White curtains in a green bedroom. Choosing curtains for a room with green wallpaper. Curtains for green wallpaper

Shades of green are loved by many. This color is used both for wall decoration and as a separate decorative element. The freshness of green is very well perceived by humans. Usually it is used not in saturated form, but in diluted form.

Curtains for a green bedroom with eyelets should be selected according to the principle of a classic combination of colors. Sometimes, in the interior of a room with wallpaper of other colors, you want to include elements that bring calm. One of best selections There will be green curtains in combination with a similar coloring of some items in the bedroom.

Which curtains are suitable for the bedroom?

The interior of any room very much depends on the compatibility of colors of all elements - wallpaper on the walls, furniture, curtains and decorative ornaments.

Designers very often use a method that, when the walls are brightly colored, requires a calmer tone for the curtains, and vice versa. The room becomes light.

Green is a combination of yellow and blue colors. Variations are obtained by adding more or less of one of the colors. So, with a predominance of blue, the tone of the sea wave is obtained.

Color options can be both warm and cold. This must be taken into account in the design of the room.

The effect of shades on an individual person may be different, and what color schemes are suitable for him is unknown. But most agree on the following associations:

  • aquamarine is freshness;
  • olive – peace and concentration;
  • variations of needles - calmness;
  • herbal – lightness;
  • apple – a surge of energy and stimulation to action.

Combination of curtain colors with the colors of surrounding objects

Green curtains in the bedroom interior should be included in color harmony with surrounding objects. To achieve this, it is required the right combination shades.

The most popular combination of the following tones with green in the bedroom these days:

  1. Sand - this combination appeared due to its prevalence in nature. The bottle-colored curtains will harmonize perfectly with sand-colored wallpaper and furniture.
  2. Turquoise-colored curtains go well with the gray background of the walls. Such an interior does not require excess detailing.
  3. The “vamp” style involves a combination with black painted walls. It is desirable that the wallpaper have bright inclusions, and the curtains are rich in tones.
  4. The combination with white is a design classic for the bedroom. Examples of such design are shown in the photo.
  5. Other color combinations are possible, for example, with blue or red tints on furniture and walls. However, this is a matter of taste. Sometimes such combinations with green can evoke emotions that are opposite to those expected.

Curtains for the bedroom with green wallpaper

One of the calmest and interesting options are considered beige curtains. This combination is appropriate not only for the bedroom, but also for any of the rooms. This color scheme will make the room feel spacious, even if in reality it is small. It is advisable to choose curtains with eyelets.

When choosing colors for curtains in green bedroom the issue of illumination must be taken into account. After all, the room should be light, and dark curtains, with richly colored walls, will create a depressing impression.

What curtains are suitable for a light green bedroom? They should be darker and brighter, as in the photo. The color of the curtains can be additionally duplicated by the shade of the carpet, pillows or bedspread.

Curtains for a green bedroom of the same color look very bland. In order for such a color scheme to play in the interior at all, it is necessary to put a lot of effort into additional decoration of the room. This is especially important for the bedroom to make it light and cozy.

In contact with

The interior of a room depends on many components. All elements must be in harmony with each other and match color combinations. Only in this case will you get an aesthetic composition. The determining factor in the design of a room is the decoration of the walls, since the walls occupy the largest visual area. Let's consider what curtains to choose for a room covered with green wallpaper, what color furniture will look best in such an ensemble.

Such a different green

Green color has a very rich palette. It can be a dark green, almost swamp tone, rich grass color or light spring green, sunny color. Wallpaper can have a pale olive color or mint and turquoise shade. In each case, the companion colors will be completely different. Which fabric is best to use for curtains - the same shade or a contrasting one - should be decided depending on the lighting conditions. In a northern room, decorated with wallpaper in the noble color of mature grass, you can hang curtains of the same color and get a gloomy, even dull interior. The same ensemble in a bright, sunny room will look elegant and sophisticated.

A bright and active spring green with the same curtains will become annoying over time. Diluted with a white or lilac pattern, it will give the interior a pleasant dynamism.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing textiles, it is worth getting acquainted with the rules of color combinations.

Rules for combining tones

At the first stage, you need to decide on the color of the wallpaper; for this you should purchase special circular color spectrum. We select our own from the spectral circle; you can do this by applying sectors of the spectrum to the wallpaper. Having chosen the exact shade, look at the opposite color - this will be a contrasting tone that matches your wallpaper. Opposite the range of green shades are usually red, purple, and brown. You can safely purchase curtains in these colors to create an energetic interior.

If you like a more relaxed atmosphere, then it is better to choose the neighboring sectors color wheel. To the right and left of green are blue, beige, and sand tones.

For premises decorated in classic style, there is a monochrome finish. The curtains are matched to match or slightly differ from the wall decoration - several gradations lighter or darker.

Monochrome design may seem boring, then decorate the window double curtains. The fabrics are selected in two colors, nuanced and contrasting. For example, curtains and walls of the same color are separated by white, beige or gray additional fabric.

Modern stylistic solutions for interior design very boldly operate with various combinations. If your imagination goes beyond traditional preferences, then, taking a sample of wallpaper, you should attach it to the fabrics you like and imagine how it will look in the room. Perhaps this particular composition will delight you at home, but to avoid disappointment, it is better to listen to the advice of designers on how to create a harmonious interior.

How to choose harmonious solutions?

The king of all colors is white. White curtains – perfect solution for green wallpaper of all shades. The main rule here is to combine the snowy cold tone of the textiles with the cold tone of the wall decoration, and the warm, milky color scheme with the natural warm greenery of the wallpaper. In the first case, a bright contrast, clarity of shapes, coolness and spaciousness of the room will be created. The second option will create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, and tranquility.

The combination with white is classic, used in all stylistic decisions, always looks relevant and fashionable.

Yellow curtains in a green room are a win-win option. A mustard shade will add sophistication and a modern mood to the room. Pale yellow textiles combine beautifully with rich green; light green colors look better with bright canary yellow.

Recent design developments often use a gray-brown textile palette to decorate interiors in green tones. Here it is better to use fabric and wallpaper of the same color saturation. Light brown with light green and gray-brown with active green. It is better to choose one of these colors for tulle, white can “jump” out of the inflorescence line.

Black draperies can have the same strong influence on perception, but if you skillfully separate active green and heavy black with snow-white double canvases, create dividing barriers between these colors, then such a solution also has a place to be. The use of black and green colors in interior decoration helps to create spectacular and creative compositions.

Red color is so self-sufficient that it must be applied very delicately. Red curtains, sometimes just one fabric, are already a very strong accent. The rest of the interior should be monochrome green. You can afford a maximum of a couple of accessories of a different or better red color.

Pink is the best companion to the entire green-olive wallpaper palette to create a romantic mood. Burnt out green color walls with pink flowered curtains - a classic combination for interiors in the Provence style.

Bronze and gold textiles in the decor will add luxury to the Empire style setting.

Metallic silver fabrics are good for formal rooms with gray-green wall colors.

An important role is played by the presence of a pattern on the walls or textiles. If the surface of the walls is decorated with ornaments, then curtains should be plain or with exactly the same print, Only the size of the pattern may vary. It is unacceptable to combine curtains with daisies with roses on the walls.

Curtains and wallpaper are not the only elements to create harmonious interior, you need to choose suitable furniture.

Consider the color of the furniture

Furniture is a decorative item that rarely needs to be replaced; it is used long years. Curtains are changed much more often. This is due to both the price and the ease of changing a boring image. Therefore, when choosing curtains, you need to take into account the color and texture of the furniture. Heavy classic furniture does not tolerate frivolous floral canvases in ultraviolet shades. Conversely, modern, utilitarian furniture with a simple shape will look strange against the backdrop of scallops and frills. Satin and silk are suitable for interiors in art deco style, metallized fabrics - satellites high tech.

The color of furniture plays an important role in shaping the visual perception of space. The color of natural wood is the best companion for green wall decoration. Light colors of furniture look good with a similar palette of curtains, dark wood looks noble against a neutral background, contrasting bright purple, blue, lilac curtains will harmoniously set off yellow furniture.

Room design options

The functional purpose of the rooms requires that the interior be decorated in a certain way. Winning combinations for the living room will look ridiculous in the bedroom or kitchen.

The hall and living room are the main rooms of the house; their design allows for maximum solemnity. Contrasting textiles with floral or geometric patterns, metallic fabrics, gold and bronze weave threads. Adds sophistication and splendor White color. This could be an additional curtain made of expensive fabric, upholstery upholstered furniture or decorative items. Turquoise and sapphire shades of window decor will highlight the splendor of a dark furniture set.

The office does not require elaborate fabrics, but it requires maintaining order and strict design. Laconic simple curtains, plain or geometric colors, are chosen in a restrained palette of beige, brown or blue. Monochrome decoration in green tones will add an atmosphere of concentration.

White, beige, pink, cornflower blue, and light yellow curtains will bring a little romance and relaxation to the bedroom. A very pleasant combination of calm light green wall decoration with brown wallpaper.

The nursery is the most energetic and lively place in the house. It can be decorated with bright combinations of blue, pink, yellow curtains. The presence of a large or small pattern in textiles will not be superfluous. Wallpaper here is also better to choose more cheerful, fresh tones.

The kitchen can also be decorated in avant-garde colors: black, brown, purple, yellow.

For a family with children, it is better to choose warm shades of pink, beige, coffee, and orange.

Green is the result of mixing yellow and blue. It is believed that this color personifies the dual essence of the world. It not only acts as a connecting thread between man and nature, but also helps unite people with each other. This is a symbol of spring and rebirth. It calms and calms, and also promotes relaxation and restoration of mental strength.

Due to its positive qualities, green is a very popular color among interior designers. Most often, this color scheme is chosen specifically for curtains.

The color of green foliage in the setting

Green is the optimal color for curtains from a physiological point of view. The emerald palette lowers blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, and increases muscle performance. In other words, the effect of green color on human body diametrically opposed to the effects of red.

Such curtains give a feeling of unity with nature. They will be an ideal option for absolutely any room. According to photo green curtains it is clear that they can be used both in the living room and children's room, as well as in the bedroom and kitchen. The green palette is multifaceted. It includes not only cold, but also warm shades.

A cheerful light green color is obtained by mixing green and yellow or lemon. It will have a stimulating effect.

The dark shade of sea wave is considered quite active and strong. It does not have a calming, but rather a neutralizing effect on nervous system. This best option in the bedroom, the windows of which face east, but a bad solution for the kitchen and living room, since it will not stimulate action.

The combination of green and blue looks light and airy. Such curtains will bring freedom to the interior, add notes of freshness and coolness, and also give strength and energy. A light azure shade would be equally appropriate in both the living room and the bedroom. Typically this tone is used for rooms small area, since its feature is the visual distance of the object.

The bright color of fresh greenery is perfect for a nursery. It calms and encourages action to the right extent. This is a great choice if you want to create an environment that is uplifting and positive.

The amazing shade of olives contributes to the most productive work. It is ideal for an office or teenage bedroom.

The dark emerald color scheme is ideal for bedrooms. But it is not advisable to hang curtains in a similar color scheme in the living room.

Aquamarine or mint curtains will add freshness, and the shade of green apple will have a stimulating effect.

The fabric from which the curtains are made is of no small importance. A dense material with a complex texture will make rich shades even darker and heavier. And the use of light, transparent fabrics ensures that even green-blue curtains will seem airy and weightless.

It is also necessary to take into account the lighting of the room. In large, bright rooms you can hang heavy dark green curtains. But this is not acceptable in a small room. Only light curtains in light colors are suitable there.

Curtains in green tones for various rooms

If you want to get rid of periodic bouts of gluttony, then choose pastel shades of green for kitchen curtains. They will bring a certain coldness to the atmosphere.

Yellow-green curtains, on the contrary, will add kitchen area warmth. In addition, they will generously give energy and lift your spirits throughout the day.

It is better not to use green curtains in the living room, since the interior with them will seem too sluggish and peaceful.

Choosing green tones for curtains in a nursery requires special care. An overabundance of the color of grass and young leaves will lead to the fact that the baby will be bored in such a room. It would be optimal to use bright, rich shades of a warm spectrum. Such curtains will balance children's emotions and give positivity.

Emerald curtains are perfect option for sleeping areas. They have a sleeping pill effect. Also, the green color of curtains in the bedroom has a positive effect on psychological condition, has a calming effect on the eyes, fills the environment with freshness.

For the office most suitable solution- These are combinations of dark green with golden yellow or brown. Roller blinds in similar colors look quite impressive. Emerald and malachite shades are also appropriate. Curtains of this palette look more rich.

Combinations of green curtains with other interior elements

If you decide to use curtains in green tones as window decoration, then do not forget that they must be in harmony with other furnishings. The ideal companion for the emerald shade is white. It helps to mute it and increases the favorableness of its perception.

The combination with brown will give the interior a strict and respectable look. An atmosphere of lightness and freshness can be created by combining green shades with soft blue, ash and gray-silver.

You should very carefully complement the decor with accessories in purple and purple tones. In a nursery with green curtains, yellow, lemon, pastel mint, olive and muted beige will look great.

How to choose the right green tone for curtains

In a room with ceilings of significant height, you can use any design for curtains with lambrequins. It is best if the fabric for the lambrequin is kept in the same color scheme, like curtains, but has a different texture.

After hanging green curtains on the windows, take care of the interior decor of a similar palette. It can be sofa cushions, plaid, bedspreads. They don't have to be exactly the same shade. The presence of absolutely any tone in the green spectrum will harmonize the atmosphere.

In a room with brightly colored furniture, it is advisable to choose curtains in light colors or hang two-color curtains (peach green, emerald yellow, olive beige).

Green curtains will be excellent choice. Such curtains will easily fit into any interior. If you choose the right accessories, you can achieve simply amazing results that will delight you for a long time.

Photo of green curtains

Curtains can decorate any room. They create a mood and combine various elements of style into a single whole. To create a harmonious interior that promotes relaxation and recuperation, choose green curtains. Psychologists say that this color gives calm and tranquility due to its association with nature.


A characteristic advantage of green curtains is the presence wide choice shades. Due to this, it is possible to choose a product for any style and type of room. It is possible to create a fresh atmosphere that puts you in a life-affirming mood. However, each tone has certain specifics.

Green on the color spectrum is located between yellow and blue. Therefore, it can belong to a warm or cold range.

Warm color gives energy, revitalizes and inspires a person. Cold frees you from fussy thoughts.

A light green shade visually enlarges the room. The extravagant lime color, on the contrary, is used in large rooms. Green tint, which is close to bright yellow in the palette, encourages action. The blue-green tone of the curtains, on the contrary, calms the psyche. And the olive color of the curtains promotes concentration.

However, its excess in the interior causes melancholy and despondency. To avoid this drawback, you can limit its use. For example, hang only green curtains and a chandelier.

Designers advise choosing curtains depending on the characteristics of the room.

In the room with low ceilings It is better to hang plain green curtains without patterns. You should also avoid frills and draperies. Ideally, use roller blinds or Roman blinds.

If the room is located on sunny side, dark green curtains are chosen to protect against excess light. They are usually made from thick, opaque fabrics such as Blackout. Another variant - vertical blinds mint shade. In dark rooms, it is practical to use light green lightweight fabrics: chiffon, organza, muslin.


The selection of green curtains depends not only on the lighting of the rooms. Important feature is the material from which the product is made. The denser the canvas, the richer the green shades look on it. And light fabrics create an elegant, gentle atmosphere in the interior.

Curtains and tulles are made from natural and synthetic fibers. Natural fabrics are hypoallergenic and of high quality, but they wrinkle and fade in the sun. Non-natural fabrics are durable, cheap and easy to care for. To add strength and reduce cost, synthetic fibers are sometimes added to natural threads. For example, for creating velvet and satin fabrics.

Curtains are curtains made from durable, dense fabric. They differ in their material of manufacture:

  • linen- the most famous and popular natural material. Modern technologies allow you to dye fabrics green without losing it positive qualities. Such curtains are easy to wash, do not electrify, and softly diffuse light. However, they are difficult to iron and may shrink when washed;

  • velvetthick fabric with short pile. Velvet curtains are heavy, difficult to wash and are not suitable for small spaces. But with their help, the bedroom turns into a luxurious bedchamber. And thanks to its properties, the canvas does not fade, perfectly protects from light and retains heat in the room;

  • silk– natural or artificial shiny material. It has the advantages and disadvantages of linen fabrics, but proper care will last for many years;

  • jacquard– dense textured fabric, different in design and color. Green jacquard curtains with a pattern not only look noble, but are also strong and durable;

  • Blackout– a unique modern fabric made of polyester fiber. It has many advantages, the main one of which is complete light resistance. The only disadvantage is the susceptibility to snags.

Tulle - delicate, light, translucent curtains. Types by composition:

  • organza– shiny or matte transparent fabric. Expensive and unpleasant to the touch, but durable and beautiful to look at. This light green fabric reflects light, protecting you from prying eyes;
  • veil– a soft and docile material that gently diffuses the sun’s rays. These curtains easily frame the window and create a romantic atmosphere;
  • muslin – unusual curtain, consisting of many intertwined threads. Allows air to pass freely into the room, and due to its dark green color it darkens the light.


When choosing curtains, it is important to determine the required dimensions of the fabric. Measurements begin by measuring the length of the cornice, the distance from the cornice to the floor or to the top of the window sill. It all depends on the type of curtains chosen. All measurements must be recorded to avoid loss.

The length of the curtains depends on factors such as the height of the wall, the type of attachment to the cornice and allowances. Depending on the length, curtains are divided into the following types: short, long and elongated:

  • Short curtains have a length from the eaves to the window sill or even less. These are Austrian, "Cafe", Roman, roller blinds, blinds and lambrequins.
  • Long curtains- products with a length from the eaves to the floor minus a couple of centimeters. These are standard classic, crossed, Italian, rope curtains and Japanese paintings.
  • Elongated ones differ from long ones only in size: they are several centimeters larger and touch the floor.

Next important factor– fastening to the cornice. They come in the form of loops, hooks and rings. In any case, one must be observed general recommendation: The length of the blade decreases depending on the length of the fastening. If you do not take this into account, the fabric will be too long and will have to be shortened.

If you are buying fabric and not ready product, it is necessary to provide indents of 5 centimeters from the top and bottom edges. They are needed for finishing edges. If you plan to fold the curtains into pleats, do not forget that this will increase the width of the product.

In different rooms

Depending on where exactly you plan to hang these or those green curtains, their style, shade, and drapery options are selected:

  • Kitchen. Various green curtains in pastel shades will calm the atmosphere and protect you from overeating. But green with a predominant yellow tint, on the contrary, will add energy and stimulate appetite. Usually compact short curtains are hung in the kitchen due to small size premises. For example, a good option there will be light green Roman blinds with a pattern.

  • Living room. Green curtains in the living room will fit perfectly into the natural theme of the interior. Light shades will visually enlarge the space, and rich emerald curtains will add brightness to the decor. However, you should be careful not to overdo it with additional bright elements in the hall.

  • Children's. Warm shades of green, for example light green, would be appropriate here. And to please the child and make the interior not boring, choose curtains with natural patterns. For active kids, choose olive curtains. They calm and insist in a teaching manner.

  • Bedroom. Green color is perfect for the bedroom. Dark green night curtains can be combined with white light tulle. This combination has a positive effect on sleep. The jade shade on the opaque fabric will soothe the eyes, while the green tea color is suitable for daytime curtains.


Green curtains can decorate any interior. Due to the variety of shades and shapes, they fit into almost any style, complement and highlight the design features. Consider green curtains in some interior styles:

  • Classic style implies a luxurious and majestic environment. It uses the color of gold, wood, amber, which are in harmony with emerald, olive and jade. It is permissible to decorate the window opening with heavy curtains with lambrequins and tiebacks. Dark green chic curtains will match gilded furniture with dark upholstery.

  • At the heart of eco-style lie use natural materials and a combination of green tones. Light green Japanese panels made of natural fabric will complement the simplicity and laconicism of the interior, create a feeling of freedom and lightness due to the light shade and will not overload the space due to its compact size.

  • Provencal style manifests itself in decorating rooms with textiles with floral patterns. Linen curtains with small green ornaments will give the room the simplicity and airiness characteristic of this direction, and the muted color of mint green in tulle will softly and gently diffuse the sunlight.

  • Style Minimalism known for the strictest and practical interior. Curtains in this direction are modest, plain, matte, without unnecessary decorative elements. Usually these are green Roman, roller, Japanese curtains or blinds. Moreover, the green color here serves as a contrast for two or three primary colors.

  • High tech– a combination of pragmatism, dynamism and functionality. In this image, colorful materials are not used, so the curtains here are plain. But there are no restrictions on invoice. Will fit perfectly into this style as green filament curtains, and Blackout materials.

Combinations with other colors

Green curtains in the interior will look appropriate if they have color support. The color can be completely duplicated, for example, in wallpaper, carpets, chandeliers, or have different shades. Of course, the room cannot be painted in the same tone. In this regard, several basic colors of the decor are chosen.

Green shades go well with white, brown, blue and gray.

Among other combinations, we highlight the following:

  • White and beige colors often used as a basis for interiors. This could be wallpaper with a beige tint or snow-white furniture, which goes extremely well emerald curtains with yellow-green edging. And the combination white tulle and dark green curtains - a classic example of window opening design.
  • Brown and green shades very close to humans, they are associated with nature and life. Light green curtains with dark green patterns and golden brown wallpaper give an atmosphere of summer freshness. Light green tulle adds freshness to a room with wooden furniture, and vice versa, dark mustard curtains will suit a light brown setting.

  • Combination of blue and green used to create bright, vibrant rooms. Together they will make great color accents in a white living room. This tandem can be muted brown– this will make the interior more calm. Rich blue-green shades are the basis in nautical style. Together they create an original and expressive environment.
  • Gray and green– another classic color pair. These shades complement each other and look beautiful and calm together. So, a gray room will come to life if you hang it on the windows bright curtains. Green is also combined with other colors: a mint shade with gold attracts attention; pink and green combination is suitable for children's; combination with red tones is typical for ethnic motifs.

The choice of color, favorite style and lighting create a unique flavor of personality at home.

Different shades of the same color can activate our inner potential, or create peace and tenderness. Let's look at the nuances of the green palette.

IN residential premises should be avoided rich shades Green colour. Many shades of green are credited with the ability to calm, dispel despondency and boredom, and relieve stress.

Choosing a green color

If the bedroom windows face south, then you can choose a dark green bedroom. Doctors say that dark shades of green relieve eye strain.

This is important for people who work at a computer with different documents.

The color of textiles (drapes, bedspreads or rugs) is important in the bedroom. The main ones can be light lilac, sky blue, sand or milky shades. They have a beneficial effect on mental condition person.

Contrasting colors are very effective: chocolate combined with pistachio (turquoise). Such green accents will be expressed more clearly on silver, mother-of-pearl, and delicate blue-gray backgrounds.

Bedroom Makeover

White walls, heavenly with a discreet floral pattern, bright hues cold spectrum will give a feeling of spaciousness to small rooms.

You can move (pull back) the wall with a large painting of a stunning waterfall or seascape.

For a green bedroom, you can choose many shades from the green range: pistachio, the color of young greenery, turquoise, light green, olive, green apple or neon.

Used more often dark options: sea ​​wave, malachite or jade, etc.

Greenery in different styles

Classics rarely use bedrooms in green colors, and only light shades. Small accents of salad tone are possible. Sometimes they use a delicate salad shade with a milky color, where mustard and golden tones are added to the interior. There is a minimum of green in the decoration, preferably in textiles.

Minimalism (like the Japanese style), where all shades of green and bamboo itself look harmonious. Rugs will replace rice mats, natural fabrics on curtains, bamboo screens (partitions).

A Japanese garden or fountain would be an effective addition. Accents of the oriental theme: hieroglyphs, square dishes, paintings of the East, etc. The dominance of the cold spectrum, often white, and red, green and black details will create a dynamic interior of a light green bedroom.

Eco style is coming into fashion, luxurious chocolate wenge color, natural oak furniture, tiles (stone) with imitation stone. The eco-style bedroom is filled with spring and great mood. A proper balance of greenery with other tones is important here.

An unusual decoration for the room will be a large Dutch-style aquarium, where the main thing is green vegetation.

Country and ethno styles include: handicrafts, national ornaments, folk crafts. Here, next to the greenery, yellow, juicy blue, white or brown colors... But in the design of a green bedroom, the predominance of greenery with a peachy tint for country style.

In Baroque or Renaissance can only be used delicate shades green palette. In this style, the main emphasis is on luxurious gilding, bronze, stunning stucco, and not on bright colors.

In the English style, you can only use dark shades of green. They should complement the natural wood and antique finishes of the room. But possible color solutions in a greenish version in textiles.

Expressionism in the bedroom in green tones will help reflect a sea of ​​emotions. Suitable shades olive color or rich emerald, but in moderation. Natural colors should be the main ones. You can add bright “acid” notes: these are lemon and also bright salad shades. The expansion of greenery can be expressed in neon lighting.

Avant-garde is characterized by rich colors that excite the nervous system. But in the recreation area you need peace, so it is better to express style in the originality of objects, lighting design room, and not in the decoration of the room. Green curtains in the bedroom and upholstered furniture are perfect.

For modern interior a green bedroom is appropriate light finish walls, snow-white furniture and unusual Spotlights. You can effectively combine orange (pink) accents with a chrome surface, as well as violet (blue) pillows with a bedspread.

Original designs in the photo of a green bedroom, made in various versions.

Photo of a green bedroom