Dishwashing detergent - which one is better to choose? Recipes for the best DIY dishwashing detergents

In order not to harm the body, check the authenticity of the cleaning agent - products household chemicals are subject to sanitary and hygienic assessment. All funds are included in the Unified List of Products, for which compliance with the standards is confirmed by a declaration of conformity.

Pay attention to special icons. The PCT mark confirms that the products have passed the mandatory conformity assessment (they have a declaration of conformity). Marks of international environmental certification: "European Flower", "Blue Angel", "Northern Swan", "Green Seal", ECOCERT. The inscriptions "100% bioorganic", "organic products", "bio-product" do not guarantee anything and are generally a marketing ploy.

Safety engineering

Do not mix household chemicals of different brands - this will not increase the effectiveness of the product and may cause burns or severe irritation. After dish soap, rinse cups, forks and spoons under running water at least 15 seconds. Do not use household chemicals with a strong smell and always wear rubber gloves.

Surfactants and phosphates in the composition of the substance should be no more than 5%. The safest option is products containing nonionic surfactants.

The most favorite place household members - this is the kitchen. It is cozy here, it smells delicious, the atmosphere is conducive to gatherings and tea drinking. And all because the hostesses by their labor achieve the cleanliness and shine of all surfaces. Fat - worst enemy plates, tiles, dishes, floors. To cope with it alone, with bare hands, is beyond the power of even the best hostess. Kitchen cleaners come to the rescue. The main thing is to choose the best, arm yourself with a washcloth, rags and start cleaning!

Hard choise

Shop windows are full of all kinds of bottles, cans, bottles of cleaning and detergents. How not to get lost in all this abundance? I would like to find a product that can easily remove fat, plaque, soot. After all, no one wants to rub, scrub, make great efforts and spoil a manicure. Kitchen requires special attention, because on work surfaces, sinks, pathogenic microbes can accumulate. The best kitchen cleaners will help you get rid of them. Follow the rules that are indicated in the instructions on the bottle, otherwise you can harm your health.


Means "Sif" can be distinguished among its analogues. Its versatility is best advantage... All kitchen surfaces can be cleaned with one product. You just need to put a small amount of cream on a sponge and wipe the plate, leaving this foam for a few minutes. Over time, simply rinse several times with a clean sponge. You don't have to scrub and sweat. Sif will do all the work for you.

For the kitchen "Sif" are distinguished by their low cost and excellent quality. The main advantage is that creams and gels clean the surface deeply and do not harm decorative coating... The universal cream will cleanse the entire kitchen: laminate, linoleum, stainless steel, tiles, plastic, acrylic. You can completely rely on this assistant. In addition, Sif is environmentally friendly, will not cause any harm to health, and will not cause allergies.

Spray Fat Stronger

Many housewives look with disbelief at kitchen cleaning products in the form of sprays. They do it in vain. The effective Sanita spray is presented on store shelves. He will cope with fat in just a couple of minutes. Arm yourself with gloves, and feel free to spray the product on any surface of the kitchen. Wait a few minutes and wash off with warm water. The stove will sparkle with cleanliness, the tile will become like a mirror. All old stains will disappear from linoleum, sinks, window sills, hoods and utensils. The product has an antibacterial effect, all microbes will be destroyed.

A strong beat

Cillit kitchen cleaners are very popular. Spray from this manufacturer is designed to clean the kitchen from grease, limescale, rust, mold. Spray it onto the contaminated surface and wipe thoroughly with a sponge. The only disadvantage of the remedy is that the fumes emanating from it are not useful to the body. Clean quickly and ventilate the area.

Wash off old fat Cillit can do it without difficulty. Apply it to the surface reverse side plates. The dishes will shine like new. Economical expense. Therefore, one bottle will last for a long time. Be sure to try this grease cleaner in your kitchen.


A little-known miracle paste Astonish has shown itself with better side... Convenient consistency, pleasant aroma and strong active substances in the composition give an amazing effect. The paste gently and faithfully removes the most stubborn dirt. Rust will instantly disappear from the chrome surface. Microwave, cooking stove, tiles, dishes - everything will shine with whiteness and freshness. The active ingredient sodium silacate and a mild abrasive in tandem give excellent result... The pleasant scent of orange adds freshness to the overall picture. Rarely do you find such quality kitchen cleaners. Reviews of Astonish paste are only positive. Housewives claim that it is safe for health and even strong pollution can be washed off with it. Consumers also note a pleasant price.

Expensive pleasure

One of the most expensive but effective means is Shumanit. It removes grease, plaque, rust and, in general, all possible contamination from any surface. This cleaner is a real find. It will not leave streaks and smudges, only the desired cleanliness.

When working with Shumanit, be sure to wear gloves and open windows. Its vapors irritate the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasopharynx. Therefore, prolonged contact with the product can cause an allergic reaction, dizziness. Perfect option is a respirator. Having acquired one, you can wash the kitchen beyond recognition without fear and problems. Stove, tiles, extractor hood, oven - everything will shine like new, just bought in the store. It is better to use "Shumanit" for general cleaning once a month.

Of the people

Our ancestors also loved cleanliness in the house, especially in the kitchen. After all, millions of bacteria multiply on work surfaces, sinks, stoves every minute. To avoid various diseases, Escherichia coli and other health troubles, people washed their homes folk remedies... Their cost is low, and the effect is no worse than that of compositions from bright bottles brought from the store.


Many people know about useful properties soda. It is used in various household needs: both in food and as a cleaning agent. The easiest way to fight fat is to cover the contaminated surface with baking soda and rub it thoroughly with a sponge. But if you drip from above lemon juice and leave for ten minutes, the effect will be much stronger. You don't have to rub or sweat, the fat itself will evaporate in a matter of minutes.

To clean old pots, you will need to make a paste. Pour ten tablespoons of baking soda with the same amount of peroxide and add a couple of tablespoons of dishes. You will get a thick paste, which you need to grate the pots well on all sides. Leave the dishes in a dry place for half an hour. When you wash off this composition from the pots, they will simply not be recognized!

Clean clean

You can easily make your own kitchen cleaner. Feel like a chemist or a wizard, it's very fascinating process... To get rid of fat, mix in a spray bottle one cup each of alcohol and vinegar, add a teaspoon essential oil orange. This makes an excellent cleaning spray for all surfaces. Apply it to dirty areas and wipe it off with a dry cloth after half an hour. The result will amaze you, the fat will disappear without difficulty, only the shine and pleasant aroma will remain.


An excellent antiseptic and dirt winner is mustard powder... It should be handled with care, try not to inhale it and wash your hands thoroughly after use. Take a coarse sponge, half a glass of powder, and a few tablespoons of water. Rub with this solution all the appliances in the kitchen, stove, tiles. Rinse off after half an hour and enjoy the result!

A modern dishwashing detergent helps housewives to quickly and efficiently clean kitchen utensils, greatly speeding up the solution of everyday problems. You need to be able to choose household chemicals for the house, some products have an aggressive composition, cause allergies, and pose a potential danger to humans.

Types of dishwashing detergents

Cleaning kitchen utensils takes a lot of time for housewives, which can be spent on other important family matters. Inventive people have long sought to come up with good remedy, which would replace their usual soda, soap, sand and clay. Now at modern man another problem is to do in the store right choice which dishwashing detergent is better. There are several types of household chemicals that need to be able to be divided by class and purpose.

Types of dish detergents:

  • liquid preparations;
  • gels;
  • dishwashing detergents in the form of tablets;
  • powders;
  • salt;
  • capsules;
  • rinsing preparations;
  • balms.

When buying, it is advisable to inspect the packaging, get acquainted with chemical composition selected tool for home wash utensils. Transparent containers are preferable, you can see the presence of sediment inside, estimate the approximate thickness of the solution. Quality products are packaged in handy bottles with dispensers and grooves on the sides for easy grip with wet hands.

The main qualities of a good detergent:

  • effectively removes the toughest dirt;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not cause burns on the skin of the hands;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • does not leave a smell on dishes;
  • foam residues are easily washed off with water;
  • forms acceptable foaming properties.

Convenient to use in the kitchen are liquid dishwashing detergents with a consistency no thicker than water. A tablespoon is enough for the formation of abundant foam, normal cleaning of a couple of pots or a set of dishes for several people. The washing liquid is practical, it dissolves perfectly even in cool water, and has a reasonable price. It is recommended to purchase the most harmless balms for sensitive skin that do not damage the skin and nails, and have a neutral PH level.

Popular liquid dishwashing detergent:

For specially invented means in the form of tablets, which are easy to use, stored for a long time, provide an excellent cleaning effect. It is advisable to keep them out of the reach of children; if a grain of sand gets into the eyes, the funds can cause irritation and other allergic reactions. One tablet is enough to produce full cycle dishwasher to clean household dishes made of ceramics, stainless steel or glass with high quality and safety to a shine.

Concentrates are called detergents for washing dishes with a reinforced composition, which are diluted with water before use to obtain a transparent liquid preparation with a normal cleaning effect. For example, the economical Sodasan Lemon solution is used in a sink at the rate of 4 ml of active ingredient per 10 liters of water. For convenience, you can dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio, pour it into a suitable container, use it in the kitchen as a simple liquid agent.

Examples of dishwashing concentrates:

If you are concerned about the question of what is better to wash dishes in the kitchen, then you should pay attention to thick and high-quality gels. This type, despite its thick consistency, dissolves easily, instantly spreading over a large volume of water, quickly begins to work on a dirty surface. A bottle of gel lasts longer than a simple bottle liquid remedy, therefore this remedy for washing dishes is very popular with housewives.

Popular dishwashing gels:

  • Fairy;
  • Bio Formula;
  • FINISH Gel All in 1;
  • Helper;
  • "ECO";
  • Piatti;
  • Prodo;
  • BINGO;
  • DOSIA Gel Active Power.

Powders do a great job of removing limescale deposits on pots, sinks, taps or stoves. The abrasive particles help to better remove old and stubborn dirt. There are powders for manual cleaning and for dishwashers... This is an excellent antibacterial dishwashing detergent, but it has a significant drawback - micro grains of sand can get stuck in the smallest cracks and enter the body with food. It is strongly recommended that you rinse all accessories thoroughly several times after cleaning.

Powders for washing kitchen utensils:

  • Gala;
  • Sarma;
  • Somat;
  • Finish;
  • Sodasan;
  • Bravix.

The best dishwashing detergent

It is not necessary to buy and personally test the entire range of cleaning agents to quickly and correctly select the best detergent. You can study the rating of dishwashing detergents and read the reviews of numerous real buyers who give the correct assessment of each trade mark... You can easily find a dozen trusted foreign or domestic brands that produce safe and effective detergents. good quality at a reasonable price.

The best dishwashing detergents:

  1. Fairy- a popular and high-quality remedy for famous brand, this manufacturer produces a lot of varieties detergents with pleasant aromas, vitamins, protective extracts for hands.
  2. Amway home- road, but completely safe, hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly dishwashing detergent.
  3. Sarma- good powders and gels for cleaning kitchen utensils at an affordable cost.
  4. Frosch- a German product with an excellent cleansing effect, economical, aloe vera extract is present in the balms.
  5. Pril- an excellent product without dyes from Henkel, does not irritate the skin, copes with stubborn dirt.
  6. AOS- one of the best Russian-made detergents at a budget price.
  7. "Eared nanny"- an affordable and high-quality product specially designed for children's tableware.

Natural dishwashing detergents

Household chemicals are effective, they save time and effort, they are easy to purchase, but they contain a lot of potential harmful substances... Trying to find safe remedy for washing dishes, many begin to raise old folk recipes which require the simplest and most affordable components. The preparations obtained by this method are optimal for cleaning, they do not cause undesirable reactions and practically do not pose a serious threat to the body.

Folk dishwashing detergents:

  • mustard powder;
  • vinegar;
  • sand;
  • ash;
  • lemon juice;
  • soda;
  • salt.

Dishwashing soda

If you don’t have a store-bought detergent on hand, but you urgently need to wash your household dishes, you can use available baking soda or soda ash. This substance perfectly deodorizes, removes an unpleasant acidic taste from the surface. It is an environmentally friendly dishwashing detergent but abrasive. It can scratch objects, so use baking soda selectively on delicate objects. Soda ash has a strong alkaline composition; it is used exclusively with gloves.

Dishwashing vinegar

For a long time, glasses, glasses, and other glassware have been wiped with vinegar, this substance perfectly disinfects the surface from viruses and microbes. This homemade dishwashing detergent is used in conjunction with baking soda to create good cleaning reagents according to folk recipes. If you take 50 g of baking soda, a teaspoon each of vinegar and a store-bought detergent, mix everything together, you get an excellent cleaning paste for washing dishes. Vinegar copes with limescale in the teapot, rust, it helps to remove the glued price tags and labels.

Dishwashing soap

Present laundry soap there are no refined products, fragrances, dyes and other harmful components. This substance can safely wash dishes for little child or a person prone to allergies. People use it for washing, cleaning dirty floors, sinks, window sills. To make soap better remove grease from dishes, add a little soda to warm water to soften the composition of the liquid. In this case, even heavy plaque, streaks and stains can be removed.

Manufacturers do not always correctly indicate the composition of cleaning products, often the use of untested cheap solutions or gels provokes severe allergy attacks in children. It is advisable for family people to use safe folk recipes, to purchase "Eared Nanny" for washing dishes and other hypoallergenic products. Buy proven gels and liquids with which you can safely handle contaminated food, toys, and a variety of kitchen utensils.

Good detergents for washing baby dishes:

  1. Gel "Children's"(TM "Nevskaya Kosmetika") - without dye and fragrances, it is normally suitable for processing dishes and various accessories of the child.
  2. "Eared nanny"- eliminates germs, economical, the bottle is enough for 50 uses, tested by professional dermatologists.
  3. Babyline("Bebiline") - safe, gel-like consistency, does not leave aroma on dishes, convenient dispenser, does not dry the skin.
  4. Ecover("Ecover") - the liquid is made on plant extracts, does not contain harmful components.
  5. Frosch baby- German preparation without artificial colors or fragrances, hypoallergenic, approved for the treatment of pacifiers, toys and nipples.
  6. "Our mother"- universal remedy, works in cold water, with a light aroma, excellently removes the remains of dairy products.
  7. Gruen green- German product without phosphates, preservatives and other harmful substances, universal, average consumption up to 4 mm per 5 liters of water.

In retail chains 9 major cities and chose the most popular ones. Further, samples for testing were purchased from regular stores. Having studied regulatory documents, standards for the use and testing practices of dishwashing detergents, experts have derived three main criteria by which each detergent was tested:

  • removal of dried food;
  • fat removal;
  • the ability of the product to rinse off the surface of the dishes.

All products have been tested both in the laboratory and in real test conditions.

Tableware test results

AOS products were the best in the tests - they showed excellent results in washing away grease from dishes, approximately on par with Fairy products. Also, AOS "Lemon" and AOS "Balsam" products dealt with dried food debris more efficiently than all their competitors, outperforming the popular Fairy products in terms of this indicator.

The confrontation between AOS and Fairy dishwashing detergents has been going on for a long time. Earlier, in 2004, the Research and Development Center for Household Chemicals also tested dishwashing detergents, during which it was found that AOS dishwashing detergent more effective means Fairy in grease removal, plate cleaned and cost-effective. Also in 2004, Purchase magazine published test results for dishwashing detergents, where AOS again took first place.

Frosch Lemon performed moderately at a price 3 times higher than AOS. This dish cleaner does a good job of removing grease, but it has a hard time picking up dried food debris. It will be difficult for you to wash the dishes that have been in the sink for a long time.

Some of the worst were Pril and Pemolux dishwashing detergents:

  • Pril "3-Active" did not pass our tests for removing dried food residues, and in terms of washing away grease from dishes, it became one of the worst among those tested.
  • Pril Balsam Aloe Vera and Pemolux Gentle Hands are slightly better at handling grease and dried food debris, but the results are also poor.

It is worth noting that all products are very liquid and do not foam well, which means that they will run out pretty quickly.

Having studied the regulatory documents, standards for the use and testing practices of dishwashing detergents, Product-test deduced three main quality criteria for this category of goods: removal of dried food, removal of fat, the ability of the detergent to rinse off the surface of dishes.

Removing dried food

The dishes are dirty special mixture from condensed milk, mayonnaise, ketchup and cocoa and dried in a dry room for 24 hours.

The plate with the congealed mixture was soaked in a solution of dishwashing liquid for a few seconds, then its surface was cleaned with a sponge using a specific method. At the same time, the number of movements of the sponge over the contaminated place was counted until the dried mixture was completely removed.

Testing dishwashing detergents

Fat removal

To assess the ability of dishwashing detergent to fight grease, a grease residue test was carried out using charcoal powder.

The "pollutant" from a mixture of edible oils was applied in a significant large quantities than a tool to remove it. After systematic cleaning of fat, the plate was rinsed and dried, and the carbon powder sprayed on it settled on the unwashed greasy spots turning into ink.

Testing dishwashing detergents

The ability of the product to rinse off the surface of the dishes

The plate with the applied dishwashing detergent was sequentially immersed in three containers of water with a volume of 1 liter each for a fixed period of time. Then the expert measured the acidity of the water in the last container. This value was compared with pH pure water... The deviation of the indicator indicates that the product is poorly washed off the dishes.

For accurate results, 30-40 repetitions were performed for each dishwashing detergent tested. All products were evaluated under identical conditions by the same experts. Clean white ceramic plates were used for testing. The price, brand and popularity of the product did not affect the assessment.

Below is a table that shows the dish detergents in the order of occupation according to the test results.

If for some reason you do not welcome the use of household chemicals for washing dishes, then he suggests using them that do not lose their relevance from year to year.