How to drive flies from home without chemistry. How to withdraw from your apartment or house annoying flies

Flies are carriers of hazardous pathogens of microorganisms. In addition, their stay in the apartment is also unpleasant, since annoying buzzing is annoying. For once and forever expel flies from your home, you need to know the reasons for their appearance and some effective methods Fighting annoying insects.

Causes of the appearance of Muh

There are several natural factors provoking the appearance of flies in residential premises, namely:

  1. Antisanitaria - main reason active insect attacks on living space. Scattered crumbs, spilled juice, unclosed garbage bin, dirty dishes - All this is for them of paradise. The bait can also serve food in open access;
  2. Sources of endless humidity. Muhi love to actively lay eggs in warm raw rooms;
  3. Heat. IN residential buildings always " good weather"Therefore, insects can not only be overwhelmed in them, but also increase the growth of offspring.
  4. Not the most recent role in the invasions of the flies play excessive litigation, insufficient sunlight and lack of access fresh air.

Muhi will necessarily appear even if the source of the antisanitarian is the neighboring apartment.

Than dangerous flies

Flies are carriers of many severe diseases. This is a lot of habitat, since most often they are in love with the places of abundant accumulation of garbage and dirt. Dangerous microbes are located on insect legs and from there come on food. Eating them in food can provoke the development of such diseases as:

For a relatively short period of life (about a month), fly can postpone about 2,000 eggs! And all this impressive offspring is the source of the most dangerous infection.

How to get rid of flies: 7 ways

Wrestling options for insects have a huge set. Among them are both folk and industrial means. All of them are tested by time and guaranteed to help get rid of the unreasonable "guests".

Eliminate the source
First of all, it is necessary to spend thorough cleaning in the kitchen:

  1. Wash all the surfaces, to sleep with them crumbs, close access to food (even better - if possible, remove all products in a closet or refrigerator). Fruits lying in the glasses, cupcakes and cookies attract not only members of your family, but also insects.
  2. Get rid of the mountain of unwashed dishes in the washbasin. Most optimal option - Wash it immediately after meals.
  3. Strong food and other waste need to be stored in a closed bucket, because they are the perfect bait for flies. Open access to the garbage will lead to the appearance of larvae, because insects love to postpone the eggs in rotten fruits. This rule also extends to a special pampers bucket. If the smell of garbage is felt - it's better to get rid of it.
  4. Buckets intended for waste storage must be cleaned and handled with disinfectants on a regular basis.
  5. If there are pets in the house, then all the unselected residues of their feed are recommended to close, or clean. Feeding bowls also need to be kept clean.

Before contacting the "heavy artillery", you can try easy and unusual method - Make flies fly to light:

All curtains, rollers and blinds to smell tightly. If you can close the door to neighboring rooms (provided that there are no insects). Select one window that will remain open (for light access) and open it out. sunlight Attracts the attention of flies, and they will fly in his direction. The method is not the most reliable, but sometimes helps.

This method proven method used all. If there is no special fly swatter in the apartment, then it can be perfectly replaced by newspapers or magazines rolled by a tube. So that insects it was easier to catch, you can pre-spray hair polish or a disinfecting spray for hands.

Important! Do not assemble the killed by flies. To do this, it is better to use a small scoop and brush. You can also wear disposable latex glovesThat should be thrown together with insects.

This method has one significant disadvantage - stains that remain on the walls and other surfaces after "traveling".

Amateurs high technologies Can take advantage of the electric vacuum fly swatter, which will do all the work itself. The only thing that will be needed is to periodically change batteries in the device.

Homemade traps
If there is no possibility to acquire special sticky stripes that attract flies, they can be done by themselves:

To begin with, it is necessary to prepare the base solution, which is suitable for any thick syrup (corn, water with added lemon juice) In the amount of about 100 ml. It is mixed with sugar (approximately 60-70 grams - a quarter cup).

Strips designed for applying a sticky base can be cut out of paper for packaging or thin cardboard sheet. At the top of each band to do a hole, insert a thread into it and shape a loop. Now every strip is gently wedged with a cooked solution and leave until complete drying.

Swim the resulting ribbons in the places of the greatest cluster flies. Insects attracted by the smell of syrup stick to the strips, after which they will need to be easy to throw.

By the same principle, traps are made of cans or small open containers, only the "bait" does not smear along the walls, but simply pour on the bottom. Then the banks are placed around the perimeter of the apartment. Instead of sugar syrup, in this case, you can use milk, jam and even honey (if not sorry).

For those who do not want to mess with cooking, the velcro traps sold at any economic store will be suitable.

Any tool made on the basis of vinegar is guaranteed to scare the flies. Here are some options:

  1. The required amount of vinegar (malt) is poured into a saucepan, necessarily with a thick bottom. Then it simply needs to be brought to a boil and leave on fire until the insects are afraid. However, if possible, it is always necessary to be near the stove, because after boiling, the vinegar begins to burn, while spreading the unpleasant odor.
  2. Acetic trap. For its manufacture, an ordinary bank is taken with a screw cap, in which several holes makes itself. Their diameter should be quite large for the penetration of flies. The jar is 50% filled with apple vinegar and put in the place of the greatest cluster of insects.

Premises for penetration barriers
If the invasion of the flies turned into a constant problem, then the most effective preventive for their appearance in the apartment will be mosquito net. It can be twisted on all windows and doors that go directly to the street.

For long-term operation behind the grid requires constant care. If it is damaged by its surface or the appearance of a hole, the problem needs to be immediately eliminated, because the flies can creep even through the narrowest gaps, not to mention the big rugs.

Notice, special protective curtains from insects appeared on the market. They are multicolored plastic strips that hang both on the doors and on the windows. Some models of the curtain look pretty prefigured, so it is worth picking up their color and style under general design interior.

Aromatic therapy
Flies do not tolerate some types of odors, so aromatherapy will help in the fight against annoying insects:

  1. Essential oils. The most common flies are lavender oil. For example, you can drop a couple of his droplets on a piece of fabric and wipe the window frames and doorways, through which insects are presumably flying to the house. Another method is to pour in a saucer of 50 ml of warm water and add 5-6 drops of oil there. After that, put the solution in the problem room. Periodically, the mixture must be changed (at least once a week).
  2. Fragrant herbs. Here you can use any plants that have a resistant tangible fragrance. This is mint, basil, petals of lavender, carnation, wormwood, etc. come true even improvised bouquets from lavra leaf and eucalyptus. Plants can be used both in dried and sear them in decorative pots. You can also sew aromatic sachets filled with herbs from the inside. However, there is one rule: periodically all plants need to be changed (as soon as the smell becomes less intense).
  3. For lovers of sharp sensations, it is possible to use onion juice, because his smell of flies simply do not endure. They can handle the surface of the doors and windows. However, it is not necessary to abuse this method, since the specific onion smell will scare not only insects, but also residents of the apartment. In addition, it will have to shed a lot of tears to get required amount Juice from bulbs. So that this method It is better to apply only in emergency cases.
  4. Citrus juice and zest also have a strong effect against insects. For example, you can cut a lemon to input and insert several carnation inflorescences into it. If you put it on the dining table, then the flies are guaranteed not to be touched by food. You can decompose the dried zest on the shelves and cabinets. Its smell will scare not only flies, but also.

If you still give preference to chemicals to combat insects, then you should carefully study the instructions and not allow them to use the premises with children and older people. Health is more important.

All the presented ways can be used both individually and combine each other. Regardless of the selected method, the end result is guaranteed, and flies will stop attacking your apartment.

Video: how to get rid of flies in the house

Throughout, people suffer from the whole history of humanity, people suffer from harmful insects. Some of them are flies. It is constantly being a search for new funds that help in the fight against bat insects, while some of them have controversial efficiency, others get rid of the problem, but toxic.

But still there are funds that are relatively safe for people and allow you to fight flies.

Flies are unpleasant for people in all their manifestations. They sit on food, skin, bring obsessive sounds. But this is not the main reason why you need to get rid of them.

These insects are happy to sit on spoiled food or manure, thereby being a carrier of dangerous diseases.

They can infect bacteria products that provoke poisoning, intestinal diseases, in some cases leading even to death.

Most often, flies are transferred:

  • Dysentery.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Siberian ulcer.
  • Salmonellosis.

In addition to these diseases, flies are transferred to home some types of wicker invasions dangerous for humans and animals. And the infection of helminths carries very difficult consequences for the body.

How flies appear in the house

The most common way - they fly through the window or open door. Flies are looking for a source of food and a place where you can postpone eggs.

Therefore, it is especially dangerous to find next to the house street toilets And cesspools, where they gladly breed.

Insects can get through ventilation. In winter, as a rule, they do not happen, but in a warm house, individual specimens may wake up.

The development cycle occurs in several stages:

  1. Shipping eggs. The most favorable environment for this is manure, garbage, wet places.
  2. Stage of larvae.
  3. Puppet stage.
  4. Stage of flies. Life life of about a month for which it can postpone up to 2 thousand eggs.

How to get rid of flies at home

Funds from these insects are divided into two types: industrial and folk. They have different efficiency.

Stores - Effective Protection

There are several varieties of drugs and insect drugs that can be purchased in supermarkets and household stores and use at home:

  • Sprays.
  • Granules.

They are bred with water and spray indoors. The effect is preserved up to three months. At the time of processing the apartment must leave people and animals.

  • Powders.

From the powders prepare a solution that spray the room. Insects begin to die 5 minutes after contact with the preparation.

  • Chalks.

Applied in the habitats of flies.

They are ribbons on which a means attracting insects are applied. They hang indoors. The traps should be installed away from animals, since the means applied to the trap toxic.

  • Fumigator.

The device included in the outlet. A plate is inserted into it or a bottle with insecticidal liquid. Under the action of temperature, the tool evaporates and kills insects.

  • Ultrasonic devices.

Their effectiveness is controversial, since ultrasound is stronger than animals than in the insects.

Folk remedies for fighting flies

Human experiences and observations determined that it is possible to make a means to combat dangerous insects and protect against them with their own forces.

The most popular of them:

He does not kill flies, but scares them. Window rims and doorways are wicked by vinegar. You can also sprinkle the grid on the windows. However, vinegar has a property to evaporate through a short time, Therefore, periodically spraying should be repeated.

Also, this acid can wipe tables and other work surfaces where products are stored, and food is preparing.

  • Essential oils.

To scare the flies, you can use fir oil, lavender, tea tree oil, carnations. However, they quickly disappear, so they give only a temporary effect. To extend the action of aroma lamps.

Fly scares the pyrhem and wormwood. Pyrhem use fresh, hanging bouquets around the house. Wormwood can be used just torn or dried. Fresh grass is more efficient, since the smell of it is the strongest. Wrap it closer to the window frames and doors.

  • Onion juice

To scare up flies take a bulb, rub the frames, doors and ventilation. The bow gives a temporary effect and only scares part of the insects. It is advisable to use it in the kitchen, because the smell of this plant can be unpleasant.

  • Zedra citrus.

Corks and citrus zest lay out in different places Rooms and toilet.

  • Vodka.

Muhi avoid smell of alcohol, so vodka wipe the surfaces, splashes nets and window frames. The effect is temporary, as the alcohol evaporates quickly.

  • Turpentine.

He has a sharp smell that scares flies. Several droplets add water and wipe the various surfaces with a solution.

In the room, its use may be unpleasant due to a strong smell, but can be used to process toilets, garbage tanks. Be sure to be taken care when working with combustible fluids.

Kerosene should also be added to the water, so its smell will not be too strong, but for flies he is still unpleasant.

  • Haped packets with water.

This exotic way came to us from Latin America. It is believed that flies are afraid when through packets similar to lenses, see a distorted world.

  • Bait for flies.

Do various mixes: Take something sweet, for example, honey or syrup, add ground black pepper. Another option is mixed with 5 teaspoons of soda, 3 tablespoons of milk, add half a spoon of formalin. Pour liquid into a plate, put a piece of bread.

Made very simple. Bank is taken, a cone with a hole at the bottom is collected from paper. The cone is installed on the jar, the inside of which attracting flies is poured, for example, jam. Insects fly inside, and can't get out. Especially effectively against drosophyl.

Another trap option is to cover the plastic glass with a film, having done the holes in it. To the bottom of the glass pour a syrup or a mixture of vinegar with a dishware.

In this video, they are told how to make a trap for flies with your own hands.

How to prevent the penetration of flies into the room

You can withstand flies, despite the fact that they easily penetrate through the small slots. Effective Do not give to penetrate insect to the room - mosquito net. If in the summer often opens balcony doorthen it should hang curtains. Exists convenient option - Curtains with a magnetic latch - so in doorway There will be no cracks. Should also take care of ventilation holes - Small lattices are installed on them.

Flies with great pleasure fly into the dirty room, so it should be harvested as often as possible, adding various odorous substances to the water for washing. They do not like strokes, so the rooms are better to ventilate more often.

The need to get rid of the flies is bound primarily with the health of man and animals, so do not put up with the neighborhood of these insects and take action on time.

Everyone knows how quickly the flies are multiplied and deliver a lot of all sobs in the room where people live. Moreover, these annoying winged can be declared in the house at any time of the year. Even if destroying one individual, after a short time, as if nothing had happened, they again fly everywhere and transfer pathogens bacteria. To finally clean the room from such insects, you just need to know where they appear, what is their source than they dangerous for human health and how to choose effective tool.

Where do flies in the house and what happens

Obviously, the first measure in the fight against cruel carriers of harmful microorganisms and bacteria should be struggling, first of all, eliminating the source of their appearance. This may be a factor of unsanitary conditions in the room, which serve as a beneficial medium for a breakdown. And you can simply limit access to the flight to the room for such individuals. The most likely sources from which flies flies into the house, and then be fruitful there, these are the following sources:

Wide spaces for outside penetration:

  • open windows;
  • balcony doors;
  • window;
  • entrance door.

Thicker passages through which flies can get to the house or apartment:

  • ventilation moves (especially this applies to poor standing in apartment buildings, as well as ventilation in a private house);
  • skits in older window Ramama (including between glasses and frames);
  • in poorly sealed holes and cream, between the floor, the ceiling, the wall and pipes of water supply or sewer (and other) communications.

Sources of nutrition, which can especially attract many such winged:

  • poorly removed garbage disposals;
  • exactly closed drain pit for country sites;
  • availability of disappearing foods;
  • fragrant food and other sources of strong organic smell.

Insects can often also penetrate the house especially actively at a certain time, season. So, if the cold is approaching, then they are looking for a warm place where you can hide or fall into the hibernation, and therefore penetrate even through old frames in the windows. If the source is eliminated by the source of buzzing in the house enough conduct several events to improve their living conditions:

  • Earn all slotswho lead to the street.
  • If you plan to change the windows on hermetic plastic, then most of the problem will go by itself.
  • Put the anti-mosquito net on the opening of the window, windows, balcony or inlet doors.
  • In the easiest option, you can simply hang a mesh cloth before you open a window or door.
  • Pin all the gaps mounting foam Where it is poorly processed after repairing the joints between the walls of the pipeline and overlap of the house.
  • Make more often general cleaning with disinfectants.

You can, of course, would be surprised that these insects can penetrate the dwelling through ventilation, but such a less often, but it happens. Ventilation moves do not cross, because their function is to work in full force to ensure the influx of fresh air into the room. If you have automatic devices installed for these purposes, then flies are not penetrated there, because the holes for them are too small there. If the ventilation is simply covered with a standard classic grille, then the only thing that can be taken is to simply cover with some material with a fine mesh ventilation grille.

Mushinas in the premises where people live are most often found in the following types:

  • small beds;
  • syinant;
  • drozophils of a yellowish shade;
  • meat gray;
  • cheese and greasy;
  • moshki-kislyushki and others.

What are the danger of health

Follow a few words to designate also about What kind of flies are able to present a danger For a person. Their intrusiveness is not yet such a problem, like the fact that they are carriers of pathogenic bacteria. In their paws, insects can carry any infection, because they often love to feed and crawl along various products decay. Regardless of the variety, these creatures are able to serve as sources of infection by the following diseases:

  • spread of worms eggs;
  • tiff (abdominal) and paratif;
  • tuberculosis diseases;
  • diphtheria;
  • polyomelitis and others.

Get rid of flies: effective means

In addition to the first-priorities conducted in the House of Events to eliminate the source of the appearance of the winged carriers of disease, it also makes sense to take advantage of specialized means to destroy already existing adult individuals, as well as their offspring. For this can be applied preparations household Level Next groups:

  • sprays and aerosol devices;
  • solutions, concentrates and powders;
  • fumigators with removable plates or special liquid;
  • duct tape and other types of traps;
  • folk remedies And methods of struggle - the cultivation of repeated plants (for example, Klezchevin), the use of kerosene, the smell of which insect does not like other methods.

For a broader view, we give a few examples most optimal methods Protection of your home from the muched subspecies of the cruise carriers of microbes.

Agita from Mukh


  • Activity: TIMETOKSAM 10%
  • Bank 400 gram
  • Shelf life - 3 years. Instruction:
  1. 400 gr. Substances are dissolved in 320 ml of warm water.
  2. Everyone is thoroughly mixed.
  3. Take a wide brush and wetted in the finished solution.
  4. Make a brush strip 10 cm wide and 30 cm long, over the surface where flies are most often.
  5. The resulting suspension is enough for the processing of 160 sq.m., which is about 30 strips.
  6. In the untouched state, all the smears should remain indoors until 6-8 weeks - the term when the drug is actively operating on all harmful insects.
  • Price - 2300 rubles.

After processing the room, the residual activity of the substance can still hold about one or two weeks. Do not spray in the children's room Then, when a child has to sleep there. It is better for some time children take to another living place. So it follows, in principle, to do when processing any insecticides.


The drug with a spray "Get" should not be confused with the already departed toward "GETT". it different means. The first is more secure for people, and the second is more like a poisonous agent not only for insects, but also for people. The following parameters include the "Get" characteristics:

  • Released in form fluid that is sprayed under pressure.
  • The active substance in the composition is chlorpyryphic, which is located in special polymer capsules.
  • Toxicity is on the IV place (class), which determines it as low hazard for man.
  • Shelf life - 2 years.
  • Average price - 790 rubles.

The manufacturer gives a guarantee that not only flies, but also a number of other insects after processing this drug will not appear in the house for another 16 months. "GET" is also often found in vials, which contains a concentrate for the dilution of a specially etched grass solution. Usually such a bottle is on average. from 593 to 790 rubles. If you saw "get" for 100 rubles, it is worth thinking about his fake.

Granules "Flyt Byte" are especially in good demand when required remove from home large and dangerous individuals of imago or yellow drosophylov. The following features should be attributed to the following features:

  • Release form - granules in a plastic bucket.
  • Active substances that are disastrically influencing insects - metomil (1%), cystic (0.25;), Bitrex (0.2%).
  • Products are related to the average safety class for people and animals (III-IV class).
  • Annual use period from the moment of release lasts 3 years.
  • Approximate cost for 2 kg. - 3200 rubles.

The granular means is enough to decompose in the places of cluster flies on special papers of the substrate. It is used as bait. Insects, drinking it, first paralyzed, and then die. Due to the fact that the capacity is too big, then usually this drug is effectively used for processing large areas.


Very effective means with good prolonged action. The classic version of this common agent has the following distinctive features:

  • Form of release - Concentrate.
  • Manufacturer - Russia, Deznabtrade LLC.
  • Activity - ALPHATIMMETRIN 10%
  • Packaging 1 liter and 5 liters
  • One package is designed for 30 nights.
  • The cost of one packaging fluctuates - 1450 rubles, for lintrinsecticides and high-speed techniques. Especially effective is the processing of the room or land plot Fog, which penetrates into all the shelters of muched nests, destroying not only them, but also ticks or bugs.

Spring trees, shrubs are covered with greens, the first dandelions bloom, imitating the rays of the sun. Rainbow mood spoil flies. Annoying insects Liked to get confused in the hair, land on the arms, legs. Do not find salvation in own apartment. Residents of private houses have to be completely disassembled.

Representatives of the detachment of docks always bought a person. Oblost is not the most dangerous quality. Insects are carriers dangerous diseases. Seeing flies at home, you need to join. Economic stores offer plenty of means designed to destroy insects. No need to despair if there is no money for expensive drugs. Folk remedies from the flies that the ancestors fought are not worse than industrial insecticides.

Not every fly is the enemy of mankind. There are many types of representatives of the docking detachment distinguished by the type of power.

Food for them is the following:

  • food, food waste;
  • separation of mucous membranes, sweat glands;
  • excrement;
  • blood animals, man;
  • vegetable nectar.

Representatives of certain species, becoming adult individuals, do not need food.

Two insects dwell in wildlife. Specific speciesUnited under the generalized name "Synanthropic" live in close proximity to the person. They represent the greatest danger to people, pets.

Synanthropic species include the following representatives:

Insect Danger

I solve how to get rid of flies, you need to know what kind of danger they represent. Insects attack adults, children in order to feed. As food, they are the following:

  • blood;
  • allocations from wounds and abrasion;
  • separation from mucous membranes;

Two feeds feed on feces, animal corpses, meat, receiving pathogens of the following diseases:

  • dysentery;
  • cholera;
  • helminthosis.

On the body of insects, they retain activity during the day.

According to scientists, dirty insects spread eye diseases - conjunctivitis, trachom. It is possible that flies transmit polio virus, as well as tuberculosis and adenoviral infections.

Methods of struggle

Do not trust advertising speaking that applying a certain remedy for flies at home, you can forget for insects for a long time. Two are capable of adapting to the most unbearable conditions. To fully multiply, they need a bunch food waste or excrement. Get rid of them in two stages:

  • detect reproduction places;
  • get rid of adult individuals.

The accumulation of insects in an apartment or the house indicates the presence of a place of reproduction. Destroy it will help spring-cleaning using disinfectants.

Representatives of the detachment of doubles often multiply in the garbage bucket. Their destruction should begin to get rid of garbage. Bucket washed with water with adding vinegar or powder boric acid. The trash can close the lid tightly.

How to get rid of flies that have become adults. If there is no place to multiply in the insect, then they have nothing to do in the house. They are independently retisted in search of the best lobe.

The remaining representatives can be eliminated by applying store insecticides. Huming chemical toxicity, many people prefer to use safe folk recipes.

Vodka vkov against flies

Two insects in the Spirit do not tolerate the smell of vodka.

The smell of vodka makes flies to leave the room

Of all possible methods of struggle, firewater is an expensive means, but very effective. Vodka is poured into the sprayer and spray indoors where flies fly most often. Vodka helps to get rid of the uninvited guests and disinfect air indoors, destroying bacteria and viruses.

The same way helps protect against flies in the country. Applying vodka to the skin, you can forget about the annoying representatives of the detachment of docks. For the office, it does not fit, as an employee smelled with an alcohol-containing drink can be stated in violating the labor regime.

Aromatic struggle

Any fragrance has its own frequency. It is precisely her flies of the mustache - sense of smell. The highest frequency is the following flavors:

  • lavender;
  • citronella;
  • lemongrass;
  • peppermint;
  • eucalyptus.

Essential oils isolated from these plants will help get rid of flying insects.

They are dripped into aromatic lamps, add to the water, which wash the floors, windows. You can decompose cotton balls, impregnated with any of these oils on the windowsill.

The discharge property has a carnation used as a spice. Carnation buds are folded on a dinner table, window sills, near the garbage bucket.

How to deal with flies in the country, working in the garden? The homemade lotion will help in this. For its preparation, the following components will be required:

  • bark of slashing for cooking
  • apple vinegar;
  • eucalyptus essential oil.

Half a glass of decoction glasses are mixed with an equal amount apple vinegar, add 60 eucalyptus oil drops and apply to open areas Body.

Homemade traps

People who do not want to use chemicals To combat flies, traps independently make. On the Internet you can find many advice on their manufacture.

As one girl wrote, she got rid of flies by making a cone from paper, and inserting it acute end In the jar. Honey water was previously nanite in the container. As bait, you can use sugar syrup, jam, beer.

Black pepper, saccharin, formalin - poison for flies. These substances are used for traps. A mixture of jam or honey with black pepper, poured in a saucer, will be fatal for dirty guests.

The rattling mix can be prepared from the following components:

  • 1 teaspoon formalin;
  • 5 teaspoons of sugar syrup;
  • 3 teaspoons of milk.

Such a mixture is also poured in a saucer and set in places possible appearance insects.

Flies will be delighted with self-made sticky tape, impregnated with bait from rosin, castor oil and honey. The components are mixed, heated in the water bath and applied on paper tapes. The trap hangs in front of the door, windows.

Fighting flies on the street

Sadders and owners of private houses suffer most of the invasion of dug-out insects. How to destroy flies in the territory garden plot? It's easier to let them go there. Ideal country option Fight - landing in the garden of plants, shrubs that scare insects.

On the perimeter of the plot, the elderberry, cherryhu. Best tool Protection and decoration of the garden will be lavender, geranium. Protect from flies and calm mint can. Strengthen the protective effect and decorate the taste meat dishes Forces by Basilica. The branches of wormwood and pyzhma, laid out in the house or suspended by beams, will give the interior country house Primeament, not putting flies into the house.

The perfect reproduction site flies are cesspools, composted piles. They are recommended to regularly disinfect with chlorine lime.

Practicing simple ways, the street and the house will be able to get rid of the uninvited guests.

Flies belong to the insect family and live on everything globe. Remember that flies are dangerous to human health.

Than dangerous flies

Flies are carriers of diseases (tuberculosis, diphtheria, cholera, dysentery, conjunctivitis, helminthosis and Siberian ulcers). They spread infections, use as a habitat human body. It is fraught with the development of diseases in the gastrointestinal tract and the urinary system. Flies in the apartment harm food products, after which they can not eat. From the larvae flies suffers agriculture: reduced yield.

Many flies in the house - a sign of a problem that can be solved.

Fighting flies take place in two stages:

  1. Detect and remove insect breeding places. Regular cleaning and cleaning reduces the number of flies. Do not forget to close the garbage tanks, follow the regular export of food waste, process the trash can vinegar. If you live in an apartment, make sure that the HFA clean and soap the garbage chute, in which flies are accumulated. Garbage thrust in zealous garbage bags.
  2. Get rid of flies. After clearing the reproduction places flies, destroy adult individuals. Industrial repellents or folk methods are suitable.

Folk recipes from flies

After eliminating the cause of the appearance of insects, it's time to get rid of flies in the house. Popular methods of getting rid of insects: sticky tape, industrial repellents and folk remedies from flies in the house.


Flies do not tolerate vodka odor. This method of combating flies is not cheap. Spray vodka in places of clusters insects.

Essential oils

Essential oil scares flies. At the same time, its use affects human well-being, if you correctly pick up the fragrance. Use lavender, cytronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass or peppermint.


Flies do not like the carnation. To get rid of flies, put a dozen carnation buds on a saucer near dining table.Or use cloves of essential oil.

For domestic evening gatherings on open air Use the self-made flavor. For this, a couple of lemons and clove buds will be required. Lemons cut into two halves and each with several clove buds. The flavor is struggling with flies and mosquitoes.