A complete overview of double beds with a lifting mechanism, design nuances. Lifting mechanism for the bed - do you need it

A special place in the house is the bedroom. It is here that you can relax after a very hard day, lie down or sit quietly. The main subject of the bedroom, of course, is the bed. It should be comfortable and made of quality material. There is a huge selection of beds on the market today. different sizes and forms. Beds equipped with a lifting mechanism are considered popular. Most often, these beds are purchased by owners small apartments.

Any bed consists of a base, as well as a frame. The latter can be of two types: with two side panels and two supporting backs, or with four panels and hinged backs (one or two). Beds made according to the second type are equipped with four more legs or wheels. According to experts, it does not matter whether the bed rests on the backs or on the legs. The main thing is that the bed is of high quality, then it will last a long time. But still, we note that legs break more often in beds than backs. The most reliable frames are made of metal and wood. Now forged beds are considered fashionable. Those who like to luxuriate in the bed will find soft Interia beds with beautiful headboards. But beds in which the frame is made of MDF, fiberboard and chipboard are not so reliable and can crack, creak and loosen (photo 1).

The quality of sleep depends on whether the bed is comfortable. The main role here is played by the mattress. There are models of beds that are completed immediately with a mattress, and there are models without it. The support for the mattress is the base. It is a lattice or frame that is attached to the bed frame. The base is made of wood, metal and chipboard. Armor is placed on the frame - lamellas made of plastic or wood. Experts say that the bed will be of high quality if there are at least thirty slats in a double bed, and fifteen in a single bed (photo 2).

The base can be raised thanks to the gas-lift mechanism. Under the base is a box. You can put pillows, blankets and other things in it. bedding. Beds equipped with such a lifting mechanism are convenient in small rooms. They perform two functions at once: they are a bed and a chest of drawers at the same time. Thus, it will not be necessary to clutter up the apartment with unnecessary furniture. It is worth noting that lifting mechanisms are divided into three categories: on coil springs, on gas shock absorbers and on hinges without springs (with manual lifting). Inexpensive are beds in which the lifting device is equipped with twisted springs. But raising such a bed is more difficult because of the metal spring. The mechanism on gas shock-absorbers is convenient in operation. The base rises smoothly and easily. The simplest mechanism is manual on hinges. But, conversely, when lifting, efforts are needed. If the room is too small, then you can buy a wardrobe bed or a folding bed (photo 3).

Experts recommend staying in beds equipped with drawers, as well as a lifting mechanism when the apartment is very small and there is nowhere to store things. And if there is no acute shortage, then it is better to use a traditional, time-tested bed. Especially today, manufacturers make very beautiful, comfortable and soft beds with and without backs. By the way, it is better, of course, to take a bed with a back, as it will be more comfortable to sleep on it. It will provide a comfortable position for the head (photo 4).

Pay attention to the fact that when assembling the beds are used different materials. A person may be allergic to them. Therefore, it is better for allergy sufferers to take beds with mattresses stuffed with foam rubber or synthetic fiber. Also, allergens are not collected in beds with a slatted bottom (photo 5).

Choosing a bed

If there is a choice between buying a sofa and a bed, you should choose a bed. Even if you have only one room (in this case, you can think about). The bed is a mandatory and, one might even say, the main piece of furniture in the house! Everything else is secondary. We can eat or watch a movie anywhere, but we go home to sleep and spend a third of our lives in bed. You can refuse a lot, but not from a quality bed. Let's talk about how to choose the right bed.

How to choose a bed: bed design

Choosing a bed frame

The bed consists of a frame and a base on which a mattress is placed. The bed frame is of two types:

  1. Two support backs and two side drawers (panels).
  2. Four tsargi and hinged backs. Hinged backs can be two or one (headboard).

If the bed is constructed according to the second type (without supporting backs), supports are required. Most often it is four legs. Although there are other options: wheels, side walls, an additional base from the bottom (podium, platform), etc.

What frame is best? In fact, it doesn’t matter at all whether the bed will rest on the legs or on the backs, if the manufacturer is good or bad. From good any bed will last a long time, and cheap furniture quickly creak and require replacement.

However, in fairness it should be noted that the legs of the beds break much more often than the backs. The choice is yours.

The frame material is also important. The most reliable bed frames are those made of solid wood and metal. Wrought iron beds are now at the height of fashion. Sufficiently durable and beds with a wicker frame.

Less reliable beds made of fiberboard and MDF. Cracks can occur at the attachment points, causing the bed to loosen and creak. This is even more likely if the bed frame is made from chipboard. Yes, these beds are the cheapest, but they have to be changed more often.

Choosing a bed base

The framework is important Basic structure. But the quality of sleep depends, first of all, on comfort. bed. Here the main role is played by the mattress. You can buy it immediately with the bed, if it is included, or choose a more suitable mattress separately. About that, we already wrote. Now let's say a few words about the base on which the lovingly chosen mattress will be laid.

The base is a frame or lattice that is attached to the frame and is a support for the mattress. Bed frames are most often made of chipboard, metal and wood. Lamellas (lats) are laid on the frame. They are made only of wood or plastic, as the lamellas must be flexible.

The more lamellas - the more reliable foundation! This bed will last longer.

The distance between the lamellas should be no more than the width of one lamella. A double bed must have at least 30 slats. In a single bedroom, respectively, at least 15.

There are beds with metal bars (hard or soft) and with springs, but these are far from the most good options. There is nothing better than an orthopedic base with flexible lamellas!

The base can rise. Such models are called lifting beds(gas lift mechanism). It is only necessary to slightly raise the base, and it itself smoothly goes up. The bed frame creates a storage box located under the base. This is very convenient if the room is small. However, the mattress in this case is not ventilated, which is not very good.

This also applies to cases where the bed is equipped with drawers. Yes, it is convenient, but the mattress can quickly become unusable. The mattress needs to "breathe".

Choose a bed with a lift mechanism and drawers only if there is really a shortage of storage space. If there is no acute shortage, discard it modern version in favor of the traditional, time-tested.

If the question is what to choose - a bed with a lifting mechanism or with drawers, give preference to the first option. Digging into underbed storage is easier and more convenient by lifting the base.

Choosing headboards

A bed without a single back is not a bed. Sleeping on such a sunbed is not very comfortable. True, if you attach such a couch to the wall, it will become more comfortable - in this case, the role of the back-headboard will be performed by the wall. If the wall at the head is finished with an easily washable material, you can do without a back. However, if the bed will not be attached to the wall, the back-headboard is required!

The back-headboard performs a relaxation function, providing a comfortable position for a person resting in bed. You can lean on the back and read or watch TV in this comfortable position.

In addition, the presence of a headboard makes staying in bed more comfortable even purely psychologically - a person feels more secure. It is convenient for many to rest the upper edge of the pillow against the back.

Bed with high solid headboard: comfortable

Bed with slatted headboard: may not be very comfortable; Would like extra pillows

How to choose a bed: dimensions

When choosing a bed, you need to pay maximum attention to its size. What should be kept in mind?

  1. If the store says that the size of the bed is standard, still ask for clarification in numbers, because in different countries and standards are different.
  2. Please note that you are told the size of the bed, not the bed! The bed size is always bigger. Also check this information so that later it does not turn out that the bed does not fit into the bedroom.
  3. The standard width of a bed for double beds is 160, 180 and 200 cm. For one-and-a-half beds, it is from 100 to 150 cm. For single beds, it is 80, 90 and 100. The length of the bed is from 190 to 200, but if you look, you can find beds and up to 218 cm. If you need more, you will have to make an individual order.
  4. Choose largest size beds that your bedroom can accommodate. And you won't go wrong. After all, convenience is the most important thing. The larger the bed, the more comfortable you will be.
  5. The ideal length of the bed is at least 15 cm longer than the height of the person who will sleep on it.
  6. To determine if the width is right, the easiest way is to lie on the bed and put your hands behind your head. If the elbows fit completely on the bed, then the width is more or less suitable for you. If the elbows have gone beyond the bed, then you need to look for a wider bed.
  7. The height of the bed is also important. Now low platform beds are in fashion, but they are only suitable for the young and healthy. The older the person who will sleep on the bed, the higher the bed should be.

Ideally, the top edge of the mattress should be no lower than the knees of the person standing next to the bed who will sleep on it.

How to choose a bed: we focus on the style of the bedroom

The materials and design of the bed largely dictates the bedroom. So, for example, if the bedroom is decorated in a Romanesque style, a bed made of or a wicker bed will not fit into it at all. Let's talk about how to choose a bed style.

Platform beds fit perfectly into, as well as in styles and high-tech.

Fashionable now beds with a minimalist design leather headboard(including from various leather substitutes) are very versatile. Leather beds are suitable for bedrooms in many styles: ethnic, classic, modern, minimalist. Leather and good leather substitutes, as well as dense washable fabrics, also increase the level of comfort - it is pleasant to lean on such a headboard: it is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Beds with bamboo frame and headboard wonderfully emphasize the ethnic, ecological style bedrooms. The same applies to beds with wicker frames and headboards.

Wrought iron beds are good for retro, country style interiors. Relying on such a headboard is not very convenient, so it is advisable to provide additional flat pillows under the back.

Beds with wooden headboards, decorated with carvings, overlays, inlays are furniture for classic, antique, baroque, romanesque bedroom interiors. The rest of the environment, of course, must match. It’s not very pleasant to lean on a carved headboard, so pillows are also needed.

How to choose a bed? Important little things

Choose and place the bed so that you can easily open windows. The need to constantly crawl on the bed to get closer to the window will become very annoying over time.

There should be enough space between the bed and the wardrobe (chest of drawers, cabinet, etc.) so that you can open the door or pull out the drawer plus another 30 cm. This is the rule of bedroom ergonomics.

Between the wall and the side of the bed should be left at least 70 cm- this will make it convenient to go to the bed and provide an opportunity to fill the sheet, undress, lie down, and also clean up. Sidewall close to the wall is to put only a single bed, and then not the widest. A double bed with a side to the wall is an extreme option, which should be decided only if there are no other accommodation options.

Good luck choosing a bed and sweet dreams!

The cost of empty space in modern living spaces often outweighs the value of the material assets in these spaces. This leaves a certain imprint on the choice of furniture and organization interior design. A properly selected double bed with a lifting mechanism can solve several problems at once. Firstly, this is a bed that has a pleasant view and is designed for two people. Secondly, it can store a lot of things due to the considerable volume. inner space.

Among positive qualities beds with a lifting mechanism, the following can be noted:

  • The absence of drawers that limit the distance to the walls and have a much lower capacity and service life;
  • The orthopedic frame is included in the design of the bed and does not need to be purchased separately;
  • Convenient access to the contents of the internal space. The mattress smoothly rises with a special mechanism, without requiring significant effort;
  • Significant savings in free space in the bedroom and the apartment as a whole;
  • The material for the manufacture of such furniture solutions allows you to choose best option by price, appearance and functionality of the product;
  • Relatively easy maintenance. The design has no areas inaccessible for cleaning.

There are also negative aspects:

  • The horizontal arrangement of the bed frame, which is also a closet, contributes to the rapid accumulation of dust and debris. However, this is easily eliminated by timely cleaning;
  • A high-quality lifting mechanism is not cheap, and its budget counterparts have a much smaller operational resource. This point should be taken into account when choosing and, if it is intended to frequently raise the structure with a mattress, focus on the quality of the mechanism;
  • The area that is affected by the main weight of the sleeper may sag over time. The likelihood of such a problem depends on the weight of the user, the features of the mattress and the orthopedic base;
  • In the vast majority of cases, double beds with a lifting mechanism are overall products that have a high mass. The combination of these two factors imposes a number of restrictions on bed movements that cannot be carried out alone without damaging the flooring;
  • The design of some beds makes it extremely inconvenient or even impossible to clean the space under the bed.

Types of mechanisms and opening options

The mechanism for lifting the mattress largely depends on the type of bed. If this bed is stationary, it will most likely have a Victoria lifting mechanism, for which gas shock absorbers or coil spring devices are used. For built-in beds, a hinged mechanism is used, the design of which may differ depending on the direction of folding.

Opening options are distinguished by the method of implementation and the direction of folding. Most often, beds are equipped with a manual lifting mechanism, but there are solutions with an electric drive and a remote control. remote control. Beds are folded in two directions - horizontal and vertical, more often you can observe the latter option. Let us consider in more detail each of the types of lifting mechanisms.

Gas shock absorbers

Beds equipped with such devices are the most convenient to use. When lifting the orthopedic block with a mattress, the entire load falls on the lifting mechanism, which allows you to open the bed without much effort.

The mass of the structure, which can be lifted by gas shock absorbers, directly depends on the pressure in the pistons and can reach 100 kg. This makes it easy to cope even with massive models of mattresses and orthopedic frames. The disadvantage of shock absorbers is their high price which, on the other hand, is compensated by reliability, convenience and long service life.

spring mechanism

Models on coil springs have a more affordable cost, and therefore are still in demand by the consumer. Although according to some observations, the demand for them is steadily falling. There are a number of reasons for this, the main of which is the small operational resource of the mechanism.

For the manufacture of springs, high-quality steel is needed, which the manufacturer does not want to spend on cheap products. As a result, the life of the spring averages from 3 to 5 years, after which it stretches and stops working. The service life does not depend on the number of lifts, because the spring is in its maximum stretched state when the bed is folded. It is impossible to replace only a failed element of the mechanism, it is necessary to change the assembly completely assembled.

Another disadvantage of spring blocks is their significantly lower lifting power compared to gas shock absorbers, which is also constantly decreasing. A child will not open such a bed, some female representatives, too.

on hinges

The easiest and most affordable option. To gain access to the contents of the internal space, the mattress will have to be removed. In addition, you will have to get objects with one hand, with the other you will need to hold the structure so that it does not fall on your head. Of course, you can ask someone to hold or support something, and some designs provide for fixation. Nevertheless, such mechanisms are still popular, which is facilitated by simplicity, reliability, almost unlimited service life and, of course, cost.

Bed options (frame form)

The main components of the bed are the frame, base and mattress. The mattress can be ordered separately or you can use the one left from the previous bed. The base is what the mattress lies on and with which it rises through the appropriate mechanism. Well, the frame is actually a large box for useful things, on which the base and mattress are located. So, what you need to know about these elements when choosing a double bed with a lifting mechanism.


The first thing you need to pay attention to is the dimensions of the bed. This factor is especially important if the bed is taken under an existing mattress or there are space restrictions. Exist standard sizes both beds and mattresses. Double options can be 1600, 1400 and 1200 millimeters wide. The length in most cases is 2 meters, specimens of 1900 mm are much less common. If a length of more than two meters is required, such a bed will have to be ordered individually, as well as a mattress. This also applies non-standard solutions, such as round, oval, heart-shaped or other objects.

The three most common types of frames are:

  1. The first type is characterized by the presence of two backs and two side panels (tsarg). In the budget version, the entire frame is made of laminated chipboard (LDSP). Connections are made using furniture corners or eccentric couplers (minifix);
  2. A more expensive option differs in that it has a rough frame (similar to the one described above). To it, in turn, are attached decorative backs and overlays on the sides. Outwardly, such beds look much more spectacular, which largely depends on the material. decorative elements. Support, as in the first case, falls on the backs;
  3. Most reliable frame- this is an option reinforced with an additional cross member made of chipboard, which is located in the middle of the structure and serves as a support. In addition, in the design of such frames there are legs, on which part of the load also falls.

One detail that any of the above types of bed frames has is its lowest part, in other words, the bottom. This element is sometimes subject to considerable loads, because some owners put a lot of different goodness inside the bed. Nevertheless, it is made in most cases from fiberboard, which is not at all distinguished by high strength, but is used because of its relatively low mass. A more expensive, but just as light and more durable option is plywood.


As mentioned above, on this element lies the mattress and, of course, the owner himself. On cheap beds, the base can be made of chipboard. Despite the relatively high strength of this material, it sags over time. This is because the base of a double bed with a lifting mechanism is always in the same position, since it is bolted to this mechanism. That is, if it could be turned over, then the deflection would not acquire such noticeable forms.

Good beds use a different type of base. As a rule, it consists of a metal frame filled with lamellas. The frame is made of a square tube or angle and includes several sections. Their number depends on the beds, but there are deviations both up and down.

The space between the sections is filled with slats, which allows air to reach the bottom of the mattress, preventing dampness. Lamellas are arranged with a certain frequency, usually there are at least 30 of them. In addition, they are slightly curved and installed in such a way that the curve is directed towards the mattress. This provides the best orthopedic effect, preventing sagging of the most loaded parts of the base. The lamellas themselves are made in most cases from hardwood: beech, ash. But there are also plastic products.

Bed ottoman

Quite comfortable and at the same time compact furniture solution. Its main purpose is to save usable space in small spaces. Externally, the ottoman is a frame made of laminate or wood, equipped with a lifting mechanism. Main distinguishing feature from a regular bed is the presence of a side back, which you can lean on. The corner design is also quite common.

Appearance and decor

The appearance of the bed is determined by the material of manufacture of the outer elements, the shape and configuration.

Materials used for manufacturing and finishing:

  • The most inexpensive options are made from chipboard that imitates wood or, which is much less common, stone;
  • If you look in ascending order, then the next most presentable option is also a chipboard frame, but with decorative overlays. These slips are most often upholstered with leatherette in white or another color, so that the bed takes on a completely different look. Any material can be used as upholstery: with or without a pattern, plain or colored. Leather upholstery made of natural materials it is somewhat less common, since it costs much more, and in terms of practicality and appearance it is not much superior to dermatin;
  • Wooden beds. As you might guess from the name, an array of valuable wood species such as oak, ash or beech is used here. There are products made entirely of wood, as well as those with only wooden lining, and the frame itself is all from the same laminated chipboard.

In addition to the materials described above, there are also rarer ones, the use of which is purely individual. It's about forged metal structures, products made of glass, plastic, natural or artificial stone.

Form and equipment

The standard and most common form of double beds with a lifting mechanism is rectangular. But that doesn't stop me from diversifying. appearance, for example, the relief design of the backs and side elements. Also, apart from the classic rectangular shapes, there are round options with a soft headboard.

As additional equipment, the bed can be equipped with built-in lockers or bedside tables. These accessories serve as stands for a lamp or as shelves for storing various small items.

Requirements to consider

Important points that you need to pay attention to before choosing a double bed with a lifting mechanism:

  • Bed nodes should not make sharp sounds during operation, namely squeaks or rattles;
  • The base of the bed should be flat, without sagging or deflection. Except as otherwise provided by the manufacturer;
  • The storage area closes tightly and does not have extra holes through which dust and other debris will enter;
  • The materials used to make the mattress and other components of the bed do not cause allergic reactions;
  • The product is convenient to use, easy to open, equipped with a handle or a belt to raise the base with a mattress.

If the bed has already been bought, in order for it to serve properly for the entire set period, you need to follow some rules:

  • Food products, strongly smelling liquids, caustic and toxic substances should not be stored in the box;
  • Children should not be allowed to play inside the box, for example, hide and seek.

Some pets have a habit of chewing or scratching the outer frame cover. In order for the bed to retain its attractive appearance longer, protect access to the product to such pests.

Many people prefer to buy sofas as a sleeping place. But experts advise choosing beds for this, since even the most folding and thoughtful design will not properly provide a person with an orthopedic base, which is so necessary for good night and rest. In addition, beds are more durable than sofas and there are many models on sale that fit perfectly into the interior. Large selection of beds on the site http://mebliks.com.ua/. Before buying, look at the base under the mattress and the frame. The bed can have two hinged backs and four drawers or two drawers and two supporting backs.

The most reliable frames are made of solid wood or metal. Less reliable from fiberboard and MDF, because sometimes cracks can occur at the attachment points. It is generally accepted that stationary bases are better in terms of quality and durability. But in Lately at the peak of popularity, beds equipped with a lifting mechanism. They are in no way inferior to their competitors, and even very comfortable. These beds are available for purchase. small apartments. Before buying, check if the mechanism runs smoothly. How is the lifting of the base: with excessive load or without effort. Note that a properly adjusted system can be controlled by a person with one hand (photo 1).

The advantages of beds equipped with a lifting mechanism are many. So, in such furniture you can hide in the cells that are under the mattress warm blankets, pillows and linens. That is, it will not be necessary to additionally look for a chest of drawers in shops and then clutter up the room with unnecessary furniture. In addition, the mattress is easy to pull out and there is no need to suffer with drawers (photo 2).

lifting mechanism can be with manual lifting on hinges, using gas shock absorbers, as well as on coil springs. Let's dwell on this in more detail. Inexpensive in price will be beds that are equipped with a lifting device on twisted springs. These beds are easy to use, quite reliable. Only at the moment of lifting it will be necessary to make some efforts, since the device consists of a metal spring (photo 3).

Durable beds, which are equipped with a mechanism with gas shock absorbers. The bed smoothly, and, most importantly, easily rises. On the gas appliances It comes with a 5 year warranty and usually. The simplest mechanism is manual on hinges. Such beds are inexpensive, high-quality and durable. The only negative: when lifting, physical effort is needed (photo 4).

As a rule, the above-mentioned beds are a bed that is raised using a special mechanism parallel to the body of the product. There are models in which the top leans back. Lifting mechanisms are also used in transforming beds. Such beds can be temporarily hidden in a special niche, for example, in a closet, and turned into a comfortable bed at night (photo 5).

Experts agree that beds that are equipped with a lifting mechanism always have a reliable and durable design, are simple and convenient to use. The cost is acceptable. In such beds, you can hide things, in addition, they increase the functionality of the space. Often such models are equipped with curved lamellas and an orthopedic base. It is best to take a product with lamellas that have a multilayer structure (photo 6).

Also pay attention to the box tie. This is what makes the structure durable. When making a bed, high-quality decorative elements and fabrics should be used. The quality of their fastening should also be very good. high level(photo 7).

The presence of a large linen box in the bedroom certainly attracts the attention of the hostesses of city apartments, which often do not have enough space to store things. Therefore, many look at the bed with a lifting mechanism, inside which there is quite a lot of usable area. In fact, this is a horizontal cabinet that allows you to use the space under the bed, which is empty under standard models.

It is up to you to decide whether to buy such a bed or not in your own bedroom. But in order to bring some clarity to this issue, we will try to talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of such furniture.

Bed with lifting mechanism photo

Lift bed: what does experience say?

Those who look closely at such beds often doubt its acquisition. Indeed, people often do not know the features of this product, and many are not sure that having bought it, they will use it to the fullest. And overpaying extra 5-10 thousand, for a thing that may not be useful in the future, is not at all a reasonable and waste of money. An analytical view of the problem will help dispel doubts, let's start with an analysis of the benefits.

Benefits of a lift bed

We will not tell you what can be put in the box of such a bed, each housewife will determine this for herself. Let's just say that this is a really good opportunity to optimize the space in the apartment. If you feel that there are really difficulties with storage space, then such a bed will be a real salvation. Potential owners of such beds are the owners of small apartments, studio apartments. And they are also relevant for bedrooms in the style of minimalism, which is characterized by a minimum of interior accessories and furniture.

If a bed with a lifting mechanism and a box for linen is installed in a small bedroom, this will significantly increase its ergonomics. The storage space will increase and it will be convenient to get them. If you compare it with a bed with drawers, then in this situation it will definitely be preferable.

Bed with lifting mechanism and box for linen

The advantage of such a bed is that dust does not collect under it, since it usually touches the floor with the entire structure. Therefore, there is simply no place left for dust, which is a definite plus: it will be much easier for the hostess to clean the room. You will only have to occasionally move the bed to refresh the floors under it.

Cons of a bed with a lifting mechanism

Well, as in everything, in this design there are opposite qualities.

The undoubted disadvantage is the cost, it is higher standard bed for 5-10 tr. and sometimes the difference is even greater. It all depends on what mechanism was used, the material of manufacture, etc.

Many who have experience using such a bed recommend putting things inside that are not so often needed. After all, every time you raise a mattress with a lattice to get this or that thing, it can get boring pretty quickly. It is not difficult and almost convenient to do this, although it all depends on the lifting mechanism. The only thing is that almost all mechanisms rise at an angle, and if the bed has already been made, then it will have to be corrected every time after such lifting exercises, which is not convenient.

white bed with lifting mechanism

There are designs that, like ordinary beds, stand on legs, with the only difference being that they do not reach 3-4 cm to the floor. This allows dust to easily accumulate under it, but the narrow distance also makes it easy to wipe the floors. To move such a bed, considerable strength is needed, because the mass, together with a loaded box and a mattress, is not so small. In addition, you can scratch the floors and you still need enough free space in the room to move around. Of course, many manufacturers, in order not to move it, make the bottom of the box removable from plywood, but again, in order to remove it, you need to remove all things. And this is also not very convenient. Sometimes there are models without a bottom at all, but with a case to the floor, in which things are stored directly on the floor.

Double bed lifting photo

The disadvantages include the fact that over time, dust accumulates inside the box, due to being close to the floor, so things lying in it can still become dusty. And if you consider that it is convenient to store pastel accessories in it, then you can forget about their freshness and cleanliness. People with experience in this matter recommend putting things in special boxes or cases.

Bed with a lifting mechanism and a box for linen photo

Well, from the point of view of psychology, the realization that you are sleeping on a bed in which a bunch of all kinds of things are folded can adversely affect the quality of sleep. But this is a minor moment that may and does take place, but only for sensitive people. And if you still heed the advice, then the problem can be easily minimized by putting in bed, for example, non-bicycle wheels, rollers or a snowboard that are unnecessary in winter period, namely pastel-bedding accessories.

2 double beds with lifting mechanism

Bed lift mechanisms: which one to choose?

Since the raised bed frame together with the mattress weighs a lot, to simplify use, lifting mechanisms are built into the bed. They are of several types. The most common today are spring lifts and gas lifts.


The spring mechanism is designed for approximately 20 thousand lifting-lowering cycles, which is actually quite a lot. But the problem with springs is that they lose their elasticity over time, so lifting after a certain time will require more and more effort each time. But this minus is compensated by the lower price for them.

Bed lifting mechanisms: spring

gas lift

This lifting mechanism is of higher quality, as it has a fundamentally different structure. In its mechanism, the “pushing” element is air. In non-standard, higher quality models, this element is nitrogen gas. Unlike air, the metal tube of the elevator does not react to it in any way, but corrosion can form with air in it.

The working cycles of gas lifts are much larger, from 70 to 90 thousand km.

Bed lift mechanisms: gas lift

It should also be said that for such mechanisms, the bed frame must be strong enough. There are times when the pressure in them is so high that it leads to the rupture of the sides of the bed.

Gas lift bed

Not standard mechanisms

More rarely, there are beds with ordinary hinges that do nothing to help raise the mattress, which makes the process quite difficult. And there are beds with a counterweight, but such a mechanism is also rarely used due to the design features. They are relevant only if the transformer lifting bed is assembled into a niche in the wall, into a furniture wall or closet.

lifting bed transformer double photo

Buy a bed with a lifting mechanism or not, it's up to you. But in reality this perfect solution if there is not enough storage space in the apartment or house. If, nevertheless, the choice fell not on her, attention should be paid primarily to lifts, many furniture makers recommend them made in Germany, they are more expensive, but they also have much the best quality.

And as a conclusion, we suggest you look at the photo catalog of such beds.

Beds with lifting mechanism photo

Beds with lifting mechanism photo

Beds with lifting mechanism photo