How to clean the microwave inside at home. We clean the inside of the microwave oven from old fat

The microwave oven is indispensable in the kitchen. It is used for reheating food, defrosting food and preparing food. The disadvantage of a microwave oven is that it quickly becomes dirty and difficult to remove fat from its surfaces. How to clean the inside of the microwave oven, what tools and methods can be used for quick and safe cleaning?

Quickly and effectively wash the inside of the microwave oven with simple guidelines:

  • Use the steam effect - this will dissolve old fat particles, which will greatly facilitate their removal.
  • Do not use abrasive substances, metal sponges or other objects that can damage the surface of the microwave oven.
  • Unplug the microwave oven before directly scrubbing with a damp sponge. Do not use a lot of water or a very wet cloth to prevent moisture-sensitive items from getting wet.
  • Start cleaning by washing the ring and glass plate, then wash the top and grate, sides and finally the door.
  • For maximum effect use additional funds - lemon, vinegar, baking soda or special household cleaners.
  • Clean regularly, at least once a week for regular use and 2 times a month for occasional use. To protect the walls of the microwave oven from food splashes and grease, use a special plastic hood when reheating or reheating food.

Lemon, citric acid, or juice

Lemon, lemon juice or citric acid can help clean the microwave. This method will not only restore the original cleanliness, but also refresh the microwave.

Prepare a container that can be used in a microwave oven. Pour 0.5 liters of water into it and add one sachet citric acid or 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice and squeezed citrus. Place the dishes in the microwave, select the maximum power setting and turn on for 3-10 minutes (the exact time depends on the degree of soiling). A few minutes after turning off, wipe the inside of the oven with a damp sponge.

A similar method can be used to clean the microwave using lemon soaked in water or other citrus-based solutions - orange and grapefruit.

Remember, citric acid is not suitable for frequent use in enamel microwave ovens.


Baking soda is also great for cleaning the inside of your microwave oven. Small particles of the substance will settle on the walls in the form of condensation and dissolve accumulations of grease or dirt. For the procedure, prepare a deep dish in which make a solution of 450 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. soda. Place the container in the oven, set the maximum power and turn on the microwave for 10 minutes. After the signal about the end of heating, wait another 5 minutes without opening the door, and then wash the inside of the microwave with a damp sponge or cloth.


A bite can be used to remove dirt from the inside of the microwave. This method will quickly and effectively help remove fat. The procedure is accompanied by an unpleasant vinegar smell, which, however, quickly disappears after the end of cleaning.

To clean the microwave, pour 0.5 liters of water into the bowl and add 1 tsp. vinegar essence or 2 tbsp. l. vinegar. Place the container with the solution in the microwave and turn it on for 5-15 minutes, depending on the age and amount of contamination. After the steam bath, remove everything with a wet sponge

Laundry soap

Quickly and effectively deal with dirt inside the microwave laundry soap... Lather a small, damp sponge with it and wipe it over the entire surface of the microwave oven. Leave it on for a while, then wipe off the soapy water and loose dirt with a clean, damp cloth. If you do not properly clean the soap from the oven walls, an unpleasant burning smell may appear on first use.

Household products

Prepare dish detergent (Fairy, Gala, etc.), water and a soft sponge. Squeeze a small amount of the product onto a damp washcloth and squeeze it several times until foam appears. Put the sponge in the microwave and turn on the appliance at maximum power for 20-30 seconds, then wash the inside of the oven.

To clean the microwave, you can also use specialized products that are produced by many technology companies. Apply the spray or gel according to the directions on the package.

The microwave oven is constantly contaminated by heating food without using a special hood. Therefore, today we are going to tell you how to clean the microwave. You can get rid of the fat inside using proven methods. At home, soda, lemon, plain water and other available components are used. Let's not delay, let's start right away!

Ways to clean the microwave from fat

Before you clean the microwave, learn what helps to get rid of the grease inside the appliance. When working at home, do not forget to wear gloves and follow basic safety rules.

# 1. Water

1. Let's start from the very simple methodsuitable for removing recent dirt. After a steam bath, they will leave quickly, without any aids.

2. So, fill the bowl with water (300-400 ml.), Send it to the microwave oven, set the maximum heating and duration of 20 minutes.

3. Most of the water should evaporate. When the specified period has passed, wipe the inner section of the appliance with a damp cloth. Done!

# 2. Soda

1. One more the simplest wayhow to wash the microwave and get rid of the fat inside. At home, it is advisable to use soda, because it is used to produce effective household chemicals.

2. Prepare a rimmed bowl. Enter 0.3 liters into it. water, 4 tbsp. l. soda, stir. By analogy with the previous method, set it to the microwave and turn on the microwave for 15 minutes (maximum power).

3. When the appliance beeps on completion, do not open the door for another 10-20 minutes. Then remove any loose grease with a napkin and let the appliance dry. The manipulations are repeated if necessary.

Number 3. Vinegar

1. Vinegar helps both clean the microwave and eliminate unpleasant odors. At home, ordinary table solution is used, which quickly and effectively solves the problem.

2. Combine 100-120 ml. vinegar with 0.5 l. water. Place the bowl with the contents inside the microwave, set the timer for 10 minutes. Then do not open the microwave for another 5 minutes.

3. Proceed with cleaning, collecting greasy deposits with a napkin. The food cover is cleaned in the same way. A bowl is placed under it, this whole structure is heated in the microwave for 7 minutes.

No. 4. Soda with vinegar

1. If the stains are old, prepare a grease remover before washing the microwave. At home, you will need 0.4 liters. water, 100 ml. vinegar, 60 gr. soda.

2. The components are sent to a bowl, which is installed inside the microwave oven. Set the time on the timer - 20 minutes, heat the solution to the maximum. Then rub thoroughly with a cloth and ventilate the appliance.

No. 5. Lemon

1. Citrus peeling is a safe and enjoyable method. It is designed to eliminate tough deposits of fat and odors (eg burning). Lemon is best, but other citrus fruits will work as well.

2. Chop the lemon into thin slices, place in a container and begin to squeeze to extract juice. Pour in 0.3 l. water.

3. Send the container inside, set the timer for 20 minutes. The power should be the highest. When the appliance beeps, do not open the door.

4. The steam bath should operate for another half hour. Then all that remains is to wipe the inner section with moistened gauze and ventilate the device.

Note: some housewives do not use citrus itself, but its zest.

No. 6. Lemon acid

1. Before cleaning the microwave, it is worth noting that this method is similar to cleaning with vinegar. Lemon perfectly removes the fat from the walls inside. At home, dissolve 20 gr. citric acid in a plate of water. Place the container in the oven for 6-8 minutes.

2. Then use a tissue or soft sponge. Remove loose dirt. After that, wipe the walls with a damp cloth and wait until dry. The advantage of lemon is that it also disinfects the oven from the inside.

No. 7. Laundry soap

1. Since you can clean the microwave at home using the old proven method, you should not lose sight of it.

2. Thoroughly lather the napkin. Wipe down the oven walls. In about 5 minutes, the soap will break down the oily structure. Wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth several times. Wait until it is completely dry.

3. After starting the microwave, you may smell a burning smell. Don't panic ahead of time. This indicates that the cleaning was incomplete.

When deciding how to wash the microwave from the fat inside, you need to adhere to some recommendations. Thus, at home, you can do everything right.

2. Do not forget to unplug the household appliance before cleaning. Accidents are not uncommon.

3. Whichever method you use, the walls of the oven must be wiped dry. Remove all dirt and residues detergents.

5. To avoid damaging the coating inside the microwave, do not use powdered cleaners.

6. Remember that every time you reheat food, it must be covered with a special cap.

If you encounter grease in the microwave, don't waste time and go clean. Consider all available ways... Use one of them. Remember to stick to the practical guidelines.

Can not imagine modern kitchen without a microwave oven. She is indispensable for fast food or warming up any food and drink. But sooner or later, solidified fat and burnt food splashes appear on the inner surfaces of the device. You don't always have free time to clean your microwave after every reheat.

How to clean the microwave from fat inside quickly and without special efforts? There are several ways that housewives can easily clean the chambers in microwave ovens.

Before you wash the microwave from the fat inside, you need to remember the basic rules. They will ensure the safety of the hostess and the safety of the device:

  • Be sure to unplug the oven from the mains before cleaning. To prevent water from getting on the plug, and when it is turned on, a short circuit occurs, wrap it with a plastic bag.
  • In the process, do not use metal sponges and dry cleaners with large abrasive particles - they can damage the surface of the walls.
  • When cleaning, try to be gentle with liquids and cleaning products. They should not fall behind the walls of the device and on its sensitive elements, otherwise, after turning on the microwave oven, it may fail.
  • Do not use chlorine-based cleaning agents or other aggressive preparations household chemicals.
  • Use heat-resistant glass or ceramic containers for water that do not have metallized stripes and patterns.
  • When washing, try not to damage the magnetron - the main element thanks to which the microwave oven heats food.

Try to clean the microwave and remove fatty deposits at least 1–2 times a month - light dirt is removed much easier than old ones.

Tip: Kitchenware and hardware stores sell plastic microwave hoods. They are different sizes and differ in diameter and height. You can choose such a kitchen accessory for any microwave oven. It is inexpensive, and its benefits are enormous - all splashes remain on the hood, which is much easier to clean than to wash the entire stove.

Baking soda

You can use baking soda to remove grease from the inside of the microwave. This method is suitable for light to medium soiling, but it is unlikely to cope with old splashes:

  • Pour half a liter of clean water into a container and add 1 tbsp. l. with a slide of baking soda. Stir the powder until the grains are completely dissolved.
  • Put the soda solution into the oven chamber, close the door and turn on the appliance at maximum power.
  • Heat the water for 20 minutes. When the stove turns off, do not open the door for another 5 minutes. During this time, soda vapors will settle on the chamber walls and soften the dried fat.
  • Open the door, unplug the microwave, remove the plastic ring and the rotating tray from the oven.
  • Wipe all the insides of the miracle stove with a sponge or viscose cloth, from time to time wetting it in a warm soda solution - first the upper wall of the chamber and a heating elementthen lateral surfaces, bottom and door.
  • Clean the ring and sump with the same solution.

Tip: In especially difficult places, rub the surface of the walls with the hard side of a kitchen sponge, dipping it into dry soda powder. The baking soda does not have aggressive abrasive properties, so it will not damage the decorative layer of the camera.

Soda is an excellent antiseptic, so it will help not only cleanse dirt and grease, but also destroy pathogenic microflora.

Table vinegar is a versatile cleaning agent. Any housewife can safely use it to clean various household appliances and surfaces, including microwaves:

  • Pour 50 ml of 9% table vinegar into a half-liter container of water.
  • Place the water in the microwave and turn the microwave on to maximum power.
  • Set the opening time for 10-15 minutes.
  • Open the door 5 minutes after the appliance has finished working and start cleaning. The procedure is the same as described in the previous method.
  • Finally, wipe the stove with a damp cloth soaked in clean water to remove any residual vinegar from the walls.

Many women are confused by the unpleasant smell of vinegar, which is released when the liquid is heated. It is recommended to use vinegar in ventilated rooms, and during work open a window or vent to ventilate vapors.

Tip: You can remove the unpleasant smell inside the microwave with the help of products that can be found in every kitchen. It is enough to leave a saucer of dry baking soda or ground coffee, and the next morning the stale smell will disappear. A similar effect will be from lemon if you cut it into several thick slices and wipe the surface of the walls with them.

Lemon acid

The citric acid used for culinary purposes is also useful for the miracle oven. How to remove fat from the microwave using citric acid? It's very simple - the procedure is similar to the previous ones:

  • half-liter container with water and 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide) citric acid.
  • The operating time of the device is 10 minutes at maximum power.
  • The holding time between the end of heating and the opening of the door is 15 minutes.

Citric acid can be replaced by 2–4 lemons, from which you need to squeeze the juice into a container with water: the higher the concentration of the solution, the easier it is to wash the "insides" of the microwave.


Knowing how to quickly wash the microwave without special detergents, you can quickly return it to its previous shine and cleanliness. Now every housewife can safely say: “I clean my miracle stove easily and quickly. At the same time, I use products that are safe for health and do not spend money on the purchase of expensive household chemicals. "

The microwave oven in the kitchen is no longer a novelty. Many housewives are accustomed to using it to reduce their cooking time. It helps to quickly defrost food, reheat cooled food, and much more. But the frequent use of such equipment is not without contamination.

If you put anything in the microwave without a lid, rest assured that the walls and ceiling will get dirty. Two or three days and it is already unpleasant to look into it, let alone cook something there.
And wipe it all off, especially from the ceiling, especially if you have a grill there ...
There are 2 easy ways to clean the microwave very quickly and effortlessly, I always do that. Therefore, the methods have been tested in practice: o)

Method 1: Microwave with lemon

The tool that is used here is the most affordable and often used in the kitchen, so it will not be difficult for anyone to find it.

And we will need:

  • one ;
  • pure water;
  • a glass or any microwave-safe container.

First, take a lemon and cut it in half. We need to squeeze out all the juice that it contains. Therefore, you can use a juicer or just use the strength of your hands. Squeeze the juice into a microwave container.

Then, you can cut the rest of the squeezed lemon into small wedges. We put them in a container with juice and fill clean water... The volume depends on the dishes you are using, do not pour to the very edges.

If there is no lemon in the house, then you can add a little citric acid to the water.

We put a glass of lemon lemon juice and water in the microwave. We set the power to maximum (if there are such settings in your microwave oven), set the time to 3 minutes. Can be set for longer if there is dried food on the walls in the microwave.

After the time has elapsed, take out the glass with lemon and leave the microwave to brew in pairs for another 5 minutes. Essential oils lemon will dissolve all the dirt
After that, we take any sponge or napkins and wipe the entire surface. All dirt and even dried food will be removed with light movements.

Such a simple method will greatly facilitate tidying up in the kitchen and will not require large expenses.

Method 2. Wash the microwave with baking soda

By the way, citrus fruits can be replaced with baking soda. Add water to the baking soda to make the consistency resemble gruel.

Rub the walls and door very gently with a rag, remove the pallet and wash it under water. Clean the surface and wipe dry. This method helps to cleanse food particles well.

But you can make it even easier: the second method exactly repeats the first, only soda is used instead of lemon.

In a glass of water, dilute a tablespoon of baking soda and pour it into a suitable container;

- set the maximum power;
- put the container in the microwave and turn it on for five minutes;
- after this time has elapsed, do not immediately pull out the vessel, wait 10 minutes for the stains to soak;

- now you can take out the container with soda solution and wipe the stains with a soft sponge or napkin

Lemon is more pleasant to use, because the whole kitchen is filled with freshness.

What you need to know
Inner surface the device is covered with a special layer that reflects microwave waves. This layer is very thin and easily damaged. To learn how to clean a microwave, you need to know what you should not wash it with:

Do not use abrasive cleaning powders or other substances that could scratch the surface;
- you cannot wash the microwave inside with hard rags

How can you wash the microwave:
- you can use a soft cloth;
- when washing, do not press and rub hard.

PSRemember that regular maintenance of your microwave does not take much time, but it does prolong the service life of your oven.
To keep the microwave always clean, use a special plastic cover for MP, which is sold in almost any convenience store, or cover the plate of reheated food with another plate, lid or cling film.
If food is splashed, then at least not on the walls of the microwave. It's easier to wash the lid than the microwave: o)

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The microwave oven has long been present in our everyday life. Indeed, it not only warms up food, but also defrosts food and prepares a variety of dishes. During operation, the equipment becomes dirty and stained. If you do not know how to deal with them, then you will need information on how to clean the microwave at home. Effective ways cleaning contamination you will learn from our review.

Beautiful and well-groomed appliances are the hallmark of the kitchen

When deciding how to clean the microwave, you need to know that it is quite easy to wash it outside. But washing the inside is not so easy. Much depends on the types of coating techniques:

  • stainless steel cover not afraid of high temperatures. But fat accumulates on such a surface very quickly. Steam or special compounds are suitable for cleaning;

  • a good option is enamel coating... They may have a smooth surface, but they are easily scratched. You need to wash gently, and then wipe the surface dry;

  • ceramic coating easy to clean, but it cannot be subjected to strong mechanical stress.

There are some rules on how to clean the inside of a microwave oven:

  • the equipment must be disconnected from the network;
  • do not use brushes and iron scouring pads, which will quickly damage the surface;
  • to clean the dirt in hard-to-reach places it is worth using a vacuum cleaner that has a narrow and small nozzle;
  • can be applied suitable remedy and leave for a couple of minutes. Then the composition must be washed off with water;
  • to clean surfaces, you should use a damp cloth, napkin or sponge;
  • do not use a large amount of water to wash the surface, so as not to flood parts that are sensitive to moisture;
  • do not try to disassemble the equipment yourself to get dirt.

You can watch the video on how to clean your stove:

For your information! To clean internal coatings, do not use aggressive components, especially those containing acid and chlorine. Also, you can not use products with abrasive properties.

How to clean the inside of the microwave: options for quick ways

There are techniques on how to clean the microwave quickly. It is recommended to use household products. There are also free cleaning options. Place the dishes inside with water, and then turn on the full power mode. After 12-15 minutes, dirt particles can be wiped off with a soft sponge. To enhance the effect, put a small amount of dish soap into the water. This method is relevant for fresh streaks.

You can apply the original life hack how to clean the microwave:

  • moisten a sponge with water and apply some kind of dish detergent to it. Lather the sponge well and place it on a glass plate.
  • close the fuser door and turn it on for 30 seconds. Turn equipment on full power it is impossible;
  • then wipe all surfaces with a sponge.

There are other ways to clean your microwave in 5 minutes. This is a cleaning method with vinegar, baking soda, or citrus fruits.

An interesting way can be seen in the video:

How to clean the microwave from fat inside: features of the procedure

If you do not want to decide at the last moment before the arrival of guests how to clean the oven from fat and carbon deposits, then wipe the equipment after each cooking. If fresh stains are not wiped off, they will harden and stick to the surface. In difficult situations, you will have to use a special means to eliminate fat. Cleaning can be done in two steps. The technique is cleaned with citric acid or lemon. When the walls are steamed and the fat softens, a special agent is distributed. Most often, the composition is left on the walls for 5-15 minutes. After turning off the equipment, wipe the surfaces with a wet and then dry cloth.

The way how to qualitatively clean the microwave from fat should be safe. After steam treatment, you do not need to immediately apply the detergent composition, as the walls will still be hot and you can get burned.

In order not to subject the technique to a long and exhausting cleaning, it must be properly and timely looked after. For your equipment to serve you long years, use glassware. For cooking, you can use a special plate or dome to prevent splashing. Do not reheat containers that are too tightly closed, which may burst.

For your information! After carrying out the procedures, the walls must be cleaned with a damp cloth, and also do not forget to remove the condensate in time.

How to clean the microwave at home: original and effective ways

Now let's find out how and how to clean the microwave inside at home. First of all, you need to consider some rules. For example, do not touch the power contact areas. When heating food, special lids must be used.

there is different ways effective cleaningyou need to know about. In addition to soda and lemon, you can use a coffee drink. To do this, the walls can be wiped with powder and left for a couple of hours, and then washed.

Important information! A thick layer of fat can even provoke a short circuit.

How to clean the microwave with lemon: helpful tips

Let's find out how to clean the microwave well with citric acid. After use this tool a pleasant smell appears. In addition, this ingredient allows you to remove fat that has dried out inside the oven. Here's what you need to do with this tool:

  • pour warm water into a glass container, and then stir two tablespoons of acid in it;
  • keep the dishes in the oven on the heating mode for 5-10 minutes;
  • with this treatment, complex stains soften, and fresh ones drain;
  • after heating, leave the plate in the oven for another 10 minutes;
  • after that, the walls must be wiped first with a dry cloth, and then with a damp cloth soaked in a solution with acid;
  • at the end, all elements must be wiped with a dry cloth.

You can also use lemon. At the same time, instead of acid, juice is squeezed out of one lemon into the water. The smell of detergents disappears after warming up the appliance.

For your information! When cleaning equipment, remember to pull out the pallet and rinse the roller areas.

Related article:

Let's figure out how to clean washing machine citric acid and other available means to increase the lifespan of the technique.

How to clean a dirty microwave with vinegar and baking soda: an effective way

A good result can be achieved by cleaning the microwave with baking soda and vinegar.You can prepare a mixture of 500 ml boiling water, two tablespoons of vinegar and a spoonful of baking soda. This liquid needs to be heated for 35-45 minutes. After that, all surfaces must be wiped off.

You can also use another method. Make a baking soda and citric acid solution. This mass can be used to clean the stove with an ordinary toothbrush. Do not rinse off the solution immediately, but wait half an hour.

Soda ash helps well, which destroys various bacteria.

For a long time, they have been cleaning the microwave with soda. It is an affordable component that allows you to deal with both superficial stains and long-standing drips.

The simple way consists of several steps:

  • stir two tablespoons of soda in half a liter of water;
  • this mixture must be poured into a glass dish and heated for 5-10 minutes. At the same time, the liquid boils and releases useful steam, which treats difficult places of pollution;
  • soda also helps to eliminate bad odors in the appliance;
  • after steaming, turn off the equipment and wipe the surface with a dry sponge;
  • then you can soak a cloth in soda and wipe the surface again.

With a similar solution, you can treat all surfaces of the device, as well as remove all dust accumulations. After cleaning, it is important to wait until the structure is dry. Let it stand for 24 hours after washing. If moisture gets inside the device, it can cause a short circuit and breakdown.

There is another option with soda. To do this, you will need laundry soap. A piece of bar can be grated and then added to the water. Then you need to add soda to the solution. After that, the resulting composition must be added to the spray bottle, and then sprayed over the surface of the stove. You can also dip a rag in the compound and then dampen the soiled areas with it. The solution must be held on the walls for a while, and then washed off.

How to clean your microwave with vinegar

Now let's find out how to clean the microwave with vinegar. Stir two tablespoons of wine or apple cider vinegar... Pour the mixture into a large bowl and then place it in the oven for 12-16 minutes. The appliance should warm up at full strength.

When the heating is over, do not open the door for another 15 minutes. The steam will be able to act on dirty surfaces for a longer time. Remains of dirt must be wiped off with a sponge and then dry.

A mixture of acetic and citric acid with water, when heated, forms steam, which softens dried food residues and fat deposits. When using this method of cleaning, it is necessary to open the vents and windows so as not to inhale harmful vapors. After processing, you will have to ventilate the room for a long time.

Nuances of cleaning the microwave with orange peels

You can also clean the equipment using orange peels... This component contains a special acid that can break down even dried fat on surfaces.

Here's how the cleansing procedure is done:

  • you need to collect water in a cup, and then put it in the stove for 7-11 minutes to warm up;
  • then you need to take the orange peels and put them in a tray or in a special dish, and then put them in the oven for heating for 2 minutes;
  • after that, let the container stand inside a little. And after a good steam treatment, all surfaces can be wiped with a wet rag;
  • such a procedure not only removes dried fat, but also helps to fight unpleasant odors inside the stove.

Microwave oven cleaners: what household chemicals offer

Now let's pick up a microwave cleaner from household chemicals. These products are often available as sprays and aerosols. Laundry soap is one of the cheapest options. It can be whipped into a thick foam, which can be spread over the contaminated surface, and then wait about half an hour and rinse with water.

Ordinary dish soap will work as well. The liquid is diluted in water and then applied to a cloth. All foam residues must be carefully removed, as the cooked food may have an unpleasant odor.

All kinds of sprays and creams are also relevant. They can be used to clean equipment in as soon as possible... The composition is simply applied to the fabric, and then spread over the contaminated surface.

Remember that all household chemicals must be thoroughly washed, as they can get into food. Do not use this option if you have allergic reactions.

Here are some tools you can use:

  • Mister Muscle can be sprayed over the surface and then turn on the stove at full power for 1 minute. Then the surface should be wiped with a damp cloth and the remaining solution should be removed;

  • Fairies effective when not heavily soiled. In this case, the sponge can be moistened with water and detergent. Then put it on a plate and in the warming chamber. The power shouldn't be too big. Then all residues can be washed off with water;

  • exist special means for washing the stove. The composition must be kept on the surface for 8-10 minutes, and then wipe the walls with a cloth;
  • napkins help remove grease and food debris. In this case, water can be omitted. This option is also used for surface disinfection.

You can use baking soda, lemon peel, or orange peel to remove odors. The proven methods include ammonia, allowing you to remove even old dirt. Gloves should be worn when working with it.