Why dream of Dirty Dishes? Why dream of dirty dishes

Dirty dishes are a reflection of the state of mind. Thus, it suggests that it is time to understand yourself and reconsider your outlook on life. To obtain a more truthful interpretation, it is worth considering other objects seen and actions performed.

Why dream of dirty dishes?

In addition to mental problems, a dream about dirty dishes can portend problems at work, for example, you can make a bad deal or a colleague will set you up. A large number of unwashed kitchen utensils is a symbol of the fact that you do not like to cope with household chores and the role of a “wife” is completely not for you. In a dream, you see dirty clay dishes - this is a warning that serious problems may begin in your relationship with your partner. Unwashed enameled utensils promise news that will be unpleasant. If dirty dishes are made of expensive metal - a symbol of impending financial problems.

Seeing dirty dishes in a dream and then beating them is a positive sign that you can get out of a difficult situation as a winner. For a lonely girl, a dream about dirty dishes on store shelves portends a meeting with a mercenary man. If you are engaged in a career and see such a dream, then in real life you will have problems with the performance of duties. The dream interpretation advises to rest at this time so as not to cause serious problems.

Why dream of washing dirty dishes in a dream?

The dream in which you wash the dishes with gloves on will tell you that in the near future everything will work out without much cost and effort. If you do it with your bare hands, then you still have to make an effort to achieve it, but the result will be excellent. In a dream, removing dirty dishes from the table means that in reality the white stripe will soon change to black, and problems await you.

Why dream of dirty dishes? The interpretation that can be found in dream books primarily refers to business and family life. To decipher, the dreamer will need to remember what kind of dishes it was, how dirty it was, and what he himself did. Often in what you see in a dream lies a clue that points to the root of family scandals or material difficulties.

Miller's dream book

Answering the question of why the pyramid of soiled household utensils is dreaming, which the sleeper does not even think about washing, the psychologist argued that the person was faced with an obstacle that he could not overcome without outside help.

Dirty dishes that fill the sink, which you washed yourself, indicate that you will have the strength to put your affairs in order. This is especially true for relationships with a partner.

If this image appeared in a dream to a lady bound by marriage, then this indicates that the husband devotes very little time to her.

Dishwashing entrepreneur

Why can a business person dream of such a process? The dream interpretation is sure that the dream contains a hint on how to further conduct business.

If there are several dirty silver appliances in the sink, then before signing the contract, you should once again weigh the pros and cons.

But enamelware portends disappointment due to the news that the dreamer has been waiting for a long time.

A golden tray of leftovers promises financial difficulties.

Success is promised to those who washed dirty pots in night vision.

If in a dream a woman who does household chores at a professional level saw a similar plot, then she was simply tired of her everyday duties.

General condition of dishes

What can mean the plot in which you collect cutlery from the table after a grand celebration? Everything will change for the better if you collect beautiful tea utensils.

And if in a dream a person removed spoiled forks and spoons, then it is advisable to prepare in advance for unexpected expenses and save a little.

To achieve the goal will not work for those, - the dream book promises, - who dreamed of collecting cups and saucers with cracks and cracks.

Surprisingly, if you dreamed of dirty broken dishes or the sleeper himself dropped it, then success will be achieved unexpectedly for him.

Make time for family

Why dream of a large number of dirty dishes in different rooms? The esoteric dream book believes that this is how your attitude to energy sources is reflected. Food is one of the most important moments, and dishes are always present during meals. Based on this, a dream prophesies fatigue or financial problems, the cause of which will be you yourself.

But Maly Velesov’s dream book thinks a little differently: the dream contains a hint that the partner is suffering without the attention of the dreamer. This can be said with certainty if the dishes were made of clay.

Liquidation of misunderstanding

Are there so many dirty dishes in a dream that one person is not enough to wash them? The weather in the house deteriorates every day, and a thunderstorm can break out from day to day.

According to the Eastern Dream Interpretation, washing all the dishes and being satisfied with your actions - to prosperity in the family. Solving difficulties in everyday life and personal life promises a dream in which a person wiped tableware.

Crockery is a common household item. Therefore, when she appears in a dream, this can hardly alert. And very often such a symbol is ignored. But, when attention is focused on a certain object or action with it, the question immediately arises of what the dishes are dreaming of.

A lot of dishes - dream book

If you dreamed of dishes, then try to remember its appearance. If you see a lot of dishes in a dream and do not perform any actions, then this indicates that in real life you should pay attention to your own home, and not get carried away with empty ideas on the side.

Why dream of new dishes?

Many people are interested in what new dishes are dreaming of? This indicates that you are a very neat and economical hostess. If a young woman sees how she enters a modern utensils supermarket in night dreams and admires new dishes, then this indicates that she will soon marry successfully and be happy in marriage. But if in a dream you had to go into a sloppy and untidy china shop with a small amount of dishes, then this warns that confusion will reign in business.

Washed dishes

It is also a good sign when you dream of washed dishes neatly arranged on shelves. This indicates that everything in your life is going according to plan and in the near future no troubles are planned in reality. For family people, this is a sign of a family idyll and absolute harmony in relationships.

Interpretation of sleep by type of dishes

You need to pay attention to the type of dishes seen in a dream, as follows:

    Plates portend a quarrel with loved ones; Spoons predict an addition to the family; Large dishes, salad bowls or bowls are a harbinger of a comfortable household life; The service indicates that an influential person will soon appear in life who will greatly affect your fate; Various dishes in a large number promises a pleasant pastime with the household.

old crockery

Old crockery with cracks and punctures is not a very good sign and can mean the following:

    Unpleasant conversation; Receiving unpleasant or unreliable news; A little disappointment in life.

Dreamed of broken or broken dishes

If you dreamed of broken dishes, for example, a pan with a broken handle, then this predicts sad events in real life. And if you dreamed of a bucket without a bottom, then you should expect serious material problems.

You should also know the following:

    A broken ceramic pot portends a happy coincidence; Old plates predict a short successful life span; An old frying pan is a harbinger of trouble.

Clean dishes

A female dream book interprets clean dishes in a dream very positively. In real life, there comes a very successful period for any new undertakings. At this time, fate is so favorable to you, all positive changes in life will take place on their own and the most secret desires will gradually come true.

Packed tableware

Seeing packed dishes in a dream that have not yet been used is not very good. This is a sign that troubles are to be expected in personal life. Most likely, there will be a break with a partner. But if you see in a dream that you were presented with very beautiful dishes, then this indicates that in the near future you will receive good advice from the outside, which should not be ignored.

If you dream of dirty dishes scattered around the house, then this portends quarrels and conflicts in the family. For a young girl who is about to get married, a broken dish indicates that hopes for a happy marriage will not come true. That is, such a dream focuses your attention on the fact that you are wasting time. If unwashed dishes are dreamed of against the background of depression, then this indicates that the time has come to fully relax.

Interpretation of a dream according to the material of the dishes

To interpret the dream, it is very important to remember what material the dishes were made of:

    Porcelain and ceramic dishes are considered to be harbingers of a prosperous life; Gold and silver dishes predict a fateful meeting; Copper or bronze dishes portend quarrels and disagreements with loved ones; Wooden dishes indicate good health; Aluminum dishes portend illness; Glass dishes reflect a prosperous state of mind dreamer; Pewter warns that in the coming period you need to save, but this will not last long.

If the dishes are made of expensive material and look very beautiful, then it portends well-being, happiness. After that, you should be expected to make new acquisitions, and sometimes such a dream portends a win.

Dreams with silver utensils should be singled out in a separate group, as follows:

    If you dream that you receive dishes as a gift, then soon the person who received help from you in difficult times will express gratitude to you; to a change in social status.

You also need to pay attention to the type of dreaming porcelain dishes:

    Exquisite porcelain cups predict a pleasant pastime in the digging of friends; Porcelain plates portend a quarrel with a partner or soulmate, the cause of which will be a trifling occasion.

A very good sign for married women is white dishes seen in a dream. This indicates that soon the husband will receive a promotion, which will guarantee well-being in the house.

Washing dishes in a dream

With dishes in dreams, you can carry out different actions. This is a very important factor for interpreting dreams. A very common question is, why dream of washing dishes? If you saw in a dream that you were washing dishes in a strange house, then soon your life will be filled with bright unforgettable events. But at the same time, you should pay attention to some nuances:
    Washing dishes at a friend's house means you need to slow down the pace of life and do quiet things; Washing dishes with relatives means that soon you will need to get vivid life impressions in order to avoid depression; new business that will become your hobby.
When you get the feeling that you have to wash the dishes in the house in a dream in cold water, then you should prepare for betrayal. If you wipe the freshly washed dishes with a towel in your night dreams, then this portends a good deal. A dream in which you have to wash the dishes with rubber gloves indicates that you cannot focus on important matters. And if you happen to break the dishes while washing, then this indicates that you pay too much attention to your own problems. If you use detergent while washing dishes in night dreams, then you should expect that you will soon be in the spotlight. Soap foam, on which attention is focused, warns that you can commit a rash act. When you have to wash dishes in your own house in night dreams, this indicates love. Moreover, if you broke the plates, then this symbolizes mutual feelings. And if, according to the plot of the dream, you had to break the cups, then this indicates that love is unrequited.

In addition, it should be noted a dream in which you wash an old service. Such night dreams portend a business trip. And if you have to wash a modern service, then this indicates that dreams will only come true when you show your natural talents. It is important to remember for the correct interpretation the entire plot of the dream:

    When you have to wash dishes in the bathroom, this predicts reconciliation with your loved one; If you have to wash pots and pans, then there will be a fun feast in the near future; When you feel like a dishwasher and are very upset about this, this indicates that that soon you will have to become a victim of partner jealousy.
When you dreamed that you were washing pots and other camping utensils at a picnic, this indicates that an important event will happen in your life. Moreover:
    Rinsing one-time dishes - to soon wealth; Washing metal plates portends a meeting with an old friend; Cleaning a cast-iron pot symbolizes self-confidence; Wiping ceramic dishes - be ashamed of your own complexes.

Why dream of breaking dishes

It is very important to know why broken dishes are dreaming? Beating dishes in a dream is, in general, a very good sign. Almost all dream books predict positive changes in real life. You need to prepare for the fact that you have to experience new vivid feelings and experience new unforgettable sensations. It is very important to pay attention to how the dishes were broken:
    If you accidentally dropped it and broke it, then this portends a fleeting romance; If the dishes fell and pricked, then this portends a deception. The period has come when you need to be especially careful in everything; If you dream of broken dishes after it has been thrown at someone, then this is a harbinger of a promising marriage; If you break dishes in a dream filled with festive dishes, then this portends prosperity, associated with career advancement; If empty, dirty dishes were broken, then this predicts the end of a streak of bad luck.
A very bad omen is a broken crystal dish during a quarrel in a dream. This portends serious conflict situations with a loved one in real life, which will have bad consequences. In this case, most likely, the cause of misunderstandings is your wrong behavior. You will have to listen to completely justified accusations from your partner and you will have to look for compromises to save the relationship.

Break your favorite cup or plate

An unkind sign is the plot of a dream in which your favorite cup or plate was broken. This warns that you will soon have to endure a serious loss. It can be both the loss of a friend, and the loss of some material value. On the other hand, such a dream indicates that one should not be upset about this. Despite the fact that the loss will be very painful, you need to remember that time heals and soon the ability to feel the joy of life will appear again. If the dishes were broken, but the process of this went unnoticed in a dream, then this is a good omen, especially for a sick person. This predicts a speedy recovery. In other cases, such a dream indicates a surge of vitality, which will allow you to successfully implement any undertakings. A warning is also a crack that has formed on the dishes that have fallen. This indicates that a person's health can significantly deteriorate, against the background of a developing disease. This is a sign that you need to urgently consult a doctor, only in this way it will be possible to avoid problems. For a young woman, such a sign also indicates that she may have problems conceiving a child. For a pregnant woman, such a dream promises problems during the period of bearing a child and childbirth.

In a dream, a cast-iron boiler breaks

Sometimes in night dreams there are scenes in which a cast-iron boiler breaks? This promises the onset of difficult times associated with a streak of bad luck. It also indicates that the support of closest friends will be needed soon. It should be expected that the dark streak of life will drag on for a long time and can lead to the development of self-doubt, as well as undermine faith in a happy, cloudless future. On the basis of this, depression can develop, which can cause serious damage to health. Therefore, you need to make every effort to believe that bad luck will end sooner or later and the sun will shine brightly again in a person’s life. Fragments of broken dishes are treated similarly. And the more of them, the longer the black life streak will drag on.

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As a rule, dreams reflect the experiences of reality. Before the session, students dream of mountains of notes and textbooks. Operators for receiving utility bills - receipts, plumbers are pursued by adjustable wrenches and rusty pipes. Mountains of dirty dishes can dream of housewives, catering workers, whose daily duties include the duty to take care of tableware. Why do dirty dishes dream of people who are far from constant contact with them, you should understand in detail.

As a rule, dreams reflect the experiences of reality.

Dream Interpretations do not give an unambiguous interpretation of this symbol. The subject of discussion is not dirty dishes as such, but the reaction to it, the actions that follow.

  1. The esoteric dream book warns if you have to wash dishes in a dream, this is a warning of your own nervous system about severe overwork, the need for outdoor recreation, with friends. It is better to give yourself a little break with a change of surroundings and social circle. Otherwise, you will have to apologize to loved ones and re-establish communication in the family and work team.
  2. Dreams associated with buying dishes are also ambiguous. Zhou Gong's dream book portends a change in fate if you dream of buying dishes. If in a dream there is a vision of soiled dishes placed on the shelves, then it warns that not everything is going smoothly on the path to success and prosperity.
  3. He considers a dream to be a harbinger of a happy family life, in which there was a choice of expensive dishes, a dream book of the 21st century. If dirty dishes are found on the store counter in a dream, this is a warning.
  4. Did this dream of a girl about to get married? So, there are reasons to doubt the correctness of the choice of a life partner.

For married ladies, this is a signal that a new acquaintance can develop into a love affair that will bring discord into a happy family life.

Dishes in a dream book (video)

Seeing dirty dishes in the sink or on the table in a dream

According to Miller's dream book, a mountain of dirty dishes lying in the sink, which you are not going to wash in your dream, is a warning of impending unpleasant situations. You can't deal with them on your own.

If you see how you get down to business, and shiny clean dishes go to their places, then all troubles will quickly disappear without outside help.

Miller draws attention when interpreting sleep and what dishes are in the sink:

  • If there are pots, pans, mugs and other kitchen utensils with handles, then the warning applies to the family.
  • Glasses, aluminum or disposable plates are an indication of a state-owned house, most likely a job.
  • Cups and saucers symbolize a close circle of friends or distant relatives.

If you see how you get down to business, and shiny clean dishes go to their places, then all troubles will quickly disappear without outside help.

A dream book for a married woman gives a special interpretation of the dirty dishes in a dream. The unwillingness to put things in order, to keep kitchen items in perfect order is a sign that the woman does not have enough attention from her husband.

Why dream of a mountain of unwashed dishes

Mountains of dreaming intact beautiful, but dirty dishes symbolize some obstacles to achieving your goals. If there are food leftovers in the plates, this sign can be used to judge in which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife problems are outlined.

  • The most unpleasant sign is when bread is sent to waste. This is an omen of financial troubles that will affect the well-being of the family. It is worth getting bread from a plate in a dream, and the omen will change to a positive one. After that, we should expect a small replenishment of the family budget. It can be a money transfer from a relative or friend, a bonus at work, odd jobs.
  • A dried-up bun on a plate sent to the sink indicates that someone is ready to pay for their hobby or recreational activities in exchange for communicating with you. Soaking a bun in water means not only starting to communicate with a person, but also sharing his views on relaxation.
  • Half-eaten fresh fruits indicate that you will have to refuse an attractive offer - a trip to the theater, a trip out of town or to a resort. If you dream that you have to collect these fruits and berries from plates, then you will have to spend a lot of moral strength to implement your plans. If you have to catch pieces of vegetable bright food from the water that has accumulated in the sink, the dream makes it clear that organizational issues will cause a lot of trouble. If fruits and berries have not lost their attractiveness from contact with water, the rest will turn out to be exciting.
  • Appetizing pieces of meat or cream cake are dreamed of as a sign that the chores of gathering the family at a single table, at this stage, will not bring satisfaction. Most likely, not everyone will be able to come to an anniversary, wedding or other family celebration. If there is an untouched cake among a pile of dirty dishes, and the water in the sink is clean and clear, then the remnants of food on the dishes from sleep promise prosperity, and the cake portends unexpected joy.

Mountains of dreaming intact beautiful, but dirty dishes symbolize some obstacles to achieving your goals.

Dried red or yellow sauce on dishes, as well as dried rice, is a sign of a stable, but not very large income. For the time being, there is no hope for an improvement in the financial situation.

Why dream of broken dishes

Dreams are unpredictable, sometimes dirty dishes in a dream have to be removed from a mountain of shards. The sight of some of them causes regret about the loss of something important, beautiful. Appearance for others it is a sigh of relief from the fact that it does not have to be washed. Whatever it was, dreams of broken dishes, fortunately. This dream can be considered an omen of great changes in life. Everything superfluous from life will leave after this dream, only the important, necessary will remain.

This dream can be considered an omen of big changes in life.

It is worse if you have to see how a bowl breaks in half in your hands, a cup with two handles, or the handle of a pot breaks off, into which they began to draw water in order to wash dirt from it. Such a dream portends the loss of the second half. This can be a harbinger of the death of a spouse, his serious illness, or a banal departure from the family. Whatever happens, you will have to take responsibility for the well-being of relatives.

Why dream of dirty dishes in a strange house

Dirty dishes in a strange house is an omen for someone in whose apartment in a dream they had to eliminate the consequences of a feast. Washing cups and plates in a strange house means that in the near future you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on this person in order to solve his private problems.

If you understand that the dirty pans and pots that you have to wash in a dream are in a strange, but unfamiliar house, then recently other people's worries and troubles worry you more than your own family. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning about the incorrectness of the chosen life path. If you follow them further, you can miss your own happiness.

Dirty dishes in a strange house is an omen for someone in whose apartment in a dream they had to eliminate the consequences of a feast

A folk dream book considers a dream in which you have to wash someone else's dishes as a negative, envy in your own soul. Perhaps, unconsciously, you wish bad luck to your acquaintances, in whose house (in a dream) you had to wash the dishes.

Clean up dirty dishes in a dream

Clean up dirty service holiday table- this is how regrets about the stage passed, a quarrel or parting appear in a dream. Often such dreams are visited by graduates who are sorry to part with the educational institution, its team.

Also, cleaning dirty dishes from the table can be dreamed of by a person who leaves his workplace, but maintains a warm relationship with the team.

Why dream dirty (video)

Buying, washing, cleaning kitchen or dining utensils are very personal predictions. Everyone should consider such a dream individually, in accordance with the situation that is developing in his life at the moment when he happened to see a mountain of dirty dishes.

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Dreams are a reflection of experiences in real life. In a dream, dirty dishes in large quantities can be seen by housewives, employees of catering establishments, whose daily duties include caring for kitchen utensils. Why do dirty dishes dream of those who rarely come into contact with them, you need to consider in more detail.

Night visions are not always reflections of reality. Sometimes what you see actually comes true. However, there is no reason to despair. It is always possible to change the situation. All that is needed is the desire of the person himself to make adjustments to the usual or unusual course of life.

What do the interpreters of the past testify to? Is it worth trusting implicitly what is written in ancient sources? A cloudless family life is promised by a dream in which a choice of expensive dishes was offered. So says the dream book of the XXI century. A lot of dirty dishes on the store counter, unwashed utensils are serves as a warning:

  • for a married woman - a new acquaintance can become a love affair, because of which a threat hangs over the preservation of the marriage;
  • for a person about to get married, the reasons for doubting the correct choice of a partner are not unreasonable.

Many people prefer to turn to old sources for clarification. They believe that in the past, soothsayers and magicians were stronger. To believe such a statement or to doubt - it is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Dirty plates

They dream of quarrels with family members. If the vision came before a significant event, then there is a chance that the scenario will not go as planned. If you see how you start washing them, shiny, clean utensils are put in their places, then the troubles will go away by themselves.

If in a dream, in a fit of enthusiasm, a person begins to wash clean dishes, then in reality he is doing well, but he is not completely satisfied with the situation, he does not know what else to do. It is necessary not to overdo it, as interpreters recommend.

To find unwashed plates in an unexpected place (for example, in the middle of a forest) - to omissions between the dreamer and people close to him. They will make unsubstantiated claims, so there will be nothing left but to make excuses for imperfect actions.

There is no need for an unequivocal explanation of what came in the vision script. It is always worth taking into account the events that took place during the day. They can find reflection in anything.

The sink is full

If the sink in a dream is littered with unwashed kitchen items, then a bleak future awaits. A person will feel his own uselessness: no one needs his strength, experience, knowledge. The dreamer in real life will turn to various people for support, but none will help. Family well-being will be shaken, quarrels with loved ones may appear.

I dreamed of a frying pan with leftover food - the dreamer has debts, dishes from the service - plans will not become a reality. Enamelware - not the best news to receive in the near future, earthenware - family quarrels await.

The interpretation of what dreams of dirty dishes in the sink is given by Miller's dream book. If the dreamer is not going to wash this mountain, then the vision serves as a warning of impending troubles. It is impossible to deal with problems on your own. Miller draws attention, explaining the dream, and what kind of kitchen utensils lies in the sink

  • pots, pans, mugs, other tableware with handles - the warning refers to family relationships;
  • glasses, aluminum or disposable plates - an indication of a government house, workplace;
  • cups and saucers - a close friendly circle, distant relatives.

A special interpretation is given in relation to a married woman. If in a dream she does not want to keep kitchen items clean, then this signals a lack of attention from her husband in real life.

mountain of unwashed

A lot of whole, beautiful, but unwashed dishes are a sign of some difficulties on the way to achieving goals. So says the dream book. A lot of plates with dried red / yellow sauce (as well as dried rice) - get a stable, but small income. In the near future, a significant improvement in the financial situation should not be expected. If food remains are noticeable in the plates, then on this basis it is possible to judge the life sphere in which problems are coming:

  • most n an unfavorable sign is to throw bread into the trash. Financial difficulties are coming, they will affect family well-being. In a dream, you need to remove the bread from the plate, then the interpretation will become positive, you need to wait for a small replenishment to the family budget. This may be a transfer from a relative / friend, the issuance of a bonus at work, an occasional income from work.
  • you may dream of a dried bun on a plate that is sent to the sink - someone wants to replace a hobby or entertainment with communication with a dreamer. To soak a bun in water is not just to start communicating with a person, but also to relax with him.
  • half-eaten fresh fruit - to a situation in which you need to refuse a good offer for a vacation. To remove fruits, berries from plates - in order to turn what was planned into reality, you need to spend a lot of moral strength. Catching the remains of plant food from the water that has accumulated in the sink is evidence that organizational issues will bring a lot of trouble. If food from the water has not become less attractive, then the rest will be exciting.
  • the remains of meat pieces, cream cake on plates that need to be washed are a symbol of the fact that the efforts of family members about gathering at one table will not give pleasure. Not everyone will be able to gather for the holiday. If an untouched cake is seen among a mountain of dirty dishes, while the water in the sink is not contaminated, then the remnants of food on the dishes in a dream promise prosperity, and the cake is dreamed of to unexpected joy.

Not cleared on the table

A table not cleared after a meal is an inner turmoil, a dreamer's anxiety. If a woman saw a dream, then this means that she is very tired of household chores, because she constantly cooks, cleans, and erases, and loved ones take it for granted, there is no gratitude from them. The dream indicates that the forces are already ending. To avoid a quarrel, you need to help the hostess, provide support, give a break from household chores for at least a few days.

Did a man have a dream? Such a vision means: there are already problems at work or they have just emerged, but it is possible to avoid their manifestation, which requires effort, perseverance is required.

According to some dream books, unwashed utensils dreamed on an empty table promises unpleasant chores. They will take a lot of time and nerves from the dreamer. But if in a dream everything is not taken to the sink, but smashed, then in real life it will be possible to adequately get out of a difficult situation, to win. It also indicates unresolved problems in the family. Efforts must be made so that they do not become a real conflict with the household. This is evidenced by the dream book of Martyn Zadeki.

Washing at work

If it happened at work, then such a vision of only catering workers will not make you think what it is for. For the rest of the people who do not wash kitchen items at work, the dream promises big problems. If the dreamer makes every effort, washing the dishes, without complaining about the vicissitudes of fate, then everything will work out, victory in real life awaits. If you disdain work in a dream, then in reality such a vision means: a person will not even attempt to use the chance that fate will give. The Dream Interpretation of the World says: washing dishes at work is a dream of clashes of family interests.

Predictions for businessmen

People who are far from household chores also have to wash spoons and ladles in dreams. What do the symbols say to businessmen? Wash:

  • enameled bowls - the news will upset;
  • silver spoons - lack of confidence in the honesty of partners, a business transaction may be invalid for the dreamer, he will lose investments;
  • clean pots - profit;
  • a golden saucer on which spoiled food remained - bankruptcy;
  • bent forks, spoons - unexpected expenses;
  • broken cup - unexpected luck;
  • clay jug - family scandal;
  • the desire to wash someone else's mug - unconditional devotion to the second half. The dreamer idealizes the relationship too much, but he is simply used to his advantage;
  • clean, clean the kitchen instead of a loved one - tidy up the office, remove trash, find important documents;
  • a man to see how his wife wipes dry, and then puts the service in its place - to the end of a domestic quarrel. Conflicts will go away, peace will come in the house.

Broken unwashed utensils

Dreams in some cases are sudden, some remnants of beauty are taken out of a mountain of shards. At the same time, the sight of some causes regret about the loss of an important, beautiful thing, others - a sigh of relief because there is no need to wash anything. In any case, seeing broken dishes in a dream is fortunate. Sleep predicts significant changes in the way of life. Everything superfluous will go away like a dream, what is really necessary will remain.

But if you dreamed how a bowl cracked in your hands, a cup with two handles cracked, the handle of the pan flew off when they began to draw water into it to wash away dirt, then the vision predicts the loss of the second half. It can be a serious illness, leaving the family, the death of a spouse. In any situation, the dreamer will have to bear responsibility for the well-being of the immediate environment.

In someone else's house

The vision serves as an omen for a person on the territory of whose dwelling the consequences of a feast were removed in a dream. Dreamed of washing cups, plates in a strange house - a lot of effort and time will soon have to be spent on this person in order to solve personal difficulties.

A dream in which you wash someone else's dishes is seen as a negative, envy in your own soul. This is what the folk dream book says. Dirty dishes in a strange house indicate that the dreamer, without knowing it, wishes bad luck to his acquaintances - those in whose house he washed the dishes.

Clean up dirty service

Cleaning a dirty service from the festive table symbolizes manifestations of regret in reality about the stage of life passed, a quarrel or parting. Often, such dreams come to graduates who are sorry to part with the educational institution, their team. In a dream, someone who leaves the workplace, but does not lose good relations with the team, can also clean dirty dishes from the table.

Why dream of unwashed dishes, you need to read in proven dream books. Predictions are always personal. Each person should consider the dream scenario individually, based on the current situation in life. Everyday family life is associated with washing kitchen items. For women, this is part of monotonous affairs, for men - an opportunity to escape from the computer. And in dreams you can also see unwashed services and just forks.

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