Apartment design with dark interior doors. Dark doors in the interior: options and ideas for color combinations. Art Nouveau style in apartment design

Doors in dark and very dark shades the best way suitable for modern interior styles, for example. The material from which they are made is very important. A good option there will be doors made of such valuable wood species as walnut, wenge, merbau, exotic oak, tropical ash, teak, panga-panga and others.

If you follow the advice of designers, then dark interior doors will also perfectly complement luxurious and rich baroque interiors. Usually the color of the doors is identical to the color of the floor. Although, to be honest, there is no such design rule. A very effective option would be to create a contrast between the color of the door and the floor. Because the main condition is that the door should be in harmony with the style of the entire decoration, and it can be of absolutely any color.

What design techniques exist for choosing the color of doors to match the interior?

The color of doors and flooring must be chosen correctly. The success of the entire room design as a whole depends on this. The most common design techniques are the following combinations:

Combination of dark doors with light floors

The color of the doors can be selected based on the color of the walls, floor or furniture - whatever you like. Or you can simply buy doors that don’t match anything at all, but, on the contrary, contrast – if the floor is light and the doors are dark. In this case, it is also necessary to purchase platbands to match the color of the doors, as well as baseboards that surround the room. With this option, the doors will no longer come into disharmony with the overall interior, but, on the contrary, will look very advantageous. And from a design point of view, extremes always look incredibly impressive. Among other things, dark-colored doors in the interior help create an atmosphere of rigor and elegance.

However, it should be remembered that the contrast between the door and the floor represents a very bold and original design solution that can only be implemented indoors large area. Also, this contrast should be pronounced. Otherwise, the interior design will turn out to be extremely inexpressive and blurry. And, of course, we should not forget that there is a possibility that the doors will stand out too much against the background of the light interior. And in order to smooth this undesirable effect, you need to choose the right baseboard, or rather, choose exactly the same shade as the floor covering and doors.

Combination of dark doors with dark floors

This option, in which there is a single color scheme, is much more common and is no less advantageous if the door leaf is one or two shades lighter than the floor. After all, on a subconscious level we read the picture of the interior from top to bottom. And if, for example, the room has a light ceiling and a dark covering on the floor, then the doors in this case act as a connecting link. Also, it is not advisable to use a combination of dark doors with dark flooring in small rooms, because... from an excess of dark color it can turn into the most natural mink. Thus, the main conditions for such design solution- the presence of a large window and high ceilings in the room. The degree of illumination of the room seems equally important. Otherwise, from similar option you should simply refuse.

Black doors in a bright interior

Black interior doors in the interior are very stylish and elegant. However, you should adhere to the basic rules of harmony and combination of all interior items. If you use black doors, then the walls must be light, and flooring It should still be several shades lighter than the door. This contrast is used to provide a feeling of spaciousness, as well as for aesthetic purposes - in this situation, the colors will play better next to each other. And the versatility of black makes it possible to use accessories in the most unexpected shades.

Advantages of dark doors

IN Lately dark interior doors have become very popular. This is due to the fact that, according to modern designers, they harmonize best with most interiors. Among other things, dark doors add nobility to the interior and are less easily soiled and practical. And they look very representative and respectable, because... They are made, as a rule, from solid trees of valuable species. They are now produced in fairly good quality, and the prices of domestic manufacturers are quite affordable for all consumer groups.

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Black interior doors in the interior will not look appropriate in every apartment. This is a very strict, elegant and solemn color, a subtle design move. Such doors combine well with both light and dark walls. But in the first case, they will definitely require you to select suitable furniture and accessories. In the future, pay attention - in all the photographs that we will consider, the interior must have a similar shade - black or chocolate. If they can be practically apart, then the number will not work with black.

  • Colonial style
  • Modern style
  • Classic style

  • Black + black
  • Black + black and white interior
  • Black + blue + pink


It’s easy to imagine in any apartment – ​​but pure black is not such a trivial choice. Wenge-colored doors are usually chosen by lovers of classic interiors. Indeed, this shade looks very stylish and expensive, does not require much support, sometimes a dark brown color is enough to become a match for it. But we suggest taking a look at radical solutions with black doors in the interior, and perhaps taking something to note.

"Colonial style"

  • Heavy double doors, varnished, are suitable for a traditional or colonial style, rich in details, complex and a little gloomy. Colonial style involves a lot of dark shiny furniture, so dark chocolate colored doors are an ideal option for the layout. If a warm red-brown tone prevails in the interior, as in the illustration below, add black in accessories. Primitive shiny lampshades play the role of accents, shading the dark door - their similar symmetrical arrangement looks especially impressive.

"Modern style"

  • Modern style with a hint of minimalism accepts doors of any color, as long as they fit organically into the color palette. A white door could have been included in this interior, but the height of the ceilings and the presence of a dark chest of drawers allowed the owners to take a bolder step. Please note that dark doors do not look cold and unwelcoming even when surrounded light walls and warm walnut floors. It's all about delicate processing, when black doors are coated with matte rather than shiny varnish - this makes them look more velvety and pleasant. The choice of handles is also significant - not sparkling strict chrome, but brushed brass.

"Classic style"

  • Contrary to fears, black colors can look great even in rooms built entirely on light shades. But for this to work, the size of the room must be really large - this technique looks most impressive in living rooms, dining rooms and spacious kitchens.
  • Of course, in this situation, the floors should not be too light - it is allowed to use brown, in a tone not lower than average. As you can see, gentle beige color walls, silver furniture and golden textiles are not a hindrance to black. Of course, it's all about quality support. Its role in the interior is played by fireplace portal, placed neatly between two black doors, and a black carpet border extending into the center of the room. This way the far wall doesn't look overloaded.


Having analyzed the styles, let's move on to more practical examples– consider interesting color combinations with black doors. The owners are usually not afraid of renovations - any shade of the walls will look great with them. Is this true in our case?

"Black + black"

  • Here is a monochrome combination for daredevils! Although it looks very impressive, few people will decide to decorate their interior in this way, except perhaps true lovers of black. Please note that it does not merge with the wall - the difference in textures saves us from optical illusion, and there’s not much pure black in the room. A thin stripe on the wallpaper is interspersed with gray, the floor is dark brown, like the carpet, and the light green sofa distracts attention. The lacquered black door looks vintage in this setting, giving the style a retro feel.

“Black + black and white interior”

  • We looked at a similar example in the article about white doors in the interior - but there preference was given bright doors. Here the situation is different - the self-leveling subfloor dictates the rules of the game. The interior is built on the principle of a gradient - from below there is a dominance of black, which gradually flows into an equal ratio with white, stopping at the snow-white ceiling.

  • The most effective technique is to use a black door in combination with a checkerboard floor. To prevent this alliance from looking too binding and strict, the designers came up with the idea of ​​combining it with rough plastered walls or brickwork.

"Black + blue + pink"

  • Anthracite doors look great surrounded by bright, almost acidic and neon colors. If you want to somewhat curb the loudness of the latter, making the scenery sound quieter, strict dark doors will do the job brilliantly. Of course, you cannot leave them alone; you will need to add black to the room - in this case, chandeliers in a pseudo-Gothic style were chosen for this purpose.

"Unusual dark doors"

Don't want to settle for the classics? Or do you need to play up some bright technique in the interior? Don’t forget that changing an element such as a door can lead to a real transformation small room.

  • Engraving or laser design is an opportunity to decorate a simple dark door with any image if it seems too ordinary to you. Make sure that the design is combined with the print on the wallpaper, and, of course, with the overall style of the room - then the solution will look interesting.

  • If black doors visually weigh down the interior, it is worth considering that only the frame can be black, as in the example in the photo. The central part can be frosted glass or plastic - such an element is much easier to fit into the interior in light colors, as in the illustration below.

Dark doors in the interior of an apartment or house, recently an integral part of any residential premises. This is due, first of all, to the fact that such doors in a bright interior give the room more uniform distribution color range. In this text we will look at the main cases of using door leaves in dark shades in combination with various design designs, and also talk in detail about the need to use dark tones for the kitchen or living room. We will also have to clearly examine the ideas of interior design and decoration on our own without the help of an experienced designer.

An example of the design of dark doors in a light apartment interior

Choosing the color of an interior door is always associated with some difficulties. In this case, a more common color shade is recommended, listening to the following tips experienced designers:

Using these tips from experienced designers, you can choose the optimal shade door leaf, which will fit favorably into the design of the room. Also, do not forget that interior doors can be selected in accordance with the tones of the furniture and additional attributes present in the interior. The main thing is to achieve a result so that there is a feeling of harmony in the room, and the door in the space of the room does not look like a bright, catchy spot.

An example of the design of dark doors in the living room interior

Read also

Tools for installing an interior door

Some combinations

Modern solutions for creating a cozy and comfortable interior in an apartment, they suggest using the following methods of combining natural shades of wood and room walls:

You can independently choose any sets that can be combined with each other, the main thing is the presence of comfort and coziness in the room, especially if it is a bedroom or a children's room. Here you should be very careful when choosing a color palette.

Examples of designing dark doors in a light hallway

Important. When designing a children's room and using dark doors, it is recommended to make a division according to the child's age category, as well as gender.

Watch the video for design options for dark doors in a bright apartment.

Dark wood species

The combination of doors with other interior attributes in a room is the main task when creating a comfortable and cozy interior in any room. Especially if this concerns the bedroom or children's room. Let's look at the main options for dark wood species:

  • smoky oak;
  • nut;
  • rosewood;
  • wenge;
  • ebony;
  • Red tree.

These are the most common shades of door panels that will decorate any room.

An example of decorating doors to look like dark wood

The most common door colors currently are oak and walnut; these shades attract with their pleasant structure. If you use these color shades, then it is recommended to connect them with the floor covering so that these two design elements are combined with each other.

Often in the interior of an apartment you can find dark doors; as a rule, they are universal and practical. But not always they can be combined with overall design premises, which is why it is so important to follow the color combination.

Dark doors are more common in apartment interiors

The article describes in detail: what features and types exist door designs, what advantages and disadvantages they have, what interior style to choose, what doors are best to choose for the room and how to combine them with the rest of the furniture.

Features of dark doors in the interior of an apartment

Interior doors in dark shades create an atmosphere of nobility in the interior, highlight its advantages, and most designers use them. Such a canvas will always be popular, and good combination colors and shades will help you achieve the perfect result.

The harmonious combination of dark doors with the surrounding environment allows you to create an attractive and cozy interior

In order for the color not to visually reduce the space, you need to adhere to 2 options:

  1. The wood should match the floor covering. This combination is perfect for large rooms, but for small room It is worth choosing a floor color that is slightly lighter than the door leaf.
  2. Taken together, such an opening and a light floor are an ideal option for an apartment of any size; for the harmony of the interior, it is best to choose baseboards and trim that match the color of the door. Bright accents may be present in interior details.

The exception is the 3rd option, when the color of the opening itself acts as a color accent, but this option is only suitable for loft and hi-tech style.

To make dark doors, use solid wood or combined materials

Advantages and disadvantages of dark doors

Such doors have advantages and disadvantages. Advantages:

  • allocate general style interior;
  • look fashionable and stylish;
  • a room with a dark shade looks solid;
  • goes well with light shades;
  • suitable for any style;
  • practical to care for.

Some disadvantages of dark color:

  • responsible approach to room design;
  • non-compliance color harmony can make the room gloomy;
  • fingerprints and dust are noticeable;
  • Good lighting is a must;
  • dark color visually absorbs the volume of the room;
  • defects are noticeable.

A good option would be walnut, oak or wenge; these types of wood have a very beautiful shades, which will fit perfectly into the housing project.

The definition of “dark doors” includes various shades of brown, gray and black.

Types of door structures

Interior doors differ not only in appearance, but also in design, which involves opening the doors in various ways:

Selection of dark doors for the interior of the room

This color of the opening requires careful consideration of the room design, but adhering to a certain color concept, you can repeat any design without the help of specialists.

The most common dark brown doors are walnut, wenge or dark oak.

For a bright interior

In a light interior, a dark shade of wood will look very harmonious; the color of such a canvas will play into the contrast of the room, creating an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. This design will create the impression correct distribution colors.

Contrasting combination of black doors with white trim and plinth


This style looks very flattering and the dark shade complements it perfectly. You can choose an option with glass or a completely “blank” canvas, which can include any decorative element, such as monograms, stained glass or glass, any of them will look good in classic style.

For classic interior doors made of solid wood with carvings and panels, solid or with glass inserts are suitable


Minimalism is a modern style that dictates its own rules. For this style, a dark opening will become accent solution of the entire design as a whole, the main thing is to choose a canvas without decorative elements, ideal option the doors will become black.

Doors in the minimalist style are distinguished by straight, clear lines and a complete lack of decor.


A style that doesn't focus on doorway, so it is best to choose a canvas without a pattern, wavy lines, or inserts.

In modern interiors, it is customary to use doors made of cheap materials, but such models may not differ in appearance from more expensive wooden doors.


The style is characterized by experiments, so you can safely try bold combinations, use doors with various interesting and unusual designs.

Wenge swing door, lined natural veneer and decorated with stained glass insert

Selection of dark doors for different styles of walls and floors

You need to select wallpaper especially carefully, not forgetting that the opening should not get lost against the background of the wall. White, beige, light yellow, pale pink wallpaper will visually make the room larger, while highlighting the door leaf. You can choose plain or patterned wallpaper, but it’s better to avoid dark colors. Bright wallpaper, on the contrary, will take all the emphasis on themselves. Of course, you can take a risk and design in dark colors, at proper lighting and perfectly selected details will result in a mysterious stylish interior. In addition to wallpaper, they may be suitable for decoration decorative panels or plaster.

The combination works well for light walls. brown door with dark baseboard

A successful combination of door and floor colors will highlight the advantages of the room. The correct combination of shades depends on the size and lighting of the room. The color of the baseboard will also help highlight the doorway and requires special attention. A light baseboard will smooth out any unevenness and will match any color of wallpaper; it is better to choose it to match the color of the floor. A dark-colored baseboard will look good with light walls and a dark floor.

A light baseboard in combination with a dark door will suit any wall color

Dark floor

The doorway and floor covering can be either the same shade or slightly different. In this interior design it is better to use light furniture and ceiling; in this combination the room will not look gloomy. You can use laminate, but the wood pattern should be the same, but the shades may vary. A white plinth will add originality, visually separating the floor.

Dark flooring can be the same shade as the door or differ by several tones

Light floor

The most popular color combination is dark and light. The design of such a room will look interesting, in combination with furniture and baseboards, the interior will look laconic, and the room will look elegant.

In combination with a light floor, a dark door will become a bright accent of the interior

It is not at all necessary to use laminate or parquet to cover the floor; now there is a huge range of coatings, it can be carpet, tile materials or linoleum.

Features of interior design with dark doors in different rooms

Such doors are suitable for decorating any room; it is important to remember the design features and color scheme.

Ideally, the door leaf should be in harmony with the interiors of both rooms that it separates

Kitchen and bathroom

When choosing doors to the kitchen and bathroom, you need to remember that:

  • the wood must be oiled special coating which protects the canvas from mold and fungi;
  • when choosing a door leaf with glass insert, it is best to opt for frosted glass;
  • do not forget about the combination of colors with the floor and kitchen units.

Sliding door on wooden frame with corrugated glass inserts

Living room and bedroom

A dark doorway is ideal for the interior of the living room; you can easily choose furniture to match the door, while respecting the color scheme, and if the living room is bright and spacious, then you can use shades of dark color in the design of the walls. Such wood will also look great in the bedroom; with the help of color you can place the right accents in the interior. The room will be comfortable and cozy, and using light furniture, the space will not look overloaded.

Dark brown sliding doors in the living room with white furniture


For the hallway the most the best combination There will be dark wood and light walls, so the room will look larger; all shades of white, beige and sand will work well. It is worth remembering that the entrance and interior doors can be the same color, or the entrance door can be a little darker.

The photo shows an example of selecting entrance and interior doors in the same style

Features of using black doors in the interior of an apartment

The black opening in the design looks stylish and will go well with white and milky walls. Dilute this color combination You can use bright accents, so the room will look lively and interesting.

Black doors look massive and stylish and go well with light-colored walls.

The main feature of black color is that it attracts attention, so it is better to choose a door leaf that is simple and laconic. Black wood is well suited for a minimalist style.

Combination of dark doors with furniture

In combination with light furniture, the opening will create a contrast that will go perfectly with the modern style. You can choose any shades of dark and light, they can be perfectly combined with each other.

Contrasting combination of a dark door and light upholstery of upholstered furniture

To ensure that the opening does not merge with dark furniture, it is best to opt for the option with an insert made of glass or stained glass, and use furniture in a tone lighter or darker than the door leaf. To prevent the space from looking overloaded, it is better to replace heavy curtains with light, airy fabrics.

An example of selecting a door to match the color of wooden furniture

Dark wood is practical and indispensable in the interior, and the right combination colors will make the apartment modern and stylish. A huge selection of shades will allow the designer's imagination to run wild, the main thing is not to forget that the end result should be housing in which an atmosphere of comfort and harmony will reign. It is best to think through the design of the room, based on your preferences, in which case you can get unique interior, satisfying all needs.

Video: dark doors in the interior of living rooms

Photo: options for combinations of dark doors in the interior of an apartment

If we were faced with the task of making a rating of the most popular doors in terms of color, which Belarusians most often choose for their home, we are sure that dark ones would take first place...

And this is not at all because we are such a boring and unoriginal people. Just really dark doors are practical and versatile.

Therefore, why not make sure that they do not look like an ugly black spot against the background of a light interior, but rather match the color combination of the objects in the room?!

And this, I must say, is a whole science... But let’s first determine what the advantage of dark interior rooms is:

they look stylish, fit any interior, and are universal;

a practical solution: they are not easily soiled and do not require careful care;

have a presentable appearance in interiors of various styles.

But such doors also have their drawbacks: dust is clearly visible on them and there is a chance of making the room gloomy if the walls and interior items in the room are the same.

So how can you maintain this harmony and make your apartment cozy and pleasant to be in? Simple but effective rules will help you with this...

The combination of the color of the floor and doors can both highlight the advantages of the room and make it visually repulsive. Depending on the size of the room, the presence of windows and the degree of illumination, you need to select a specific combination option for a specific apartment.

Dark floor

Dark flooring and dark doors in the interior can be the same shade or different. To avoid creating a gloomy feeling in the apartment, it is best to use light-colored furniture and ceilings for this combination.

But if your room has high and white ceilings, a large window, then you can safely try to combine a dark door not only with the floor, but also with furniture or even walls.

But remember: dark laminate is suitable for dark doors, provided that the tree pattern will be the same(but the shades may not be combined).

Light floor

With this combination, interior doors can be the same shade as the furniture or walls. In a light interior, dark doors can serve as a color accent. Dark trim or baseboards will help enhance the effect.

But you need to be mentally prepared for such a combination, because a dark color will create a bright contrast.

The role of baseboard color

The choice of baseboard color may seem like an insignificant detail, but it is not - even this determines whether your interior will look cohesive and harmonious. The choice of shade also depends on the color of the floor, walls and door shade.

Light baseboard

A light baseboard with a dark door can be combined with any finishing color scheme. And it’s even better if the baseboard matches the tone of the floor.

Dark baseboard

A dark baseboard with a dark door is suitable for light walls and a dark floor, or for a light floor and dark walls.

This option is for those who do not intend to visually highlight the doorway.

Choosing wallpaper for walls

Select wallpaper again based on the specifics of the room and its dimensions.

White, beige, yellow, light pink make the room visually larger, and the dark door does not get lost against this background, but rather stands out.

If you want to disguise the doorway, then, of course, they will help you with this dark wallpaper, which will blend with the color of the doors.

Bright wallpaper will become an accent that will not interfere with dark doors. Just think first, whether there are too many accents for one room...

Combination with furniture

Dark doorway in the background light furniture, as we have already said, will act as a color accent, contrast and a rather bold color transition. This combination can most often be found in modern interiors.

At the same time, you can not be afraid to choose the deepest shade of the door - this will not spoil the visual perception of the space.

Dark furniture

Dark doors in a dark interior will look more interesting and attractive if stained glass or glass is inserted into the door leaf - this will also provide more lighting in the room and visually increase the space.

When choosing just such a combination, be prepared for the fact that dark doors are not as easy to combine with dark furniture as it might seem at first glance.

It is also worth considering that the room should be no less than average size.

Have you decided on this option? Then choose furniture that is lighter or darker than the doorway, then you can create a truly chic style.

Rules for choosing the color of interior doors

Dark brown

This color is perhaps the most popular. It includes shades of dark oak, walnut and wenge. But at the same time dark walnut looks lighter than the others and does not hide the space.

By the way, when installing the door leaf and floor, it is better to make the wood fibers in the same direction in the drawing.


Black doors look massive, but at the same time stylish. Such option will do in combination with a light interior under white or milky walls.

You can also use bright finishes and decorative items.

Dark grey

But such interior doors are rarely used and are best suited for modern interiors.

They can be combined with light gray furniture, white ceiling and trim.



For classic the interior will suit solid door with carvings and solid wood panels. For a small room it is suitable with a glass insert.

Lush fittings, gold inserts, floral pattern characteristic of the Baroque style.

A dark door in a classic-style living room goes well with burgundy, green, gold, and beige colors.


For modern style Cheaper materials will do. There is no emphasis on the doorway, so wavy lines, complex patterns and intricate inserts are inappropriate here. Doors for high-tech should be simple, glossy, with an insert.

IN modern interior usually dark doors are combined with beige and white shades, as well as bright elements decor.

What color are the interior doors in your apartment?

VELVET: Victoria Lyakhnovich