Independent cultivation of mushrooms in a summer cottage or garden. How to grow forest mushrooms on the site

It is not always possible to get into the forest for mushrooms, but you can plant them on your site. If you like to do everything yourself, then you will love the idea of ​​growing forest mushrooms: this way you will always know where to look for them.

The peculiarity of most forest mushrooms is that the mycelium grows and develops better only by interacting with the roots of forest trees. It is good if birches, pines or spruces grow on the site - in this case, growing mushrooms near them will be quite simple. There are several ways to plant mushrooms - we will analyze the most effective ones.

Ways to grow forest mushrooms on the site

1. Transplanting mushrooms from the forest

To plant in this way, you should dig up the mycelium and transfer it to your site. It is necessary to transfer the mycelium very carefully, without shaking the ground from the excavated layer. Before transplanting, prepare the soil under the tree. At a distance of about 0.5 m from the trunk, remove the upper ball of soil 30-40 cm thick. Lay compost from leaves, wood dust on the bottom, water and sprinkle with soil. Place the excavated mycelium on the prepared place, water it and cover with a layer of fallen leaves. The first two weeks, if there is no rain, water the landing site daily with a drip method.

For planting forest mushrooms, choose a shady, damp place. It is better to transplant the mushroom picker under the same tree as the mother tree: they took the mycelium under the birch, which means it is better to transplant it under the birch. Be careful when choosing mushrooms for transplanting - do not bring poisonous ones into your area.

2. Reproduction by mycelium

Garden centers sell wild mushroom mycelium. Manufacturers on the packaging offer detailed instructions to landing. Planting mycelium requires site preparation.

Choose a place in the shade of a tree, at a distance of 50-60cm from the trunk. Remove the top soil ball by 50cm. The area of ​​the sowing area depends on the amount of mycelium in the package and is indicated by the manufacturer. At the bottom you lay a 20 cm forest substrate: fallen leaves, needles, dust and sawdust. Evenly cover with a layer of soil 10 cm thick. For the next layer, mix the soil with the substrate and fall asleep 10 cm. Next, mix the mycelium with the soil and growth enhancer (you can buy it at the garden center or specialized stores). Distribute the mixture by lightly tamping with your hands. The last layer is soil. Immediately after planting, carefully water the planted area and cover with fallen leaves.

In order not to prepare such a complex substrate for the mycelium, you can purchase a ready-made substrate for mushrooms - it can be purchased at garden centers and stores specializing in seeds and fertilizers.

For the first two weeks, strictly observe the watering regimen. In the future, make sure that the soil at the sowing site does not dry out. Mushrooms planted this way will grow next year, and the mycelium will fully bear fruit two years after planting. The mycelium will bear fruit in the period from 2 to 5 years from the first harvest.

Gently loosen the earth above the planted mycelium regularly.

3. Mushroom seedlings

The easiest way to grow forest mushrooms on the site. Chop the caps and pieces of forest mushrooms or grind them in a meat grinder, soak them for a day in water. Around the tree, near which you plan to grow mushrooms, dig up the ground and bring the forest substrate into it. Pour the prepared area with infused water with pieces of mushrooms and cover with fallen leaves.

Experts disagree on when the first mushrooms planted in this way will appear. Some argue that they will be in the first year of planting, others - in a year.

The listed methods differ in the level of complexity, but they are all the most effective for growing forest mushrooms. In such ways, you can try to plant porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and mushrooms.

Whatever way you would choose to plant forest mushrooms, you should follow a few tips:

  • choose a landing site in dense shade
  • keep the soil moist, add drip irrigation if needed
  • add a growth activator to the soil in spring
  • plant mushrooms no further than half a meter from the tree
  • landing in the cool time of the day
  • The best time to plant mushrooms is from May to September

Remember that forest mushrooms do not take root very well near fruit trees. It is good if your site has several forest trees, deciduous or coniferous. If there are none on the site, experiment with landing near wooden buildings from the shaded side.

You can transplant several young trees with mycelium in the roots to the site. This method is very laborious and complicated. Not suitable for owners of small plots.

Tips on how to grow forest mushrooms on the site are quite controversial. The fact is that the result depends on many factors: time, weather, watering, soil, mycelium, etc., but it's worth it. Mushrooms grown on the site are almost not damaged by insects and do not differ in taste from their forest brothers. Also, you will be 100% sure of their environmental friendliness, unlike mushrooms purchased on the market and collected in an unknown place.

Today, you can pick mushrooms not only in the forest, but also in your own garden. At the same time, in terms of taste and quality characteristics, such a product is in no way inferior to its “wild” counterpart. Grown in your own garden, homemade mushrooms are more environmentally friendly and practically do not succumb to the harmful effects of insects. Breeding a delicacy is easy. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements for their transfer and adaptation to the soil, including natural mycorrhiza - a symbiotic association (coexistence) of the body's mycelium with other plants. What other nuances do you need to know when cultivating mushrooms with your own hands?

Almost any fruit bodies can be bred in the country and in the garden. At the same time, due to the absence of a vegetative period in mushrooms, they can be grown all year round except for winter. But in order for the home cultivation of mushrooms to be successful, it is necessary to properly organize for them new environment and growing conditions. First of all, we are talking about the choice of a place for planting fruiting bodies, the quality of the soil and the presence of tree varieties similar to the forest microclimate - pine, spruce, aspen, birch, oak. This allows the mycelium to freely connect with the root system of the plant, fully feed and utilize excess moisture.

Most successful options for growing edible forest mushrooms on personal plot are:

  • oyster mushrooms;
  • milk mushrooms;
  • Polish mushrooms;
  • aspen mushrooms or redheads;
  • white mushrooms or mushrooms;
  • boletus;
  • yellow chanterelles;
  • boletus ordinary;
  • flywheels chestnut or brown mushrooms;
  • russula-breasts;
  • mushrooms;
  • honey mushrooms;
  • Champignon.

Also, exotic types of fruiting bodies, such as truffles, lend themselves well to breeding in the country. The method of cultivation of mushrooms is almost the same, with the exception of the individual varietal characteristics of the product.

Growing technology

When proper fit mushrooms and favorable conditions their growth, the first harvest can be expected in 1-2 months for champignons, or next year for porcini mushrooms, boletus and other species. The duration of the fruiting of the mycelium is from 3 to 5 years. At the same time, from 1 m² the amount harvested crop reaches from 2 to 4 kg.

Breeding methods

For the cultivation of forest mushrooms in the garden, several methods are used, ideally suited both for the purpose of obtaining seedlings and tubers, and for direct cultivation of mushroom plantations.

Diving forest mycelium

For planting, it is necessary to deliver a carefully dug mycelium to the site from the forest. The rhizome should be transferred very carefully, making sure that the earth in it is not shaken, and the vegetative body is not deformed. Before planting, the soil must be specially prepared. To do this, it is necessary to remove 30-40 cm of the top layer of soil and put compost on the bottom of the resulting small pit. After that, the mycelium can be placed at the planting site. Upon completion, the fruiting body should be watered and covered with a layer of fallen leaves. For the best growth of mushrooms, the place of their transplantation should coincide with the previous environment. That is, correspond to the same tree as the parent tree.

Sprouting through mycelium

Represents the most popular method of cultivation of mushrooms. Produced in granular form and sold in garden stores. For planting mycelium, the soil is carefully prepared. A place for mushrooms is chosen in a shady and humid area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, at a distance of about 60 cm from the tree, with which the fruiting body will later come into contact. The total sown area of ​​the mycelium is determined by its quantity in the package.

The preparation of the substrate includes the creation of a special substrate from needles, dust, sawdust and leaves, which are placed on the bottom of the previously prepared hole, up to a depth of 50 cm. The bed is carefully watered and covered with fallen leaves. An alternative to natural compost can be a ready-made mushroom substrate.

A similar method of planting mycelium requires regular loosening of the site and compliance with the irrigation regime. It is very important not to allow the soil to dry out, therefore, in dry seasons, drip irrigation of the mycelium is allowed. With proper implementation of all work, the result in the form of the first harvest can be observed already next year, and the mycelium will bear fruit for at least 2 years.

Reproduction through mushroom seedlings (solution)

simple and affordable way cultivation of wild mushrooms. The seed mixture is prepared from mushroom pieces and caps finely ground in a meat grinder, which, after grinding, must be insisted in water for a day. The substance is placed in a bed fertilized with compost, after which it is covered with a layer of earth and leaves.

Growing by spores

The most straightforward method. It consists in dispersing fungal spores around the site. To do this, overripe fruit bodies collected in the forest are crushed to the state of crumbs or small pieces and scattered throughout the garden. The sowing zone itself is well moistened. The method is very effective, as it allows you to create as close to forest conditions as possible. But you should be careful and place mushroom zones away from garden crops.

In the absence of forest trees on the plot, fruiting bodies can be planted from the shady side wooden buildings. Special attention should be given to the mycelium in the cold season, protecting it with roofing felt or polyethylene.

In order for the labor spent to give its results, and for the cultivation of edible forest mushrooms to be maximized, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is better to collect young fruiting bodies for sowing without cutting the stalk, but taking it out of the ground entirely with the root.
  • When choosing mushrooms for further cultivation, pay attention to the mother tree under which they grow.
  • Collected mushrooms must be healthy.
  • In order for the mycelium to take root better, you can add a little alcohol (4 tablespoons per bucket) or sugar (45–50 g) to the aqueous solution with mushrooms.
  • Process the collected mushrooms no later than 10 hours after their collection. Sowing material to produce the next day. Only fresh fruiting bodies are cultivated, frozen mushrooms are not suitable for breeding.
  • Before planting, it is imperative to clean the soil prepared for the mycelium from pathogenic microflora by disinfecting it with a disinfectant solution based on oak bark or black tea.
  • Mycelium should be planted at a distance of about 0.5 m from the trees.
  • To avoid drying out of the mycelium, a planting site should be chosen in the shade with a high humidity coefficient.

Have you ever wondered how to grow mushrooms in the country? Sound exotic? This is true. So far, only a few are doing this. However, why not try a new occupation, there is more that it does not require large financial investments or significant efforts. At the same time, you will be able to collect incredible harvests without the competition of the same mushroom pickers and tedious trips to the forest. Having thoroughly mastered the new section of gardening, you can even put your crops up for sale.

How to plant mushrooms in the country?

There are several basic ways to plant mushrooms in the country:

Equipment for growing mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms, which are sold in stores all year round, are grown by the production method in large volumes on special installations. You can master their breeding even in a small shed or basement. Someone makes a home business out of this, while someone just needs to provide themselves and all their loved ones with mushrooms for their own consumption. How to grow mushrooms in the country?

The mushroom growing kit looks something like this:

  • a substrate consisting of straw, sawdust of non-coniferous trees, husks from seeds, crushed into dust and pasteurized in hot water;
  • polyethylene bags with holes for every 10-15 cm, in which the prepared substrate is placed;
  • mushroom mycelium, which must be placed in bags in layers between the substrate.

What mushrooms can be planted in the country?

Almost any forest mushroom can be successfully grown on your own. adjoining area. The most common mushrooms in the country are:

How to grow champignon mushrooms?

Can be grown in bags, boxes, in the garden. A richer harvest will give cultivation in artificial conditions i.e. in bags or boxes. In addition, this way you can better control diseases and pests by simply isolating infected containers. So, to the question of how best to grow mushrooms at home, the answer is to create suitable conditions indoors.

For growing champignons, a simple straw or sawdust substrate will not be enough. You will need good quality compost consisting of rotted straw and rye or wheat seeds. It can be purchased from agricultural organizations. To it you need to add horse manure (up to 80% of the total volume) or mullein. Bird droppings are also suitable, but the yield of mushrooms will be lower. Mycelium is laid in this substrate at the rate of 400-500 g per square meter.

So, how to grow mushrooms in the country? After laying the mycelium in bags with the substrate, you need to wait 3 days, then make 5-6 cuts in each bag and leave in the dark at a temperature of + 18-20 ° C. Already after 2-3 weeks, the first mushrooms will appear in the slots. At this point, you need to transfer the bags to a ventilated and round-the-clock illuminated room with a temperature of + 20-27 ° C and high humidity(70-95%). Mushrooms will grow to their proper size in 3-4 weeks. After harvesting them, you need to again transfer the bags to a dark room, where after a week they will begin to grow again.

Growing porcini mushrooms in the country

The king of mushrooms grows successfully in a well-prepared area. How to grow these mushrooms in the country? To grow them, you can use one of the methods described above - transplanting mycelium, planting mycelium (including purchased), dispersing spores. These excellent forest mushrooms grow in the country near trees, where you need to remove a half-meter layer of earth, decompose compost, lay seeds, mycelium or mycelium and cover them with a layer of leaves. The area with mycelium should be watered periodically. In winter, mycelium should be sprinkled with compost and, if necessary, covered with a film.

How to grow oyster mushrooms in the country?

For growing, you will need the kit mentioned above (substrate, mycelium and bags). The question remains open - how to grow mushrooms correctly, what kind of room is best equipped for them, how to moisten them, etc. The room for oyster mushrooms should be closed, dark, with a constant temperature of + 22-25 ° C and a humidity of about 95%. After 20-30 days after the start of cultivation, the temperature in the room should be reduced to + 12-18 ° C.

Ventilation and humidification mandatory conditions for growing oyster mushrooms. To do this, you can put buckets of water in the room and install a fan. Lighting for 12 hours a day can be provided with fluorescent lamps. After harvesting two crops of oyster mushrooms from one bag, the substrate must be replaced. The yield rate from 10 kg of substrate is 3 kg of mushrooms. The substrate is replaced on average 4-5 times per year. It turns out that from each square meter your mushroom "plantation" you can collect about 80-100 kg of mushrooms.

Growing chanterelles in the country

How to grow in the country - you ask. To do this, you need a mycelium that grows into the roots near growing trees. Often it is oak or beech. Attempts to "make friends" of chanterelles with garden trees doomed to fail. If you don't have suitable tree, you have to plant it. It is best to take a young tree in the forest with a ready-made mycelium in the roots. When digging a tree, grab 15-20 cm of earth and coniferous litter. Plant such a tree in partial shade, provide it with regular watering. It is not necessary to additionally fertilize the soil - the chanterelle mushroom will take everything necessary from the roots of the tree.

Growing butter in the country

The most convenient way to breed this mushroom is by transplanting the mycelium. Often they grow between young pines - this is the piece of forest land you need to transfer to your dacha. How to grow in the country: it is important for these mushrooms that the soil is rich in lime. The area selected for planting should be moderately lit, with indirect sunlight. During dry periods, the bed with oil plants should be watered abundantly. The first harvest will appear after 3-4 years.

Openings in the country

If you are new to how to grow mushrooms in the country, start with a simple one - breeding. In the forest, they grow on stumps and half-rotten logs. You just need to transfer some of this to your site. Another option is to sow mycelium on a rotten stump in the garden. It is optimal if it is a stump from beech, aspen, poplar, willow, oak or ash. The place for their cultivation should be shady and humid. The first harvest after planting the mycelium can be expected after 1-2 years.

: salted milk mushrooms, fried chanterelles, soup with dried porcini ... Mushroom "silent hunting" is a special pleasure, but even more pleasant when mushrooms grow right on your site. In this article, we will talk about proven ways to grow any mushrooms at home - from unpretentious oyster mushrooms to capricious porcini and boletus.

How to grow oyster mushrooms

FORUMHOUSE user _ JG_ infected poplar, aspen, birch and maple near the house with grain mycelium of oyster mushroom. In the first year best harvest received from maple and aspen, the worst - from birch. home growing oyster mushrooms, in his experience, has the following feature:


The yield will be proportionally larger due to the high density of wood ( more lignin, which feeds on the mycelium). The peak of the harvest is in the 2nd year, so I'll look at the results.

Before infecting the stump with oyster mushroom mycelium, experts advise to prepare: steam the wood to kill all pathogenic flora and fauna. To a greater extent, this applies to old stumps and dry logs. If you infect the stumps and chocks of freshly cut trees (literally: cut down a tree and immediately infected), then, according to the experience of FORUMYOUSE users, in nine cases out of ten the result of this process will be successful. That's how it does _JG_:

  • chocks are taken no longer than a meter, diameter - from 20 centimeters;
  • a dozen hollows are drilled in a chock;
  • the holes are clogged with mycelium and covered with plasticine on top;
  • after the chock is evenly covered with aerial mycelium over the entire surface of the cuts (a white film, similar to mold), it is ready for planting;
  • the chock is planted in the garden in the most shaded and humid place, in the heat the hemp is watered, that's all the care. In the first year, a bucket of mushrooms gives 4-5 stumps, in the second year a bucket can be collected already from one or two stumps.

If we are talking about very small proportions, like “I want to try growing oyster mushrooms at home, in a bag on the balcony”, you don’t need to be smart with stumps. the optimal substrate would be the straw of any cereal or a bag of husks from sunflower seeds. Experts say that there may be fewer mushrooms on a homogeneous substrate than on a multi-component one, but it's easier to adapt to the technology.

Everyone who grew oyster mushrooms notes that homemade mushrooms are tastier than store-bought ones - the taste depends on the quality of the substrate. More about how to grow oyster mushrooms: they taste better on stumps than on straw or sunflower seed husks. Some people don't like the mustard flavor that these mushrooms have, and you can get rid of that by roasting them until the moisture has evaporated before cooking.

Garry he grew oyster mushrooms on short poplar logs and soaked them in a barrel of water for three days before infection with mycelium. After such a water treatment, he put hemp one on top of the other, it turned out three meter pyramids, three chocks in each. To prevent the pyramids from falling apart, sticks were hammered along the edges.

The pyramids were installed in the dampest part of the site, under the brambles behind the barn. Garry he came to the dacha only on weekends, therefore, in order to avoid drying out, each pyramid was wrapped in a film, and near it, at the foot of the pyramid, they put a jar of water. The film was shot in wet weather. In the fall, the film was filmed completely. These pyramids bore fruit for five years, of which three years were abundant.

Forest mushrooms on the site

Everyone probably had to grind with their hands dried mushrooms and scatter around the site, in the hope that the fungi reproduce by spores. Sometimes the result, indeed, was, and several mushrooms grew. But in general, white and other "noble" mushrooms are right on home plot bred in three ways. The main thing is to create conditions on the site that are as close to natural as possible, and for planting material you can use mycelium, and hats, and legs of overripe cut mushrooms, and chopped dried mushrooms. plant mushrooms better in autumn- this greatly increases the likelihood of a good harvest.

The first way: mushrooms under the leaves

For this method, it is ideal if there is a small grove (5-7 trees together) of birches, aspens, oaks, hazels, pines or fir trees on the site. In autumn, in this grove, leaves and branches should be raked into a pile and pieces of mushroom caps should be planted under them.

The second way: mushrooms in pockets

  • take mature mushrooms of a week old;
  • separate the tubular part with spores;
  • chop it into pieces up to two centimeters in size;
  • dry for a couple of hours in the sun under a gauze awning - do not skip this step;
  • at this time, make pockets in the turf;
  • put two or three pieces of mushroom in each pocket.

You can go to pick mushrooms in this place in the second or third year.

The third way: mushrooms in the nutrient mixture

  • We prepare a nutrient mixture: we collect fallen oak leaves, rotten oak wood, horse manure (clean, without bedding). The proportions are: 90% leaves, 5% wood, 5% manure.
  • We lay out all the components in layers on a flat area: sprinkle a layer of leaves 20 cm high with wood and manure, pour it with a 1% solution of ammonium nitrate. We do the same for the second, third and subsequent layers.
  • Leave the mixture for a week or 10 days. During this period of time, it should warm up to 25-40 degrees. Then we shovel it to a homogeneous mass.
  • We are preparing a recess for laying the mixture. In a shaded area, we remove a layer of earth up to 2 m wide and up to 30 cm deep.
  • We put the finished nutrient mixture in the recess with a layer of 10-12 cm, on top of 6-8 cm of earth from the garden, we also make subsequent layers. The total height of all layers should not exceed half a meter. In the center, the mushroom bed should be slightly higher than at the edges: this will ensure the flow of water and help avoid waterlogging.

Seedlings will be pieces of mycelium that we bring from the forest. For this we:

  • we go into the forest, we find a white mushroom;
  • shovel or sharp knife cut out a rectangle of earth around the mushroom: side length - 20-30 cm, height - 10-15 cm;
  • cut the rectangle into 5-10 identical pieces and plant them in the holes prepared in the mushroom bed; at the bottom of the hole above a piece of wood there should be a layer of earth 5-7 cm high;
  • the pits should be staggered, at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other;
  • beds with mushroom seedlings are moderately moistened and covered with leaves to maintain a constant level of humidity.

Hope Afan grows boletus on his plot in a nutrient mixture of starch and gelatin.

Mixture recipe: 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of starch, a bag of gelatin, 5 old boletus. Chop the boletus, combine with the rest of the ingredients, leave for three days. Pour 3 liters of the old mixture (this is important point) birch.

Mushrooms from the box

Most types of mushroom growing technologies are designed for large volumes that are not suitable even for an amateur mini-farm. It is necessary to properly prepare and pasteurize compost, grow mycelium, a room with the appropriate temperature, lighting, more suitable air humidity and other conditions. Many online stores sell mini-gardens for growing mushrooms. You can buy, grow quickly, enjoy yourself and please your children. This is nothing more than a toy, it will not work to collect kilograms of crops, but it is very interesting. Such a mini-garden grew in Katya2013.


Since I spend most of my time at work, mushrooms grew in the office. The key is humidity and temperature regime withstand and follow the instructions, then there will be a result, as in the photo.

How to grow porcini mushroom in the country? This question is increasingly being asked by gardeners who are tired of constantly going to the forest for mushrooms. After all, it is so convenient to have a mycelium in your area, which constantly brings a harvest. useful mushrooms!

Growing porcini mushrooms in the country is a very simple process, if you approach it wisely.

Before you start growing these valuable mushrooms in your country house, you should familiarize yourself with some of the features. As a rule, porcini mushrooms in wild nature grow in coniferous and mixed forests. Mushroom picks interact well with the roots of these trees. Therefore, it is almost impossible to meet porcini mushrooms in a clean clearing.

This must be taken into account before placing the mycelium on your site. It is best to do this in a place where at least one small Christmas tree or pine grows. Under such trees, not only mushrooms will constantly appear, but all other plants around will feel comfortable. After all, pine resin and substances released into the air by this tree kill all pathogenic bacteria.

All porcini mushrooms are very poorly tolerated fruit trees Next door. And often mycelium simply does not take root and die in places near such trees.

Be sure to take this into account and place the mycelium at least near wooden pine buildings or under bushes, if not nearby. the right trees.

How to breed white mushrooms

Cultivation of porcini mushrooms in summer cottages can be done in several ways. And you need to choose the most suitable option for yourself. Now consider some of the simplest and at the same time simple ways growing white mushrooms at home.

How to grow porcini mushroom directly under a tree? Please note that the mycelium should be placed under the same type of tree from under which it was previously dug out in the forest. Otherwise, nothing will work.

First you need to remove around the tree upper layer soil. This must be done within a radius of no more than 0.7 m from the trunk. It is recommended to remove the soil to a depth of about 25-30 cm. Now it is necessary to pour into the resulting hole and evenly distribute the previously prepared organic material from excavated soil, leaves or needles and pieces of bark of a tree under which it is planned to grow mushrooms.

Now you can lay a thin layer of mycelium and sprinkle it on top with a mixture of loose earth with sand and leaves or needles. Strongly sprinkle and trample should not be. It remains only to pour everything from above from a watering can and wait for the first crop to appear.

The second option on how to grow porcini mushrooms is to breed from fresh hats. This is an easier method, but in most cases the harvest has to wait a little longer. For breeding, it is not necessary to dig out the entire mycelium or part of it in the forest. It will be enough to collect at least 10 mushrooms, the diameter of which is 10-15 cm.

It is best to check the fruiting bodies immediately so that they are not too wormy. IN ideal when breaking off a piece of the cap, you will see a juicy pulp of a green hue. If there are several worms or insects on the mushroom, this is not scary.

The main thing is that the whole hat is not completely wormy. Under the same trees where the mushrooms will be collected, you should collect a few twigs, leaves, needles and soil. This is all useful for the subsequent cultivation of mushrooms on the site.

This method of cultivation is also called sowing. First you need to prepare the material for sowing. To do this, all collected fruiting bodies should be slightly washed in water, and then placed in a bucket of rain or spring water to soak. On the next day it is necessary to knead everything carefully with your hands to get a homogeneous gruel. But practice shows that it is never possible to do everything perfectly. Therefore, it is additionally recommended to pass the mashed pulp through a fine sieve or gauze again.

Using the same sieve (gauze), separate the pulp from the water. The inoculum and spore liquid are now ready. It remains only to prepare the place. To do this, slightly loosen the top layer of soil around the tree, and then pour it with the resulting mushroom water. When the liquid is absorbed into the soil, sprinkle the mushroom pulp evenly on top. All this should be sprinkled on top with earth from under the same tree and again poured with a small amount of water so as not to clog the soil.

In order for the mushrooms to start growing as quickly as possible, try to constantly moisten the soil. But you can’t overdo it with water either.

The optimal amount of liquid per tree is about 4 buckets. It is advisable to water the mycelium with water of the same temperature as the surrounding air.

Cultivation of white mushrooms (video)

What else to remember

What do you need to grow porcini mushrooms in a greenhouse? The answer to this question is quite simple. Nothing special! Growing in a greenhouse implies the same actions, only in this case the mycelium should additionally be covered with a special material that allows light and air to pass through.

Greenhouse cultivation should be done in the cold season and in summer when the nights are cold(recommended to cover the ground garden film, after sprinkling the mycelium with needles or small twigs and leaves). In the warm season, you don’t need to make a greenhouse, since the mushrooms themselves must take root and begin to grow and multiply rapidly on the site.

It must be remembered that usually after planting mycelium in the ground, the first harvest appears only the next year. Therefore, you should not wait for the mushrooms to start growing in the same season. After all, the mycelium must take root in a new place, adapt to the conditions. If we are talking about sowing porcini mushrooms with the help of fruiting bodies, as already mentioned a little higher, then here the harvest can be expected for 2 years, since the spores must develop enough to sprout and turn into mouth-watering mushrooms.

Growing porcini mushrooms in the country is not so difficult if you follow all the above tips. Only a little attention and patience is needed, then it will be possible to constantly collect porcini mushrooms on the site, which are very healthy and fragrant. Just be extremely careful. Do not confuse porcini mushrooms with others so as not to place mycelium or fruiting bodies with spores of poisonous or inedible mushrooms on your site.

How to grow mushrooms in the country (video)

Gallery: white mushrooms (15 photos)