Hostoan-bowl - medicinal properties and application. Grass Hosts Camneel Useful and Medical Properties, Application, Recipes

For someone, sowing seeds to seedlings are long-awaited and pleasant choresFor someone - heavy necessity, and someone thinks about whether it is not easier to buy a finished seedlings in the market or from acquaintances? Whatever it was, even if you abandon growing vegetable cropsSurely, something you still have to sow. These are flowers, and perennials, coniferous plants and much more. Seedling remains seedlings, no matter what you sew.

Wet air amateur and one of the most compact and rare pafia orchids for most orchidevodes is a real star. Her flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it happens an unforgettable spectacle. Unusual striped patterns on huge flowers of modest orchid want to consider infinitely. In the room culture, the Pafia is fairly credited in the ranks of complex species in the cultivation. She became fashionable only with the distribution of interior terrariums.

Marmalade from ginger pumpkin - warming sweetness that can be prepared almost round year. Pumpkin is stored for a long time - sometimes I manage to save several vegetables until summer, fresh ginger and lemons are always available in our time. Lemon can be replaced with lime or orange to get different tastes - a variety of sweets is always nice. Ready marmalade lay out in dry banks, it can be stored at room temperatureBut it is always useful to cook fresh foods.

In 2014, the Japanese company "Takii Seed" presented Petunia with an amazing imagination of the coloring petals - salmon-orange. According to Associations S. bright colors Southern sunset sky, a unique hybrid called the name African Sunset ("African Sunset"). It is necessary to say that this petunia instantly conquered the hearts of the gardeners and enjoyed tremendous demand. But in the last two years, the dicks suddenly disappeared from shop windows. Where was the orange petunia?

In our family bell pepper Love, so they land it every year. Most of the varieties that I grow, be checked by me throughout the same season, I cultivate them constantly. And every year I try to try something new. Pepper - the plant is thermal-loving and quite whimsical. On the varietal and hybrid varieties of delicious and yields of sweet pepper, which is good with me grows, and it will be discussed. I live B. middle lane Russia.

Meat cutlets From Broccoli in Beshemel sauce - great idea For quick lunch or dinner. Start with the preparation of minced meat, simultaneously heat up to boil 2 liters of water to blanch the broccoli. By the time the cutlets are fitted, it will be ready and cabbage. It will remain assembled products in a pan, fill the sauce and bring to readiness. Broccoli need to be prepared quickly to keep bright green colorwhich is with a long cooking or fade, or cabbage becomes a buroy.

Home flowerness - not only fascinating process, but also a very troublesome hobby. And, as a rule, the more experience in the flower, the healthier looks like its plants. And what to do those who have no experience, but wants to have at home houseplants - not elongated stiff copies, and beautiful and healthy, not causes Wines with their extinction? For beginners and flowerflowers, not burdened with great experience, tell about the main errors that are easy to avoid.

Lush cheesecakes In a frying pan with a bananium apple confiture - another recipe for all your favorite dish. So that cheesets fall out after cooking, remember several simple rules. First, only fresh and dry cottage cheese, secondly, no breakdowns and soda, thirdly, the density of the dough - you can sculpt from it, it is not a tight, but pliable. Good dough With a small number of flour, it will be only out of good cottage cheese, and here again see the item "First."

It is no secret that many drugs from pharmacies moved to country sites. Their use, at first glance, seems so exotic that some daches are perceived almost in the bayonets. At the same time, mangartee-long-known antiseptic, which is also applied in medicine, and in veterinary medicine. In crop production, the heat transfer solution is used as an antiseptic, and as a fertilizer. In this article, we tell how to properly use manganese in the garden and garden.

Meat salad of pork with mushrooms - a rural dish that can often be found on festive table in the village. This recipe with champignons, but if you can use forest mushrooms, Be sure to prepare so, it will be more tastier. A lot of time to spend on the preparation of this salad does not need - 5 minutes to fold meat into the pan and another 5 minutes on the cutting. Everything else is happening almost without the participation of the cook - meat and mushrooms are boosted, cool, maridiously.

The cucumbers grow well not only in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, but also in open soil. Usually sowing cucumbers from mid-April to mid-May. Harvesting in this case is possible from mid-July to the end of summer. Cucumbers do not tolerate frost. That is why we do not sow them too early. However, there is a way to bring them harvest and taste juicy handsome from your bed at the beginning of summer or even in May. It is only necessary to take into account some of the features of this plant.

Polystsias is an excellent alternative to classic volatile shrubs and woody. Elegant round or cigarette leaves of this plant create an amazing festive curly crown, and elegant silhouettes and quite modest character turn it into a wonderful candidate for the role of the largest plant in the house. More large leaves Do not prevent him from successfully replacing the ficuses of Benjamin and Co. Especially since Polantsia offers much more variety.

Pumpkin cake with cinnamon - juicy and incredibly tasty, slightly similar to pumpkin pie, but, unlike the cake, it is more gentle and just melts in the mouth! it perfect recipe Sweet baking for a family in which there are children. As a rule, the pumpkins of the kids are not very loved, but to enjoy sweet never against. Sweet pumpkin casserole is a delicious and useful dessert, which, besides, is preparing very simple and quickly. Try! You'll like it!

Living hedge is not just one of the most important elements landscape design. It performs various protective features. If, for example, the garden is bordered by the roadway, or the road passes nearby, then hedge Just needed. Green Walls will protect the garden from dust, noise, wind and create a special comfort and microclimate. In this article, consider the optimal plants to create a living hedge, which can reliably protect the area from dust.

Botanical characteristic

Pimpinella Saxifrage, the second name - dental root. it perennial. The rhizome is a multi-core, up to two centimeters thick, pretty branched, brown, inside it with yellowish-white dots.

Stems of the dental root straight, hollow inside, reaching a height of seventy-five centimeters. They are covered with very short fluff. The leaves are unparalleled, while the lower - rounded teeth, tight, gentle, and the topless leaflet.

Flowers are pretty small, they white color, collected in an ordinary umbrella. Plant flowers from the beginning of the first summer month to October.


Beddens - Camery widespread everywhere, this plant can be found along the roads, in the meadows, between the thickets of shrubs, as well as on forest edges.

Used part

To the part used relates root systemThat is usually taken to collect from March to April, or in the fall, from September to October.

Collection and harvesting

Root roots after a bunch of plants, they are neatly washed under flowing water, after which they remove excess moisture and placed in a ventilated place on pallets or on ordinary paper.

You can place them under a canopy or on a ventilated attic. If you want to cook raw materials quickly, then use special dryers, it comes to the desired condition, it makes it much faster.

It should be noted that after complete drying, the raw material will have a rather sharp smell, even a little annoying sense of smell, it tastes is isolate - bitter.


The plant is grown in pretty fertile soil, and it should be well drained. As for the illumination, the hip - the camneur feels good in itself both in sunny areas and in a half-caned territory.

It is usually embedded by seeds, which can be seen both in spring and autumn, and also use the division method.


This plant is known in traditional medicine from very long time. And for the first time, the mention of it is dating 1588 year, then it was described. medicinal properties.

The people very often called "dental root", this is due to the fact that a small piece of the root of this plant contributes to the removal of pain, if it is put on the causal body, it disappears an unpleasant feeling.

The root of this plant contains essential oil and such a substance as pympinelline, which is not soluble in water. Apply a feather in folk medicine as an expectorant and diuretic.

Dosage forms prepared from it are used with pain in the abdomen, to normalize activities digestive tract, as well as a sedative tool, soothing the nervous system.

The people often used it with cough, as an expectorant and soothing simultaneously, during water, it was used as a diuretic, and during constipation and disrupted food digestion as the normalizing activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Very effectively apply a plant when the voice of voice is used, for this, fifteen drops of tincture are used, which are added to the prepared braid from the lime color.

It is applied to the dental root and as an outer agent, preparations cooked from it, vomit the inflamed throat. It should be noted that juice from the root of this plant removes pigment stains on the face, so its use is relevant for cosmetics.


Decoction. You will need 30 grams of crushed roots, which should be pouring a liter of water, after which the drug need to be boiled for thirty minutes in enameled dishes with a covered lid, then insist one hour. Drink recommended for a hundred grams, five times a day.

Infusion. To make it preparation you will need two tablespoons of crushed leaves, they need to be pouring a liter of water, and then insist thirty minutes. Drink recommended one hundred milliliters four times a day.

Another dosage form is the preparation of tincture. To make it, you will need a hundred grams of dried crushed root, which is recommended to pour a liter of alcohol.

Then it is necessary to insist the drug at least twenty days, best in a dark place and warm, optimally at room temperature. It is necessary to use the tincture of twenty drops three times a day, regardless of meals.

You can cook tincture and in fault, for this you will need six parts of a faint alcoholic drink, and one - dry raw materials. The ingredients are mixed and preparing at least two weeks. After that, the drug is filtered and it can be applied.

Side Effects

When applied folk remedies Based on this plant, contact dermatitis may occur.


The plant is not very popular among gardeners as a decorative culture. But it is used with therapeutic goal. At the same time, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

The independence in matters of treatment is unnecessarily, it will always be more correct for advice to a qualified doctor, which will help solve the problem.

Saxifrage it is a perennial plant that preferred a rocky mountainous area. Flowers five-pack, white, pink and yellow color, usually collected in umbrella inflorescences. The plant is widely known for its healing properties is often used in landscape design.

Chemical composition of stamping

Composition of camneurics includes many trace elements, pigments, vitamins, as well as organic matter: saponin, Kumarin, Alkaloids, flavonoids, fatty and organic acids, glycosidic and triterpene compounds, essential components. Cellular juice is rich in mineral salts.

Therapeutic properties of the camneurics

Therapeutic properties of the camnels are due to its diverse chemical and organic composition. The plant has an anesthetic, soothing, anti-infectious, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and anti-cylinder properties.

It is believed that the healing grass in small doses increases lactation in women, the approaches are treated frostbite, and the decoction of the camneurics removes the heat.

Important! If you plan to grow seeds to grow, hold them for two months in the cold. This process is called stratification.

Collection and storage of medical raw materials from stamps (leaves, roots, seeds)

All parts of the plant are used as therapeutic raw materials: leaves, stalks, seeds and roots. The billet of leaves and stalks are made in May. The assembled material is dried in the shade, then crushed.

Juicy leaves can be frozen for the winter. Ripe dry brownish seeds collected at the end of summer. Root plants digging in early spring Or late in autumn, wash, crushed and dried in a ventilated room.

Dry therapeutic workpieces stored in glass Tare. in darkened places. When collecting raw materials, it is important not to confuse the camneur with poisonous plantswho look like. From one bustle of the camnels collect raw materials, not exceeding 80% of its total mass, which will allow the plant to recover.

Did you know? Feeding a cow to the camneur, you can significantly increase your milk sung.

Application of camneur in folk medicine for different diseases

People have long applied preparations from stamps for their treatment. Painting the roots, seeds and leaves, root decoctions, as well as juice, squeezed out of the stamps are the most popular. Consider the disease that helps cure a beneficial plant.


For the treatment of hypertension recommended Two handstocks of powder made of dry leaves to insist two weeks in 500 grams of vodka. Take 30 ml if necessary. Effectively chewing fresh leaves twice a day for two weeks.

Jews and furuncula

Get rid of urnica or furuncule will help The imposed bandage, soaked with juice, or softened before the appearance of the juice leaves. This People's Recipe Application Camery gives a quick result.

Cough, tonsillitis and asthma

Diseases such as cough, tonsillitis and asthma are treated Tea drink from camneur with honey. For making tea 1 tsp. Roots with a glass of water to bring to a boil and cool. Take a healing drink three times a day.

Important! Camery can be raised at home in flower potAt the same time, the annual transplant is required in a fresh earthen substrate.

Stones and sand in the kidneys

Clean the kidneys from stones and sand using infusion of stamps. It is prepared from a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. The roots and glasses of water, which boils a quarter of an hour. Infusion should stand at least 3 hours before use. Reception of a third of a glass of such an infusion is 3-4 times a day.


Camery facilitates pain when otitis, for this I am imposed on the ear fresh juice Plants or a piece of wool are impregnated with juice and is introduced into the auditory.


Folk healers advise to take the infusion of camneur 4 times a day after eating as an painful agent. Infusion of 1 tbsp. l. Dry leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and warm up a quarter of an hour in a water bath.

Prank ulcer

Camery will help with stomach ulcers, if the corresponding diet is also observed. For this, 30 grams of leaves poured a glass hot water And insist within an hour. This healing drink is taken for half an hour before meals in the morning and in the evening by half a cup. Regular use of freshly leaked juice Camery will speed up recovery.

Did you know? Seasoning from the roots of the encounter can be diversified by the taste of meat dishes.

Contraindications to use

Studying diverse healing properties plants, becomes the obvious benefit of camneur human organism. With a competent approach, many illnesses can be cured. Reception of drugs of this plant should be carried out after consulting a doctor, receiving them Children under two years and pregnant women are prohibited.

The hunt is a plant that grows through stones. Indeed, according to the legend, a feather-bowl-campaign breaks the barriers in the form of stones, trying to break through to the sun. Another version of the species name states that the plant destroys the pebbles in the horizontal and, as well as in the kidneys. Another ancient Romans knew about the miraculous properties of the feather and successfully treated them.

Plant Description

Being a perennial, the poor man belongs to the umbrella family. The height of the plant is possible up to 50 cm. Stems are thin, light-free, pubes with white hairs. Three-blade left leaves, dissected. Umbrella Big inflorescences are beginning to be formed in June, and all summer period The plant blooms with a snow-white "kushka" (in the photo), attracting some tart, refreshing the smell. Rhizome is a strong, brown and wrinkled, branched, resembling an ordinary Brookva.

Widden practically throughout Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. On well-levied territories (pastures, meadows), snow-white umbrellas of camneurics grow.

Chemical composition of the featherman

The feather has a lot of useful. Tubyl components, saponins, pimpillenine, bergapten, flavonoids, sugar, resins, pectins, aromatic compounds, phenols - the unique composition of the plant, thanks to which the camneur is successfully used in folk recipes Health. The foliage contains a large percentage of ascorbic acid (0.07%), fiber (33%), protein (11%), fat (2.5%), ash (0.02%), essential oil (0.2%), potassium and calcium.

With therapeutic goal, the roots of the stamps are used, in some cases - stems with leaves, flowers and seeds. Especially popular is the grass of the feather from dangerous diseases Chlamydia, against trichomoniad.

Taking champions, infants of feather-camneur, you need to strictly follow the instructions of the drug, because in large doses of the application of the plant for medical purposes is dangerous. Eating a fear is contraindicated to those persons who have identified individual intolerance. Pregnant and women, nursing, before treatment, stamping should be consulted with a doctor.

Useful properties of camneurics

Decorations and infants from the fear have a wide range of applications. The plant has:

  • expectorant
  • binders
  • antipyretic
  • painful
  • antiseptic
  • sweat
  • soothing properties.

Ebony or stammex is used to treat ARZ, Qatar of the upper respiratory tract, fever, bronchitis, cough, enterocolitis, constipation, renal disease, rheumatism, dodience, gout, angina, scarletins, cholera ailments nervous system. Camera branches are an excellent vasodilator and lactagon.

According to the results of foreign studies, the feet has an antitumor property, so drugs from this plant are successfully applied in oncology. The use of camneur flowers is an excellent method of treatment of vitiligo, the Bedroom Inflorescences is used to rinse the throat with an angina.

It has been proven that the aquatic infusions and decoctions of herb grass is not always well helped with death, some components are actively dissolved in alcohol, but do not react to water hoods, so the big effect has the big effect alcoholic tinctures plants.

Poemen in the recipes of traditional medicine

1.From pigment spots

If you are bothering pigment specks, freckles on the face, then the femur is in force to help your skin. Plant juice is considered healing. Grind the root, squeeze juice out of it. A napkin, moistened with this juice, wipe up to 6 times a day. Problem areas.

2. During edema and water, the tincture of a femurge on alcohol will help

Alcohol tincturing is easy to do at home. Grind the rhizome of the camneur. To compile a healing drug, take two parts of the root, five parts of vodka, water - two parts. Need to store in the refrigerator. Take 5 times daily at 25-30 drops and the result will improve.

3. Broth for use inside and douching against chlamydia

For the preparation of drug take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry grass hunt, fill 400 g of boiling water and insist not less than 45 minutes. Answer away. Then, sort the vagina drew the vagina is not a hot solution. Also effective baths with the use of plants.

To prepare the healing infusion against chlamydia, you need to take about 100 g of a dry crushed plant and pour the liter of vodka. After 14 days of insistence, take on a tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before receiving food. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, then a week - a break.

4. Anti-inflammatory infusion camneurics

  • Recipe first. For the treatment of bronchi, tracheite, such a decoction is used from kidney stones. A spoonful of a dining room chopped rhizoma fill with two glasses of water and hold onto the water bath in about the treatment of tracheitis, bronchitis, urolithiasis and inflammation of the bladder are prepared by Infusion of Bear. For it 15-20 minutes. Then you need to insist the contents of 4 hours and strain. The medicine takes 100 ml three times a day.
  • Recipe second. Infusion on alcohol is prepared as follows. Take 100 g of chopped root roots, fill with 500 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol. Insist 2 weeks and take on 20-25kapel three times a day.

5. Decoction of the roots of the camneur when gout, stones in the kidneys, gastritis

10 grams of crushed plant rhizoma filled 1.5 liters of water. Boil 15 minutes and put a decoction to estimate 50-60 minutes. The fluid decoction is needed to take 100 ml daily 5 times. The same decoction is treated and ulcers on the guys.

Before using the healing drug from the camneur, you will definitely consult your doctor.

Hostoan-bowl - a perennial plant of a family of umbrellas.

Also called:
  • white mixture;
  • nucleus;
  • kozhelets;
  • bippirnik;
  • voronets;
  • kamenol.


The plant is unpretentious, grows on forest edges and glades, on the roads, in the meadows. The feet is common in the regions of the moderate belt of Europe and . It has strong resistance to frost and droughts, loves solar places.

The stem of the feet of a perennoscience, slightly sown, reaches 50 cm in height. The size of the toothed perisal leaves of the plant depends on their position on the shoot: the higher the leaf is sitting - the less its length. Snow white small flowers Form inflorescenceumbrella. The most valuable medical part of the fear is its branched rhizome, which is able to go to a depth of up to 25-30 cm.

In the XVI century, in many Norwegian and Swedish reference manuscripts, female stakes mentioned as effective tool against medieval epidemics. "Camelight" it was called because the plant is unpretentious and very hardly, because it gave sprouts after harsh winters and bloomed during drought period. The poor man is able to survive in any moderate climate.

Serious studies of its medicinal properties began in the 20th century, on their basis the plant was recognized as medicinal.


The root is rich in kumarines and Fourocumarians (Pimpinelline, Bergapten), tanning substances, some acids and flavon. Sugar, ascorbic acid and carotene are present. Bitter taste and sharp aroma of rhizomes caused by the presence of essential oil golden colorThe composition of which was found sacazulen.

Medical properties

Anti-inflammatory effect featherman camneurkovoye Helps to fight many diseases of the respiratory system. Rhizome has an antipyretic, expectorant, piling, diuretic effects. Summies from infusion of the root eliminate spots on the face. Thanks to the presence of Furokumarins, the hip removes muscle spasms, strengthens blood vessels.

Therapeutic fees are recommended as an excellent antiseptic, they are disinfected deep wounds, accelerate the healing of ulcers and burns. In arthritis, it is rubbed into the skin as an painful. The plant is considered effective in combating chlamydia.

Medical purposes

The plant is used when coughing - it accelerates an expectorant process. Porn's juice is used for nervous disorders and stress. Infusions are used to normalize the functional activity of the stomach: they eliminate constipation, raise appetite and improve the digestion process.

Decoction from the fear of the throat , and the rowers eliminate pigment stains on the face with rims from fresh juice. Fresh leaves The meteorism is treated, they improve the intestinal work, and also eliminate pain in ulcers and gastritis.


Decoction with bronchitis and kidney stones :

Two glasses of water fall asleep 1 tablespoon of dry ripped root. We warm the mixture on a slow fire for a quarter of an hour, leave it to be broken (about 4 hours) and partable. Infusion consume 100 ml three times a day.

Brushing decoction :

Pour 20 g of dried root into water (0.5 l). The mixture must be boiled for twenty minutes. The decoction insists for 1 hour, then filter. The decoction is used 100 ml 4-5 times a day. It can also be applied when gastritis and gout.

Alcohol tincture for the immune system :

The tincture is prepared from the root of the feather. 100 g of dried rhizomes poured 0.5 liters of vodka, the mixture must be kept in a glass ass dark place About 10 days. Sometimes it needs to shake it. After each meal takes 30 drops of tincture.

Treatment of chlamydiosis


preparing the same as in the previous recipe, only vodka use 0.9 liters. Within 3 weeks 30 minutes before meals, three times a day of 1 tbsp.