Medicinal plants. Healing action and application

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

linden leaves different varieties: 1 - Manchurian; 2 - large-leaved; 3 - Amur; 4 - Caucasian; 5 - small-leaved; 6 - European; 7 - heterogeneous; 8 - Linden Komarov.

At the height of summer, when all our trees have long faded, the linden finally blooms. For many, this is an event. Both in the forest and on the street, you can hear everywhere: "The linden has blossomed! The linden is blooming!" At this time, a beautiful and delicate aroma permeates the entire area. Linden inflorescence has 3-15 flowers, each of which consists of five petals and sepals with nectaries and many stamens. The flowers are not bright, not lush, but when the tree is in full bloom, the branches bend under their weight. The crown becomes pale golden, as if doused all over with nectar and sprinkled with full honey.

In many regions of Russia, mainly heart-shaped or small-leaved linden grows, reaching a height of 25-30 m, with a wide spreading crown. Sometimes it forms pure lime forests, but is more often found together with oak, maple, ash and other tree species.

In the first years, the linden grows slowly and only by the age of 10 reaches a height of 2-2.5 m. In dense plantations, it begins to bloom at 20-25 years, and in open areas - at 10-15.

Linden is our best, most important honey plant. One hectare of a middle-aged linden forest (50-70 years) in a favorable year during flowering (12-14 days) releases about one ton of nectar. Linden honey is fragrant, useful, has medicinal properties and therefore highly valued.

However, in last years for various reasons, linden does not produce abundant nectar every year. Therefore, about 20 years ago, we, teachers and students of the Chuvash Agricultural Institute, decided to extend the duration of linden flowering by planting different varieties. After all, even in the vastness of Russia, in addition to the small-leaved Taketa linden, large-leaved varieties grow - European, Caucasian, Amur, Manchurian, Siberian and others. There are about 50 of them all over the world, and they bloom and bear fruit in different time. Then we planted 62 lindens of different species, of which 40 are still growing. Some have already begun to bloom. Large-leaved linden blooms 5-8 days earlier than a resident middle lane, and the Manchurian and Amur bloom the same number of days later than the small-leaved. Simultaneous cultivation of lindens in one place can extend the duration of flowering of this tree. Twenty years of experience has confirmed the loyalty of our theoretical developments. The total duration of flowering increased from 12-14 to 26-28 days. Every year we get fragrant linden honey, regardless of the weather, because for some kind of linden, it is always the given air temperature that is optimal for nectar production.

In the old days, linden was planted in cities, villages, along roads, valued for its lush flowering, beauty, aroma, unpretentiousness and frost resistance. Now they are planting even more: it turned out that this tree can put up with the gas content of urban air, and thanks to the huge surface of the leaves, it absorbs a lot of dust and carbon dioxide, thereby purifying the air environment. At the same time, the tree releases tens of kilograms of oxygen necessary for all living things. The useful properties of linden will increase even more if trees of different types are planted on the streets and in parks, differing in the duration of the growing season. For example, the Manchurian and Amur lindens remain almost green and do not lose their air-purifying ability until the third decade of October, while the local ones shed their leaves as early as the end of September.

Forest dominates the entire area the globe. Numerous trees give coolness on a hot day. Very common in Russia is linden - a tree that has long been considered medicinal.

Let's go back a bit to history...

The origin of this miracle has its roots in Western Europe. The Slavic peoples believed that the linden is the tree of the goddess Lada, a symbol of beauty and love. Near such a plant it was often possible to meet girls leading round dances, singing songs or having fun. It was believed that the one who burns the linden will take a big sin on his soul. Many writers wrote poems and ballads about this great tree. The image of a linden tree adorns the coat of arms of the very old city of Liepaja.

Linden is a tree that lives up to 300-400 years. But it also happens that the age of the linden reaches even 1100 years. In city parks and gardens, it lives up to only 100 years. Linden (the height of the tree reaches about 40-70 meters) bends its thin branches low to the ground itself. On a hot summer day, the air in the forest is usually filled with a honey aroma, which means that the linden has begun to bloom. Many people ask the question "What does a linden look like?" A tree, a photo of this plant is easy to find, very reminiscent of a slender Russian beauty, a thin, even trunk is crowned with a fluffy spread throughout the Earth.

Linden is a healing tree, and they say so for a reason! After all, in fact, for extremely useful decoctions, you can use leaves or bark. Linden is valued even in modern medicine, where extracts for medicines are obtained from it. And, of course, at home they often use everything beneficial features wonder tree. Why is linden so useful?

In medicine, linden leaves are used as an excellent remedy that compensates for the lack of calcium, potassium, sulfur, nitrogen in the body, but it is important to properly prepare them so as not to cause harm. It contains a small amount of ascorbic acid, carotene, so a useful decoction is prepared from them. It is great for relieving cramps, pain, inflammation, or rashes. Medicines based on lime blossom are valuable for their antibacterial action, they help to treat diseases such as rheumatism, colds, neurological diseases, stress. also consist in relieving inflammation in angina, bronchitis, eliminating headaches, fainting, fever, pain in the stomach and intestines. Linden is used even for tuberculosis. You can use a decoction for rinsing the mouth. The broth should be infused for about an hour, then pass it through cheesecloth. Use it in a small amount, you can take a tablespoon three times a day. It is essential that this medicine is always kept warm, otherwise the effect will be lost.

Linden is also very popular in the manufacture of bast shoes. It is her bark that is the softest and most flexible, it is easy to work with, and lime bast shoes will be extremely durable and wearable.

In this article, we looked at what a linden is. The tree is widely used in medicine, and the value and taste of linden honey does not need to be described.

Linden is the main honey plant of the middle zone: this truly unique plant is called the recognized queen, Aphrodite of the forest nectar bribe.

“Let them change all the spring bribes (willows, gardens, etc.), it’s not scary if even the meadows give little: the linden will bloom and cover all sins”, - wrote A.S. Butkevich, the author of numerous publications on beekeeping, a successful practitioner who kept a large productive apiary in the Tula province.

As a honey plant, it really has no equal in the domestic flora, it gives the most valuable, fragrant honey. Better honey yields on fertile and permeable soil in an open location.

Linden heart-shaped or Linden small-leaved(Linden genus of the Malvaceae family) is a deciduous tree 20-38 m tall, widespread in Europe and Western Asia, with a tent-shaped crown.
The bark is dark, furrowed on older trees.
The leaves are alternate, heart-shaped, long-petiolate, serrated, with a drawn pointed apex, green above, bluish below.
The flowers are regular with numerous stamens, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, yellowish-white, fragrant, collected 3-11 pieces in corymbose inflorescences with a yellowish-green stipules. The color of pollen is light yellow-green.

Blooms from early July 10-15 days. The nectar-bearing tissue, located on the inside of the bases of the sepals, releases 5-10 mg of nectar.

The fruit is a spherical, pubescent, thin-walled, one- or two-seeded nutlet. The fruits ripen in August-September.

Large-leaved linden - deciduous tree genus Linden of the Malvaceae family. Large-leaved linden naturally grows in the forests of the western part of Ukraine, in Moldova, in the Caucasus, in Western, Central and Southern Europe. In Central Russia and Belarus, it is bred in gardens and parks.
Tree up to 40 m tall, with a dense, broad-pyramidal crown, with reddish-brown, fluffy, rarely bare young shoots.

Buds are reddish-brown, glabrous.
Leaves up to 14 cm, rounded ovate, dark green above, glabrous, paler below, with tufts of light hairs in the corners of the veins, petioles 2-6 cm long. The leaves bloom two weeks later than the small-leaved linden.
The flowers are yellowish-cream, larger than those of small-leaved linden, but there are fewer of them (2-5) in the inflorescence, it blooms two weeks earlier than small-leaved linden, in early June. In one flower of large-leaved linden, 11.54 mg of nectar is released.

Honey productivity is 800-900 kg/ha, up to 90-100 kg of pollen can be collected per hectare of linden.

In order for the bees to be able to collect nectar from linden flowers, certain weather: warm and important weather. It is then that the secretion of a sweet liquid occurs.
The use of large-leaved linden is promising for beekeeping, not only in terms of increasing nectar reserves, but also increasing the duration of the flow.

Honey productivity linden plantations reaches 800-1000 kg/ha. During flowering in places of its mass growth, bee colonies collect up to 10-14 kg of honey per day. Linden honey has long been considered the best in terms of taste and healing qualities.

The set of gifts offered by linden to a person is quite impressive:
Fresh air, filled with an unusual honey aroma during flowering,
- improved soil
- fine construction wood,
- excellent ornamental wood, suitable for the manufacture of household utensils and souvenir crafts,
– a unique bast for various crafts,
- obedient and useful bast,
– healing linden blossom (flowers and bracts) is used in medicine, in the perfume industry, in the production of cognacs and liqueurs, and also as a tea substitute,
- as a honey plant, linden has no equal in the domestic flora,
- the most valuable, fragrant honey,
- young leaves and blossoming buds are eaten in spring, salads are prepared from them, pickled.
Finally, the beauty of the tree itself.

In addition, the linden feels confident in artificially created windbreaks - it does not care about rain, drought, or winds.

Linden is a beautiful park tree, which has long been used for arranging alleys and groves, and over the past century it has also gained leadership in the landscaping of our cities. Lipa was one of the few woody plants, which are able to tolerate urban noise and smog, as well as artificial night lighting harmful to plants.

By its nature, linden is a long-lived tree. On European territory average term her life is about 400-600 years. In wild forests, individual specimens live up to 1100-1200 years!

Under natural conditions, the linden, pushing aside other species, develops new lands along the floodplains, gradually moving north: its natural plantings have already appeared in the Arkhangelsk region and even in the forests of Norway and Finland.

In areas favorable for its growth, linden feels great in a variety of species communities, coexisting with both long-lived oak and intolerant to many types of conifers. At any opportunity, she does not give up leadership and can create continuous arrays on hundreds and thousands of hectares. The share of linden in mixed forests can reach more than 60%.

Linden - the main honey plant of the middle zone - strongly pressed by man in European territories, it holds its positions on millions of hectares of land in the Volga region, some regions of Siberia and the Far Eastern Primorye. The well-known scientist-geographer of the XIX century N. I. Rychkov, describing his impressions of visiting Bashkiria, noted that “... there are many such farms in Bashkiria that one Bashkir has thousands of two or more boards, from which they receive noble incomes". One can only envy the beekeepers of the 19th century ...

Linden is a tree of health and happiness, known to all for its healing properties. This is a large deciduous tree, the height of which can reach 30 meters. The ancient Slavs considered it sacred; linden for them was a source of energy: strong and soft.

Linden is a tree that can take away negativity, get rid of a depressed state and depression, fill it with vitality, give a feeling of peace, tranquility and inner warmth.

Epoch tree: linden

Having a spherical wide crown and a straight trunk, the size of which is about 5 meters in diameter, linden is a long-lived tree that can grow in one place for about 600 years. Inhabited on the planet since ancient times, linden has survived such climatic extremes as the ice age and global warming, and has witnessed significant historical events. Under her crown took place romantic dates young people of more than one generation; in Paris, 200 years ago, more than one thousand of these young trees were planted in honor of the victory of the Great french revolution, since which the linden has become a symbol of happiness and freedom.

Linden is a beautiful tree reaching its full development at the age of 20-40 years. Thanks to a powerful root system that penetrates deep into the ground, it is not afraid of even the most gusty winds. Unpretentious to soils, it easily tolerates drought, but is intolerant of the presence of groundwater. In sunny places it will delight with active growth and a lush crown, although it is calm in the shade. True, in places where there is a lack of sunlight, the linden grows stunted and looks more like a fluffy shrub.

Linden tree: description

Among the abundance of trees growing around, I want to correctly determine which of them is linden. By what signs can it be distinguished among all the green brethren; what does linden look like? The tree is characterized by gray fissured bark, it can be single-stemmed and multi-stemmed, it always grows upright. Young shoots are light brown and pubescent, adult branches are bare and dark. The kidneys (pubescent at first, then naked) are oval; their size is 45 mm. The leaf of the linden tree is densely pubescent with bristle-like hairs, dark green above, with reverse side light. The shape is heart-shaped, with serrated edges, pointed towards the top. Young leaves grow in tandem with stipules, which eventually fall off.

Umbrella inflorescences, abundantly covering the tree during the flowering period, are formed from 3-5 fragrant flowers: yellowish, somewhat pubescent, having the correct shape. During the flowering period of linden, which falls in June and lasts about 2 weeks, the air is filled with a pleasant strong aroma. Linden (tree) fades faster than the due date if the weather is very hot, dry. The fruits of the tree (elongated and rounded) are small nuts with a dense shell, inside which the seed is contained. Linden fruiting occurs in August-September.

Linden harmoniously looks in hedges, green tunnels, alleys; attractive tree and single landings. Easily tolerates a shaping haircut, does not get sick and does not act up after it, for which it is especially appreciated by gardeners. In the linden family, there are about 30 varieties that differ in crown shapes (pyramidal, oval, round).

The most common types of linden

Manchurian linden tree species. It is characterized by decorativeness, 20-meter height and often occurring multi-stem. The tree is frost-resistant. Most common in Primorye and the Amur region.

Caucasian linden. Characteristics of the tree: rounded spreading crown, huge height (up to 40 meters), very decorative young shoots of purple-brown color. Received its distribution in the Caucasus and in the north-eastern part of Asia.

Silver. Its second name, more commonly used, is felt linden. The height of the tree is 30 meters. The crown is broad pyramidal. The name is associated with the special structure of the leaves, which are slightly pubescent on one side, and on the other have a whitish coating similar to felt. Most common in the central regions of Russia.

Linden propagation: ways

Linden propagation, for which the soil composition of 1 part of soddy land and 2 parts of humus with sand is ideal, can be done by seeds, seedlings, stem layers and shoots.

The linden propagates with stem layering as follows: the lower branches of the tree must be bent to the ground, lowered into previously dug shallow trenches and buried. After a year or two, the branches will take root, after which they can be separated from the mother branch and planted on permanent place growth. Linden is propagated by layering in the spring, before buds appear.

Reproduction of linden seeds

Linden seed propagation is a rather lengthy process that can stretch for more than one year. The first action in such a responsible matter will be keeping the seeds of the tree in the cold, the so-called stratification process. To do this, they need to be placed in a container with sawdust or wet sand (in a ratio of 1 to 3), which should be placed in a dark, cold place for 5-6 months, not forgetting to periodically moisten. You can use a peat-soil mixture in a ratio of 1 to 1, while deepening the seeds by 2-3 cm.

In the spring, seeds that have undergone stratification are sown in open ground; the strongest of them will sprout. Under natural conditions, this will take one year. After some time, young plants can be planted in a permanent place, providing proper care and protecting against the cold winter season. Linden seedlings can be grown indoors; this will not affect the usefulness and quality of seedlings.

Reproduction of linden by root layers

The linden tree, the photo and description of which cause sincere sympathy for such a representative flora, propagated by root cuttings. This is the easiest way, because the seedlings, which are also abundant shoots, in this case are given by the linden itself. Such sprouts, the survival rate of which is quite high, can be safely separated from the mother root and planted in a permanent place of growth. They calmly tolerate slight damage to the root system, but care should be taken when planting.

Linden planting: features

At the bottom of the landing pit, the depth and width of which are about 50 cm, should be laid with a 10-15 cm layer good drainage(broken brick, pebbles, crushed stone), top with a mixture of humus and superphosphate (50-60 grams for each hole). Then you need to place in landing pit seedling; moreover, the root collar must be placed at the same level with the surface of the earth. In group plantings between trees, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 3-4 meters. When acquiring young trees, attention should be paid to the condition of the root system (it must have a strong and healthy appearance), the correctness of the crown and the absence of traces of disease or damage.

Linden care features

After planting, the young tree should be plentifully watered and fed for 2 years (three times per season) with nitrogen fertilizers. It can be an infusion of mullein, diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 with water.

You can start cultivating linden the next year after planting. In the first haircut, carried out before bud break, it is not recommended to shorten the crown by more than a third of the total length of the branches.

Young linden seedlings need regular watering; mature trees can make do with natural rainfall and should only be watered during very dry periods. For 1 square meter of lime crown, the water consumption is 20 liters. Loosening of near-stem circles is carried out 2-3 times per season, with simultaneous removal of weeds. In winter, you can mulch with a layer of 10-12 centimeters with peat, fallen leaves, wood chips or sawdust.

tree healer

The linden tree, the photo and description of which clearly confirms its value to humans, has healing properties. It has long been a life-saving tree, helping a person get rid of many diseases; moreover, the healing function is performed by all its parts: bark, branches, flowers, leaves. ethnoscience has been using the healing abilities of linden since ancient times.

Linden charcoal, obtained from branches and wood, was used by the Slavs to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, dysentery, and to heal wounds. Burns were treated with a boiled mass of linden bark, and a decoction fresh leaves and kidney was used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Infused linden flowers are still considered an excellent diaphoretic and are used for colds, fainting, and for rinsing the mouth with inflammation of the throat and gums. Linden nuts were used to stop internal bleeding, and the powder from the crushed dry leaves of the tree was used to stop nosebleeds.

Linden tea, characterized by a sweetish taste and pleasant aroma, treat colds. Also, this drink has a diuretic effect, cures cystitis, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, hypertension. Contraindications include an additional burden on the heart, so when drinking linden tea, you should always remember that this is just health drink, which should not replace regular tea. Linden flowers are used for lotions and compresses; with excessive emotionality and nervous disorders baths on linden decoctions are recommended, the feature of which is a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Linden infusion helps to reduce the fat content of the skin of the face with its regular use.

Collection of lime raw materials

The collection of linden flowers is carried out during their flowering period, when most of them have already blossomed, and lasts about 2 weeks. Inflorescences damaged by diseases and pests are not collected.

The resulting raw material, laid out in an even 4-5 cm layer, needs to be dried in a well-ventilated area or in the attic. In dry warm weather, the flowers will be ready for further use after 5 days. The fact that drying should be stopped can be understood by the fragility of the peduncles. Dried flowers, which have a shelf life of 2 years, have a pleasant faint aroma and a sweetish astringent taste.

Collection of kidneys is made in the spring, in dry weather; bark harvesting is also carried out in the spring (before flowering) or at the end of autumn. It is dried, ground to a powder and brewed like a tea. The shelf life of such raw materials is 3 years.

Linden tree: diseases and pests

Linden, like any plant, has its pests; these are bark beetle, lumberjack, soldier bug, golden tail, leafworm, yellow-throated mouse, gypsy moth, silver hole. Diseases of the linden tree are white rot, seed mold, leaf spot.

Family: mallow, or linden (Tiliaceae).


In nature, linden grows in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere; plants are widely distributed in the zone of broad-leaved and mixed forests in the territory North America, Europe, Asia. The genus "Linden" has about 40 species.

Form: deciduous tree.


Lindens are large deciduous trees from 20 to 40 m high, which are widely used in modern green building. All types of lindens have a beautiful, dense, easily moldable crown (linden crown diameter - from 2 to 5 m). Linden leaves are simple, alternate, heart-shaped, sharp-toothed along the edge and pointed. Apart from their decorative qualities lindens are valued for their abundant, fragrant, yellow flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences; linden fruits are single-seeded nuts. Linden blossom usually occurs in July. Linden flowers have a number of healing properties. root system linden is powerful, deep. Plants are durable and resistant. In addition, linden is a honey plant; linden honey is considered one of the best. Plants are remarkable in that they belong to soil-improving rocks - linden leaves, containing a large amount of calcium, after falling, saturate the soil with nutrients.

Linden small-leaved , or Linden heart-shaped (T. cordata). Tree 20 to 30 m tall and 10 to 15 m wide. The crown of small-leaved linden is initially conical, later ovoid. The main branches of the plant grow diagonally or vertically, side shoots bend and hang down in the lower part of the crown. The leaves are heart-shaped, dark green above, sometimes shiny, bluish on the back. In autumn, the leaves of the heart-shaped linden take on a beautiful light yellow color.

Linden Japanese (T. japonica). Tree up to 20 m tall. Japanese linden is different abundant flowering, later than in other types of linden. The plant is best planted on the south side of the site.

(T. platyphyllos). Tree 30 to 35 m tall and 15 to 20 m wide. The crown of large-leaved linden is initially conical or broadly ovate, later rounded. The main branches are vertical, the side shoots are horizontal. The leaves of the large-leaved linden bloom two weeks later than those of the small-leaved linden, but it begins to bloom two weeks earlier. The flowers are yellowish-cream, collected in inflorescences of 2-5 pcs.

Amur linden (T. amurensis). A slender tree from 25 to 30 m tall with an oval compact dense crown. The bark of young plants is smooth, brownish-red, in adults it is dark gray, with longitudinal cracks. The leaves are heart-shaped, sharp-toothed, up to 7 cm long. The flowers are pale cream or yellowish, collected in inflorescences of 5-15 pieces, have a strong aroma.

Linden ordinary (T. vulgaris). Natural hybrid of small-leaved linden and large-leaved linden. Common linden is a slender tree up to 40 m tall with a wide pyramidal crown. Blooms in July.

Linden Manchurian (T. mandshurica). Very beautiful and rich Blooming tree up to 20 m high. Crown of the correct form. Very similar to the Amur linden, but differs more large leaves and flowers.

Linden American , or linden black (T. americana). A tree up to 40 m tall with a broadly ovoid crown and dark, almost black bark. The bark of the American linden is almost black. The leaves are broadly oval, up to 20 cm long, heart-shaped at the base, serrated. The flowers are large (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), collected in inflorescences of 6-15 pcs. Black linden inflorescences drooping. It grows relatively slowly. Warm look.

(T. caucasica). Tree up to 40 m tall with a rounded or broadly ovate crown. Young shoots of Caucasian linden are purple-red. The leaves are large (up to 14 cm long), broadly oval. The upper side of the leaves is dark green, the back side is bluish, with tufts of whitish hairs near the veins. Inflorescences drooping with light yellow flowers. Flowering is plentiful.

Linden European (T. europaea). Tree from 25 to 40 m tall and 10 to 15 m wide with a broadly ovoid crown. The leaves are rounded ovate with a heart-shaped base. Blooms within 10-17 days. European linden is growing rapidly.

Linden Siberian (T. sibirica). Tree up to 25 m tall. The growth rate of Siberian linden is average.

Linden felt , or silver linden (T. tomentosa). A slender tree up to 30 m tall, with silvery foliage and a regular, broad-pyramidal or oval crown. Home distinctive feature felted linden leaves are: rounded, up to 12 cm long, dark green above, slightly fluffy at the beginning of development, whitish-felt on the underside, on felt-pubescent petioles. In bright sunlight, the edges of the sheet curl up, showing a silvery, underside.

Growing conditions

The linden tree is one of the most shade-tolerant, so plants can be planted in shady areas of the garden. Lindens prefer fertile, well-drained substrates; as a rule, they do not tolerate salinity and develop better on soils with a lime content (from to). The linden root system is sensitive to compaction. In general, growing linden does not cause much trouble, as the plants are frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, and quickly adapt.


Linden will always look spectacular on suburban area. Lindens are used in, group, mixed, alley plantings, to create hedges (best suited for creating small-leaved linden or heart-shaped linden). Different types lindens go well with many plants, they look beautiful with such deciduous trees as oak, beech, skumpia and others.


Linden is a plant that does not require special care. Trees can suffer from drought, so when it's hot dry summer they need to be watered. During the first two years after planting, linden seedlings are recommended to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers.


Linden reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively (,). For planting in hedges, linden is best propagated by layering. Planting linden in hedges can be line, wavy, staggered.

You can buy linden seedlings and linden seeds at. Linden seedlings can also be ordered online.

Diseases and pests

Linden is a resistant plant; rarely attacked by diseases and pests. Linden diseases can be caused by unfavorable growing conditions.

Popular varieties

Varieties of small-leaved linden

    'Erecta'. Tree medium size 15 to 18 m high and 5 to 10 m wide. The crown of small-leaved linden ‘Erecta’ is initially wide-columnar, gradually becoming ovoid. Branches grow diagonally or vertically. The ‘Erecta’ variety is smaller and narrower than the species form of the plant. Linden ‘Erecta’ leaves are bluish below.

    ‘Greenspire’. Fast growing tree of medium size up to 15-18 m tall and 6 to 12 m wide. The crown is dense, compact, conical, later becomes broadly ovoid. Linden ‘Greenspire’ leaves are small, round-ovate, shiny, bluish below.

    'Rancho'. Slow growing tree 9 to 12 m tall and 4 to 6 m wide. The crown is initially narrowly ovoid, later conical, symmetrical, compact. The branches of the 'Rancho' linden grow vertically. Linden ‘Rancho’ leaves are small, round-ovate, shiny.

Variety of linden felted or silvery‘Brabant’. Tree up to 20-25 m tall and 12 to 15 m wide with vertically growing branches. The crown of linden ‘Brabant’ is initially compact and cone-shaped, later becoming wider.

European linden variety ‘Pallida’. Powerful fast-growing tree up to 30-40 m tall and 10 to 15 m wide with a conical crown. The branches of 'Pallida' linden grow diagonally upwards, the lateral shoots are horizontal or vertically growing. In autumn the shoots turn red. Linden ‘Pallida’ leaves are large, bloom early and stay on the plant for a long time.

Large-leaved linden variety ‘Rubra’. A very graceful tree up to 30-40 m tall and up to 20 m wide with a broad conical or ovoid crown. In winter, the shoots of linden ‘Rubra’ turn coral red.