Hypoallergenic bedding. Hypoallergenic underwear

Thinking about maximum comfort, you should not forget about your health. Therefore, it is prudent to acquire hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly things that have a healing and beneficial effect on the entire body.

How to choose a pillow?

People who suffer from allergies choose their bedding much more carefully, for example, replacing regular feather and down pillows with hypoallergenic pillows.

Such products do not contain potential allergens: latex and glue. The pillow contains an environmentally friendly odorless filler with antistatic properties, does not attract dust. This material has excellent breathability and thermoregulation, while retaining heat in winter and regulating humidity levels in summer. The product is easy to care for: it can be washed in a typewriter, dries quickly, while maintaining its original shape.

Caring parents know that a child's comfortable sleep is the key to a good mood. Hypoallergenic pillows for children are made from highly hygienic and safe materials. After all, the child's immunity is still weak, which means it will be worse to resist allergens. Children's pillows with hypoallergenic fillers provide the correct position of the body during sleep, which contributes to the development of the body, the normal functioning of the joints and cervical vertebrae. Children's models are available in assortment, which will allow you to choose products for all ages from infants to teenagers.

What should you sleep on?

Wadded and old foam mattresses pose a great danger, in which the smallest dust and colonies of dust mites, the most aggressive allergen, inevitably accumulate. A modern hypoallergenic mattress almost does not accumulate dust, is well ventilated, removes heat and moisture. That is why favorable conditions for microscopic mites are not created.

For the mattress to keep its beneficial features, lay it on a slatted base, thanks to which the ventilation protects it from heat and moisture. During cleaning, vacuum the mattress and wash the mattress cover regularly.

What do our feet love?

Carpets have long played a significant role and have become an integral part of the interior. It is they who will give the home uniqueness and sophistication, transforming beyond recognition. V Lately people are increasingly willing to buy hypoallergenic carpets or rugs, especially for children. Such products have many useful properties for a person: when walking on them with bare feet, the feet are warmed, while receiving acupressure. Thus, you get rid of pain, relieve fatigue and emotional stress, bring nervous system into a calm state.

Also, being hypoallergenic, carpets and carpets are able to maintain the desired microclimate in the room, which is especially important for people suffering from bronchial or rheumatic diseases. Children's environmentally friendly carpets and carpets are painted only with natural dyes.

How can we hide?

Today, people who are allergic to natural fillers can already forget about their illness and rest comfortably. A special hypoallergenic blanket made of high-quality artificial fillers, similar in characteristics to natural ones, makes it possible to enjoy a good night's sleep.

The main criteria that such blankets should have:

  • 100% pure and fresh;
  • so that fungi and mold do not start;
  • possessing disinfectant and bactericidal properties;
  • washable at high temperatures.

Hypoallergenic blankets should be chosen with such natural fillers:

  • cotton;
  • flax (has natural bacterial properties);
  • nettle (does not undergo the process of decay, fungi and mold do not start);
  • eucalyptus fiber (great combination appearance blankets and psychological comfort).

Do not look for high-quality hypoallergenic bedding on the market, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the offers of specialized stores. good manufacturers not so much, and their brands are widely known. Be sure to ask for certificates for the relevant products.

It is worth noting that the price of hypoallergenic products is very attractive, given all the undeniable benefits for children and adults.

Bedding is one of the most important components of a hypoallergenic life. A person spends almost a third of his life in bed, and, as for children, this ratio is even higher for them. Bedding - pillows, blankets, mattresses - these are the components of the environment around us that have the closest and longest contact with the human respiratory organs. From the first days of a child's life, the likelihood of developing allergies and asthma in the future largely depends on the correct choice of bedding.

The main source of allergens in bed is the dust mite, which is present in every home, lives in carpets, places where dust accumulates and, of course, in bedding (duvets, pillows, mattresses). By itself, the dust mite is harmless, it feeds on exfoliating microparticles. human skin(and a person, on average, loses 1.5-2 grams of skin per day), absorbs moisture from the air. Allergens are the waste products of the tick - microscopic fecal balls and microparticles of the bodies of dead ticks. From the living conditions of the tick, it becomes clear that the best place for it is a bed, where it is warm, humid and there is a lot of food. In addition, pillows and blankets, as sources of allergens, are in close proximity to the human respiratory organs for many hours every night. Therefore, we all need a comfortable and cozy bed, the arrangement of which should be approached with all care, but this is especially important for people with allergies.

So, what qualities should hypoallergenic bedding have? How to choose hypoallergenic pillows and blankets? All recommendations for those suffering from allergic diseases indicate the need to replace down and feather pillows and mattresses, woolen and wadded blankets with synthetic ones (polyester, lyocell, thinsulate), which have high breathability, maintain an optimal humidity regime and withstand frequent washing. The main requirements for hypoallergenic pillows and blankets are:

Hygiene and easy care (bactericidal properties of the material);
Good moisture and breathability (so that mold and fungi do not start);
Washable at high temperature.

Several types of hypoallergenic pillows and blankets meet these criteria. You can buy cotton, linen, eucalyptus or, for example, silk bedding, because. silk is the only filler in the world that stops the growth of pathogenic fungi, dust mites and mold do not start in it. In addition, luxurious silk blankets have healing and anti-aging properties.

As for the cotton blanket, until recently, when talking about a cotton blanket, it meant that it was made of cotton wool - a cheap and short-lived material. New technologies make it possible to produce a qualitatively new filler from cotton fiber. For example, cotton blankets German Grass (Austria) and Anna Flaum (Germany) is an environmentally friendly, durable, high-quality textile for the home. The duvets are made from soft and breathable natural cotton filling, which is processed in such a way that the duvets are not afraid of repeated washing in washing machines.

Linen blankets presented in the collections German Grass (Austria) and Johann Hefel (Austria) have a cooling effect and natural bactericidal properties. These blankets do not cause allergies, skin irritations and dust mites do not live in them. Linen blankets are durable, have high warming properties, are easy to wash and dry quickly. Sleep textiles from well-known and well-established brands are a guarantee of using only high-quality natural fabrics and natural fillers.

natural nettle blanket"Ramie Wash Grass" from German Grass (Austria) has a cooling effect and perfectly absorbs moisture. Ramia is a natural fiber of nettle, and this natural filler is not subject to decay processes, mold and fungi do not start in it. To facilitate the washing process, each nettle fiber blanket is equipped with a special mesh bag, which makes it easier to load and remove items from the washing machine.

Before buying, carefully study the properties of the filler, find out the opinions of friends who already use a similar blanket. This will help you make the right choice, and sleep healthy and sound.

What qualities should a hypoallergenic filler fiber have?
Pillow (quilt) filler must be environmentally friendly and odorless
Neither glue nor latex should be used to bind the filler fibers, as they themselves are potential allergens
The fibers must have good antistatic properties so as not to attract dust.
The properties of thermoregulation, air and moisture permeability must be present (the product must retain heat in cold weather and not interfere with the free circulation of air to remove moisture in warm weather): this will create unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of mites and mold fungi
The filler should not fall off or wrinkle, should be easily washed in washing machine and dry quickly, restore shape after repeated washes and dryers
It is better if the filling can be washed at 60°C, which allows it to be washed without the use of acaricidal additives.

Characteristics of some fillers

Various products from the company DuPont: Comforel, Hollofil, Comforel Allerban and Hollofil Allerban consist of high-tech polyester fibers that are breathable, the latter two also undergo a special treatment with hypoallergenic substances that retain their effect even after washing.

  • Comforel is a synthetic fiber used to fill pillows and mattresses. The fiber is twisted into balls of 5-10 mm in size without the use of any adhesive components. Due to the spherical shape of the fiber, products filled with Comforel are very comfortable, easily return to their original shape when crushed, “breathe” well, and easily endure repeated washings.
  • Comforel Allerban is an analogue of Comforel fiber that has undergone a special antibacterial treatment, thanks to which bacteria and micromould do not develop in products with this filler. The antibacterial properties of this fiber remain even after washing.
  • Hollofil is a hollow, slippery fiber with partitions used as a filler for blankets, because, thanks to the properties of the fiber, blankets, with a minimum amount of filler (and therefore weight), hold heat very well, are easy to wash and dry quickly.

Thinsulate®(bio-down) is very light and very warm (it is one and a half times warmer than natural down). Manufacturers sew a wide variety of products from thinsulate. And this is not only . Sportswear, blankets, sleeping bags are very practical, as any bio-down product can be compactly packed into a travel bag or a tourist backpack. It also finds application in the production of winter accessories (gloves, hats, etc.).

Thinsulate makes the blanket weightless and relatively bulky, perfectly retains warm air inside its structure. maintains an optimal moisture balance, and repeated washing does not affect the volume and wear resistance of the product. In addition, Thinsulate is hypoallergenic, does not stray or shrink when washed. At proper care(washable up to 40 degrees), anti-allergic blanket lasts more than 10 years. Increase the degree of protection against various allergens will help special means for washing and for blankets and pillows.

Blankets filled with "Thinsulate" are offered by many manufacturers. Good hypoallergenic blankets are, for example, in the Familon collections (Thinsulate, Familon). Such an acquisition is ideal for people prone to allergies and asthma. Prices for blankets with thinsulate have an optimal ratio with quality, which makes such a purchase profitable.

Polyester (polyester fiber).
Most of the latest generation artificial fillers are made from polyester fiber, such as holofiber, comforel, ecofiber, silicone fiber, microfiber. They differ in appearance, but their basic qualities are identical. Polyester fillers are hypoallergenic, keep their shape well, do not roll or cake. And thanks to the hollow structure, polyester fillers perfectly retain heat and are lightweight. All these materials are easy to wash and dry quickly, and the service life of polyester fillers is at least 10 years.

Synthetic fillers of the latest generation can be a good replacement for products made from natural fillers. The question of which blanket is better to buy when choosing from a variety of polyester fibers is not fundamental. Their consumer properties are approximately the same.

Eucalyptus fiber (tenzel, lyocell)
Lyocell is a hypoallergenic material based on eucalyptus cellulose. This is a fiber that absorbs moisture well and allows air to pass through. The American company Lenzing produces it under the trade name "Tencel", the Russian VNIIPV - under the name "Orcel".

Lyocell is used in the manufacture of high quality bedding. Blankets filled with Lyocell are highly absorbent and breathable, have high dry and wet strength, keep their shape well and do not lose their properties after machine washing. Eucalyptus blankets do not require special care, and the service life of such blankets is up to 10 years. The only drawback of blankets filled with Lyocell is their high cost.

"Protected" natural fillers

Hypoallergenic are also "protected" natural fillers with the sign "NOMITE", (a trademark that is evidence of the suitability of the product for people with allergies to house dust mites). The fluff for such products undergoes a special treatment that destroys the tick, and the fabric of a special dense weave prevents the tick from entering the environment. Most down products can only be dry cleaned, but there are also those that can be washed at 60. Such products from natural goose down or down and feathers are produced, for example, by the Kariguz corporation. Cariguz is the only Russian manufacturer that is a member of the European Down and Feather Association (EDFA).

What does the NOMITE sign mean?
NOMITE = NO MITE (translated as "no ticks"). The mark is given to products made from natural fillers, if they are protected from colonization by house dust mites using a special technology. On products made of synthetic hypoallergenic fillers, such a mark is not put.

The best blankets and pillows

Austrian firms Hefel and germangrass offer a wide range of exclusive bedding, including hypoallergenic eucalyptus duvets and pillows. The duvet made of eulyptus fiber Lyocell / Lyocell is in harmony with the human body, it allows your skin to breathe easily and guarantees the highest level of comfort during the night. recreation.

Hypoallergenic duvets and pillows FAMILON (Finland) with synthetic filler are divided according to their properties into several series - Feeling, Outlast, Ultra Cool, Extralife, Ultra, Classic, Soft and Futurex. Also, the company has developed a line of pillows and blankets for children. All Familon pillows and duvets are approved by the Asthma and Allergy Association of Finland. Thanks to the unique fibers, all Familon products provide excellent moisture absorption and do not cause allergic reactions. The covers are made from 100% cotton and are filled with a breathable, glue-free hollow fiber. At the same time, the blanket is resistant to washing and does not absorb dust, so buying a Familon blanket is the best solution for asthmatics and allergy sufferers who care about the quality of their sleep.

GREENFIRST® Blankets German company KBT-Bettwaren with anti-mite impregnation are designed specifically for allergy sufferers. The duvets can be washed at 60°C, which is ideal for people prone to allergies. Complex anti-mite treatment GREENFIRST® (lemon, lavender, eucalyptus) retains its properties up to 30 washes at 60°C. Blankets are easy to maintain and have a long service life.

Austrian company Kauffmann offers blankets for connoisseurs of natural, light, warm products of high quality. Hypoallergenic Kauffmann (Austria) from the Premium Tencel silver protection collection (Premium Tencel silver protection) belong to the category top quality and are branded NOMITE - suitable for people who are allergic to house dust.

There are 4 blankets in the collection of different categories of warmth: Q - light summer blanket, QQ - all-weather (spring-autumn), QQQ - medium winter, QQQQ - warm winter. All duvets can be washed up to 60°C with gentle detergents. natural filler duvets - 100% selected white goose down, grown on open water in Masuria. The special treatment of down and feather makes it impossible for the household dust mites, which are the source of allergy to house dust, to live. Soft and cozy, fluffy, actively breathing, down is not allergenic and resistant to microorganisms.

Duvet with antimicrobial impregnation Sanitized is also offered by the company DORBENA(Liechtenstein). Sanitized impregnation with antibacterial effect is a unique product of the Swiss company SANITIZED of the same name. It is absolutely safe for humans, ensures the complete destruction of mold fungi, does not allow microorganisms, mites and microbes to develop. The antibacterial, hypoallergenic Canitized Dorbena duvet, as well as Sanitized impregnated pillows and mattress covers, are recommended not only for people suffering from allergies and asthma, but also for all those for whom hygiene is important bed and comfortable sleep.

The Sleepwell collections from Kauffmann and DORBENA also feature hypoallergenic Premium Kids duvets in varying degrees of warmth. One of the advantages of these children's duvets is the ability to wash without compromising quality. The duvets are hypoallergenic (NOMITE branded), comfortable, beautiful looking and pleasant to the touch.

Down duvets HEFEL (Austria) are duvets filled with down and hypoallergenic Tencel® material. Duvets filled with Tencel + down combine the advantages of down - light, soft, warm and the best qualities of Tencel - breathability, the ability to regulate moisture well. In addition, Hefel down + tencel duvets are washable up to 60°C and can be tumble dried. The Hefel-Tencel® duvet is soft, airy, warm and hygienic.

Bed dress SeaCell Active- blankets, mattress toppers, pillows - these are products of a new generation. Hypoallergenic blanket Sisel Active from the Hefel Wellness beauty collection (lyocell + seaweed + silver ions) is recommended not only for people suffering from allergies, asthma, but also for all people who care about their health. The natural fiber of the fabrics of the cover and filling of the blanket is a combination of Lyocell fiber with seaweed extract additives and pure silver ions. These components give the blanket completely new, unusual functional properties:

  • Seaweed and the mineral salts contained in them have a cosmetic effect comparable to the effect of a night cream - they heal and rejuvenate the skin.
  • Silver ions give an antibacterial and fungicidal (disinfectant) effect.

Blankets Seacel Active high quality, are made in different degrees of warmth: from Q (light summer) to QQQQ (warm). They are comfortable - "actively breathing", absorb and evaporate moisture well, mineral salts help cleanse skin cells, restore them, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. All SeaCell Active duvets are washable up to 60°C. amazing properties are saved.

German Grass® is an Austrian brand of LUXE bedding. German Grass® bedding is natural materials, exclusive design and safety of use. German Grass products are Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified, which translates as "Trust in Textiles" and indicates that the products are tested for the absence of harmful substances in accordance with the Oeko-Tex 100 standard.

Estimated service life bedding
Generally chemical fibers less durable than natural materials. But do not be upset: allergists recommend an even more frequent change of bedding. For high-end high-quality bedding, it is recommended to change the mattress every 8-10 years, the duvet every 5 years, the mattress cover 3-4 years, and the pillow every 3 years. Of course, these terms are indicative and depend both on care and on the level of individual requirements. The service life of economy series products is usually somewhat shorter.

To increase the degree of protection against various allergens, protective covers for the mattress, pillow and blanket will help. They perform the function of barrier protection and allow you to wash bedding (with the exception of linen) no more than 1-2 times a year. However, covers retain their properties as long as they are intact, for this reason they should be sized, and not recut or altered. A damaged case must be replaced with a new one.

The not entirely favorable environmental situation in the world contributes to the fact that people are increasingly suffering from various types of allergies. Today, the vast majority of clothing is made from synthetic fabrics. It is they who become the main catalyst for allergic reactions, this is a well-known fact. But how to recognize natural fabric? What useful information can be learned from clothing labels? Can cotton or linen cause hypersensitivity of the human immune system?

Cotton is not a guarantee of the absence of allergic reactions

During the production of fabrics, any plant material is treated with various chemicals in order to increase strength, improve appearance and other characteristics. Silk, wool and cotton are no exception, they also go through several stages of this “transformation”.

When buying a new thing, you should pay attention to the label. If the inscription “100% cotton” flaunts there, this means that no more than 70% of the material itself is present in the composition of the clothes. The rest is various textile auxiliaries, of which, by the way, there are more than 7 thousand (and this is only the number of dyes, softeners, synthetic resins allowed for use). Such is the paradox: the fabric is natural, but it can still cause allergies.

Looking for a hypoallergenic outfit

Labels on clothes can reveal a lot of interesting information, but what exactly should you pay attention to?

  • "Naturtextile" and "100% organic cotton" signs. Sign of the highest ecological quality. Such things are absolutely safe even in case of exacerbation of skin allergies, with dermatitis they can alleviate the condition.
  • Signs "Eco-tex" and "Euroflower". High-quality and completely safe industrial textiles. Suitable for most people who have not had allergic reactions to clothing before, as well as those who do not have skin problems.

It is better to refuse things on the labels of which there are inscriptions “Bleached with chlorine”, “Does not fall off”, “Resistant to machine wash”, etc..

linen clothes

Compared to cotton, linen is less processed by various chemicals. It does not shrink, is strong enough and washes well, and therefore in the process of fabric production there is no need to use softeners or resins that are hazardous to health.

All children, the elderly, and those who are prone to allergic reactions need hypoallergenic clothing without exception. As a rule, natural fabrics are more expensive than synthetic ones, but saving on your own health is far from the best. the best way choice.

First of all, you need to replace all down, feather, wadded and woolen bedding with hypoallergenic pillows and blankets. As a rule, hypoallergenic bedding is made from synthetic fibers. It can be polyester, thinsulate or lyocell.

Synthetic fibers have high rates of breathability, moisture resistance and thermoregulation.

It should be noted that synthetic fiber should not be fastened with glue or latex: this negatively affects the quality characteristics of hypoallergenic bedding; special modern technologies are used to fasten synthetic fibers.

Another undoubted advantage of linen made of synthetic fiber is its wear resistance. If you suffer from an allergic disease, then you probably know that you need to wash your bed linen at least twice a week, while you must observe the temperature regime of washing - it is recommended to wash at a temperature of at least 60C, in addition, the linen must be dried on fresh air and carefully weathered - these measures will help you destroy the nutrient substrate of the dust fungus, which creates fertile ground for the reproduction of the tick.

The second option for hypoallergenic bedding is silk bedding (more).

You should not look for high-quality hypoallergenic linen on the market and even in a regular online bed linen store. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the range of specialized bed linen stores. There are not so many manufacturers of high-quality hypoallergenic underwear, their brands are quite well-known, and the market is full of fakes with the inscription “hypoallergenic”. Any self-respecting seller specializing in the supply of hypoallergenic underwear will definitely provide you with the appropriate certificates for these products. Be careful when choosing hypoallergenic bedding, we hope our recommendations will help you.

Dust mites that live in home textiles do not cause allergies, but the waste products of such insects contain substances that the human immune system reacts extremely negatively to. Even regular cleaning is not always enough if a person is allergic to bedding.

Cause of Allergy

Every evening we inhale with the air fragments of house dust that collects in pillows, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers. Small allergens enter the respiratory tract and remain on the mucous membranes. Due to constant irritation, the immune system begins to react aggressively to the allergen.

Some people even have a high chance of having an asthma attack. If not used, well-being will deteriorate significantly.

Consider what can pose a health hazard:

  • Waste products of ticks;
  • mold fungus;
  • Small plant particles;
  • bacteria;
  • Insects.

Some people have an allergic reaction to bed bugs.

Allergy symptoms

The mucous membranes react to the irritant and the following symptoms appear:

  • Nasal congestion;
  • Paroxysmal sneezing;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • High light sensitivity;
  • Inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane;
  • Itching in the nose;
  • Lachrymation.

With prolonged exposure, allergens can cause bronchial asthma.

How to choose the right quality hypoallergenic bed linen? Allergy sufferers should not use organic fillers. Products with the following materials are unacceptable for use:

The composition of such materials includes animal and vegetable protein, which the immune system often perceives as an allergen.

Consider a few basic requirements for hypoallergenic textiles for the bedroom:

  • The material should not be an allergen in itself;
  • Withstand frequent washing at high temperatures;
  • It is good to absorb moisture;
  • Pass air;
  • Keep warm;
  • Possess hypotoxicity;
  • Do not absorb foreign odors.

If you are visiting, it is preferable to warn the hosts about the state of their own body, so that they can choose the right bed linen for allergy sufferers.

Hypoallergenic synthetics

First you need to purchase hypoallergenic bedding, which is often made from synthetics. Materials suitable for allergy sufferers are:

Synthetic fibers pass air well, contribute to effective thermoregulation, have optimal indicator moisture resistance. Synthetic fibers must not be joined with latex or glue. The properties of hypoallergenic textiles deteriorate in this case. Advanced technical developments can be used to join synthetic fibers.

It is modern technologies that make it possible to achieve high rates of wear resistance of hypoallergenic underwear.

How to care?

A few care tips bed linen for allergy sufferers:

  • Every allergy sufferer knows that bedroom textiles should be washed at least 2 times a week;
  • The water temperature should not be less than 60 degrees;
  • The fabric should be hung outdoors and properly ventilated.

Thanks to the above measures, it will be possible to get rid of the nutrient substrate that the dust mite loves so much. Based on the above tips, you need to select a hypoallergenic kit that can withstand such care.

If it is not possible to wash bedroom textiles often, you can use hypoallergenic covers for pillows, blankets, thanks to which the waste products of ticks do not get on the skin or in the respiratory tract.

Hypoallergenic silk

In specialized stores you can find high-quality silk hypoallergenic bedding. The cost of such home textile products is rather high, but the quality of the fabrics will always be justified.

Satin for allergy sufferers

The main distinguishing features of sheets, duvet covers, satin pillowcases are hygiene and hypoallergenicity. The fabric is breathable, retains heat and absorbs moisture. The fibers are not electrified, so wool and dust do not stick to satin bedding.

Doctors advise using products from such companies as hypoallergenic textiles for the bedroom:

The products of these companies have a large number of certificates, have been tested and confirmed enough high level hypoallergenicity. Also, these materials are endowed with high hygienic properties, they pass moisture and air well.

Hypoallergenic kit can be purchased in specialized stores or on the Internet. It is advisable to choose reliable places for shopping, so as not to run into a fake.

It should be borne in mind when choosing that bed linen for allergy sufferers should not contain any dyes or flavors.

How to choose hypoallergenic bedding?

Causes of Allergy

Every night when we sleep, we breathe in house dust particles that accumulate in pillows, blankets and bedding. Small allergens with air enter the respiratory tract, where they settle on the mucous membranes. Constant irritation provokes the immune system to overreact in the form of an allergy.

For people who have a certain hereditary predisposition, accumulated dust with constant exposure can cause bronchial asthma. In this case, if unsuitable textiles are not replaced in time with an anti-allergic analogue, the state of health will noticeably worsen, and the disease will become more severe.

The danger is not only dust, but also living organisms that live in it. In the down, which is often filled with pillowcases and blankets, there can be:

  • Dust mites and their waste products
  • Mold spores
  • plant particles
  • bacteria
  • insect allergens

An allergy can also manifest itself in bed bugs that settle on bedding, if the rules of basic hygiene and timely washing of linen are not followed.


The first manifestation of an allergy to bedding will be rhinoconjunctivitis. The mucous membranes of the nose and eyes quickly react to a respiratory irritant, which is expressed by:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Inflammation of the mucous membranes
  • Bouts of sneezing
  • Itching in the nasal cavity
  • conjunctivitis
  • lacrimation
  • Increased sensitivity to light

With prolonged exposure, allergens can provoke asthma attacks, accompanied by coughing, wheezing, a feeling of heaviness in the chest and shortness of breath. Most often, such manifestations occur at night or early in the morning.

Children are more prone to the occurrence of bronchial asthma, in whom the immune system is not yet fully formed and may fail, manifested by the chronic form of the disease.

People with hypersensitivity of the skin can observe signs of atopic dermatitis or, as it is also called, neurodermatitis, which is a local form of allergic inflammation. After sleep, itching will appear, accompanied by redness in areas of the skin in contact with bedding. This form often has a chronic course and manifests itself gradually, which is why it is often ignored or mistaken for other dermatological diseases.

How to choose the right hypoallergenic bedding (h2)

Suitable pillows and blankets should have certain qualities. First of all, it should be understood that no material of organic origin is suitable as a bed linen filler for allergy sufferers. Categorically not suitable things that include:

All these substances include many benefits, as they are of natural origin. However, they contain vegetable or animal protein, which can be recognized as an irritant by a sensitive organism.

If you suffer from an allergy to bed linen, even staying overnight at a party or in a hotel, warn the hosts about the characteristics of your body. One night of sleeping on hazardous material may be enough to develop severe symptoms.

Only a few types of synthetic materials are truly anti-allergenic today:

  • Polyester hollow fiber
  • Synthetic filling without glue base

The second important criterion is the possibility of washing the material at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees, which is detrimental to dust mites.

If it is not possible to frequently wash bed linen, you can use hypoallergenic protective covers, which, thanks to a special material, do not allow the waste products of a dust mite to enter the human respiratory system.

Among pillows and blankets, two firms received the most recommendations: “Familon”, which is created in Finland and “KBT Bettwaren” of German production.

These products have received many certificates, passed all the necessary tests and proved their complete hypoallergenicity. Both firms use a polyester hollow fiber filler that can withstand weekly washing.

The materials have good hygienic properties, namely, they provide moisture and breathability. Also, these features prevent the formation and spread of mold and bacteria in the bed itself.

The "Greenfirst" series from the German brand is also specially treated with anti-mite impregnation, which is completely safe for humans, but is poorly tolerated by microscopic insects.

Hypoallergenic bed linen can be purchased at many online stores and outlets, but it is better to trust trusted manufacturers and sales outlets that can provide the necessary certificates.

Also, when choosing, it should be borne in mind that anti-allergenic bedding should not contain dyes and flavors. And products made of dense material will have a longer shelf life and be easier to clean than soft counterparts.

  1. "Valtery" - their main material is microfiber, which has dust-repellent and antibacterial properties.
  2. Famille products consist of modal, which is a new synthetic analogue of viscose. For its fibers, eucalyptus and pine cellulose are used, which in themselves are good anti-allergic substances.
  3. "Familon Ellisium" is a Finnish company producing high quality satin.
  4. Karna is a Turkish manufacturer that makes bedding from a combination of bamboo fibers and microfiber. Suitable if the allergy is not caused by plant components, but by the waste products of the tick.

What to do if the allergy does not go away?

You are tormented by sneezing, coughing, itching, rashes and redness of the skin, or maybe your allergies are even more serious. And the isolation of the allergen is unpleasant or even impossible.

In addition, allergies lead to diseases such as asthma, urticaria, dermatitis. And the recommended medicines for some reason are not effective in your case and do not fight the cause in any way ...

Pillow Allergy Symptoms

condom allergy

Comments, reviews and discussions

Finogenova Angelina: “In 2 weeks I completely cured my allergy and started fluffy cat without expensive drugs and procedures. It was simple enough. » More>>

For the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases, our readers advise using the Allergonix remedy. Unlike other means, Allergonix shows a persistent and stable result. Already on the 5th day of application, allergy symptoms are reduced, and after 1 course it disappears completely. The tool can be used both for prevention and for the removal of acute manifestations.

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The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no case calls for self-diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and taking drugs, it is imperative to consult a qualified doctor. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The editors of the portal are not responsible for its authenticity.

Hypoallergenic bedding

When symptoms of a respiratory disease occur, few people immediately suspect an allergy. The situation is clarified by the lack of effect of treatment or the addition of other symptoms. When a doctor asks about allergies, the main task is to determine the allergen.

The patient begins to take everything out of his room and send it to relatives of pets. An allergy to bed linen is the last thing to be suspected. However, in vain, because bed bugs, dust, fluff and materials are an allergen.

Attention! Allergy to bed does not require treatment and admission medications. Often it is enough to eliminate contact with the pathogen and take one-time measures to eliminate the symptoms.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Symptoms of bed sickness are no different from contact allergies. You need to be careful about allergic manifestations. The occurrence of nasal congestion, watery eyes, redness of their mucous membranes and peeling of the scalp may indicate an allergy to fluff in the pillow or pillowcase fabric.

Bedding allergy symptoms:

  • itching and burning of the skin;
  • peeling and change of skin type to drier;
  • rashes and red spots;
  • malaise and fatigue;
  • symptoms of eczema and dermatitis;
  • respiratory symptoms, in the absence of fever.

A qualified specialist can determine the disease and the allergen, but the patient can conduct an independent experiment. For a few nights, you can try changing where you sleep or using hypoallergenic bedding.

The cause of allergies to bedding is the use of natural fluff and synthetic fabrics.

The production of such materials is trying to reduce the cost and chemicals are used in their manufacture. This is a non-compliance with environmental and production standards. Cases of an allergic reaction after sleeping in such a bed are increasing. Some materials do not allow air to pass through and thus improve the environment for the development of arachnids. Arachnids themselves, in particular mites, are not allergens. The human body reacts to their waste products.

Also allergens are:

  • formaldehydes;
  • dyes;
  • resins;
  • paint fixatives;
  • additives for the effect of "starched linen"

Cheap bedding made from natural fabrics can also cause allergies. For example, cotton may be improperly grown and loaded with pesticides and nitrates. Hazardous chemicals can be used in production to give products a marketable appearance.

Sometimes there may be an allergy to only one pillow in a house made of natural down. This happens when, when growing, the bird was fed the wrong diet with antibiotic impurities. This also happens with reactions to animal hair.

In order to accurately determine that an allergy has arisen to bed linen, it is necessary to exclude intolerance to the powder and rinse used in washing these sets.

Interesting! Statistics show that allergic manifestations occur in children and women. This is due to the failure of the immune system in babies and hormonal changes in the female. Possible cause tenderness and sensitivity of the skin.

Hypoallergenic bedding

Bed linen suitable for allergy sufferers should be made of hypoallergenic materials. Such kits help a person fight dust mites, mold and fungi.

These inhabitants interact well and support each other's nutrient medium. Based on this, it is important that bed sets have not only correct composition, but also well cleaned of contaminants.

The main criteria for choosing underwear:

  1. the fiber from which the element is made must be hypoallergenic;
  2. fillers are odorless and comply with environmental standards. Sellers must have quality certificates;
  3. the fabric does not have statistical properties, as this will provoke the attraction of dust;
  4. the material should be easily cleaned of dead and descended particles of human skin;
  5. bed linen may have the properties of free air circulation;
  6. the ability to wash clothes at high temperatures;
  7. the filler should keep its shape when washed.

Allergy to bed bugs is a common type of pathology. Therefore, study the possibility of washing clothes at a temperature of 55C. It is this temperature that is necessary for the death of this kind of allergen.

However, there are special detergents that allow you to clean fabrics from pests with more low temperatures. This will help save on bedding.

To get rid of allergies, you need to review home bedding and get rid of old copies.

Considering some of the materials, we can note:

  1. Silk. Is an ideal option for home bed. Due to its qualities, it passes air well, does not collect dust and is not suitable for the reproduction of mites and fungus. You need to choose the material of high quality and with good weaving of the fabric. This will make it easier to clean the bed and increase its service life.
  2. Down fillers can be considered hypoallergenic, given the correct production. The down must be cleaned several times and packed in a bag that will not allow arachnids to miss it.
  3. Sintepon and polyester. The synthetic winterizer is heavier and more often crumple. Polyester holds its shape better, lasts longer and is easier to clean. However, the price of synthetic filler is much lower.

Important! Not only bedding should be anti-allergic, but also means for washing it. Powders and rinses should contain less fragrances and phosphates. At the same time, detergents should be gentle on fabrics and bed linen fillers.

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Bed linen for allergy sufferers - fillers, covers and brands

House dust and dust mites are a common cause of allergic reactions. Their potential accumulators are bedding, and in particular, products made of down, feathers and wool. In this article, we will look at the features of choosing hypoallergenic pillows and blankets, as well as their best manufacturers.

Particles of house dust or waste products of mites enter the respiratory system directly from bed linen or soft toys with which children sleep. General cleaning and washing give only a temporary effect, and the only way out is to replace ordinary down and feather pillows, woolen and wadded blankets with products with hypoallergenic filler:

  • vegetable (bamboo, eucalyptus, buckwheat),
  • or synthetic (polyester, lyocell, thinsulate, ecofiber).

Now there is a wide choice of hypoallergenic bed linen. It must meet the following requirements:

  • Good antistatic properties that prevent dust settling and accumulation.
  • High breathability.
  • No latex or glue.
  • The material must be designed for repeated washing and have excellent wear resistance.

Hypoallergenic pillow: choose the right one

Filler and pillow material - that's what you should pay attention to when choosing it.

Pillows from:

What fillers can an allergic person choose?

In this section, we will consider natural and synthetic fillers for pillows.

Synthetic fillers

Products with such fillers can be washed at a temperature of 60 ο C, which kills mites and their eggs.

Sintepukh, sinteshar

It is considered the most inexpensive type of hypoallergenic pillow filler. It consists of balls treated with a special silicone solution.

  • hypoallergenicity,
  • good breathability,
  • elasticity and softness
  • cheapness.

Of the minuses - crumbles after frequent washing.

Ecofiber (holofiber)

It is considered one of the best artificial substitutes for down and feather. It is airy and when pressed very quickly restores its shape, does not burn and does not absorb odors.

Holofiber pillows:

  • hypoallergenic,
  • environmentally friendly,
  • easy care,
  • odorless,
  • do not absorb moisture
  • keep warm,
  • have an orthopedic effect.
Artificial swansdown

Fiber of a new generation, similar in property to bird fluff. Great option for kids.

  • hypoallergenicity,
  • good breathability,
  • softness,
  • machine washable.

natural fillers

It is light, hygroscopic and provides an optimal microclimate at any time of the year. Unlike down and wool, silk pillows have a lower risk of causing skin irritation: silk fiber contains the protein sericin (silk glue), it does not start dust mites, which are the main cause of allergies.

BIO pillows made of buckwheat

Buckwheat husk is a natural vegetable filler, has excellent ventilation, remaining dry and cool. Thanks to this filler - its massage effect - pain in the head and neck is reduced, and proper head support provides high-quality removal of fatigue and tension.

Eucalyptus pillows

They have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which favorably affects the skin. They do not start the fungus, which allows you to breathe freely.

They also help to relax, relieve fatigue and stay in good shape.


A completely new high-tech material belonging to the elite category, currently produced only in certain factories in the USA. It is extracted from eucalyptus wood, getting cellulose fiber. Imitates cotton and silk, most often combined with natural materials.

Known under the brands:

Siacell (SeaCell)

Wood fiber treated with seaweed and silver to give antiseptic properties to fabrics.

When changing bedding to hypoallergenic, a person's condition improves by reducing contact with the allergen.

Cushion covers

To maximize the level of protection against household allergens, there are special pillow covers. The cover is a natural barrier because:

  • has a very tight weave
  • makes the pillow impervious to any allergenic particles,
  • while the material breathes.

Their seams are firmly sealed, the zipper is on protective film and with fine teeth, which prevents ticks from getting through the clasp.

Popular Case Brands:

Choosing a Hypoallergenic Blanket

A hypoallergenic blanket perfectly helps out allergy sufferers and perfectly performs its functions, not at all to the detriment of people's comfort.

There are the following types of filling hypoallergenic blankets:

  • silk blanket,
  • bamboo blanket,
  • eucalyptus fiber,
  • blankets with seaweed and silver ions.

Quilts filled with silk have a number of advantages over down, woolen, wadded and synthetic blankets, they are soft, light and comfortable. Purified natural silk is scientifically proven to be naturally allergen-free. Also, silk is able to resist the vital activity of dust mites and other saprophytes, due to the protein sericin (silk glue).

Bamboo filler has natural pores through which air circulates freely, which perfectly reflects its thermal conductive properties. This duvet creates pleasant warmth in winter and stays cool in summer. All this allows a person to fall asleep easily, calms the nervous system, regulates blood circulation and respiratory processes.

Eucalyptus duvet is breathable and absorbs excess moisture. This creates an ideal temperature balance. During sleep, essential oils are released from eucalyptus fibers, which have a healing effect on the human body.

Hypoallergenic bed linen for children

Down and feathers for babies should not be chosen, because they cause allergies, household mites can start in them. The down filler dampens, and the wool absorbs moisture well. Everyone also remembers wadded blankets, but they are very heavy and the filler often gets lumpy.

Synthetic bedding will support sleep throughout the night, and the child will not experience any discomfort. The most affordable cost will be a synthetic winterizer or comforter.

  • ecologically pure,
  • non-toxic,
  • the hollow structure of the material allows you to breathe,
  • its fiber structure is similar to sheep's wool,
  • has excellent dimensional stability.

Many orthopedists and pediatricians also recommend latex products. They can be selected taking into account the age of the child and used in the first days of the baby's life. Thanks to its elasticity, it ensures proper fixation of the neck and shoulders, and the cotton cover provides good breathability.

Take care of your baby's health from the first days of life by purchasing hypoallergenic bed linen and toys, thereby ensuring proper rest and sleep.

Useful video about choosing a hypoallergenic bed

Hypoallergenic bedding

It can be washed in a delicate wash with a light spin, with a water temperature of 50-60°C.

But not all hypoallergenic fillers withstand high temperatures, many are limited - no higher than 40 or 50 ° C, and at this temperature the tick does not die.

They eliminate the tick and its allergens:

  • Easy Air conditioner,
  • Allergoff prewash additive.

This allows you to wash bedding less often.

Allergists insist on frequent washing - from 1 time per week to 1 time per month, at the same time, most manufacturers recommend washing their products 2-4 times a year.

After washing the pillow and blanket when wet, it is necessary to give the original shape and evenly distribute the filler. Dry horizontally in a ventilated place on a line, whisking occasionally.

Branded or specialized stores guarantee the naturalness and quality of the products they sell, which must be certified and properly labeled. But in the markets, you can often buy a fake.

Among domestic manufacturers that guarantee the reliability and quality of the goods produced, we can distinguish:

  • Ivanovo trademark Soft-tex,
  • OL-Tex in Khotkovo,
  • Natures, La Prima,
  • Fleece,

From foreign manufacturers:

  • Flaum Anna (Germany),
  • Johann hefel and German Grass (Austria),
  • Karna (Turkey),
  • Finlayson - Familon Finland.

The cost of hypoallergenic bed linen

Prices for hypoallergenic bed linen are slightly higher than usual. For pillows, the price starts from 900 rubles. size 50 * 70 and remains within the limits of the rub. Buying a cheap synthetic pillow and sleeping on it for 2-3 years is unlikely to succeed. The filler will doubt in the first month of use.

The price of the duvets is rubbish. average.

Some hypoallergenic bed manufacturers

Finnish pillows and blankets Familon Ultra

They are especially distinguished by professionals in the development of hypoallergenic bed linen.

They use high-quality and high-tech filler Hollofil, which runs along the entire length of the fiber, which adapts to the movements of the body during sleep, and distributes heat throughout our body.

In Comfortel pillows from DuPont, polyester fluffy balls, weightless, special softness and silkiness are obtained due to the siliconization process. The manufacturer guarantees a service life of 5 years, but the pillow lasts 2-3 times longer.

Much more pleasant in price and not inferior in quality to the goods we all know IKEA. There are pillows for every taste and. The polyester fiber filling of the pillows ensures optimal comfort.

Pillowcases made of natural and renewable lyocell material allow you to sleep soundly and carefree, enjoying the lightness and softness of your touch.

For expectant mothers and babies, the Mothercare multifunctional pillow is perfect. It is specially designed for women in late pregnancy and after childbirth. With a curved shape, it provides support to the stomach and reduces the load on the back.

It also comes in handy while breastfeeding.

Thus, hypoallergenic bedding is a great option for allergy sufferers. It is also important to select natural hypoallergenic linen (sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases) and wash them with a powder with a minimum amount of fragrances and fragrances. And then sleep will be truly full and restorative.

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Pillow allergy is a fairly common problem, which is sometimes suddenly discovered when changing the pillow. But sometimes doctors can suspect an allergy to the filler in pillows when they feel worse at night or after sleep. In both cases, an urgent question arises - how to choose and buy a hypoallergenic pillow? In this article, we will tell you everything about choosing pillows for allergy sufferers.

Pillow allergy - what are the symptoms?

Most often, allergy sufferers complain of such symptoms that appear after contact with a pillow, such as:
  • skin rashes, redness, itching;
  • runny nose, sneezing or nasal congestion after sleeping;
  • difficulty breathing - cough, wheezing, wheezing, bronchospasm;
  • redness or itching in the eyes, tearing.
It is worth noting that any of the symptoms can be a manifestation of other diseases, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of a cold or an infectious disease. It’s worth starting with measuring the temperature - with allergies, it is usually normal. If, in addition, the symptoms disappear after taking antiallergic drugs, then it is probably worth visiting an allergist or immunologist who, using skin tests or a blood test, will confirm or refute your suspicions that your pillow is guilty.

What pillows can you be allergic to?

Of course, it is not the pillow cover that causes allergies (it is usually cotton, i.e. hypoallergenic), but the filler. What fillers are the most allergenic? We list:

Down and feather

The most common allergies are bird feathers and down. Moreover, sometimes it does not appear immediately after the purchase, but when they have already been sleeping on the pillow for some time - small particles of fluff hardly penetrate through the new dense fabric. For this reason, an allergy to feather pillows may not even be immediately suspected - it seems like I used to sleep and there was nothing.


Wool is also quite often the culprit of allergic reactions. Although it often gives a reaction only upon contact, therefore, the cover and pillowcase of a woolen pillow may hide the danger of this filler for an allergic person for some time. At the same time, in view of the abundance of woolen things in everyday life, this type of allergy is detected earlier and most easily.


Latex allergies are also mostly contact-related, and the thick knit cover found on more expensive latex pillows can prevent this problem. However, if you have already experienced itching or redness of the skin when in contact with rubber products, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic orthopedic pillows.


Of course, nobody stuffs pillows with dust - it gets there by itself, being one of the strongest allergens. actively multiply in ordinary bedding, feeding on the scales of our skin, so the pillow eventually becomes actually stuffed with dust.


Mold fungi can cause serious allergic problems and even asthma. Her spores fly everywhere, but she begins to grow in a humid environment. Therefore, pillows stored in damp rooms, such as in the country, are at risk.


Cheap pillows from unknown manufacturers can be dangerous - you should be alerted and deterred from buying incomprehensible or even contradictory inscriptions on product labels and packaging. The chemical smell of poor-quality bedding can turn out to be harmful chemistry - you should not hope that it will all disappear without a trace.

There is only one conclusion - buy pillows only from trusted manufacturers. They always give full information not only about yourself, but also about the materials and methods of caring for the product. And many factories are even sympathetic to the problems of allergy sufferers and allow the return of the product that caused the allergy.

Useful Supplements

Alas, even a new pillow declared as “useful” can cause allergies. Beneficial for the health of most people healing herbs or impregnations based on them may not be suitable for sensitive allergies.

What to do?

If you suspect an allergy to a pillow, you should first of all replace it with a safe and clean one - preferably with a new hypoallergenic pillow.

To keep pillows from accumulating dust, they should be washed or cleaned regularly. You can additionally get dust covers. If the pillow, frankly, is old, throw it away without regret (it has already worked out its price).

If the pillow becomes damp, that is, a mold fungus is suspected, it is also better to throw it away. Dry the new one regularly in the sun.

Who needs it?

Thinking about buying hypoallergenic pillows is not only for those who have already identified an allergy to the pillow. Safe bedding is preferred by all allergy sufferers, as the number of allergens to which an increased reaction of the body usually increases over the years.

Switching to safe pillows also makes sense for those who have blood relatives with similar problems in order to reduce the risk of immunity failure in their body.

Hypoallergenic sleeping pads - the best choice for kids. They help to reduce the burden on the developing immune system and actually reduce the likelihood of allergies in the future.

Purchasing a hypoallergenic pillow for an elderly person will help improve their sleep and direct more of the immune system to fight chronic and age-related diseases.

The Best Hypoallergenic Pillows

And finally, let's ask ourselves a question - which hypoallergenic pillow is better to buy? Believe it or not, the choice of safe pillows for allergy sufferers today is simply huge. And now in more detail which pillows are best for allergies.


Natural silk is the leader among fillings for hypoallergenic pillows. This unique material not only does not cause allergies, but also does not allow any pathogenic flora and fauna to multiply at all. So - best gift for anyone with allergies or asthma.

artificial down

Artificial fillers (holofiber, ecofiber, siliconized polyester fiber, artificial fluff, "swan's down") are one of the most popular hypoallergenic pillows for sleep among buyers. The reason is not only the low cost, which allows you to regularly change pillows without much expense and regret. washable - these modern safe fillers are easy to wash and dry quickly. At the same time, the pillow completely retains its volume and properties, and dust does not have time to accumulate.

The disadvantage of artificial fibers is the ability to electrify and thereby attract dust. Therefore, many prefer more modern fillers, which are discussed below. Despite this nuance, artificial down is widely used to create the splendor of pillows from other less elastic materials.


- gained popularity as hypoallergenic and antibacterial pillows. Unique Feature hypoallergenic bamboo fiber in the ability to easily and quickly (faster than cotton) absorb and evaporate moisture without creating a feeling of moisture. At the same time, the fiber itself does not allow microorganisms to multiply.

Often manufacturers only use bamboo fiber in the stitching of the outer pillowcase. Caring for such pillows is simplified - you can wash and dry the pillowcase very quickly. And the hypoallergenic artificial down inside makes it fluffier and lighter.


Pillows with tencel are called. A fiber made from eucalyptus wood, like viscose, retains some of its unique properties. It is hypoallergenic, lightweight, silky, breathable, does not accumulate moisture and does not become a breeding ground for bacteria.


Cotton is one of the most common non-allergenic materials. Cotton pillows are usually also combined with artificial fiber. Since pure cotton is easy to caking, using it alone in a stitch or mixed with a bulky synthetic filler effectively combines the advantages of both materials.

Ceiba (kapok)

Seib fiber, also called kapok, is an exotic filler for our country. However, it has been known for many centuries and has been widely used since the beginning of navigation in southern countries. collected from the fruit of a tropical cotton tree. The cotton-like fiber is hypoallergenic, extremely light (8 times lighter than cotton) and does not absorb moisture, thanks to a thin layer of natural wax. Therefore, ceiba pillows are an excellent purchase for allergy sufferers.

For connoisseurs of anatomical neck support during sleep, there are great choice pillows from different options hypoallergenic orthopedic foam (polyurethane foam). The most popular are those that easily adapt to the features of the sleeping person's physique. And also, creating a cooling effect, which reduces metabolism and thereby also somewhat reduces the excitability of the body's immune system.

Most importantly, when choosing a model, pay attention Special attention for the absence of odorous impregnations in the material, which may also be unsuitable for sensitive people.

Where to buy a hypoallergenic pillow?

The online store site has been selling pillows with hypoallergenic fillers for many years. In our catalog you can buy only high-quality hypoallergenic pillows at low prices. Ease of selection by parameters in the catalog and the ability to ask for advice from our consultant makes it easy to find perfect pillow for an allergic person and just a person who cares about his health.