The interior is a combination of beige and pistachio green. Pistachio living room - original interior solutions

For several years now, natural shades have occupied a stable position in design, evoking associations with fruits, plants or landscapes. This is due to the ease of perception natural varieties that allow you to create the maximum comfortable atmosphere in room. Among the entire palette, the pistachio color in the interior is the most common - mainly due to its ability to combine with other colors and the ability to fit into any room.

Features and effects on the psyche

The shell of the beloved nut was the source of the pistachio color. This is a mixture of blue-green and yellow tones, which can be bright or pastel if diluted with white.

Surrounded by this shade, the inhabitants feel comfortable, cosy, and safe. More muted varieties create a calming environment, while saturated ones energize.

Designers appreciate pistachio because of its versatile properties. The thing is, it doesn't change. different types lighting - whether it be the rays of the sun or lamps, the coating will retain its original tone. Color can be used for any elements in the interior: decoration, furniture, decor or textiles. Walls will enhance the perception, and compact details will become a noticeable accent that attracts attention.

Pistachio color will fit perfectly into many styles, but with a few reservations. For example, for Provence, you need to limit yourself only to pastel variations in the form of individual objects. In the classics, dark shades look harmonious, and bright ones usually appear in combination with the same tone of other colors.

As part of modern style it is better to use it as a compositional center, and in minimalism - small inclusions. Rarely pistachio color is found in Scandinavian interior, gravitating towards white, as in high-tech hi-tech. If desired, you can add it to the palette of the room, balancing it with neutral views.

Color combinations

As already mentioned, pistachio can peacefully coexist with many shades, and with some of them it forms a very stylish pair. Consider a few successful combinations.

Pistachio with white

An interior dominated by these two colors has a calm, natural feel, as versatile white can softly tint even a rich variation of pistachio, bringing even more light into the room.

Often you can find two options for using this combination. In the first case, one or more walls reflect the shade of walnut, and the furniture is painted white. In the second - on the contrary, and this solution is more preferable for small spaces, as it allows you to visually expand the space, while creating a variety of colors.

Pistachio with blue

This pair usually does not act as the main color range due to the saturation of the final design, but is harmonized with neutral blotches. In the interior, it is often embodied in elements adjacent to each other, creating a lively, natural atmosphere.

It can be a marine or pastel shade - pistachio will form a successful combination with any of them. The success of the “union” lies in the belonging of one color to cold tones, and the other to warm ones.

Pistachio with yellow

Yellow will only emphasize the presence of this shade in the composition of pistachio. As a result, even a few details with such colors will make the room sunny and very warm - perfect solution for houses with windows facing north, letting in little natural light during the day. Bright wall cladding will help enhance the effect, but this is a very bold design option.

Pistachio brown

Brown can be presented as an independent color or finishing material- wood. The second option demonstrates a wide palette of not only textures, but also tones, among which warm ones should be preferred. They are better combined with pistachio, emphasizing its natural origin.

In the interior, it can be used for wall decoration - then the wooden set will stand out well against its background. The color can act as a textile, for example for furniture upholstery. This is a great combination that suits the classic style.

Pistachio with pink

A memorable pair is formed by a natural pistachio color with a less natural pink. You can achieve an interesting effect by playing with their saturation. For example, pastel varieties can coexist in any incarnation: partitions, furniture, decor. And saturated ones must be added carefully, balancing with white.

Pistachio color in interior design - photo

The areas of application of the pistachio shade depend not only on the preferences of the owners, but also on the room and its conditions. Somewhere you need to create a calming atmosphere, and somewhere you need to add certain materials.

Pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen

In such an environment, the process of cooking will turn into an exciting experience, as pistachio helps to increase the activity and mood of visitors.

In this space, it is often found in the form of wall tiling - the most versatile material for working area, which is constantly exposed to high temperatures, humidity and various types of pollution.

In a dining area away from work, you can pick up pistachio-colored paint or wallpaper, as conditions are more stable here. Washable wallpapers and other moisture-resistant varieties will do their job perfectly.

Shade is used for furniture set, with white, black or wooden countertops. This solution is well suited for Provence, classics, as well as modern style.

Pistachio color in the interior of the living room

In a place designed for relaxation in the company of loved ones or a good movie, color plays an important role in creating the right atmosphere. Pistachio is a very friendly summer shade, so its presence in the living room is not only permissible, but also highly desirable.

In spacious rooms, you can paint all the walls without worrying that the solution will overload the composition. Pastel colors are especially suitable for such purposes. In small spaces, you can arrange only one part of the living room, for example, the central one, on which the TV screen is located.

If you need to stop for more laconic design, then the pistachio color can be embodied in one or more objects: a sofa, carpet, curtains or wall paintings. This is an option for modern styles.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom

Since the bedroom should promote relaxation and prepare for the upcoming sleep, it is recommended to limit yourself to pistachio-colored textiles. Works great with this bed sheets, highlighting the bed as the main center of the room.

On the other hand, the pistachio design can be a real salvation for those who find it hard to wake up in the morning. Walls in such a range will quickly set you in an active mood and cheer you up. To balance the impact, you can weave in white, blue or beige details.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bathroom

In the bathroom, this shade is used for decoration or furniture, as plumbing - the main element of the space - is often presented in a white, glossy version.

Special washable paints can survive indoors with high humidity, but it is better to give preference to traditional tiles, which will not only withstand any load, but also help diversify a monochromatic coating.

These can be large fragments or small mosaics that alternate with other colors, glossy or matte surfaces. The interior will look harmonious, making a reference to natural landscapes.

Green colors in the interior of the house support the atmosphere of optimism - this is the property of this palette. Pistachio, refers to complex, compound colors. The color of young greenery, joyful awakening of nature, filling with life, such emotions evoke green colors in the house. It is pleasing to the eye and the desire to get the right shade pushes many to experiment in tinting. How to mix paints and get the coveted pistachio color for the walls of your living room, kitchen, bedroom, in a word, in those places where you most often visit? Simple and difficult at the same time. It takes patience, time, inspiration and a photo of your ideal interior design.

The magic of mixing paint colors

The color got its name from nuts, splitting the shell of which, you can see a pleasant green color. The palette varies from brown-green, a little withered to joyful light color. It is worth understanding what shade you need to get in the interior. In any case, you will need certain colors colors, and the question of how to get a pistachio color will be resolved in practice.

The palette ranges from brown-green, a little withered to a joyful light color!

What is needed for work:

  • color sample (interior photo, wallpaper piece, illustration);
  • paints: blue-green, yellow (ochre, terracotta);
  • brush; paper;
  • palette for mixing paints;
  • a glass of water.

Fix the sample in the middle of the paper. Start mixing colors. Gradually adding color, gently mix until smooth and paint near the sample. By varying the amount of a particular color, color saturation, texture density, strive for a perfect match with the selected sample. Write down the proportions of the colors you mix, to paint the walls you need to know the exact dosage of each color. Enjoy the process, because the walls in the house will be painted in your favorite shade. Make several samples from light pastel to dark saturated color.

If the speed of getting what you want is more important to you, then visit hardware store. In the paints and varnishes department, you will be offered pigments, mixing them with the base color, you get the desired pistachio color for walls or other surfaces. With this approach, you can vary the intensity, density, compatibility with other shades.

The easiest selection option is to purchase ready-made tinted paint in the right amount. Choose a shade according to the RAL palette. Exploring the proposed palette, it is easy to understand what saturation and density of shade is needed for your interior, to choose color combinations in the design of the room. Take a closer look at the catalogs, where there are photos of interiors using the selected palette.

The easiest selection option is to purchase ready-made tinted paint in the right amount!

Pistachio in the interior

Interior design in green tones belongs to a natural, eco-friendly line, most often it is chosen by cheerful people and optimists. For walls use pistachio-colored painting or wallpaper. It is ideal for the kitchen, where the positive impact on all family members is most noticeable, the housewives in the interior pistachio cuisine easily cope with household chores. Numerous photos of interiors speak of the demand for thematic design tied to the color scheme.

Light pistachio, pleasant for any room and combined with white, brown, yellow. It is enough to put a laminate or a natural board on the floor, in a room where the walls have a pistachio green tint, to feel the atmosphere of comfort. This combination is most in demand for the kitchen: bright and calming at the same time. Photos from exhibitions prove the interest of professionals in these color duets.

Pistachio-colored wallpapers will be appropriate in any room, whether it be a hallway, an office or a nursery. The optimism of this color is charged with creativity and can be combined with almost the entire spectrum of warm shades of the palette. Brown, caramel, turquoise, yellow, cream, peach hues are the perfect companions for pistachio variety from light pastel to dense color filling.

Pistachio-colored wallpaper will be appropriate in any room, whether it be a hallway, an office or a nursery!

If the kitchen design is decided in neutral shades, but you fell in love with the pistachio color, bring it into the interior with color accents: textiles, accessories, photo frames and other ways. Using a few photos of interiors that you like, make a collage to understand the idea of ​​​​your own home.

Kitchens, in the interior of which there is a positive pistachio color, are very light in visual perception. The entire interior can be filled with only one color, because the variety of shades allows you to move within the selected framework.

The combination of pistachio with other colors

  • White and pistachio . Eternal spring - this is how you can characterize the design of a green-white interior. The combination visually expands the space and instills in it the freshness of young sprouts.

  • Gray and pistachio . The combination is truly respectable, allowing you to play with shades of two colors, the gamut of which is almost endless: combinations from light joyful to deeply emotional, give scope to creative ideas.

  • Brown and pistachio . The most natural natural combination of colors, comfortable for life and peace of mind.
  • Yellow and pistachio . Positivity at its peak. Filled with light, such an interior does not let you lose heart, fall into depression. The expressiveness of the combination is softened by the intensity of one or both colors. In interior design, one of the colors is used as a companion to the main one. Which of them plays the first violin is not so important, dosed use will give a boost of energy in any case.

  • peach and pistachio . fresh, for balance, the point addition of a neutral shade of beige is required. Two composite shades in one interior give an application for exclusivity, because the range of both colors is so diverse that their play can be endless.

  • Turquoise and pistachio . A gamma of distant shores and unearthly beauty. East, travel, bliss and sophistication are reflected in this combination. The interior in these colors is free from banal solutions, filled with air, freedom of self-expression. light turquoise shades give harmonious combination with pastel shades of green, and saturated colors make the design luxurious.

You can combine pistachio color with almost any other color, in its perception it is non-conflict. Playing with shades of green, it is brought into the design of any interior, creating unique images, styles and even new directions in the design of premises, interiors, objects.

You can combine pistachio color with almost any other color, in its perception it is non-conflict!

Video gallery

Pistachio color in the interior is universal. Depending on the chosen tone and environment, you can create accents, or give the interior an atmosphere of nobility and luxury. In addition, it is unpretentious when combined with other shades.

Pistachio color is appropriate for the design of any residential premises. Under the wallpaper of this shade, you can choose furniture, carpet and accessories light shades. Light brown laminate or parquet is suitable as a floor covering.

With the help of pistachio color in the interior, you can create accents. Beautiful soft light green curtains and decorative pillows will give the room luxury and sophistication, give a spring mood.

Living room in pistachio color

Pistachio color is not capricious, and is easily matched to other shades. It can be successfully combined not only with classic, but also with saturated colors.

With white

The combination of pistachio color in the interior with white is universal. It looks unobtrusive, can be pleasant or energetic. It all depends on the environment and the geometry of the combinations. In romantic directions, as well as country or retro stylizations, discreet patterns and alternations can be applied.

dynamic and modern design no frills can be made up of: color spots, large shapes, geometric patterns, textiles and a minimum amount of furniture. Here you can use evenly colored elements and large ornaments. This style can be successfully matched to the kitchen or dining room. Also, this combination is often chosen for finishing latrines and offices, as this technique visually enlarges the space and makes the room larger.

Big corner sofa in the interior in pistachio color

Bright pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen

With gray

Gray gives respectability. Pistachio color with gray-pearl creates a mysterious atmosphere, and with thick graphite brings contrast and depth. The combination of pistachio and gray looks especially advantageous in classic interiors.

With black

Bold and slightly aggressive. Here, black looks interesting and stylish, for example, in the kitchen or in the bathroom, you can use black granite tiles.

With orange

The pistachio color in the interior perfectly sets off noble terracotta harmonies, appetizing orange notes, aristocratic brick orange and velvety peach tones. Orange gamma with pistachio color the interior looks cheerful and warm. With this combination, it opens up juicier, as the orange activates the yellow tone.

with brown

Such a composition is striking in its diversity. Pistachio color is elegantly combined with any hints of brown. The design turns out to be very warm and attracts with natural harmony. Thick chocolate paints are suitable for the living room, and the color natural wood relevant for decorating dining rooms and kitchens.

Design in pistachio color

Bedroom interior in pistachio color

with purple

The combination of pistachio and purple allows you to create unique, memorable interiors that envelop you with mystery and coolness. Violet and lilac notes can be used in compositions. To add layering and style, you can use dark polished surfaces.

With turquoise

It turns out fresh interesting and unusual design. By experimenting with lighting and using different shades, you can equip a spacious and cozy environment. The success of this combination lies in the consonance between the cold notes that are part of both tones, thanks to which they create a beautiful pair.

With pink

Such a weave may seem naive, but depending on the concentration of pink, you can form a passionate, elegant and even daring combination. The richer the pink, the more it removes the pistachio into the background.

Kitchen design in pistachio color

Kitchen interior in pistachio color

The benefits of a golden pistachio palette

The main advantage of the golden-pistachio combination lies in the brightness and creation of a chic environment. These two colors are combined very harmoniously with each other, the main thing is to use gold dosed. The golden-pistachio palette can be used together, for example, in decorating elements. Subdued lighting makes the shades close to each other. Golden pistachio colors will appeal to people who prefer chic and interesting styling.

Beautiful bright kitchen in pistachio color

Bright kitchen design in pistachio color

Table of combinations of pistachio color with others in different rooms


wood shades





bleached oak

living room

Pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen

Bright living room design in pistachio color

Features of pistachio color

Pistachio gamma - perfect option for rooms with poor natural light. In addition, the color does not lose saturation even under artificial lighting.

Due to its consistency and at the same time saturation, the shade can be used in any living space, harmoniously selected for a variety of directions. It does not cause visual overload and does not inspire fatigue, on the contrary, it sets you up for positive and energizes.

Pistachio color in the interior

Bright bedroom design in pistachio color

The main feature of the shade is unambiguity. There is no need to consider the size and layout of the room or other factors that change the perception of color. A feature of the wallpaper is their unobtrusiveness. Regardless of the brightness, this color will never seem superfluous.

From a psychological point of view, light green energizes and calms. Such wallpapers will perfectly fit into classic styles, it is especially appropriate to combine them with gilded accessories and rich patterns. For Provence, country and retro, you can choose wallpaper with floral motifs, for modern or minimalism, more saturated solid colors are suitable.

What styles are appropriate?

It is quite often used in modern minimalist styles. This is due to the fact that it combines incomparably with gloss, plastic surfaces and chrome elements.

Very harmoniously green fits into the eco-style. Pistachio inclusions will look spectacular in eclecticism and pop art.

Pistachio color in the interior

Forge in pistachio color

In the Tuscan style, they use Forged Products, tree and various shades of green.

Pastel pistachio will be an exquisite addition to a light and romantic Provence.

Creating warm greens in the kitchen

First of all, you need to decide whether pistachio will be secondary or predominant. In the kitchen, light green walls look harmoniously with both dark and light furniture. With pistachio-colored wallpaper, it is best to combine kitchen accessories made from natural materials.

You can pick up walls of purple, emerald, wine and sea tones for light green sets. Pistachio furniture refreshes the rich shade of the wallpaper.

It is characterized by versatility, therefore it is equally well perceived both in small and spacious kitchens with low and high ceilings, regardless of the lighting and layout of the room.

Corridor design in pistachio color

Pistachio room design

Living room interior in pistachio color

Pistachio color in the interior of the living room will give a feeling of freshness. Light green visually enlarges the room, so it is well suited for small rooms. In a large living room, it can be harmoniously complemented by a purple accent, for example, a sofa. white ceiling successfully emphasizes the brightness of shades.

For a hall in a classic style, a combination with pastel colors. Light beige wallpapers are ideally combined with gently light green armchairs, a sofa and curtains. Such a composition can be supplemented with a voluminous green lampshade.

Beautiful bedroom in pistachio color

Interior in pistachio color

Pistachio in the bathroom

It can easily fit into the design of the finished bathroom. Light green accessories are well suited for white, pink and blue tiles.

A restroom in Provence or retro styling can be decorated in a pistachio-lavender composition. This combination looks sophisticated and interesting, it can be supplemented with wicker crafts, textiles with frills.

Pistachio color in the nursery

According to psychologists, this is an ideal range for decorating a nursery. It is neutral and suitable for both toddlers and teens. In addition, light green will appeal to both boys and girls.

In the baby's room, a combination with soft lavender will create an atmosphere of peace, and preschoolers will love the combination with juicy flowers partners. teen room can be supplemented with multi-colored attributes and bleached oak sets. You can add lilac to the girls' room, which will soften the greenish background and create an atmosphere of tenderness and comfort.

Light kitchen design in pistachio color

Pistachio color in design

Psychologists claim that it is ideal for a nursery, because:

  • soothes and gives restful sleep;
  • develops imagination;
  • increases mental activity;
  • promotes concentration;
  • depending on the saturation of colors, you can create a romantic mood for girls, and an energetic atmosphere for boys.

When designing a nursery, it is worth remembering that the recreation area should be with a minimum number of accents. The area near the bed is best decorated in a gentle tone.

Interior room in pistachio color

Living room interior in pistachio color

Pistachio in the bedroom

For decoration, you can use almost the entire gamut. The only thing to remember is that in small rooms you should not use dark shades, but gentle ones, on the contrary, will expand the space. Bedrooms look quite interesting in classic styles with light furniture. You can complement the room with a chandelier and mirrors in a metal frame, a wrought-iron table. You can create comfort with the help of pictures and beautiful indoor plants. To complement the ensemble will help heavy curtains and bedding, matched to the tone.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom can be combined with white, burgundy and gray. You can create a warm romantic atmosphere when combined with peach or pink, and turquoise and blue notes relax and evoke well. Nice memories about the sea coast.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom

Pistachio color and natural materials

The greenish tone is perceived naturally, so it goes well with almost all natural materials. Harmoniously perceived with objects and accessories made of bamboo, wood, stone, and emphasizes their natural beauty.

Characteristics of pistachio

  • Refers to summer colors, which are characterized by lightness. It is in harmony with muted colors, but dark objects that will look overly defiant should be avoided. Dark will look good flooring, but the dark lamp in this case will seem superfluous.
  • It can be used as a base or background for brighter notes. The pistachio color in the interior invigorates and makes the atmosphere more comfortable and light.
  • On the psychological condition and a person's mood is influenced by his color environment. For example, it is hard to relax and rest comfortably in a room with bright red or yellow wallpaper. Pistachio in this regard is versatile, it does not tire, it is easily combined with various color solutions and does not come.

Video: Pistachio color in interior design

If you are looking for something completely new and interesting to decorate the interior of your reception room, check out the pistachio theme. Pistachio color in the interior of the living room is a new trendy color composition that can not only make the design more refined, but also significantly refresh it, bring it closer to something natural, pristine.

Light and casual pistachio color is well suited for living rooms of small sizes. Since it not only visually expands the space of the room, but also makes the room lighter and more airy. In this article, we will not only talk about the benefits of pistachio color, but also how it manifests itself in various combinations with other colors. And also about how harmoniously pistachio interior items fit into the design of the living room.

Is it worth decorating the living room in pistachio tones?

To answer the question of whether it is worth decorating a living room in pistachio tones, you should determine what advantages this color has over others. Let's do it.

Speaking about the advantages of pistachio color in the interior of the reception room, one cannot fail to note its shortcomings. After all, we must be objective and weigh all the pros and cons. Each of the minuses indicated by us is evaluative in nature. Therefore, it is possible that for you all this will not be of decisive importance. So, the disadvantages of pistachio design.

The specifics of pistachio color in the living room and its place in the color composition

We have already said that the pistachio color in the interior must be combined correctly in order to end up with an organic and sophisticated color composition. However, we have not yet discussed how to do this correctly. Let's correct this annoying oversight and talk about the combination of pistachio color with other colors.

We decorate the walls, floor and ceiling of the guest room

The specifics of the design of horizontal and vertical surfaces in the reception room will greatly depend on the interior composition you have chosen. However, there are three rules that apply to any living room decorated in any style.

  1. If you intend to decorate the walls in pistachio tones, be sure to think about diluting this color. plain pistachio walls will look too bright and saturated, which in this case is quite bad. Dilute this color large pattern or combine it with other colors.
  2. On the floor and ceiling, pistachio color is either not used at all, or used in very small quantities as accents. For example, it looks good on PVC stretch ceiling beautiful drawing with hints of pistachio.
  3. Pistachio accent on the floor also needs to be added wisely. Design solutions there is a mass. But the fact is that not all of them in their pure form are applicable to your living room with their own individual features. For example, very often a wenge-colored laminate flooring is successfully combined with a pistachio threshold that separates two functional areas. Such a threshold has two functions: actually dividing the room into two functional zones and decorating the floor, adding a bright highlight to it, which immediately attracts attention.

Some features of the organization of living room lighting in pistachio tones

The organization of lighting in a pistachio-colored room does not have any serious features. It must be remembered that the pistachio color in the interior manifests itself quite brightly. Therefore, spot lighting in places where pistachio is concentrated will not always be appropriate. Everything will depend on what colors you combined pistachio with, if it is gray or chocolate, then spot lighting is needed, if it is white or turquoise, then you can do without it.

The main rule is this: you should not use a bright directional source of artificial light, the task of which is to highlight an interior element painted in pistachio. It doesn't look very good. Because it turns out a reflection that gives ripples in the eyes.

Pistachio interior furniture

For lovers of furniture of this color, we can give advice right away:

Do not purchase collections of pistachio furniture, because it is difficult to predict in advance which items from this collection will organically merge into the design composition, and which ones are better to refuse.

Usually, when the pistachio design composition is already more or less looming, when the walls, floor and ceiling are decorated, when the textiles are roughly matched, then you can think about furniture. There are a couple of valuable recommendations from designers on this subject, let's give them.

Summing up, we note that the pistachio color in the interior of the reception room can be a highlight that will make the decoration of the room unique, noble and sophisticated. The main thing is to properly dispose of this color. To do this, you need to remember not only the basic rules regarding color combinations, but also the effects that this color creates in the interior living quarters. Good luck with your design endeavors!