Ornamental wormwood is a simple but effective garden decoration. Bitter wormwood: application, cultivation, medicinal properties

Wormwood(Artemisia absinthium) is a plant with a fragrant silvery
leaves that can be grown on the terrace and balcony.
Bitter wormwood is an aromatic green plant that contains
dark green, bitter-tasting oil. Bitter wormwood extract is used to make absinthe. It is this ingredient that gives absinthe a specific,
unique taste.

Bitter wormwood - growing and care


Bitter wormwood is a thermophilic plant. Under natural conditions, it grows in dry rocky or stony places, as well as in wastelands and along roads. Wormwood will grow beautifully on a terrace or balcony. In a warm place, wormwood leaves will be especially effective.

Wormwood - perennial with silvery gray leaves,
pinnately dissected. Both the leaves and the stems of the plant are covered with gray hairs.
In July - August, small yellow flower baskets appear on wormwood.

Wormwood prefers nutritious and permeable soils, so it is best grown on clay soil with the addition of coarse sand. Plant wormwood in a deep flower pot to provide roots. required amount places. Young plants can be grown on a kitchen windowsill.


Seed reproduction
Wormwood is usually propagated by cuttings, but it can be grown without problems.
from seeds.

Sow seeds in rows to a depth of 5-6 cm. When the seeds germinate, thin them out, leaving only the strongest ones at a distance of 15 cm from each other. When the plants grow up, transplant them to permanent place in the ground or flower pot.

If you are a supporter propagation by cuttings, then cut cuttings with a heel (8-10 cm) from the wormwood bush. Plant the cuttings along a flower pot and place the pot in a cool place. In the spring, transplant the rooted cuttings into separate flower pots, and in September, transplant them to a permanent place.


Like many others medicinal plants, bitter wormwood is poisonous.
That is why it is recommended to grow wormwood out of the reach of children.

Withered leaves
Withering wormwood leaves are a sign that the temperature is too low or
insufficient watering.

Yellow leaves
Wormwood leaves turn yellow if it grows in a cold and damp room.

Watering and feeding

V summer period bitter wormwood needs abundant watering, maintain
uniform soil moisture, but do not allow it to become excessively wet.
In winter, limit watering the plant, but do not let it dry out completely.
soil. Once or twice during active growth, feed the bitter
wormwood diluted in irrigation water with complex fertilizers.


Wormwood grows well in sheltered and sunny places. Wormwood is a frost-resistant plant, but if wormwood is potted, then its roots need additional protection for the winter, since the ground freezes bitterly.

Wormwood cultivation, tolling processing at a drying plant, supply of herbs to wholesale buyers, pharmaceutical companies, absinthe producers.

Description of the plant

Bitter wormwood is a common plant found throughout Russia. It grows on fallow lands, along roads, near houses, in weedy meadows, vegetable gardens, along forest edges. For medicine, herbs and leaves are collected. The grass is harvested in the flowering phase. The herb of bitter wormwood contains essential oil, glycosides absintin and anabsintin, organic acids, tannins, vitamin C, carotene, vitamins A, B.

Wormwood - Artemisia absinthium L. Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 m in height. Stem leaves are sessile, twice or three times pinnately dissected. Stems and leaves are silky, gray tomentose. The rhizome is thickened, branched, several stems extend from it. The inflorescence is a complex panicle. The flowers are yellow, tubular, they are collected in small globular drooping baskets. Fruits are oblong achenes, without a tuft. Wormwood blooms in June-August, the seeds ripen in September.

The economic part of the idea

Per hectare. Wormwood seeds - $ 60 / kg. Planting rate - 200 kg per hectare - $ 2400. Rent of agricultural machinery and personnel during plowing, planting, harvesting, transportation to the drying plant, security - $ 860. Collecting herbs in mid-July. The yield of wormwood mass is 35-40 tons per hectare. Processing in a drying plant, at a rate of $ 160 per ton of output product. The output of the finished dried herb is 8-9 tons - $ 1460. Dried grass is bought at $ 3.2 per kg.

Expenses, $
Income, $
Agro-rent and transport
Drying room
Overhead and packaging
Loan repayment
Financial net profit for the calendar year, $
Why grow and not harvest?

Why do I suggest growing wormwood in a specially designated area, and not collecting it where it grows naturally?

The natural crop rotation of wormwood occurs in places along the roads, like weeds. According to environmental standards, laboratory tests are required to obtain a certificate for the supply of herbs to a pharmaceutical company. Road impurities from automobile exhaust gases are detected. Such a herb is not certified, and without a certificate, not a single one medicinal herb will not be accepted for sale! In addition, the harvesting of wormwood growing freely is possible only by hand, which will greatly increase the cost of the grass.

I also ask you to pay attention that there are 250 species of wormwood, of which we are only interested in bitter wormwood Artemisia absinthium, and not the one with which everything is overgrown - common wormwood ARTEMISIA VULGARUS.


I can confidently say that there is and will be demand for wormwood. It is used by both end consumers and drug manufacturers. A digestion is made from wormwood, a concentrate is isolated. One way or another, wormwood is involved in many medicines as a link in a complex recipe chain. Hundreds of tons of annual consumption by large pharmaceutical companies dried herb, among them the well-known Solvay Pharma, Serono, AtheroGenics, Glaxo, "Titan" and the German RSJ Erste, "Veropharm".

Bitter wormwood and its preparations are used as bitterness to stimulate appetite, improve digestion. They are used for gastritis with low acidity. Wormwood essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties. Wormwood tincture, infusion and thick wormwood extract are used. Included in the fees. In Chinese medicine, Indian chernobyl is used, in which choline, adenine, pyrethrin, ascorbic acid, carotene, and vitamin B1 are additionally found. The leaves of this plant are used as a hemostatic, antipyretic, tonic and antitoxic agent.

But this is not the main consumption of wormwood.

The alcohol market consumes thousands of tons of wormwood annually. For example, the Czech plant Hill's, a manufacturer of the famous brand of absinthe, represented in Russia by the Chateau company, announced a tender last year for the purchase of 1.78 thousand tons of wormwood. The British concern Burnett’s annually needs 0.5 thousand tons. French producer Distilleries et Domaines de Provence, represented in Russia by the alcoholic company UTA-N - 1.3 thousand tons.

The implementation of the idea lies in the key of the interests of wealthy alcohol companies supplying to Russian market absinthe drink. Who, in turn, have long dreamed of transferring the production of the drink into their own hands.

The genus of wormwood or artemisia (Artemisia) from the Asteraceae family has about 300 species of herbaceous and semi-shrub plants growing in wildlife throughout Europe and most of Asia and North Africa.

The value of decorative wormwood for the garden lies in its unusual silvery-gray foliage. The leaves of the plant are covered with thick silky hairs, subtle yellow or white flowers appear in July-August.

In Europe, there is a legend that the spicy smell of wormwood planted near the house is able to drive away evil spirits. We don't know about spirits, but the culture is great at repelling mosquitoes on the site.

As an ornamental plant in landscape design several representatives of the genus are used.

Wormwood Schmidt (Artemisia schmidtii), namely its ground cover variety "Nana", also known as "Silver Barrow" 10-25 cm high. The plant forms dense silver-green clumps with feathery foliage. It lends itself well to trimming, thanks to which you can form compact lush pillows. In winter, it can freeze, but quickly recovers. A spectacular hybrid of this species "Powis Castle" about 35 cm high with openwork pinnately dissected foliage.

Steller's wormwood (Artemisia stelleri) and its varietal forms "Mori's Form" and "Boughton Silver" with silver-white fishnet leaves. The height of the varieties is about 30-40 cm.

Louis' wormwood (Artemisia ludoviciana)... Its height is 50-80 cm. Narrow leaves of a bluish or silvery shade. Well-known varietal forms "Valeri Finning", "Silver Queen", "Silver King".

Wormwood Pursha (Artemisia purshiana)... Herbaceous semi-shrub plant with a branched stem 60-70 cm tall and elongated-oval white-gray leaves. Regular pinching of the top during the growing season allows you to form a beautiful lush bush.

The culture is completely undemanding to care. Wormwood in the garden grows well in full sun. Loves poor, well-drained soil; in fertile soil it loses its compact form. Like most silver-gray deciduous perennials, Artemisia is very resistant to drought and does not tolerate stagnant water that can kill the plant. However, immediately after planting, it needs regular, moderate watering for 2-3 weeks to root.

Since the culture grows well in poor soils, it does not need feeding at all. Throughout the season, caring for wormwood in the garden consists of weeding and pruning shoots in the fall or spring at tall species... Low varieties that form clumps over time begin to die off in the center, so every 2-3 years they need to be rejuvenated by division. The procedure is carried out in the spring.

The plant propagates mainly by dividing the bushes, root or stem cuttings, but the first method is the simplest and most effective.
Artemisia can be susceptible to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, mold, white rust. High humidity and poor air circulation exacerbates these problems.

Application in landscape design

In the garden, wormwood looks advantageous in a composition with graceful fescue, blue kermek, lofant, sage, bright carnation herb, solar coreopsis, echinacea, variegated varieties of dwarf barberry, euonymus, spirea, lush santolina. A plant is an ideal candidate for a garden spicy herbs and an alpine slide.

Planting wormwood next to cineraria, lamb, onosma and stachis will create an unusual silver-gray monochrome composition.

Today we will focus on such a plant as wormwood. Its silvery, carved leaves have inspired many gardeners to use it in landscaping. Very often it is used as ornamental plant and decorate garden beds with it.

Wormwood is a common plant with a controversial reputation. This is one of the most tenacious weeds, which is almost impossible to remove without use. special means and drugs. At the same time, it has long been proven medicinal properties wormwood. She was treated in ancient times.

General information and some types

The wormwood plant is a herbaceous perennial of the Astrocyanaceae family. The plant has branchy roots, which are covered with a silvery shade of fluff. It has straight stems with densely dissected leaves.

There are more than four hundred types of wormwood in the world, and each of them has invaluable properties. Citric and bitter wormwood is used for medicinal decoctions and infusions, bitter wormwood extract is very often used in perfumery and even in the production of such alcoholic beverage like absinthe and vermouth. Pets are fed with spreading wormwood. Many species serve as excellent soil fixers. Tarragon wormwood, better known as tarragon or tarragon, gives dishes an unusual aroma and magical taste.

The use of wormwood in landscape design is also very common. For the meager sandy soil these types of wormwood are great:

Wormwood Louis

it cultivated plant originally from the 7th America. Ludoviziana, as it is also called, is a perennial. This ornamental plant reaches a height of 80 centimeters and has a very developed and long root system... Its stems are densely pubescent and very durable, with silvery leaves on them. In order to form a compact Louis wormwood bush, you need to regularly pinch new shoots and remove the inflorescences.

Any garden will be decorated with Louis wormwood varieties:

  • Valeri Finnig. It is a shrub with split leaves and loose stems. The leaf is greenish gray on the outside and white on the inside.
  • Silver Queen. This bush is more branched and densely covered with foliage.

Wormwood Schmidt

This is a perennial, which is rather densely covered with silvery lace leaves. Plant height can reach 15-30 centimeters. This is a very popular type of wormwood that looks great in a landscape ensemble with other plants and flowers. The most popular variety of Schmidt's wormwood is Nana. A compact bush in the form of a ball with threadlike dissected leaves has a simply stunning appearance.

Steller's wormwood

This plant is very popular for its beautiful openwork leaves... They give the plant extraordinary beauty. The silvery leaves remain decorative throughout the season, grow back in spring and at the same time exude a specific pleasant aroma.

Although the plant blooms and it happens in mid-July, its flowers are not particularly valuable for the appearance of the bush. Flowers are generally recommended to be removed, since they cover the plant itself. Leaves, very similar to deer antlers, seem to spread over the soil, and such a miniature and very neat plant looks simply amazing in any garden.

This variety is very well adjacent to bright colors- phlox, herbal cloves and yarrow.


Any kind of wormwood reproduces very well by grafting, using segments of the root system, as well as by dividing the bush.

If the first breeding option is chosen, then this should be done either in late spring or early summer. It is necessary to cut the apical shoots to ten centimeters. This should be done at an angle, and then the cut off shoots should be cleaned from the lower leaves and lowered into a container with sand. The bush is transplanted to a permanent place in open ground, one year later. If the gardener can find a place for the bush that will meet everyone necessary conditions, then in this case, the plant can be planted immediately in open ground to a permanent place. At the same time, it should be very well lit and the soil should be sandy and light. In such conditions, the cuttings adapt perfectly and take root.

The division of the bush is done, as a rule, in the fall. And the method of reproduction by segments of the root system is best carried out during this period. ... In both cases, you need to dig out the bush., divide the root system into several parts and transplant them to new permanent places.

Growing rules in your garden

Decorative wormwood is considered quite unpretentious plant and feels fine in light soils in well-lit areas. However, it will die very quickly in clay soil. In the spring, you need to choose a planting site, carefully dig it up and mix the soil with compost or other organic matter and sand. The plant can be planted immediately afterwards.

In order for the bush not to grow like a weed in the garden, it is necessary to limit the development of its rhizome. To do this, when landing in the ground, you need to dig in 30 centimeters of the curb tape. Another option is to grow the plant in separate containers or pots.

If you overdo it with watering, then you can influence the abundance of pubescence, and then the plant will lose its decorative effect. That is why it is necessary to water it only during prolonged drought; it is not worth sprinkling the foliage with water at all.

The plant can be affected by a disease called powdery mildew. This usually occurs during prolonged rainy weather. A special drug, a fungicide, will help to cope with the disease.

During the flowering period of the bush, it is imperative to remove all inflorescences, because the formation of ovaries will lead to the dispersion of seeds throughout the site.

Use in garden landscaping

It is widely applied in landscape design and decoration of park and garden beds... The silvery bush creates a very beautiful composition in the vicinity of other garden dwellers, while its aroma successfully scares away all kinds flower pests... Such a plant on the site will not only bring aesthetic pleasure to the grower, but will also be incredibly useful.

Low-growing plant varieties are usually used in decoration alpine slides and borders. The Louis Variety goes well with low bells, barberry, cloves or sage. High varieties coexist beautifully with roses.


In conclusion, I would like to say that growing this ornamental plant on your site will not take a lot of time and effort from the grower. He doesn't need Special attention and care, but it will perfectly fit into any garden composition and may even become its main decoration.

Decorative wormwood

The beauty of the silvery dissected leaves of wormwood inspired flower growers to use some of this plant in garden decoration.

Wormwood is one of the most common herbaceous plants with a highly controversial reputation. About her wonderful healing properties has been known since antiquity. At the same time, wormwood is one of the most tenacious weeds.

General information

Wormwood is a perennial (sometimes annual) herb of the Astrotsvetna family. The plant has a lignified branchy root system, covered with a silvery downy straight stems and dissected leaves.

More than 400 types of wormwood are known, each of which has priceless properties. Wormwood and wormwood used for the preparation of medicinal broths, extracts from wormwood used in the perfumery industry and in the production of absinthe and vermouth, wormwood spreading serves as food for pets. Some types of wormwood are good soil fixers. Tarragon wormwood known as tarragon, or tarragon, gives dishes incredible taste and magical aroma.

In landscape design and for landscaping areas with sparse sandy soil, tall and undersized types of decorative wormwood are used - Steller's wormwood, wormwood Schmidt, wormwood lactobacillus, wormwood Louis, mountain wormwood, wormwood, wormwood, wormwood persian.

Wormwood Louis

Cultivated prairie native North America Wormwood Louis, or Louisiana, is a perennial ornamental plant up to 80 cm high with a long rhizome, strong densely pubescent stems and silvery-gray leaves. To form a compact bush from this species of wormwood, you should promptly remove the inflorescences and pinch the shoots.

The varieties of wormwood of Louis - Valeri Finnig and Silver Queen can become a wonderful decoration of the garden. The first variety is a shrub with weakly branched stems and dissected leaves, greenish-gray on top and almost white on the inside.

Wormwood Louis Valeri Finnig

The fast growing wormwood of Louis Silver Queen is distinguished by more branched stems, densely covered with pubescent silvery-gray leaves.

Wormwood Louis Silver Queen

Wormwood Schmidt

Wormwood Schmidt is a perennial undersized densely pubescent shrub with a height of 15 to 30 cm with strong stems and "lacy" silvery leaves. The plant is one of the most popular ornamental crops, which looks especially advantageous in combination with other flowers in the flower bed. One of the most common varieties of Schmidt's wormwood is Nana. It is a small spherical bush with silvery green, pinnately dissected, threadlike leaves.

Wormwood Schmidt Nana

How to propagate wormwood

All types of decorative wormwood reproduce easily cuttings, rhizome segments, dividing the bush... Propagation by cuttings is best done in late spring or early summer. To do this, cut off at an angle the apical shoots up to 10 cm long, remove lower leaves and put in containers with sand. You can transplant to a permanent place in a year. If you manage to create ideal conditions for growing wormwood - find in the garden a well-sunlit area with light sandy soil - cuttings can be planted immediately in open ground.

In early autumn, you can start reproduction by dividing the bush and segments of the rhizome. In both cases, the plant should be dug up, the rhizome divided into several parts and planted in new places.

Conditions for growing wormwood

The unpretentious and drought-resistant decorative wormwood will feel great in a light sandy soil in open, well-lit places, but will die in heavy soil with a high clay content. In the spring, having chosen a suitable site, you should dig up the ground with compost and sand and immediately plant the plants.

To prevent wormwood from spreading throughout the garden, it is recommended to limit its root system with a curb tape dug into the ground to a depth of 20-30 cm, or grow it in flowerpots and containers.

As a result of excessive glaze wormwood can lose its pubescence and, along with it, lose its decorative effect. Therefore, the plant should be watered only during periods of prolonged drought; it is not necessary to spray from above.

In a rainy summer, wormwood can strike powdery mildew, which is easy enough to deal with by treating the plant with a fungicide. During the flowering period, it is better to remove the inflorescences so that ovaries do not form and the seeds do not scatter throughout the garden.

Use in garden design

Application area decorative species wormwood in landscape design and in the design of flower beds is extremely diverse. The plant with beautiful silvery leaves creates picturesque color compositions, while at the same time repelling harmful insects with a tart, bitter aroma.

Low-growing species are used for decoration curbs, alpine slides, rockeries... Ludovic Silver Queen's wormwood goes well with Thunberg's barberry, Steller's wormwood - with low bells, sage, and herbal cloves. Tall species give a special charm to flower beds, rose gardens, mixborders.

Growing tips
Is it worth building a garden at all? Reasonable question. Wormwood is a weedy herb that grows everywhere and everywhere. However, this applies to wormwood and common wormwood, and, for example, lemon wormwood and tarragon still have a limited distribution area. Also, within the borders and surroundings big city, it is not always possible to find even the Chernobyl, not to mention the rarer representatives of the flora.

Most popular varieties tarragon - French, Russian, Gribovsky. French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus), also called German, Dutch, is a dark green plant with smooth leaves. Russian tarragon (Arte-misia dracunuloides) is distinguished by the height of the stems (60-120 cm), the light green color of the upper leaves and the faint odor.
One of the tarragon subspecies is grown in Poland. It differs significantly from Russian and French not only appearance, but also chemical composition, as well as the way of reproduction.
Growing tarragon in a garden is not a difficult task at all. It tolerates cold well, can grow on various soils, but prefers garden, moderately seasoned organic fertilizers... When high doses of fertilizer are applied, tarragon produces a lot of greenery, but loses its flavor.
Tarragon is propagated by seeds, but more often by dividing rhizomes And by cutting green shoots taken from the most fragrant and succulent plants.
Tarragon seeds are sown in boxes in February-March. Seedlings are kept at home on the windowsill. In the third decade of April, as soon as the snow melts, young plants are planted in open ground.
You can sow seeds in open ground with an interval between rows of 15-20 cm. The seeds are not covered with earth, but only slightly compacted. Seeding rate - 3 g per 1m2. The seedlings are thinned out so that the distance between the shoots is 10-15 cm. The soil around the seedlings is regularly loosened, watered and plowed. Plants on the ridges are left before winter and planted in the spring.
Vegetative propagation produce in early spring when the tarragon begins to grow back. Digging out best bushes, cut them so that each part has 2-3 kidneys, and transplanted to a new place. When propagating by cuttings, shoots 10-15 cm long are cut off from well-regrown plants, rooted in a greenhouse at a depth of 3-4 cm at a distance of 5 cm. Cuttings are abundantly watered and shaded. For successful rooting, a temperature of 15-18 ° C is required. 2 weeks after planting, the young garden seedlings are planted in a permanent place.
In climatic conditions typical for Slavic territories, it is preferable to multiply tarragon by dividing the old rhizome. At one place, tarragon can grow for 8-10 years or more, but if it is intended for food, this period should be reduced to 4-5 years.
Tarragon grows early and quickly. Already by the beginning of May, you can get tender, fragrant greens, young shoots by this time reach 10-12 cm. good care and timely feeding, three crops of tarragon are harvested per year.
It is important to remember that tarragon is a moisture-loving herb, it must be watered abundantly and at least once every 10-12 days. The higher the soil moisture, the better it is taste qualities... The climate also matters: in the north, where there is little heat, the plant loses its aromatic qualities.

Tarragon grows both in the sun and in partial shade. It is not picky about the soil, but every spring you need to add 3-4 kg of humus or compost, 2-3 tbsp. spoons wood ash and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any complex fertilizer.
If you don't have garden plot, you can grow tarragon on the balcony or directly in the apartment on the windowsill.
Sow seeds in boxes or flower pots to a depth of 0.5 cm, sprinkle with a thin layer of sand on top. Shoots will appear in 10-14 days. After the appearance of real leaves, feed with a complex organo-mineral fertilizer. Do not forget about regular watering. After 40-45 days after the emergence of shoots, when the shoots reach 13-15 cm, you can make the first cut.
For medicinal purposes, stems, leaves and inflorescences are harvested. The grass is dried in the shade, then tied in small bunches and stored in a cool dark place or kept in a hermetically sealed container. Tarragon can also be harvested by dry salting, like parsley and dill. To do this, finely chopped greens are mixed with salt, without grinding, placed tightly in jars, covered with a lid and stored in a cool place.

Lemon wormwood
Lemon wormwood is a highly branching semi-shrub 50-80 cm high and 50-60 cm in diameter. Perennial shoots are woody, gray at the base. Leaves pinnately dissected. Baskets are oval, gathered in an elongated panicle. Flowers are bisexual, tubular, five-membered. Seeds are very small, light gray in color.

Intensive plant growth slows down in the budding and flowering phase. During this period, the accumulation of essential oil.
Lemon wormwood is undemanding to germination conditions. It is found on solonetzic and saline soils. It easily tolerates both drought and frost. Does not freeze when the temperature drops to -30 ° C. This type of wormwood is rarely affected by diseases and pests.
The plant reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. Seeds are sown in March without embedding. Optimum temperature seed germination - 10-12 C. Most reliable way cultivation - sow seeds for seedlings in a greenhouse or garden bed. In one place, the flax grows for 10-15 years. The beginning of the growing season begins in February-March, budding - in July. Care consists in feeding and loosening the row spacings.
Lemon wormwood is harvested during the period of mass flowering, cutting off aerial part flowering plants at a height of 12-15 cm from the soil surface. The green mass is spread in a layer 20 cm thick under the weight, in dryers or well-ventilated rooms. Dried raw materials are stored in dense fabric bags.

Wormwood annual
Annual wormwood (Artemisia annua L) is a herbaceous plant up to 2 m high. The stem is glabrous, straight, furrowed, at the beginning of the growing season - green, at the end - dark purple. The leaves are oblong, pinnately dissected. Numerous baskets are collected in pyramidal paniculate inflorescences.
The plant tolerates drought well, is resistant to diseases and pests. Annual bloom in August-September.

Seeds are sown in early spring directly into the ground. Active growth begins in the first half of June. Maintenance consists of regularly removing weeds and loosening the soil.
Harvesting is carried out during the period of mass flowering, cutting off plants at a height of 30-35 cm from the soil surface. The green mass is dried in the shade, put in bags and stored in a dry room. Used as a seasoning for meat dishes, in folk medicine - as an appetizing, anthelmintic and anti-inflammatory agent.

It is easy to grow wormwood in the country. This plant is now used as an ornamental plant. Wormwood is unpretentious. Caring for her consists only in annual pruning.

Wormwood was considered a sacred plant among many peoples, and is now used as medicinal herb... How to arrange a piece of steppe or mountain plateau in the country? - Plant wormwood. Its aroma, especially on a sunny day, will envelop your site with its tart aroma. A sprig of wormwood will decorate a bouquet of flowers, its tutorial can be dried and hung indoors. Wormwood repels house moths and other insects.

Steppe grass the bunch is dry, It smells even dry! And at once the steppe above me All the charm resurrects ... ... You sing our songs to him, - When the song does not respond, Tie the steppe yemshan into a bundle And give him - and he will return. "

Apolon Maikov, an excerpt from the poem "Yemshan"
Author's footnote to the poem: "This story is taken from the Volyn Chronicle. Yemshan - name fragrant herb growing in our steppes, probably wormwood. "

Where to get the planting material?

First of all, look at your neighbors. Many now have wormwood as an ornamental or medicinal plant. It grows quickly and violently, therefore, it is unlikely that you will be refused to select a part of the kusa or just a twig.

Wormwood is often found in the fields and meadows near Moscow. You will never confuse it with another plant if you rub the leaf between your fingers and smell it. Does that smell familiar? Most likely, you will meet wormwood or common wormwood (Chernobyl).

It is very simple to cut wormwood. Wanting to start a new bush, I cut a small branch, stuck. into the ground and water it. Everything. If you don't want to take risks, put the cutting in water and wait for rooting.