Methods of dealing with midges in the apartment. With what means and how to remove midges from the apartment and prevent the reproduction of annoying insects

Midges only at first seem harmless creatures. But with the onset of the heat, they are everywhere. These pests carry many different diseases, and it is advisable to prevent their occurrence. However, if they have already chosen a place in the apartment, it is important to know how to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Midges only at first seem harmless creatures

Midges are small insects belonging to the Diptera family. In length, they can reach 6 mm. They have a small body, limbs and antennae. Outwardly, they are very similar to flies: insects with a short proboscis and four-segmented palps. They are found in every corner the globe. The only exception is Antarctica.

As for their species, there are about 1850 of them. Their life expectancy is about a month. They are an integral part of the natural community. Moshkara is a tasty food for many animals. But for people they are dangerous, because they are carriers of serious diseases.

If this insect strikes your skin, then the lesion will be even larger than in the case of a mosquito. Moreover, the pain will be stronger and last longer. This is due to the fact that when bitten, the midge bites the skin, and mosquitoes just pierce the flesh.

Midges are small insects belonging to the Diptera family.

Where do they come from

The source of midges is a humid microclimate. Therefore, it is not surprising that most often its accumulation can be found near the sewer, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe swamp, etc. As soon as the heat sets in, you open the windows for ventilation. It is through it that midges enter your home. In addition, if the garbage is not thrown out of the house on time, it can become a source of attack by small insects. So the question is how to get rid of small midges in the apartment, will always be relevant.

If you find small insects, then you urgently need to look for a place where they accumulate. It could be where you put your trash, near a houseplant, sewers, over fruits and vegetables. If at home you have not found places where these insects live, then you should ask your neighbors about the situation.

Over the years, housewives have come up with different ways, which would help get rid of the house midge. But before starting to act, it is necessary to find out the place of their deployment. To get started, check the vegetables and fruits that are on the table in the kitchen. It is this place that small midges will choose in order to lay their larvae. When it's hot outside, food tends to spoil quickly. A small rotten piece is enough. Do not forget that storing plant products in the refrigerator will eliminate the question of how to get rid of midges at home.

  1. Take a good look at each Kitchen Cabinet where you store cereals or other plant products. Do not miss packages, other containers, places between them where food was previously stored. You probably haven't thought about empty container from chemicals can become a place for the appearance of midges.
  2. Don't forget the filters under the sink. There may be an accumulation of food particles, which eventually begin to rot. Due to his small size midges can easily enter such a place.
  3. If you live in your house Small child, then check the place where his chair for feeding is located. After all, children never miss the opportunity to use food as a toy. As a result, all the food is scattered throughout the room. Be that as it may, even the most scrupulous hostess cannot control absolutely everything. So don't leave this item unattended. It is especially worth looking at the place where the seat is fixed. In this place there are such gaps in which food can accumulate. This is where the uninvited guest comes in.
  4. Mosquitoes prefer moisture. So there is nothing strange in the fact that these pests accumulate near a houseplant. Especially if the owner generously waters the flower.

How to get rid of wood lice in the apartment

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen (video)

How to protect yourself from the appearance of midges

If you do not want to suffer the question of how to get rid of household pests, then you should think about conducting a thorough cleaning. It is necessary to start by washing all surfaces, wash the floor behind the cabinets, get rid of the crumbs in all the cracks. If you have fruits or vegetables in your kitchen, put them in the refrigerator.

If you suddenly find a rotten product, then you need to get rid of it quickly. And do not store them for a long time in the bin, throw them immediately into the street.

Also, check all the grains that you have in your kitchen. Pour them into more airtight containers that do not have access to moisture. If you don't want nasty little insects in your cereal, then try to buy just a little bit so that it lasts for several weeks.

If even after a general cleaning, insects continue to disturb you, then it is worthwhile to clean the sewer. For this purpose, you can use special tools that can be purchased at any hardware store. At night, pour one of these products into the sink. This time is enough for the preparation to dissolve the accumulated rot. Alternatively, you can use the most common soda, which will need to be poured into the drain and poured with vinegar. Once chemical reaction comes to an end, turn on the water so that it flushes the sewer.

If you do not want to suffer the question of how to get rid of domestic midges, then you should think about conducting a thorough cleaning.

If there are still insects in the sink, then it is necessary to disassemble the sewage system and clean it.

How to get ants out of an apartment

Experienced housewives give the following advice:

  1. Try to take out the trash every day. Even if there is very little of it. As soon as you empty the trash can, wash it and dry it, because annoying insects can appear there.
  2. Houseplants should only be watered when necessary. Try not to let the soil get too wet.
  3. To store bread, it is better to use a plastic bag and a bread box.
  4. Any container with food and drink must be tightly closed. Especially when it comes to sweet compote or fruit salad.
  5. Remove all leftover food from the table: throw it away or put it in the refrigerator.
  6. Wash dishes, cups, jars well, in which sweet dishes, drinks, wine, honey were stored. Insects love sweet environments.
  7. Clean your pet's cages and bowls regularly.
  8. Wipe down the work surface in the kitchen daily and get rid of the condensation that has formed.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of midges with the help of the following folk remedies:

Effective folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment

Physical methods against midges

How to quickly rid yourself of this annoying problem?

  1. If an insect appears from the sink, then you can simply wash it off with hot water. If necessary, a plunger can be used.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner. Set it to the highest power and start hunting for insects. Then just shake out the bag.
  3. Smoke out the uninvited neighbors. Grind the camphor and pour it onto the hot surface of the pan. As soon as steam appears, carefully take the pan and walk with it around the room. There will be fewer insects, because they can not stand the smell of smoke.
  4. If you need to get rid of midges, which is based in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower pot, then you will need to prepare a mixture of potassium permanganate. It is used for irrigation. Alternatively, you can use a special houseplant care product.

How to get rid of midges at home (video)


Purchase an aerosol or chemical insect repellant from the store. Use this tool to treat all rooms. Just take out all pets, children and the elderly first. It is necessary to spray with gloves, a respirator, an old dressing gown with long sleeves and glasses.

  • Always wash your trash can well.
  • Control the cleanliness of the plumbing siphon.
  • Always dispose of food that has begun to rot immediately.
  • Keep the floorcloth clean and dry. Don't let it rot wet. After all, this, too, can subsequently be the cause of the appearance of pests.
  • The places where your pets eat and live should also be kept clean. Try to change your cat's litter frequently.
  • In addition to the above, make sure that there are no places in the house where moisture accumulates. If possible, wipe the table and sink so that they remain dry. Water is the source of life for small pests.

    Where you store vegetables and fruits, you can install a fan. A breath of air flow will not leave annoying insects a chance to land and complete their mission.

    If you are determined to get rid of midges, then you should resort to one of the methods listed today.

    As additional measures, you can get a ready-made trap


    It is clear that the easiest way to get rid of midges is to use dichlorvos. However, you can make some effort and force yourself to maintain cleanliness in own house. Then you can be sure that the annoying insect will not disturb you.

    As an additional measure, you can get a ready-made trap. You can buy it, or you can make it yourself. This will become great alternative all chemicals and even apple cider vinegar.

    You will need plastic cups and lids. Pour a little bit of weak vinegar into them. Ground coriander is also added there. All this is closed tightly with a lid. Now you need a needle or a thin knife to make a hole. The trap is ready. Now leave it on all night. In the morning you will be extremely surprised how many unwanted insects fell victim to your creation.

    Everything is quite simple, but no less effective. But the most important thing is all the methods available to everyone. Another thing is important: you should not delay using any of the methods listed and wait until annoying fly take over your entire home. You need to act quickly so that you do not have to resort to drastic measures later.

    Each of us has faced the problem of the appearance of midges in the apartment - small flying insects that are very annoying and annoying with their presence. They start up very quickly: it’s enough to wait a while with the release of garbage, not to notice a piece of fruit that has rolled under the refrigerator, or to bring vegetables infected with pest larvae into the house. And after a while, a whole swarm will live in the kitchen annoying insects. How to get rid of midges in the kitchen, this article will tell.


    In nature, there are about 1800 species: brown, black, orange and even green midges. In apartments, sciarids appear more often (planted in the soil of indoor plants) and fruit flies (food or fruit midges).

    Food midges are small (up to 2 mm) insects that can multiply rapidly. They are safe for human health, but can cause significant damage to fruits, vegetables and other products. Most often vegetable or fruit midges brown shade, but sometimes there are black and orange individuals.

    Sources of appearance

    Many housewives wonder where the midges come from in the apartment. More often, insects start up in summer or autumn period, but may also appear in winter, even in a room with dense closed windows and doors. Therefore, before starting to deal with them, it is necessary to find the source of their occurrence:

    How to get rid

    The question of how to get rid of midges in the kitchen worries everyone who finds them. After all, if you do not accept urgent action, the number of insects in the house in a short period of time will increase several times. If midges have appeared in the kitchen, the first thing to do is to find their habitat, where pests feed and breed.

    1. Inspect shelves and tables in the kitchen where food is stored. Often midges sit on fruits and vegetables stored on the balcony. It is enough to sort them out and get rid of corrupted copies. Grains should be poured into hermetically sealed containers.
    2. Thoroughly wash and dry the trash can.
    3. Having found midges in the house, you should also check the bathroom and kitchen sewer system. If necessary, get rid of the blockage in the sink siphon with a special tool. In the absence of such, you can pour baking soda into the neck of the sink and pour in a little vinegar. After a reaction accompanied by intense hissing, the siphon must be thoroughly rinsed with water.
    4. Eliminate leakage of all faucets, as constant moisture creates ideal conditions for midges to live.
    5. Spend wet cleaning: perhaps the reason for the appearance of midges in the kitchen was a piece of fruit lying around or a drop of jam on the floor.
    6. If the kitchen has houseplants, you should carefully examine them for the presence of a flower midge. Flowers should be watered as needed, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Stagnant water is a real breeding ground for pests, and not easy.
    7. Use industrial and folk remedies that will help get rid of midges in the house.

    Industrial means of struggle

    The easiest way to get rid of midges in the house is to purchase a fumigator or use fly and mosquito repellants. No less effective are such as aerosols. For example, Raptor or Dichlorvos. With their help, you can easily get rid of pests in the kitchen by treating the places where insects are most concentrated.

    However, it is not always advisable to use a chemical remedy for midges in the house. Where there are children or people suffering from allergies, it is better to use light traps (zappers). The principle of their operation is based on the effect of electric current on insects.

    According to customer reviews, protection against domestic midges and ultrasonic traps are guaranteed. To get rid of insects in the house, you need to regularly plug the device into the outlet.

    On a note
    Effective in the fight against midges - adhesive tape for flies. You can enhance the effect if its surface is smeared with wine. Insects will quickly flock to your favorite wine aroma.

    Folk remedies

    home traps

    Traps are a fairly popular remedy for midges in the house. You can make them yourself at home. A little jam, juice or other sweet drink is placed at the bottom of the jar. Then insert a paper cone with a small hole down. The smell of treats will attract pests, but they will not be able to get back.

    You can also get rid of domestic midges with a plastic cup. But to the juice or compote poured to the bottom, you need to add a few drops of dishwashing liquid. It is important that the contents of the container can be thoroughly diluted. All the pests living in the kitchen will readily flock to such a “treat”, but they will no longer be able to take off because of the detergent.

    If a midge is wound up at home, you can get rid of it using the usual plastic bag, in which you should leave a few pieces of apple. The very next day, the fruit will begin to deteriorate and will gather a lot of insects around it. Then quickly tie up the bag and take it outside.

    On a note
    Matches stuck in the ground with sulfur or a weak solution of manganese will help get rid of the flower midge in the house. You can also fight the pest with the help of laundry soap.


    Geranium is something that can be saved from midges without special efforts. It is enough to put a flower pot on the windowsill, and midges will no longer appear in the kitchen. It is desirable that in the house such a flower was not only in the kitchen, but also in every room, then they would not withstand such a neighborhood.


    Camphor is another remedy that will help get rid of midges in a private house. The crushed substance is placed in a frying pan and heated on gas until steam is formed. The camphor smell is poisonous to insects, but it is absolutely safe for humans.

    On a note
    The fight against midges in a damp room will be ineffective if it is not thoroughly dried.

    Essential oils

    You can also get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen with the help of essential oil verbena, clove, patchouli or ylang-ylang.


    Many housewives know how to get rid of midges in the house with herbs such as wormwood or tansy. In addition, they are effective in. It is enough to spread the grass in several places in the kitchen.


    In winter, you can get rid of midges in the house with the help of garlic. A few cloves need to be finely chopped or grated, and put into pots with soil. The smell of garlic will help to remove not only the flower midge, but will also serve as a natural inhaler in the fight against colds.

    Maintaining cleanliness will help prevent the appearance of midges in the kitchen: regular cleaning, taking out the garbage, observing the rules for caring for indoor plants. And then the question of how to get midges out of the kitchen will not arise for you.

    The appearance of midges in the apartment often becomes sudden. Their presence is annoying and uncomfortable. The family of fruit flies belongs to the order Diptera. There are more than 2,000 species of them. The most common are Drosophila (fruit flies). Insects are very often seen near rotten fruits and houseplants.

    Methods of dealing with different types midges are the same. It will not be difficult to remove them if you remove the source of infection. It should be borne in mind that midges multiply very quickly, so you need to get rid of them as soon as possible.

    general information

    A fruit fly (Drosophila) can be found next to a person, thanks to him, insects have a source of food. Drosophila love rotten fruits, flower nectar, sour juice.

    Midges reach a length of 3 mm. Life cycle they have a short duration. The development from an egg to an adult insect occurs in just 10 days, to maintain the population, the flies breed very quickly.

    The female lays her eggs in food, spoiled fruits, house plants. When larvae appear from eggs, the process of their pupation takes place in the same products. When an insect emerges from the pupa, it can already lay eggs the next day.

    Reasons for the appearance

    The main reason for the appearance in other places of the apartment can be considered a violation of sanitary and hygienic standards. But it happens that the house is perfectly clean, and midges fly. Perhaps they came from neighbors or were brought in with already spoiled products.

    Factors contributing to the appearance of midges:

    • Room pollution. In such conditions, food sources for insects are always found. Leftover berries on the table, dirty kitchen sponges, or food leftovers in hamster cages can all lead to midge infestations.
    • Rotten fruits and vegetables left in the kitchen or stored in the pantry.
    • Houseplants. It creates an ideal environment for flies to live in sour pot trays. From there, pests spread throughout the apartment.
    • Sewerage. If sewer pipes are not cleaned for a long time, they accumulate a rotten coating that midges love.

    Note! Midges do not harm humans, they do not spread infections. They only bring discomfort with an annoying buzzing.

    Effective methods of struggle

    If insects enter the apartment from neighbors, you need to install grates with a mosquito net at the exit from the ventilation shaft. If there are gaps and cracks, they must be removed with silicone. If the risers in the bathroom are not hermetically sealed, this problem can be removed using polyurethane foam or cement mortar.

    Destruction of midges from indoor plants

    How to get rid of? If insects occur, it is necessary to reduce the amount of watering so as not to create dampness. Stick a few matches into the ground with their heads down or sprinkle with ground pepper on top.

    To destroy the larvae and eggs of pests in the soil with house plants, it is necessary to treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate, then spray the soil with an insecticidal insecticide.

    Smells that repel insects

    Many types of insects, including fruit flies, cannot tolerate certain scents:

    • ylang-ylang;
    • verbena;
    • patchouli;
    • anise;
    • cloves;
    • basilica;
    • lavender.

    The smell of geranium repels midges; you can grow a plant on a windowsill next to other flowers.

    Another effective one is camphor alcohol. It is poured onto a hot baking sheet to evaporate. The pungent smell will repel insects. It is advisable to leave the room for a while and ventilate it.

    Homemade traps

    It is quite simple to make, you can get by with improvised materials.

    Several variants:

    • Take an empty plastic bottle cut off the neck. Insert the cut off neck into the resulting funnel with the nose down. Put bait at the bottom (rotten fruit, jam, some beer or wine). Once in the bottle, the midges cannot get out.
    • Drip a little into a glass jar apple cider vinegar. Make a paper funnel (better yellow color) with a small hole, secure with tape on the bank. The smell of vinegar will attract insects and trap them. Another way to use apple cider vinegar is to drop it into a bowl and wrap it in a multi-hole bag.

    Industrial glue traps

    Can be purchased already finished preparations against fruit flies:

    • Raptor;
    • Aeroxon.

    The principle of operation of traps is simple. They contain a sticky bait liquid that attracts insects. Once on the sticky surface, the midges can no longer get out. Use according to the instructions on the package.

    Chemical methods of destruction

    To combat midges, they sometimes resort to help (aerosols or solutions). Such products can only be used in rooms that are well ventilated. Before spraying surfaces, all food should be taken out or hidden in airtight containers.

    Flying insect repellent:

    • Raptor;
    • Combat.

    To etch midges from the room, you can use a mosquito fumigator. It is enough to turn on the device in the network for the night. Such the method is ineffective against insect larvae and eggs.

    How to deal with? Look at the list of chemicals and recipes for folk remedies.

    Recipes for effective remedies for cockroaches with boric acid and the rules for their use are described on the page.

    Go to the address and learn about how to get rid of mold on clothes and prevent reappearance fungus.

    Folk remedies

    Proven Recipes:

    • Put the horseradish root in a transparent bag and do not close it. After a while, the midges will leave the apartment.
    • Put a bag of banana peels or pieces of rotten fruit in the kitchen. When a large number of midges gather in one place, close the bag and take it outside.
    • Leave a little compote in the cup overnight. In the morning, cover it with a lid and put it in the microwave for 1 minute. The mosquitoes will die.

    Prevention measures

    It is easier to prevent the appearance of midges than to get rid of insects. Knowing the characteristics of their life and nutrition, you can take effective preventive measures:

    • Maintain cleanliness in the house. Do not allow food to get under the table, behind the cabinet and other furniture.
    • Do not immediately throw fruit and vegetable scraps into a bucket, but put them in a bag and tie it up.
    • Take out the trash daily.
    • Do not leave food or bread crumbs on the table.
    • Wash the pet food bowl daily.
    • Do not store dishes in the sink.
    • Regularly clean the sink and clean the sewer with special products.
    • Do not overwater house plants.

    The appearance of midges in the house often indicates that a comfortable nutrient medium has appeared for them. Annoying insects can appear in any apartment, even the cleanest. Therefore, you need to get rid of voracious food flies and take preventive measures to protect your home.

    Video - instructions on how to make a trap for annoying midges:

    Attention! Only today!

    Regularly cleaning our house, we often cannot understand where midges come from in our home (they are also called Drosophila).

    Often they can be found in the kitchen, as it is in it that food is easiest to find.

    The midge prefers fruits and vegetables and loves to settle in flowerpots and greenery on the windowsills, which very quickly begins to fade from such "guests".

    In addition, midges can harm not only products or favorite flowerpots, but also a person, since their bite can provoke the development of allergies or other skin irritations.

    Where do they come from and how to get rid of midges? - this question does not lose its relevance to this day among people who had to face them.

    Midges: causes and types

    Before studying all the methods of getting rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to determine the main types of midges and the sources of their occurrence in the apartment.

    Often they appear in places with elevated level dampness or in food that has deteriorated and the process of decay has begun in them. As we know, food spoils the fastest in the hot season, so do not forget to put them in the refrigerator. Drosophila are always on the lookout for a favorable indoor environment, and fruit is always a favorite for them. good place dislocations, even unripe ones. As the fruits begin to sing, midges will begin to breed in them.

    Another favorite place of the settlement is garbage or a bucket of garbage. Therefore, when throwing out the bin, pay attention to whether there is any moisture left on its bottom, as this is an excellent source of food for fruit flies. Also, midges often appear in the sewer if food remains are stuck in it.

    Quite often, Drosophila start up in indoor plants. They gnaw through their roots, and the plants begin to rot. However, even if you keep your home clean, midges can fly to you from neighboring apartments.

    Types of house midge

    Depending on the location of taste preferences, Drosophila are divided into several types.

    1. Food. This type of Drosophila prefers to settle in products (cereals, vegetables, food waste). They can be of different colors, most often you can find burgundy and black colors. This type of midges is the easiest to get rid of, all that is needed is to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the room, that is, remove the trash bucket, crumbs from the table and so on in time. Often, after a general cleaning in the apartment, this type of midges disappears.

    2. Clothes. This type of fruit fly settles, as a rule, in stale things, and it can be not only ordinary clothes fruit flies, but also larvae. Getting rid of them is quite difficult, it is much easier to prevent their occurrence. To do this, put in the cabinet a few tablets with the smell of lavender, dry walnut leaves or special insect repellents sold in hardware stores.

    3. Water. And the last type of midges appear mainly in places where moisture accumulates (kitchen, bathroom, bath). This is the most unpleasant type of fruit flies, since it is quite difficult to remove excess moisture from the above places, and it is in them that they feel as comfortable as possible. In order for the water flies to become smaller, you need to monitor the humidity in the rooms, avoid damp corners and regularly ventilate the rooms. To completely get rid of water midges, you need to use effective folk remedies, which we will discuss in more detail below, or insect aerosols.

    How to get rid of midges: where to start

    So, from general information about fruit flies, we go directly to the process of getting rid of them. The first step is to inspect all kitchen cabinets and other places where products are stored. If there are foods that you are not going to throw away yet, they should be thoroughly washed and dried. If your home has basement or a pantry, then they need to be cleaned up, because from there fruit flies can also fly into the house.

    After carrying out general cleaning in all of the above rooms, be sure to treat them with an insect spray. How Alternative option you can use a special fumigator.

    The use of a fumigator is very effective in the fight against house midge and allows you to eliminate it within a few hours. If pets live in your apartment, their bowls also need to be thoroughly washed and cleaned of food debris. Dirty dishes left in the sink or a wet rag are the environment in which fruit flies breed. And most importantly, do not leave food open on the table, especially fruits and vegetables.

    Another place where midges can start is a balcony. To prevent this from happening, you need to install mosquito nets on the windows so that they do not fly in from the street. If fruit flies still wound up on your balcony, first inspect all possible places for their favorable existence, and then apply dichlorvos, acting strictly according to the instructions.

    How to get rid of home midge folk remedies

    Many people struggle with the midge folk remedies. Let's look at the most popular tools.

    1. Take a 0.5 liter jar and leave a fruit with foulbrood at its bottom. Then cover it with cling film, having previously made several holes in it. After a while, the midges will flock to the smell of spoiled fruit and climb inside. However, they will no longer be able to get out of it, since there will be cling film on the jar. After the fruit fly in the jar is typed enough just pour boiling water into it and flush it down the toilet. Repeat the procedure until you have caught all the midges.

    2. Use an ordinary vacuum cleaner and catch fruit flies with it. After that, remove the container from it and shake it out in a place far from home.

    3. For this method, we need crushed camphor and a frying pan. Pour camphor into a heated pan and wait until steam appears. When it arises, remove the hot pan from the heat and slowly walk through all the rooms where there may be fruit flies. The fact is that midges are afraid of this smell, but it will not cause any harm to a person.

    4. Take a glass with any pleasant-smelling liquid, it can be compote, jelly or wine. After that, add a few drops of detergent to it and put it in a place where fruit flies appear most often. Detergent will help reduce the surface tension of water, and insects will quickly drown in a glass.

    Midges in flowers: how to get rid of

    One of the favorite places for a room midge is indoor flowers. Of course, if you quickly determine the appearance of fruit flies in flowers, then this problem can be solved quite quickly. However, if insects have long settled and bred in your indoor plants, then prepare for a long and hard fight against them.

    It is necessary to deal with treatment and processing of all indoor plants at once, because Drosophila breed very quickly and could lay eggs in several flower pots. Below we will give all the main means of dealing with room midge in flowers, but none of them is a panacea for all cases, so the right method must be selected for each individual case.

    1. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate and water with a small concentration to avoid burning the flower roots. From time to time, water and spray the flower with such a solution, and you will soon notice how much fewer insects have become.

    2. Take a soap or soda solution and treat the window sills with it. This will create the necessary alkaline environment, which midges do not like very much. You can also use a weak solution with laundry soap for watering flowers.

    3. After watering, take a short pause so that the earth is completely dry from moisture.

    4. Pour some ash into the soil. In addition to killing insects, this will also help fertilize the soil.

    5. Lay a few freshly cut orange peels and cover them with some soil.

    6. Drosophila can't stand the smell of garlic. Cut a few cloves into slices and lay cut side down on the substrate. In some cases, more effective way is the use of garlic infusion. It is prepared like this: take a head of garlic, chop it, and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Leave the mixture for 3 hours to infuse. After that, water and spray flowers with it from time to time.

    7. Another fairly popular tool to help get rid of midges in flowers are matches. Take 4-5 matches and stick them into the ground gray down. After a while, take out the matches if sulfur is gone on them.

    Each of the above methods is aimed at combating larvae in flowers. However, there is no point in exterminating the larvae without fighting the adult midges. To do this, hang sticky tape near the flower pots. You can also use citramon. Dissolve half a tablet in three liters of water and water the flowers with this mixture.

    Another effective way to get rid of Drosophila is the method of removing the top layer of the substrate, which must be noticed on a layer of sand with potassium. This will create such a protective layer that will not allow insects to get to the flower roots.

    However, all these methods are effective only at the initial stages of insect control. If the situation worsened, it is necessary to use "heavy artillery" - chemical agents.

    Indoor midge: how to get rid of household chemicals

    If a folk ways described above turned out to be ineffective, use special chemicals that can quickly and effectively destroy insects.

    In stores selling flowers, you can find a whole list chemicals aimed at combating Drosophila. Before making a choice, consult with the sellers, they will help you choose the most suitable effective remedy.

    Do not forget that when working with a chemical solution, follow all safety rules and precautions. To do this, before using them, you need to study the instructions well and be sure to use a bathrobe, goggles and a respirator. Also keep away from children and pets.

    After processing has been completed, open all windows and repeat the same procedure on fresh air. At the same time, it is necessary to separate the infected from healthy plants, otherwise you will need to process all the flowers.

    Basic preventive measures

    The presence of fruit flies in an apartment is not a very pleasant phenomenon, which is sometimes not so easy to get rid of. Therefore, we bring to your attention a few recommendations that will prevent the occurrence of these insects in your apartment:

      remove spoiled foods in time, as the process of suppuration attracts midges;

      spend regularly general cleaning in room;

      keep the water faucets in the room in order to avoid high humidity, which also attracts insects;

      with the advent of summer, do not forget to install on windows in a timely manner mosquito net that will not allow midges to freely enter the room;

      regularly inspect indoor plants, replant flowerpots in time, water flowers in moderation to avoid high humidity and drying out of the soil;

      if a pet lives in your apartment, keep it clean, its plate and the place where it rests.

    Summing up, it should be noted that in order to avoid the appearance of midges in the apartment, you need to regularly do general cleaning, on time and completely get rid of debris and moisture at the bottom of the bin. Also, ventilate the room as often as possible so that dampness and an unpleasant smell do not appear in the room.

    Midges become uninvited guests in the apartment, especially in summer. They spoil food and indoor plants, some even bite a person. Insects breed quickly and become a real disaster for housewives. Don't worry, you can get rid of midges quickly.

    We find out the reason for the appearance of midges in the apartment

    First, deal with the source of the appearance of insects. This will help in the further fight against them. Sources of the appearance of midges:

    • trash can. Make sure the bottom of the bucket is free of debris and moisture. ideal source food for insects. Take the trash out of the apartment regularly. Wash the bucket immediately hot water and dry;
    • rotten or dirty vegetables and fruits. Carefully inspect all fruits and vegetables, discard rotten immediately. Store food in the refrigerator, do not lay out on the table and in cabinets. Midges love rotten vegetables with fruits and lay larvae on them;
    • indoor flowers. Midges love to wind up on flowers, especially if you water them with tea leaves. If the humidity in the flower is excessive, insects appear near flower pots. Do not flood flowers heavily with water;
    • sewerage. AT sewer pipe food remains stuck there and begin to decompose there. Pests swarm into the room. Clean the sewer in a timely manner;
    • Pets. Insects can live in aquariums, in the cages of domestic rodents and birds. The remains of dishes or an unwashed bowl will be the source of their appearance. An untidy place for a cat or dog to eat will also attract annoying midges. Change the water in the aquarium more often, wash the bowls of pets regularly.

    Folk recipes for fighting midges in the apartment

    Get rid of annoying midges with the following folk methods:

    Physical methods of dealing with midges

    • Pests can fly out of the shell. open hot water and wash away leftover food with them. Use a plunger if necessary.
    • Use a vacuum cleaner. Turn it on highest power and start hunting for insects. Then take out the bag and shake it outside.
    • Smoke the midges out of the apartment. Grind camphor and pour into a hot frying pan. As soon as you see steam, carefully take the pan and slowly go around the entire apartment with it. Midges can not stand the smoke, but for people it does not pose a danger.
    • To get rid of midges in flower pots, make a weak solution of potassium permanganate and water all plants. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use special remedy flower care.

    Chemical preparations in the fight against midges

    Buy an aerosol from the store or chemical solution for insect control. Spray the entire room around the perimeter with an aerosol. But first, remove pets from the room, take children and the elderly out. Use gloves, a respirator, an old long-sleeve gown and goggles when spraying the drug. Read the instructions carefully before using the product.

    Inspect in all rooms secluded hard-to-reach places, especially in the kitchen. Midges fly on pieces of spoiled food or rotten potatoes in a box. Immediately remove the discovered source of midges and sprinkle this place with a chemical preparation.

    Compliance with the above rules and tips will help get rid of annoying midges for life. Maintain cleanliness, dispose of rotten food, do not leave wet rags and dirty dishes. This will help keep the apartment clean and comfortable.