Clean the glass electric kettle from scale. How to get rid of scale in an enameled and electric kettle at home. Unusual folk methods

An electric kettle is a handy device that is often found on modern kitchens. It is made from different materials A: plastics, ceramics, glass and stainless steel. However, no matter how high-quality and high-tech it is, you will have to think about how to remove scale in an electric kettle.

The question is really difficult. clear Electric kettle at home, you need to be very careful, carefully choosing cleaning products: incorrectly selected, it can ruin the heating element, and you will have to take your favorite equipment to the trash.

Scale is insoluble salts (silicates, carbonates and sulfates of calcium and magnesium) that have pores. They harbor dangerous bacteria. Drinking water that has been heated in a dish with a thick layer of scale is very unhealthy. In addition, heat does not pass through it well, so the water will take longer to heat up, increasing energy consumption and overloading the heating element of the kettle. This leads to a quick breakdown of the device. That is why it is important to get rid of salt deposits.

Cleaning methods

There are two ways to descale an electric kettle:

  • mechanical. You will need hard sponges and brushes that scrape off plaque. This method requires a lot of effort and time. Experts do not recommend using it, because cleaning tools leave scratches on the walls of the kettle, which creates favorable conditions for the propagation of pathogenic microorganisms. It is difficult to remove all scale, especially from small elements. However, if there is nothing else at hand, then use the mechanical method;
  • chemical. Acid and alkali are needed: part of the salts lends itself to one substance, part to another. They are in almost every home - acetic, citric acid and soda. The mechanism of action is simple: these products decompose scale into constituent components that are easily washed off with water.

Chemicals: acids and soda will help to clean the kettle at home qualitatively and easily.

Now there are a lot of tips on how to remove scale. The main thing to remember is:

  1. Carefully choose a plaque remover: some of them are not suitable for a particular teapot material.
  2. Consider the degree of contamination. If the scale layer is thin, then boiling is not worth it. Pour the required solution into the kettle and leave for several hours. With a significant amount of deposits, you will have to boil, and the procedure will most likely need to be repeated.
  3. Warn loved ones about cleaning the electrical appliance so that no one accidentally gets poisoned.
  4. Before use chemical methods Scrub the sides of the teapot with a hard, non-metallic sponge for a few minutes. Skip this tip if you have a plastic appliance (its walls are easy to scratch).
  5. Do not fill the kettle completely, otherwise the water will pour out when boiling. Be guided by the marking of the displacement of the device. Usually there are allowed maximum and minimum values.
  6. Wash the kettle after cleaning is complete. Then boil it once or twice plain water and pour it out, thereby removing the remnants chemical and smell (otherwise there is a risk of poisoning).

Removing salt deposits is a simple matter. But if you want a well-maintained electric kettle for long-term use, don't let it build up a thick layer of limescale.


You can clean the electric kettle with acetic acid, but this must be done carefully. Use 6 or 9% table vinegar. This method is used for electrical appliances made of plastic, glass and stainless steel, if there is a large amount of hardened scale inside the kettle. Try one of the recipes:

  • Fill the kettle two-thirds full with water. Top up the rest with vinegar. The solution must be boiled. Leave it for a few hours to let the water cool down.
  • Fill the kettle with water and vinegar in an approximate ratio of 2:1 (that is, you will need a little less than two glasses of acetic acid per liter of water). Boil water first. Then add vinegar and turn on the kettle. After turning off, leave it for an hour.

Instead of vinegar, you can use vinegar essence 70%: one glass is replaced by 1-2 tablespoons, respectively.

Ventilate the room after using vinegar to remove the pungent odor.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is a milder and more suitable way for electric kettles to remove salt deposits. With its help, it is difficult to get rid of hard old scale, but it is perfect for small dirt. Another plus of this method is its versatility: it is suitable for plastic, metal, ceramic and glass devices.

Powder is carefully poured into boiling water (it can hiss and splash out). citric acid. The ratio of ingredients: per liter - 1-2 teaspoons. The solution should be boiled for several minutes. Then leave it for a couple of hours.

Instead of citric acid powder, juice is sometimes added. Squeeze a quarter of a lemon into half a liter of water or simply put it in a kettle, waiting for the water to boil.


Scale in an electric kettle is removed with baking soda or soda ash. This is the most gentle method. It is suitable for any kettles. Use with caution on colored plastic utensils as stains may remain.

Pour baking soda into boiling water. You will need 2 tablespoons per liter. Let the solution boil for a few minutes, then leave for a couple of hours to cool completely.

Citric acid and soda

It is possible to effectively clean an electric kettle from plaque at home using the following procedure:

  1. Pour baking soda into a kettle of water. Boil it, then leave it for half an hour. Then drain.
  2. Pour water into the kettle and saturate the citric acid there. Then repeat the steps of the previous paragraph.

Special funds

You don’t have to think about which method to choose, how to use it and whether it will suit your kettle, because modern market household chemicals replete with special tools. The seller of such a store will tell you what to choose.+

Follow the instructions for use of household chemicals to effectively, efficiently and safely descale the electric kettle.

In the vastness of the network there are many different recommendations, but not all of them are suitable for electric kettles. It is not recommended to use:

  • cleaning (potato, apple and others);
  • colored carbonated drinks. With caution, you can use colorless ones ("Sprite", "Schweppes"). The liquid should not contain gases, so leave the carbonated drink for several hours in an open container. Then pour it into the electric kettle and boil;
  • a well-known method of triple exposure (soda, citric and acetic acid);
  • brines.


Even the hardest and oldest raid can be defeated, but it will take a lot of time and effort. It is better to remove a thin layer of scale: you will spend less effort and extend the life of your electrical equipment. For this:

  • clean the electric kettle regularly, at least once a month;
  • if hard water flows from your tap, you can use a filter;
  • when choosing an electric kettle, give preference to those in which the heating coil is located inside the body, because it is quite difficult to clean it.

Lime scale inside your electric kettle can quickly disable the appliance and also harm your health. You can cope with it with acid or soda, which almost every housewife has. In addition, the household chemicals market offers a variety of special means.

Look inside your favorite pot for boiling water for tea and you will see white streaks, deposits on the walls. Any electric kettle will accumulate a layer of lime over time if it is not regularly cleaned. This plaque contains hard deposits of minerals when hard water is used, which does not pass through the filter. "Crust" on the walls impairs the operation of heating devices, is harmful to health. After reading the material, you will learn how to remove salt from the inside of electric and other tea utensils using traditional folk remedies.

How to remove scale in a kettle

To clean it from mineral plaque, especially if this dish is used daily, it is imperative to systematically. The formation of deposits depends on the quality of the water used: if it is hard, then a layer of mineral plaque and lime will form on the walls much faster. How to wash the kettle from scale? There are various tried and tested home tricks to help remove these mineral deposits. Baking soda, vinegar, cola, citric acid, household products work to eliminate this problem.

How to clean a kettle with citric acid

How to remove scale in a kettle using citric acid? It cleans metal brewing, plastic, glass products. In order to clean, you will need to boil half a liter of water, adding 2 large tablespoons of citric acid there after boiling. Wait a couple of hours for the water to cool. Removal of the "crust" on the walls, cleaning will occur on their own. It rarely takes a little help with this solution to successfully fight plaque. After that, boil again inside clean water, drain it. Your tea will become tastier and your health will not suffer.


How to clean the kettle from scale using specialized means cleaning from departments of household chemicals of shops and supermarkets? With their help, you can wash a product made of stainless steel or any other material. To find out if a cleanser is right for you, read the label carefully before buying. After purchasing the product, you only need to strictly follow the attached instructions. As a rule, you need to boil water, add powder, cool this solution, drain it and wash it well. clean water, boiled a couple of times.


Try an effective, inexpensive way to descale your kettle with vinegar. It is aggressive, so the method is suitable for removing heavy mineral deposits. It is used for tea utensils made of glass, plastic, metal. To carry out the removal of plaque, you will need to pour half a liter of water, boil, add a glass of 9% vinegar, leave for an hour so that the process goes arbitrarily. Sometimes you need to walk along the walls with a sponge. Important condition- thoroughly rinse the heating device from vinegar after the procedure, then boil it a couple of times with clean water.


clean enamel teapot, aluminum cookware soda will help - a folk remedy for scale, which is easy to find in retail and costs a penny. This will require 500 ml of water and a tablespoon of soda ash. If the mixture does not cover all the limescale, then increase the amount of water with soda. Bring the resulting solution to a boil and cook it over low heat for half an hour. To enhance the effect, leave the water with soda to cool there for a couple of hours. If necessary, rub the excess with a sponge, rinse the dishes well and boil clean filtered water there.

How to descale a Coca-Cola kettle

Try in practice another extraordinary way to fight against mineral plaque, which will require a strong carbonated drink containing citric acid. This option is suitable only for electric heaters. How to clean the kettle from scale, just adding Coca-Cola? First of all, you need to release gases from the drink, leaving it alone with the lid ajar for an hour, pour it into a bowl and boil. Leave to cool for a while, if necessary, rub with a sponge or hard washcloth. Drain the liquid, rinse with clean water.

Video on how to get rid of scale in an electric kettle

The energetic and very nice presenter of the video will popularly talk about the simplest, but effective measures for cleaning electric cookware in order to forget about plaque for a long time. How to remove scale in an electric kettle? If you have such a heating device for making tea, then this video will help. After watching the video, you will understand which tool is suitable for your case. Spend just a couple of minutes of your personal time, but you will understand which is better - soda, vinegar or lemon?

The appearance of lime white plaque and scale in the electric kettle does not bypass all owners of this useful household appliance, so everyone will be interested to know how and how to quickly and effectively clean the electric kettle from scale at home, as well as how to extend the “life” of the kettle and prevent the formation of plaque and scale inside him.

How and with what you can clean the electric kettle from scale at home

The formation of scale in electric kettles occurs regardless of what water you use, even if it is well purified or from mountain springs, it still contains salt, due to which plaque appears on the heating element and inner surface electric kettle during continuous use.

The quality of water greatly affects the rate of scale formation, therefore, using poor quality water (unpurified, unfiltered) for boiling, a large layer of scale will soon form in the kettle, which can lead to premature damage to the household appliance, and also increase the time it takes to boil water (scale has a low thermal conductivity and acts as insulation between the water and the heating element).

It will be very difficult to wash the scale in the electric kettle with ordinary water and a dish sponge, even detergent won't help much for dishes. In this case, it is best to use effective special descaling agents or time-tested folk methods, which will help to remove scale in an electric kettle without unnecessary waste and with minimal cost time and effort.

Cleaning the electric kettle from scale and white deposits inside can be done using the following improvised means:

  • Lemon acid.
  • Table vinegar 9%.
  • Baking soda.
  • Potato and apple peels, as well as brine from under canned cucumbers and tomatoes (these funds are practically not used anymore, since they are not very effective and specific, so we will not consider them in the article.

The funds listed above for a long time are used by many housewives to deal with scale not only in electric kettles (metal, plastic and glass), but also to remove scale in other household appliances, so let's take a closer look at what needs to be done before starting to clean the kettle and how to use each descaler .

You may also find the article on cleaning common metal and enameled teapots from scale: .

Preparation for descaling the kettle

  • Cleaning the electric kettle is best done when none of your family members are going to use it in the next few hours (so as not to accidentally pour water with a cleaning agent into tea or coffee), while it is better to warn them in advance that the kettle cannot be used.
  • To remove scale in an electric kettle, you do not need to use special brushes and metal brushes, which can damage the inner surface and the heating element in the kettle. When cleaning, the most used descaling agent and, in some cases, a regular soft sponge for dishes are sufficient.
  • The descaling process in the electric kettle can be combined with its external washing, while the sequence of its complete cleaning does not matter.
  • After using special chemicals for descaling, as well as ordinary helpers, it is always necessary to thoroughly rinse the electric kettle inside, as well as boil and drain ordinary clean water in it several times so that all residues of the agent used are removed and do not get into tea or coffee.

After familiarizing yourself with the basic rules and precautions, you can proceed directly to the cleaning itself by choosing one of the methods suggested below on how to get rid of scale in an electric kettle at home (the methods given are arranged in the following sequence: from the most effective and simple to the least effective, not taking into account special chemicals at the end of the article).

How to descale an electric kettle with citric acid?

Can be used: you can clean with citric acid an electric kettle made of stainless steel (metal), plastic and glass.

Citric acid is one of the cheapest and most reliable helpers in the fight against scale at home, and it is used to clean almost all household appliances, as well as various surfaces, on which limescale and scale can form.

Descaling an electric kettle with citric acid is quite simple:

  • Pour clean water into the kettle to the maximum (up to the maximum permissible mark on the kettle), or half of the kettle, if there is little scale and it is mainly only in the lower part of the kettle and bring it to a boil by turning on the electric kettle itself.
  • After the water boils, add 1 tablespoon of citric acid to it, if there is a little scale, or 2 tablespoons of citric acid if the kettle is very dirty (citric acid can be added immediately to the kettle so that the water boils with it inside the kettle).
  • We wait until the water in the kettle has cooled down, after which we drain it and thoroughly rinse the electric kettle from the inside with ordinary clean tap water.
  • We collect a full kettle of clean water and boil it, then drain it and repeat the procedure again to make sure that there are no traces of citric acid left in the kettle and you can safely drink water from it.

As you can see, cleaning an electric kettle with citric acid is quick and easy, while the scale dissolves well in water with citric acid and after that it does not need to be cleaned with a sponge. If there was a large layer of scale in the kettle, you can repeat the procedure again or use the following method using vinegar.

Advantages: very simple and fast way removing scale and scale inside the kettle, which is suitable for all models of electric kettles and does not cause any harm to the appliance itself. Ideal Solution at low and average pollution of an electric kettle by a scum.

Cons: None found.

How to get rid of scale in an electric kettle using table vinegar

Can be used: for all types of electric kettles (plastic, metal, glass).

Often, table vinegar is used in critical situations, when a lot of scale has formed in the electric kettle and it needs to be urgently cleaned out.

To clean an electric kettle from scale inside with vinegar, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • We fill the kettle with clean water to half its volume and add 1 cup of 9% table vinegar.
  • We turn on the electric kettle and bring the solution of water and vinegar to a boil (until it turns off by itself), after which we wait until all the liquid has completely cooled down.
  • We pour out all the contents from the kettle and rinse it well with tap water, while if there was a lot of scale and it didn’t all come off, you can additionally rub its remnants with a dish sponge or repeat the procedure with vinegar again (while using a little less vinegar).
  • After the electric kettle is well washed from the inside, pour clean water into it (a full kettle), bring it to a boil and pour it out (we repeat this procedure several times to completely clean the inner surface of the kettle from vinegar residues and its smell).

Using vinegar to remove scale in an electric kettle will help get rid of any amount of scale in this appliance in a short period of time, the main thing is not to forget that the vinegar will evaporate when boiled, so the cleaning process is best done either under the hood in the kitchen or near an open window (in warm season), so as not to inhale vinegar fumes.

Benefits: Cleaning an electric kettle with vinegar is effective for any amount of scale in the kettle (vinegar works well even with large deposits of scale on the heating element and the inside of the kettle). Vinegar is most effective for descaling metal kettles, but other models are just as effective at removing scale.

Disadvantages: an unpleasant specific smell of vinegar during the cleaning of the kettle.

How to use soda to remove scale in an electric kettle at home

Can be used: for all types of electric kettles.

Baking soda is more commonly used to descale conventional enameled kettles, but is also used to descale electric kettles.

Cleaning an electric kettle from scale with soda takes place in the following sequence:

  • We collect clean water in the electric kettle (up to half).
  • Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  • We turn on the electric kettle and wait until it boils and turns itself off, after which we wait for the water to cool completely in it.
  • We drain the water from the kettle and rinse it well under running clean water from the tap.
  • We collect water in a washed clean electric kettle and bring it to a boil, then drain it and repeat the procedure again so that the remaining soda is washed out on the inside of the kettle.

Cleaning an electric kettle with soda is similar to the previous methods, while the electric kettle can be descaled with soda using vinegar for a better effect. To do this, we make a gruel of soda and water, and rub it into the surfaces in the kettle, on which scale has formed with a sponge, which was previously moistened in table vinegar. As a result of a chemical reaction, scale and plaque will begin to dissolve, after which they can be removed with a regular clean dish sponge and water.

Advantages: an easy way to get rid of scale in an electric kettle at home, which is less effective and popular than the previous methods and more suitable for cleaning enameled kettles.

Cons: not high efficiency cleaning.

We use special means of scale in the electric kettle

Can be used: for all models and types of electric kettles (glass, stainless steel or plastic).

In many household stores and supermarkets you can find a variety of various means from scale in the form of tablets, powders and liquids (for example, antiscale, antiscale, etc.), which are specially designed by experts for effective and safe cleaning of electric kettles from scale and plaque.

The sequence of using special cleaners to deal with scale is similar to the folk methods given above in the article, especially since each package of such products says detailed instructions according to the application, according to which it is necessary to carry out cleaning.

Benefits: Descaling chemicals for electric kettles are among the most effective, as they were designed to do just that.

Disadvantages: not found (certain disadvantages and disadvantages may be in certain species and trademarks special means for cleaning scale).

How to prevent the formation of limescale and scale in an electric kettle (metal, glass, plastic)

  • For boiling, we use only high-quality filtered (purified) water, in which the content of salts and other components (metals, chlorine) will be low.
  • It is better to pour water into an electric kettle for one time use, and if it remains, then drain the excess.
  • After using the electric kettle, it will not be superfluous to rinse it with ordinary water inside to wash off the small particles of the newly formed plaque.
  • With the constant use of an electric kettle, every 1-2 months it is necessary to carry out preventive cleaning from scale (for example, citric acid), so that a thick layer of scale does not have time to form on its inner surface and the heating element.

Note: when buying, it is better to give preference to electric kettles with a heating disc and with a closed heating coil, as they are easier to maintain (easier to clean from scale and plaque from the inside).

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that the knowledge of how to properly descale an electric kettle will be useful to everyone, since it is not possible to completely protect yourself from the appearance of limescale and scale inside the electric kettle during its operation and sooner or later cleaning will be needed. We leave our useful tips and reviews on the topic of how to clean the electric kettle from scale at home with the help of improvised and special tools, leave in the comments to the article and share it in in social networks if it was helpful to you.

Scale on the walls of the kettle is formed in any case, even if a system is installed in the apartment that will improve the quality of the water, but it is impossible to completely clean the liquid from the salts in the composition in this way. Sooner or later, limescale will settle on the walls, which, in addition to looking unsightly, can harm the health of loved ones. This means that it's time to think about how to descale the kettle. Today, in our review, we will analyze in detail the methods of self-cleaning the kettle from scale, and we will also study exactly how each tool works.

Plaque forms on the bottom and inner walls of the device, and in electric models - on the heating element. Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid this phenomenon, plaque will settle to a greater or lesser extent, even if used. The formation of plaque occurs due to the content in tap water salts, and the more of them, the more often the plaque will appear on the walls. This problem cannot be ignored for several reasons:

  • for an electrical device, this increases and leads to an early breakdown;
  • v ordinary teapots plaque can destroy the walls;
  • salts are harmful to the body, getting into or coffee, they thus penetrate inside and adversely affect the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system.

How to clean the kettle from scale at home using folk methods

We all remember the old adage that it is easier to prevent a problem than to fix its consequences. So it is with plaque - with regular cleaning, it is much faster and easier to remove it, and you do not need to use it for this. We have selected the best homemade recipes on how to get rid of scale in an electric and conventional kettle.

How to clean the kettle from scale with citric acid

Most effective remedy- lemon acid. It can be used for both conventional and electric models. Before you descale the kettle with citric acid, you need to understand the principle of action of the lemon. Lime scale is an alkali that reacts with an acid. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Pour a bag of lemons inside and pour plain water above the level of plaque formation.
  2. Bring to a boil and leave on low heat for a few minutes.
  3. The reaction is almost instantaneous, the plaque falls off in pieces from the inner walls.

For prevention purposes, such a procedure as cleaning the kettle with citric acid should be performed monthly. Folk remedy can quickly remove scale and other household appliances, For example, .

How to get rid of scale in the kettle with vinegar

Vinegar can be found in several recipes for cleaning walls from plaque. For electrical appliances it is undesirable to use it, however, if the case is running, and there is no other way out, acid can also be used. Before descaling the kettle with vinegar, you need to choose one of the following recipes.

Recipe Description
Recipe 1
  • Pour 2 tbsp. l. essences, 1 liter of water, heated to 70°C.
  • Reduce heat and hold for another half an hour.
Recipe 2
  • Dilute 150 g of 9% vinegar with 1 liter of water, pour the composition inside.
  • Boil for at least half an hour.
Recipe 3 (for electrical appliance)
  • Pour 2 cups of water, bring to a boil.
  • Add 200 g of table vinegar or 2 tbsp. l. essences.
  • Leave the composition in the device for 20 minutes. If the plaque does not peel off, bring the liquid to a boil and wait another quarter of an hour.

In all recipes, the time is approximate, the hostess should observe the intensity of plaque peeling. After treating the inner walls with vinegar, wash everything thoroughly and boil fresh water 1-2 times to remove the smell. You can use vinegar.

How to descale a kettle with baking soda

Baking soda powder can be used on metal, enamel and electric models. The main advantage of using soda is that it removes old formations, but you need to be careful during processing, as it can leave scratches on the surface. Pour 2 tsp into the device with a volume of 3 l. with a slide of soda powder, pour water and boil for half an hour. After allowing the solution to cool and wash the walls in the usual way. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

How to clean the kettle from scale with carbonated drinks

Not everyone has a positive attitude towards soda, calling such drinks chemical. But since they are approved for use all over the world, they can certainly be used to clean the device at home. For example, Sprite effectively removes plaque, Fanta and Cola have a similar cleaning property, but they can stain the walls, so our editors excluded them. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Pour Sprite inside, the amount of drink should not exceed half the volume of the kettle.
  2. Bring to a boil, then rinse everything thoroughly.

It is important! It is strictly forbidden to clean electrical appliances with carbonated drinks. This method helps only for conventional devices.

How to descale a kettle with brine or oxalic acid

Cleaning with brine or oxalic acid is suitable for all kinds of household appliances. The main advantage of this method is the availability and cost savings. However, this method is not suitable for old and hardened plaque, in addition, cleaning with brine or oxalic acid will leave a smell inside for a while. You need to be ready for this. To remove plaque with the help of cleanings, you will need:

  • 0.5 liters of brine;
  • boil the brine for 10-15 minutes;
  • after the solution is drained, and the walls are thoroughly washed. Baking soda can be used to remove the odor.

It is interesting! The composition of the marinade, as a rule, includes vinegar, so the result of cleaning with it has such an effect.

To clean plaque with oxalic acid, you should:

  • pour a small amount of the composition inside, pour water;
  • bring to a boil and leave for a few minutes. After that, rinse well.

How to clean scale in a kettle with apple or potato peels

In home advice, there is another extraordinary recipe - removing plaque with apple or potato peelings. It is used for metal or enameled surfaces, it is also suitable for electrical appliances. Of the main advantages, one can note the availability and cost-effectiveness, in addition, it is also one of the most environmentally friendly methods. Unfortunately, cleaning is a poor helper for stubborn plaque.

The principle of operation is explained simply. Apple peels contain fruit acids of organic origin, which react with an alkaline environment. limescale. Potato peelings have an alkaline base, its action is similar to soda. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Cleaning place inside, pour water and boil for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Drain the water, rinse the walls in the usual way.

Combined kettle cleaning with vinegar, baking soda and citric acid

The combined method for cleaning the walls is heavy artillery for dealing with scale. However, this method, due to its aggressiveness, is not suitable for electrical appliances.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Stir in 1 liter of water 1-2 tsp. soda, boil.
  2. Before you remove the scale in the kettle with citric acid, you need to pour the previous composition, do all the steps again, but add 1 tbsp. l. lemons.
  3. Perform all actions again, but include an additional 100 g of table vinegar in the composition.

Such an algorithm should lead to positive result, the plaque remaining on the walls becomes loose in its structure and is easily removed with a sponge.


Electric kettle - almost indispensable household appliance. With it, you can quickly and easily boil water for making tea or coffee. It does not need to be monitored, after boiling it will turn itself off and will not waste electricity. But even the most modern electric kettle requires care and regular cleaning.

Causes of scale

The electric kettle seems to be a device that requires absolutely no maintenance. But if the technique is not given enough attention, over time it may begin to work less efficiently or even break down.

most common cause breakdowns is the accumulation of excessive amounts of deposits. They cover the walls and the heating element, reducing the rate of water heating.

Scale in an electric kettle is salts and compounds contained in water and precipitated when heated. It is impossible to completely get rid of this phenomenon. But a set of care measures will allow using various means as rarely as possible.

It is important to understand that deposits on the bottom of the kettle are not only a cosmetic problem. They significantly reduce the rate of heating and, if ingested, can cause the formation of sand in the kidneys or aggravate an existing disease.

current care

Proper daily care of the electric kettle will allow global cleaning to be carried out very rarely. In order for salts to be deposited as little as possible, it is important to observe the following requirements:

  1. The container should be cleaned regularly, preferably every evening. Just drain the water and use a sponge to wash the inside.
  2. Do not boil more water than necessary. Salts from the liquid remaining after heating in the kettle will compact the layer.
  3. Use purified water. This will save the technique, and it is more useful for health.
So that maintenance is not too laborious, and the household appliance lasts as long as possible, it is important not only to know how to remove scale in an electric kettle, but also to do it regularly. A thin layer of deposits is much more easily affected and special tools can not be used to remove it.

Virtually any acid-containing products effectively remove deposits. For cleaning electric kettles, you can use both industrial compounds and improvised means.

Special funds

With scale on the walls and heating elements of electric kettles help to fight ready-made formulations, which can be purchased at the store in the household chemicals department. It is quite simple to recognize them, the manufacturer puts an image of equipment on the packaging, the name usually corresponds to: “Antinakip” and the like.

They should be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, do not exceed the dosage and exposure time.

Usually the scheme is simple: the agent must be dissolved in water in a certain proportion, poured into a kettle, boiled and left for a while. After that, wash the equipment and use it as usual.

The composition of industrial products contains several types of acids and auxiliary substances that successfully fight salt deposits. It is important to know how to clean the electric kettle so as not to harm the health of the family. You can also use improvised tools that are in every home.

Lemon acid

As part of special tools is an integral component. It can be used to clean your equipment quickly and efficiently. And what is especially pleasant, such care will not cost at all.

For one treatment, you will need 1 sachet of acid containing 25 g of the substance.

You should act according to the following scheme:

  1. Take a full kettle of water and pour the contents of 1 sachet.
  2. Bring water to a boil and turn off the appliance. Care should be taken, as the solution may begin to foam when boiling.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes to take effect. After drain the composition.

The influence is based chemical reaction converting citric acid to acetic acid.

After cleaning, thoroughly wash the equipment and boil clean water in it. This will help get rid of the smell. If necessary, repeat all manipulations.

food vinegar

The food grade vinegar found in every kitchen is acetic acid diluted to a safe concentration. With it, you can clean the kettle quickly and efficiently.

Pour vinegar solution into the kettle (1 part 9% vinegar to 2 parts water). Bring the composition to a boil and turn off the device. Leave until completely cool. After draining the active composition and thoroughly wash the container with a moderately hard sponge.

The acid will soften the scale and can be easily removed.

After cleaning, the equipment must be thoroughly washed and boiled with clean water several times. This will help get rid of the specific smell of the acid composition.

Baking soda

Soda is a fairly active substance, which can remove even a large layer of scale. It is worth turning to if a milder effect does not bear fruit.

Pour water into the kettle and add a tablespoon of soda to it. Boil and leave the composition to act for several hours. The alkaline solution will soften the deposits and they can be removed with a sponge.

If this action is not enough, you can repeat the procedure or add citric acid to the water instead of soda at the rate of 1 sachet per 1.5 liters of water. Boil the solution and leave for an hour.

After that, traditionally clean the surface with a sponge.

Carbonated drinks

Most carbonated drinks contain citric acid. It is she who will help to cope with scale in the kettle. The method of removing deposits with drinks is passed from mouth to mouth and is considered effective, but it also has features:

  1. Choose colorless drinks. Dyes, especially bright ones, can leave stains that are more difficult to clean off than salt deposits.
  2. Partially degas the liquid before use. Otherwise, in the process of boiling, the drink will foam, pouring everything around.
  3. The drink should be poured into the kettle, boiled and left to act. In just an hour, the scale will begin to move away in layers and it can be removed mechanically.

Before cleaning the electric kettle, it is important to warn all family members about it. Liquids and compounds used for such work are colorless, they can be confused with ordinary water. A few sips of citric acid solution will not bring significant harm, but negative emotions guaranteed.

To keep the electric kettle indispensable assistant, it should be cleaned regularly to avoid the formation of a significant layer of scale. It is enough to boil the acid composition every few weeks, and heating elements technicians will shine with purity.