Shades of green from peas to asparagus. From turquoise to olive: the names of the shades of green

The earliest and most established meanings of colors come from observation of nature. So, brown is the color of the earth, which means stability and prosperity. Blue - the color of the sky - meant serenity and spiritual purity, closeness to God. Yellow - the color of the sun - has become the color of joy and prosperity, because the sun gives life to all living things. The harvest depended on the sun, and hence the life of a person.

The symbolism of the green color also originates from here. Green is the color of life, harmony, youth. He gives hope, because young green seedlings precede the new harvest. For the human eye, this is the most familiar and comfortable color... After all, he fills the earth with himself: grass, foliage of trees.

At all times, green has been a symbol of prosperity, confidence and reliability. However, it should be remembered that each color carries, symbolically, several opposite meanings, depending on the shade. So, the green color of young foliage personifies rebirth, and the dark brown-green shade of mold, - oppression and desolation, abandonment.

V Ancient egypt, the traditional culture of Japan, Christian culture, the culture of Islam, green has an exclusively positive properties, he is revered and loved. For many countries, especially with a hot climate, it is the color of earthly goods, the color of an oasis in the desert. In Japan, there were even such poetic names for the shades of this color, such as "grape" and " green leaf mixed with a fallen leaf. "

The Muslim paradise in the sacred books is represented as a green space.

But in Ancient rome only women were allowed to wear green. If a man wore clothes of this color, then he hinted at his unnatural depravity, effeminacy and femininity. There was even such an expression "galbini mores" - "greenish" (that is, pampered, perverted) morals.

In Russian culture, green also has a number of negative meanings: green melancholy, potion is poison. Alcohol is called a green serpent.

Color affects a person not only aesthetically, but also psychologically and physiologically. Green brings calmness, normalizes blood pressure, even heals nerves and relieves fatigue. From this one can judge a person by what color he surrounds himself with. And, first of all, it concerns clothes. People who prefer blue-green hues are proud and have tough demands on themselves. They always stay true to themselves and achieve their goals with confidence and consistency.

Pure green is loved by conservative people who strive for self-confidence. Yellow-green is liked by those who strive for new experiences and new meetings. They are lighter and more open-minded people than those who prefer cool green shades.

Green, when chosen for clothing, is versatile. It suits any color type of appearance, you just need to choose suitable shades. Light types work well with light, pastel shades of green, such as mint. Slightly dusty shades of green (marsh, khaki, etc.) are suitable for soft types. Deep types should choose darker shades of green. Bright types are suitable for bright, saturated green shades (chartreuse, lime color, etc.). Warm and Cool types are advised to select warm and cool shades of green, respectively.

Green is a strict and restrained color. It is rather an everyday color than a festive one. Although some of its shades, say, emerald, look very elegant and noble. And can be used in outfits for celebrations.

A lot of green in the wardrobe of self-confident people. But with its help, you can also gain confidence, if it is lacking. Seeing you in clothes of this color, others will perceive you as a person of confidence and reliability. And you, thus, will learn to be such a person.

Green color

The first associations with him are the sweetest, brightest, warmest. This tone is soothing, pleasing to the eye. In the house, where everything is decorated in green colors, it is pleasant to spend time, to relax after hard working days.

Fortunately, designers are talking about a new wave of life of this color in the decoration and decoration of the shelter for family happiness... Nature, freshness, growth, inspiration - this is what comes to mind when you contemplate beautiful colour greenery. And there are quite a few of them, ranging from bright and lush colors to pastel, serene shades.

The possibilities open up even wider when combining this fashionable colors with others. Black, white, beige will be the base, and yellow and blue will effectively emphasize the beauty of greenery. It allows not only to highlight the necessary elements, but also to separate them from the background, giving a zest to the new design.

Spring foliage paints can wonderfully refresh the calm pastel color palette of a room. Every nuance of green requires special consideration, both separately and in combination with other shades.

Olive color is just a feast for the eyes

Light olive color is able to attract attention, not dazzling with its presence in the interior. It looks especially advantageous in combination with smooth white objects and rich, conspicuous details of the room.

Golden greens are also interesting in the color palette of rooms, creating luxe spots in the overall picture. The color of the olives, which is as close as possible to yellow, is in perfect harmony with red and orange.

Emerald color is deep, luxurious, majestic

It is very relevant this year. In the ingenuous pastel interior the addition of emerald details transforms the space, giving it splendor in the eyes of guests.

The color of the emerald goes well with the wood. A discreet print, a play of shadows, lighting - this brings unusualness to the image.

Mint color

There is nothing more pleasant and simpler than a combination of a mint shade with white. Now it is at the peak of popularity, as its soft shade suits almost any design.

In general, the choice color scheme simply huge, the palette is wide. To choose according to your taste and according to your capabilities, everyone can do it.

The color of life and growth, resurrection and prosperity, security and harmony. These are the associations that arise when the color green is mentioned. It is a complex shade that is a combination of two primary colors - blue and yellow. It is for this reason that the meaning of green in psychology directly depends on the degree of predominance of a cold blue or warm yellow hue in it.

What does green mean

In almost all cultures of the world, green has one total value... First of all, it is identified with resurrection and prosperity. Such an association is closely related to the idea of ​​the spring awakening of nature inherent in our subconscious. It is in the spring that the earth "comes to life" and the first green shoots appear. Gradually the surrounding world from the lifeless white space turns into a blooming painting, the main color of which is, of course, green. This is where the use of green in various religious rituals and holidays originates. Green color also associated with growth and development. This is the color of vital energy, which is able to "nourish" at the psycho-emotional level.

In addition, shades of green, which are dominated by blue, have a calming and pacifying effect. So, cool green helps to relax and relieve tension. It is even used by such phobias as claustrophobia - fear of confined spaces. The claustrophobic person is encouraged to spend some time in closed room, the walls of which are painted in a soft green hue. Studies have shown that the calming green atmosphere makes it much easier for these patients to endure the time spent in the confined space of the room.

But besides the positive, green can also have a negative impact. The fact is that cold dark shades of this color can cause apathy, drowsiness and even depression. The severity of the negative effect directly depends on the green tint. Accordingly, the more it is, the more depressing the effect of exposure to green will be.

What does green mean in psychology

The meaning of green in psychology coincides with its historical and cultural perception. But apart from associations that are common to everyone, through the prism of unconscious color preferences you can also consider the characteristics of an individual. So, psychologists argue that knowing what kind of color a person's favorite is, one can say about some of the character traits inherent in him.

According to research, people whose favorite color is green are sociable and friendly. They have a calm character, not prone to conflicts and quarrels. Lovers of green prefer to solve emerging problems peacefully. As a result, they often suffer, as they are unable to defend their point of view to the end. But despite this, the “greens” manage to quickly adapt to the changed conditions. But this does not mean that they are not inclined to worry too much about failure. Very often, green lovers suffer from mild neuroses and depression.

What does green in clothes symbolize?

The dominance of a particular color in clothing can also tell a lot about its owner. It is believed that choosing a particular color in clothes, a person projects his mood and inner experiences onto the outside world.

So, if you often wear clothes of a light green shade, then this may mean that you have a light and pleasant character, ready for communication and cooperation. Juicy shades of green in clothes, especially in combination with yellow and orange, give out such traits as cheerfulness and activity in a person. Plus, this color combination is automatically uplifting and energizing, so it can be used to energize your inner potential. On the other hand, dark green clothes have a calming effect. Lovers of this shade in the wardrobe are most likely closed and detached individuals who prefer loneliness and solitude.


Green color- one of three primary colors additive system RGB.
(special issue of green pages)

Green color descended from a merger blue and yellow, while the qualities of both are complementary. Green sends a wide variety of signals. If it is dominated by yellow shade, he excites... If green dominates blue, he soothes.

I decided to indulge in my favorite oil pastels: I mixed blue and yellow(in the illustration).

There are about thirty basic shades of green, but there are much more descriptive adjectives in Russian - mustard, pistachio, olive, khaki, pea, marsh, bottle, salad (light green), malachite, emerald, wormwood, lichen color, copper patina, vitriol, herbal, squash, phosphoric, frog ...

Dark and neutral shades of green- the color of spruce needles, forest thickets - associated with strength, reliability and durability. Delicate green shades of sage, mint and copper patina are soothing. Emerald and malachite talk about luxury.

In nature, green appears due to chlorophyll, a green pigment that contains a certain amount of yellow. Remember how different the color of tree leaves, grass, grasses and ivy is. Luxurious gardens immediately come to mind, magnificent bright flowers framed by various shades of greenery. This yellow-green color usually gives a person a feeling of well-being, optimism and spring renewal. It is not surprising that this color is often associated with fertility. But add even more yellow to green - as, for example, in chartreuse- and he will change completely. This color often causes a negative reaction and is associated with envy and anger, illness and poison.

In ours with you travel in green we will avoid negativity and enjoy the variety of shades of the green kingdom ;-)

Green poetry and painting

Green caresses shadow at noon,
He gives peace of mind and sight.
And the herbs are green, and the forest is dark.
The green color fluctuates in the eyes
Green is the outfit of any garden,
And for jasmine, the stem is like a reward.
1301 BC
"Eight Gardens of Eden", Amir Khosrov Dehlevi

Goes-buzzes Green Noise,
Green Noise, spring noise!
Playfully diverges
Suddenly the riding wind:
Alder bushes will swing,
Will raise flower dust,
Like a cloud: everything is green
Both air and water!
1862 g.
"Green Noise"
Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

Green Noise, 1904
Rylov Arkady Alexandrovich

Etymology of the word "green"

In Old Russian noun Potion meant "young winter, greenery, grass." By the way, from him the word is formed "potion", originally it meant "herbal infusion". This word, in turn, is associated with the expression "green wine", that is, "vodka infused with herbs." Green is subconsciously identified with eternal life, with immortality. It is enough to remember the expression "evergreen".

young green- inexperience, inexperience;
green serpent- alcoholic drinks, alcohol;
green Streetopen path, without delays and obstacles;
turned green with anger- come into a state of severe irritation, discontent;
green melancholy- agonizing, unbearable boredom.

Minerals, rocks

Among the green minerals are: Emerald- a chromium-colored variety of beryl; olive green chrysolite; blue-green amazonite; apple green chrysoprase; grassy-boggy nephritis; malachite; jade; chrysoberyl and dark green with a characteristic snake pattern rock formation coil... All green stones love silver!

And how can you not remember the delightful, fabulous luxury of the Ural gems and wonderful tales of the Russian folklorist Pavel Petrovich Bazhov... the Mistress of the Copper Mountain - the keeper of precious rocks and stones, Silver Hoof, Stone Flower, Malachite box

Bazhov Pavel Petrovich(1879-1950) - Soviet writer, folklorist; for the first time performed the literary processing of the Ural tales. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree for the book of the Ural tales "Malachite Box".
Vasily Bayuskin(1898-1952) - Soviet illustrator. He worked in the magazines "Ogonyok", "Krestyanka", "Murzilka", "Friendly guys" ..., illustrated children's books.

Ornithology (bird science)

For this article I have selected two domestic and two overseas birds, the "names" and plumage of which are colored green.

Zelenushki(Chloris), a genus of birds of the finch family (Fringillidae). The size of a sparrow, olive green color with yellow wings. 2 types: common and Chinese. Zelenushki, a lover of seeds and berries.

Green woodpeckers(Picus), a genus of birds of the order of woodpeckers. Have green plumage and olive tones... 10 types. The basis of the diet: insects. Green woodpeckers often eat ants on the ground.

§ Portraits of greenfinch and green woodpecker were found upon request in Yandex.Images on the website "Union for the Conservation of Birds of Russia"

(Aulacorhynchus prasinus) is a member of the toucan family (Ramphastidae) that lives in Central and South America. Like all toucans, it is distinguished by a long beak, in which the upper part is painted in black and yellow, and the lower, as a rule, is completely black. Males and females hardly differ from each other, but males are slightly larger. The eggs laid by these birds are white. Individuals from different regions can differ so much that among bird watchers there are aspirations to divide them into different subspecies.

(Tangara florida) is a species of new-smelted birds from the tanager family. Distributed on the slopes of the western Andes in western Colombia (north of Choco), as well as in Costa Rica and Panama. Occurs under a canopy and on the border of a moist mossy forest, at an altitude of 0–1200 meters above sea level. They live in pairs or small groups. They feed on insects, which are collected on mossy tree branches, mainly on their underside. Body length about 13 cm.

§ Portraits of Emerald Toucanet and Emerald Tanager were found upon request in Google Pictures on Flickr - Photo Sharing


In European alchemy green Dragon or green lion mean a strong solvent, for example royal vodka (aqua regia), and its sign is an inverted top down ("female") triangle in combination with R.


Green among the Orthodox it is the color of the Holy Trinity, among the Mohammedans it is the sacred color of the Prophet Muhammad, in Buddhism it is the color of life, among the Jews in Kabbalah it is the color of victory.


Green corresponds to the planet Venus... Astrologers believe that each sign of the zodiac has its own color. Three signs got green astrological variations: light green- Taurus; dark green- Libra; blue-green- Pisces.


Green received its individual place in the continuous spectrum of colors in 1676 being seen Isaac Newton, by decomposing white sunlight on the color spectrum using a triangular prism.

Green is one of the three primary colors of the RGB additive system... Green spectrum range with a wavelength of 500-565 nanometers (nm), with a frequency range of 600-530 terahertz (THz) and a photon energy range of 2.19-2.48 electron volts (eV).

For the curious ;-)
In England, red, yellow and blue were considered the main colors for a long time, and only in 1861 James Maxwell proposed additive color synthesis as a way to get color images - RGB system (red, green, blue) which currently dominates the color reproduction systems for monitors and televisions.

Green color of sea water
Runs through the glass sky
Early Dawn Star Diamond
Shines in his transparent bosom ...
1901, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

The color of the sea and the color of the aqua

Adjective "nautical" many of us associate with all sorts of combinations of green and blue. Let's try to deal with this adjective ;-) And here you can't do without my favorite physics: reflection, refraction - Her Majesty Geometric Optics + our emotions.

Color of the sea- the color perceived by the eye when the observer looks at the surface of the sea. The color of the sea depends on the color of the sea water, the color of the sky, the amount and nature of the clouds, the height of the Sun above the horizon, and other reasons.

Concept color of the sea should be distinguished from the concept color of sea water... Under color of sea water understand the color perceived by the eye when viewing seawater steeply over a white background. Only a small part of the light rays incident on it is reflected from the surface of the sea, the rest of them penetrates deep into, where it is absorbed and scattered by water molecules, particles of suspended substances and tiny gas bubbles.

The scattered rays reflected and emerging from the sea create color of the sea... Water molecules scatter blue and green rays the most. Suspended particles scatter all rays almost equally. Therefore, seawater with a small amount of suspended matter seems blue-green(the color of the open parts of the oceans), and with a significant amount of suspended matter - yellowish green(for example, the Baltic Sea).

Marine painting

Plunging into marine theme, it is worth referring to the canvases Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky(Gaivazovsky), who wrote about six thousand paintings on the marine theme.
Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovski(Hovhannes Ayvazyan; 07/29/1817 - 05/02/1900) - world famous Russian marine painter, battle painter, collector, philanthropist.

The originality of creativity Aivazovsky consists in a romantic image of the immense grandeur and violent power of the sea element: sunsets blazing with fire, playing on waves of moonlight, ragged clouds filled with thick ink and endless blue flooding the horizon.

What the words "played enough" then I found in reproductions of paintings by Aivazovsky :-)

Sea. Koktebel, 1853

A storm on the sea on a moonlit night, 1853
Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich

Sea. Sunset, 1896
Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich

Sea view, 1865
Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich

§ Delightful descriptions colorful lakes of the Meshchorskaya side performed by Konstantin Paustovsky, read on the green page "Physics and Fiction (Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky)"
§ A scattering of seascapes in the moonlight on the green page "Moon in Painting".
§ Interesting things about sky color read on the green page "Swimming in blue". Translation of "Rayleigh scattering of sunlight" into Russian ;-)
§ About variability and inconstancy colors of the moon read on the green page "Description of the Moon in Poetic Works" - a walk through lunar poetry and painting.

We walked along the seashore ... we go to the underwater kingdom with Russian epic "Sadko" by Ilya Repin.
Repin Ilya Efimovich- Russian painter, master of portraits, historical and everyday scenes.

Repin Ilya Efimovich. Sadko, 1876

Repin painted a picture on the plot of the Novgorod epic "Sadko"... Famous for his playing the harp merchant Sadko by chance, it falls into the underwater kingdom to the sea king. Great music enchants the king. Wanting to listen and listen ... the tsar demands from Sadko to choose one of his daughters as his wife, presented on the canvas in the form of richly dressed beauties personifying different countries and peoples. Mermaid divas are fabulously good, but the heart Sadko belongs Cernave... (to a girl dressed as a simple Russian peasant woman, standing at a distance in the upper left corner of the picture).
To more convincingly show the bizarre, fantastic marine life, in the process of painting Ilya Repin visits the recently opened marine aquarium in Berlin. The artist uses the richest palette of colors in the painting: from light olive to rich green... To enhance the effect, Repin draws his epic heroes surrounded by fantastic fish, shimmering with their scales, bizarre coral scallops, intricate shells and starfish.
Ilya Repin's painting "Sadko" became the first in the epic Russian painting... For this picture Ilya Repin was awarded the title of academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts.

§ A fascinating journey through the underwater kingdom with jellyfish, scallops and squid on

Green in colors and numbers

Colors in Html denoted by hexadecimal ( HEX) the notation for the combination red (R), green (G) and blue (B) colors. The smallest color value is 0 (hexadecimal 00 ). The highest color value is 255 (hexadecimal FF). The hexadecimal color value is three pairs of hexadecimal digits starting with a sign # ... Records of the form are also used: rgb (0.128.0) or records by color name (for example, Green).

Equivalent records(filling the table cell with green):

The rectangles (table cells) filled with shades of green are not drawn shades, but precisely the same HEX.
I decided to divide the shades of green into thematic groups :-)

Tea composition


Khaki (from Hindi "dusty")

Forest green veil

Medicinal and delicious

Forest fairy tale

Frog kingdom

Green gems

Green geography

Webmaster Tools

Another site, this time in Russian, which, I hope, will do you good service when developing color schemes. The site has three great services:

updated 04.05.2012

Traditional Japanese colors Is a set of colors that have been used since ancient times in Japan in the manufacture of clothing and in other crafts, and are also described in the literature. I invite readers of green pages to get acquainted with some traditional Japanese green colors.



Spring in Japan

Green cooking

The culinary section of my article will focus exclusively on the classics - no overseas delights, no artificial colors, flavors and other contraceptives. Do it yourself and in a good mood!

There are three varieties of classic colored sauces:
White sauce(for boiled rabbit, veal, lamb and chicken; based on: flour, eggs, broth and butter + your fantasies in terms of seasonings);
Red sauce(for chopped cutlets, fried meat and tongue; based on: flour, tomatoes, carrots, onions and butter + your fantasies in terms of seasonings); and…
Green sauce(to cold fish dishes and fish fried in breadcrumbs), and here the details have already gone ...

Green sauce

Boil the washed lettuce, spinach, tarragon or parsley leaves in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, remove, drain, chop finely, rub through a hair sieve and mix with mayonnaise sauce adding vinegar and salt to taste. Serve green sauce to cold fish, as well as to fish fried in breadcrumbs. For 1/2 cup of mayonnaise sauce - 1 tablespoon of cooked and grated lettuce, spinach, tarragon or parsley, 1 tablespoon of vinegar.

Mayonnaise sauce: Pour raw egg yolks into a porcelain or earthenware bowl, salt and stir with a broom or spatula. Then pour in in small portions (teaspoon each) vegetable oil, each time thoroughly mixing it with the yolks. When a thick homogeneous mass is obtained from the butter and yolks, add the vinegar. If the sauce is too thick, add about a tablespoon of warm water to it. For a spicier taste, you can add 1/4 teaspoon of ready-made mustard to the sauce, which must be mixed with the yolks before dressing the sauce with oil. 1/2 cup vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) - 1 egg or 4 quail eggs (yolks), 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar.

Bon appetit and evergreen mood, everyone!

Blooming garden through colored glass- the final chord of the trilogy "Primary colors of the additive system RGB": Walk on red (Red); Traveling in Green; Swimming on blue(Blue).

P.S.: In my wardrobe there were no green blouses or green skirts ... only green pants were found :-) However, I like the green color, and I am happy to use it when developing advertising layouts for printing and in color schemes of website design, giving preference to cheerful and warm shades of green.

Tatiana Kulinich

Green is considered the color of life itself. Indeed, in spring and summer, during the heyday of nature, everything is literally buried in greenery. And greenery is both future fruits and shelter from the heat of the sun and wild animals. Therefore, at the deepest subconscious level, all living beings perceive green as a symbol of security and abundance. Few people know that the human eye is able to perceive the greatest number of shades of green. Biologists argue that this is due to the need to distinguish between predators and other hazards in the green thickets, the natural habitat of the ancestors of modern humans.

Shades of green

This rich color has a myriad of varieties. Many of them are named after precious stones... It's emerald, dark and saturated shade green. Or malachite, slightly brighter green. Green mixed with blue is called turquoise. Other shades of green are named after the plants that have this color. The wasp color is green with a grayish undertone. Pistachio - slightly "dusty", surprisingly delicate green in light colors. In recent decades, the so-called neon green color has become fashionable. It is a very bright, poisonous light green hue. And then there is the bottle, the color of young grass, green-brown and many others. All the riches of this color cannot be enumerated.

The symbolic meaning of green

As mentioned above, the main meaning of green is life, growth, development. Many ancient deities associated with vegetation were depicted with this color. As an example, we can recall the Egyptian god Osiris, who is painted with green skin. Some Orthodox icons in green robes depict the Mother of God. This color emphasizes her mercy and motherly love for all of humanity. In many modern esoteric teachings, where female deities play a large role (for example, Wicca), they are also depicted in green tones. We can say with confidence that green is the color of motherhood, femininity, giving life and love.

Green is also considered a symbol of peace and harmony. Muslims consider this color to be the personification of their religion, where for them it means the freshness and fragrance of the Gardens of Eden. In hot countries, where Islam was born, a green oasis is truly a divine gift and a guarantee of survival in the unbearable heat. This color is also associated with naturalness, naturalness, closeness to nature. There is even an environmental party named after the shade, the Green Party.

Like any color, green also has negative meanings. They can be traced in some folk sayings. Too young, inexperienced, naive person is called "green". There is also the expression "longing for green," which reveals green as a negative symbol of stagnation. The image of a viscous, wet, sucking swamp fully conveys this negative meaning of a given color.

Physiological and health effects of green

This color has a mild, calming effect on the central nervous system. Deep greens can cause drowsiness, whereas light shades just relieve unnecessary stress. With the help of meditation on this color, you can reduce high blood pressure, relieve migraines and other pains. This color is also good for wound healing, immunity activation. That is why in many hospitals and sanatoriums the walls are painted green.

Like blue, green helps to reduce appetite and subconsciously adjust to healthy food. Many experts advise during the diet to eat from dishes painted green. Most likely, you will eat less than usual. In general, this particular shade can be called a symbol of health, psychological and physical. Therefore, it is also recommended to use it for people suffering from hypochondria, a tendency to seek out various diseases in themselves.

The psychological impact of green

This color relaxes a person, inspires him with the idea that there is no threat nearby. Literally in all countries, a green color at traffic lights or other signs means that traffic is allowed, it is safe here. Together with a calming effect, it also has a mild stimulating effect. Green liberates, inspires confidence and sympathy. Psychologists, educators, doctors often paint their offices in this color so that clients who come to them feel freer. The premises of various hobby groups, yoga studios are also painted in this color. People in a green room become friendlier and more open with each other.

Shades of green muffle any negative emotions... With their help, you can quickly get rid of anger and irritation. However, those suffering from depression should be careful when using it. For depressive disorder nervous system a person is inhibited, and the calming effect of green inhibits it even more. But with a slight melancholy and sadness, light shades of green (herbal, pistachio) will quickly cheer you up.

Green color in clothes, image

Green shades are great for both business and casual styles. This color is truly versatile, it dyes young girls and mature ladies. Due to the richness of shades of this color, it is combined with both warm and cold colors. Remember that any outfit should be decorated in the same color scheme. To warm pistachio blossom it is worth picking up equally warm shades, for example, peach. Cold emerald is combined with gray, dark blue, black. Green can also be used to create a festive look. However, do not forget to dilute it with bright accessories, because green itself is a calm, not eye-catching color. Makeup artists advise using green shadows only for women with fairly dark skin. On lighter faces, this color can accentuate pallor.

The green shade is suitable for creating an image of a reliable, calm, soft person. It is suitable for service workers, those who spend a lot of time in communication with people. It should be used with caution by people who want to emphasize their leadership skills... Green does not dispose to this. This is the color of a diligent performer, not a leader. Although if this color is not abused, but used only occasionally, it will help the leader to establish trusting relationships with subordinates.

Green color in the interior

This shade creates a homely, almost intimate atmosphere. Therefore, it is indispensable in home interior those people who value comfort and family warmth. When decorating home spaces, designers advise using warm variations of this color: grassy, ​​pistachio, malachite. They are perfect for decorating a nursery or bedroom. However, in the latter case, do not forget to dilute the green more bright colors... Otherwise, the abundance of this color in the bedroom can negatively affect your intimate life. The kitchen, decorated in a green shade, will be conducive to pleasant communication while eating. But do not forget that green itself can slightly reduce the amount of food consumed. Add yellow to it, and your household will delight you with an excellent appetite.

Cool shades of green set up a working mood, so they can be used in home office or at work. Turquoise known for its positive effects on creativity. Even a short meditation on turquoise will help solve difficult task, will attract new ideas. Therefore, this shade should definitely be used when decorating your office.

Green in advertising

With this color, advertisers try to inspire confidence in buyers, present themselves as reliable and polite specialists in their field. Please note that green is the color most commonly used in advertising for deposits. Thus, the bank promises clients that their money will be in a safe place. Green is often used by various financial scammers. After all, this color is not only a symbol of reliability, but also income growth without special costs. For example, financial Pyramide MMM 2011 used exactly green to guarantee its clients passive income. Often this color promises the naturalness and healthiness of the product being sold.

Color and character: love or rejection of green

A person who chooses green as a loved one has a soft, calm, docile character. He has a highly developed female energy. Its purpose is to take care, protect, nurture. Such a person, as a rule, quickly finds mutual language with children and animals. Its disadvantage is excessive passivity. He tends to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of others, completely forgetting about himself.

Anyone who is annoyed by green has a too hot temperament. He is constantly looking for adventure, he does not sit in one place. Opponents of green are prone to unmotivated outbursts of aggression. They have difficulties in order to trust others, to open up to them in communication. Such people need to master relaxation techniques in order to learn how to release excess stress.

Green brings back memories of early childhood when we felt complete peace in our mother's arms. And as adults, we still seek the same security and warmth. A look at green gardens, plants brings us back this amazing peace. This color can be safely called a symbol of our common mother, the Earth, which astronomers call the green planet.

Tatiana Kulinich for All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indication of the author and an active link to the site