How to fasten the metal legs of the table together. Installation of support legs for a steel bath. Installation rules. Table making process

The table is an indispensable piece of furniture in the kitchen. Today, manufacturers for the manufacture of tables use a huge amount of materials. You can also count at least two dozen options for legs for the kitchen table.

How much should be?

In the classic version kitchen table has four legs. Basically, these are traditional models with square and rectangular countertops. A table with three legs almost always has round shape. It may be small coffee table or a full meal option. A table with two legs for the kitchen can be made in several forms, but most often there are models with two X-shaped legs or stable solid wood legs.


Chromed metal

Metal legs are one of the most common types of kitchen table supports. The exceptional strength of the material ensures their reliability. Such legs are considered stable not only because of the solid construction, but also due to the plugs that are installed to prevent slipping on the floor. Manufacturers and craftsmen who decide to make a table with their own hands, metal legs attract the attention of low value and durability. The coating of such supports can be different, they can be painted or chrome.

Forged metal

Tables with forged legs have a number of advantages. First, they are very durable and never need to be repaired. Secondly, the model with iron legs has maximum stability, it is almost impossible to tilt or turn it over. Thirdly, tables with forged legs are quite versatile, easily fit into any interior and do not conflict with interior items that do not have forged elements. Fourthly, forged legs are quite easy to care for and there are no special recommendations for their maintenance.


tables from natural wood is a classic and the oldest tradition of our country. Such furniture always looks very beautiful and expensive. Wooden legs for the kitchen table can be various shapes: round, square or carved. Models with carved or chiseled legs are the most beautiful and elegant, and the overall impression of furniture often depends on the skill of carving craftsmen. The wood is varnished and sanded, as many layers are made as necessary to obtain a beautiful smooth surface.


Plastic legs are in high demand due to their low cost. In addition, furniture legs made of polyurethane are of high quality and reliable, captivating with beautiful carvings. Legs made of this material are perfectly combined with all countertops, regardless of the material from which they are made. Polymer materials absolutely impervious to moisture and vapours. Another advantage of polyurethane legs is their low flammability, which prevents the rapid spread of fire in the room in the event of a fire.

Designer finds

The most common version of legs for fashionable kitchen tables is chrome-plated legs, which are in perfect harmony with retro style, minimalism and high-tech. If you look for the latest design developments of tables and supports for them, you can find a rather unusual execution of them. For example, the supports may be too wide or, conversely, extremely narrowed. Often the shape of the supports in the designer's fantasy suddenly becomes curved or decorated with artistic decoration.

Particular attention is given to the legs if they are under a transparent tabletop. In this case, all the splendor of beautiful legs is perfectly visible visually, so it is required creativity to their execution. A metal box with a cross section bent at an angle of 90 degrees, which plays the role of a central support, can act as a support. Luxurious Design obtained by using four gracefully curved legs, similar to the paws of insects.

Openwork intertwining metal legs give the tables a special luxury. They can fill almost all the space under it or part of it, be in shape geometric figure or represent the leaves of a plant.

Extravagant models that fit well into modern interior, can be called kitchen tables with X-shaped legs, made of a bar with a square section. The legs tilted at an angle and converging at a point in the middle look most harmonious.

Pledge of strength and stability

Experts know that unprofessional legs are the cause of table swaying and tilting. And although adjustable feet can fix the tilt, but 99% of the quality of the table depends on the correct assembly.

There are two popular ways to mount legs: mounting with surface plates and mounting using T-nuts.

Mounting with surface plates

  1. If you purchased legs without fittings installed in them, you will have to do it yourself. To do this, you should have eye and eye bolts for large tables and threaded dowels for small tables.
  2. Eyebolts and eyebolts should be checked on a test plate to ensure that the screws will be of a compatible size.
  3. Install the eye and eye bolts inside the table legs, and mark the center of the leg with a marker or pencil. Then you need to make a hole in the leg and tighten the bolt tightly in upper part each leg.
  4. Turn the countertop on the wrong side or put it on its side.
  5. Mount the plates at all four corners of the table top with four screws.
  6. Then you need to screw the upper part of the bolt with an eye and an eye into the plate. Screw in until fully tightened.
  7. After installing all four legs, place the table on the floor and make sure it is level.

It is simply impossible to imagine a kitchen without a table that performs two functions at once, one of them is eating, the second is cooking. You can buy this piece of furniture at any store of relevant goods, but it is not always possible to choose the model that will be suitable for the dimensions and design of a particular room, so it is better to make a table with your own hands.

Figure 1. A wooden dining table can be made by hand, so you can make it the size and shape you need.

On fig. 1 you can see the design of the table, which will be discussed in the example. For the process of work, you can rent everything necessary equipment for wood processing, avoiding its acquisition. As a result, you can get not only an original, but also a sturdy table that will fit into the interior, decorated in any style.

Tools and materials:

  • acrylic composition;
  • putty;
  • beam;
  • furniture plate;
  • fastening accessories;
  • jigsaw;
  • wood glue;
  • clamp;
  • Sander.

Preparation before starting work

Tools for making a table: jigsaw, drill, self-tapping screws, tape measure, ruler, pencil.

In order to make a table with your own hands, you need to prepare a furniture plate, the thickness of which can be equal to the limit of 40-45 mm, while its width can vary from 600 to 800 mm, the length of the plate can be any, but traditionally it is 1200-1400 mm . It is permissible to use the corresponding element as a countertop, for kitchen set, adjusting it to the desired size. If it is not possible to purchase a solid countertop, then it is permissible to replace it with a set of boards that are to be glued.

The legs can be made using a bar that has a square section equal to 60x60 mm or 70x70 mm. The legs can be figured wooden or steel products. The structure will become rigid thanks to the beam, the cross section of which is 40x40 mm, and the length should be such that it is possible to circle the countertop around the perimeter. We make a table using mounting hardware, it can be represented different models, you will also need fasteners, namely bolts, screws and nuts.

Table manufacturing technology

Boards and timber must be marked to the desired length and sawn into blanks.

Before you make a table, you have to think about what design it will have, what technical solutions will be used in the process of its manufacture, how it can then be decorated, these components will allow you to get a full-fledged aesthetic piece of furniture. This stage involves drawing up a sketch according to certain dimensions of the structure.

For the table, you need to choose the type of countertop, which will be the easiest to make for the master, and the one that will look most harmonious in the interior of the room. There are two types of countertops, one of which is simple, the second - a high degree aesthetics and originality.

If you prefer a tabletop made on the basis of glued laminated timber for a table, then it will act as the most simple option structures, excluding the tabletop based on the finished furniture board.

In order to make a tabletop from a bar, you have to use a saw, which can be replaced by electrical equipment: a jigsaw, a sawmill, etc.

Corners are used to fasten the legs.

The beam must be cut into blanks, giving it the required length. And then you can make a thorough processing of the mating surfaces. This procedure may involve grinding.

The ends of the blanks must be covered with glue for working on wood, strengthened with clamps on a flat base until completely dry. As soon as the countertop is ready, its surface must be carefully sanded by hand or using a grinder, then it is necessary to chamfer the perimeter and round the corners.

The second type of countertop can be decorated with tiles, which can give the product high aesthetic and consumer qualities. In the manufacturing process, it is permissible to use a solid array of wood, which can be replaced with a solid furniture board. Inner part countertops must be removed to a depth that is equivalent to the thickness of the tiles, while it should be taken into account that the adhesive layer also has its own thickness, which will manifest itself when laying products. In order to achieve even greater aesthetics, it is permissible to form a border located around the perimeter of the table top, equal to 70 mm. You can more accurately calculate the size of the border, taking into account the dimensions tiles. It is possible to carry out work to remove a layer of wood, for example, with a chisel or by means of a manual milling method.

Using the traditional Bustilat glue, tiles can be laid on the formed base, while its height should coincide with the height of the curb. As soon as the glue dries, you can continue the manufacturing process of the structure.

To connect the legs of the table and the table top, use self-tapping screws or special fittings.

At the stage of fixing the table legs, you will have to use mounting hardware. In advance, it is necessary to drill holes on the legs, the diameter of which should be 1 mm smaller than the corresponding size of the screws. Now you can fix the fittings on the legs.

The next step will be to increase the rigidity characteristics of the future structure, for this inside countertops along the perimeter with self-tapping screws, you should fix the prepared bar, which will serve as the table side. The installation of the beam must be carried out after marking, providing sufficient space for the legs. Then you can match the legs and mounting hardware to the tabletop and drawer side.

Table surface decoration

Applying tile to countertops.

Making a table with your own hands, at the last stage you have to finally decorate the structure. Before this process, all elements must be carefully sanded to get rid of the most minor roughness. Finishing also allows you to show the unique natural structure of wood.

Before you make a table with your own hands, you need to choose the right wood, which should have high quality, be well dried right technology. Otherwise, the design will change its linear dimensions over time. This can happen when wood with a high moisture content has been used. Over time, it will begin to evaporate and deform the table. But even well-dried wood must be protected from external negative factors, because the kitchen is characterized by conditions with high humidity. In addition, the table is often used for cooking, which may be accompanied by exposure of the countertop to substances harmful to wood.

After the completion of the manufacturing process, the table with your own hands must be varnished, which can be replaced with wax. Wood is not always devoid of flaws or knots, which must be treated with putty, and then sanded and decorated with an acrylic compound.

The surface of all elements of the table itself will have to be varnished in several layers. The more there are, the more attractive it will be. appearance finished product.

After all work on sawing wood is completed, the work area should be carefully cleaned, especially when it comes to the painting or varnishing stage. Because dustiness can cause Bad quality staining. The next step will be drying, which should be carried out in a warm room. You can choose a varnish that will be able to give the wood the desired shade and look of precious species. In addition, it will provide good protection elements from damage and wear.

Making a children's table

Before you make a table with your own hands for a nursery, you should prepare a solid array that will form the basis of the tabletop. You will need blanks for legs from a bar with a section of 40x40 mm. At the heart of the power frame will be 4 bars. Model children's table may be equal to 500 mm or higher.

The connection of structural elements should be carried out according to the “groove-thorn” principle, for this reason, grooves must be formed by means of end mills in the places where the legs are attached. For what it is necessary to mark the places for the grooves, combining the paired elements, and then in the right place it is necessary to equip a blind hole. Its diameter should be equivalent to the thickness of the groove, while its depth is usually equal to 1/3 of the body of the workpiece. Now you can fix the leg blank in the clamp, and then, using the end mill installed at low speeds of the electric drill, proceed to the selection of wood until a groove of the required size is formed.

The ruler will allow you to measure the resulting grooves and mark the spikes on the bars for the power frame, which can then be formed. Now you can make a control assembly. Measuring tools will allow you to check the angles between the elements. Then you need to mark the blanks and disassemble the table. Joiner's glue will help fix the mating elements. After waiting for the frame to dry, it is necessary to strengthen the countertop to it. Why in the center of the legs you need to drill a blind hole for the furniture pin. Next, you need to mark the positions of the spikes on the reverse side of the countertop by drilling counter holes.

In this case, it is also necessary to make a preliminary fitting, only then the parts can be processed with glue and attached.

Any of these tables can be adjusted to the size of a nursery or dining room, the main thing is to make accurate measurements and make strong pairing, then the design will serve its owners for a long time.

It would seem that such a simple question as fixing a countertop with a modern abundance of building materials should not cause difficulties. But it is precisely the huge number of options that makes you think about the best way. It’s also good when you just need to lay the work surface on the frame of the furniture module and provide it with only additional support. But cantilever wall mounting requires a more serious and balanced approach. Below we will consider both options, but for now it is worth deciding in which cases it is generally necessary to fix the work surface.

When is it necessary to do without additional fixation?

The countertop in the kitchen sometimes takes on very tangible loads. When cutting products, it only requires a sufficient area and a flat surface. But often we load the table with a small household appliances. Microwave, oven, portable Dishwasher, coffee maker, mini-bar - all these items in the kitchen often “settle” on the table, and here you will already need to fix it well.

The neat appearance of the kitchen should not be discounted either - an unfixed countertop can sometimes move, forming a noticeable gap in contact with the wall. Not only does this spoil the picture a little, but also particles of products will accumulate there. It is useless to attach a decorative plinth to such a movable surface. And if the design of the headset is such that freely hanging ends appear at the tabletop, instead of a reliable work surface, you become the owner of an analogue of a children's swing. So even the top plate lying on the pedestals is better to be attached to the wall so that it “does not play”.

Sometimes the only way to increase the functionality of a small kitchen is to make additional surfaces with your own hands where you can place appliances or process food. You can’t provide support for such countertops from below, but fixing them on the wall is quite realistic. And of course, you can’t do without it if built-in appliances are hidden under the work surface - cooling chamber or washing machine.

Methods for attaching countertops

The choice of fixing the table against the wall depends not only on the loads, but also on the material of the working surface. Of course, the easiest way to deal with laminated chipboard, MDF and wood - for such elements a headset is not needed professional tool, as in the case of a heavy agglomerate or natural stone. For a metal countertop, too, special skills or devices are not needed - it is enough to choose the right type of fastening and be careful during installation.

In the meantime, let's prepare the main tool:

  • The level is better than the usual carpenter's spirit level.
  • A powerful electric drill or hammer drill if the walls are reinforced concrete, plus a set of appropriate drills.
  • Screwdriver (sometimes you can get by with a Phillips screwdriver).
  • Center punch and hammer.

Mounting on brackets

This is the most common way to mount the work surface, when the load on the walls is transferred through a special profile. For a standard worktop, a single bracket with a height of about 350 mm with a shoulder of 500 mm is suitable. You can take a couple of corner supports, but not so powerful, but it is better to keep the length of the shoulder.

The longer the countertop, the more brackets you will need to mount to compensate for its bending under load.

Work order:

  1. Determine the installation location of the bracket so that it does not interfere with the furniture and appliances located below, but maintains the countertop at the desired height.
  2. Make a mark on the wall and, using a level, lower the perpendicular out of it - the vertical part of the bracket is attached to this markup.
  3. Attach the part to the resulting axis, mark the points for the screws. If necessary, they can be immediately pinned.
  4. Drill holes in the wall and hammer dowels into the sockets.

Then it all depends on the features of the countertop. If it is a thick sheet of chipboard or a wooden shield, it is better to attach the arm of the bracket to it. reverse side short self-tapping screws (25 mm) - they should not pierce the plate through. Thin panels can be glued to liquid nails. Special strength is not needed here, it is enough to ensure the immobility of the surface resting on the bracket. assembled structure all that remains is to attach it to the wall and fix it with a pair of self-tapping screws - they will open the already clogged dowels, and you will get a reliable anchor connection.

Similarly, you can attach a tabletop in a niche, where it will be surrounded by walls on three sides. Here it is better to use short brackets or even replace them with perforated metal corners, but also install them along the sides. Pay attention to the thickness of the steel - in this case, plates of 2.5-3 mm will be optimal.

Beam installation

How independent option this method of fixing the countertop should not be considered, but if you just need to immobilize it after laying it on the bottom row of cabinets, then it is quite suitable. Often, the cabinets of inexpensive kitchen sets have less depth than the countertops that come with the kit. This allows you to install them in one row with a sink and a stove, withstanding the gaps necessary for other communications. But as a result, the work surface near the wall just hangs in the air and needs to be attached.

Work order:

  1. Lay the countertop on the pedestals that are tightened and leveled, mark the line of the upper edge on the wall, after which the slab must be removed.
  2. Measure the thickness and put the resulting millimeters down from the markup, draw a horizontal line using the level. This is the line that corresponds to the bottom edge of the countertop, and the beam should be attached along it.
  3. Choose a sufficiently strong beam, measure the height of its profile in order to determine the central axis - a third is drawn under it below the previous two strips.
  4. According to the last marking, nests for dowels are made, and reciprocal holes are made in the timber.
  5. After checking the horizontal position, it remains to attach the beam to the wall with anchor bolts, and lay the countertop on it.

Such a support distributes the load of the work surface better, but due to the small width of the contact, it cannot be used on its own - only when the countertop is supported by vertical supports (cabinet walls). It is advisable to impregnate the beam itself with an antiseptic, paint or varnish it, since it will have to serve in conditions high humidity. Can be used metal corner, but it is harder to work with it, and its super-reliability with this method of fastening will remain unclaimed.

Fixed tabletop when finished finishing works it is worth equipping with a small plinth. It will close the joint at the wall and make it much easier to clean the kitchen. Decorative slats can be made from any material - depending on the design working area. It is better to mount plastic and wooden plinth on self-tapping screws, tiles, metal or fake diamond enough to glue with a transparent sealant.

When pinning wooden tabletop two important moments. Fasteners should not only ensure a reliable connection of the table top with the body, but also allow the tabletop to freely change its dimensions during expansion and shrinkage. Putting the cover on glue or tightly screwing it on with screws, you will learn from your own experience a painful lesson when seasonal deformations of the wood make the furniture unusable.

In this article, we will talk about five proven ways correct installation do-it-yourself tabletops Due to their simplicity and reliability, these fastening options are used not only for furniture made of laminated wood and solid wood, but also kitchen worktops from MDF and chipboard, for which the problem of warping and cracking is not so relevant.

On the Structural Effect of Seasonal Deformations

Any board, be it a glued board or a solid piece of wood, is subject to swelling and shrinkage depending on the season and humidity fluctuations. Tightly fixed countertops, deprived of the ability to freely contract and expand, under the influence internal stresses begin to deform - warp, bend, twist and eventually crack.

With seasonal changes in moisture levels, wood expands and contracts predominantly across the grain. Countertops of a room or kitchen set change their width within 1 cm, depending on the size of the lid and the type of wood. Linear changes along the fibers are insignificant.

Fixing the tabletop with screws

This is a simple and time-tested option for attaching the tabletop to the side of the table without the use of additional fittings. The special taper extension chosen in the drawer side ensures that the screw is slightly movable when the tabletop is resized. The lid itself is securely attached to the case.

Having made the basic markup, an end hole is drilled in the drawer. After that, with a wide semicircular chisel, a pocket is chosen for hidden installation screw.

A narrow chisel makes an angular expansion on the upper edge of the tsarga. The lengthening of this groove is always done across the fibers of the countertop, as the wood expands and contracts in that direction.

Mounting with screws in such pockets allows you to get rid of unnecessary structural elements under the table top. It is traditionally used in furniture classical style where they prefer to use exclusively wooden parts. For all its merits, this method concealed fastening quite labor intensive.

Application of small metal Z-brackets- Another popular way to fix the tabletop. The main advantages of this method are low cost, maximum simplicity and accuracy of installation, no need for additional structural elements.

One end of the steel holder is screwed to the table top with a screw. The second is inserted into the groove sawn in the upper edge of the tsarga. The recess is made in such a way that the edge of the bracket does not rest against the tree and moves freely in the groove when it expands. Thus, fasteners allow the countertop to change its dimensions in any direction without consequences.

Mounting on wooden clamps

Using homemade wooden clamps is simple and reliable way fastening the tabletop to the underframe without purchased fittings. Clamps work on the same principle as metal Z-brackets. They are easy to mass-produce from scraps that can be found in every workshop. Of course, this takes time, but often not much more than a trip to the hardware store takes.

When making wood clamps, remember to follow the correct grain orientation as shown in the diagram to give the bracket proper strength.

Figure-of-eight steel fasteners are another popular hardware option used to fasten countertops. The bracket is installed in a small recess drilled with a Forstner drill or a square recess selected with a chisel so that it is flush with the upper edge of the drawer. The holder is fixed with two screws: one to the body, the second to the back of the tabletop as shown in the photo. When the board swells or shrinks, the bracket rotates slightly, preventing the wooden cover from bending. The recommended distance between fasteners is 15-20 cm.

G-8 holders are of two types: with washers of the same and different sizes. In the latter case, a washer with a large diameter is attached to the tsarga. Having decided to fix the countertop on a kitchen or room set in this way, you need to make sure in advance that the thickness of the drawer fits the diameter of the washer.

Using slotted spacers

In this case, two or three additional spacers with rectangular grooves 10-15 mm long are attached to the side of the headset. When changing the width of the tabletop, the screws will move freely in the grooves, thus preventing structural deformations of the wood. Additional slats work like a screed, they increase the rigidity of the body and protect the sides from deformation.

Table leg fixing

The legs of the table are attached to the sides of the supporting frame, and the table top is fixed on them. In order to ensure a tight connection of the tsarg with the legs and compensate for the shrinkage of the tree during humidity fluctuations, the following fastening methods are used.

Joiner's connection thorn-nest

Advantages : high strength, no additional fittings and unnecessary fasteners, ease of manufacture.

The table is a necessary attribute kitchen furniture. To date, manufacturers for the production of tables use a lot of materials. There is a great variety of forms of table legs, there are more than twenty of them. The traditional version has four legs. In most cases, standard models have a square or rectangular countertop shape.

Wood dinner table rectangular shape with four legs

A table with three legs is usually round. It can be used as a small coffee table or as a dining area.

Round wooden kitchen table with three legs

They also produce tables with two legs, they can be different kind, but mostly common models with two X-shaped legs or durable, made of solid wood.

Wooden table with X-shaped legs complete with chairs for a summer cottage

The legs of the table are attached to the sides of the support frame, and on them, in turn, the tabletop is fixed.

Many masters know that improperly fixed legs are the root cause of the fact that the table will swing and stand at an angle. There are adjustable feet that can correct a large percentage of the slope, but still, quality assembly is of paramount importance.

There are several options for attaching legs to countertops:

Attaching the leg with surface plates

Attaching Legs with T-Nuts

The option of fastening the tabletop to the side of the table without the use of additional fittings using screws

Using small metal Z-brackets is another popular way to mount a countertop.

Fixing with surface plates Let's say you bought legs without matching fittings. To install them, you will need eye and eye bolts for tables bigger size and threaded dowels for small ones.
T-nut fixing This mounting option is suitable if you intend to restore the front plane of the table and thus give the interior an updated look. You should have T-nuts, eyebolts and eyebolts available.
Screw fixing This is normal and time-tested a method of attaching the table surface to the drawers without the use of auxiliary fittings. Suitable for classic furniture.
Application of Z-shaped holders The use of small iron Z-mounts- another popular method of fixing. Main advantages this methodlow cost, simple and reliable installation.
The use of wooden clamps Lightweight and durable method of attaching a countertop without the use of purchased fittings. They are similar to Z-shaped holders. They are made from any scraps, it is enough to observe the orientation of the fibers.
Using holders-eights These metal fasteners are widely used in fixing countertops. They come in two types - with washers of the same and different sizes.
Application of spacers with grooves In this case, 2 or 3 auxiliary spacers with rectangular grooves, the length of which is 10-15 mm, are attached to the sides of the kit.

Using homemade wooden clamps is a simple and reliable way to attach the tabletop to the underframe without purchased fittings.

Steel fasteners-eight - an option using inexpensive fittings

In this case, two or three additional spacers with rectangular grooves 10-15 mm long are attached to the sides of the headset.

Necessary materials

The materials that are used to make tables are very different, we will talk about some of them.

  1. Arrays of different types of wood are suitable for this, for example, coniferous, oak, etc. If you are a novice craftsman, it is better to use pine, as it is easy to process. It should be remembered that such furniture burns out, absorbs odors, liquid, and does not tolerate temperature changes. Of the benefits - the material is environmentally friendly, strong, looks elegant.

    Solid pine for making a table with your own hands

  2. Chipboard is a fairly popular material for furniture production. In the manufacture of dry chips and resins are used. Among the shortcomings, environmental risks can be noted. The advantage is a relatively cheap price.

    Chipboard - an inexpensive material option for making a dining table

  3. MDF - compared to chipboard is more environmentally friendly, but also more expensive. In the manufacture of wood chips, carbide resins, modified melamine are used. The disadvantage is that it ignites freely, there is a risk of fire even from rapidly heating objects.

    MDF is suitable for making a table, it is better and more environmentally friendly

  4. Furniture shield - complete opposite MDF and chipboard. Acceptable price equivalent, the material is durable and environmentally friendly. Made from glued bars, pulled together by a press.

    Furniture board - square or rectangular sheets of wood, which are made by gluing together wooden blocks along the width or length

  5. Metal - In most cases, stainless steel is used. Such a thing will cost a lot, but such a table will attract attention.

    Stainless steel products are unpretentious in care, durable, practical, versatile in use.

These materials are suitable for both table top and legs. They also make plastic, chrome-plated, forged legs. When choosing, rely on your preferences.

Furniture support chrome-plated for tables with side mounting

Coffee table with wrought iron legs

White round plastic outdoor table

Required Tools

The necessary set of tools for the manufacture and assembly of the table

For manufacturing, the following tools are needed: a planer, a grinding machine, an electric jigsaw, a saw, a drill, drills, sandpaper, a screwdriver, self-tapping screws, glue, dowels, clamps, a tape measure, a pencil, protective equipment - glasses, gloves.

Manufacturing process: step by step instructions

Drawing wooden table with four legs

First, you need to make a drawing. Decide which legs you will mount - purchased or make your own. The form can be any.

Figured balusters or legs for a homemade table

If the table top is 0.8 m wide, then the legs should be 1.2 m long. To make the table top smooth, process it grinder. There should be no gaps between the joints. To prevent the countertop from deforming from high humidity, the boards must be laid with an oncoming texture.

Boards for countertops with a thickness of at least 30cm

At the ends of the boards to be joined, you need to drill holes 8 cm deep, keep the gap between them in the range of 10-15 cm. We pass the prepared places with sandpaper and grease the edges, dowels and holes with glue. We insert the dowels into the holes, so we connect the countertop. Remove excess glue.

Option for attaching legs to a wooden table

Using glue and screws, we connect the transverse and fractional boards with the legs. On top of the latter, we make two recesses to attach the countertop. We wait twelve hours and mount it. We cover the structure with varnish, stain or paint.

Table with fixed top, frame and legs

Important! When applying a stain, consider the following: choose the thinner wisely, the plane must be carefully treated with sandpaper before coating, the main thing is to properly adjust the gun (the shape of the torch should be oval, and the layer that you apply should overlap the existing half).

Cover with varnish or wax to protect the top layer

Having familiarized yourself with the options for attaching the legs to the tabletop, it will not be difficult for you to make a table with your own hands, thereby updating the interior with such an original thing.

Video: Solid wood worktop. My mounting option