bathroom: separate electrical cable v hidden wiring section 3x2.5 mm 2 for connecting a whirlpool bath, correct connection of the power supply to electrical units ("L" - mains voltage, "N" - neutral wire, "I" - grounding), waterproof sockets of protection class IP 54, residual current device (RCD) with a differential value of not more than 30 mA.

Water quality

For the hot tub to serve you long years, the water supply must be equipped with a fine filter. The type of filter depends on the presence of certain impurities in the water. You can buy a filter in our store.

How to properly care for your hot tub?

Hydromassage bathtubs "Triton" do not require special care - it is enough to follow the basic rules of hygiene:

  • After taking a bath, be sure to rinse it with running water.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners to clean the acrylic bathtub (as small particles can scratch the smooth surface).

The assortment of our store includes special cleaners for acrylic surfaces, as well as a cleaning agent for whirlpool systems.

  • For cleaning chrome-plated handles and taps, use only liquid products... After cleaning, be sure to rinse off the residue large quantity water. To keep your taps and spouts shiny, don't be too lazy to wipe them dry after cleaning.
  • Use the hydromassage without adding foams, shampoos or gels to the water: the oils and soaps contained in them will lead to the formation of deposits inside the hydromassage system.
  • or air massage, or turbomassage, or together!

O useful properties Humanity has known water procedures for a long time, but the whirlpool bath is an invention of not so distant past. Before choosing a whirlpool bath, so that its quality, and the cost of such a product is high enough, meets the requirements, it is necessary to understand some design features, analyze the quality of the materials used and the ability of the equipment to produce the required therapeutic effect.

A bit of history

Historical note: Discovered in 1936 in Berlin, the effect of a faster recovery of patients taking water treatments, when masseurs massaged their body, immersed in a bath or pool with a jet from a hose under a slight excess pressure, it was very quickly adopted by doctors in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. And already in 1948, Italian American Candido Jacuzzi, inventor and manufacturer of pumps and equipment for airplanes, wanting to help his son recover, used a pump submerged in a bathtub to create a pulsating water jet.

It was this device that became the prototype of the equipment so popular today. Of course, modern devices are strikingly different from their great-grandmother, but the principle of combining water, air and massage still helps people to maintain health and good spirits. Do I need a hot tub in an ordinary apartment? Most likely, yes, because there is nothing more valuable in life than your own health.

Problem of choice

Going to any construction supermarket or specialized plumbing equipment store, you can find a huge number of hot tubs different sizes and configurations. And in order to answer the question of which hydromassage bath to choose, it is imperative to have a correct understanding of its structure and the purpose of certain elements. After all, this is not just a bath, but a very complicated one. technical device, which has a lot of different characteristics.

“Recommend a whirlpool bath,” the buyer will ask the sales assistant. And he will listen to a long story about different devices, absolutely not understanding the essence of the issue. This approach can not only disappoint him after the purchase, when the equipment does not live up to expectations, but it can also lead to a rather significant cost overrun.

Is the material really that important?

Before making a choice of a hydromassage bath from the whole variety of models presented, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the use of certain materials:

  • Steel baths. Hydromassage systems made of cold-rolled steel and equipped with a nozzle system are lightweight, can be installed on the simplest devices in the form of legs, are quite durable and easy to process. However, they also have a number of significant disadvantages. Increased noise during operation of the equipment, increased consumption of hot water due to rapid cooling and the most main drawbacksimple form products;
  • Cast iron baths. They have high mechanical strength, increased heat capacity and good ability to damp vibrations that inevitably arise during the operation of a pump or compressor. But the large dead weight and the complexity of processing, which entails the high cost of cast iron products, can negatively affect the choice of a whirlpool bath;
  • Plastic bathtubs. Best bath with hydromassage, the most widespread is a bathtub made of modern plastics and covered with a fairly thick layer of acrylic. Excellent thermal insulation, almost complete absence of noise and a huge variety of shapes.

The need to use special installation devices, considered as a disadvantage, is leveled by the presence of everything necessary in the factory delivery of the product.

My favorite color ... my favorite size ...

Like any equipment installed in a bathroom, a bathtub occupying one of the central places should be not only comfortable, but also beautiful:

  • standard rectangular models adapted for installation in small bathrooms of Soviet-built houses;
  • elite rectangular whirlpool baths equipped with numerous accessories and sophisticated programmable equipment
  • corner models for one or two people;
  • round volumetric pools for more spacious rooms.

Modern materials and methods of painting have allowed manufacturers to significantly diversify and color range offered products.

And if the color of the bathtub is selected according to the general color concept of the room, then the shape of the bathtub is dictated, as a rule, by the size and ergonomic features of the room.

Important! The complete set of a whirlpool bath implies the possibility of its periodic maintenance and would not like to carry out complex dismantling work if it is necessary to replace one small nozzle.

What's inside?

So is hydromassage in the bathtub needed for an ordinary person feeling completely healthy? The relaxing and tonic effect of the massage, of course, will only benefit, but the quality and effectiveness of the massage depends on the equipment installed in a particular model. So, when choosing, you need to consider:

  • The pump and its performance. On simpler models, as a rule, one pump is installed within small limits, which changes the intensity of the water jet. In more expensive devices, in addition to the pump, an air compressor is installed that supplies air to the nozzles and creates the effect of a natural geyser, and the most elite whirlpools have several pumping units for each group of nozzles;
  • Number and performance of injectors. The best hot tub has multiple sets of jets. These are side jets for general massage and special bottom jets for back massage. The intensity of massage jets depends on the number of nozzles with the same pump performance, and if it is insufficient, then such water procedures will be equivalent to bathing in an ordinary bath;
  • Control system. All installed equipment is controlled by a system that can not only monitor the presence or absence of water, but also regulate the pump performance. And the more complex the equipment, the more complex and "smarter" the control system, sometimes including several microprocessor devices.

Periodic maintenance

When deciding which hot tub to choose, you need to pay close attention to the need for periodic maintenance and additional water treatment. Made from quality materials, nozzles can easily resist deposits that inevitably occur when in contact with water, and the pump impeller, which is less prone to wear, can more long time maintain the required pressure in the system.

Need to know: Even the lead pipes of the cheapest systems may need to be replaced after a short time, which will entail additional costs.

Are there any disadvantages?

Any equipment operating in difficult conditions operation, has its own advantages and some disadvantages, and hydromassage systems in this matter are no exception. The pros and cons of whirlpool baths have been known for a long time, but if any sales assistant tells the buyer in detail about the advantages, then in most cases you will have to look for information on the shortcomings only on your own.

The main disadvantages of whirlpool baths are associated with the complexity of cleaning and disinfecting the pumping system and pipelines, in which, due to the constant presence humid environment are created favorable conditions for reproduction of microorganisms that are not always useful for humans. Texas microbiologists have identified bacteria associated with human waste, fungi and deadly staphylococci in water supply systems. Therefore, a self-filled table, in which there are only two columns: a hot tub for and against, will help you choose the right model or refuse to buy at all.

It's time to talk about the price

How much a hydromassage bathtub costs depends on many factors, but as the rating of hydromassage bathtubs from various manufacturers shows, you can see a pattern that models of the middle price category are in greatest demand, and well-known European manufacturers... Most buyers are in no hurry to buy neither the cheapest nor the most expensive models, but want to get good quality by sacrificing a plethora of features.

Important! Some models, and this must be found out before buying, require mandatory additional water purification, therefore, when calculating how much a hydromassage bath costs and its installation, it is necessary to take into account that the cost of a cleaning system can be up to a third of the cost of the bath itself.

Asking yourself how to choose a whirlpool bath and which whirlpool tub is better, each person will answer it individually, but for a more correct answer, you need to carefully analyze the possibility of installing it in the bathroom, calculate direct and indirect costs and choose a model of an acceptable price. This particular bath will be the best for you.

With hydromassage? The purchase of a whirlpool bath is primarily necessary for those who care about their health. The benefits of hydromassage are well known, today it is possible not to visit a medical institution or a private clinic for it, but to carry out the procedure right at home, for which it is enough to purchase a bath with a hydromassage. What you need to know about the varieties of such plumbing so that the purchase does not turn out to be a waste of money?

The whirlpool bath has a positive and relaxing effect on the entire body.

Features of jets and streams

Exists different kinds sanitary hydromassage products. Baths with hydromassage function are divided into two large groups:

  • ordinary;
  • combined.

The cost of the first products is much cheaper. They differ from the combined ones in that the nozzles are mounted on their sides and the massage is carried out by an air-water jet. Combined hydromassage baths are used not only by air-water jets. During wellness treatments in such a bathroom, another type of flow is used - air-bubble. In such a bowl, a combined hydromassage is carried out, it is considered more effective and beneficial to health.

All modern sanitary ware for wellness procedures have different modes of operation. When deciding how to choose a hydromassage bath, it is imperative to take into account: the more modes of operation of the product, the higher its cost. If plumbing has a wide range of options and a very low price, there is a high probability that you will purchase a low-quality bath and the funds for the purchase will be wasted. A sanitary ware has on average about 10 modes, they are quite enough for the implementation of procedures.

Air bubble jets are considered more beneficial, but the combined massage bath is more expensive.

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Criterias of choice

Hydromassage is the main function of such products, but most modern hydromassage baths also have aromatherapy, chromotherapy, and disinfection systems. If the former is important for greater comfort, the latter provides higher sanitary and hygienic conditions for the operation of the bath. Be sure to pay attention to the materials from which the sanitary ware is made. Bath life and materials are closely related. An inexpensive purchase option is plastic sanitary ware, which has the lightest weight and is easy to install. But if you choose a plastic hydromassage bathtub, then you must take into account weaknesses of this material.

Plastic is easily attacked by aggressive chemicals. Its quality is negatively influenced by:

  • hard water;
  • salt;
  • temperature changes.

Plastic whirlpool baths quickly lose their aesthetic appearance. If the product is made of low-quality materials, its color will soon fade and the bath will be covered with cracks and chips. It is important to know: plastic gets dirty faster than other materials. This is due to the fact that to handle it strong chemicals it is impossible, rubbing with a sponge - too, because because of it, scratches appear on the material. If the bath is not planned to be regularly operated, then it makes sense to give preference to plastic.

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Fiberglass, acrylic and steel

Hydromassage sanitary ware made from fiberglass is the complete opposite of plastic. More durable, it is not as susceptible as plastic, to mechanical damage and deformation of the structure of polymers during temperature extremes. Cleaning the fiberglass bathtub is easier. But this material, in terms of its technical and operational characteristics, is still significantly inferior:

  • acrylic;
  • become;
  • cast iron.

The listed materials are the most popular in the manufacture of sanitary ware with hydromassage. Each of the textures has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Acrylic for the production of sanitary ware has been used relatively recently. In medical institutions, private clinics, sanatoriums, they install mainly hydro-massage baths made of acrylic. The lifespan of these sanitary ware can be further increased by reinforcing the item from the outside with fiberglass. The average lifespan of an acrylic bath is about 10 years. It has the following distinctive features that need to be considered when choosing almost any plumbing product:

  • the surface is pleasant to the touch;
  • practically not afraid of mechanical damage;
  • not subject to the effects of an aggressive environment;
  • easy to clean and clean.

Corner whirlpools come in equilateral and
with sides of different lengths.

Acrylic bathtubs do not deform from frequent temperature changes. Products have no joints or seams, which is also important, because the latter reduce the service life of things.

The average cost of an acrylic sanitary ware is $ 500-1000. Purchase cast iron bath in comparison with it, it turns out to be almost 1.5 times cheaper, but there are also such cast-iron bathtubs that are on a par with acrylic ones, and sometimes even more. Steel products are heavier than acrylic, but lighter than cast iron, which complicates the process of their delivery and installation. A steel bath is distinguished by a slower cooling of water in a bowl, high level noise absorption - it is provided by special sound-absorbing materials.

Do you know what is the difference between a Jacuzzi and a hot tub? If not, then you can find the answer in this article. In addition, here you will find information on how to choose the right hot tub and enjoy your purchase for years to come.

First you need to understand that a hot tub and a jacuzzi are equivalent concepts. So called preventive baths, which are designed for massage, relaxation and comfortable water treatment.

Do you know that foreign word"Jacuzzi" is the name of the inventor of this wonderful bath, or rather its incorrect pronunciation. In fact, the one who invented the massage bath was an Italian and his name was Candido Jacuzzi. Interestingly, Jacuzzi originally designed aircraft.

The Jacuzzi slogan still sounds like “Jacuzzi: Water that moves you”.

Insomnia, chronic fatigue, stress ... There is a way out! You will instantly perk up after a few hydromassage sessions. With the various modes of the whirlpool bath, you will not only improve blood flow, but also improve your metabolism.

If you decide to purchase a bathtub with a hydromassage, then you will have a question - how to choose the right jacuzzi that is right for you?

What are the main types of whirlpool baths?

Jacuzzis can be simple or combined.

With the help of air-water jets, hydromassage is carried out in simple baths, and the nozzles in such bathtubs are located in the sides of the bathroom.

And with the help of air-water or air-bubble flows, the body is massaged in combined baths. In this case, both air massage and hydromassage nozzles are used. By using the two types of massage, you will get more of the bathing effect.

When buying a bathtub with a hydromassage, buyers quite often pay attention to what are the main and additional functions are available in one model or another, since a jacuzzi is usually purchased in order to keep oneself in shape, as well as improve one's health.

That is why customers need to first decide what type of massage they need, not forgetting about the availability of additional features and functions.

How to choose the right jacuzzi?

The main criterion for choosing a jacuzzi is its functionality.

Modern whirlpools can include up to ten different massage modes, plus some additional features:

  • additional mixers;
  • aromatherapy;
  • chromotherapy;
  • backlight;
  • disinfection system.

Jacuzzi materials

Whirlpool tubs can be made from the following materials:

  • acrylic;
  • steel;
  • cast iron.

How do these materials differ from each other?

Baths made of steel and cast iron perfectly withstand mechanical and chemical loads, but they have one significant drawback - with an accidental impact, a chip can form. In addition, these materials emit a fairly high level of noise.

Another disadvantage of steel baths is their high thermal conductivity, due to which they cool quickly and retain heat poorly. In addition, the size and shape of the bathrooms are limited by certain standards and cannot be varied.

The most common jacuzzi material is acrylic.

This material has a huge number of advantages:

  1. Acrylic does not accumulate germs and cleans perfectly.
  2. Compared to other materials used for making bathtubs, acrylic is the most hygienic.
  3. Acrylic is the material that best suits the human body.
  4. Any scratch or damage that may form on the surface of the acrylic bathtub can be easily repaired with sandpaper. First, the damaged area must be well treated and then polished with car varnish.
  5. Compared to bathtubs made of other materials, which can lose their color, acrylic retains its color and shine forever, due to the fact that the color pigments are uniformly distributed in it.
  6. Acrylic is an insulating material as it has a rather low thermal conductivity. An empty bathtub, which is made of acrylic, keeps the room temperature.
  7. The acrylic bathtub can be lifted by one person as it is very lightweight. For this reason, transportation and subsequent installation of the acrylic bathtub will not be difficult.
  8. Acrylic has excellent resistance to infrared and ultraviolet rays.
  9. Acrylic bathtubs are able to maintain their properties and excellent appearance for many years, which other materials cannot boast of.
  10. A good manufacturer of acrylic bathtubs can give a guarantee for the body of an acrylic bathtub for about 10 years.

As you can see from the above, the best option is to choose an acrylic whirlpool tub. But no matter what material you choose the bathtub from, the complete set of massage systems does not depend on it at all.

Jacuzzi whirlpools

At present, the Italian company Jacuzzi occupies one of the leading positions in the market of whirlpool baths. For the manufacture of luxury whirlpool baths, this huge company uses only the highest quality components and the best materials.

Jacuzzis manufactured by Jacuzzi can become great decoration any bathroom. But now the jacuzzi has ceased to be the privilege of only wealthy people. There is now a large selection of economy class whirlpools that might suit middle-income people.

What's inside the jacuzzi?

The basis of any jacuzzi is a hydromassage system, which consists of a compressor, a system of pipes, a pump, nozzles and a control panel. The power of a whirlpool tub is directly related to the number of jets.

If the bath has a large volume, then it needs a more powerful pump. In the event that the bathtub is equipped with back nozzles, it is better to purchase the pump and bathtub separately. A compressor is used to mix air and water jets.

The types of massage and intensity can be controlled using an electronic and pneumatic control panel. A hot tub also needs careful maintenance and proper management, just like any technique.

Jacuzzi for feet - mini format

Currently in stores there are a huge number of models of such useful device like a jacuzzi for your feet. How, from all this variety, to choose the option that suits you? First you need to decide on the purpose of this device.

Foot baths with hydromassage combine the benefits of massage and the healing effects of water, combining health-improving effect and relaxation.

Jacuzzi for feet have a beneficial effect on tired legs, and massaging reflexogenic areas of the foot with the help of the bumpy surface of the bath improves all the functions of the human body systems. And if you add aromatic oils, infusions of herbs and salt to the water, then all the above effects will increase even more.

Almost all modern models The hydromassage foot baths are equipped with a heated water function.

More expensive models boast the presence of modes such as:

  • splash protection;
  • the effect of boiling water;
  • dry massage;
  • wet massage;
  • turbo massage;
  • jet massage;
  • bubble massage.

Infrared lamps and magnets can be built into the bath as additional functions. Magnets are designed to create a magnetic field that has a general healing effect on the entire body, and infrared lamps will be useful for increasing the elasticity and firmness of muscles and improving blood circulation.

If you are determined to purchase such a bath and even looked for necessary information on the Internet, you should not postpone this decision indefinitely.

Prices for such baths range from 1000 to 10 thousand rubles. Also you can find and compare the technical characteristics of the most popular models of foot jacuzzi and choose the one that suits you.

But you need to remember that even such a simple device has some contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • trauma;
  • diseases of the nervous and musculoskeletal system;
  • inflammatory processes of the legs;
  • dermatitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Whirlpool bath care

When caring for any jacuzzi, certain hygiene requirements must be observed. After several sessions, it is necessary to carry out a complete disinfection of the bath. With food acids and non-abrasive detergent it is necessary to clean the bath from fatty deposits and lime deposits.

If you monitor the state of the bath and observe all necessary requirements, then your purchase will delight you for many years.

The whirlpool bath has long ceased to be a luxury item. If a decade ago most consumers could only dream of it, now the jacuzzi is becoming familiar subject everyday life. The price of whirlpools falls in proportion to the increase in supply from manufacturers. Every day the market is replenished with new models. It is not surprising to get confused. Therefore, before deciding on a specific model, you should carefully study the types of whirlpool baths, their main advantages and disadvantages.

Types of whirlpools

According to the proposed massage regime, there are:

  • Conventional hot tubs. These baths are characterized by the location of the nozzles in the sides. The massage is carried out using an air-water jet.
  • Combined whirlpool baths. For massage, not only air-water, but also air-bubble flows are used. This was achieved through the simultaneous use of both air massage and hydromassage nozzles. Such massage is considered to be more useful and productive.

Any model of the bathtub is equipped with a choice of massage mode. There can be about ten such modes, depending on the manufacturer and model. In addition to the main function - massage, many hydromassage baths have a number of additional ones:

  • Aromatherapy.
  • Chromotherapy.
  • Disinfection systems.

Of no small importance is the material from which the whirlpool baths are made. It is the material that has a huge impact on the appearance of the bath. Its durability directly depends on it.

Recently, a huge number of cheap bathtubs made of plastic have appeared. They have only one advantage - low cost. But there are enough shortcomings:

  • Plastic is highly susceptible to aggressive environments. Excess light and heat, salt and even just hard water can significantly affect it.
  • Plastic very quickly loses its attractiveness. Bright, attractive plastic bath in the process of use, it fades almost instantly. Scratches and chips appear on it.
  • A plastic bathtub is highly susceptible to contamination, which is very difficult to deal with with high quality. Hard washcloths scratch plastic, and the use of strong chemicals is unacceptable.
  • Plastic baths are very short-lived.

Another option for cheap material for hot tubs is fiberglass. Like plastic, it has a number of disadvantages, the main one being fragility.

Compared to plastic, it has the following advantages:

  • Not so prone to scratches.
  • Easier to clean.

Based on the above, it is undesirable to opt for a spa bath made of plastic or fiberglass. Quality whirlpool baths are made from:

  • Acrylic.
  • Become.
  • Cast iron.

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of these materials in more detail.

Acrylic hydromassage bathtubs

Acrylic is an excellent material for making bathtubs. Relatively new, it quickly gained popularity. It is acrylic that is the main material from which professional hydromassage baths are made for medical institutions.

In order to increase the service life of an acrylic bathtub, it is often reinforced from the outside with fiberglass.

The main advantages of acrylic baths:

  • Durability. Most of the manufacturers guarantee the safety and performance of the acrylic case for ten or more years.
  • The surface of the acrylic bathtub is very pleasant to the touch. It is perfectly smooth, without seams and joints.
  • Not susceptible to damage. An acrylic bathtub is not easily scratched.
  • Acrylic bathtubs are easy to clean and clean.
  • They are practically unaffected by the effects of an aggressive environment. Excessive heat, salts, hard water will not affect the appearance and performance of the acrylic bath in any way.
  • Acrylic bathtubs cope well with temperature fluctuations.

Tip: an accidental scratch on acrylic bath easy to remove with ordinary sandpaper. Carefully sand the damaged area with fine sandpaper. Polish it with some car varnish.

Cast iron bathtubs with hydromassage

The cast iron whirlpool bath is highly popular with customers. The "classic" material has not lost its positions, despite the abundance of new ones. Among the advantages of cast-iron bathtubs, I would like to highlight:

  • Very high heat capacity. The water in the cast iron bath keeps the temperature for a long time.
  • Extremely low noise level.
  • Durability.
  • Cast iron baths are easy to clean and clean.


  • The material is very heavy. Cast iron baths are quite heavy.
  • Because of heavy weight and the hardness of the material of the cast iron bath is difficult to deliver to the consumer and install. And an additional hole in cast iron is not easy to make.
  • The high price of the material, and, accordingly, the finished product.

Steel baths with hydromassage

Steel bathtubs are less and less common lately. Buyers either remain adherents of classic materials and buy cast iron bathtubs, or prefer newfangled ones and choose acrylic. Steel is a kind of compromise between old and new. Advantages steel baths:

  • A steel bath is much lighter than a cast iron bath. It is more convenient to transport and install it.
  • Water in a steel bath cools down much more slowly than in an acrylic bath.
  • Low noise level. In the manufacture of modern steel bathtubs, special noise-absorbing materials are used.

Dimensions and shape of whirlpool baths

When choosing a hydromassage bath, its size is also important. Unfortunately, not every house or apartment has an oversized bathroom. A bathroom of 8-9 m2 is the rule rather than the exception. It is not easy to fit a spa bath in such a room. It is worth paying special attention to compact models.

A compact rectangular bathtub would be an excellent choice for a small space. It is located along the wall and takes up a minimum of space. No wonder that all apartments in the last century standard layout were equipped with rectangular bathtubs. Select the length of the rectangular bath based on the length of the wall along which it will be located. Perfect for a standard apartment a bathtub will do 1.5 m long.

A good option is a corner bath with hydromassage. Installed in a corner. There are two options:

  • With sides of equal length.
  • With one long side and one short side.

A corner bathtub is not as compact as a rectangular bathtub. It is wider. But then there is an opportunity to save money due to the length.

Oval and round baths are used only for large rooms. Here the flight of imagination is not limited. Buy a bathtub of any size and install it wherever you like it.

The price of whirlpools

An important factor that people pay attention to when choosing a bathtub with hydromassage is the price.

The cost of a bath depends on many factors. This is the manufacturer, and the size of the bath, and the material from which it is made. A decent hot tub can be purchased for $ 1000.

  • An acrylic bathtub will cost the buyer $ 500-1000.
  • A cast iron bathtub is a little more expensive. The range of prices for cast-iron baths with hydromassage is $ 700-1500.
  • But steel baths on the contrary, it is cheaper, $ 300-900.

Of course, all sorts of additional functions have a significant impact on the final price of the product. The more there are, the more you will have to pay for a bath. Therefore, think carefully about whether a radio, lighting, remote control is necessary in the bathroom.

Choosing a manufacturer of a whirlpool bath

  • The undoubted leader in the production of whirlpool baths is the Jacuzzi company. And this is not surprising. After all, it is Jacuzzi who is the creator of the hydromassage. It was this company that produced the first whirlpool tub back in 1968. And it still holds the lead. Today the company offers the consumer the widest choice hydromassage baths for every taste. All available colors, sizes and shapes. And of course great quality... The price of products ranges from sky-high for elite models to quite acceptable for economy class models.

  • Other manufacturers are not too far behind the leader. Taking as a basis German technology, they confidently moved forward, realizing their unique solutions... This is how Villeroy & Bosh offers the consumer bathtubs made from a completely new material - Quarila. It surpasses the usual acrylic in terms of strength, resistance to scratches and damage, and many other indicators.
  • But the Italian company WGT relied on equipping whirlpool baths with sophisticated electronics, which made it possible to remotely control them. The Red Diamond bathroom from WGT is equipped with a GSM module. It is enough to send an SMS-message for the bath to start preparing for the owner's arrival. It will be filled with water of a certain temperature. The temperature is maintained for the entire required time.

An undoubted advantage in terms of cost is observed among the products of Chinese manufacturers. Unfortunately, more often than not low cost also means low quality. Therefore, deciding to buy a Chinese-made whirlpool bath, be prepared for surprises.

Choosing a whirlpool bath

Having familiarized ourselves with the main types of whirlpool baths and the most popular manufacturers, we proceed directly to the choice:

  • Decide on your preferred massage type. It is enough just a whirlpool - choose a regular one, no - a combined whirlpool bath.
  • Select the material for your whirlpool tub. Plastic and fiberglass - as a last resort, if there are not enough funds for a high-quality model. If the main criteria are reliability, high heat capacity, low noise level and are not afraid of inconvenience in transportation and installation - feel free to buy a cast-iron bath. For those who do not hold on to traditions, but prefer new ones, modern materials, great choice will become acrylic.
  • Decide on the shape and size of your whirlpool tub. For small spaces the best choice will become a rectangular or corner bath. They are compactly placed along the wall, taking up a minimum of space. Oval or round tubs are best suited for larger rooms. These baths are located in the center, which provides both convenience and a beautiful appearance. It turns out a kind of mini-pool. Choosing a bath big size, pay attention to:
  • Convenience. In a bath that is too large, the human body slips off. It is very uncomfortable. The constant search for a fulcrum will lead to discomfort and ruin the pleasure of the procedure.
  • Depth. Don't go to extremes. They sit and lie in the hot tub, but do not swim.
  • Water weight at maximum bath filling. Will the floors of the house withstand it?
  • Decide on the maximum amount of money that can be spent on the purchase of a hot tub. This will save you tons of time. Do not in any way be interested in models, the cost of which goes beyond this amount.
  • From among the manufacturers, select 2-3 most suitable firms whose products are the most trusted.
  • Make a list of the models of these manufacturers that meet the selected characteristics of the bath: type of massage, material, shape and size of the bath and do not go beyond the maximum cost. The list is unlikely to be too long.
  • Please read each model in the list carefully. Pay attention to these characteristics:
  • Appearance.
  • Compressor power.
  • Pump power.
  • Number and location of nozzles.
  • Additional functions.

Choose 2-3 the most suitable models.

Having made the final choice, cast aside doubts and do not think any more about its correctness. Buy the model you like and enjoy a pleasant and so useful massage.