Presentation on the topic "triangles in nature." Natural triangle

“Equilateral triangle” - German mechanic. Triangle. Peaks. Amazing ratios. Inside an equilateral triangle. Regular triangles. Triangles. Conduct research. Equilateral triangles. Perpendiculars. We visited the library. Equilateral triangle.

“Isosceles triangle and its properties” - AM – median. Are the triangles equal? A TRIANGLE, all sides of which are equal, is called EQUILATERAL. Determining the height of a triangle. Q.E.D. AB, BC are the lateral sides of an isosceles triangle. AC is the base of an isosceles triangle. A, C – angles at the base of an isosceles triangle.

“Solving Right Triangles” - Exercises. An isosceles triangle containing an altitude. Sine, cosine, tangent are fractions that describe the magnitude of an angle. Solve problems. Application of the main trigonometric identity. Find the sine of angle ACB. Pythagorean theorem. Definition of sine and cosine. Median, height and bisector of a triangle.

“External angle of a triangle” - What is L1 equal to. Angle A is 2 times larger than angle B. Is there a triangle with two right angles? One of the angles of the triangle is obtuse. Solve the problem orally. External corner triangle. Mathematical dictation. Definition. Four angles are equal. Calculate degree measures corners

“Determination of median, bisector and altitude of a triangle” - Test yourself. Median. Perpendicular. Compare the lengths of the segments. Line segment. Medians, bisectors and altitudes of a triangle. Height. Write down the numbers of the triangles. Bisector. Geometric Marathon.

“Some properties of right triangles” - Properties with proof. Katet. Angles in a right triangle. Rectangular triangle. Hypotenuse. Sum of acute angles. Some properties. Right triangles. Middle of the side. Apply the leg property. Math box problem. Properties right triangles. Tasks.

There are a total of 42 presentations in the topic

Using triangles in practice



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Triangles - our world Prepared by Natella Kuznetsova Student of class 7 "A" Teacher: Polina Vasilievna Malyukina Municipal Educational Institution "Gymnasium of the village. Ivanteevka, Ivanteevsky district, Saratov region"

If you look around you, you can conclude that we are surrounded by triangles everywhere. Let's give simple examples.

And so, in our house we can see pillows, tables, various shelves, lamps, and even erasers in the shape of a triangle.

Also, there are many triangular-shaped baked goods.

Another good example- tent or hut.

In Paris, the “technology for constructing triangular houses” was invented.

There are special markings near bus stops.

Mountains also have the shape of a triangle.

Egyptian pyramids.

Conclusion Triangles are found everywhere. The circle and the triangle are two fundamental figures. For example, a square can consist of two, three, four triangles.

Thank you for your attention!


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Triangles Made by: Basova Lera

Let's consider various people's dwellings: wigwam, yurt, tent. All of them have a cone shape, the cross-section is a triangle. Such structures are easily blown by winds, and water quickly drains from them. Roofs of old wooden houses and modern high-rise buildings have the shape of a triangle. This is due to the fact that melted snow does not linger on such roofs and rainwater drains easily.. Triangular roof of a house:

Now we send letters in rectangular envelopes, but before, during the war, letters were triangular in shape. Soldier's triangle - a letter without a stamp or envelope, sent by a soldier from the front or to a soldier at the front.

Let's look at the pyramids. We saw that side faces These pyramids have the shape of a triangle, all side faces are equal. In Ancient Egypt, pyramids served as tombs for Egyptian pharaohs. The largest of them - the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin - in ancient times were considered one of the seven wonders of the world. The pyramids were given special, cult honors, since their construction was apparently supposed to express the mystical identity of the country and its ruler. We all strive for excellence. The energy of the Earth, passing through the wide base of the pyramid, tends upward into space. The buildings in El Giza, with their grandeur and apparent uselessness, amazed the imagination already in ancient times, which is best conveyed by the Arabic proverb: “Everything in the world is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids.” Egyptian pyramids. Triangle

Triangle (lat. Triangulum, Tri) is a constellation of the northern hemisphere of the sky. Occupies an area of ​​131.8 square degrees in the sky, contains 25 visible stars naked eye. Triangulum contains the spiral galaxy M33 (Triangulum Galaxy), the third largest in the Local Group. The Triangulum stars are not bright: α is only the third magnitude. In total, there are 15 stars in the constellation. Through a telescope you can also see the double star ι, the components of which are colored golden-yellow and green-blue. Triangle_ (constellation) %D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8&stype=image&noreask=1&lr=194 The Christmas tree also has a triangular shape

There are also curtains Triangular shape %D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8&stype=image&noreask=1&lr=194

A regular paperclip can also be Triangular. %D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8&stype=image&noreask=1&lr=194

There used to be triangular boxes %B4%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8&stype=image&noreask=1&lr=194


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Prepared the work: 7th grade student. “A” Vereshchagina Anastasia Checked the work: mathematics teacher Malyukina P.V. Triangle Project

In our lives, many objects around us very often remind us all of a well-known figure, a triangle! So let's see where we can see it...

The cake very realistically resembles the shape of a triangle!!!

The bell is also triangular in shape!


Even some flowers also look like a triangle

Children's applique - Christmas tree

Furniture table

Windows of the house.

Children's mosaic

Wrist watch



All pictures for this work were taken from the site

Slide 2

The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the Atlantic Ocean where mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft allegedly occur. The area is bounded by lines from Florida to Bermuda, on to Puerto Rico and back to Florida through the Bahamas. A similar “triangle” in Pacific Ocean called the Devil's Bermuda Triangle

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Elbrus is a mountain in the Caucasus, on the border of the Caucasian republics. Elbrus is located north of the Main Caucasian Ridge and is highest peak Russia. Considering that the boundaries of the European part of the world are ambiguous, Elbrus is often called the highest European mountain. mountain peak in the form of a triangle. Elbrus

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Triangle (constellation) Triangle is a constellation in the northern hemisphere of the sky. Occupies an area of ​​132 square degrees in the sky, contains 25 stars visible to the naked eye

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The pyramid has a square in plan and a triangle in vertical section, the square corresponding to the cross formed by the four cardinal points. The temple expresses the hierarchical correlation of parts organized around the source of creation and is spatially located around the world axis. Pyramids

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The place of worship is a stupa where sacred relics are kept. They happen the most different shapes. From the first centuries BC. e. hemispherical stupas were built, later in the form of a bell, towers, square, stepped ones. Bodh Gaya is the place of Buddha Shakyamuni's Enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. The temple of Mahabodhi (Great Enlightenment) 50 m high was erected at this place. Bodh Gaya, India. BUDDHIST TEMPLE

Slide 7

The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings in the world, a symbol of Sydney and one of the main attractions of Australia. The triangle-shaped sail-shaped shells that form the roof make this building unlike any other in the world. The Opera House is recognized as one of the outstanding buildings modern architecture in the world and since 1973 it has been, along with the Harbor Bridge, the hallmark of Sydney. Sydney Opera House

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Concrete trowel Used by masons in the construction of buildings. They use it to put mortar on the brick. The basis of this tool is a triangle.

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Coffee table

A table is a piece of furniture consisting of a horizontal surface (tabletop) and a base. Tables are used to place objects or food at a height that is comfortable for a person. Depending on the height of the table, you can sit or stand at it. They often have triangular and irregular shape tables, the number of legs can also be different, from one (central) to many.

Slide 10

Traffic signs.

The triangle is widely used in traffic warning signs.

Slide 11

This type of triangle was used by soldiers during Patriotic War. They used them to send letters to their loved ones. Soldier's triangle

Slide 12

The double triangle, the six-pointed star, the Seal of Solomon, Mogun David, says that “every true analogy must be used in reverse,” “as above, so below.” Seal of Solomon

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Sri Yantra Mandala In Christian iconography, the eye - in the center of the sun's rays or in a triangle with an upward point - is a well-known symbol of the divine omnipresent power or the Trinity. In Masonic symbolism, the "all-seeing eye" in a triangle and a wreath of rays, which corresponds to the above symbol Trinity, in many boxes it is located above the chair of the master and should remind of the wisdom and vigilance of the Creator, the “Great Builder of all Worlds”, penetrating all the secrets; The eye is sometimes also called the “eye of providence.”

Slide 14

We came to the conclusion that the triangle is a frequently encountered figure in our environment. We encounter a triangle in geometry, in architecture, in our everyday life, in nature.

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The project has been prepared

7th grade students

Gaisaeva F., Epishina A.,

Morenkova V.


  • A triangle is one of the simplest shapes in geometry. Is it so? Does the triangle have any other secrets? Are triangles necessary in life?
  • The theme “Triangles” is one of the first and most important topics in geometry for seventh graders. Further successes of students in geometry depend on its in-depth study. With this project we want to emphasize the importance of the topic and develop children’s interest in the subject of geometry.

Objective of the project:

Find out what role triangles play in our lives, where we meet them and whether we always notice them.

Project objectives:

1. Why do you need to study the properties of triangles?

2. What role do triangles play in human life.

3. Can triangles protect a person?

It may not be for nothing that the triangle was used as a talisman in many ancient cultures and was very symbolic.

  • The triangle is the first mystical geometric figure. The triangle was used in ornaments by ancient peoples. For example, in Ancient Egypt, he was the embodiment of spiritual will, higher intelligence and love - the triad. It is also a symbol of the triune nature of the Universe, which can be classified as follows:
  • heaven, earth, man;
  • father, mother, child;
  • man as body, soul, spirit;
  • mystical number 3, three, the first of the flat figures.
  • This is how the surface symbol appeared. The surface itself is made up of triangles. Even the symbol of completion is an equilateral triangle. On Ancient East the triangle was considered a symbol of the nature of all that is true. Two triangles connected by vertices were considered an emblem of the time cycle.


  • Triangles are not a rare geometric figure.
  • Since ancient times, man has studied its properties. This helped him in construction, solving the needs of land surveying and military affairs.
  • Thousands of years ago, triangles were used for amulets. Now knowledge helps us protect ourselves, and here again we cannot do without triangles.


Naumkina N.V. (Astrakhan, MBOU Secondary School No. 35)

1. En cyclopedia for children. T. 11. Mathematics/Editor-in-Chief E68 M.D. Aksenov. – M.: Avanta+, 1998.

2. I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Mathematics / Comp. A. P. Savin, V. V. Stanzo, A. Yu. Kotova: Under the general direction. ed. O. G. Hinn; Artist A. V. Kardashuk, A. E. Shabelnik, A. O. Khomenko. – M.: AST, 1995.

3. I. N. Bronshtein and K. A. Semendyaev, Handbook of Mathematics. 1965.

4. Sharygin I.F., Erganzhieva L.N. Visual geometry: Tutorial for students in grades 5–6. – M.: MIROSE, 1995.

Geometry is the science that deals with the study of geometric figures. One of the main figures studied in geometry is the triangle. The triangle is the most important figure of planimetry, and therefore, first of all, the numerous properties of this figure are studied. Also a triangle is integral part three-dimensional figures, and we often use its properties to solve various problems. In life, the shape of this figure is used in many areas. And also has its secrets. (Bermuda Triangle, Egyptian pyramids)

Project goals:

1. Study the concept of a triangle and its elements and properties.

2. Develop logical thinking students. To form a cognitive interest in the study of geometry.

3. Learn to establish interdisciplinary connections between mathematics and such academic subjects like history, literature, computer science, drawing.

4. Find out what mathematics means in people’s lives: is it a secondary science or is mathematics an integral part in the life of mankind.

Project objectives:

1. Study the properties of a triangle;

2. Learn to establish connections between various geometric shapes;

3. Develop spatial and logical thinking;

4. Consider the relationship between mathematics and life;

5. Analyze how life depends on mathematics;


1. Is it possible to do without a triangle in life and in mathematics?

2. If mathematics is a minor science, then the laws that it studies should be known to the common man not at all necessary, that is, no one needs these laws in everyday life.

Theoretical part

What is a triangle?

You're on me, you're on him,

Look at all of us.

We have everything, we have everything

We only have three.

Three sides and three corners

And the same number of peaks.

And thrice difficult things

We'll do it three times

Lev Shevrin

A triangle (in Euclidean space) is a geometric figure that is formed by three segments connecting three points that do not lie on the same straight line. These three points are called the vertices of the triangle, and the segments are called the sides of the triangle. The sides of the triangle form three angles at the vertices of the triangle. In other words, a triangle is a polygon that has exactly three angles. If three points lie on the same line, then the “triangle” with vertices at three given points is called degenerate. All other triangles are non-degenerate.

In non-Euclidean spaces, the sides of the triangle are geodesic lines, which, as a rule, are curvilinear. Therefore, such triangles are called curvilinear.

An important special case of non-Euclidean triangles are spherical triangles.

A triangle is a part of a plane limited by the minimum possible number of sides. Any polygon can be accurately divided into triangles only by connecting its vertices with segments that do not intersect its sides. With some approximation, a surface of any shape can be divided into triangles, both on a plane and in space. Since a triangle is a polygon limited by the minimum possible number of sides, when it is divided into triangles, the process of solving problems will be much easier than solving huge polygons. Partitioning a geometric object (in this case, partitioning into triangles) is called triangulation.

Triangle in the history of geometry

A triangle is the simplest flat figure, but we can say that all (or almost all) geometry since Euclid’s Elements rests on the “three pillars” - three signs of equality of triangles.

Over several millennia, geometers have studied the triangle in such detail that they sometimes talk about “triangle geometry” as an independent section of elementary geometry.

Geometry, according to Greek historians, was transferred to Greece from Egypt in the 7th century. BC e. Here, over several generations, it developed into a coherent system. This process took place through the accumulation of new geometric knowledge, clarification of connections between different geometric facts, development of methods of proof and, finally, the formation of concepts about a figure, a geometric sentence and a proof. This process finally led to a qualitative leap. Geometry has become an independent mathematical science: systematic presentations of it appeared, where her proposals were consistently proven.

Why does a triangle have three sides?

We are familiar with different polygons: triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, etc. Why is the triangle considered a symbol of geometry?

It turns out because a triangle is a polygon with the fewest sides. Indeed, try to build a polygon with two sides and you will not succeed, because in order to create a polygon you need a third side.

Is it hard to sleep on a triangle?

This is a funny question that arises when we get acquainted with such a concept as the rigidity of a triangle.

If three sides of one triangle are respectively equal to three sides of another triangle, then such triangles are congruent.

From the third criterion for the equality of triangles it follows that a triangle is a rigid figure. Let me explain what this means. Let's imagine two slats, the two ends of which are fastened with a nail. This design is not rigid: by moving or spreading the free ends of the slats, we can change the angle between them. Now let's take another slats and fasten its ends with the free ends of the first two slats. The resulting structure - a triangle - will already be rigid. It is impossible to move or move apart any two sides, i.e., not a single corner can be changed. Indeed, if this were possible, then we would get a new triangle, not equal to the original one. But this is impossible, since the new triangle must be equal to the original one according to the third criterion of equality of triangles.

Let's consider models of two figures - a triangle and a quadrilateral and find out whether it is possible, without changing the length of the sides, to change the shape of the figure? Under the influence of a small force, the quadrilateral changed its shape, but the triangle did not.

We can say that a triangle is an unchanging figure. It cannot move or move any two sides apart, unlike any other polygon. In a triangle, none of the angles can be changed. Thus, a triangle is a rigid figure.

The great scientist Thales of Miletus founded one of the most beautiful sciences - geometry. He had the title of one of the seven sages of Greece, he was truly the first philosopher, the first mathematician, astronomer and generally the first in all sciences in Greece in the 6th century BC.

The Middle Ages gave a little to geometry, and the next great event in its history was the discovery by Descartes in the 17th century of the coordinate method (“Discourse on Method”, 1637). Sets of numbers are associated with points; this allows one to study the relationships between shapes using algebraic methods. This is how analytical geometry appeared, studying figures and transformations that are specified in coordinates algebraic equations. Approximately at the same time, Pascal and Desargues began research into the properties of plane figures that do not change when projected from one plane to another. This section is called projective geometry. The coordinate method is the basis that appeared somewhat later than differential geometry, where figures and transformations are still specified in coordinates, but by arbitrary, fairly smooth functions.

Triangles in architecture

Triangles are found everywhere in our lives: in suits, in household appliances, as well as in architecture.

The Penrose triangle is one of the main impossible figures, also known as the impossible triangle and tribar.

It was discovered in 1934 by the Swedish artist Oscar Reutersvard, who depicted it as a set of cubes. In 1980, this version of the impossible triangle was printed on Swedish postage stamps.

This figure became widely known after the publication of an article on impossible figures in the British Journal of Psychology by the English mathematician Roger Penrose in 1958. In this article, the impossible triangle was depicted in its most general form- V the form of three beams connected to each other at right angles. Influenced by this article, in 1961 the Dutch artist Maurits Escher created one of his famous lithographs, “Waterfall.”

A 13-meter sculpture of an impossible triangle made of aluminum was erected in 1999 in Perth (Australia)

Pascal's triangle

Blaise Pascal's most famous mathematical work is his treatise on the "arithmetic triangle" formed by binomial coefficients (Pascal's triangle), which has applications in probability theory and has surprising and entertaining properties.

In fact, Pascal's triangle was known long before 1653, the date of publication of the Treatise on the Arithmetic Triangle. So, this triangle is reproduced in title page arithmetic textbook written in early XVI Peter Apian, an astronomer at Ingoltstadt University. A triangle is also depicted in an illustration in a book by a Chinese mathematician published in 1303. Omar Khayyam, who was not only a philosopher and poet, but also a mathematician, knew about the existence of the triangle around 1100, in turn, borrowing it from earlier Chinese or Indian sources.

Martin Gardner writes in the book “Mathematical Novels” (M., Mir, 1974): “Pascal’s triangle is so simple that even a ten-year-old child can write it down. At the same time, it conceals inexhaustible treasures and connects together various aspects of mathematics that at first glance have nothing in common with each other. Such unusual properties make Pascal’s triangle one of the most elegant diagrams in all of mathematics.”

Reuleaux triangle

The Reuleaux triangle is the area of ​​intersection of three circles constructed from the vertices of a regular triangle. They have a radius equal to the side of the same triangle. It belongs to the category of simple shapes (like a circle) with a constant width. That is, if two parallel reference lines are drawn to it, then regardless of the chosen direction, the distance between them will be unchanged, at any point, regardless of their length.

According to historians, the name of this “difficult” simple figure was given by the German mechanic Franz Reuleau, who lived from 1829 to 1905. Many historians agree that it was he who became the discoverer of the properties of this geometric figure. Because he was the first to widely use the properties and capabilities of the Reuleaux triangle in his mechanisms.

Franz Reuleau was the first to give thorough definitions of the concepts of “kinetic pair” and “kinetic chain”. He was the first to show the possibility of a connection between the fundamentals of mechanics and design. That is, he connected theory and practical design problems. What made it possible to create mechanisms in their totality functionality with visual appeal/aesthetics. Hence Reuleaux began to be considered a poet of mechanics. This allowed followers to radically reconsider the theories contained in it.

Other researchers recognize Leonhard Euler (18th century) as the discoverer of this figure, who already then demonstrated the possibility of his creating it from three circles.

And still others “saw” the Reuleaux triangle in the manuscripts of the brilliant Leonardo Da Vinci. Manuscripts of this naturalist, depicting this “simple” figure, are kept in the Madrid Codex and in the Institute of France.

But no matter who the discoverer was, this “not simple” triangle became widespread in modern world. Namely:

Watts drill. In 1914, Harry James Watts invented unique instrument for drilling square holes. This drill is made in the shape of a Reuleaux Triangle;

Wankel engine. Since 1957, the German inventor Wankel F. created a unique mechanism using the Reuleaux triangle. Where inside a cylindrical chamber, a rotor-piston moves along a complex trajectory. Created in the shape of a Reuleaux triangle. With its constant movement, each of its faces, in contact with the walls of the chamber, forms three chambers at once, later called “combustion chambers”.

Grab mechanism of film projectors. The Reuleaux triangle inscribed in a square and a double parallelogram are its basis. And it is needed to uniformly advance the film during a film show at a speed of 18 frames/s without deviations or delays;

In architecture. The design of two arcs of the Reuleaux triangle forms a pointed arch of the Gothic style. And windows in the form of Reuleaux stand in Bruges in the Church of Our Lady. It is also present as an ornament on the window grilles of the Swiss commune of Hauterives and the Cistercian abbey.

Consequently, the Reuleaux triangle, invented in the last century, is widely used today. However, its study does not stand still. Its properties, as characteristics of a simple figure, are under constant theoretical and practical study.

Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most mystical places on our planet, the nature of which has not yet been studied by man.

This mysterious place is located in the Atlantic Ocean, between three geographical points: Puerto Rico, Florida and Bermuda. These points form geometric “vertices” Bermuda Triangle.

For many years, or rather since 1945, this “devilish sea place” has been considered very dangerous for sailors. A lot happened here unexplained phenomena. Drifting ships with dead crews, disappearances of aircraft and sea vessels without a trace, failure of navigation instruments, sensors, radio transmitters, watches - that’s not full list what this sea triangle has become famous throughout the world for.

Many scientists, astronomers, physicists, mathematicians, geographers, and even military services tried to unravel the mysticism of mysterious phenomena, but these studies were not successful. Today, the human world has only ordinary guesses that do not give a definite answer - what kind of strange geographical place is this, what do people see when they get to where the disappeared ships and planes disappear.

This is the strange mystery of this place with the conventional boundaries of a simple geometric figure. A mystery that is unlikely to ever be solved.

Practical part


Questioning is a method of empirical research based on a survey of a significant number of respondents and used to obtain information about the typicality of certain psychological and pedagogical phenomena. This method makes it possible to establish common views and opinions of people on certain issues; identify the motivation of their activities, the system of relationships.

1. What types of triangles are there?

2. What properties do triangles have?

3. Are triangles necessary in people's lives?

4. Do you know why the Bermuda Triangle is called a triangle?

Would you like to know?

Answer options

What kinds of triangles are there?





What properties do triangles have?

Equal sides

Equal angles

Similarity of triangles


Are triangles necessary in people's lives?

Do you know why the Bermuda Triangle is called a triangle? Would you like to know?

Yes, I know

No, I would like to know

No, I don't want to know

I know, I want to know more

Survey results

Conclusion: 53% of the class answered isosceles triangles, 23% - right triangles, 10% - equilateral, and 7% each answered that there are one-sided and different triangles.

Conclusion: 35% of students do not know the properties of triangles, 30% answered equal sides, 22% equal angles, 9% answered many properties and 4% remembered the similarity of triangles.

Conclusion: 61% of students believe that triangles are necessary, and the remaining 39% believe that they are not necessary.

The diverse world of triangles or where in life does a triangle occur?

The triangle is the most common shape. In the forest, when we look at a spruce tree and its shadow, an isosceles triangle appears in front of us.

1. On magic symbols

2. Household items: cocked hats, cutouts on clothes.

3. Musical instruments

Triangle (Italian triangolo, English and French triangle, German Triangel) - percussion musical instrument in the form of a metal rod (usually steel or aluminum) bent in the shape of a triangle. One of the corners is left open (the ends of the rod almost touch).

IN Everyday life the triangle is most often found on road signs.


All the above hypotheses, due to the lack of a precisely constructed scientific basis cannot be accepted as a theory to explain the Bermuda Triangle anomaly. However, this has happened more than once in science: today it is not perceived by our minds, but tomorrow everything is accepted as a new theory.

Reveal the essence of the mysterious disasters occurring in the notorious area Atlantic Ocean, only further Scientific research and observations in these regions, as well as the development of science in general.


A triangle is the simplest closed rectilinear figure, one of the first whose properties man recognized in ancient times, therefore this figure has always been widely used in practical life.

And even now we find triangles everywhere: in architecture, in music and even in medicine. The triangle is a common figure; riddles and secrets of nature are also associated with it.

You simply cannot do without triangles both in life and in mathematics.

This is such an immense topic that the more I immerse myself in it, the more I drown, like in the Bermuda Triangle.

Bibliographic link

Klimeshina E.Yu. SECRETS AND RIDDLES OF THE TRIANGLE // Start in science. – 2016. – No. 5. – P. 45-50;
URL: (access date: 02/19/2019).