Who lays the larvae under the skin. Gadflies are a human skin gadfly (Latin Dermatobia hominis). Ocular myiasis: symptoms, treatment

The gadfly is a fly-like insect. He has a short mustache and large expressive eyes that shimmer in the sun. different colors... The length of the body of the gadfly reaches twenty millimeters. The body is covered with villi - short, hard, thick and often brightly colored. The insect's head has the shape of a hemisphere. Well developed. The wings are light, transparent, dotted with small veins and wrinkles - just like a fly. The hind legs are slightly longer than the forelegs.

The gadfly insect, whose description is so similar to that of a common fly, is nevertheless very different from this annoying human neighbor. And the size of the body, and the amount of harm caused.

Life cycle of a gadfly

The gadfly is an insect with a closed chain of transformations. V full cycle of its development (with rare exceptions), it goes from the egg to the adult state (imago), overcoming the forms between them first of the larva, then the pupa. It takes about a year for a gadfly to do everything about everything.

At the first stage of the life cycle, the female insect lays eggs. Ideally - on the body (or inside the body) of the animal; in extreme cases - somewhere in the grass (so that the animal can swallow them with food).

Once in favorable conditions, the eggs become larvae, which calmly ripen in the heat until the right moment, and then fall out of the animal's body along with the feces or go out through the skin.

After some time, the larva turns into a pupa, and that, in turn, into an adult.

An interesting point: a mature insect does not need food! It has enough reserves accumulated by the larva during its "residence" in the body of the animal, then - in the "hypostasis" of the pupa. True, an adult does not live long - only three to four days. Its main task is to have time to give offspring, and on this the "mission" is considered completed.

This is the "meaning of life" has a gadfly - an insect, a photo of which can be viewed in this article.


Depending on which part of the body their larvae live in, gadflies are divided into species. Below are the most common ones.

The gadfly is an insect that is quite common in Russia. About six species of this animal tormentor live on its territory.

Where and when to expect a meeting with a gadfly?

The duration of the period of activity of gadflies depends on the climatic zone to which this or that area belongs. The longer the summer, the longer this period. In Russia, it takes about three months - from June to August. When the gadfly insect disappears, it's time to prepare for the cold.

The gadfly is most active in dry, hot weather. In the open sun, he turns into a real monster, but does not like cloudy moisture.

The habitual habitat of the gadfly is the shores of natural reservoirs, as well as forest and steppe. Often, these insects take a fancy to certain areas where a large number of females accumulate. Males, of course, also come here. Typically, such areas are places of constant walking of livestock or swampy areas. A person should stay away from them.

Gadfly harm

The greatest danger of the gadfly is, of course, to livestock. Once in the body of an animal, insect eggs very soon turn into voracious larvae, which simply eat up their "home" from the inside.

They absorb nutrients in exorbitant quantities, storing them for future use, cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and sometimes the death of the animal. In addition, growing up and striving to "exit", the larvae of some species of gadflies gnaw holes in the skin. Thus, causing pain and making the hide of livestock unusable on the farm.

Scientists have long proven that cows that are constantly attacked by gadflies produce significantly less milk than their more fortunate "companions". Annoying insects irritate animals, cause them tension and do not allow them to eat normally - hence the low milk yield.

And gadfly bites can harm not only cows, but also humans.

Symptoms and consequences of a gadfly bite

When going to nature on a hot summer day, you should remember that a dangerous gadfly may be waiting there. The insect produces a human bite not so imperceptibly.

Usually, "planning" to make an attack and approaching the intended victim, this fly buzzes very loudly and disgustingly. So, in principle, there is a chance to brush it off. But if the bite did occur, the following symptoms indicate it:

  • a bright red spot on the skin with a diameter of one millimeter or slightly more;
  • severe burning, itching at and around the bite site;
  • blood that cannot be stopped for a long time;
  • large swelling that forms some time after the bite (especially often on the face in the eye area);
  • deterioration of health, symptoms of intoxication in the case of multiple bites (it happens that gadflies attack in a group).

Often, after a bite, a person develops an allergy or dermatitis. And even more often, the edema grows to a huge size and does not go away for several days. To prevent this from happening, you need to take appropriate measures immediately after an unsuccessful contact with an insect.

First aid for a gadfly bite

If all the symptoms of a gadfly bite are present, the following algorithm of actions is recommended:

  • rinse the affected area thoroughly with water (you can use soap);
  • to remove dirt, you need to drop a little hydrogen peroxide into the bite site or lubricate the area with brilliant green;
  • pain relievers can be taken if the bite is painful;
  • with absence medicines it is allowed to use natural "helpers", for example, juice squeezed out of a chamomile stem, effectively relieves pain and acts as an antiseptic;
  • if the bite site begins to swell, it is advisable to take antihistamines preventing the spread of infection;
  • the bite site must be observed for at least a day;
  • it will not be superfluous to go to the doctor, because gadflies often become carriers dangerous infections, so it's better to play it safe.

How to avoid meeting a gadfly and how to defeat him

Nothing is impossible in this world, and you can meet a gadfly even in the urban "jungle". But the risk increases tenfold for those who travel to nature. Experienced travelers know what an insidious gadfly (insect) is. They also know how to deal with it and protect themselves at least to a minimum. Here's what every tourist should take care of:

  • about tents equipped with mosquito nets;
  • about clothes of a neutral color - gadflies adore bright colors;
  • about wormwood, tansy, yarrow, which can be carried with you and laid out around the tent;
  • about chamomile, the twigs of which can be thrown into the fire - such scented smoke will scare away gadflies.

And it is very important to remember: the gadfly is an insect (the photo of which can be seen in this article) is quite dangerous! Preventive measures should not be neglected. And if you already happened to become a victim of the aggressor, then you should treat the bite very carefully. You never know what ?! In this case, the old Russian proverb will come in handy: "God protects the beloved."

The human gadfly is a large fly about 12-18 mm long. It has a yellow head with large black eyes, a blue abdomen with a metallic sheen, orange paws, and transparent wings. Each segment of the body is covered with hairs, which makes the insect look like a bumblebee. The oral apparatus is reduced. Adult insect does not feed using the nutrients accumulated by the larva.

The insect lives from 3 days to 3 weeks. By the end of life, it loses about a third of the mass of its body. In unfavorable weather, it seems to freeze, being on plants and grass. Moreover, all life cycles in the body, the gadfly slows down. In favorable weather, the insect comes to life in short time finds a mate for fertilization.

When traveling to South and Central America, you must use repellents, protective clothing. In case of a bite, you need to treat the affected place with disinfectant and observe the wound. If the above symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

The larva found under the skin can be expelled by blocking its access to oxygen, for example, by sealing the place of its location with adhesive tape. Having begun to suffocate, the larva appears above the surface of the skin. At this point, it can be taken with tweezers and removed from the capsule. After removing the larva, the wound is treated with antiseptics. It is advisable to take a desensitizing (antiallergic) drug.


    Several years ago I was bitten by gadflies in nature, there were 5 bites on my neck and back. Then I still did not know what consequences this is fraught with, I thought that it was just bites that would quickly pass, since I did not know that gadflies can lay larvae under the skin. At first, there were just reddish swellings at the site of the bites, like pimples, but then they began to fester. I went to a dermatologist, thinking that it was an allergy or just acne, but the doctor made the diagnosis correctly and in the end there were no complications.

The first type is dangerous for both humans and animals. With late treatment, disastrous consequences are possible.

The second type is typical for He, of course, is not dangerous, like the first species, but still, if this happens, boils are formed on the body of a person or animal. In addition, there appear severe pain... After that, pus may be released.

The cavity type is found most often in goats. The larvae are located first in the nostril, and then enter the respiratory tract.

The adult gadfly larva is a fly. Its size is about 2 cm. It is somewhat similar to a bumblebee.

But in order to distinguish it from this insect, there are a number of signs:

  • big head;
  • large eyes;
  • blue abdomen;
  • orange paws;
  • transparent wings.

Within half a minute after leaving, an adult gadfly can fly. The female produces about 600 eggs. But, fortunately, only 1/6 of them survive.

There are about 7 species of larvae on the territory of our country. They mainly live in the body of a large cattle... There are cases when in Russia gadfly larvae were found in the human body. Their favorite place, where they prefer to be, is their eyes or skin.

The gadfly larva in a person can be anywhere. For example, it can be found on the arm, and on the chest, and on the leg, and even on the head. But their most favorite habitats are the armpits and back. It also happens that the gadfly larva in the body is in the nose or eye.

After that, the person's condition begins to deteriorate sharply. Nausea or vomiting, weakness and dizziness, muscle pain are the main symptoms of the gadfly larva entering the body. In the area where there is inflammation, the patient may feel how something is moving.

The penetration of larvae into the vitreous humor of the eyeball is very dangerous. Then a person can lose sight altogether.

  • headache;
  • deterioration of smell;
  • swelling of the nose;
  • painful sensations at the location of the larva.

Surprisingly, these harmful microorganisms can crawl out through the nostril.

How is the diagnosis made?

The main way is to take a blood test. It determines the amount of antibodies. The patient is also asked a number of questions. For example, they ask if he was in places where the disease is common. In addition to all this, the specialist conducts a visual examination. With this method, an inflamed purulent abscess can be detected. It has an opening through which air flows. The doctor examines the place with special device, namely a magnifying glass.

If you are sure that there are gadfly larvae in the body, then you should not contact a therapist, but immediately contact an infectious disease specialist.

How is the treatment for larval infestation carried out?

Removal of gadfly larvae: how does it happen?

A complex operation should only be performed by a specialist. The gadfly itself is located in very deep layers of the epidermis. As mentioned above, there it is located thanks to the hooks. If the patient himself tries to perform this entire procedure, then it is possible that part of the larva will remain under the skin. With this outcome of events, suppuration and an inflammatory process will follow.

As soon as the operation is completed, an antiseptic bandage is applied to the place where the abscess was.

Prevention of infection

But most often the gadfly larva penetrates under the human skin precisely in countries with a tropical climate. And if you decide to go there, then observe a few simple rules... Avoid areas with large numbers of insects. Of course, you need to wear clothes that will protect you from bites. Now in stores there is a huge selection of good repellents. They should also be used.

If, for example, an insect has bitten you, you should not panic ahead of time, but you should not forget about it either. First, the wound should be treated with a disinfectant. And watch her. If something went wrong, you should immediately contact a specialist. The doctor will examine you, if the diagnosis is confirmed, he will send you to the appropriate procedures, and if the opposite is true, you can safely return home. And do not forget that vigilance has not prevented anyone yet.

It is dangerous in that it bites almost imperceptibly, quickly depositing larvae under the skin, which immediately begin to develop, which leads to various inflammations. Generally unpleasant situation. Worst of all, when they get into a person's eyes or head, then complicated surgery is required to remove them.

There are also deer, horse, sheep, stomach, nasopharyngeal and other gadflies. Each species chooses certain mammals for itself. In addition, some insects prefer to lay larvae on the back and sides of animals, others prefer the groin and inner side legs, and still others choose the nostrils, ears and lips of the unfortunate victims.

In appearance, gadflies are slightly smaller than horseflies. They have large compound eyes, a fluffy body, and transparent wings. Unlike the latter, they do not drink blood and bite solely in order to lay eggs. Although not all types of gadflies resort to bites. For example, some females neatly attach eggs to the hairs of the victim, others may leave them on the grass in the hope that sooner or later the cattle will swallow them along with their food.

And there are completely original subjects - this does not even need to look for animals. They just fly to where there are many mosquitoes, find a suitable specimen, embrace it in a friendly embrace and carefully leave their egg on its back. The mosquito (or, more precisely, the mosquito) serves as an excellent vehicle that will deliver the larva to its destination on time.

This is where the fun begins. Rather, the most unpleasant thing for livestock. As a rule, the larva emerges from the egg within 3-7 days. Moreover, hot weather of the order of 30-32 degrees is considered optimal for its development. Wasting no time, the insidious invader penetrates the body of the poor master. It is not known exactly where she goes, but the animal suffers greatly from this and loses weight.

For further growth, the larvae need oxygen, so they form fistulous holes in the skin. Through them, they then get out, where they fall to the ground and pupate. Imagoes emerge from pupae literally in 2-3 seconds, and after a minute they can already fly and mate. In total, the developmental cycle of the larva lasts about a year.

There is no need for adult gadflies to eat: they live off the nutrients that they have accumulated in the larval stage. True, such a stock is enough for a short time - according to various sources, adults live from three to twenty days. It is curious that their lifespan depends on the weather: if the days are clear and hot, the gadflies quickly find their soul mate and lay eggs. If the days are rainy, they are able to sit in the grass for several days, waiting for the right moment. At the same time, all processes in their body slow down, which can significantly reduce energy costs.

Females of gadflies are very fertile - one such lady is capable of laying up to half a thousand eggs. Of course, every mother-to-be tries to protect her offspring and "distribute" the kids to different "kindergartens", because if all of them are placed on one animal, it can simply die, and this cannot be allowed.

Interestingly, unfortunate victims always feel the approach of gadflies. They start shaking their heads, hitting their tails, or trying to get out of a dangerous place. How they distinguish them from simple flies remains a mystery.


Not everyone knows what a gadfly looks like. Gadflies are insects with one pair of webbed front wings. The head is semicircular, very mobile, connected to the chest by a thin stalk. Oral organs are absent as adults do not feed. There are 1 pair of compound eyes and 3 simple eyes on the head. There are short antennae on the forehead. Gadflies have 3 pairs of legs, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones. The body is covered with long and short hairs and bristles. These insects live everywhere and mainly next to humans. These insects feed on liquid food: blood and other nutrients of the body. Only larvae feed, and adults are deprived of the mouth apparatus, so it is a delusion that an adult gadfly feeds.

Development cycle

After mating, the female chooses a place to lay eggs. Usually these are places of grazing livestock or stables, farms. The female lays eggs on forage plants or animal hair. Then the hatched larvae enter the animal's esophagus and develop there or penetrate under the skin. This developmental cycle goes through the gastric and cutaneous gadfly. The cavity does not lay eggs, but gives birth to larvae on the fly, which enter the mouth, eyes and nose of animals.

The gadfly is divided into 3 families:

  • Gastric gadflies (Gasterophilidae)
  • Subcutaneous gadflies (Hypodermatidae)
  • Abdominal gadflies (Oestridae)

Gastric gadflies are characterized by the fact that the female lays eggs on the animal's hair, on its food plants. After hatching, the gadfly larvae enter the animal's body with food or are introduced under the skin. In the stomach, they reach full maturity and are excreted in the faeces. The larvae, which enter through the skin, make holes in it, trying to get to the stomach. Thus, causing severe itching and inflammation.
Most renowned representative of this family is the horse gadfly ( Gasterophilus intestinalis).

Horse gadfly - Gasterophilus intestinalis

Horse gadfly

A member of the family of gastric gadflies. It lives everywhere and belongs to synanthropic insects (whose vital activity is associated with humans). The body of the gadfly is slightly pubescent, reaching 16 mm in length. The thoracic region and abdomen are yellow-brown, the end of the body is black. The head is light, almost white. Short antennae are located on the forehead. Females differ from males in that they have a long ovipositor that folds under the body. The horse gadfly is an insect that lays eggs on the fur of animals or plants that they feed on. Then the larvae emerge from the eggs and try to get to the esophagus, through the skin or through the mouth. An equine gadfly is often called a hook gadfly, since its larvae have several rows of hook-shaped spines, with which they cling to the mucous tissues of animals. Feeding on the blood of warm-blooded animals and other nutrients, the larvae go through three stages of development. Having reached 2 cm of body length, they go out together with feces. In feces, the larvae pupate. After 30-45 days, adult gadflies emerge from the pupae.

Hypoderma bovis

Dermatobia hominis

Means of protection against gadflies

As we have already said, adults do not have a mouth apparatus, do not feed or sting. They have enough of the supply of nutrients that they have accumulated in themselves in the larval stage. But when the larva pierces the skin, it can be conventionally called a bite. Having found a gadfly bite, treatment should not be postponed. Of course, it is best to immediately consult a doctor, but if this is not possible, then you can try to remove the larva yourself. The first step is to take a thick, sticky or oily agent (scotch tape, petroleum jelly, PVA glue) and apply it to the gadfly bite. In this case, oxygen will not enter the chamber and the larva will partially come out. Next, you need to carefully pull out the larva without crushing or tearing it. A gadfly bite precedes swelling, swelling and skin infection, so it is necessary to disinfect the wound. Below are photos showing the gadfly bite and the consequences that it causes.

For animals, regular inspections of livestock should be carried out. If larvae are found, it is necessary, again, to lubricate the damage site with petroleum jelly (or other means). Then you need to carefully remove the larva so that it does not rot and cause skin infection. At the end, be sure to treat the gadfly bite with an antibacterial agent.