Rejuvenated room. Flower rejuvenated (stone rose), planting and care at home, photo

Most people know the youth as a stone rose or hare cabbage, but in fact its name is translated from Latin as “undying”, and the youth more than justifies its name. In addition to the main quality - unpretentiousness, stone Flower has medicinal properties, and is loved and popular for its exceptional appearance. We will understand the basics of caring for a plant at home: planting, growing conditions and reproduction.

Description of youth

The origin of the plant, external signs and features of the habitat

Young or Sempervivum has many more different names, for example: wild garlic or homemade onion, steppe turnip or wild artichoke, tenacious, thunder grass and roofer.

It's perennial herbaceous plant with fleshy foliage belongs to the Crassulaceae family. The juvenile forms a very dense rosette of succulent alternate leaves, pubescent with glandular hairs. There are also "naked" plants.

Rejuvenated forms a very beautiful and dense rosette of fleshy leaves

Molodil has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, the plant is used to heal ulcers, in diseases of the heart and respiratory system.

The plant is common in Europe, the Caucasus and in South-East Asia, young prefers to live in mountainous areas.

Molodil was in demand even in the days of the Roman Empire. It was endowed with supernatural properties and it was believed that the plant protects a person from a lightning strike, and by order of Charlemagne, young people were massively planted on the roofs of houses.

It used to be believed that youth on the roof saves from lightning strikes, now it's just a great way to decorate the roof

French men wore young on their chests to protect themselves from snakes. And the girls in Russia rubbed their youthful cheeks for a blush.

In addition to superstitious love for a stone rose, a person has long appreciated it for its ability to maintain a decorative rosette throughout the season and immunity to frost.

The unique shape of the leaves collected in rosettes looks very beautiful and unusual, both in the garden and in the home interior.

Molodilo - a wonderful garden designer

How difficult is it to grow at home

It was easy to cultivate young as an independent plant right in the apartment, observing the necessary conditions for its comfortable maintenance. Namely, use the right substrate, carry out rare and scarce waterings, protect sockets from dampness and provide the plant with intense lighting and heat.

In winter, it is better not to put the young on the windowsill. Essential temperature changes, the frosty air of an open window and the danger of a draft can destroy a flower, even with all its unpretentiousness. A stone rose is successfully decorated with additional elements like a colored stone, shell or tree bark, so placing it directly in the room in cold weather will be even better. So you protect the plant from the danger of getting sick and give yourself the pleasure of admiring the young more often.

Stone rose can be decorated for any style of interior

But in the summer, putting the plant on a window lit by the sun, you can enjoy the view of bright rosettes and even flowers.

Table: seasonal plant care at home

In nature, young people independently adapt to climate changes, but if a plant is grown in an apartment, it is necessary to create conditions for it to feel good.

Differences young from echeveria

The great resemblance between young and echeveria allows inexperienced flower growers to confuse these two plants. They are both from the Tolstyankov family and are really very similar. But, if they can be confused at first glance, then after a detailed examination and study, one can be convinced that they are different both externally and from a botanical point of view.

In juveniles, the leaves look somewhat more elegant, while echeveria forms “fat” foliage; the sockets of the younger ones are smaller, but echeveria does not tolerate cold at all.

Young does not form stems at all and its rosettes develop “lying down”, and echeveria is able to stretch even in poor lighting, dropping the lower leaves.

The most obvious difference between these plants is seen during natural reproduction. Echeveria lets out its shoots exclusively from the base of the stem, and the young grow up offspring on the "whiskers", like strawberries.

Video: how to care for a stone rose - general information

Such different young

There are a lot of varieties of stone roses and each variety surprises with the shade of its rosettes. There are pink and silver juveniles, yellow, variegated and even burgundy colors. This diversity allows you to combine sockets different types into one composition. And when cultivating different varieties in the neighborhood through cross-pollination, different hybrids of the young appear.

Varieties and types

  • (Sempervivum tectorum): rosettes are spherical, slightly flattened, up to 15 cm in diameter with large fleshy leaves framed with red tips. It blooms for a month and a half in the second half of summer with dark red flowers in the form of a multi-pointed star. Distributed in Europe and Asia Minor.
  • (Sempervivum arachnoideum): found in the highlands of western Europe. Forms small rosettes, up to 4 cm in diameter, slightly flattened at the top. Leaves in rosettes are lanceolate, oblong, slightly curved. Foliage color turns red-brown in autumn. Peduncles about 30 cm in height. (Sempervivum globiferum: most often found in the Caucasus and Turkey. Small rosettes with ovate leaves, darkening towards the top, oblong and sharp at the ends. (Sempervivum ruthenicum): grows in the Balkans, the European part of Russia and in Asia Minor. Forms a medium-sized rosette, 6 cm in diameter, with oblong foliage, pointed at the tips. It blooms with yellow flowers, collected in large inflorescences on tall peduncles. (Sempervivum soboliferum): small rosettes up to 5 cm in diameter with light green leaves turning red at the top. It blooms from July and all August with yellow flowers collected in inflorescences.

Photo gallery: plant varieties that you can grow yourself

Planting and transplanting - how to plant correctly

Selection of containers and soil

Usually, a stone rose is transplanted only when it has already filled the entire space of the pot with rosettes, but this does not happen soon. Therefore, replanting young in more spacious containers is carried out no more than once every three to four years.

The soil for juveniles should always be crumbly, not clayey and not acidic. Young loves humus and sand. Can also be used as a substrate ready mix for cacti, which is sold in the store, but it is better to add crushed charcoal to such soil.

Drainage should be no less than a third of the volume of the pot. This is necessary to protect the plant from excess moisture, and through such drainage it will be removed quickly and easily. Young has a rather modest root system and therefore you don’t have to worry that it won’t have enough remaining space in the pot.

You can plant a plant in open ground at any time, until the very end of September. The main condition for planting is that the plant has time to take root before the onset of frost, otherwise it will not take root and die.

Photo gallery: choosing the right flower pot

Today, a stone rose is planted in very original containers. Due to its compact root system and preference for light soil, it can be grown even in an old boot.

Video: planting a stone rose in a pot

How to plant young in the florarium

Florarium is a glass container with a substrate and plants, where a special microclimate is created, suitable for plants. The florarium is a kind of ecosystem, a mini-landscape, an unpretentious plant world on a shelf. Plants in the florarium do not need constant care.

Young is great for creating a small florarium

You can make a similar florarium with a stone rose yourself.

  1. To do this, in a glass container of a vending shape, you need to place a layer of drainage (about a tenth of the volume), mixing small pebbles or expanded clay with crushed coal.
  2. Soil for succulents is poured over the drainage and with the help of tools, for example, tweezers, the juvenile is placed in the container, which is carefully watered with a long spout of a watering can, right under the root.
  3. The resulting voids can be decorated with colored pebbles or even beads.
  4. Pieces of bark or pumice are placed in the florarium to simulate a landscape, and so that the soil does not mix with drainage, half a centimeter sphagnum moss is laid between the layers. Fiberglass can be used instead of moss.

The soil in the florarium must certainly be scarce in nutrients, since the active development of plants does not make sense here. But, if the youth looks oppressed and clearly needs to be fed, then in this case it is possible to fertilize the florarium with a minimum dose of the substance, no more than half a gram per liter of water, or 4 times less than the usual norm.

If a closed or deaf florarium is created, then the young will not need watering at all. It will have to be watered once every 2 months, bringing water to the roots with an enema or syringe. If moisture gets on the leaves, in a closed container stone rose will die faster than in a pot.

plant care

Lighting and air temperature

Rejuvenated is a light-loving plant that can simply turn pale in the shade and not please with its intense color, so the rejuvenated should be placed on the southern window. The plant tolerates heat calmly, as well as cooling, so you can not be afraid for his well-being during the heating season, but the stone rose is unlikely to approve the frosty air of an open window.

A well-lit window is the best place for succulents, but it must be protected from frosty air.

But Fresh air the plant is necessary, so in winter it should be kept young away from the window in a regularly ventilated room, providing the plant with additional illumination until spring, and with the onset of heat, without fail, take it out into the open air: a balcony or terrace.

Watering and feeding

Young people are watered very rarely, like any succulent. In cold weather, the soil in a pot with a stone rose is moistened only once a month, and in summer once every 14 days. When watering, it is necessary to ensure that moisture does not fall on the leaves in order to protect the plant from rot, so the young are never placed next to plants that need spraying and are not planted in one pot.

Top dressing of the young should be very moderate, it is clearly not worth getting carried away with them. The thing is that additional nutrition stimulates the outlet for active development, during which it stretches unnecessarily and generally fades.

Overfed juvenile completely loses its decorative effect

In addition to the loss of external virtues, young people lose such a property as frost resistance. To avoid such unpleasant things and not to overfeed the stone rose, it is recommended to apply fertilizer doses half the norm and only to an adult plant, three to four years old.

Before approaching this age, the rose will have enough of those substances that it takes from the soil, if you added humus to the substrate when planting the plant. If this did not happen, then humus can be poured directly under the young, the flower will accept such an offering with gratitude. Liquid and dry mineral fertilizers for succulents, it is not recommended to use at all, only when there is an emergency.

flowering period

For the first time, the juvenile blooms only in the third year of its development and almost always dies after flowering. During this period of time, from birth to flowering, the stone rose manages to give life to so many young roses.

It always blooms young in the middle of summer and this wonderful period lasts about forty days. Under the conditions of the window sill, the young does not bloom, and that is why many flower growers can boast of very adult specimens, perennials.

The splendor of stone rose flowers

Some flower growers have learned to provoke juveniles to bloom, although this plant even breeds "in captivity" very reluctantly. The secret is to provide the stone rose with a long daylight hours (up to 13 hours) and a constant air temperature (not lower than 18 ° C), giving it a rest during the winter. A forced dormant period for two months in the form of a lack of watering and a decrease in the temperature of the environment to 0 + 1 ° C with a switch to active lighting and heat will help the youngsters to feel in their native environment and, having gathered their strength, bloom.

Video: how a plant blooms

Table: how care errors appear and what to do to correct the situation.

Malaise Cause Solution of a problem
gray spots on leaves moisture on the leaves
as a result of inaccurate watering
Transplanting a plant without contact with foliage
Leaf brittleness and browning Abundant watering during low temperatures Transferring the plant to a warm place and reducing watering
Loose rosette, leaf pallor Low light level Gradual movement of the plant closer to the light
Slow development, small foliage Moisture and nutrient deficiency Resuming watering and fertilizing or transplanting into more nutritious soil
wrinkled rosette Lack of moisture at high temperatures Transferring the plant to a cooler place, watering.

Diseases and pests, their signs, prevention and treatment measures

What is the youth afraid of?

Young, like any succulent, is afraid of dampness and, due to inaccurate watering, it is affected by various types of rot. At the first manifestations of a putrefactive lesion of a plant, it is easiest to transplant the young into a new nutrient soil that is not burdened with moisture, and powder the damaged tissues with ash. Such actions are effective if the plant is damaged above-ground part, in case of a root lesion, it is best to remove the juvenile outlet entirely, in order to avoid the spread of infection to other outlets.

If we talk about cultivating young in open field, then in this environment the plant is threatened by May beetles, damaging plant tissues and laying larvae. In the event of an attack, it was rejuvenated by insects, the damaged parts should be removed from the outlet and the plant should be transplanted to a new place. The old landing site must be treated with insecticides to destroy the larvae.

A stone rose growing on a windowsill has two main enemies, rot and a worm. Actelik helps to fight the worm, and putrefactive manifestations disappear after the plant is treated with any fungicide for indoor plants. The dosage and consumption of preparations are indicated on the packaging of the preparations; the substance should be used based on the number of plants and the volume of soil.

Photo gallery: what threatens the plant

Table: young pests and measures to combat them

How to propagate a plant

Young can be propagated in two ways: seed and vegetative. The first method is suitable for those flower growers who are going to bring new variety plants, otherwise it is meaningless work. In addition, inexperienced flower growers may lose the characteristics of the variety and grow the usual young, pale and uninteresting. The easiest way is to wait for the "children" of a stone rose, for which she is very generous. It is best to grow young from seeds by buying them in a store. They are correct: selected, prepared and of the right variety.

Growing from seed

Vegetative propagation

In the sinuses of the young, buds are formed, from which processes resembling a mustache are formed. At the ends of such processes, young rosettes of juveniles are formed.

Video: transplanting a stone rose shank into a pot

And a street plant young is called a stone rose and hare cabbage. With a rose, it’s more or less clear, hard, like stone, the leaves of this plant form a kind of rosette, it is somewhat reminiscent of a rose. Why this outlandish plant was called cabbage remains a mystery. To say that young people are now in fashion is to say nothing. They are adored by flower growers in all countries. At any garden market, you will definitely see pots with neat round rosettes. different colors and sizes. In the photo, popular varieties were young:



See how much they differ from each other in shape and shade. There is some exaggeration in the Latin name of the genus Semprevivum (translated as "forever living"). No, young people don't live forever. Not much time is allotted to a separate outlet: it grows fat, blooms, gives seeds and dies. But in addition to seeds, the rosette manages to form countless children. We can say that her life continues in numerous offspring. Look at the photo how the young flowers look on the bush:

When they fade, the rosette itself will die after them. You can find a description of this plant, as well as recommendations for its cultivation on this page.

Landing and proper care of the young at home

These beautiful plants grow in the harshest conditions. There is a joke among flower growers: “The worse for young people, the better.” And there is. The drier the earth and the less humus in it, the lower the threat of decay - the sockets are more compact and brighter in color. This plant resembles a cactus in its vitality. If you create the necessary conditions, it will feel comfortable both in a pot and in a front garden. At home, it is impossible for a juvenile to recreate the soil and harsh conditions of the desert, but you can choose a special soil and protect the plant from its worst enemies. The invulnerable Achilles has weaknesses: excessive moisture is contraindicated for juveniles, they quickly rot if they fall into water. And, of course, they need the sun to be bright and attractive. In the shade, they turn pale and stretch. In order to plant young at home in a pot and provide care at home, a lot of work is not needed. It is worth planting sprouts in special blend for cacti. If there is none, then you can take poor dry soil and mix it with sand, gravel, wood shavings and expanded clay. If you try to grow a stone rose in mineral-rich soil, then it will lose frost resistance, and although the rosette will be larger and more magnificent, its shades will become completely pale. The plant feels good under the scorching sun, so in summer its place is on the window in the hottest room, and in winter - away from frost and wind. Proper care of the young at home room conditions requires a strict watering schedule. In winter, it is worth watering the plant once a month, in summer - no more than once a week. At the same time, it is worth watering only at the very root and carefully protect the sockets from water ingress - otherwise they will begin to rot.

Remember that in this case it is better to underdo than to overdo it. Without watering, a stone rose can do for several months. If you flood the plant, you will either have to immediately transplant it into very poor soil, or watch it rot.

How to grow young: how to plant a flower and how to care for it

If you want to plant young and care for him in the open field, then you should try a little to make him comfortable. Choose the driest and poorest soil for the plant. If there are no worked-out places on the site, dig the soil, sprinkle with sand, gravel and wood shavings.
Give the plant the sunniest spot. Do not plant it next to plants that can provide shade. If you plant several bushes, then the distance between them should be at least 5 cm for small species and at least 10 for large ones.
If you are concerned about the question of how to take care of young people in winter, do not worry. Frost-resistant young. Even in the harsh snowless winter of 2002-2003, when herbaceous perennials in the orchards suffered serious damage, the young suffered less than others. And when there is snow, the young are invincible.

The only one winter care for young when planting in open ground - closing the outlet from snow. It can be covered plastic bottle, but so that the root remains in the snow - this is how heat is retained in it and the plant winters well. If you filled up the drainage or fine gravel, then the spring standing waters of the stone rose will be nothing. Under natural conditions, young - the owners of the desert. That is why they do not tolerate the neighborhood with weeds. In order for the stone rose to decorate your garden for a long time, periodically remove pests that “take over” all the sun it needs. The plant gives young growth, so every 3-5 years you need to dig out the budding shoots and find a separate place for them. How to plant a small juvenile on separate plot you already know - to provide him with the same conditions as the mother plant - and it will delight you for a long time.

How to propagate young: growing a stone rose from seeds

The juveniles mainly reproduce vegetatively. This means that independent rosettes can separate from the mother plant in a few years, which must be transplanted to another place in order for them to fully develop on their own. Among the people, the youth spreads “from hand to hand” - after a few years, the housewives no longer find a place for new individuals and give small sockets to friends or neighbors. Look at the photo, on it - the correct landing was young, which was separated from the mother plant:

The rosette has enough room for further growth, but the pot is not too big. If you are going to plant sockets in open soil, then let them grow a little in a pot. The plant will strengthen the root system and then no cataclysms are afraid of it. It is best to transplant in April - July. Only plant in soil when you are sure it is dry enough and the weather is sunny enough for a fragile plant. Look at the photo, on it - planting and caring for a young juvenile, which was planted in the ground:

Stone roses are very interesting to collect. True, the pedigree of hundreds of varieties is lost in the wilds of free pollination, but does it really matter? A lot of varieties have been obtained through selection by scientists. So in some species a variety of a different shade appeared or a variety with larger rosettes. Selection occurs by planting two types of seeds side by side. Fans themselves are not averse to indulging in the breeding of new varieties, since young people grow easily from seeds. In order to breed your unusual variety of this plant, or simply grow a rosette from scratch, you need to collect seeds from a flower. They usually bloom in the spring, but if the plant has lived in a room, the flowering cycle may have gone astray, and the flowers will produce seeds by the end of summer.

It is best to plant "fresh" seeds that you have just harvested from the plant. But of those that have lain for some time in a warm, dry place, sprouts also sprout and quite worthy specimens are obtained.
You can plant it both in small glasses with soil, and directly on the garden. If you have a lot of experience as a gardener, it is better to immediately grow in open ground.

If you don’t know how to propagate the young in the garden from seeds, because you don’t have enough experience, or you don’t want to bother with breaking through the weeds that are inevitable on open ground, pick up a suitable pot in order to grow it in the house. For such purposes, disposable glasses, old deep plates and, of course, small pots are well suited. If you want to keep the young at home in a pot, you can go right to where the outlet will grow in the future.

Choose acidic or slightly alkaline soil - better get a special one. In order to successfully grow young sprouts from seeds, you need to sow a lot of seeds on the surface of the soil and moisten it a little.
The first week you need to keep the seedlings at a temperature of at least 20 degrees, otherwise the shoots will not sprout. You will see the first leaves in 3-5 days. During this period, it is worth especially carefully watering the sprouts in order not to accidentally wash the plant off with a stream of water. Depending on how many shoots have risen, you need to seat them as needed in separate containers. If they took a rather wide pot, and there were few shoots, then they will calmly “live” together until disembarkation. In order to understand how to grow young in the garden from seedlings that you grew in pots, you need to remember the tips on how child outlets are planted. The weather should be dry and warm, grown seedlings should be dug at a distance from each other. It is also worth breaking through the weeds so that the shoots have enough heat and light. And the soil needs to be drained.

Growing a rock rose (aka young) from seed can be interesting if you have seeds from several different species and want to develop your talent as a breeder. In this case, it is worth planting seeds in 3-5 pieces of each type and pour them into one point. There is no guarantee that you will get a new variety, but gardening is a huge niche for experimentation and discovery. It is in order to increase the possibility of the emergence of a new variety that it is necessary to plant the seeds in different glasses with the expectation that 1 sprout will turn out from one glass. Look at the photo, on it - young sprout care:

The use of youth in landscape design (with photo)

In nature, juveniles grow in the cracks of stones, with little or no soil and water. This allows flower growers to create expressive and unusual compositions. Of course, you can plant young square meters, although this option is more suitable for the steppe or desert, and not for a garden near Moscow, where weeds fly from all sides. In landscape design, the young plant is used very widely. Due to the fact that sockets take root on the most infertile soils, you can close any "bald spot" in your area. They also look good in unusual pots and unexpected places. A bowl with amazing hedgehogs on the steps of the porch (for the winter they simply put it on the ground), a gap between the bricks in the old fence, a chip in the cladding of the house, a recess in the stone near the pond - these are the places for young people. And, of course, she was young - ideal plants for a rocky garden, an alpine hill. In the photo - an example of the use of youth in landscape design:

See how well they fit side by side different varieties and colors, creating pleasing to the eye picture.

Types and varieties of youth: photo, name and description

The young are very diverse. Some are glossy, already shiny, others are entangled in a thick cobweb; yellow and burgundy; with a rosette from 1 to 10 cm in diameter; the leaves are pointed or blunt ... You can continue endlessly! By the way, some varieties also bloom nicely. True, it is better to remove a faded rosette with a dried peduncle to maintain the decorativeness of the picture. Here is a list of titles popular varieties juvenile with the description:

"Pharaoh"- purple and green leaves, plant height 10 cm.

"Princess"- dense balls with dark brown tips.

"Montana"- features large green rosettes.

"Green King"- Another bright green variety.

"Julia"- the unusual thing is that the rosettes are swamp-colored, and in the fall they turn red.

"Red"- small red sockets.

The photo below shows that the name of this variety is young and fully corresponds to its appearance:

Types of this plant:


The flower was young - an ideal plant for the lower tier of alpine slides or rockeries. Its thick, fleshy leaves are already decorative in themselves, and during the flowering period the plant was younger and completely resembles an exotic non-thorny cactus, which by chance fell into the company of the flowers of the middle lane. It is very easy to propagate young, it takes root well even in the absence of roots.

Description of the plant young

This perennials fat family. The description of the young is fully consistent with the name of the family: this flower has thickened, succulent shoots and leaves that distinguish them from many other species. It is this quality that gives the youth a pretty appearance, makes him desirable. ornamental plant. By the way, in this capacity, young people are often referred to as “stone roses”.

Indeed, in the form of a plant there is something in common with a terry budgrowing directly from the ground. The difference is that the "rose" petals are green and extraordinarily fleshy.

As you can see in the photo, the flowers were young, leaning on each other, forming dense communities of tens and hundreds of nearby growing plants:

The leaves forming a rosette are juicy, elongated, with a sharp end, sometimes ciliated along the edge. The color and shape of the leaves is the only thing that distinguishes plants of different species and varieties. The young flowers are pink, white, yellowish, star-shaped, collected in corymbose inflorescences on single shoots 15-20 cm high.

Juveniles are propagated exclusively by daughter rosettes emerging from the leaf axils and ground stolons.

In culture, juveniles are extremely unpretentious, grow well even on dry, sandy substrates, but reach the best development on humus light loams, do not tolerate wet soils. Sun-loving, drought-resistant. They don't need watering at all.

V middle lane most of the species and varieties of juveniles are quite winter-hardy. Only in extreme, snowless winters is it recommended to cover the plants with spruce branches or leaves that have fallen from trees.

The root system is superficial, poorly developed. The plant carries out its stability due to the leaves that accumulate water and starch, and not the roots. The seeds are very small.

Species, varieties and hybrid young

Quite numerous species of this plant are known:

Rejuvenated roofing - rosettes of leaves are flat, low - up to 5-7 cm in diameter. They are bright green, with cilia along the edge, oblong, obovate and pointed at the top. The leaves may turn red when changing the light regime, but the base always remains whitish. The flowers are dark or light purple, greenish along the veins, star-open. Inflorescences many-flowered, wide, corymbose. Flowering shoots up to 40-60 cm in height. They bear sharp lanceolate leaves. Flowering from July to September.

young caucasian - rosette leaves are sharp, oblong. Their socket is small, only 3-5 cm in diameter. Flowering shoots up to 20 cm in height. The flowers are purple, sometimes lilac-purple. In this species, young inflorescences are many-flowered, wide, corymbose. Flowering - in July-August.

young undersized - rosettes of leaves are even smaller than those of previous species - only 1.5-2 cm in diameter. The leaves are short-pointed, bright green, ciliated. The flowers are chalky-purple with a dark stripe in the middle of the petals. Inflorescences consist of 2-8 flowers. Flowering shoots up to 25 cm in height, they suddenly rise above the small balls of rosettes. Blooms in July-August.

Look at the photo of young species of spherical, Russian, offspring, cobweb-shaped, they all differ in the size of rosettes and the shape of the leaves, the color of the inflorescences and height:

This culture has many varieties and hybrids:

"Pharaoh"- plant height 0.1 m, dark purple leaves with a green bloom.

"Princess"- very dense small bright green balls with a chocolate coating.

"Montana"- large dark green rosettes with a purple coating.

"Green King"- the shape is like that of the "Pharaoh" variety, but the color is bright green.

"Julia"- large marsh-green rosettes, by autumn the edges of the leaves turn red.

"Red"- the variety has small dense rosettes almost completely red.

Pay attention to the photo - all varieties of juveniles are used for planting in small groups on the south side of evergreens, but, for example, magonia:

In early spring, such a group represents a bright green spot among the gray leafless. Spectacular plants along the edges of the tracks as a border.

Rejuvenated - an indispensable component when creating groups of flowers, especially evergreens - spergula, saxifrage, sedum.

In carpet beds, this plant is also indispensable, as well as in or on rocky areas.

Planting, care and reproduction young

All types of this plant are widely used in, as they are original and unpretentious.

When caring for juveniles, open sunny places are chosen for the plant. They withstand light partial shade, but at the same time lose the brightness of leaves and flowers.

Soils - any, but, of course, cultivated, meaning their digging, cutting, loosening. Marshy, low-lying, flooded with water are not suitable, because. root system in plants it is superficial and weak. In the lowlands, young people easily rot during the winter.

As a rule, plants do not need preplant fertilizer.

It is not for nothing that the young people are called tenacious by the people. Transplanted at any time during the growing season, they take root with surprising ease. Of course, there are limits - this is no further than mid-September and in the spring - only from mid-April.

When breeding, young rosettes with roots and without roots are planted without a doubt. Roots form very quickly. The distance between plants is 10 cm. And by the next season, a whole colony of new ones, different in size, is formed around the planted rosette.

The soil must be moist for at least a week after planting to form roots, so moderate watering during this period is essential.

Caring for a young flower consists in the timely removal of weeds; no top dressing, no loosening is needed, for that they are tenacious.

The old socket may become next year a source of decay of healthy leaves of a daughter outlet.

V Lately fashion trend gardening and landscape design was the creation of alpine hills on the adjacent territory. In order for such a slide to look beautiful, ground cover plants must be involved in the planting.

But most of them have certain disadvantages: some of them lose their foliage for the winter, so in spring the hill looks very modest. Some plants cannot stand frosty weather and die, while others summer period grow so much that the compositions created by the designers are completely broken. All these shortcomings are unusual for such a plant as young. It belongs to the Crassula family.

What kind of plant is young? Planting and caring for it will be discussed in this article.

plant description

The Latin name was young - sempervivum - translated as "always living." This perfectly characterizes a very unusual outwardly, completely unpretentious perennial. Since the juvenile retains water reserves in its thick and succulent leaves, it belongs to the genus of succulents.

It is also popularly called stone rose or hare cabbage, because the rosette of the plant really resembles a rose flower or cabbage. It is surrounded by leaves that have a leathery dense cover, each rosette consists of a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 80 leaflets.

It includes a genus of Crassulaceae a little more than 60 species, 10 hybrids and a lot of varieties. A young flower grows, planting and caring for which should be similar to natural conditions, in the highlands of the Mediterranean, in the Balkans, in Caucasus mountains.

The plant has a very short stem and many leaves, neatly folded into a dense and compact rosette. Molodilo tolerates hot weather, strong winds and a long drought. Before the onset of winter, the rosette of the plant dries out, loses its weight and attractiveness. Thus, removing excess moisture, the young are preparing for winter.

Enemies of this plant:

  • excessive waterlogging, which leads to decay, as a result of which the young die;
  • poor lighting, with it the flower loses its decorative qualities;
  • overly fertilized soil under the young (excessive care), the plant in it reduces resistance.

Varietal diversity

Man-made hybrids young are distinguished by their beauty and attractiveness. Breeders tried to combine the best decorative properties of the source, such as flower shape and size, foliage color. Most of these plants are selected in European nurseries, so they are the owners of an attractive appearance but not very resistant to climate change.

For a temperate climate, the following plant varieties are most suitable: "mountain", "cobweb", "Russian", "roofing", "limestone", "Caucasian". Varietal groups of complex hybrid structures with amazing beauty. Such varieties are called tender female names: Diana, Amanda, Elena, Anna, Julia. In the names of some immortalized geographical areas: Dallas, Dakota, Damascus, and others are given great names: Caesar, Aldo Moro.

The most common types

The most common and favorite species of gardeners were young:

  1. Young "shoot-bearing" has a six-centimeter rosette with salad green leaves and edges painted red. The leaves have an oblong-pointed shape and cilia, rosettes-babies look like dense balls attached to the mother flower with thin threads and easily separated from it. When flowering, it throws out 10-centimeter yellow inflorescences.
  2. Young "roofing" - a large perennial with a rosette size up to 15 centimeters. It has lanceolate fleshy leaves with a brown top. It produces a pubescent peduncle about 40 cm tall, the flowers look like two-centimeter stars. Rosettes-daughters are attached to the plant with strong branches.
  3. Young "calcareous", planting and caring for which is similar to other species, is one of the most beautiful plants. The flower has gray-green or bluish-green rosettes 8 cm in diameter with pointed tips, painted red-brown or black. Its leaves are thinner than other species. This variety blooms with small flowers of pale pink color.
  4. Juvenile "cobweb" - this species is very common in the Caucasus Mountains. The rosettes of the plant are very small, only three centimeters in diameter. They are covered with a web-like edge, blooms with reddish flowers.

In general, when growing young, planting and caring for which are completely simple, you need to remember some points:

  1. The right choice of landing site. It is better for the plant to be in an open, sunny, elevated place, which should be slightly elevated so that moisture does not accumulate there as a result of watering and precipitation.
  2. Soil preparation. For favorable cultivation young landing is carried out in poor sandy soil, because well-fertilized earth can damage the flower, and with an admixture of sand there will be good drainage. by the most the best place for planting is rocky soil.
  3. Proper watering requires young. Planting and care in the open ground provide that the plant should be watered only during its planting, in the subsequent period it will have enough climatic precipitation, since the flower stores the necessary moisture in the leaves.
  4. For the winter, young people do not need to be covered at all, even when the snow cover is small. It is allowed to cover with spruce branches only young shoots or adult plants planted late.


You can transplant a flower at any time, except for the end of autumn. If the roots are accidentally cut off during transplantation, the plant quickly restores them. Therefore, after transplantation, the young practically do not get sick. At a young age, while the plant has not yet overgrown with children, you can carefully weed the soil around to destroy weeds.

If you need to transplant the entire group at once, which was formed from the mother plant and its processes, it is not at all necessary to transplant each flower separately. Planting and caring for a group is simple: just cut it with a shovel, grabbing a layer of soil about six centimeters thick. Then transfer all this and put it in the right place, compact the soil. In this case, it would be better to wait about a year until the plant settles down in a new place, gives new outlets, takes up an area, gets stronger and there is no longer a need to weed the soil.

Reproduction by seeds

Almost all varieties of this flower are subject to rapid self-propagation vegetatively and by seeds. If the creation of a certain pattern is pursued in the landscape, then it is desirable to control the reproduction process.

In order to propagate the plant with seeds, at the beginning of spring they are simply sown in the ground, deepening by about 2 mm, and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. When the ambient temperature reaches 20 degrees, sprouts will hatch within five days. Before the appearance of young shoots, they are regularly watered, and then this process is suspended. Toward the middle of summer, when the seedlings have grown, it can be planted in a permanent place.

The method of propagation of juveniles by seeds is used very rarely, this is due to the inconvenience due to the fact that the seeds are quite small, dusty.

Vegetative propagation

Vegetatively young reproduces by children or mustaches.

In the first case, a small rosette-baby is formed in each adult outlet before flowering in the axils. lower leaves. The shoot is separated from the mother plant, planted in the right place.

The second case concerns those species where not children are formed, but elongated shoots in the form of a mustache, having a kidney at the end, from which it develops in the future. young plant. In order for a new shoot to develop, you need to loosen the soil and firmly press the socket with a mustache to the ground, water it well. Planting and care provide that the mustache is not cut, but if this must be done, then so that most of the mustache remains with the outlet. In the future, a tap root will form from it.

In case of independent vegetative propagation sprouts are held on strong flexible stems until they reach the ground, where they begin to take root. If no action is taken, after a while the mother plant will be tightly surrounded by daughter outlets.

Rejuvenated: planting and care at home

Rejuvenated is such an unpretentious plant that it can be grown not only in open ground, but also at home in pots. Moreover, they use for this not only large containers for the whole rejuvenating family, but also plant this flower in separate small pots. Then they make beautiful compositions from them.

For planting juveniles, earthen mixtures for cacti with the addition of charcoal. The pot must be drained with walnut shells or expanded clay for one third of the capacity.

Watering is done every three weeks, or less often, as needed. Do this carefully so that water does not get in and does not linger in the axils of the leaves. Best of all, young in pots will feel on a sunny balcony.


Patient flower growers can wait for the fruit to ripen, which gives the plant a younger look. Planting and care will bring results: this plant bears fruit once in its life at the age of about 3 years. The largest rosette throws a stem 25 cm high up and overgrown with small leaves. Thus, a peduncle is formed, which at the top eventually forms racemose or corymbose inflorescences. Its flowering will last about a week, then the fruit will be tied and seeds will appear. The plant will begin to dry out gradually. The grower should carefully remove the dried shoot to prevent arbitrary self-seeding.

Rejuvenated: photo, planting and care

Young plants are necessarily planted in open sunny areas from March to the end of September. This is necessary so that the sockets have time to take root and get stronger before the start of a cold snap. If you plant young on the site in October or even later, with almost one hundred percent probability we can say that the plant will die.

If you plant young in a shaded area or along a wall, the leaves of the flower will become elongated, the stem will stretch and begin to wrap, the plant will cease to be decorative.

It is impossible to plant "roses" in areas under trees, since, in addition to shading, there is a danger that falling leaves will cover it, as a result of which the young will die. Planting and care in the open field requires space.

If it was decided to transplant young people into a garden from a pot, this is done with the obligatory preservation of the root coma of the earth. The planting process itself consists of a simple, gentle pressure of the outlet into the soil a few centimeters. It is not necessary to deeply deepen the young, because this can harm its underdeveloped superficial root system.

The planting scheme provides that maintaining a distance between adult plants should be within 15 cm.

Light drained soil is selected for planting, watering is carried out moderately, since with abundant moisture and poor moisture removal, the lower leaves can rot.

It is not necessary to fertilize plants, it is only possible, starting from the fourth year of his life, to introduce half doses into the soil for feeding.

Youth in landscape design

The distinctive decorativeness of this plant makes it possible to use it to decorate landscapes:

  1. Rejuvenated is used for planting in order to form rocky gardens. Any variety is organically combined with its natural habitat - stones. A large boulder, ringed with a coating of juveniles, turns out to be very spectacular. It looks especially beautiful if you choose contrasting color combinations.
  2. Designers also find solutions for using juveniles in mini-gardens or flowerpots, in which the plant is combined with other perennial ground cover plants. Together they form very dense thickets.
  3. Foreground design. It is very good for these purposes to use juveniles in mixborders for planting them with colored ribbons along garden paths in sunny places. It is beautiful enough to make such a landing with winding paths with decoration in the middle of juniper, spruce or arborvitae.
  4. It looks good when combined with not very bright and low annuals in the flower beds.
  5. Organizing arrays. Large areas densely populated with such plants look unusual. A motley multi-colored carpet looks very original and colorful; islands of several stones are often placed on it.
  6. The latest fashion trend is the design of the roof of buildings, created with the help of youth.

The medicinal properties of the plant

V traditional medicine young is used as a remedy for skin diseases and injuries. The action of its substances is similar to aloe.

It is one of the natural safe medicines. To obtain the substance, the leaves are cut longitudinally and applied directly to the affected surface, or the tissue is moistened with juice from the cut leaf and applied to the affected surface.

Molodila juice has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps with burns, insect bites, swelling and abrasions.

To relieve eye inflammation, the juice of the plant is instilled directly into the eyes. Also, the pulp of the young leaves has a softening effect, it can be used to treat rough areas on the elbows and legs.

Rejuvenated - decorative and resilient succulent plant, textured bright rosettes of several varieties of overgrown juveniles form a beautiful carpet panel. You can grow juveniles in the most unfavorable places for plants, on rocky hills, in crevices between stones, on sandy or clay soil, in the sun, with a lack of moisture, it tolerates frosts down to -30 0 in winter, under any extreme conditions, juveniles are able to survive. For such amazing abilities in terms of endurance and unpretentiousness, as well as nice shape sockets, this plant called "stone rose". Among the people there are other names young - "zhivuchka", "hare cabbage", the Latin name of this plant is sempervivum (Sempervivum), which means "always living".

Rod Molodilo (Sempervivum) includes about 50 species of succulent plants and belongs to the Crassulaceae family. In nature, juveniles are distributed from Europe to Asia, growing mainly in mountainous areas on rocky and sandy open places.

V medieval Europe in the countries of Scandinavia and Germany, several beliefs were associated with the plant. It was believed that the sockets of the "stone rose" scare away evil spirits, protect against witchcraft, and protect houses from thunder and lightning, so young people were grown on roofs as roofing material.

In folk medicine in the old days, juice and decoctions were widely used as a wound healing agent. Girls with the help of this plant removed freckles and age spots.

Juvenile sockets can be of different heights and widths from 2 to 20 cm. A large socket forms many small child sockets around itself. Over time, numerous rosettes grow in breadth, forming large flat sods. Two or three-year-old rosettes cease to form daughter rosettes and bloom.

Rosettes were young monocarpic, i.e. bloom once in a lifetime, then dry up. You can determine which rosettes will bloom by enhancing their color and lengthening the main stem. The flower of the juvenile is wide open, consists of 10-15 narrow petals. Flowers range in color from red to pink to green to white color. Exotically attractive flowers further draw attention to these amazing plants. After flowering, dried rosettes are removed, but neighboring ones will soon occupy the vacant places.

The main decoration rejuvenated is the color and shape of rosettes. The young leaves form a beautiful rosette shape resembling a flower. Because of various shapes leaf type rosettes vary greatly. The leaves are long linear, lanceolate, oblanceolate, oval, ovate, spatulate, cuneate and heart-shaped. The surface of the leaves can be glossy, matte, slightly pubescent, with cilia or gossamer at the edges.

The color of the leaves of the young can also be different monophonic, with a contrasting tip, with a bright center or edges. The color palette of sockets is very extensive, they are yellow, green, gray, red, purple, brown and almost black.

Now there are already more than a thousand varieties of youth. It is quite difficult to accurately determine the variety of juveniles in your garden, since these plants, due to different conditions cultivation may vary appearance the same species or varieties.

The most common types:

Rejuvenated roofing (S.tectorum) with rosettes 8-12 cm in diameter, bluish-green in color with dark brown tips on the leaves.

juvenile cobweb (S.arachnoideum) has fine white hairs at the tips of the leaves that intertwine like a gossamer. Rosettes up to 6 cm wide, give good lateral shoots.

Rejuvenated ciliated (S.ciliosum) have dense pubescence with long cilia on the leaves in the rosette.

Young calcareous (S.calcareum) a plant with a rosette up to 8 cm in diameter with smooth, pointed leaves of a bluish-green color and red-brown tips.

Young Russian (S.ruthenicum) can often be found in our forests, medium-sized light green rosettes have leaves covered with light pubescence.

young caucasian (S.caucasium) a plant with small rosettes of green leaves with reddish tips.

In nature, juveniles grow in mountainous areas, where external conditions. During the hot summer days on stony soil, the juveniles can withstand intense heat and lack of moisture, and at night the temperature in the mountains drops to almost 0 0 C. Long periods of drought, sudden temperature changes, and harsh winters, the juveniles successfully survive.

These plants have all the natural data for growing on Alpine rollercoaster. Among the stones, multi-colored rosettes of several varieties young grow into bright dense pillows. Young can be planted in the cracks between the stones or concrete slabs where there is almost no soil. Rosettes of the "stone rose" will enliven stone or concrete structures.

The young are often planted in various containers, shallow bowls, or even in an old one. kitchen utensils. These plants will successfully take root and grow in the most in any containers, from which you can then create amazing garden compositions.

It is best to grow young in sunny places. With maximum and prolonged illumination, the color of rosettes becomes brighter; in the shade, the color of plants is lost and turns pale.

ground for these undemanding plants any is suitable, with the exception of strongly acidic clayey waterlogged areas. In heavy dense soil, it is recommended to add stone chips or coarse sand. If you want to grow juveniles in containers, you need to make drainage holes in the bottom and pour drainage in the first layer to drain excess water. Young have a superficial root system, so plants are able to grow with a small amount of soil.

Juveniles can grow in very poor land. For top dressing, you can use long-acting fertilizers specifically for alpine slides.

These plants are watered only during prolonged dry weather or in the first days after transplantation, when they need high humidity. Weeding and loosening do as needed. It is useful to mulch the soil surface between rosettes with stone chips. Such a mulch will protect sockets from dirt and clogging in rainy weather and create a finished natural look corner with growing "stone roses".