Table top table by the window in the nursery. Office desk sill. How to make a table from a window sill in a room

When every meter in an apartment is worth its weight in gold, it is important to correctly equip the interior and make the most of any corner. This is especially true for the kitchen, because this room should be the most functional of all. Usually in the kitchen small size there is not enough work surface.

A window sill will help to increase the working space in the kitchen.

Window sills in the kitchen are usually used as winter garden or a small vegetable garden. Indeed, you can grow flowers, onions or dill on it.

The winter garden will decorate the interior of the kitchen and make the air in the room much cleaner.

However, when the kitchen is very small, then you should not waste the area. An ordinary window sill can be turned into a work surface, a bar counter.

A functional kitchen countertop sill can even replace a dining table.

Advantages and disadvantages

What is convenient for a countertop instead of a window sill in the kitchen? Let's consider the main advantages of such an interior solution.

  • Saving space.

On the countertop windowsill, you can store cereals, appliances or dishes. In this case, the kitchen countertop will be able to replace a full-fledged table, which will significantly save the kitchen space.

It is also used in food preparation as a surface for cutting vegetables, sausages or fruits.

  • Ease of installation.

Such a product is easy to make with your own hands. To do this, you should only follow the instructions that are presented in this article.

The installation does not require the use of any complicated fixtures or expensive equipment.

  • Aesthetic pleasure.

A large tabletop instead of a window sill will allow the hostess to enjoy the cooking process as much as possible.

During it, you will be able to observe a pleasant view from the window, and not just an empty wall.

  • Saving electricity.

It is no secret that the cost of electricity today is quite high. Therefore, you need to use every opportunity to save money. The work surface on the window does not require additional lighting.

In the daytime, you can cook on it without turning on the electric light.

  • Unlimited design possibilities.

The original solution is very relevant nowadays. It makes the kitchen more modern and functional.

The area of ​​use of such a zone is practically unlimited.

  • Low cost.

If used during installation available materials, and the installation process itself is performed independently, then the cost price of such a product will be quite low.

For hinged windows, it is important that the table top does not interfere with the opening of the sash.

Of course, such design solution for the kitchen also has some disadvantages.

Firstly, it is categorically not suitable for people who are prone to frequent interior changes.

Mounting and dismantling countertop window sills is not an easy task.

Secondly, you will have to devote more time to the choice of curtains. They should be non-soiled and water-repellent. If you do not want to "bother", then in the kitchen curtains can not be used.

The new window and neat slopes will look good.

Role in the interior

In addition to functionality, the countertop will play a significant role in the interior of the kitchen and windows. So that it fits perfectly into overall design, you need to follow some recommendations:

Varieties of products

Countertops can be categorized according to several criteria:

  • F functional purpose;
  • The form.

By functional purposecan be a bar counter, a work area, a table or a sink.

According to its shape, it is divided into: rectangular, round, oval or irregular.

Important! Most functional solution for the kitchen there is a counter combined with a window sill. In this case, it will be able to completely replace the work surface and dining table, and under the counter itself you can install appliances or shelves.

This option will save space.

You should choose the type of product based on your own needs and technical capabilities. For example, if the communications are located far from the window, then it will not work to install a sink.

In order for the window sill to harmoniously fit into the interior of the kitchen, you can think over the design of the headset so that the countertop becomes a continuation of the work surface.

Choosing a material

To make a countertop with your own hands, you first need to choose raw materials. Let's consider their main types and characteristics.

  1. Marble.

This is an expensive option. However, if financial capabilities allow, then a marble countertop - perfect option... Marble is resistant to any kind of damage. He will be able to serve for years and will not lose its original external data. Marble in the interior is a sign of the great taste of the owners of the house.

Previously, such a stone was used only in the homes of rich and noble people.

  1. Fake diamond.

It is a cheap alternative to marble. The artificial stone countertop will withstand any load. It will be resistant to water and high temperatures. However, over time appearance surfaces may be damaged.

Artificial stone is not as resistant to external damage by sharp objects as, for example, marble.

  1. Ceramic tile.

This raw material also belongs to relatively inexpensive materials. The tile is resistant to high temperatures and water, but it can be damaged by a heavy object.

Cracks in the tiles cannot be repaired, so they will have to be replaced.

  1. Glass.

By choosing glass, you can make the interior of the kitchen original and unique. Glass is not very popular, because many people are afraid that it will not withstand daily stress. However, there is nothing to be afraid of! Modern glasses for such purposes have a thick and dense structure.

In terms of their characteristics, they can even be compared with an artificial stone.

  1. Natural wood.

If the table will be used not as a work surface, then natural wood is suitable option.

As dining table the tree can last for many years if properly cared for.

  1. Chipboard or MDF.

They can be used in the kitchen if the window sill will not be used as a work surface or sink.

You can make a product yourself from these raw materials.

To decide which of the materials is right for you, you need to take into account some points. If the table will be used as a work area, then it is best to give preference to marble, stone, tiles or glass. These raw materials will be able to withstand high temperatures and will not lose their external properties with daily use.

In the case of using a window sill as a bar counter or a dining table, you can choose any of the options considered.

Durability Price Aesthetic properties Ease of installation Resistance to damage Variety of designs
Marble + high + +
Fake diamond + acceptable + + +
Ceramic tile acceptable + + +
Glass + high + + +
Natural wood high + + +
Chipboard acceptable +

Step-by-step instructions for installing chipboard and ceramic tile worktops

  1. Purchase of material.

For such a window to come out, you need to buy the following accessories: chipboard, ceramic tiles, silicone, adhesive tape, ready-made table legs, polyurethane foam.

When all necessary tools and materials, you can get to work.

  1. Markup.

The table should be installed immediately after installing a new window. If the window and sill have already been installed, then you will have to first remove the old products. Dismantling is simple and requires only the use of male physical strength. When the dismantling work is over, you need to measure the length of the concrete base at the window and decide on the width.

If you want a small table that only hangs slightly from the concrete base, then the legs are not needed.

  1. Preparing the board.

The chipboard must be at least 12 mm thick. The board must be cut exactly according to measurements. The accuracy should be as high as possible, so it is better to pre-mark and check everything several times.

Sand the edges and the entire surface of the countertop with a plane and sandpaper (at least 60 grit).

  1. Surface treatment.

The ends of the board must be treated with silicone in two layers, and the bottom surface must be pasted over with packing tape.

Be sure to check the plane with a building level.

  1. Mounting.

Having installed the stove, all holes must be repaired. polyurethane foam... When installing, do not forget about the level. The window top should be flat. If she has legs, then they need to be screwed in advance.

Wait for the foam to set and seal the seams between the slopes and the windowsill.

  1. Facing.

You can decorate the countertop with ceramic tiles. It should be laid with minimum clearances... The gaps can then be painted in the color of the slabs.

As you can see, do-it-yourself tabletop installation is quite simple.

In total, the work takes several hours. It is even easier to install a product made of marble or stone, because they come ready-made. They just need to be installed on concrete base by the window and fasten carefully.

In order for the product to serve for a long time, it must be properly maintained.

First, the surface of the new window sill needs to be cleaned regularly. Especially if it is used daily for cooking.

Wash the product with soapy water and a soft sponge.

Secondly, you need to periodically pay attention to the grouting joints. When installing ceramic tiles it is impossible to do without seams. During operation, the seams quickly accumulate dirt, and disease-causing mold often develops in this place.

Seams need to be cleaned special means at least once a week.

Third, you need to pay Special attention any cracks or damage. If the tile is cracked, then it should be replaced immediately. Bacteria can form in the crack.

VIDEO: Countertop windowsill in the kitchen.

Dissatisfaction with the interior of his apartment causes a desire for radical changes. But such revolutionary ideas usually end up with a typical renovation and the purchase of standard furniture. Thought follows ready-made banal solutions and the same boring and uncomfortable environment turns out.

To expand the space without redevelopment and significant material costs, make the interior items multifunctional. If the windowsills in your apartment are clean decorative elements, it is worth thinking about transforming the window sill into a desk or kitchen countertop.

A desk instead of a window sill - a miniature home office

Today, working from home is more relevant than ever. The performance of a freelancer is significantly influenced by the competent organization of the workplace. If due to small area apartment, it is impossible to allocate space for a separate office, a desk-window sill will be an excellent way out of the situation. A laptop, a cup of coffee and a favorite flower will fit on such a table. And the view of the street from the window will inspire bright ideas.

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The built-in table top can be miniature and equal to the length of the window sill. But if the size of the room allows, a good decision is a tabletop instead of a window sill, turning into a wide computer desk... Provided that the room is narrow, the best option there will be a desk-window sill, located along the entire length of the wall on which the window is located. And to get a single ensemble, hang next to the bookshelves, made of the same material as the countertop.

A window sill table in the nursery will save space for active games

A comfortable table in a children's room is a necessary item for a child of any age. Sitting behind him, the kids are happy to draw and make crafts. And for schoolchildren, a comfortable place to perform homework- the key to successful studies. A bulky desk eats up too much space in the nursery. Therefore, pay attention to such an option as a window sill table in the nursery.

Thus, space will be freed up for outdoor games and there will be room for study and creativity. A wide range of materials for the built-in countertop will decorate and revitalize the interior of the nursery. A window sill table will be appropriate and in teenager's room... This design idea will appeal to a teenager.

Kitchen table built into the windowsill - comfort and ergonomics at a height

Regardless of the size of the kitchen, there is always a sorely lack of usable space in this room. If you convert the kitchen window sill into a countertop, you get an additional work surface and a convenient place for eating. You can take your time for breakfast while enjoying the view of the street. And how useful an additional tabletop is during the hot season of summer preparations!

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The table built into the kitchen window sill can be combined with the work surface of the rest of the furniture. This will visually expand the space and facilitate the work of the hostess. If your kitchen is tiny, opt for a folding window sill table to save space.

Window sill table - how to get around sharp corners

You can embed the countertop into the window sill yourself or contact a specialist. In any case, you need to think carefully about the choice of material. Depending on the budget, the type of room and the expected load for the manufacture of a table instead of a window sill, they use:

Natural wood. Ideal for a window sill table in the living room. Solid wood worktop - expensive pleasure, but with proper care it will last a long time.

Laminated board. This material is appropriate to use in the manufacture of countertops under the windowsill in the nursery. A wide choose textures and colors allows you to choose a design that is not discordant with general style rooms.

Fake diamond. It will be indispensable in the kitchen. It is a relatively inexpensive and practical material.

The undoubted advantages of the window sill table include the presence natural light... Daylight pouring freely from the window will allow you to work at your desk without turning on the chandelier or table lamp.

The windowsill can be turned into a chic writing desk in the children's room. The original and comfortable design will appeal to any child.

Without a table and life is not the same

The usual stereotype dictates that the window seat is only for pots of flowers. But no! For example, in Europe, window sills have long become sofas, pedestals, and tables. Turns out. from it you can build a very useful and beautiful piece of furniture.

This is especially true for small apartments... After all, today's choice design ideas allows you to furnish a small area so that there is still plenty of square meters left. For example, having built a window-sill table in the nursery, there will be no need to occupy space with a separate table. After all, you can't do without a table in the room where the child lives.

It is at the table that both the baby and the teenager live important stages of life: he plays, draws, sculpts and prepares for lessons. And on the widest window-sill table, the child's fantasy is given full scope. Books and toys can live here, which now do not need to take up space in the room.

Different shelves on the slopes, cabinets and tables under the table will be appropriate. The lamp can also be mounted on the wall so as not to take up space on the table.

you will not regret it

When a table is made instead of a window sill, the table top plays a major role. It looks like this table is now an extension of the windowsill. Modern and stylish. Practical and convenient. The main advantage of such a table is the saving of living space. Because he is always at the window, and usually this particular place is almost never used.

Another advantage is daylight. During the day, you can spend time at the table without wasting electricity or crippling children's eyesight. A sunny day won't be a hindrance. In bright sun, the window can be covered with blinds or a shortened curtain.

By the way, do not forget about one more positive nuance - the child's feet will be next to the battery. You can even think of a stand for them. In winter, this comfort will be invaluable.

Decorating the tabletop by the nursery window is possible in a variety of ways. It all depends on personal preference and the overall interior of the room.

From the window itself

The classic room has a window in the middle. Here you can safely install a wide tabletop starting from the window itself.

If the window is not located in the center, but is shifted slightly to the side, it is good to make a built-in corner table-sill. It will extend to the very corner and it is logical to move to the next wall, thus forming a cozy working corner for the student. In addition, this will perfectly relieve the room, because on such a spacious surface you can spread textbooks, put a laptop, and do homework in notebooks.

In some older apartments, the sill was originally designed to be lower than the standard table level. In this case, the window sill will have to be increased and only after that the countertop should be installed.

With wardrobes

A window sill table with wardrobes is very convenient. They can be on the sides of the window opening and under the table. For example, let there be cabinets with doors at the bottom, and open shelves at the top. Now toys and books, albums and paints, souvenirs and other little things will move here. The room will be freed from the mass of children's accessories. This will delight both toddler and teenager.

With pull-out table top

A retractable window sill table will free up space in the room even more. This is a table with two countertops. In this case, one of them can be hidden under the second - to push out if necessary and slide in if not needed. This choice is especially indispensable for rooms with small children. Because they only need a table from time to time, but the expanse for active games- constantly.

With folding table

V Everyday life the role of the table is played by a spacious window sill. But when such a table is needed increases in size, it is enough just to raise the tabletop. The height of the folding table can be leveled or made just below the windowsill. For example, friends have come to a child and they want to play or study together. This option is suitable, and if the room is inhabited by two, or even three children.

Table for two

When the nursery is intended for two, or even three, the interior is chosen somewhat differently. The table is no exception. V Soviet times in such cases, children have a single table in common. Or parents bought two tables at once, which is great for cluttering the room. Times have changed, and now you can create comfort for each child and at the same time get extra square meters... And it looks like this: the table top stretches along the entire window from wall to wall. Under the windowsill on both sides there is a cabinet and cupboards with drawers and shelving. And in the middle, the table is divided by a common chest of drawers. It turns out one desktop for two or three places. Children can study quietly each at their own table. It will turn out to be a training zone, taking into account the interests of everyone.

Materials (edit)

The window sill table in the nursery must be environmentally friendly. The optimal choice the material for the countertop is natural wood. Better if it is an oak tree. Beautiful, sophisticated and durable. But the oak surface of the desk is not cheap. Therefore, you can choose maple, cherry or chestnut.

An excellent economy option is to use a fibreboard made of pressed shavings (HDF or MDF). In this case, you can even make the tabletop yourself. Armed with an electric jigsaw, create your own table edges. Such a table will certainly add personality to the room.

The question can be approached more simply - buy Chipboard panel, putty it and paint it in any color that suits the interior. Or glue over with PVC foil.

But perhaps the most common option is plastic. It is convenient and easy to take care of such a table.

  • To avoid unpleasant ice on the windows and puddles on the table, you do not need to tightly close the batteries. The air must circulate thanks to the holes made in the worktop and covered with decorative grilles.
  • The battery does not need to be completely closed also because it warms up the room. Otherwise warm air won't be enough indoors. Therefore, the space under the table should be open.
  • Do not harm the child's posture and create convenience with a window sill table correct sizes... The table top can be of any size. But the main thing is that it fits the height of the child. Its height should be about 75 cm. And the width should not be less than 50 cm, so that the table can freely accommodate a lamp, books, notebooks, a monitor and other necessary items.
  • For reliability, it is better to choose a three-chamber glass package. In this case, when working at the table, the child is not threatened by drafts and street noise. And then the child will go about his business at the table in silence, warmth and most importantly - with pleasure.
  • Window blinds with a window sill table need to be selected special. It's clear that long curtains will not fit here in any way. But the shortened options will come in handy. You can also choose blinds, matching their color and style to the interior. Another great solution is roller blinds.

Apartments, even in modern new buildings, often do not differ in the spaciousness of the royal chambers, and their residents have to be creative in order for any free space to be useful. Mezzanines, refrigerators under the window and lifting beds have already firmly occupied their positions in small-sized housing, but this has not yet affected the window sills. Embody the idea of ​​turning the window space into workplace few succeeded, but the advanced strata of the population are already actively interested in the prospect of how to expand the usable space on their square meters.

The table in the window opening can be arranged in the room and serve as a sewing or computer corner or in the kitchen, allowing the hostess to profitably increase working area windowsill. The location in the immediate vicinity of the window gives a lot of advantages, from the natural illumination of the workplace, to the pleasant warmth for the legs, coming from the central heating battery in winter.

Preparation for the manufacture of a window sill table

The best time to make a table with the least cost and hassle is the gap between the finished installation plastic window and installation of the window sill.

If you prepare everything you need for this period in advance, then the installation will take place quickly and all that remains is to tidy up the slopes and start using the new incarnation of the window sill for its intended purpose. Having removed the dimensions necessary for making calculations, you can start compiling a list of materials for the acquisition and preparation of the necessary tool.

So, you will need:

  • MDF sheet;
  • wooden beam;
  • chrome-plated metal tubes;
  • perforated mounting profile;
  • flange holders and plastic plugs;
  • antiseptic for processing;
  • self-tapping screws of different sizes;
  • silicone sealant;
  • a set of sandpaper;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • tape measure, ruler and pencil;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • Bulgarian;
  • a hacksaw with a fine tooth;
  • drill and tip drill.

For the countertop, you can pick up another material, but MDF plate the easiest to process and not very expensive. It has a wide variety of colors and textures, so choose the right option for harmonious combination a table with the furnishings of the room will not be difficult. In addition, in this case, it is not necessary to carry out additional surface treatment, which would require the use of natural wood or chipboard. When developing a project, it is necessary to provide that too large thickness of the slab does not interfere free movement window sashes, the depth allowed you to reach the window with your hand, and the height exactly repeated the level of the dismantled window sill.

The contours of the shape of the future countertop are transferred to an MDF sheet and cut out with a jigsaw. After that, the locations of the holes necessary to ensure the rise of warm air from heating radiator... For good circulation of air flows, their diameter should be at least 3-3.5 cm, therefore, it is better to equip a drill for this work with a feather drill. Decorative plastic or wooden grilles will subsequently cover their unaesthetic appearance, but will not interfere with the passage of air. If the tabletop was cut at home, and not ordered according to a drawing in a finished form at a base that provides sawing and wood processing services, then the end edges will need to be processed with furniture tape, using an iron and thick paper for this purpose.

Agree, most people take the windowsill for granted and use it as much as possible as a garden bed indoor plants... But some people, realizing the uselessness of such elements of an apartment or house, think about their more rational use. If you think that this is impossible, then you are probably wrong - today there is even a window sill bed .. We will consider its advantages, possibilities and study the issue of its self-production.

Window sill table in the room photo

Window sill table: advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage that not only the window sill table in the room has, but any other similar interior items, is rational use living space or part of it - it is thanks to this approach to business that some part of the room is freed. You cannot save a lot of living space in this way (maximum 0.5 sq. M), but, as they say, with the rest of the world ... A little there, a little here, and as a result, an additional bedside table will fit under the TV. As for the other advantages of such a replacement, the following can be additionally highlighted.

As you can see, there are few advantages, but they are significant. Now let's look at the disadvantages of this product- they are, they are also significant, but they can be easily eliminated. We have already mentioned one of them above, and it is associated with an excess of illumination on a hot sunny day. Among similar disadvantages additionally, only two points can be noted.

  1. Poor circulation of warm air from a running battery. In principle, this problem is solved quite simply - round or oblong holes are made above the battery, in the countertop, which circulate heat in the room. A number of plastic or metal inserts are sold for such technological holes in stores, which give the usual "holes" a highly aesthetic appearance.
  2. The built-in table will not make it possible to use long and beautiful curtains... We'll have to be content with either blinds or short curtains. The blinds are a little more attractive in this situation, as they allow you to close them completely without creating problems on the table.

In principle, everything is with disadvantages. As you can see, even from this side, such a table has, one might say, undeniable advantages - such designs can be used not only in the case of a lack of space. Even if the room is large, the window sill table will still be appropriate, since there is never a lot of free space.

Where can I use the window sill table

By and large, such a table can be made in any room of an apartment or house, another thing is the question of its need in a particular room. There are not so many rooms where this product will be appropriate - first of all, this is a study, a nursery and a kitchen, which is relatively small in most apartments. Table designs for these rooms may vary slightly from each other.

Let's take a closer look at this nuance.

In general, any window sill table can be called a product that is easy to manufacture and install. We will try to make sure of this further, having studied in detail the question of how to make a window sill table in the nursery or in the kitchen?

Desk window sill photo

Self-production and installation of the window sill table

Consider two options for making a window sill table with your own hands - dining for the kitchen and writing for the nursery or office. Let's start with a simpler one.

By and large, there are a lot of ways in which a window sill table can be made - you can think of your own unique design of this product, equip it with shelves and drawers convenient for you. It is precisely such moments that determine the fact that such tables are made either to order or on their own - it cannot be otherwise, since the windows are different, and the premises can differ significantly from one another.

A second article by Alexander Kulikov