Proper planting of tomato seedlings. How to plant tomatoes and get an incredible harvest

What we will talk about in this article.

What does it depend on?

Under optimal conditions, tomatoes are resistant to the dryness of the substrate; in case of shortage, the sprouts should not die.

Important! seedlings can grow in the best way in peat soil, and you can buy it in special stores.

It is important to monitor the quality of the purchased soil, it must meet all the requirements. Otherwise, it is fraught not only with a waste of money, but also with the death of seedlings.

Seeding scheme

When planting seeds, it is important to consider the method of preparation. In particular, if they are only lightly washed, it is better not to bury them.

For seeds, special holes are made with a depth of no more than 1–1.5 cm, at the end it is permissible to slightly moisten from above, you can use a conventional spray gun for this.

When the seed has been pre-soaked or germinated, it is possible to plant it in holes / grooves with a depth of about 1.5–2 cm.

Then it is desirable to moisten the soil before placing the seeds there, at the end of the process it is not required. The distance between seeds in these cases should not exceed 2.5 cm.

It is allowed to plant seedlings in shallow boxes; separate containers are also suitable, which include cups made of plastic, cardboard or paper.

seedling care

For a still young plant, it is important to carry out proper care, and the process itself takes place in several stages. With the correct observance of the recommendations, getting a good harvest is not difficult.

Lighting and temperature

Many gardeners forget about lighting when growing tomatoes, but this cannot be done. After the emergence of crops, it is important to ensure that they receive a free supply of a large amount of light, which is especially significant in the early days; in bad weather, you can highlight the tomatoes yourself.

Important! Lack of light in the initial period will make the plants elongated and unstable. In the future, it will be difficult to correct the situation.

Containers with sprouts, when placed on or on a balcony, should be rotated occasionally so that the seedlings do not grow “one-sided”.

The temperature when caring for tomatoes must certainly be kept at a level not lower than +22 ° C during the day, since a lack of heat can slow down the development of the plant and cause unpleasant fungal diseases.

Watering and feeding

Seedlings are required very carefully, doing it little by little. In the early stages, one teaspoon of water is enough for each bush.

Use for irrigation should be water at room temperature. Some believe that it is not necessary to water the seedlings before the development of the first leaf, but this depends on the level of soil moisture.

In the event that the earth becomes too dry, it should be sprinkled. Watering seedlings can be done no more than once a week.

It is permissible to switch to more active watering, once every 3-4 days, when five leaves can be counted on young plants.

If the seeds were planted in a soil mixture purchased in a special store, then it is allowed not to carry out feeding, but usually two full-fledged feedings are carried out.
The first of them is organized in 10 days, the second will have to wait another two weeks. You can use both a self-prepared solution, and with the microelements required for growth.


When the seedlings have already grown and grown strong enough, and all the stages of caring for them have been fully completed, the moment comes for their planting in open ground. Experienced gardeners focus on the fact that planting tomato seedlings is a crucial moment, and you should not underestimate it. This process has features that can accelerate the adaptation of the plant to new conditions, make it strong and resistant to external stimuli. But there are also mistakes, allowing for which, the gardener will immediately destroy the plant and do his work and hopes for big harvest in vain. In order to prevent such consequences, it is necessary to know exactly when and how to properly carry out the process of planting tomato seedlings in open ground.

Planting period

The process of planting tomato seedlings in open ground covers a fairly long period of time - several months from late spring to early summer. More specific dates depend on which variety you have chosen for planting and in which region of the country you live. the only general requirement is that at the time of planting tomato seedlings, the air temperature was not lower than 12 ° C, and frosts remained in the past. Colder conditions will immediately destroy the seedlings. It is also necessary to evaluate appearance seedlings. Plants are ready for planting when they are at least 20 cm tall and have at least 7 good strong healthy leaves on the trunk. These are standard parameters that indicate that your seedlings are fully formed.

Tomato is a thermophilic vegetable. In open ground in Russia, it is most often planted in the Southern and Central regions. In colder conditions, tomatoes grow poorly and it is better to use greenhouses to achieve high yields. What is the optimal period for planting tomatoes, depending on their variety:

  • Early varieties of tomatoes in the southern regions can be planted quite early - from April 15 to May 1. As for the Central regions, here the dates are moved to a later period - from May 1 to May 15;
  • Mid-season varieties. These types of tomatoes are suitable for later planting dates. In the Southern regions, you can plant tomatoes from May 1 to May 15, and in the Central regions - from June 1 to 10.

Those tomatoes that were planted between April and June 1 should be covered with a good film. Although severe frosts by this time are a thing of the past, and temperature indicators acquire stability, it is still better to protect the seedlings from possible risks. The film should be left until the first days of summer. Those varieties of tomato that were planted in open ground in June do not need such protection.

Site selection and soil preparation

The timing of planting tomato seedlings is very important for their successful adaptation and subsequent growth and fruiting. But an even greater role in this process is played by a properly selected and well-prepared site.

Tomatoes are plants that are very fond of light and have a negative attitude towards drafts. Therefore, choose a site with good lighting- the sun should be there for the maximum number of hours of the entire daylight hours. Tomatoes do not tolerate high levels of humidity, so be careful how close to the surface ground water. Also, do not plant tomatoes close to various bodies of water. Pay attention to what grew there before. Excellent predecessors of tomatoes are legumes or root crops. You do not need to plant seedlings where potatoes, peppers, eggplants or tomatoes were previously grown - there is a very high probability of infection with various fungal or bacterial diseases. Especially late blight.

When the site is selected, it is necessary to prepare the soil. If possible, this process should begin in the fall. The soil must be dug up well and a number of fertilizers applied. As a rule, organic fertilizers are used in large quantities during this period - up to 7 kg of fertilizer per 1 m2. After the winter is over and the soil becomes again suitable for digging, it must again be dug up to make it loose.

If in the fall you did not have time to implement preparatory work, then their entire volume must be carried out in the spring.

Open ground is a breeding ground for various kinds of bacteria and microorganisms. In addition, carriers of various diseases can be stored in it. Therefore, the soil must initially be disinfected by treating with a solution blue vitriol and copper oxychloride. After that, it can be fertilized. For this purpose, it is better to use an integrated approach - to combine organic and mineral fertilizers. This is a great way to provide plants with everything they need for root development in the first days after planting. The selected fertilizers should be applied at least one week before the date on which you planned to plant the plants in open ground.

How to plant tomatoes

When all the preparatory work has been completed, and the seedlings are completely ready for transplanting, they can be planted in open ground.

To do this, choose a cloudy day, but if this is not possible, give preference to the evening.
Although tomatoes love sunlight and warmth, immediately after planting, the sun can have a detrimental effect on plants that have not yet adapted. And until the morning they will get stronger and will be able to normally endure the upcoming sunny day.

For those who want to ensure good growth of tomatoes, their comfort and high yield, there is a diagram of how to plant tomato plants correctly. Its essence lies in the fact that neighboring plants do not interfere with each other to fully develop. To do this, each future bush for the full growth and development of the root system must have a sufficient amount of space, fresh air and sunlight.

The distance between the bushes depends on the size of the tomatoes: undersized plants can be planted at a distance of 40 cm, but medium-sized ones will need at least half a meter.
It is better to plant tomatoes in two rows with a technical aisle. It can be used to carry out automatic watering plants by putting a hose there. The distance between rows should be at least 60 cm.

When planting tomatoes directly in open ground, some rules should be observed:

  • The structure of the tomato root system is very fragile and sensitive to various kinds of damage. Therefore, in order to remove the plant from the container easily, it will need abundant watering. Transplant plants along with soil from the container - no need to clear the roots of it. Thanks to this, you will reduce the risk of mechanical damage to the roots, as well as facilitate and speed up the process of adapting tomatoes to new conditions;
  • Do not make holes too deep. Optimal depth- on the bayonet of a shovel. Before planting, the hole must be well watered and wait until the water is completely absorbed into the soil;
  • Having placed the plant in the hole vertically, you need to properly sprinkle its roots. The first layer is soil from the same hole, then next layer consists of manure or compost in a small amount, and the last layer is soil again. After that, do not forget about watering - 2 liters of water for each plant;
  • If tomato seedlings are planted early - before the onset of summer, then it must be covered with a film;
  • The first 10 days is the period when the plants take root in a new place, there is no need to water. After the tomatoes have adapted, they began to grow and began to gain strength, they can be watered again, and spud in two weeks;
  • It is necessary to establish a support near each plant, on which the bushes will be tied in the future. It is better not to delay this step, as tomatoes grow very quickly;
  • Throughout the season, tomatoes must be fertilized. This is important for their active growth and high yield. As a rule, tomatoes are fertilized three times per season. This must be done correctly so as not to harm the plants instead of benefit.

Tomato Care

After the plants are planted in open ground correctly, we can assume that you have completed 50% of the work on the path to success. Now everything will depend on the level of quality of care for tomatoes. Care must be of high quality and regular. Do not water according to the schedule - excessive moisture will only harm the tomatoes. Be guided by the situation: if the weather is hot, then watering needs to be increased, and if it is cloudy and rainy, then minimize it. Plants should be watered only under the root, not allowing water to fall on the leaves. After each watering, the soil must be loosened. This process will ensure the flow of oxygen to the roots, and it is very important for their full development. Don't forget about fertilizers. The first top dressing is carried out most often after 10 days after planting tomatoes in open ground.

Outdoor tomatoes should be checked regularly for diseases and pests. A timely detected problem will not bring great harm and there is an opportunity to prevent an epidemic. Most diseases can be cured, while others cannot be treated, but if you remove the diseased bush in a timely manner, you can secure all other plants.

By following all the rules and adhering to the basic requirements, you can properly plant seedlings in open ground, take care of their intensive growth, and ensure yourself a rich and tasty tomato crop.

Tomato is one of the most popular types of vegetables, which is present in a huge number of dishes and sauces. It is loved for its pronounced taste and the same color.

Unfortunately, tomatoes can be grown only in those regions where winters are not too severe and long. That is why summer residents create seedlings of tomatoes at home, so that at the beginning of spring they can begin to grow them further.

This process is very responsible and does not tolerate mistakes, but even a beginner can easily cope with it. Especially for you, we have put together a lot of useful tips, which will help to grow a good crop of tomatoes, without applying specific knowledge in the field of gardening for this.

Growing tomatoes should begin with the selection of seeds. For this purpose, you will have to be attentive and careful at the same time, because it depends on whether you will be satisfied with the grown crop.

For your convenience, we will present for your review a description of the main characteristics, the knowledge of which will help you quite easily and quickly decide on the choice of seeds.

The main characteristics of future tomatoes

To date, a huge variety of varieties of tomatoes are presented, each of which is ready to pleasantly surprise how external characteristics, and palatability.

Each variety includes the following features:

  1. The form. Flattened, elongated or resembling a ball. The difference in shape will not affect the difficulties in further cultivation, so choose the one that you like best.
  2. Fruit size. The smallest fruits can be less than 50 grams. This is typical for the variety Cherry" and " Cocktail". Medium fruits are those that vary between 50-100 grams. If we talk about large varieties, then their weight can reach up to 800 grams. Make a choice based on the purpose for which the grown tomatoes will be intended.
  3. Taste. General information about taste characteristics can be obtained from the seller. However, if this parameter is extremely important to you, then you should independently search for information on the Internet. So, you will understand which tomatoes can be used for salads, and which ones can be used to add spice to some dishes.
  4. Color. Fruit color is closely related to taste. The most common color of a tomato is red. But there are also green, yellow and even black ones. Many of them can be intended both for everyday use and for twists.

The size of the bushes of future tomatoes

It is customary to divide tomato varieties into two categories:

  1. high;
  2. low.

In the first case, the height of the shrub can reach two meters. Such giants will require more attention from you, but in return they are ready to offer a lot of amenities regarding processing and harvesting. High varieties are unlikely to be suitable for summer cottages, but ideal for greenhouses. Saving space in greenhouses is one of the main factors.

Low grades are less picky, so summer residents use them. But it is worth remembering that processing and harvesting will become more capacious processes.

Place to grow tomatoes

The process of growing a tomato can take place on open ground (land) and closed (greenhouse). When choosing seeds, it is very important to pay attention to what type of soil they are intended for.

As a rule, tomatoes grown on land plot, have the best taste. In addition, you will have to take care of them much less than in the case of greenhouse tomatoes. But it should be understood that cultivation in the beds can occur only in those regions where there are optimal weather.

By choosing a greenhouse growing method, you can create an ideal environment for the future crop, given temperature regime and air humidity. But for this you will have to sacrifice a lot of time and effort.

Features of your region

If you decide to grow tomatoes on the land, then you should definitely pay attention to the features of your region. There are several varieties that are extremely negative about low temperatures and the lack of enough sunlight. It is possible to achieve good yields with them without the appropriate conditions, but it is extremely difficult.

If you do not want to waste money and suffer from growing tomatoes, then choose those varieties that have good protection against such factors. Information about this is on the packaging of seeds.

In any case, you can always grow tomatoes in a greenhouse way and then you do not have to adapt to the existing realities of your region.

Differences in seed packages

When choosing seeds in the store, you may stumble upon professional and amateur packages. The main difference between them lies in the volume.

Professional packages include from 500 seeds or from 500 grams. Given such impressive volumes, they are intended, rather, for sowing campaigns or a large association of summer residents.

Amateur packages can contain up to several grams of seeds, so they are an ideal purchase for private summer residents.

Before you start sowing seeds, you need to prepare them well. If everything is done correctly and consistently, then your chances of achieving big harvest will increase significantly.

The preparatory process for seeds is as follows:

  1. Sorting.
  2. Disinfection.
  3. Fertilizer.
  4. Soak.
  5. Soil arrangement.
  6. Finding a container for seedlings.
  7. Sowing work.

These stages are typical for those seeds that were collected by their own efforts. As for purchased seeds, they just need to be thoroughly washed and they are ready for further use.

Many novice summer residents do not pay too much attention to the quality of the soil, but after that they are surprised to state rather low yields. If you do not want to settle for poor yield results in the near future at the beginning of your efforts, then you cannot do without quality soil.

To prepare it, you will need sod land, sawdust, peat and compost. If you do not know where to get sawdust and how to make compost, then they can be replaced with coarse sand and vermicompost, respectively.

Before use, it is very desirable to place sand in the oven so that the calcination process begins. Vermicompost can be found in many gardening stores, so there won't be any problems with it.

Soil preparation requires compliance correct proportions. For the above components, the following scheme is relevant: 2:1:3:4.

A plastic cup should be used as a suitable container because it has the appropriate shape, and the properties of the material itself allow further steps to be taken to prepare for planting. You need to make sure that the plastic cups are solid and do not contain any flaws.

For more seeds, it is reasonable to use special plastic containers, which should also be without the slightest defect.

Next, you need to wash them thoroughly with soap, and after that for a short time they are placed under boiling water. So that excess moisture can freely exit the plastic container, you will have to take a sharp object: a nail, knitting needle or needle - and make the necessary holes.

The first two options will allow you to make holes that are large enough and even. But in order to achieve this, it is necessary to heat them to the required temperature and then make several holes in the right places.

If you decide to use a needle, you can refuse to heat it, but the holes with it will be too small, which will certainly create a lot of trouble for you. In that case, you have to do more holes, moreover, in close proximity to each other, so that the water can freely exit after irrigation.

Before placing freshly prepared soil in a plastic container, it is highly recommended to place expanded clay or small pebbles at the very bottom as drainage.

As soon as the first leaves appear on the sprout, you need to start dive process. To do this, it is necessary to prepare new containers, it is desirable that they be with peat. Next, deepen the sprouts into the ground to the level of these leaves. If everything is done correctly, the plant will begin to take on new roots, which will provide it with additional nutrition.

It is very important to prepare the sprouts for a future transplant by gradually hardening them. At first, seedlings should be stored on a balcony or on a windowsill, where the sun's rays must fall.

At night, you can leave seedlings in the corridor, but only on condition that the air temperature is favorable.

To protect the sprouts from excessive solar radiation, you can take an unnecessary sheet and cover the seedlings.

Watering should be done no more than twice a week. So the sprouts will not suffer from drought and excessive moisture.

As soon as the seedlings germinate well, it is necessary to choose the optimal place for planting them in the ground. Since almost all varieties of tomatoes love light and heat, planting near trees and large shrubs is highly discouraged because they will interfere with direct sunlight.

Seedlings should be planted only after severe frosts have finally passed.

If you are aiming for a good harvest, then you need to plant seedlings according to the scheme of 4 bushes per square meter. To avoid the negative consequences of various pests, in place of each bush, add a few granules from colorado potato beetle and bears.

Bush formation is an integral part proper cultivation tomatoes. If you get low-growing and medium-sized plants, then they can be left without any changes. But if the plants are too tall, then they must be tied to stakes. Usually tall plants are combined into two stems.

If you notice that the leaves of the shrub have begun to cover future fruits from the sun, then they should be removed. In this case, you can achieve a more productive harvest.

The last important point is top dressing of tomatoes. Organic and mineral fertilizers are ideal for this purpose. To prepare an organic fertilizer, you will need 500 ml chicken manure, after which, it is necessary to dilute it in a bucket of water. For mineral fertilizer, you can use ammonium nitrate. A matchbox of this additive will be enough for one bucket of water.

The first step is to prepare the beds in the greenhouse. The larger the greenhouse, the more beds can fit there. The width of each bed should not exceed 90 centimeters. It is very important not to forget to make one or more tracks, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse.

How to plant seedlings in a greenhouse depends on which variety of tomatoes and the method of forming bushes you have chosen. For example, tall plants should be planted in a checkerboard pattern. Should be considered optimal distance between bushes (up to 70 centimeters) and between rows (up to 80 centimeters).

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes, distinguished by their precocity, can also be planted according to a checkerboard pattern. It will be a huge plus if they are formed by 2-3 stems. In this case, the optimal distance between bushes should be no more than 40 centimeters, and between rows - no more than 60 centimeters.

Standard and determinant varieties Tomatoes are recommended to be planted as thickly as possible. The acceptable distance between the bushes is 30 centimeters, and between the rows - 50 centimeters.

Growing tomatoes in a diaper is an extremely popular and fairly simple way. Initially, you need to carefully prepare for this process. To do this, you will need a plastic bag, which must be cut into small strips. Their width should be 10 centimeters, and the length will be based on the number of seeds used.

Additionally, you should cut the same strips from toilet paper, and then put them on top of each polyethylene strip. To get them wet, spray water with a spray bottle. After that, you can spread the seeds at the rate of 1 seed per 3 centimeters. The next row should start with an indent of 1 centimeter.

Once you have placed all the seeds, place the same strip of toilet paper and polyethylene on top. Thus, you will form the very diaper in which the seeds will germinate.

Next, you need to roll this diaper to make a kind of roll, and put it in a specially selected plastic container. The glass will ideal option. Add a small amount of water to it toilet paper was constantly wet, and then put on the windowsill or balcony. If you have a shadow side, then it's okay.

You can take a solution of HB-101 and add two drops per liter of water. After 5 days, you will notice how the first leaves begin to appear.

As soon as leaflets are formed in the amount of 3 pieces, you can proceed to the next stage. Unfold the diaper and carefully drag the formed plants into pots with soil to make a dive.

What is better to plant after tomatoes

As soon as you decide to plant something after tomatoes, it is better to choose such vegetable crops, which provide nitrogen to the soil.

  • Cabbage. White, red, colored, kohlrabi and Brussels.
  • Onion and garlic.
  • Pumpkin. Pumpkin, cucumbers and zucchini.
  • Legumes. Beans, beans and peas.
  • Roots. Beets or carrots.
  • Pepper
  • Potato
  • Eggplant

Growing tomatoes, although it requires a lot of effort, but it offers a lot of benefits. You no longer need to spend money on buying quality tomatoes in the markets and stores, and also worry about the amount of nitrates in them. In addition, this activity can easily turn into your hobby, which calms and gives positive emotions.

What you need to do for a quick and easy start in growing tomatoes

  • Ask for advice from professional gardeners. Regular exchange of experience can significantly reduce the number of errors allowed, both in the early stages of cultivation and during harvest. Moreover, after communication, you can become good friends.
  • Don't do the job in a hurry. Spending more time and effort to prepare for sowing and caring for tomato bushes, you will protect yourself from crop failures.
  • Follow up-to-date methods cultivation and develop your own. In the process of growing different varieties tomatoes, you will certainly be able to see the advantages and disadvantages of the methods used. Improve them to achieve a bigger harvest and save a lot of time.

Using the information received, you will know more about how to plant tomatoes correctly, and you will be able to surprise your loved ones with a rich harvest of ripe and juicy tomatoes!

Healthy tomato seedlings are the key to a rich harvest. To achieve a good harvest in your beds, you need to grow yourself planting material. This is a rather laborious business, but from an economic point of view it is even profitable.

In addition, correctly and on time planted seedlings will be much stronger and more stable than purchased ones. How to grow tomato seedlings at home interested in many gardeners.

Sowing preparation

To grow seedlings, you need to prepare seeds. You can buy them at the store or make your own. Experienced gardeners prefer to prepare seeds on their own - this is how you can pick up the best varieties and select for this more juicy and ripe fruits. Its planting material is suitable for 7-8 years.

Before you start gardening, you need to know how to plant tomatoes for seedlings. First you need to prepare the seeds - this is done 1-2 days before the intended sowing.

To select high-quality seeds, they should be lowered into the water: good seeds will fall to the bottom, and bad ones will rise to the top - they just need to be drained along with the water. Then the selected seeds must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, which is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Take a small amount of water and throw a few grains of potassium permanganate into it to get a rich purple color of the solution.
  2. Place the seeds in it for 20 minutes. If several varieties of tomatoes are being prepared for planting, then they must be put in gauze napkins separately from each other so as not to mix.
  3. Then put the seeds in plain, slightly warm water to swell. Fresh seeds need 8-10 hours, and if they are older than 3 years, then they should swell longer.

Now you need to prepare the soil for planting. Usually gardeners take land from the site, enrich it with humus and peat. Some prepare a more complex composition of humus, sod, peat, urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Any soil that needs to be heat treated to disinfect will do. To do this, it must be placed in the oven at 180-200 degrees and the composition is calcined for 20 minutes.

You can also treat the soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. The easiest way is to prepare the soil for sowing tomatoes in the fall, allowing it to freeze well. If the soil has not been prepared in advance, then you can purchase a suitable one in a specialized store.

When to plant tomato seedlings?

To prepare seedlings for planting in the ground on time, you should correctly calculate,. Usually it is sown 50-60 days before the intended transplant into open ground. Seeds germinate, as a rule, quickly - within 5-10 days, so they will have to be kept at home for 45-60 days.

The main thing in the presented process is to determine the time of sowing, overgrown seedlings will not give a rich harvest due to the poor development of an adult bush.

For the proper cultivation of tomato seedlings, sowing dates have already been determined ( medium) for different regions of the country:

  • Southern region - after February 20 and until March 15, to land in the ground from April 15 to May 20.
  • central region- after March 15 and before April 1, so that they are ready for planting in open ground after May 10 and before the beginning of June.
  • Ural and Siberia - sow seeds from April 1 to April 15, plant in the ground after May 25 and until mid-June.

If the seedlings are planned to be planted in a greenhouse, the seeds can be sown 2-3 weeks earlier than the generally accepted dates.

Tomato seedlings at home, video:

Planting tomatoes for seedlings

Suitable for sowing tomato seeds wooden boxes, plastic or peat cups, special containers with lids - it is important to ensure the greenhouse effect of seedlings in sowing.

Pour the soil into the selected container and moisten with a spray bottle or a weak watering can. Then recesses of 5-7 mm are made in the ground.

In large containers, holes must be made at a distance of 2-3 cm. Put 2-3 seeds in each hole and cover them with earth, additional water should not be added. If unsoaked seeds are sown, they must be deepened by 1.5 cm and then watered additionally.

The containers are covered with glass or film to create a greenhouse effect with optimal humidity 80-90%. In order for the seeds to sprout quickly and amicably, they need a temperature of about 30 degrees, so it is better to place the containers near the heating source.

It is necessary to monitor the soil moisture daily - spray it that is very dry, and ventilate the wet one by opening the film.

Due to high humidity, mold can form on the soil - it must be removed and watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. Shoots should appear after 4-5 days at high room temperature. If the house is cool, then they will appear later, but no later than 15 days - this is the maximum germination period.

Growing tomato seedlings at home

For successful cultivation tomato seedlings should be created ideal conditions. Here are the following requirements:

Caring for tomato seedlings is not very burdensome, but should be done daily.

The optimal temperature regime, watering and lighting will help the seedlings become strong and avoid damage by diseases and pests. For successful care the following parameters must be observed.


After friendly entrances of sprouts have appeared, pots with them should be placed on the lightest window sill.

At the end of winter or in early spring the light will still not be enough, so it is necessary to make additional lighting with fluorescent lamps. The first three days it is required to cover the seedlings around the clock, and then 16 hours a day.


In the first days, seedlings should be in a greenhouse with maximum humidity. You can’t remove the film immediately, but gradually open it up so that the sprouts get used to the fresh air. After 1-2 weeks, it can be removed completely. Being under the film, the seedlings do not require watering, but care must be taken not to overdry. upper layer soil - the roots are shallow and can simply die.

Tender sprouts should be watered directly under the spine from a syringe without a needle or pipette. After removing the film and with an increase in temperature and an increase in daylight hours, the seedlings quickly grow and absorb moisture rapidly, therefore, it needs to be watered more often.

If you overdry or fill the soil, the sprouts will become sluggish. It is better to check their condition in the morning. If the soil is dry, then water it additionally; if it is wet, refrain.

If the window sill is cool, you can not water the seedlings in the evening, so that at night the sprouts do not get sick when the temperature drops.

Fresh air

In warm and calm weather, seedlings can be moved to the balcony, outside, or simply open the window. If the temperature outside is 15-20 degrees, they will stay on without consequences. fresh air and saturate with sunshine.

At the time of germination, the sprouts are already protected from ultraviolet radiation and will not burn in the sun. Such “walks” of seedlings only harden it and increase stability.

top dressing

Tomato seedlings need top dressing 2-3 weeks after sprouts appear. Then fertilize the soil every week. How to feed tomato seedlings- for this, natural organic fertilizer in the form of solutions from manure or grass is suitable.

Feeding tomato seedlings can be carried out by purchased special fertilizers based on guano, biohumus and the like. For watering, half the dose indicated in the instructions is required.

The color of its leaves indicates when to start feeding the seedlings, if they are dark green, and the stems are of a strong purple hue, then it is undesirable to fertilize.

What organic fertilizers feed the seedlings, she herself will tell. Here we can highlight the following features and problems in the growth of seedlings:

  1. When tomato seedlings turn yellow This means that there is not enough nitrogen in the soil. But even with an excess of it, they also turn yellow, in this case, all at once.
  2. When the leaves turn purple then the seedlings lack phosphorus.
  3. If the room is lit around the clock, then the seedlings need iron and adherence to the day-night regimen.

It is necessary to feed the seedlings without harming them, observing all precautions and consulting with experienced gardeners if your experience is not enough.

Convenient technology for growing seedlings, video:

How to dive seedlings of tomatoes?

Picking seedlings is the planting of sprouts in separate cups or in spacious boxes. This should be done after 3 normal leaves have appeared in one bush.

It is not necessary to do this, but it is desirable to weed out weak shoots and place them at a sufficient distance from each other, giving room for growth. Although diving brings unnecessary stress to the sprouts, it is necessary to do this if:

  • seeds sown in a box gave unplanned shoots;
  • sprouts with a strong and healthy root system are required;
  • unhealthy bushes have grown;
  • growth retardation is required to prevent overgrowth.

The process is carried out approximately on the tenth day after germination. To carry it out without complications, you need to prepare in advance - water the seedlings 2 days before the proposed transplant. You can not water in advance - the soil will dry out, and if right before picking, it will become heavy and make it difficult to transplant.

Sprouts should be removed from the soil with a teaspoon so as not to damage the tender seedlings. A tomato sprout is planted in a prepared container, deepening it to the cotyledon leaves.

It is necessary to transplant sprouts with a clod of earth on the root. Experienced gardeners pinch the tip central root by 1/3, so that it becomes stronger and more magnificent.

It is not necessary to do this, since the roots will already be slightly damaged during transplantation, no matter how carefully it is done, and additional injury will slow down the growth of seedlings for a week.

The first pick is carried out in a container of 200 ml, and after 2-3 weeks they need to be transplanted into cups of 0.5-1 l. But it is better to plant immediately in small cups or cassettes and dive only once. After diving, the soil around should be compacted and watered. Seedlings should be shaded from direct sunlight for several days.

But put her closer to a heating source so that she has enough heat, especially in the first 3 days. Then return to the windowsill, where the air temperature is lower. Further care for seedlings consists in regular watering, loosening and top dressing until it is planted in open ground.

Diseases of tomatoes

Tomato seedlings are considered unpretentious in cultivation, but they can also get sick. The most common diseases of sprouts are:

1. Black leg. A darkening appears at the bottom of the stem and the plant lies down. This fungal disease appears due to excessive moisture and insufficient lighting.

Sick plants must be removed immediately, their location sprinkled with ash, and the rest of the area covered with sand. Subsequently, prevent overflow of seedlings and provide sufficient lighting.

2. Rolling leaves. This happens for several reasons: it's hot in the room, there is little watering, low humidity in the room, it's crowded in the tank, very dense soil, a lot of nitrogen fertilizers. It is necessary to determine the cause and reconsider the care of seedlings.

3. Spots on leaves. Appear when not proper care or infection viral infection or fungus. White spots are a fungus that occurs due to high humidity and temperature. The affected bushes should be removed, and the rest of the seedlings should be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid. Do the same if there is brown spot.

If dark spots appear on the lower leaves, then this may be a chemical burn obtained when fertilizing the roots of the plant with fertilizers. The appearance of light and dark spots at the same time indicates infection of seedlings with a mosaic virus. The cause of this disease is infected seeds. It is impossible to treat such seedlings, it should be removed from the pot and burned.

4. Leaves turned white. This can happen due to sunburn if the seedlings are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time. Plants should be accustomed to the sun gradually.

5. Leaves withered. lower leaves turn yellow due to lack of nitrogen in the soil. It is necessary to add a little urea solution to the soil. Yellowing of the leaves can provoke insufficient lighting with excessive moisture. In this case, you can put the seedlings closer to the light and reconsider watering.

Landing in open ground

Planting tomato seedlings in open ground carried out 10-15 days after she releases the first flower brushes. Ideal tomato seedlings before planting for permanent residence should have thick stems, large leaves, a strong root and noticeable buds. Seedlings should be planted in black soil mixed with peat soil "Universal" in a ratio of 1: 1.

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It is best to engage in landing in cloudy, cool and calm weather. The seedling bush must be buried in the soil 2 cm from the central root. A few days later, additional processes will begin to stretch from the buried root, then root system become stronger and more powerful.

Bury seedlings at a distance of 30-40 cm so that there is room for growth. After planting the seedlings, it must be watered with warm water.

If the climate in this region is unstable, then at night it is better to cover the plants with a film or special material so that it does not die from freezing.

Planting tomato seeds for seedlings and her further cultivation at home - a rather troublesome task, but very interesting. Self-grown tomatoes from their seedlings will be much tastier and healthier. In addition, it will bring great pleasure to a novice gardener.

Tomatoes come from South America, therefore, when growing tomato seedlings at home, relatively dry air, a lot of light and heat are needed. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to properly plant and care for young seedlings.

The right choice of variety

Before you start growing seedlings of tomatoes, you need to decide on the choice of varieties. Before planting seeds, it is necessary to decide which varieties will be grown and where. It is fundamentally important to know whether tomatoes will grow in open ground or in a greenhouse. According to the method of growth, all varieties are divided into indeterminate, semi-determinate and determinant. This sign is indicated on the bag of seeds and is decisive for growing plants in open or protected ground.

  1. indeterminate tomatoes have unlimited growth and, if not pinched, can grow up to several meters. In the south, they can be grown in a greenhouse or outdoors on a trellis, or tied to high stakes. AT middle lane, Siberia, the Far East, these tomatoes are grown only in protected ground, tying them vertically. Their first brush is laid after 9-10 sheets, the next - after 3 sheets. The fruiting period is long, but comes later than other types.
  2. Semi-determinant varieties and hybrids. Tomatoes stop growing after laying 9-12 inflorescences. They tend to set a large number of fruits at the expense of roots and leaves, and, if overloaded with a crop, tomatoes can stop growing long before the formation of the 9th brush. Flower brushes are laid through 2 sheets. In the south, they are grown mainly in open ground, in the middle lane they can be planted both in a greenhouse and on the street.
  3. Determinate Tomatoes are low growing plants. They are designed for planting in open ground. Their growth is limited, they lay 3-6 brushes, the top of the shoot ends with a flower brush and the bush does not grow upwards anymore. The first brush of this type is laid after 6-7 leaves. These are early ripe tomatoes, but their yield is lower than that of the indenterminant type. However, significant differences in the yield of varieties are noticeable only in the south. In the middle lane and to the north, the difference is minimal, since the Indians do not have time to reveal their full potential.

What to choose - hybrid or variety?

Variety- These are plants that can retain their characteristics for many generations when grown from seeds.

Hybrid- These are plants obtained by special pollination. They retain their characteristics in only one generation; when grown from seeds, their signs are lost. Hybrids of any plants are designated F1.

sign Varieties hybrids
Heredity Varietal characteristics are passed on to subsequent generations Traits are not transmitted and are a feature of one generation for one growing season
Germination 75-85% Excellent (95-100%)
fruit size The fruits are larger than those of hybrids, but can vary significantly in weight. The fruits are smaller, but aligned
yield May fluctuate from year to year High yield with proper care. Usually higher than varieties
disease resistance susceptible to various diseases, some of which may be inherited More resistant, less susceptible to disease
Weather Better tolerate temperature changes Temperature fluctuations tolerate much worse varieties. With sudden and strong temperature changes, they can die
Conditions of detention Less demanding on soil fertility and temperature Require more fertile soils and higher temperature for fruiting
top dressing Needed regularly For good fruiting, the dose should be greater than for varieties
Watering Can tolerate short-term drought or waterlogging well Very poorly tolerate both lack and excess moisture
Taste Each variety has its own taste. Less pronounced. To taste, all hybrids are inferior to varieties

The cooler the summer in the region, the more difficult it is to grow hybrids. In these regions, varieties should be preferred. Also, if in the future there is a desire to grow a crop from own seeds, then make a choice in favor of the variety.

If the goal is to get the maximum amount of products, and the weather conditions in the region allow, then it is preferable to grow hybrids.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings depends on early maturity. First of all, the timing of planting tomatoes in the ground is determined and the required number of days is counted from this date - the time for sowing seeds is obtained.

For mid-season varieties, the age of tomato seedlings before planting in the ground should be at least 65-75 days. You can plant them in a greenhouse at the end of May, and in open ground, when the threat of frost has passed, that is, in the first decade of June (for the middle lane). If we add the period from sowing to germination (7-10 days), then it is necessary to sow 70-80 days before planting in the ground.

In the middle lane, the sowing time for mid-ripening varieties is the first decade of March. However, it is unprofitable to grow mid-ripening varieties in the northern and central regions: they will not have time to fully reveal their potential, the harvest will be small. Mid-ripening and late tomatoes are suitable only for the southern regions of the country.

Seedlings of early ripe tomatoes are planted in the ground at the age of 60-65 days. Therefore, sowing of seeds is carried out after March 20. They are suitable for all regions of the country.

It is not necessary to sow tomatoes for seedlings too early. They are strongly stretched and weakened during early sowing in conditions of light deficiency. With poor lighting during the seedling period, flower brushes are laid later, and the yield becomes lower.

If the soil in the greenhouse has warmed up, then early ripe tomatoes for closed ground you can sow directly into the greenhouse in early May and grow them without picking. With seedless cultivation, tomatoes begin to bear fruit 1-2 weeks earlier than seedlings.

Soil preparation

For growing tomato seedlings, it is better to prepare the soil yourself. The earth should be loose, nutritious, water and breathable, should not be crusted and compacted after watering, be clean from pathogens, pests and weed seeds.

For seedlings, a mixture of peat and sand is made in a ratio of 1: 0.5. For each bucket of land obtained, it is desirable to add liter jar ash. Peat is acidic, and tomatoes need a neutral environment to grow well. Ash just neutralizes excess acidity.

Another option for an earthen mixture is soddy soil, humus, sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 3; instead of sand, you can take high-moor peat.

In garden soil, after special treatment, healthy seedlings of tomatoes can also be grown, the main thing is that it does not contain spores of diseases and wintering pests. But, since it is too compacted in containers, sand or peat is added to loosen it. They take the land from under the plantings of legumes, melons, greens, green manure. You can not use the soil from greenhouses, after nightshade. If the earth is acidic in the country, then ash is necessarily added (1 liter / bucket). Garden soil is best used for the preparation of soil mixtures.

Purchased soils contain a lot of fertilizer, which is not always good for seedlings. If there are no other options, then store land is diluted with sand, garden or turf soil. Peat is not added to the purchased soil, since it itself, most often, consists only of peat. The soil mixture is best prepared in the fall.

If the moment is lost, and there is nowhere to take the soil, then you will have to buy several types of soil from different manufacturers and mix them in equal proportions, or add soil from flower pots. But this is the most worst case when growing seedlings.

Soil treatment

After preparing the mixture, the land is necessarily cultivated to destroy pests, diseases, and weed seeds. Soil can be treated in various ways:

  • freezing;
  • steaming;
  • calcination;
  • disinfection.

Freezing. The finished earth is taken out into the cold for several days, so that it freezes. Then they bring it into the house and let it thaw. The procedure is repeated several times. It is desirable that on the street at this time there was a frost not lower than -8 -10 ° С.

Steaming. The earth is heated for an hour in a boiling water bath. If the soil is purchased, then the sealed bag is placed in a bucket with hot water, cover with a lid and stand until the water cools down.

Calcination. The earth is calcined in an oven heated to 100 ° C for 40-50 minutes.

Disinfection. The earth is watered with a strong solution of potassium permanganate dissolved in hot water. Then cover with a film and leave for 2-3 days.

Preparing tomato seeds for sowing

If the package says that the seeds are processed, then they do not need additional processing. The rest of the seed is processed necessarily.

First of all, calibrate. The seeds are dipped in a glass of water and wait 3-5 minutes until they get wet. Then the floating seeds are thrown away, they are unsuitable for sowing, because the embryo died, so they became lighter than water. The rest are soaked for 2 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate.

For processing, the seeds can be soaked in water heated to 53 ° C for 20 minutes. This temperature kills disease spores, but does not affect the germ. Then hot water drained, the seeds are slightly dried and immediately sown.

For speedy germination, the seed material is soaked. It is wrapped in cotton cloth or paper towel, moistened with water, placed in a plastic bag and placed on the battery. Treated seeds also need to be soaked. As practice shows, they sprout faster than without soaking, and the protective effect of the treatment remains quite high.

Many treat planting material with growth stimulants. But in this case, all seeds sprout together, including weak ones. In the future, a large percentage of culling of weak plants is obtained. Therefore, it is better to treat bad seeds (expiring, overdried, etc.) with stimulants, just soak the rest in water.

Sowing seeds

When the seeds hatch, sow. You should not wait for the seedling to be larger; when tightening with sowing, long shoots break off.

Tomatoes are sown in shallow boxes, filling them with earth by 3/4. The earth is slightly crushed. Seeds are laid out at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Sprinkle dry earth on top. If the soil is not crushed or the crops are covered with moist soil, then the seeds will go deep into the soil and will not germinate.

You can sow 2 seeds in separate containers, if both sprout, then they are planted when picking.

Varietal tomatoes and hybrids are sown in different containers, since they have different germination conditions.

The boxes are covered with film or glass and put on the battery until germination.

Seed germination time

The timing of the emergence of seedlings depends on the temperature.

  • Seeds of varieties germinate at a temperature of 24-26 ° C in 6-8 days
  • At 20-23°C - after 7-10 days
  • At 28-30°C - after 4-5 days.
  • They can also sprout at 18°C ​​in 8-12 days.
  • The optimum germination temperature for varietal tomatoes is 22-25°C.

The germination of hybrids is much better, but often at home they germinate poorly. For good germination, they need a temperature of + 28-30 ° C. + 24 ° С - it is COLD for them, they will germinate for a long time and not all of them will sprout.

Weak seeds germinate later than the rest, they usually leave a seed coat. Therefore, seedlings that appeared later than 5 days after the main group are removed, they will not have a good harvest.

Caring for tomato seedlings

To grow good tomato seedlings, you need to follow the following parameters:

  • temperature;
  • light;
  • moisture.


As soon as shoots appear, the film is removed and the boxes are placed in a bright and cool place with a temperature of + 14-16 ° C. In the first 10-14 days, the seedlings grow roots, and above-ground part practically does not develop. This is a feature of tomatoes and nothing needs to be done here. After a certain amount of time, the seedlings will begin to grow. As soon as growth begins, the daytime temperature is increased to 20°C, and the night temperature is maintained at the same level (15-17°C).

Hybrids after germination need a higher temperature (+ 18-19 °). If they are placed in the same conditions as varietal tomatoes, they will wither, not grow. After 2 weeks, they also need to increase the daytime temperature to 20-22 ° C. If this is not possible, then the hybrids will develop more slowly, the first flower brush will appear in them later and the yield will be lower.

In general, you need to take the warmest window sill for growing hybrids, take care of them better than the rest of the seedlings, only then they will give a full harvest.

On warm days, the seedlings are taken out to the balcony, and at night the windows are opened to lower the temperature. Whoever has the opportunity, on sunny days, tomatoes are put in a greenhouse if the temperature there is not lower than + 15-17 ° C. Such temperatures harden plants well, make them stronger, and, in the future, their yield is higher.


Tomato seedlings must be highlighted, especially late varieties who sow earlier. The lighting period should be at least 14 hours per day. With a lack of light, the seedlings are strongly drawn out, becoming long and fragile. At cloudy weather the illumination of plants is increased by 1-2 hours compared to sunny days, and the temperature is reduced to 13-14 ° C, otherwise the tomatoes are strongly drawn out.


Tomatoes should be watered very sparingly. Watering is carried out as the soil dries up and only with settled water. Unsettled tap water forms a bacterial-lime deposit on the soil, which tomatoes do not like very much. At the initial stage, each plant needs only 1 teaspoon of water, as it grows, watering is increased.

The soil in the seedling box should not be too wet or too dry. Watering should be plentiful so that the soil is sufficiently saturated with moisture, and the next watering is carried out only after the earthen coma has dried. Usually tomatoes are watered no more than once a week, but here they are guided by individual conditions cultivation. If the plants are wilted, then they must be watered without waiting for a week to pass.

Waterlogging, combined with high temperature and poor lighting, causes a strong stretching of the tomatoes.

Seedling picking

When the tomato seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, a pick is carried out.

For picking, prepare pots with a volume of at least 1 liter, fill them with earth by 3/4, water and compact. Make a deepening, dig up the seedling with a teaspoon and plant it in a pot. When picking, the tomatoes are planted a little deeper than they grew earlier, sprinkling the stem with earth to the cotyledon leaves. Strongly elongated seedlings fall asleep to the first true leaves. Seedlings are held by the leaves, if you hold it by a thin stalk, it will break.

Tomatoes tolerate picking well. If the sucking roots are damaged, they quickly recover and grow thicker. The roots must not be allowed to bend upward, otherwise the seedlings will develop poorly.

After picking, the ground is well watered, and the tomatoes themselves are shaded for 1-2 days, so that the evaporation of water from the leaves is less intense.

How to feed tomato seedlings

Top dressing is carried out 5-7 days after picking. Previously, top dressing is not recommended, since the soil was filled with ash, which contains all the necessary elements for seed growth. If the seedlings are grown on a purchased soil mixture, then top dressing is all the more unnecessary.

After 14-16 days from germination, tomatoes begin to actively grow leaves, and at this time they need to be fed. Top dressing should contain not only nitrogen, but also phosphorus and trace elements, so it is advisable to use a universal fertilizer. During this period, you can feed the tomatoes with fertilizer for indoor plants. She gives excellent results.

It is impossible to feed tomato seedlings with nitrogen alone. Firstly, for relatively small plants it is difficult to calculate the required dose. Secondly, nitrogen causes increased growth, which, with a limited amount of land and in conditions of lack of light, leads to a strong stretching and thinning of plants.

Subsequent top dressing is carried out after 12-14 days. Seedlings of late and mid-season varieties are fed 3-4 times before planting in the ground. Early ripe varieties 1, maximum two dressings are enough. For hybrids, the number of top dressings is increased by 2 for each type of seedling.

If the land is purchased, then it is sufficiently seasoned with fertilizers and when growing tomatoes on such soils, they do not carry out top dressing. The exception is hybrids. They consume nutrients more intensively and before planting, it is necessary to carry out 1-2 top dressing, in whatever soil they are grown.

Seedling care after picking

After picking, the seedlings are placed on the windowsills as freely as possible. If it is crowded, then it does not develop well. In densely spaced seedlings, the illumination decreases and it stretches.

  • 2 weeks before planting tomatoes, they are hardened
  • To do this, seedlings, even on cold days (temperature not lower than 11-12 ° C), are taken out to the balcony or open air.
  • At night, the temperature is reduced to 13-15°C.
  • For hardening of hybrids, the temperature should be 2-3 ° C higher, it is gradually lowered.

For hardening, pots with hybrids are first placed against the glass itself, where the temperature is always lower. After a few days, if the batteries are regulated, they are closed for a few hours; if not regulated, then open a balcony or window. At the final stage of hardening, seedlings of hybrids are taken out to the balcony for the whole day.

If tomato seedlings cannot be taken out onto the balcony, then they are sprayed daily with cold water for hardening.

Main reasons for failure

  1. Seedlings of tomatoes are strongly drawn out. There are several reasons: not enough light, early planting, excess nitrogen fertilizers.
    1. Seedlings always stretch with a lack of light. She needs to be illuminated. If this is not possible, then a mirror or foil is placed behind the seedlings, then the illumination of the tomatoes increases greatly, and they stretch less.
    2. It is not necessary to feed the tomatoes with nitrogen, this causes a rapid growth of the tops, and in conditions of insufficient illumination (and there is always not enough light in the room, no matter how you illuminate the seedlings), they are strongly drawn out.
    3. Too early sowing of seeds. Even normally developing seedlings stretch when planted early. After 60-70 days, the plants become crowded in pots and containers, they need to develop further, and in conditions of limited nutritional area and tightness on the windowsill, they have one way out - to grow up.
    4. All these factors, both individually and together, cause seedlings to stretch. Tomatoes stretch even more if excessive watering and a high temperature of seedling maintenance are added.
  2. The seeds don't germinate. If the seed good quality, then there are no shoots due to low soil temperature. This is especially important for hybrids. They germinate at a temperature of 28-30°C. Therefore, to speed up the emergence of seedlings, containers with sown tomatoes are placed on a battery.
  3. Tomatoes don't grow well. They are too cold. For varietal tomatoes, for normal growth, a temperature of 18-20 ° C is required, for hybrids - 22-23 ° C. Hybrids can also grow at 20°C, but more slowly, and, accordingly, will start fruiting later.
  4. Yellowing of leaves.
    1. Usually the leaves turn yellow in tomatoes grown in close quarters. When the seedlings are large, there is not enough light on the cramped windowsill, and the plants shed excess leaves. In such conditions, all attention is paid to the top of the stem, the bushes try to outgrow their competitors in order to have more comfortable conditions. When the leaves turn yellow, the seedlings are arranged more freely and the air temperature is reduced.
    2. If the leaves are small, turn yellow, and the veins remain green or slightly reddish, this is a lack of nitrogen. Feed with a complete mineral fertilizer. It is not necessary to feed with nitrogen alone, otherwise the tomatoes will stretch.
    3. Feeding area limitation. The tomatoes are already cramped in the container, the roots have braided the entire earthen ball and further growth stops. Transplant seedlings into a larger pot.
  5. leaf curl. Sudden and significant changes in temperature. When growing a tomato, a sharp increase in air temperature should be avoided. Seedling feeding area is limited and roots cannot support all leaves in hot weather. The same thing happens with a sharp cold snap, but this is much less common at home.
  6. Blackleg. Common disease of tomato seedlings. It affects all kinds of plants. The disease is spreading rapidly in a short time can destroy the entire seedling. The stalk at the level of the soil turns black, becomes thinner, dries up, the plant falls and dies. Infected plants are removed immediately. The soil is watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate, Fitosporin, Alirin. After that, the tomatoes do not need to be watered for a week, the soil should dry out.

Growing seedlings at home is a troublesome business, but otherwise it will not be possible to harvest a good harvest, especially in northern regions and middle lane.