We choose green curtains for the interior of the living room and other rooms. Living room interior with green curtains Yellow green curtains

Regardless of the chosen shade, green curtains will always add luxury and elegance to any interior.

Green is a neutral color and is often used for strict style or cheerful to remind you of the warm days of the passing summer.

Psychology of the green palette

According to psychologists, green tones are great for calming people. nervous system, and contemplation of this color can even balance our emotions. The green shade is loved by people seeking stability and harmonious relationships.

The saturation of the chosen shade also matters:

  • Yellow- green color activates activity.
  • The combination of dark green and blue is very relaxing, ideal for deep relaxation (bedrooms), but not recommended for living rooms. The combination of green and blue is well suited for small living rooms, distancing all objects and helping to visually expand the space. Curtains of this color will add freshness.
  • Green rich shade herbs calm and uplift.
  • The color of olives activates the brain, promotes concentration, and improves memory. Olive curtains decorate the living room.
  • Emerald color is also very relaxing; it’s good to have curtains of this shade in the bedroom or living room.

Choosing material for curtains

Green curtains can be ordered from various fabrics. Thick and dark curtains will enhance the color: this is velvet, as well as chenille, brocade or satin, jacquard. Thin or translucent materials will give lightness, an unusual blue- green tint: organza, satin, veil or tulle.

Important! When choosing wool or silk, you need to remember that it is not recommended to wash them in a machine. When washed, cotton or linen shrinks and decreases in size. Also, natural materials will quickly fade and can even cause allergies.

It is necessary to take into account the amount of light; any fabric (thick or light) will look great in a large and bright room. If there is not enough light, you should choose curtains in light green tones from thin fabrics.

In a small sunny living room, you can hang dark green curtains to prevent the air from overheating. You should always consider all factors when purchasing curtains.

Green interior

Curtains should harmonize well with the decoration and furniture. Often curtains in green tones are in the same style (material) with textiles in the living room: sofa cushions, blanket, carpet or lampshade. The same color of curtains and sofa will be even more impressive. You can match the wallpaper to the color of the curtains, but you will have to change it at the same time.

Oversaturation of any color quickly gets boring; monochrome needs to be broken up with other colors. The following colors go well with green: gray, chocolate, white, yellow, sand or cream.

The classic version is a harmony of green and white (gray) colors, resulting in restrained severity. It is recommended to add yellow, pink or turquoise to liven up the room. Natural combinations are beautiful: green with sand or brown - this is now at the height of fashion.

Green curtains in different interiors

Curtains must fit well with the overall design of the style. Let's look at different color approaches.

The classic design of green curtains for the living room is thin curtains combined with thick curtains, which can be decorated with fringe or a beautiful lambrequin.

Curtains are often made from materials in olive or emerald shades; they will add elegance and luxury to any interior.

Also green tone used not only for classics, but also neoclassics, as well as Gothic, Empire, suitable for Baroque and Rococo, etc.

Dark curtains are not suitable for eco; here you need light green tones, the color of young grass and the freshness of the meadow. Only needed natural materials: cotton or linen. Pistachio or light green shades of green will bring spring freshness to the atmosphere home warmth and harmony with nature.

For curtains, you can choose a small pattern to raise the height. Japanese (Roman) curtains are appropriate here.

For Provence, green curtains in the interior are suitable for thin ones, or translucent ones with a large pattern in light colors. Decorative ties or tiebacks and hairpins are suitable.

Curtains in a green color palette will become spectacular decoration for any living room. The beneficial properties of a calming color will bring quick relaxation and calm communication with friends and loved ones.

Photo of green curtains

The interior of the living room depends primarily on general design premises, which is mainly associated with maximum comfort.

Color solutions also play an important role, creating a unique mood and an extraordinary visual effect.

Considering harmony from the point of view of the physiological aspect, we can conclude that it can be achieved by using a green version of curtains in the interior, since this color symbolizes a certain calmness and comfort, while a wide variety of its shades will look great.

Color features in the interior

Many psychologists say that green is considered the color of freshness and relaxation. Elements of this kind help highlight the so-called connection with the forces of nature.

From a design point of view, green helps improve brain performance and puts you in an optimistic mood.

As a decoration, the palette of this color has a wide variety of shades, and curtains for a given room are selected based on the main tones, which can look great against the background of any wallpaper, furniture and other items.

Bright version of curtains

This color option can look good with similar shades, such as yellow, orange or turquoise. This is especially true in homes with children who are able to perceive the outside world through the window space.

In this case it is recommended Special attention pay attention to the shape of the window space and the quality of lighting. When combining several options color range Together with green, sharp transitions should be avoided by replacing plain curtains with light ones with a green pattern - vegetation.

Often in the homes of people who have an unconventional nature and a love for something unusual, you can find green curtains with black patterns, and these can be a variety of patterns, contours or shapes.

Do not forget that in the end the required result can be obtained only if the required proportions of the existing elements are observed. This can be seen in the photo of green curtains.

There are a number of the most popular shades of green, which can fit perfectly into any interior:

Light green. They are popular due to their pallor, especially if the walls are bright enough. This shade makes it possible to visually increase the space of the room, especially good if it is necessary to increase the window space. To ensure that the window does not get lost in the most illuminated room, you should use a combination of pale green with roll version curtains or blinds made of fabric.

Green Japanese. They represent a certain rigor and modernity. They can be either monochromatic or combine several shades of the same color. When creating something like this eastern interior there is a feeling of rebirth and restoration.

Lime. Despite its comparative brightness and catchiness, this color is especially popular among lovers of extravagance. It is usually used in large rooms, and it can be combined with a wide variety of color schemes.

Features of choosing green curtains

  • dimensions of the living room;
  • window space;
  • stylistics;
  • degree of illumination.

Taking these features into account, green curtains in the interior will look not only appropriate, but also impeccable.

Many decorators use a completely simple scheme: the brighter wall covering, the simpler the curtains should be.

There is an opinion that the fabric of curtains should be the same as the upholstery for furniture, but this opinion is completely wrong.

Particular attention should be paid to the so-called game of contrast. So, for example, a good solution would be to use green and red together, and this option not only extraordinary, but also quite interesting.

You should use caution when using dark green curtains with blue details, as this option is only suitable in the brightest possible room.

The most popular is considered New Year's interior, which can often be adjusted due to changes in fashion trends.

However, in any case, the color of the pine needles remains unchanged, which goes well with white, gold and silver. As additional elements can be used various options wreaths, vases or Christmas tree.

Photo of design of green curtains in the interior

Today, many people strive to make their home not just beautiful and stylish, but to turn it into a small oasis, their own island of comfort and peace in a crazy world. At the same time, every element of room decoration is important, including the color scheme. For those who imagine their ideal home as a quiet haven, psychologists recommend taking a closer look at the color green. This is especially true for textiles: even from a photo of green curtains you can determine how much they refresh the interior, bringing a touch of peace to the atmosphere of the house.

In addition, experts note the remarkable psychotherapeutic effect of green. Most people associate it with grass, trees, and nature itself. Thus, being in a room where there are various shades of this color, a person involuntarily feels harmony, feels completely safe, which contributes to maximum relaxation and restoration of vital energy. Of course, you shouldn’t overload the room with green tones - curtains that fit perfectly with the decor as a whole are enough.

Green curtains in the interior: an element of natural beauty

Interior designers are unanimous: green curtains in the interior of any room are not only appropriate, but also very welcome. Kitchen, dining room, bedroom, children's room, living room and even a study - such curtains will bring harmony to the environment. However, you should be careful with curtains of different shades of green: the slightest dissonance or the wrong tone can create a feeling of oppression or depression in those present in the room. That is why when choosing “clothing for windows” it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Green textiles require balance, so it is extremely important that the chosen shade of curtains resonates with other furnishings - even if only with a small number of them.
  • One of the most successful and easy on the eyes combinations can be a combination of the color of curtains with a tablecloth, sofa cushions, lamp shades, bedspreads or kitchen textiles and even dishes. In this case, the risk of color overload is minimal, and the room looks especially cozy.
  • Selecting curtains to match furniture upholstery is a more difficult task. Thus, designers do not recommend choosing green curtains of exactly the same shade as armchairs and sofas if they are covered with a plain dark fabric with dense texture. At the same time, curtains with a pattern that follows the design of the furniture will look very harmonious, and the combination of light tones of textiles and furnishings will create an atmosphere of lightness and cleanliness.
  • Too bright or too dark curtains One of the shades of green can become an amazingly stylish accent. However, other furnishings should be as neutral as possible with a minimum of elaborate decorative details.

Depending on the material and design, green curtains can decorate a room in any style. In the photo below you can see how cozy and at the same time modern rooms look with curtains in this color scheme.

From emerald to pistachio: shades of green curtains

The main advantage of the green color is that it has an extremely rich palette - its shades vary from a cold to a warm palette. In addition, experts are sure that different tones have different effects not only on the perception of the interior, but also on the mood, and therefore recommend trying the following shades of green curtains:

  • Dark tones of emerald and moss - great option for the bedroom. The deep velvety color not only soothes, but also creates a completely relaxing atmosphere.
  • Deep color sea ​​wave– a rather rare shade that has truly magical calming properties. Blue-green curtains are perfect for a bedroom or living room, where people often relax rather than actively do business.
  • A bright green shade reminiscent of the color of spring leaves or young grass is recommended for kitchens and nurseries. He is able to balance and at the same time create a fairly cheerful mood.
  • Olive color is a noble neutral shade that can set you in a serious working mood. Olive curtains It is often recommended to hang it in offices and workrooms - in short, where it is desirable to work productively.
  • Aquamarine and mint are light, fresh colors that can create a feeling of coolness even on a hot day. In addition, such shades of curtains are ideal for small rooms, as they can visually “spread” the space.
  • Pistachio, light green, lime shade are positive, life-affirming tones that will lift the mood in the nursery, kitchen, and living room in a modern style.

When choosing the shade of curtains, do not forget about the material. Thus, dense, heavy fabrics can make the color deeper and richer. Iridescent organza will give the green color an exquisite shimmer. And light tulle and veil in green shades will look airy and light, even if the tone was originally dark.

The combination of green curtains with other colors is a stylish union

The modern variety of materials allows you to have no limits on your imagination when arranging your home. The same applies to the combination of green curtains with other colors: you can afford the most daring experiments, but those who prefer not to doubt the final result should take a closer look at the following combinations:

  • Green curtains in a green room. Quite a risky decision, but the right approach you can turn the room into a real oasis. The best option For fans of color, it can be a combination of two or three shades of green, one of which must certainly be as calm as possible.
  • Green with white. A surprisingly fresh and positive solution that can make the interior light, bright and not boring. White furniture, walls or ceiling will be perfectly shaded by curtains of grassy, ​​pistachio, emerald and mint shades, and in combination with dark green curtains the room will look neat and stylish - however, it is worth taking care of furnishing elements in colors similar to the curtains.
  • Brown and green colors. This combination looks very natural and is reminiscent of the soft colors of nature. In addition, the variety of gradations of brown allows you to create the most original combinations. True, designers still advise sticking to simple rule: for dark brown tones (chocolate, earthy shades) choose curtains in deep green tones, and light and bright curtains combine with a setting where more optimistic shades predominate - sand, beige, terracotta, red and coffee.
  • Blue and green. The peculiarity of this combination is that even when using two bright shades of green and blue at the same time, the interior will not look oversaturated. In general, the combination of these colors provides a lot of opportunities for experimentation - you can safely try different combinations of tones.
  • Green and grey. Excellent option for strict elegant interior. To combine with any gray color scheme, experts advise using curtains made of thick fabrics in dark green shades - however, an exquisite silver pattern is quite acceptable.

When choosing a shade of curtains, you should also focus on your own perception: if the combination of colors seems harmonious and does not hurt the eyes, you can safely use it when decorating a room.

Green curtains for the kitchen

Many designers are sure: green curtains in the kitchen can directly influence not only visual perception, but also appetite. It is believed that the lighter and cooler the shade of the curtains, the less the need for food. True, all this is purely individual, but in general, it is light green curtains that will make the kitchen more spacious and give the interior freshness.

Green curtains for the bedroom

Some note the amazing “sleeping” effect of green curtains - they calm, help you relax and have an extremely beneficial effect on the nervous system. True, this is only possible if making the right choice shade of green curtains for the bedroom - the best options would be olive, emerald, mint and the color of spruce pine.

Green curtains in the living room

Green curtains in the living room are appropriate only if it is planned exclusively for relaxation. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid overly dark, heavy shades - this is only possible in classic style finishing, and provided that the curtains are decorated with a contrasting pattern. Modern version for the living room - pastel or bright green curtains in combination with light furniture and the same wall decoration.

Green curtains for the nursery

When choosing materials for decorating a child’s room, you should be especially careful: children are sensitive to the slightest discomfort. Green curtains in a child's room in pastel or warm shades will make the room fresh and cheerful - and without unnecessary emotional impact.

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Living room interior with green curtains

The choice of curtains for decorating a living room window depends on the overall interior design concept. Decorators recommend taking into account the color of curtains when decorating windows. It affects the visual perception of the entire room and creates a certain mood. Green brings natural harmony and creates cozy atmosphere. Green curtains in the living room interior saturate the space nature theme. Thick fabrics make the living room look serious. Light and air materials enliven and refresh the space. Multi-colored textures give the room a playful mood.

Green has unique properties. It has a beneficial effect on psychological condition human because it belongs to the natural palette. Associations with trees, grass, and landscapes create a feeling of a special connection with the outside world. But the power of green can overshadow other colors in the interior, so you should carefully consider all the nuances and details.

Green curtains in bright interior living room

Light green curtains in the living room

Dark green curtains combined with white furniture

Secrets of green

Green window frames show that the person who chose it is quite modern and bold in creating the interior. This color scheme will come as a surprise to many. But the beauty of decorative techniques lies in the creation of non-standard compositions. As can be seen in the photo, the main secrets of the successful use of green are: harmonious combination with other interior elements:

  • Even a small number of details of the same color scheme creates balance;
  • The most successful combination is considered to be a combination of curtains with a blanket, tablecloth, sofa cushions, lampshades, and decorative dishes. As a rule, there is no overload in this case;
  • You should be careful with furniture upholstery. The same color on thick curtains and a sofa is difficult to perceive. It is recommended to combine two or three different shades of green. This will add lightness and freshness;
  • Bright green can make any item stylish and noticeable. However, the surroundings should be a neutral, solid color;
  • In addition to a calm background of walls and furniture, dark green curtains require a minimum of bright accessories. Pretentiousness or abundance of decor can thicken the colors and make the color heavy;
  • Pale and light shades are an excellent backdrop for bright details. For example, these could be delicate green curtains with a small pattern and brighter colored furniture;
  • Light green curtains in the living room interior visually make the space wider and more spacious, as in the photo, provided that lambrequins are not used.

Combined curtains in the living room interior

Green curtains combined with green furniture in the interior

Green curtains with large white flowers in the living room


Shades of green have interesting properties. They can be either cold or warm. Depending on this, color is perceived differently by the human eye. The interior and mood of the room are perceived accordingly:

  • The color of forest moss or emerald is calming and relaxing. If the living room involves relaxation after working days, then a forest theme will be an excellent option;
  • The color of the sea wave belongs to the blue-green range and its effect is similar to the impression of the surface of the sea. Calmness, comfort and an even mood are ensured in the living room;
  • The color of young greenery creates a cheerful mood and energizes. The photo shows ideas for decorating a modern interior;
  • Olive-colored curtains can set a serious mood. The noble shade gives energy and stimulates mental activity. Muted color perfectly serves as the main background of a classic or colonial style. It harmonizes perfectly with high ceilings, fabrics of bright green colors and goes well with gray. The stripe adds originality and elegance to the whole theme. Double-sided curtains can be done on a lighter colored lining;
  • Shades of mint and aquamarine expand the room and create a cool atmosphere. Such curtains are optimal for small rooms or rooms facing south;
  • Shades of lime and pistachio will add positivity and extravagance to the interior. The moody lime color is more appropriate on large surfaces. Just like the light green color, they have the ability to diversify everyday life and bring joy to ordinary things.

Green curtains on a large window in a living room with beige furniture

Green curtains in the living room in a minimalist style

How to choose fabric

Curtains for the living room are selected taking into account the size of the room, the height and width of the window, the color of the walls, the features of the furniture and the presence of other textiles. The photo shows that green fabric can be plain or multi-colored with splashes, stripes, designs or patterns. The window is designed in accordance with overall design and can be decorated with various materials:

  • Organza;
  • Veil;
  • Tulle;
  • Curtains;
  • Roller or Roman blinds;
  • Blinds;
  • Photo curtains.

The color becomes deeper and more saturated thanks to heavy fabrics. Organza gives light shimmer and shimmer. The veil and tulle contribute to airiness and lightness.

Dark green curtains in the living room made of heavy fabric

Green tulle in the living room interior

In low rooms, light flowing options look organic. Curtains of this type add lightness to the entire room and do not attract much attention. Fashionable roller or Roman curtains are perfect for wide windows. For small window openings, you can make a multi-level or multi-layer option. During the day, thick curtains on frames can be completely hidden and not interfere with penetration sunlight. A light veil will flow beautifully and elevate the room.

For spacious and high living rooms, bold solutions with heavy and thick curtains are suitable. They go well with decorative cornices, tiebacks, tassels and cords.

Green is reflected in national costumes and ornaments among many peoples. Treating it with respect and love, people decorate their windows with green fabrics. Magnificent ornaments, patterns, stripes, geometric figures They can not only diversify the colors of curtains, but also completely change the space.

Features of the drawing

The saturation of color, density or texture of the fabric can add the necessary accents and emphasize style. The choice of curtains begins with determining their role in the interior, the degree of illumination of the room, compatibility with general idea decor:

  • Solid rich or light tones;
  • Natural ornaments and images of animals;
  • Geometric designs and abstract compositions;
  • Photo prints of landscapes.

There are many combinations of patterns and colors in nature. Based on this, you can create unique sets of curtains and pillows, curtains and lambrequins, curtains and tulles.

Plain sand, beige wallpaper will go perfectly with dark textured furniture and bright green curtains.

Green curtains with black patterns, lines or patterns will help to implement bright design projects.

Advice! When using green shades, the proportions of decorative elements play an important role. Large objects carry the main load and have a primary color. Rest small parts it is supported by similar shades.

An excellent option for green fabrics - Japanese curtains. The sophistication of the ornaments allows you to design fabrics in monochromatic solution, and with a drawing. The beauty of such curtains lies in Eastern philosophy, which considers green not only the color of rebirth, but also a symbol of restoration vitality and updates. Living room decorated in Japanese style It is also unique in that it can change its mood with one movement of the hand. By moving the canvases you can create various combinations. All canvases can be from different fabrics and can only be combined green.

Spectacular combinations

Modern materials provide a huge selection and opportunities for the implementation of the most daring projects. You can experiment with colors, patterns, and fabric weaving. Combine different textures and sizes of canvases. Green fabrics have features that should be taken into account:

  1. Green curtains in the interior of a green living room are quite a bold decision. With the right arrangement of flowers, you can turn such a room into a pretty oasis. But still, a combination of no more than three green shades is considered correct. Moreover, only one can be active;
  2. The combination of green and white makes the entire space feel light. Emerald or grass curtains along with white furniture and walls will do a great job of giving the room a fresh look. And dark green fabrics will add style and neatness;
  3. Designers very often choose brown and green sets, as in the photo below. At saturated brown shades deep greens are always present. And lighter beige or terracotta walls go perfectly with delicate light green curtains. These two colors are largely intertwined in nature, so they have many combinations and easily fit into any interior;
  4. Green and blue surprisingly do not conflict even with the saturation of each. Two bright, deep shades will look great in the same room. This makes it possible to search and experiment in creating unique interiors;
  5. Green and gray are also quite common in nature. When decorating a living room, it emphasizes elegance and tenderness. Blackout curtains lush green color are perfectly maintained gray walls or silver pattern.

When choosing fabric frames for windows, you need to focus on your feelings. If the shades of green are perceived harmoniously and leave a pleasant impression, you can happily start decorating. When decorating the entire room, all that remains is to add a few bright accessories and place accents as in the photo.

Photo gallery (51 photos)


Green curtains look chic in the interior of any room, everything will depend on the shade of this color. Green color is considered neutral. Therefore, it is actively used in the bedroom, kitchen, and living room. Green curtains in the interior can look rich and strict. Or they can add a cheerful juicy note reminiscent of summer. In this article, we will tell you about:

  • how does the presence of green curtains in a room affect
  • what fabric to choose for them,
  • what is best to combine green curtains with?
  • and in what interior style they are appropriate.

Calming green and its shades in the interior

Psychologists say that green color calms and pacifies; prolonged contemplation of this color helps restore emotional balance. Most often, this color is preferred by those people who tend to strive for harmony and stability in life. And in general, there are probably no people who don’t like green, at least one of its shades. The saturation and brightness of color is of great importance when affecting a person, for example:

What fabric should I choose curtains from?

The choice of shade for curtains is greatly influenced by the fabric from which they will be sewn. Dense fabrics such as satin, velvet, brocade, jacquard, chenille visually enhance color saturation, especially dark shades of green, and light translucent fabrics such as organza, satin, tulle and veil, on the contrary, give the interior lightness and airiness, even if it will be a blue-green color.

I would like to say a few words about natural and synthetic fabrics; preferring the first option, remember that fabrics based on natural raw materials are demanding to care for, for example, wool and silk are not recommended to be machine washed, and linen and cotton shrink after washing. Besides, natural fabrics, fade faster in the sun and can also cause allergies.

When choosing the type of fabric, consider the lighting in the living room. In a bright and spacious room, curtains made from light and heavy fabrics look equally good; here you can focus on your taste and style of decorating the room. But in a room with a lack of natural light, it is better to hang curtains light shades green from light fabric.

For a small living room with plenty of sunlight during the day, you can choose curtains dark green, closing which will prevent the room from overheating. Therefore, consider all the factors together when choosing a material to make the right decision.

What to combine green curtains with in the interior?

When choosing green curtains for the living room, you need to think about how they will harmonize with the overall decoration of the room. Single green curtains can look tacky and out of place, so it is important to find connecting elements of the same color in the interior. Most often, window curtains are combined in color with the textiles present in the room. This could be a carpet, a lampshade on a floor lamp, pillows, a blanket.

A more significant connecting element can be a sofa that matches the color of the curtains. Sometimes curtains are matched to the wallpaper; even the pattern on the walls can be repeated on the curtains. But this is not entirely justified; when you change the wallpaper, you will have to change the curtains, and this is already financially expensive. Remember that you should not oversaturate the room with green, trying to make it monochromatic, since a monochrome green living room looks too rich and may soon become boring, so you need to dilute the interior with other colors.

The best harmonies with green are:

  • white,
  • sand,
  • grey,
  • cream,
  • chocolate,
  • yellow.

The combination of green and white, as well as green and gray, is a classic. They make the interior strict and restrained. Therefore, they are often diluted with colored accessories of pink, yellow or turquoise color. Perfect combination They consider a combination of green with brown or sand color, which is taken from nature itself. Living room decoration in brown tones with green accents is one of the most fashionable today.

Green curtains in the interior of the room

Of course, green curtains should match the style of the room. Let's consider the most appropriate color solutions.

Curtains for a classic living room are a combination of light curtains with heavy drapes, which can be decorated with tiebacks, fringes, lambrequins, but the decor should be in moderation. Usually curtains are made from thick fabric light green, olive or emerald color, which emphasizes the luxury and richness of this style. Among classical directions green in the interior is typical for:

  • classicism,
  • neoclassical,
  • empire style,
  • Gothic.

Avot in such styles as:

  • baroque,
  • rococo,
  • some others.

Curtains of this color will not be entirely appropriate.

Curtains for the living room in eco style. Green is one of the main colors for this style, because it is associated with young grass and meadow. Typically, curtains in this style are made from natural fabrics (linen and cotton), and from green shades they choose grass, light green, pistachio, olive - everything that somehow reminds of nature; such curtains will add not only comfort to the atmosphere of the living room, but also a little freshness and lightness. You can choose a white and green color for the curtains or a striped pattern that will visually make your room taller. In addition, curtains of this style are most often devoid of decor; usually these are classic curtains in the form of two panels, as well as Roman or Japanese.

Curtains for the living room Provence. Fabrics for curtains in the Provence style should be light and translucent. The color can be a single color in a very delicate light green shade or with a large floral pattern. As decoration for such curtains, you can use ties and bows to hang the curtains from the rod. As well as tiebacks and pins.

In conclusion, we note that green curtains are a wonderful decoration for a living room, which can become its “highlight”. They will not only fulfill their main decorative function, as well as hide the room from excessive light and prying eyes, but also set the mood and atmosphere of the room. Thanks to your positive properties from a psychological point of view, it is always pleasant to be in a green living room, relax and work. And to achieve such a result, you need to try hard, a little time and effort, and the room will shine with beauty.

Photo of green curtains in the living room interior