Korovyan is a plant in the recipes of folk healers, therapeutic properties and contraindications. Corovyan ordinary (bear ear), treatment with a cowboy

Nature is rich in different useful healing plantswhich can develop independently and multiply on numerous fields and forests of our homeland. One of these therapeutic representatives of the world of Flora is a korovyan - a plant grassy family of norichniki.

What is this culture? What is its habitat? What properties does it have? And how is it used in medicine? Let's find out.

Botanical View

Despite the fact that the Korovyan (or Bear Ear, or the Royal Scepter) is a wild grass, its appearance, especially during flowering period, is very attractive.

The stalk of the plant is a single, reprehensive, densely covered with purulent ash hairs. The fifteen-thirty centimeters and a width of five or ten centimeters have a fifteen-ten centimeters width. They grow along the whole stem, with a proud view rushing up.

Typically, the royal scepter blooms thick, the cooled inflorescence in the form of a cylindrical brush.

However, the description of the ordinary cowboy would be superficial if we stopped only on the characteristics listed above. The most beautiful in this plant is its flowers who are crowned with a straight-long stem, whose height can vary from fifty centimeters to three meters.

It's time to flowering

The flower of a cowboat has a bright yellow color. It is very small and gentle in appearance. Here is its structure:

  • bract (has a pointed form in the form of a lancet);
  • flooring (thick and short, increasing inflorescences to a solid axis);
  • a cup (has pointed shares converging on the basis);
  • a whisk (with a diameter of fifteen to twenty millimeters, yellow color);
  • the stitch (there are only five of them, the front two is a little thicker and longer than the rest);
  • pestik (in the form of short thin threads).

Coloring the royal scepter starts from the second year of life.


Where is the Corovary Common? This plant can be found in almost all countries of the world, although Eurasia and archipelagoes are considered its natural distribution areas Atlantic Ocean Near Europe and Africa.

To the soil, the Corovik ordinary unpretentious, can freely develop and blossom from the roasolines of roads, on sandy and stony areas. Finding on the black mill or other types of fertile soil, the plant is sick and dying.

Chemical composition

As mentioned above, the Korovyak is a plant, often used for medical purposes. Therefore, HIS chemical composition Very rich in all kinds of useful trace elements.

These include: tubyl substances, saponins, beta-carotene, sugar, ascorbic acid, essential oils, fatty oils, alkaloids, iridoids, glycosides, harprehad, arkubin, catalipol, coumarins, phenolcarboxylic acids.

The elements listed above have a positive impact on various organs and systems of the human body. They are easily removed from the plant itself and can be used in the manufacture of pharmacological agents.

What does bear the ear help? What are there effective means By its use?

Drug from many diseases

Extracts from a cowboat of ordinary are used for diseases of nerves, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, they can heal from hemorrhoids, rheumatism and even tuberculosis. The plant has diuretic, expectorant, antifungal, sedative, painkillers, sugar-imaging, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and other effects.

Diseases and conditions

For example, the initial stage of urolithiasis is quite realistic to cure a cowboy enzymes. Such important elements Plants like saponins have a diuretic effect on the body and remove small stones and sand, and essential oils and iridoids reduce inflammatory processes and protect the infectious damage to the mucous membrane.

Custitis (like other inflammatory urinary bubble diseases) can also be heal with drugs based on this plant. Therapeutic properties of the cowboat are concluded in the action of such enzymes as essential oils, iridoids, acids and potassium. They remove inflammation and act as anesthetics.

Bear ear also easily copes with an ethnic. Thanks to the saponins and other their components, the plant can take out from human organism All excess liquid.

Bronchites, inflammation of lungs and even asthma are quite amenable to adjusting to drugs based on the components of the royal scepter. First of all, these are mucus, saponins, essential oils, organic acids. They remove inflammation of the respiratory organs, clean the lungs, dilute the sputum and contribute to its removal from the body.

Due to the elements such as saponins and iridoids, the Common Corovary is able to prevent the reproduction of cancer cells and even eliminate them.

Diseases associated with the nervous system (stress, overexcitation, depression, insomnia, neurosis) are also amenable to treating this herbal culture. Saponins, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, alkaloids and magnesiums included in the plant, soothe and improve the work of the central nervous system. In comprehensive therapy, they can even help in the fight against convulsive seizures and epilepsy.

Diseases of the joints, muscles and bone tissues are also effectively treated with such components of the bearish ear, as flavonoids, calcium and magnesium, which strengthen the bones, improve the mobility of the joints and the elasticity of the connecting tissues, restore the amazed nerve fibers and etc.

Cardiovascular diseases are amenable to effectively adjusting to drugs, as part of which there are actual substances of the ordinary cowboat. These are flavonoids, essential oils, coumarins, alkaloids, ash, potassium, calcium, magnesium, which strengthen the heart and vessels, clean the capillaries, lower the pressure, reduce blood flow.

Helps the royal scepter and with purulent wounds, ulcers, burns and other serious damage to the skin. Due to the action of kumarins, iridoids, organic acids, tannins and other elements, you can get rid of the bacterial and viral infection, so that the wounds can be cleaned and delay.

Using the ear's bear, you can completely cure such a serious disease as hemorrhoids. Plant extracts contribute to a decrease in painful education and reduce inflammatory processes.

As you can see, the spectrum of the application of a cowber of ordinary in medicine is very wide and specific. How can one cure individual diseases at home?


So, we learned what diseases the royal scepter treats and how to apply it. Now let's get acquainted with the advice and recommendations for the collection and storage of the plant.

Gathering herbal

This process can be carried out in summer, in sunny weather, immediately after the departure of the dew. If you want to collect flowers and leaves, then it is best to do from June to August, but if the seeds are from September to October.

Since the blossom of a cowboy occurs daily, from one bustle, you can collect new flowers every morning. And so long months!



Saving the assembled material is necessary in the container from instextics. For example, stalks and leaves can be stored in paper envelopes, and flowers - in carefully closed glass jars.

In terms of time, the cowboat can be stored for no more than two years.

When collecting plants, it is important to take into account the fact that during drying it is very losing weight and volume. Therefore, with eight kilograms of fresh raw materials, you will get only one kilogram of dry.

Caution in application

Before applying the plant, consult with the attending physician, and also find out if there is no allergies to any active ingredients.

It is also important to ensure that the seeds do not fall into the body. Royal scepter (They have high toxicity) and minor villi (which can cause irritation of the esophagus).

Other an important contraindication The cowboy is its component of the tannin, which contributes to the occurrence of malignant tumors. Therefore, it is strictly strictly forbidden to use drugs with this component.

As you can see, the use of bearish ear should be very careful and cautious.

However, if you do not abuse this tool and adhere to the recommended dosage and instructions, you can quickly cure many diseases and significantly improve your well-being.

Corovyan ordinary (Verbaskum, Bear Ear) is a two-year plant of the Norichnikov family, reaching up to three meters in height. Flowers on the second year of growth in July-August, with small yellow flowers, collected in inflorescences-spikes. Prefers sandy soils, occurs at roads, in the forests, on sandy soils. Also, the Korovyt is grown as a decorative plant in gardens and parks. There are several varieties of a cowboy: Breadless, silent, etc.

Blank Korovyaka

Flowers of a cowboy are usually used as medicinal raw materials. Less than B. folk medicine Use leaves and plant seeds. Collect flowers in the morning, after the dew dries. The colors of flowers must be separated from the cups - the cups are not needed. Dried collected flowers In a well-ventilated room or dryer at a temperature of 50 ° C. Store dried flowers in banks with dense covers for 2 years.

Composition and beneficial properties

The plant is rich in carotine, tanning substances, flavonoids, sugars, ascorbic acid and essential oil. Due to its composition, it has anti-inflammatory, painkillers, wound-healing, anticonvulsant and expectorant action. It is not by chance that the Korovyak is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • cold, cough;
  • bronchitis, cough, lung inflammation, tuberculosis;
  • runny nose;
  • asthma, shortness of breath;
  • inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines, hemorrhoids;
  • liver disease and spleen;
  • inflammation of the bladder, kidneys;
  • headache, nervous disorders, convulsions;
  • diseases of the joints, gout, rheumatism;
  • purulent wounds, burns, etc.

Recipes of traditional medicine with a cow

Broth leaf kovyataka:

  • 1 tbsp. dry leaves;
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Leaves grind the leaves, pour boiling water and boil about 1 minute. Leave the resulting decoction to it half an hour, and then strain through several layers of gauze. The finished tool is recommended to use 1 tablespoon three times a day.
The decoction of a cowboy helps with cystitis, it is used as a diuretic, and even with such a decoction makes a row to treat ulcers and rinse their hair to strengthen the hair onions.

Tincture cowboat for joints:

  • 100 g of fresh flowers;
  • 250 g of alcohol.

Pour the flowers with alcohol and leave it for 20-30 days, then strain. Slip with radiculitis and pain in the joints - arthritic, rheumatic, nervous.

Infusion (general recipe):

  • 1 tsp. dry flowers cowboat;
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Fill the raw boiling water, let it brew for 15 minutes and strain. Drink three such cups per day.
Infusion helps with gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, etc.) and respiratory disease diseases (bronchitis, laryngit, etc.).

Infusion Flowers cowboat from headache and cramp:

  • 1 tbsp. (without a slide) spoon of flowers;
  • 1 tbsp. hot water.

Pour the flowers with boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes and strain. Take 100 ml after eating three times a day.
With the throat, this infusion can rinse the throat.

Oil infusion cowboat for ears treatment:

  • 3 tbsp. Flowers cowboat;
  • 100 ml of olive oil.

Put flowers in a jar or a bottle, fill with oil and put a month on a window that is well lit by the sun. Shake the container with infusion daily. Ready tool: Store and store in the refrigerator. Oil infusion helps in the treatment of boils in the ear, inflammation and pain in the ears.
Ointment for the treatment of wounds:

  • 1 part of the seed cowboy;
  • 2 pieces of cream oil.

Grind seeds into powder and mix it with butter. Apply a mixture as ointment on purulent wounds.
Broth from purulent wounds (abscess):

  • 3-4 sheet cowboat;
  • 1 tbsp. milk.

Pour the leaves with milk, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, strain. Do with the resulting decoction of a row or compresses, imposing on wounds for 30 minutes.

Korovyat from hemorrhoid
For the treatment of hemorrhoids make seating baths from the beam of the roots of a cowboy. Also use parires from crushed flowers and leaves. Treatment with a cowboy helps to stop bleeding and remove inflammation from hemorrhoids.
The infusion from hemorrhoids is prepared in the same way as in the infusion of headaches, only to withstand it is necessary for half an hour. It is necessary to drink infusion with hot, you can add honey to it.


Medicines with a cowboat are contraindicated in individual intolerance.

Cowyat - the grass is useful and therapeutic, and with the look beautiful. This plant, thanks to bright flowers, can be a decoration of flower beds. Rod refers to the numerous Norichniki family (ScrophulariaCeae), which is known for its medicinal properties. This gene has about 280 species that are common throughout Eurasia, but their largest variety is located in the Mediterranean. Of all the species, the most famous and popular korovyan ordinary.


Cowbody - grass, which is easily distributed throughout the district due to the huge number of seeds, the wind. Plant is familiar, probably every person. Cowboys are annual, two-year or perennial.

The leaves are simple, assembled into the root rosettes. Buds, depending on the variety, are placed more or less tightly on a co-shaped inflorescence. Flowers in a cowboy have the appearance of a five-membered whisk, they are painted most often in yellowBut again, depending on the variety, they can be white and even red. In boxes ripens a lot of seeds. IN wildlife They are sized themselves, forming whole cleaners cowboy.

Korovyan ordinary

The most common is an ordinary korovyan. He is also called a bear ear. And this is only the beginning of a long list of different names of the same plants. In the nineteenth century, more than forty names of the cowboy were known. The most memorable is a beard of a hare, Adam Prut, an ice sheet. Due to the daridity, he was awarded for such names as velvet, unclear, flannel and many others.

This species in contrast to the rest has small flowers. Corobyan ordinary is why it is called small beds. In European reference books it is as a big korovyan, in North America - as an ordinary korovyan. Plant is very useful and, you can say, the famous. Perhaps this is exactly what is the cause of such a variety of titles.

Description Cowboat ordinary

Bear Ear - Plant Two-year-old, herbaceous. Stembed a cowboat is a reprehensive with the next major oblong leaves.

Flowers of light yellow color are assembled in a co-shaped inflorescence 1.6-1.8 cm high. Blooms in June, flowering continues whole summer until the end of August. In a natural environment, it is found on forest edges, breaks, glades, slopes of ravines and near reservoirs.

Growing on the site

Corobyan ordinary loves the sun and a well-permeable soil, so if they decided to "settle" at home on this doctor from nature, then pick up a suitable sunny place for it.

Seed seeds in three times: at the beginning of spring, in the summer and at the end of August. In any of the three options, the Korovyk will have time to form a rosette. If you put a plant at the end of summer, then the outlet will be small, but it is not a hindrance for normal further development.

The seeds of the cowboy are small, so it is necessary to sow them with a minimal sealing to the ground, the recommended depth is 1 cm. Preparing the seed material for landing is not necessary. So that the shoots rose rather, the garden must be water, especially in the summer and in the absence of rain.

For the first thirty days, shoots develop very slowly. Caring for them is to take timely removal of weeds and soil looser. It is necessary to ensure that the crust is not formed on the ground surface. If shoots are too thickened, then they should be broken, leaving on one meter of the row of 14-18 plants.

Best of all the place for a cowboy to determine near the fence, there it will be protected from the gusts of the wind.

Application and preparation of medicinal raw materials

Bear ear is considered decorative plantwhich looks great on the flower beds, lawns, in single or group landings. In addition, Korovyak is a wonderful honey. But it is most appreciated for the fact that he is a medicinal plant. In folk medicine, stalks, leaves, flowers and roots are widely used.

The collection of medicinal herbs is the right and useful. It is better to prepare for yourself and your family natural medicine. To properly assemble and dry a korlard, you need to be very neat. When collecting, drying and storing flowers, they can lose a golden color, purchasing a dirty brown color. But this is not the main trouble, it is more important that, together with a beautiful coloring flower, there are a lot of their healing properties.

To avoid this, it is necessary to collect raw materials late in the morning when the sun dry dew. At this time, you can easily separate the blossomed boutons from the stirs to them. If you want to prepare good medicinal raw materials, try not to take floral cups. Sew recommended in a ventilated room. Dried flowers are stored in well-closed tanks. It is necessary so that they do not again gain moisture from the air.

Tips on the workpiece Floweries Corovaka:

  • The workpiece is carried out throughout July-August.
  • It is unacceptable to collect for the workpiece faded and wet from rain or dew flowers.
  • Korovyan is considered dried when the whines become fragile, golden yellow color, with a gentle mucous-sweet taste and honey smell.

The leaves and stems are harvested in the same way throughout the summer, the roots are needed in autumn. In the role of doctors from nature, they also proven themselves a coward medicinal and umbrellas. You can not use a black and cockroachbird.

Medical properties

In ancient times, still in pagan RusOur ancestors used the healing properties of a cowboy. And today, this plant is successfully used by the healers of many countries for treating diseases. This plant has antiseptic, softening, enveloping, expectorant, anti-inflammatory actions. The infusion of flowerfish cowboy is recommended for cold cough, voices, inflammation of lungs, shortness of breath, bronchitis. With it, asthma and convulsions are stopped.

Recipes of traditional medicine

In folk medicine there are many recipes using a cowboat, with their help you can get rid of many diseases. Consider some of them.

  1. 5 g of raw materials pour with one glass of boiling water and leave it to be for 2-3 hours, then strain. Take infusion is recommended in warm form for half an hour before meals 3 times a day 1/3 cup
  2. One tablespoon of raw materials pour with one glass of boiling water. Leave to push for 20 minutes, then strain. Take one tablespoon 30 minutes before eating three times a day.
  3. One tablespoon of raw materials pour with one glass of 40% alcohol or vodka, leave to appear in dark place Within two weeks, then strain. The prepared tincture is used in radiculitis, rheumatism and diseases of the joints.
  4. Blooming shoots of a bearish ear mixed with a series, Air, Verba, sage, chamber and used for baths with rickets in children.
  5. Flower powder is used for wound healing and and on the nipples of a female breast. Pre-affected places are lubricated with carrot juice.
  6. Flower ointment Flowers cowboy use for and ulcers.
  7. Ointment of cowboat seed powder is prepared as follows. Mix 5 pieces of seed powder and 10 pieces of cream oil. It is used to treat ulcers and putrefactive wounds.
  8. You can make parires. 4 tablespoons of leaves or flowers pour boiling water and apply to problem placesAfter wrapped in gauze.
  9. Fresh leaves are applied to wounds, chirns and ulcers, and dry leaves, frozen in powder, sprinkle wounds.


Corovary ordinary is a very valuable medicinal plant. Each medicine has its own contraindications, but as for the bear ear, the contraindications for use are not detected. It is necessary only by taking infants from the cowboy, take into account personal intolerance and ensure that there is no allergic reaction.

  • Residents of the US West call a korovyan because of his darling " toilet paper Cowboy. "
  • Corobyan since ancient times is considered a magic plant.
  • According to beliefs, the witches were used a coward for the preparation of a witchcraft potion.

  • Some nations believe that the Corobyan medicinal will take the curses and distinguishes evil spirits.
  • Our distant ancestors, having dipped the stem cow in the resin, made a torch from him that burned for quite a long time. Translated from German Koenigskerze is the "Royal Candle".
  • Korovik served to paint the fabric, and sometimes even for hair color. Flowers of bearish ear gave bright yellow or green.

Corovyan ordinary - (Verbascum Thapsus L.) or skiper cowboy (V. Thapsiforme Schr.), Bear Ear - Two-year herbate plant From the Norichnikov family - Scrophu1ariaceae. It has a good developed reprehensive, simple or with a few branches of the stem from 30 to 150 cm height. The roasting leaves are petioles, products-elliptical, slightly rolled: the top on short stiffs or sedent, oblong-egg-shaped, pointed. Inflorescence in the form of a dense, narrow, accommodation belt. Flowers are small, white, with five petals, five stamens and lower bumps.

Fruit - spherical brownish odorous bunches. Plant blooms in June-August. All plant is covered with thick, yellowish or gray woolly felt of branched hairs. It grows on sandy soils and stony outcrops, cutting down of pine forests, on ravine and banks in the European part of the country, in the Caucasus, in Siberia.

The medicinal goal is used mainly by the veins of flowers. In folk medicine, in addition to flowers, leaves are used, stems (grass) and roots of a cowboy ordnogo, siketrovoid. Collect the whites during full bloom of plants with dry weather daily, since the blooming flowers are just one day, and then creep. Dreaming flowers should not be assembled. The collected whites are scattered with a thin layer in the air and thoroughly dried. The finished raw material should have a bright yellow color, touched flowers - no more than 3%, destroyed and unacceptable - not more than 4%, organic impurities - not more than 0.25%. Store raw materials in durable tin or glass jars in a warm place. The grass is collected in July-August, roots - late autumn. Dried and stored in a dry, warm place. It has been established that the kings of a cowboy contain up to 2.5% mucus, about 11% of sugars, as well as saponins, essential oil, gum, coloring substance Alfa-Crocetin, Kumarin, Betta Carotene, Vitamin C. From the roots and flowers of this plant, organic acid and flavonoids are isolated. Leaves contain: up to 13.1 mg% vitamin C.

Mullein - ancient medicinal plant. He called the felt like a hippocracy. Cowboy preparations have expectorant, humilly, enveloping and painkillers. In this regard, the infusion of flowers, less often leaves, is used as an expectorant with bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In folk medicine, the infusion of flowers is used in gastritis, gastroenteritis, liver diseases and spleen. For these purposes, it is prepared in the infusion of 5 pieces of flowers on a glass of boiling water, taken in a warm form 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 2-3 times a day. The same infusion is used externally as a smaller agent in the form of compresses and the surcharge with rheumatic arthritis. Flowers cowboy are part of the chest fees. Breast rates are popular, consisting of equal parts of a cowboy flowers, Malva and Althea flowers. One tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, filter and take 1/2 cup 3 times a day after meals.

Together with the grass, the black currant, chalf, sage, the leaves of the black currant, the pine bark, the bark of oak and the roots of the burdock. Flowers of a cowboy are used for baths when gold. Korovaka root has a diuretic property. Therefore, it is widely used in folk medicine at urolithiasis and gout. In these cases, usually apply decoction 1:20 From the dried korovak root of 125-225 ml per day: in the morning on an empty stomach and day between meals. Fresh leaves Etogo plants, welded in milk, are recommended to be applied externally as an indoor agent for burns, panaria. The drug is superimposed on the affected areas 1-2 times a day. Refractory tops of a cowboat, assembled at the beginning of the flowering of the plant, it is recommended to use as an painful, anticipatic agent for hypertension, atherosclerosis and inflammation of the respiratory organs. (N. G. Kovaleva, 1972).

According to the legend, the plant Corovyan ordinary defended the famous king of Ithaca - Odyssey - from the magician of the Circeda, which with the help of his eats turned people in pigs. Why he was attributed to the facing properties, it became clear after a detailed study of the composition and therapeutic properties of grass. Korovyak in our time is widely used in folk medicine and is especially famous for the ability to cure the diseases of the lungs, genital organs, skin diseases.

Plant Korovyak - Description

Corobyan ordinary (ear bear) - a plant grassy bible from the family of Norichniki family Korovyat. Plant stems are a reprehension, up to 30-180 cm high, covered with thick felt floors. The same out-and-looking Posh covered leaves - roasting and stems. The first are located on the cutters of 3-6 cm long, elongated, pointed, the second have smaller stiffs, short. The plant can be at all without stem leaves.

The inflorescence of the plant has a korovyat is an elbow thick, aqueous brush. Flowers are sitting with beams at the bottom of the brush 4-7 pieces in the beam, at the top of the brush - 1-4 in the beam. Flowers are bright, beautiful, look unusual, have yellow, white, pink, purple shade depending on the type of plant.

You can find a bearish ear on meadars, in bright forests - birchings, pine forests, in the glades, in the thickets of shrubs, on sand slopes, grazing. More often, the korovyan is growing singly, but sometimes there are small "islets". The plant is common worldwide, especially often discover it in Eastern Siberia, Altai, Caucasus, Europe, North America.

In folk medicine, more famous medical properties And contraindications of a cowboat of an ordinary, although there are other varieties of the plant with a similar composition and actions:

  • Corob Tepetropoid (Divorous)
  • Korovyan medicinal
  • Tsarsky Skiptere
  • Korovyan Olympic
  • Korovyan violet

Not allowed to take inside due to the presence of poisonous substances only flowers, the greens of the black and cowbank of the blizzard, which should be remembered when collecting medicinal raw materials.

The composition of the cowboat ordinary

For human health in a cowboy contains a lot of useful. The main group of biologically active substances that have the therapeutic effect - iridoids, subspecies of monoterpenes:

  • Catolipol.
  • Aukubin
  • Harpagid

Also healing action Provides phenolic compounds that include phenolcarboxylic acids and bioflavonoids - there are especially many in the flower of the plant. Therapeutic properties of the cow grass is also high, it includes many tannins, mucus, polysaccharides. Detected in medicinal raw materials from grass and roots and components such as:

  • Essential oils
  • Saponins
  • Gum
  • Beta carotine
  • Coumarin
  • Glucose

There are in plants and eleven essential fatty acids, especially many linoleic, linolenic acids. The number of trace elements in the flowers of the plant simply rolls, there are even the most rare - molybdenum, lithium, nickel, chrome, selenium, boron.

COROD: therapeutic properties and contraindications

The preparations based on cowboat perfectly help with any inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The mucus and other substances in the composition help relieve irritation, dilute and remove wets, help to pull it out. Also a korovyt is actively fighting with viruses, especially with herpes and

Bear ear reduces blood pressure, carries a vasodilator, useful in atherosclerosis. A plant and with a variety of neuralgias, epilepsy, arthrosis, radiculitis, Ishias, gout are used. In stress and nervous exhaustion, you can also be treated with this means.

For the health of the digestive system, a Corovary ordinary or its other types is used. He treats from:

  • Colith
  • Gastritis
  • Enteritis
  • Diarrhea
  • Poisoning

Do not forget about the bearish ear and those who have problems with the kidneys, urinary bubble. It is known external treatment with a cowboy from urnets, furunculov, burns, dermatitis ,. In any pharmacy you can find dried flowers or grass cowboy, as well as candles with it and plants extracts.

In the cowboy, therapeutic properties and contraindications are combined. It is impossible to use it during pregnancy, lactation, and intolerance, children under 3 years old. There is a small amount of lead in the cowboy, so allowing overdose, to be treated for longer than a month or to use it to people with oncopathologies.

Folk recipes with a cow

Folk healers advise to collect all parts of the plant for the preparation of therapeutic drugs - leaves, stems, flowers and even roots. It is advisable to take the specified parts separately from each other. With incorrect collection and drying, the raw materials acquires a dirty brown color, its properties are partially lost. In order to avoid such troubles, you need to collect raw materials in the morning closer to dinner when the sun completely dried the dew.

Dry a korovyan needed in a ventilated room without sunlight, stored in paper bags. The period of the billet of flowers - July, August, herbs and stems - all summer, roots - September, October.

From tracheitis

Corobyan ordinary in the amount of 2 g (ground part) brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Drink 100 ml three times a day. The course against the diseases of the trachea and bronchi - 14 days.

From the head of the heads

Pour 3 teaspoons of roots and grass cowboy, taken equally, 300 ml of boiling water, insist hour. Then bring the tool to boil, leave until complete cooling. Strain. Mooch in the scaffold folded threefold marla (cloth), attached to the patient the place for 20 minutes as an application. Repeat twice a day before the healing of ulcers. In the same way, you can treat the bending wounds.

From Farriagita

A tablespoon of flowers of the plant pour boiling water with a glass, insist the hour. Drink from acute, chronic pharyngitis three cups of such tea with honey. Acute pharyngitis is treated to recovery, chronic - 2 weeks.

From colitis

Infectious and spastic colitis is well treated with a plant of a korovyan assembly. For cooking you need to take 3 pieces of a cow grass, 1 pieces of other plants - linden flowers, Malva, hawthorn, seeds of the man, Fennel, the tops of the donel, rosemary herbs, dandelion roots and badyana, humbiars. 4 spoons of collecting cooking in a water bath for 5 minutes in a liter of boiling water, then give cool to the medium. Drinking it 200 ml three times a day for 20 days.

From anal crack

With the rear passage of the rear pass, the Corovik plant is useful for the manufacture of candles. It is necessary to connect 2 tablespoons of daisy flowers, cowboy flowers, flax grass. It is good to crush all the raw materials, connect with 100 g of butter cream, put on the bath. Cooking an hour, periodically stirring with a spatula. Remedy to remove from the bath, bite, leave on the table for the night.

Then he again warm the mass on the bath, dissolve 10 g of wax in it. Pour the mass in the saucer, let it be frozen, blind candles. Put on the night for 10 days. If there is no wax, you can use this mass as an ointment, applying it to the crack area before bedtime similar course.

From psoriasis

In this recipe, the therapeutic properties of the grass of a cowber - fresh raw materials are used. Kilograms of grass and flowers need to be kept on a slow fire for 5 minutes in 5 liters of water, insist to cool. Strain, pour into the bath. Take baths with psoriasis for 20 minutes daily until symptoms facilitate.

From radiculitis

A tablespoon of flowers and roots of a cowhouse in a mixture to pour vodka (100 ml), insist in the dark 14 days. Then strain, rub sick body zones overnight. You can apply regularly or as needed.

From Seborii

A tablespoon of grass to brew half liters of boiling water, leave overnight in the thermos. In the morning, wash your head, rinse with a lean infusion. Do not wash off, dry your hair naturally.

From dental pain

A tablespoon of flowers to cook on a bath in 300 ml boiling water for 5 minutes, let cool. Strain, add a teaspoon of salt into the decoction. Apply for rinsing of the mouth during dental pain.

From bronchitis

2 tablespoons of the Flowers of the Cowboy of the Common to bring to a boil in 400 ml of milk, cook on a slow heat for 3 minutes. Take the tool, leave another hour. To drink 200 ml twice a day, including night, with honey (on a tablespoon on a glass of beverage).

From cracks on nipples

Nursing women often have cracks on nipples. With such a problem, the therapeutic properties of the grass of a cowboy and its colors will help. It is necessary to grind raw materials in powder, mix with butter (spoon by 50 g). Lubricate nipples three times a day before healing. Before feeding the baby ointment thoroughly flush.