Setting: What prevents us from setting the table beautifully every day. Beautiful festive table setting: photos, ideas for festive table setting

Lunches, friendly dinners and just tea drinking with friends - so you want to do everything right and beautifully, so that everyone is comfortable, so that
the time spent was truly enjoyable for everyone. But surprising guests with culinary talent or entertaining with an interesting conversation is not all.
No matter how tasty and original the treats are, it is important to serve them correctly, present them according to the rules and etiquette. Perhaps for some it seems like an unimportant "tribute to tradition", but think about it, this "science" of table setting is not one hundred years old.

The art of table setting has evolved over the millennia, improving with each new generation. It represents a multifaceted and interesting dining culture. Just think how many peoples and nationalities there are on our Earth! Each and every one of them has not only its own cuisine and its own way of life, but also its own principles of serving dishes and table setting rules. This science can be studied endlessly, without ceasing to be surprised and looking for something new.

Of course, today we will not be able to cover the entire scope of existing traditions and features, but "open the door" to this interesting world and it is quite possible to give several answers to the question of how to set the table right now. I offer you several rules for the generally accepted, "European" table setting, used in many countries, including Russia.

Simple table setting secrets that we sometimes tend to forget about

First, I want to clarify right away that the decision on how to set the table is up to each hostess independently. There are many options that meet the basic rules. The main thing to remember is that this "art" largely depends on the taste and wishes of the person setting the table. You shouldn't boil everything down to financial opportunities. Believe me, a simple tablecloth with paper napkins can look very beautiful and sophisticated.

Before setting the table, try to take into account the number and type of dishes, take care of the availability of the necessary dishes, cutlery and other items in advance. For example, if the menu contains dishes that must be eaten with your hands, stock up on enough napkins or prepare a bowl for washing your hands.

When setting the table, focus on the circle of invitees (close friends, colleagues, relatives with children, etc.). It is necessary to provide comfortable conditions for each of the guests. If the presence of small children is planned at the table, most likely you will need to replace the fork and knife with a table or dessert spoon.

It is important that the table setting corresponds to the type and occasion of the feast.
If it's a business or formal dinner (like an acquaintance dinner), it's best to stick to a more restrained, neutral style. If there are only friends and close people among those invited, the setting can be freer, with the use of additional table decorations and other things.
It is also important to remember that all elements of the dining room setting should be combined not only with each other, but also organically fit into the overall interior of the room. The classics are transparent glass glasses and white plates, which are universal for almost any table, if there are none, then try to choose the most suitable service from the available ones.

The main "favorites" of table setting, as already partially mentioned earlier, are: tablecloth, napkins, dishes, cutlery and various decoration elements. In order to correctly and quickly arrange the numerous objects involved in setting the table, a certain sequence of actions is provided, guided by it, we will try to set the table.

Answering the question “how
set the table ", it would be appropriate to say about the tablecloth

Naturally, before laying the festive table with dishes and utensils, it must be covered with a tablecloth. Today in stores you can find plastic and oilcloth tablecloths different colors and drawings. They are certainly beautiful, but more suitable for everyday use.

It is a linen (fabric) tablecloth that is considered truly festive and "home". It can be colored, solid or patterned around the edges. Its choice depends on the type of feast, the color of the dishes used, the general interior of the room. Ideally, it should work well with curtains and furniture upholstery (if available in the room).

The best option a tablecloth with a plain, preferably light, central part is considered. Bright and variegated canvases can not only distract from dishes, but also quickly tire due to the saturation of colors and contrast of the pattern. If you decide to use a dark-colored tablecloth, try to match light-colored dishes to it, this will do appearance the table is more harmonious and enjoyable.

And, the main thing. Whichever tablecloth is preferred, it must be spotlessly clean and well ironed. If you are afraid for its quality and appearance, in some cases you can close the tablecloth with a thin transparent oilcloth or unfold a beautiful matching napkin under each plate.

Crockery and cutlery

After covering the table with a tablecloth, place the plates, glasses and cutlery. At the same time, it is recommended not only to thoroughly wash and wipe them, but also, if possible, to polish to a shine. Layered paper towels or hard, lint-free cotton towels work well for this.

On the eve of the feast, do not be too lazy to clean the cutlery, they should not have streaks and water leaks. Moreover, this is not acceptable in the case of glassware for drinking: wine glasses, glasses, glasses and glasses must be perfectly transparent, which is easy to check for light.
After bringing the serving items to the required state, we begin to arrange them:

    1. a snack plate (medium-sized plate) is located at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table, strictly opposite each chair;
    2. to the left of the snack plate (at a distance of 5-15 cm) a bread plate (pie) is placed. However, in a home, even a festive, feast, it is rarely used;
    3. if several dishes are provided, a small dining room is placed under the snack plate.

During the meal, a timely change of plates is provided, in accordance with the dishes served.

Next, we proceed to the cutlery. Always put a knife and a tablespoon with right side, the plug is on the left. The dessert spoon is placed behind the plate, with the handle to the right. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that according to the rules, a person begins to use the devices lying at the outer edge, then, as the dishes change, he takes the devices towards the plate. The distance between the adjacent appliances, as well as between the appliances and the plate, should be 0.5 - 1 cm.

Wine glasses, glasses, glasses, etc., are also calculated for only one type of drinks. The wine glass is on the right, the water glass on the left. More often they are exhibited along one line, but it is not customary to exhibit more than three items in a row. With a full table setting, items for drinks are placed in two rows.


How to serve the table with napkins, or rather how to serve napkins, is a special conversation. Someday it is necessary to devote a separate article to him, talk about

folding options and the possibilities of decorating the table with them. Now let's voice some basic rules.

This important attribute serving is used at all feasts without exception. For important festive celebrations, linen (linen, cotton) napkins are often used, sometimes they can be replaced with paper ones. A rolled napkin is placed on a snack plate for each guest. If paper napkins are used, they can be placed under the right edge of the plate.

Arrangement of appliances with spices

Appliances with spices are placed at the end of the serving. They are installed in the middle of the table on special supports. Salt and pepper should be required; mustard, vinegar, vegetable and other seasonings - as needed (according to the menu).

How to set a festive table and
casual with jewelry

The main decoration of any table is, of course, flowers. They are pleasing to the eye and pleasant to almost everyone. But, at the same time, using them for serving, try to take into account a few nuances:

    1. Most importantly, make sure that none of the invited guests are allergic to given view plants.
    2. Do not use flowers with a strong smell for a table bouquet. Mixing with the aroma of food, it can become cloying and have an undesirable effect.
    3. Place the vase at an appropriate distance from dishes and cutlery so that pollen or accidentally fallen petals cannot enter the food.

In addition to flowers, figurines, various figurines and souvenirs are also used to decorate the table. So, if the occasion of the feast was a holiday or family celebration, you can use the appropriate attributes in decorating the table.

For example, at Christmas or New Year to make beautiful composition from candles, tinsel, Christmas tree decorations or souvenirs (observing safety measures when lighting candles); for a wedding celebration, use small figurines of doves, figurines of the bride and groom, flowers; when preparing a youth or children's birthday - to focus on bright colors, for children - to pick up images of your favorite characters; decorating a table for colleagues for a professional holiday, good decision will use small items associated with professional activities etc. The main thing, remember, is a reasonable measure in everything.

And yet, whatever decoration you choose, be it flower bouquet or a figurine, it should be of such a height that all guests can freely see each other.

A few words about etiquette
Try to create a comfortable environment for each of the invitees. Remember that the hostess can suggest certain places to guests, or let them choose them themselves.
A used linen napkin left by the hostess on the table can serve as a sign of the end of the feast. Otherwise, even when leaving the table temporarily, both guests and hosts do not in any case put a napkin on the table (only on a chair).
When inviting guests, the hostess must make sure that the menu includes dishes for all guests. If for some reason the guest does not eat any food, it is important to notice this in time and, without focusing attention, offer him an appropriate replacement.

Enjoy your feast and happy holidays with your family, friends and loved ones!

Tatiana Raduga

There are generally accepted rules for table setting, which are not so difficult to learn, but it will be pleasant to surprise and delight loved ones. In this article we will talk about table setting at home, consider illustrative examples and schematics.

There are many types of serving: classic, rustic, Scandinavian and a number of others.


A beautifully set table can turn breakfast into a small celebration.

Appliances are added and removed depending on the dishes prepared

Start with a tablecloth. It should be clean, ironed and match the style of the interior. Bright and muted colors are acceptable for breakfast.

Then the plates are arranged. At a distance of 2.5 cm from the edge of the table, place a serving plate, on it - the main plate, and then a deep bowl for porridge or cereals. On the left, diagonally, a dessert plate with a butter knife is placed, and egg stands on small saucers are placed on it.

The next step is instrumentation. To the left of the main plate, with the cloves upwards, put a fork, to the right - a knife (point inward), a tablespoon, and then a teaspoon. Dessert cutlery is placed over the plate, parallel to the edge of the table.

Table setting at home. Simple breakfast

Next up are cups and glasses. A cup for a hot drink is placed on a saucer and placed diagonally to the right of the main plate. The glasses are placed a little further. Their number is determined as necessary. Correct order: glass for water, juice, then for milk.

A coffee pot, a milk jug, rosettes with jam and saucers with fruit slices are placed in the center of the table. Granulated sugar is served in a sugar bowl with a special spoon; tongs are used for refined sugar. Oilers, poached makers and snacks are also placed here.

Finish serving with napkins and decor. Cloth napkins are placed on or near the snack plate, paper napkins are placed only in napkin holders. Small vases with flowers are placed in the center of the table - they create a special mood.

An unusually set table will be a pleasant surprise for your household and will certainly not let them miss breakfast.


Table setting for dinner involves a plain tablecloth in muted colors or with a dull pattern.

It is reasonable to "have" several tablecloths in the house: a small one, for large table, for a table on outdoors(veranda), "children's" tablecloth-oilcloth

Plates are stacked on top of each other in the following order: serving plate, main, snack, soup bowl (or bowl). A bread plate is placed diagonally on the left.

To the right of the serving plate, put a hot knife (point inward), followed by a table spoon and soup spoon (convex side down). Left place for a fork (teeth up). If several dishes are served, put 2 or 3 pairs of cutlery. They are placed in accordance with the order of the dishes: closer to the plate - cutlery for the main course, then for salads and snacks, further from the plate - cutlery for dishes that will be served first (snacks and soups).

A dessert spoon and a fork are placed over the main plate, parallel to the edge of the table, with an interval of 1 cm - the spoon with the handle to the right, the fork to the left. The butter knife is placed on a bread plate, with the handle to the right, with the tip towards the edge of the table. For all dishes that will be served in common plates, tongs are served, for sauces - spoons.

A serving plate is optional for an everyday table. Some serving styles allow for its absence (in the photo, the serving plate is lower, pink)

Glasses for wine and water are placed diagonally to the right of the main plate (behind the utensils) in accordance with the order of serving drinks: closer to the plate - a glass for water, then for an aperitif, for the main drink, at the end - for strong alcohol. A cup for a hot drink is placed just below.

Breadbaskets and gravy boats are placed at the edges of the table. A tureen tureen, hot dishes, salad bowls and snacks are placed in the center. Wines are served in bottles (pre-uncorked), the rest of the drinks - in jugs or decanters.

Finish serving for dinner with napkins and flower arrangements in the center of the table.

Table setting at home depends entirely on the menu and the order in which the dishes are served. Everyday lunch does not require observance of all the subtleties, 1 set of cutlery, a snack and soup plate and 1-2 glasses are enough.

If you will be serving food to be eaten with your hands, be sure to place bowls of water for hand washing and place enough napkins

It is not necessary to set the table according to the requirements of Michelin-starred restaurants. Observe the arrangement, choose beautiful dishes, do it the way you like


Dinner is served in the same way. The table is covered with a well-ironed tablecloth: for a formal dinner they choose a plain one, for a family or friendly one - a tablecloth with a pattern or a border around the edges.

You can replace the serving plate with a round mat, which will serve as a decorative function

You can turn glasses upside down if you set the table in advance or on fresh air... This is what restaurants located on the street do.

The main, snack and fish dish are placed on the serving plate. On the diagonal left is a place for a bread and dessert plate (it is served directly with dessert and fruits). For a home dinner in a narrow circle, 1-2 plates are quite enough, for example, the main and the snack bar.

The number of appliances is determined by the number of dishes. The order is the same: on the right - table-knife for hot, followed by fish and snack knives. A tablespoon is placed over the main plate (if there is a dessert, then the spoon is moved to the right knife, and dessert utensils are placed over the plate). Forks are placed on the left: closer to the plate, a fork for hot, then a fish and a snack. All dishes and snacks that are not served in portions are served with tongs and spoons.

In most countries, the following order of changing dishes is adopted at official dinners: appetizers, soup (broth), fish dish, meat dish, dessert, fruit, coffee. Dishes are changed every 15-20 minutes.

Glasses and glasses for drinks are placed to the right of the main plate in the order of serving drinks: for water, for an aperitif, for wines, for spirits. The glass for the main drink remains on the table during the entire meal, the rest can be removed when changing dishes.

For everyday dinner and meeting with friends, 1-3 glasses are enough: for water, for wine or beer, for strong alcohol. The beer glass is placed on a stand to protect the tablecloth from beer foam.

Dishes with hot dishes, salads and snacks are placed in the center of the table, closer to the edge of the table - a bread box, gravy boats, jugs and bottles of drinks.

Dinner napkins can be decorated with special rings or folded.

The table setting for dinner is completed with a flower arrangement and candles. Candles should be placed in special candlesticks or on stands

Go beyond candles, figurines and flowers - make nameplates for each guest you invite

Festive table setting

For festive table apply the classic full serving.

They select an elegant tablecloth, combine several options in contrasting colors or complement the serving with fabric paths.

For a solemn table setting at home, a festive service is used. On a serving plate, put the main, snack, then the fish plate and soup. For cream soup, serve a deep bowl of soup, for broth - a bowl. On the diagonal to the left, put a bread plate, dessert (it is served directly with dessert and fruits).

The number of fixtures depends on the menu. Festive usually includes full set: hot knife, fish knife, tablespoon, appetizer knife, soup spoon and oyster fork (this is the only fork that can be placed on the right). Forks are laid out on the left: for hot, for fish and for snacks.

Serving scheme for a gala lunch or dinner. The edge of the knives should be directed towards the plate, the forks should lie with their teeth up, the spoons with the convex side down.

Cutlery is arranged according to the following principle: the device farthest from the plate is for the first course, the one closest to the plate is for the last dish

No more than 3 pairs of cutlery for main dishes and snacks are placed next to the plate. The devices are located at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from each other. If a 4th pair is to be served, it is wrapped in a napkin and placed on the edge of a serving plate.

When laying out appliances, consider the menu. For example, if there is no fish on the table, there is no need to put a knife for it.

To the right of the main plate, the glasses are placed in the order in which the dishes are served. They can be placed in 2 rows, in a semicircle or diagonally in a row. The distance between the glasses is about 1 cm. As a rule, first put a glass for water, then for champagne, wine, then - glasses for cognac and glasses for other strong alcohol.

Table setting at home assumes the correct arrangement of hot dishes and snacks.

The hot dish is served in an appropriate dish (roaster, etc.) and placed in the center of the table. The festive table setting necessarily includes a tureen - it is placed to the right of the hostess. Devices for serving hot dishes are placed on a saucer next to it, wrapped in a cloth napkin.

Then the snacks are arranged: meat is served on round dishes, fish - on oval. Salad bowls, food dishes, herring bowls and gravy bowls are placed next. Bread boxes and spices should be at the edges. If the table is large, put several pepperpots, gravy boats, etc. Along the edges of the table, place drinks in jugs and decanters. Alcohol is served in pre-unsealed bottles. Champagne and some wines are placed in ice buckets.

When serving desserts, large dishes with cakes and pastries, bowls of fruit are placed in the center of the table, and sugar bowls, milk jugs, bowls and sockets are placed closer to the edges.

In the end, napkins are laid out and the table is decorated with festive decor. These can be flowers, candles, figurines and themed decorations. Seasonal flowers, leaves, fruits, wreaths are used, Christmas decorations, cones, ribbons, all kinds of figurines and other decorations. V special occasions decorate the backs of chairs and a chandelier above the table. It all depends on the fantasy.

When preparing flower arrangements for table decoration, avoid flowers with strong scent - some guests may be sensitive to aromas

Children's table

Serving children's table has its own characteristics. The main thing to focus on is safety, reasonable approach and, of course, beauty.

First of all, decide on the theme of the holiday. Create a beautiful and dreamlike atmosphere. Give preference to bright colors, use for decoration Balloons, party hats, corrugated stick figures, ribbons, confetti and other decorations.

The order of serving is the same as for an adult table: you need to start with the tablecloth. It is wiser to use not a tablecloth, but a beautiful oilcloth - it is easier to put it in order after children's pranks. The edges of the oilcloth should be higher than the seats.

Dishes and utensils should be selected based on the age of the children: paper and plastic dishes are suitable for the smallest, impact-resistant glass for older children. Cutlery must be safe.

To make children feel comfortable at the table, it is not cluttered with dishes. 1-2 plates are enough: a snack bar and a deep bowl. Cutlery for children is placed to the right of the plate, but if a knife can be used by age, the table is served according to the standard scheme.

Instead of glasses, use wide, stable glasses, place them closer to the center of the table. Don't forget to stock up on napkins and paper towels

Since children cannot sit at the table for a long time and will "nibble", it is better to serve snacks, cold cuts, canapes and tartlets. For hot dishes, you can cook baked potatoes, nuggets, spring rolls, mini sandwiches and other similar dishes. For serving, use multi-tiered coasters, dishes and deep bowls.

Involve the whole family in the table setting and together create beautiful design... This will make the holiday unforgettable and give many vivid impressions.

Despite the complexity, setting the table at home can be an enjoyable and creative process, if you not only invest diligence and patience in this activity, but also show ingenuity and imagination.

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She graduated from the author's physics and mathematics lyceum and art school. Received a higher education in economics in the direction of "innovation management". Freelancer. She is married and travels actively. He is interested in Buddhist philosophy, enjoys transsurfing and loves Mediterranean cuisine.

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Table setting rules are not just about preparing it for breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea. This is a kind of art that depends more on the taste of the person setting the table, and not on his financial resources.

The aesthetics of the table depends on the tablecloth, napkins, cutlery, dishes, flower arrangements present on the table, as well as on the general harmony with the interior of the room, its colors and style.

In addition, the rules for table setting have the following requirements: compliance with the type and occasion of the feast, combination with the menu and the correct arrangement of serving items.

There is a certain sequence of actions that helps to quickly and correctly arrange numerous serving items.

First, cover the table with a tablecloth, which must be spotlessly clean and ironed. It is desirable that the ends of the tablecloth hang evenly from all sides of the table by about 25-30 cm, and the corners of the tablecloth should cover the legs of the table.

After that, the plates are arranged. It is recommended not only to wash and wipe them well, but even polish them to a shine with a towel or napkin. The snack plate should be located strictly opposite each chair at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table. At a distance of 5-15 cm to the left of the snack plate, place a pie plate. In this case, the center of the plates should be in one line. Depending on the type and occasion of the feast, there may be several plates. In such cases, small tablespoons are placed under the snack plates, and the pie plate (a plate for bread) can be placed so that the edges of the plates farthest from the edge of the table are in line with the small dinner plate.

Examples of serving for a two-course menu.
A deep plate stands for the main course. Dessert bowl is served later as needed. The cutlery is positioned so as not to get confused in their use: the knife and fork lie next to the main dish and, accordingly, are intended for it. A dessert spoon lies behind the plate with the handle to the right. If wine is served, then on the right, behind the knife, there is a corresponding glass for white or red wine. If several drinks are served (beer, juices, water), the rest of the glasses should be in the same place.

In this case, the deep plate for spaghetti is on a large platter. A plate of bread must be served with Italian dishes. Spaghetti is eaten with a spoon and a fork, so the knife is replaced with an appropriate device, the dessert spoon lies in the same way as in the previous case, and the butter knife lies on the bread plate. With Italian dishes, water is always served, so the glass for water (mineral, for example) should be in the first position, closer to the dish. The wine glass is located on the top left behind the water glass.

The cutlery is laid out immediately after placing the plates. If there are a large number of knives, forks and spoons, then start with the cutlery for the main course. Knives are placed on the right side, with the blade towards the plate, forks - on the left side, with the edge up. The soup spoon is placed with its nose up, next to the knife. If the menu provides for several dishes that require the use of separate devices, then proceed as follows. A table knife is placed closer to the plate, a fish knife to the right next to it and a snack knife last. By the way, if butter is served with bread, then a small butter knife is placed on the bread plate (or pie), which should be located to the left of the fork. If soup is served, place the soup spoon between the snack bar and fish knives. It can lie instead of a fish knife, if a fish dish is not provided. On the left side of the plates, there are forks corresponding to the knives - a canteen, a fish, a snack bar. The distance between the fixtures should be slightly less than 1 cm, as well as the distance between the plate and the fixtures. The ends of the handles of the devices, as well as the plates, should be 2 cm from the edge of the table.

Now it is the turn of glass (crystal) dishes. Each drink has its own serving item. If only water is supposed to be served, then a wine glass or glass is placed behind each plate, in the center or slightly to the right. It should be located on the line where the top edge of the plate meets the end of the first knife. If, instead of water, kvass or fruit drink is served, then instead of a glass, they put a mug, and with the handle to the right. For alcoholic beverages its own dishes are provided, which are placed next to the wine glass, to the right of it. With several items for drinks, the wine glass is shifted to the left of the center of the plate, and next to it to the right, the rest of the items are lined up on the same line. But it is not customary to put more than three items in one row. When fully served, the beverage items are arranged in two rows. The distance between objects should be at least 0.5-1 cm.

Examples of serving for a four-course menu.
The platter contains a deep plate and a soup cup. The soup spoon lies on the right outside edge, followed by a knife and fork for a snack. The knife and fork for the main course lie next to the plate. Remember, guests always start eating with cutlery on the outer edge, and then take cutlery towards the plates as they change dishes. Next: the dessert spoon is placed behind the plate. A glass for white wine, which is supposed to be used for snacks, is on the top right behind the soup spoon. If water is supplied, the glass is placed on the left behind the wine glass. Finally, the red wine glass for the main course is in a straight line above the other glasses.

The soup plate and deep plate are on a platter. On the left side, just above the forks - a plate for bread. The cutlery is arranged as follows: the soup spoon is on the right next to the fish knife, the fish fork lies on the outer left edge, for the main dish, the corresponding fork and knife are next to the plate. Small knife for butter and snacks lies on a pie plate. Dessert utensils lie above the plates: a fork - with a handle to the left, a spoon - with a handle to the right. The glasses are placed in the following sequence from the soup spoon to the right and up: for white wine for appetizers, a glass for water and a glass for red wine for the main course.

A napkin is an indispensable attribute of table setting, which is laid out immediately after placing glass (crystal) dishes on the table. There are many ways to roll napkins, both simple and skillful. Rolled napkins are placed on a snack plate for each guest. In some cases, linen napkins can be replaced with paper napkins.

The final chord of table setting is the arrangement of cutlery with spices, vases of flowers and other decorative elements. Cutlery with salt and pepper is placed in the middle of the table on special stands. The device with mustard, if necessary, is placed next to it. You can also place vials of vinegar next to the spices, vegetable oil or hot sauces.

And, of course, only flowers will add a festive completeness to the table. Plants must be spotlessly clean, petals, leaves and pollen must not be allowed to fall on the table. Flowers can be placed on the table in any flat dish or low vases so that the bouquets do not obscure the people sitting at the table or the dishes for which the setting has been carefully selected.

Table setting in our reality is not so much a tribute to etiquette as a desire to diversify an everyday dinner and please your loved ones. You don't need to know how many prongs an oyster fork has, but why not learn the tricks of a beautiful dinner setting? Today I will share with you the rules for arranging appliances and the secrets of unusual table decoration.

Serving rules for every day

Knowledge at least basic rules serving will help you effectively set the table and stand out favorably in the event of the arrival of guests. After reading this material, you will learn how to turn the most everyday lunch into a small holiday.

For breakfast

What is the best way to serve breakfast at home? Do not worry, for these purposes it is not at all necessary to acquire a snow-white starched tablecloth and expensive crystal. Knowledge about correct location dishes and manifestations of imagination.

To make breakfast memorable for every member of your family, adhere to the following rules:

  1. First, cover the table with a tablecloth. Let it not be snow-white, but it simply must be well ironed. Make sure that the pattern fits into the overall interior of the kitchen or dining room.

Instead of standard and already slightly bored panels, you can use runners - strips of fabric that spread in the center of a square or rectangular table. They look interesting and beautiful.

  1. Use a wide, flat plate for hot dishes (scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, for example) as the center of the composition. If you prefer cereal or porridge in the morning, set a deep bowl for them. Provide good mood for the whole day will help bright patterns on the dishes.
  2. Arrange the plates according to the number of breakfast guests. Then it's up to the instruments. The table setting rules according to etiquette say that a knife is placed to the right of the plate with the blade facing it, behind it is a tablespoon with the convex side down, a teaspoon a little further.

By left side spread the forks from the plates with the tines up. The napkin is also on the left, just behind the fork.

  1. Place a coffee cup diagonally and to the right on a saucer, and attach a spoon to it.
  2. Slightly higher and to the left of the main plates are snack plates for sandwiches or pastries. It is good to attach an additional knife to the same plate, laying it with the blade to the left.

  1. For breakfast, it is better to serve refined sugar in a beautiful sugar bowl and with special tweezers.
  2. Prepare cute rosettes with spoons for the jam, put the sliced ​​lemon on a separate saucer.

In principle, decorating in this way will already add a holiday note, but if you want to make your breakfast truly unforgettable, you can try a little more. Why not put a small bouquet in the center of the table?

If the flowers are not to your liking, you can use other accessories. Time them for a holiday or memorable date. For example, decorate the table with a decorative heart for Valentine's Day, a joint photo is perfect for the anniversary.

For lunch

Table setting for dinner is much like preparing for breakfast, but with minor differences.

  • Everything starts in a standard way - with the choice of a tablecloth on which your dishes will look even more appetizing.
  • Since most often lunch consists of at least two or three dishes, you will need to prepare a plate for each of them. Plates are placed close to the edge of the table (at a distance of a few centimeters) - shallow at first, and deep on it.
  • A knife and a soup spoon are laid out to the right of the plate, and a fork for the second course is placed to the left of it. Remember, hot plates are always placed as close to the plate as possible.

  • A glass for wine or water is placed next to the installed panther. Note that if alcohol is provided during lunch (wine, champagne, etc.), the bottle is uncorked in advance and served on the table already open.
  • Oil must be supplied in a special oiler. If you don't have one, a small flat saucer will do just fine. You should also pick up a knife with a wide blade for him.
  • If you want to serve your meals according to the rules, then you should get a good soup tureen. In most cases, it is placed near the place occupied by the hostess.

  • One more important element good serving - napkins. Their place is on the snack plate. Even the use of tissue or paper napkins can be turned into art - by folding them in the shape of a swan, or something similar.

For more effect, choose napkins that contrast with the tone of the tablecloth.

For dinner

And again, the beautiful setting of the dinner coincides in many respects with what I described above. I will not write about the tablecloth any more, I will consider other excellent nuances.

  • Plates for appetizers and the main course are placed one in one, to the left of them is a bread plate. This is a classic version, there are also variations in serving, it all depends on the number and type of dishes served.
  • Two or three forks are laid out on the left side, knives on the right. The eating process starts from the outer cutlery (the most extreme).
  • Glasses, wine glasses and wine glasses are displayed in front of the plates and cutlery.

  • Paper or linen napkins are necessarily laid out on a plate (speaking of paper napkins, I mean high-quality, at least three-layer options).

A small bunch of flowers can be a good addition to serving for dinner, which will play favorably on the atmosphere. In winter, you can do differently - decorate the table with a spruce branch or cones, bunches of mountain ash or viburnum.

Table decoration ideas for the holidays

Above I talked about how to decorate a Sunday or weekday breakfast, lunch or dinner, now it's time to talk about festive occasions. If you want to impress your guests and make them remember the evening for a long time, the following instruction will come in handy.

Preparing for the celebration

As they say in a popular phrase circulating on the Internet, "you can't just take and ...". So, you can't just take and prepare a real festive dinner in 30 minutes.

There are several nuances to consider:

  1. In the process of setting the date and time of the celebration, determining with the list of guests and other trifles, do not forget about carrying out such a revision of the service. If you do not have beautiful dishes, salad bowls, tureens or appliances, you should start looking for them. You can ask your relatives or buy something for such cases. Yes, the price of today's sets is not very enjoyable, but it should be viewed as an investment in the future.
  2. The laid table for the holiday is distinguished by the presence of stands for cakes, dishes for sweets and fruits on it. Do not forget about candles (adhering to elementary fire safety rules, of course).
  3. Prepare nameplates for each of the invited guests. They look very elegant.

  1. Consider table decorations. Tie it to the theme of the holiday.

Table decor

There are a lot of ideas for decorating the table, among them there are quite a lot budget options... I'll tell you about a few of them, using an example of decorating a table for a birthday.

Based on seasonality

Consider the seasonality of your birthday:

  1. Let the setting of the festive table for the summer birthday be overflowing bright colors and flowers. No need to clutter the table with a huge bouquet, replace it with several small flower arrangements in miniature vases. And of course, don't forget about the seasonal fruit bowls.

  1. Autumn birthdays are a real pleasure for decoration. Collect fallen leaves, tie them into bouquets or distribute around the perimeter of the table.

The color scheme for such a decor seems to be inspired by nature itself - use more shades of yellow, orange and red.

  1. Birthday table setting in the winter month should be done in cool, restrained colors. For example, you can use a deep blue tablecloth, lay openwork napkins on it that resemble snowflakes. Complete the composition with silver cutlery and porcelain.

You can also use white or silver candles, beads, cones or artificial snow as a decoration.

  1. A spring birthday should be the embodiment of light and warmth. Ideally, if you manage to use the first greens and yellow napkins in the decoration - they perfectly set off the white dishes.

Setting the theme

Theme parties are one of the most popular European trends, each year gaining more and more fans from us. I can give you some original ideas.

  1. Pirate Party. Decorating a pirate-style table is as easy as shelling pears like striped textiles, and a Jolly Roger name card.

  1. Gangster party. For her, you can arrange the table as a platform for playing poker, decorate it with napkins with a money print.
  2. Collection of dudes One of the brightest and most colorful themes for festive table framing. Use old cymbal stands instead of standard vinyl records, let the dishes themselves be with original catchy ornaments.

  1. Hello Hawaii! Azure napkins and plates, set bright colors made of paper, shells on the table - this is what will create the feeling of a holiday in warm country... A completely exotic option is to use coconut halves instead of cups.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for experimenting. It remains only to decide what is closest to you in spirit and to acquire everything you need. And also more ideas for serving you can find in the video in this article.

Instead of totals

Now that you know about the basic requirements for arranging appliances and gleaned a few ideas for decorating, any lunch or dinner you have can turn into a small celebration. And how is the festive table setting in your home? Share your secrets in the comments.

New Year's holidays are approaching, and, therefore, holiday feasts... Tastefully served table is able to transform even an ordinary meal into an aesthetic pleasure and a sense of celebration. When setting the table at home, you can slightly deviate from the strict canons of serving, which are strictly followed in restaurants and at official receptions. But still, there are several golden rules that should be followed even at home.


Table setting always starts with spreading the tablecloth. For a festive reception, tablecloths made of shiny fabrics will look appropriate, coarse linen linens are suitable for an unpretentious table, and tablecloths in pastel colors will be good for home gatherings.

Of course, the tablecloth must be spotlessly clean and ironed. But in an effort to maintain cleanliness, do not cover it with oilcloth on top. The canvas should go down from all sides of the table by no less than 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair: a tablecloth too short will look sloppy, and too long will cause inconvenience to guests.

The canvas should go down from all sides of the table not less than 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair.


The serving set on the table can be different, it depends on the dishes that will be served, therefore, you cannot start serving without a well-thought-out menu. It is important to provide about 80 centimeters of table length for each guest and make sure that the location and appearance of each set of appliances are completely the same. All table setting items should match both each other and the interior in color and shape.

Make sure that all dishes and utensils are clean and free from water stains. To do this, it is enough to wipe them with a warm and damp towel, and then polish with a dry one.


First, a decorative serving plate is placed in a central place, at a distance of at least two centimeters from the edge of the table. A plate for a snack or soup is placed on it. For puree soup, serve a soup plate, and for clear soups and broths, a cup. At the top left, eight centimeters from the decorative one, they put a small pie plate for bread and butter.


The cutlery that you will need with your meal is laid out on the sides and on top of the serving plate. Forks are placed on the left, horns up, and knives on the right, with the blade facing the plate. The device that will be needed first is at the end of the plate, so the farthest are the fork and knife, followed by the fish and the closest - the canteens.

Cutlery should not be under the edges of the plate.

If there is no dessert on the menu, then the soup spoon is placed on top of the serving plate, if dessert is planned - to the right of the row of knives. Dessert and fruit utensils are placed above the snack plate - parallel to the edge of the table.


It is important to follow the rule - each drink has its own vessel, therefore the number and type of wine glasses and glasses depend on which drinks will be served to the table. For example, red wine, brandy and cognac are served in large-volume, slightly pot-bellied glasses, while smaller glasses are used for white wine. Champagne tastes best in tall, narrow glasses, while cocktail glasses can be used for juices and mineral water.

Glasses are located to the right and top of the serving plate. A glass for mineral water or juice is placed at a distance of one and a half centimeters from the tip of the knife. Then at an angle of 45 degrees from the edge of the table - a glass of wine and a vodka glass. The same procedure works here as with the devices: the glass farthest from the plate is used first.

Glasses are located to the right and top of the serving plate.


Each guest should have an individual napkin, which should be folded nicely and placed on a snack plate at the end of serving. There are many ways to fold napkins, and it’s best to make them look fresh and attractive when unfolded.


Stylish details will set guests in a festive mood and help to feel the atmosphere of solemnity, but their number should not be excessive and interfere with serving and arranging dishes.

If you have a beautiful figurine, then it can become a wonderful decorative element on the festive table. Candlesticks in combination with exquisite dishes and beautiful glasses look especially elegant.

Fresh flowers look very fresh and original. To make them look harmonious and not disturb the guests, their height should not exceed the largest glass in the serving. It is better to put a small vase with flowers in the middle of the table and pay attention that the bouquet does not have a strong smell.

If your holiday is themed, for example, New Year's, then you can place suitable decorative elements- spruce twigs, figurines of snowmen or Santa Clauses, silvery "rain", small gifts for guests.

Placing dishes

The festive table should not "burst" with an overabundance of dishes and utensils, so that each of the guests has a sufficient amount of personal space.

Appliances with salt and pepper are best placed in the center of the table at a short distance from each other. There you can also put cutlery with mustard and sauces. The butter is served with special knife and mustard with a small spoon. Bread boxes are placed on opposite sides of the table so that it is easy for all guests to reach them.

Bread boxes are placed on opposite sides of the table so that it is easy for all guests to reach them.

Arrange cold appetizers, alternating fish, meat and vegetable dishes... Soup should be served in a tureen, and hot dishes should be served in special dishes. All dishes and salads should have separate spoons.

Bottled drinks should be placed uncorked on the table. Fruit and mineral water put in different places table and open immediately before the start of the feast. Juices and fruit drinks are served in jugs, vodka and strong liqueurs best placed on the table in decanters. Wine and cognac are served in bottles.

It would be right to start the holiday with serving cold dishes - salads, sandwiches, and only then proceed to serving hot dishes - first, second and dessert.

Nowadays, a beautifully laid table embodies hospitality, and food in such an environment is especially tasty. Do not miss the opportunity to make the New Year's holiday even more joyful and elegant!