Urban style: features, description, important points. Urban style in the interior of residential premises

The urban style arose quite a long time ago - at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, cities all over the world developed very rapidly, huge megacities grew everywhere, and it was generally believed that it was the city that was the main part of any civilization. Urbanism in the interior clearly demonstrates the influence of the city on a person. This style is full of dynamics, fashionable novelties, but at the same time, it is incredibly functional. Urban design is perfect for modern young and energetic people who simply cannot live without the frantic pace of a huge city.

Style nuances

Urbanism in the interior is full of seemingly insignificant nuances, without which the whole style will literally fall apart. If you want to create a real modern urbanism in your home, pay attention to Special attention to the list of its mandatory aspects:

  1. Practical functionality should be literally in everything. All cute decorative little things should be immediately thrown away. Any non-functional decor is contrary to urbanism.
  2. Any elements of the street are especially welcome in the interior, for example, massive benches, street lamps and lamps. Love for the city should be felt from the first step into an urban space.
  3. The most common material in this style is glass. And this is not surprising, because the windows of any big city are made of glass.
  4. Additional materials, without which you will not be able to achieve real urbanism in the room - metal and plastic, wood, natural and artificial leather.
  5. The walls in the room should remain virtually untouched. The ideal solution will make the room concrete or brick walls. If you cannot afford it for one reason or another, you can always paste over the walls with imitation wallpaper. brickwork. Modern wallpaper display it so accurately that it is not always possible to feel the catch at first glance.
  6. Monochromatic surfaces should always be preferred to multi-colored ones.
  7. In everything that is in urban design, there should be clear lines. Ornate and smooth lines will stand out from the general context.
  8. The range of urban style colors is very narrow - it is black, white, beige and all shades of gray.
  9. The main accessory of style is the poster. You can choose from posters featuring cityscapes, architecture, and more.

Urban living room

Using urban style in the soul of the house - in the living room - will help to demonstrate to all your guests your uniqueness and originality.

The urban living room is built on three "pillars" - simplicity, good taste, comfort. Designers use this style to design living rooms in recent times more often. The fact is that a room in this style really helps to relax and take a break from hard working days.

The basis of the living room is glass and aluminum. main color- black, additional colors - cream, orange, chocolate, green, purple. However, you can always use those shades that emphasize your personality, as long as they blend well with each other. Contrasting tones are unlikely to fit into the urban style. Much better to look at color circle and choose adjacent shades. For example, use one of these colors as a background for the walls and floor, and make the second color the main color of the furniture.

In general, it is preferable to choose small furniture in the living room. If you are buying upholstered furniture, then it will look best in black or white. Standard set furniture in the interior of an urban living room - a sofa with a pair of armchairs and coffee table. If the room is spacious enough, make a small library in it. This will be a very interesting move.

As for the sofa, give preference to the option L shape upholstered in leather. Both the sofa and chairs should be placed around the table so that when you gather with friends, it is convenient for you to communicate. By the way, the most advantageous solution for the table itself is a glass top with aluminum legs. One or two paintings with a strict abstract pattern will complete the interior of the living room.

Urbanism in the interior of the bedroom

It is very important that the urban bedroom retains a touch of intimacy and fulfills its main functions, that is, it is a place of solitude and relaxation. At the same time, the bedroom, like the living room, should clearly reflect the individuality of its inhabitants. That is why the whole design of this room needs to be carefully thought out to the smallest detail.

The urban style bedroom has something of Japanese style and minimalism. In such a bedroom, comfort and peace reign. All bedroom interior items should be of really high quality, and overall design- concise.

Traditional urban-style walls are concrete, brick or metal, but for the bedroom you can make a small exception and cover the walls with plaster. Bedroom furniture is better to choose the one that is made of natural wood. Also pay due attention to the color of the furniture. Too much bright options not worth choosing. Let all the elements of furniture be in restrained soothing colors. To save space and more functionality you can use built-in furniture.

All textiles in the bedroom should be in the same tone. This applies to curtains, and tablecloths, and bedspreads. A design on textiles is acceptable, but it should be a simple and discreet pattern, for example, a geometric one.

What is "urban"? Probably everyone has heard the expression "the level of urbanization of the population", but not many people understand its meaning. It seems, why call concepts foreign words if you can replace them with Russians? But not always in our native language there is some kind of analogue of a foreign concept, so we have to supplement our speech with various newfangled words. Today we will talk about what "urban" is and where this term is used.


Translated from the Latin urbane is "urban". What does it mean? The word "urban" in the West is an analogue of the word "city". In our country, this trend can be traced, but infrequently. When people say what "urban" is, they mean the prestige of the city. What could it be? Previously, prestige was measured in the number of factories and industries concentrated in one city. Today, an urbanized city should not have factories, but large shopping centers, clubs and restaurants. In general, everything that is simply necessary for life modern man with good money.

City urbanization

Moscow is the most developed city in Russia. St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and other million-plus cities are catching up with it. They are considered urban cities or urbanized cities. They are comfortable for people of all ages. There are a large number of jobs, industries, shops and entertainment. People do not know what hunger and unemployment are. And when a person lives well, he begins to engage in art. Various subcultures, parties and trade unions are being created. People have the opportunity to openly express their opinion on this or that account.

How does a city become urbanized? Why are there few such cities in our country, while in America almost every city bears the proud title of urban? The point is that the prosperity of the city is the wealth of its population. And if people have a well-paid job, then they will hold on to it, fulfill their mission well. Thus, production will develop, expand and hire new employees from other cities. Due to this, the city will also grow.

Urban creativity

What is urban art? It is a product of youth activity, which is born in big cities. Such art is rarely officially recognized, since it has no canons, and often there are no rules. What examples can be given? Graffiti is a kind artistic creativity. Today it is officially recognized as a branch of art, but it is still not clear to many where artists can hone their skills. Indeed, for the "decoration" of city walls with inscriptions, even a prison sentence can be given. Urban dance is hip hop and break dancing. By the way, they are also officially recognized as dance styles, but competitions in them are most often held in a street format.

Music urban

People have always loved to sing. But every year the songs become less melodic. You can't say it's bad. Music is undergoing a rebirth. What is an urban song today? This is rap. Moreover, if 2-3 years ago performers tried to sing, today they just read the text. Often rappers perform in battles. The purpose of this event is to humiliate the opponent through rhymes. Moreover, these should not only be well-rhymed lines, first of all they should carry a semantic load. Such events arose within the framework of urban style and, thanks to the Internet, styles quickly became popular. Now rap battles are held not only by world-famous or country-famous performers, but by everyone.

Urban music can be given another definition. These are the songs that young people like, those songs that are included in the tops of all radio stations. In a word, pop. Such music becomes popular not due to some of its secret catchy properties, but because it plays intrusively from all minibuses, cafes and clubs.

Urban as a lifestyle

A lot of people live in big cities. And some of them are considered urbanized. Why not all, but only some part? Some people do not have the financial opportunity to enjoy all the benefits and conveniences that Big city. Others simply do not recognize the urban style as a manifestation of culture. And if the first people can still be understood, then the second - no. After all, life does not stand still, it moves. Everything in it changes and develops. Therefore, culture also changes over time, and does not degrade, as many people think.

A young man who listens to rap, admires graffiti, and spends his free time doing various tricks on a snowboard, may well say about himself that his lifestyle is urban. He is a character of the era who knows neither war nor famine. It is difficult for young people to imagine how their ancestors lived.

And who sets the style of life? Today, the Internet is up to the task. It is there that young people learn about what is fashionable to wear, what kind of music they should listen to and where they definitely need to drink coffee. How do people know what exactly is considered an attribute of an urban lifestyle? From Instagram and thanks to photos of friends in other social networks.

The interior is not just a breath of freshness for your many years of renovation, it is a real art and an opportunity to show all your creativity and style, creating a place where you and your loved ones will be pleased to live. Modern trends in interior design, even the most perverted fantasy is allowed to unfold, so you can easily express your complex personality in literally everything: on the walls, in furniture, in style. You can be a fan of minimalism or strive for luxury, give preference to functionality, or combine it all at once. We decided to tell you about the most popular styles in the interior today and how to embody them in your apartment.

1. Rustic

The rustic style interior is a combination of simplicity, rudeness and naturalism - the three main pillars on which the modern interior versed in the style of a man. Rustic is characterized by the fact that the elements of decor and furniture are made by hand, from natural materials, and the main focus of this design is peace and relaxation. In classic examples of a rustic interior, you can find a large amount of wood: furniture, walls, floors, decor. And also lumber, cork surfaces and, of course, stone are used. Among the softer or elastic elements of the style, materials such as cotton, wool, paper, clay are used. Rustic is not complete without glass, metal and bamboo. All these materials create a natural and stylish image in the interior, make you pay attention to the details. As a rule, such deliberate rudeness can be diluted thanks to color scheme, a variety of textures and, of course, decorative elements in vintage style or folk art, as well as handmade.

Rustic is perfect for spacious rooms, as rough and embossed textures can significantly reduce the already small room, so if you want to add a little harsh rudeness to the interior, then add it in portions, in more small details or in furniture items.

2. Scandinavian

Ikea lovers are probably familiar with one of the most popular styles at the moment - Scandinavian. This style in the interior is characterized by minimalism, spaciousness and comfort. Despite the fact that the Scandinavian style is multifaceted, its main characteristics are simplicity, delicate and often light (or even white) colors, a balance between artificial and natural, and necessarily functionality. AT scandinavian style great attention is paid to proportionality, which requires a certain arrangement of objects in space. Furniture in Scandinavian interior should be simple, comfortable, made in basic colors, most often it is gray and white. They always look fresh and only emphasize the rest of the decor.

The main advantage of this furniture is that you can independently participate in the formation of its design. The client can choose the size, shape and material (of which there are more than 100 items) of the future product on his own, taking into account the dimensions of his room and the layout features. RESPECTLOUNGE are distinguished by quality, professionalism and individual approach to each client.

3. Industrial

The industrial style in design is popular for loft spaces and old buildings that need to be adapted for living, as well as in the design of standard apartments and houses. All that needs to be done in such an interior is to achieve a sense of the industrial past, as if there used to be a factory or workshop here, but not a bachelor's nest at all: rough materials, raw or aged surfaces. The easiest way to create the illusion of roughness is to leave walls and some large surfaces unfinished (raw or unpainted). They will create an industrial atmosphere metal elements in furniture and decor, as well as objects made of steel, glass or wood. Old decor items or appliances that have seen enough time will fit perfectly into the industrial style, they will hardly be usable, but the style will be emphasized as well as possible. But at the same time, do not forget about functionality.

Industrial-style wall decor is perhaps the spiciest place: brick walls, plaster, paint, bright or dark colors that go well with any furniture, as well as soft and warm shades to add coziness. In terms of furniture: the more the better, so you should pay attention to large long sofas, large soft chairs, cozy and comfortable, and also do not forget about decorative elements like pillows, blankets and carpets.

An excellent addition to the rough industrial style will be plants: real in clay pots, terrariums or artificial; and, of course, lighting.

Large chandeliers, floor lamps and desk lamp, made in a rough style, and having something industrial, street, not at all homely in their design, can be found in. Here you will be offered a high-quality model from well-known manufacturers, suitable for any interior, including loft lamps that fit perfectly into the industrial.

If you need help with the choice or advice from a professional, the store manager will come to the rescue. In other words, lighting from Lustron is a combination of quality, style and reasonable price, so that your interior will shine with new colors and acquire its own character.

4. Art Deco

Art Deco style is usually associated with the period of the First and Second World Wars. Here the pomposity and pomposity of the 20s were combined with the fundamental elegance and functionality of the 40s. Art Deco is primarily distinguished by lighting - bright and luxurious, creating an atmosphere, that is, in such an interior you can find floor lamps, weighty chandeliers and other vintage glamor. Geometric prints on walls and large surfaces add volume and shape to a space, whatever its size. The furniture is predominantly lacquered, made of wood, metal, sheathed with velvet or other soft, luxurious fabrics. Plenty of mirrors and reflective surfaces add sparkle to the Art Deco interior. In this design, it is best to combine textures such as vinyl, silk, wool, adding a variety of carpets, bedspreads, cushion and sofa covers, and wallpaper with geometric patterns in warm colors to the interior.

5. Urban modern

If you like the style of large cities, lofts and a cosmopolitan atmosphere, then urban modern is a style that you will definitely want to try at home. Its main characteristics are simplicity and a combination of a variety of modern styles. Minimalist modern, a touch of ethnicity and highly experimental design: urban modern is the style of the 21st century.

To implement it, it is worth considering the following details. Firstly, it is large furniture (beds, sofas, armchairs), strict, vintage or artificially aged, the main thing is to remember simplicity. Do not be afraid to combine things in your design that, at first glance, cannot be combined. Modern and New furniture will look great in combination with something that is long overdue to be thrown away or taken to a flea market. Decorative details play an important role here (pillows, mirrors in old frames or completely new, large tables made of wood or metal).

An excellent addition to the comfort in the urban modern style can be such a detail as a fireplace. Of course, it is not possible to install a real fireplace in your apartment, but buying a wall-mounted biofireplace is elementary. Excellent biofireplaces can be purchased at the store. Here they offer a wide range wall fireplaces, made both in minimalism and in a more creative style. This acquisition will not only be the final touch in the creation of the urban modern style, but will also be an acquisition that you will never regret, because to be able to relax on the couch, contemplating the flames is the dream of any person living in a noisy metropolis.

Imagine the spirit of large metropolitan areas. They perfectly describe an unusual design direction - urban style decor in the interior.

It is modern, creative and original, and also allows you to create a space suitable for living, relaxing and having a good time.

The style is distinguished by simple outlines and a rich palette. Such decoration is perfect for ambitious, active and business people who always go forward. It will also look great in the apartments of socialites, politicians and show business stars.

Urban style in interior design is a balanced combination of simple and concise furnishings, multifunctional accessories.

It is important that all of them harmoniously interact with each other. At the same time, the main feature of the decoration is the theme. big city, which reduces all elements.

You can create a wonderful atmosphere with the use of colorful and bright posters with photographs of the streets of the metropolis, benches, incomparable lanterns, mailboxes, booths of pay phones.

In addition, materials with a texture that imitates asphalt, brickwork and porcelain stoneware are perfect for finishing walls and floors.

The best option for wall decoration will be plain paint monochromatic shade. For cladding floor covering laminate or luxurious parquet is appropriate, and for the transformation of bathrooms - ceramic tiles.

When choosing building materials, it is important to opt for concise models.

The design is distinguished by aesthetic appeal, functionality and practicality. The furniture is selected high-quality, comfortable and beautiful with uncomplicated outlines and excellent upholstery.

The epicenter of attention in any room will be a shapeless chair in the form of a bag. It perfectly symbolizes the spirit of a large metropolis with its frantic pace of life.

Decorate home decor, designed in this style, transparent and frosted glass. It is found in almost all rooms of the apartment: kitchen, guest salon, boudoir, bathroom and office.

In addition, it is used for finishing various structural elements - doorways, shelves, countertops, cabinets and cabinets.

The house in the manner of urbanism is characterized by an unusual combination of natural and artificial materials. The design is appropriate muted and monochrome gamma with shades of beige, smoky and sand, balanced with the use of multi-colored and motley accessories.

Another feature of the design direction is the strict observance of the principles of urbanism in the selection of decorations and furniture. In such an interior, vintage chests are unacceptable, rustic textiles or curtains in country style.

One extra thing can spoil the whole impression of the atmosphere of the apartment.

A popular decor direction is the introduction of prints with voluminous floral or floral ornaments into a strict and restrained setting.

They can be presented in the design of furniture upholstery, curtains, tablecloths, chair covers, as well as decorative pillows and wallpaper.

In the next video, your attention is presented to a mansion in Paris, designed in an urban style.

The urban style arose quite a long time ago - at the beginning of the last century. First of all, this is due to the unprecedented development of cities, when their population began to tirelessly increase, and their infrastructure began to amaze with its diversity. Millions of people fell in love with the rhythm of life in megacities, the style of design and the functionality of the streets. Until now, young people, full of energy and not imagining themselves in isolation from urbanization, strive to bring a little urban atmosphere even into their homes. This is how the urban style in the interior appeared.

Style Features

The interior, decorated in an urban style, is clear, simple and functional. Here you will not find cute and unnecessary, but beautiful trinkets, bright pictures or classic expensive furniture with twisted legs. This style has several specific features:

  • Every item in the room should be functional. There are no unnecessary accessories, trifles and decorative elements. Practicality - main criterion choice of things for such an interior.

  • The range of colors for room decoration is very poor. White, all shades of gray, black, beige and brown are very popular. In urban style there is no place for flashy and bright colors.
  • The walls in the room are best finished with bricks, rough tiles or left unplastered. The rougher in this case the decoration of the room looks, the better. But it is not always convenient and affordable to use such materials. Then you can paste over the walls with wallpaper that repeats the pattern of brickwork or a concrete wall.
  • It is better to give preference to plain materials than textured or patterned ones.

  • If there are lines in the interior, then they should be even and clear. There is no place for cute curls, smooth patterns.
  • Various street objects look great in such an interior, whether it be a stylish lantern, a “station” clock or a rough bench. Such elements can become a real highlight of your home.
  • The most relevant and popular materials are plastic, wood, metal, glass and leather. A separate role is given to glass, since there are usually a lot of glass showcases on city streets.

  • If you are a lover of expensive paintings in gilded frames, obviously, the urban style is not for you - posters are appropriate in such an interior, preferably with landscapes. They are usually not too bright, but they look stylish and unusual. The graffiti on one of the walls also looks interesting.
  • Lighting in such an interior should be special. Crystal Chandelier would be inappropriate here, but Spotlights, located on the same line or along the perimeter of the room, harmoniously fit into the interior. A chandelier can also be used, but it must be of a strict geometric shape.

Decor elements in urban style

Knowing the main features of the style, you can select and combine different interior items. A real highlight of the living room can be a strict black leather furniture with chrome elements glass table With metal legs. It is better to refuse gentle