My back muscles hurt a lot. Pain in the back muscles along the spine and neck

Today we will talk about:

According to the information provided within medical statistics, every third person on the planet suffers from one or another pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

The most common are of various origins, as well as.

The “honorable” third place in the structure of the described diseases is occupied by muscle pain— . The most common pain is in the back muscles. Despite the prevalence of this problem, the disease does not become less dangerous.

Myositis (muscle inflammation) accompanied by pain is a potentially disabling condition.

What do you need to know about such a misfortune? Let's try to figure it out

What are pain in the back muscles and what are the complications?

Pain in the back muscles is a common symptom of a disease such as myositis. At first glance, the pathology seems harmless: nothing seems to be observed other than discomfort; moreover, over time, the pathology disappears by itself. This is a deep misconception. The danger of myositis lies in the development of complications. Among the most common is muscle calcification. In fact, the disease does not go away, it subsides and, unnoticed by the patient, continues to flow gradually, in a chronic form.

Calcification leads to the formation of static elements in the muscles and also interferes with the normal contraction of muscle fibers. This is a direct path to poor circulation: “ossified” muscles simply squeeze. This condition is especially dangerous if it is localized in the neck: the muscles compress the arteries that supply the brain. This is fraught. No less dangerous are myositis in the thoracic and lumbosacral areas of the back. In this case, the danger lies in compression of the nerve roots: such a condition can easily lead to paresis and even severe paralysis. This is why it is so important to get medical help in a timely manner.

Reasons why back muscles hurt

There are a lot possible reasons that cause pain in the back muscles.

  • The first and most common is a recent illness of an infectious-inflammatory nature. This is exactly what is called “duped.” Exposure to low temperatures on the muscle area leads to a local decrease in immunity and the development of inflammation. Hence the pain and discomfort.
  • Autoimmune diseases. In this case, the immune system mistakes its own muscle cells for dangerous pathogens and initiates a protective reaction. This is the most complex type of disease, requiring a careful approach to treatment. This includes collagenoses, etc.
  • The presence of a focus of chronic inflammation. The reason why back muscles hurt can even be sore teeth, as well as diseases of the throat and nasopharynx.
  • A rare, yet common cause among dog lovers is helminthiasis, in particular echinococcosis. Representatives of this helminth are spread throughout the body through the bloodstream and can “settle” in the eyes, brain, liver, and also in the muscles. In this case, a cyst-shaped capsule with echinococcus forms in the structure of the muscle fibers. It is difficult to diagnose this type of myositis. Moreover, not only echinococci infect the human body.
  • Alcohol abuse. Leads to intoxication, as well as muscle soreness.
  • Exercise stress. Surely anyone who has ever engaged in intense physical activity knows what muscle pain is. In this case, the reason is simple: due to heavy load, the muscles are torn and covered with microcracks. Then, over time, the muscle tissue grows again. It's not dangerous, but unpleasant.
  • History of trauma. In this situation, the cause of the pain is clear.
  • Constantly being in an uncomfortable position.

If your back muscles hurt, you need to look for the reasons precisely among the given factors.

Associated symptoms

With any myositis, the symptoms manifest clearly (except for the chronic form). Among the most common manifestations:

As a rule, in clinical picture All symptoms appear at once, but variations are possible. This is especially true for chronic myositis of the spinal muscles. In case of chronic form The patient does not feel anything other than mild pain.

Who's at risk

Risk groups include:

Persons engaged in outdoor work. More often exposed to low temperatures.

. Professional athletes. Their myalgia is associated with overstrain of muscle structures.

People professionally engaged in physical labor.

Older people.

Diagnosis of back muscle pain

From a diagnostic point of view, myalgia can be difficult, since it is important to distinguish myositis from diseases of the heart, lungs, and stomach. Only a doctor can do this. As a rule, the diagnosis and treatment of myositis is carried out by surgeons in tandem with therapists. During the initial examination, the specialist asks questions and records all complaints. Then comes the turn of physical examinations (palpation) and functional tests designed to assess the capabilities of the back and spine as a whole. The main role is given to instrumental research. With their help, the doctor verifies the diagnosis.

For the purposes of differential diagnosis, other examination methods may be prescribed:

  • ECG. A cardiogram can help identify heart problems.
  • FVD. Pulmonary function is necessary to assess the functional state of the lungs.
  • X-ray of the chest organs.

In some cases, laboratory tests are also informative. In particular, it is assigned general analysis blood. The blood picture shows a low number of red blood cells. These are direct signs of inflammation.

The complex of these examinations is sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis.

Back muscles hurt: treatment

Treatment for back muscles pain is mainly medication. In therapy they use:

  • Antispasmodic drugs (to relieve muscle spasms).
  • Analgesics. Used to relieve pain.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Necessary to eliminate inflammation in affected muscles.
  • Antibiotics. Prescribed for purulent infectious myositis.
  • Muscle relaxants. Allows you to relieve pathological muscle tension.

Medicines are the first step on the path to complete recovery. Then comes the turn of physiotherapeutic procedures and massage. They can be prescribed both during the period of exacerbation and in the remission phase. The specific names of procedures, as well as medications, are determined only by the doctor. Taking medications on your own is strictly prohibited.

In extreme cases, when a purulent process or echinococcosis is observed, surgical intervention is indicated. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

Back muscles hurt: prevention

Prevention if your back muscles hurt is not difficult. Among the recommendations:

  • Don't get too cold. This is fraught with the occurrence of myositis.
  • All sources of chronic inflammation must be sanitized in a timely manner.
  • If you experience incomprehensible pain, you should contact a therapist or surgeon.
  • It is important to quit smoking and alcohol abuse

This way the patient can stay healthy for as long as possible.

Myositis is by no means harmless. An advanced pathological process is quite capable of leading to loss of ability to work. Therefore, it is not worth the risk. Vigilance is the main companion of a healthy person.

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There are no people who have not felt pain in their back muscles. She can overtake anyone. Do back pain or muscle pain (otherwise known as myalgia) serve as an indicator of pathologies only in the locomotor system, or is it an indicator of troubles in different systems of the body?

Causes of pain

If pain occurs in the back muscles, there may be different reasons. The human back from the back of the head to the sacrum is completely covered with muscles and experiences great physical stress. So why do back muscles hurt?

Spinal diseases

Suffering from them 85% of the world's population. Affects the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, spinal cord, trunks, spinal nerve roots, veins, arteries, capillaries, ligaments, muscles. The most common diseases: osteochondrosis, spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis.

Let's take a closer look at osteochondrosis.

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the Moscow Polyclinic.

Enemy of the spine
Osteochondrosis – chronic illness spine, leading to degenerative lesions and destruction of bone tissue, intervertebral discs, vertebral articular cartilage due to:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • poor nutrition;
  • excess weight;
  • previous injuries;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excessive loads;
  • stress, etc.

Due to the anatomical transformation of the spine, its pathological mobility nerves are pinched, soft tissues, spinal roots and vessels.

Soreness occurs.


  • poor posture;
  • decreased mobility in the vertebral joints (inability to straighten up 100%, turn the head);
  • decreased skin sensitivity, numbness, tingling.

To relieve the load on the altered spine, the muscles reflexively tense (compress). Over time, constant tension provokes another type of pain – muscle pain.
Nature and location of pain
They are affected by the area of ​​distribution:

  1. When veins and arteries are compressed, the pain is paroxysmal, burning, and throbbing. Localization is often one-sided - the back of the head, another part of the head.
  2. With pain, the symptoms of which often resemble other diseases (internal organs, for example), the pain is either acute, similar to myocardial infarction, called lumbago (dorsago), or gradual, increasing, similar to pneumonia, but with the absence of cough and fever (dorsalgia) . Concentrated in the intercostal region, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and upper abdomen.
  3. When pain in the muscles of the lower back is sudden, with lumbago. The lumbar and leg muscles hurt, radiating to the groin and pelvis.

In the complicated version, when the vertebrae fuse, the pain decreases or disappears.

Additional symptoms
At cervical osteochondrosis, in addition to the fact that the muscles of the back and neck hurt, there are symptoms of oxygen deficiency: dizziness, nausea, migraine, decreased vigilance, sensitivity of the arms and shoulder girdle, shortness of breath, limited cervical mobility. In adulthood, sudden loss of consciousness is possible, and in the complicated version – paresis and paralysis of the arms.

With thoracic osteochondrosis - cough, “lump” in the throat, difficulty swallowing, bending, raising arms, hypertension, pain in the heart.

With lumbar osteochondrosis - a feeling of numbness of the skin, paresis and paralysis of the legs, in men - difficulties with urination and erection, in women - menstrual irregularities.

Which doctor to contact, diagnostics performed
Due to symptoms similar to other diseases, patients go to a general practitioner, cardiologist, or gastroenterologist. This takes time and causes complications. The specialized doctor is a neurologist.

2 diagnostic methods:

  • laboratory: general and biochemical analysis s blood;
  • instrumental: x-ray of the spine in 2 projections, MRI, CT and biopsy with microscopy.

Based on the research results, treatment options are selected.
Treatment of osteochondrosis
If muscle pain is present in your back, treatment is conservative and surgical. Conservative unites:

  1. Drug treatment. Appointed at the time of crisis. NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, chondoprotectors, vitamins B, E, angioprotectors, glucocorticoids, and biogenic stimulants are used.
  2. Physiotherapy. Thanks to electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, exercise therapy, etc., the healing process is faster.
  3. Spa treatment. Effective during remission.
  4. Diet. During a crisis, you need to eat in small portions, 5-7 times during the day, excluding fried foods, choosing boiled and steamed foods. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

If the methods are ineffective, surgical intervention is performed: the intervertebral hernia or intervertebral disc is removed and replaced with a silicone implant (prosthesis).

Diseases of internal organs

Sometimes muscle pain occurs due to diseases of the internal organs:

  • Gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, perforated ulcer, intestinal pathology);
  • pancreas (chronic inflammation of the pancreas, chronic pancreatitis);
  • gallbladder (acute cholecystitis);
  • liver (colic);
  • respiratory organs (pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, tuberculosis);
  • genitourinary system (prostatitis, renal colic), gynecological diseases(fibroids, inflammation of the uterine appendages, endometriosis);
  • cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, aortic aneurysm).

The pain radiates from the organs to the back and is called radiating(reflected).

Type of pain, concentration
In case of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gallbladder and liver, the pain is acute, localized in the abdomen, right side, radiating to the lower back and collarbone, slightly below the scapula. With hepatic colic, pain affects the right shoulder, shoulder blade, neck, and entire abdomen. For inflammation prostate gland girdling pain.

With diseases of the gynecological and genitourinary apparatus, the muscles in the lower back hurt. Severe pain in the abdomen and genitals, radiating to the back on both sides, accompanied by frequent urination, indicates renal colic.

In case of respiratory diseases against the background of fever, the pain radiates to the back below the shoulder blades and to the chest, aggravated by coughing.

Back pain on the left, spreading to left hand and neck, indicates pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Associated symptoms
Nausea, heartburn, vomiting, hyperhidrosis are tormented. The abdominal wall muscles contract, making the abdomen hard and “board-shaped.”

The patient moves little, assumes a fetal position, and breathes shallowly. Your temperature may rise.
Attending doctor
First you need to see a neurologist and orthopedist. When diseases of internal organs are identified, treatment is carried out by a specialist: gastroenterologist, cardiologist, gynecologist, etc.
Diagnostic measures
X-ray examination and MRI are performed. UAC is prescribed.

An ultrasound of internal organs is performed. To exclude cardiovascular diseases, an electrocardiogram is prescribed; to assess the state of lung health, a pulmonary function test and chest x-ray are prescribed.
Prescribed treatment
The underlying disease needs to be cured.

To get rid of back pain, medications, ointments and gels with NSAIDs, irritating and local anesthetic medications are prescribed.

Mechanical damage

Having greatest distribution cause. Available:

  • athletes during training due to incorrect calculation of gravity or working with weight;
  • children with excessive mobility;
  • by divers when hitting the water;
  • pregnant women;
  • young mothers when raising a child;
  • when lifting heavy weights or increased physical activity;
  • with intense movements;
  • when falling, especially from a height, onto your back or landing on your feet, as a result of which you can get compression injuries to the vertebrae;
  • in case of mechanical shocks from the outside - a blunt object, a blast wave, etc.

Main symptoms: back muscles hurt along the spine and at the site of injury, it swells.

Due to vascular injury, hemorrhage occurs in the soft tissues, bruises and bruises appear.

Type of pain, localization
Injuries due to spinal contusion lead to dull, diffuse pain at the site of injury, without a clear definition of concentration. In case of injuries leading to rupture of ligaments without displacement or to a fracture of the spinous processes, the pain is acute, concentrated in the area of ​​the spinous and transverse processes; in case of a fracture, in the area of ​​the injured process.
Additional symptoms
For injuries in the thoracic region - loss of sensation in the limbs, ataxia, pain in the heart area, when inhaling.

In case of damage to cervical spine– difficulty breathing, paresis, spasms, muscle paralysis, headaches, amnesia, neuralgia.

In case of damage to the lumbar region - paresis or paralysis of the legs, urinary disturbances (incontinence or retention), erectile dysfunction.

Who to contact, diagnostics
It is necessary to see a traumatologist, even if the damage seems minor. The effects of the injury may appear later.

A visual examination is carried out, anamnesis is taken, the course of the disease is studied, CT and radiography are prescribed. Based on the diagnostic results, further treatment is carried out by a neurosurgeon and a rehabilitation specialist.
Recommended Treatment
For minor injuries, bed rest and the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments and gels are indicated. Gradually, bed rest is replaced with small loads, trying not to overload.

Athletes can use ice compresses to reduce inflammation; if things are getting better, warm up the muscles. Physiotherapy and heat compresses help stabilize blood circulation and restore muscles.

In complicated cases that do not affect the spinal cord, they will help breathing exercises, 14 days after injury - moving limbs, massage, acupuncture, electrical pulse therapy. Medicines include nootropil and hormones.

For closed reduction and traction of spinal deformities, corsets and collars are used.

In case of spinal cord involvement and failure conservative treatment Surgery is used to correct the deformity openly.

Helminthiasis, in particular echinococcosis

  • upon contact with an animal carrying a helminth;
  • while eating berries, vegetables, fruits contaminated with animal feces;
  • with water from natural sources containing helminth eggs.

Spreading with blood throughout the body, it affects internal organs, forming single-chamber cyst capsules in the form of a bubble filled with liquid with tapeworm scolex. Cysts can contain up to 10 liters of fluid, reach several kilograms, and take many years to form. Overgrown cysts lead to gradual destruction of the affected organ, up to its atrophy. Rupture of the cyst can cause anaphylactic shock.

The cause of back muscle pain is most often echinococcosis of the spinal cord or kidneys.

Type of pain, location
The initial stage is asymptomatic. As the cysts grow, the situation changes.

With echinococcosis of the spinal cord, compression of the body and arch of the vertebra and spinal cord by the bubble causes a sharp, encircling pain, concentrated in the thoracic region, which increases during vigorous movements. The mobility of the spinal column decreases, the rectus dorsi muscles thicken, take on the appearance of a cushion, and during palpation the spinous processes of the spine are painful.

With echinococcus of the kidney, persistent dull pain appears, localized in the hypochondrium, radiating to the lower back.
Associated symptoms
With helminthiasis of the spinal cord, pain is felt in the limbs. With echinococcosis of the kidney - fatigue, lack of appetite, weight loss, bad feeling. At a later stage, renal colic, exacerbation of pyelonephritis, difficulty urinating, impaired kidney mobility, and palpable tumors are added round shape in the hypochondrium area.
Attending doctor
People often turn to allergists, therapists, neurologists, and infectious disease specialists, which does not bring relief.

The treatment is surgery, the attending physician is a neurosurgeon.

Diagnosis of helminthiasis
The main methods are:

  1. CT. Allows you to identify neoplasms in the spinal canal.
  2. Myelography. A contrast agent injected into the arachnoid canal of the spine allows images (myelograms) to be taken.
  3. Blood test for RPHA. Passive hemagglutination reaction.

For accurate diagnosis It is important to collect anamnesis about existing contacts with animals, consumption of water from natural sources, visits to forests, etc.

Treatment used
So what should you do if your back muscles hurt? Treatment of the spinal canal is the removal of the compressive vertebral arch (laminectomy), emptying the bladder, removing its outer shell, 5-minute treatment of the cavity with a 2.5% iodine solution, then with sodium thiosulfate salt.

Cysts of infected kidneys are removed, and if necessary, resection or nephrectomy is performed.

After surgical treatment, antihistamines are prescribed to avoid contamination.

Autoimmune diseases

One of the hardest reasons. Autoimmune myositis– inflammation of the striated muscles resulting from perception immune system their muscle fiber cells for health-threatening pathogens and the destruction of their connective tissue membranes. One muscle may be affected (local myositis) or several (polymyositis). If the skin is affected, it is dermatomyositis.

Autoimmune myositis occurs independently and against the background of existing systemic pathologies: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma.

The main symptoms are muscle weakness, tension and swelling of the muscles, muscle pain, limitation of movement - the sick person has difficulty getting out of bed and caring for himself.

Type and location of pain
The pain is dull, not intense. Intensifies with changes in temperature and movement. In some cases it disappears completely. Focused on the affected muscle area.
Supporting symptoms
A local increase in temperature is possible. When the muscles of the neck are affected, swallowing is difficult; the muscles of the thoracic region and diaphragm are difficult to cough and breathe.

With dermatomyositis, the skin becomes swollen and hyperemic. Purple-red spots or nodules and severe itching appear.
Who to contact, how to diagnose
Autoimmune myositis is diagnosed and treated by a rheumatologist. The patient is examined, existing complaints and the presence of systemic pathologies are clarified.

Electromyography is prescribed.

Treatment methods
Treatment includes the use of:

  • steroidal anti-inflammatory hormones;
  • immunosuppressants that suppress the immune response;
  • extracorporeal treatment methods (EMT) – hemosorption, plasmapheresis;
  • NSAIDs.

During exacerbation of the disease, metabolites, vitamins and antitoxic solutions are administered intravenously.

After relief of the condition, therapeutic massage and physiotherapy are usually prescribed.

Intoxication. Toxic myositis

Poisoning is possible both from internal toxins (endogenous intoxication) and external toxic substances - medicines, food, industrial chemicals, alcohol, drugs. Endogenous intoxication appears due to metabolic disorders associated with diseases of various internal organs, as well as due to diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases. Key Features:

  • aches and weakness in muscles;
  • rapid breathing;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • lack of appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decrease or increase in body temperature.

Alcohol poisoning disrupts coordination and the functioning of the locomotor system, which leads to an unsteady gait and decreased muscle tone.

Nature of pain, localization, additional symptoms
The pain is aching. Applies to the spine and neck area.

The patient feels weak and lethargic. At the second stage, irritation, pessimism, tearfulness increase, and body weight decreases.

At the third stage of intoxication, especially alcoholic intoxication, aggression and malice may appear. The sick person becomes indifferent to his own appearance and health. Alcohol poisoning leads to disturbances in consciousness, reflex inhibition, and in the final stage – to the destruction of the hypothalamus and vital areas of the brain, alcoholic coma and even death.
Which doctor should I go to?
Depending on the type and degree of intoxication, the help of different doctors is required:

  1. Reanimatologist. It is needed for severe poisoning that threatens life, when it is necessary to urgently restore impaired functions of the respiratory organs and heart function.
  2. Infectious disease specialist. Deals with food poisoning.
  3. Toxicologist. Works with poisoning from drugs, industrial and biological poisons, household chemicals, drugs, alcohol.
  4. Expert in narcology. Its cases include alcohol, drug, and tobacco intoxication.
  5. Gastroenterologist. Any poisoning has a detrimental effect on the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can provoke dysbacteriosis.

It is necessary to seek the help of a therapist, who, in turn, will refer you to the right doctor.

Diagnosis of intoxication, treatment methods
A blood test is taken for LII, FDC, the degree of blood hemolysis, and intoxication index (II).

If your back muscles hurt due to intoxication, what should you do? First you need to cleanse the body of toxins and normalize the functioning of all systems. Diuretics are prescribed to remove harmful toxins. Hemodez and medications based on serum albumin, enterosorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb) are used, and in the treatment of alcohol intoxication - Enterosgel.

Hemodialysis, hemosorption procedures, and in severe cases, blood transfusions are carried out.

Staying in an awkward position

With the development of IT technologies, a large number of people spend significant time at the computer in an uncomfortable position, including office workers, students, and schoolchildren. In this moment the muscles responsible for supporting the spine do not work, and the spine itself experiences maximum physical stress. This leads to its gradual deformation.

Sometimes muscle pain in the back appears in the morning, after waking up. This means that the person slept in an uncomfortable position or on an uncomfortable bed. Muscle spasms can also occur when carrying a bag on one shoulder every day.
Nature of pain, localization, whether a doctor is needed
The pain is aching, located in the neck and back, between the shoulder blades. If staying in an uncomfortable position has not yet led to irreparable deformation of the spine, visiting a doctor is not necessary.

You can try to relieve the spasm yourself.

Getting rid of muscle pain
While sitting at the computer, you need to regularly take 5-15 minute breaks. It’s better to get up, stretch, warm up, and massage stiff muscles. This will improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue.

If the pain is associated with an uncomfortable posture during sleep or an uncomfortable bed, replace the mattress with an orthopedic one, and the pillow with a bolster. At night, it is useful to make lotions with a 10% saline solution, soaking a cotton cloth in it and applying it to the tense area.

Cover with a towel on top.

Congenital pathologies

Congenital pathologies are:

  • missing (sacralization) or extra (lumbarization) vertebrae of the sacral region;
  • congenital pathologies of the interarticular parts of the vertebral arch;
  • flat feet of different types;
  • different leg lengths;
  • abnormalities of the hip joint, including pelvic asymmetry;
  • osteochondropathy of the spine.

These diseases lead to improper formation of the spinal column.

Even with a slight difference in leg length from 3 to 5 mm over time spinal deformation occurs and pelvis, scoliosis develops, health worsens, and pain appears.

With flat feet, due to the fact that the gait does not spring, there is tension in the calf muscles, a gradual distortion of the pelvis, and pain.

Some defects can be treated, others cannot be treated, but in any case you need to see a doctor to prevent complications.
Nature of pain, localization
At first the pain is minor. It gradually becomes more intense, has an aching character, turning into an acute, burning sensation. Localization – lumbar region, sacral region, pelvis.

With flat feet and short leg syndrome, swelling, cramps, and pain in the legs appear.

Associated symptoms
Rapid fatigue, curvature of the spine (usually), pain in the hip joint, radiating to the leg, swelling, and increased pain with prolonged walking or sitting appear.
Which doctor treats and how does he diagnose?
A therapist, traumatologist, and orthopedist are needed. A visual examination is carried out, and fluoroscopy is prescribed for all types of pathologies.

For flat feet, podometry and plantography are done. For short leg syndrome, focus on the length of the trouser legs in a standing position.
Features of treatment
Treatments include massage and therapeutic exercises. For pathologies of the hip joint - mud therapy and hydrotherapy, for osteochondropathy - swimming and underwater leg stretching. For flat feet, osteochondropathy, short leg syndrome, special orthopedic insoles or arch supports are needed, orthopedic shoes with soles of different heights.

Surgery is performed only in extreme cases.

This can be traction of the leg using the Ilizarov apparatus or, for flat feet, joint plastic surgery and tendon transplantation.

Physical exercise

Sometimes muscle pain appear in the back area after strenuous physical work, sports, weight lifting. Muscles become torn and microcracks form on them. The process of producing lactic acid in the muscles begins, leading to swelling and soreness.

Causes of pain syndrome:

  1. Stretching. Appears with weak back muscles due to heavy lifting.
  2. Pinched nerves. Occurs when lifting a heavy object from a position with an incorrect back position.
  3. Sports activities. Pain occurs after sudden, vigorous movements, turns, or squats with weights, especially if exercise is not regular or the person is not physically fit enough.
  4. Stress. According to psychologists, people in stressful situation involuntarily slouch, which provokes an increase in the load on the lower back.

Representatives of both the stronger and weaker sex can feel pain during physical activity.

Type of pain, localization
The pain is usually severe, aching or sharp, unexpected, incapacitating. Occurs in the lumbar region.
Which doctor diagnoses and treats, method of diagnosis
Diagnosis is performed by a neurologist, surgeon, orthopedist, and traumatologist. Includes anamnesis collection, examination and questioning of the patient; if serious injuries are suspected - radiography and ultrasound of the joints and spine, CT scan of the spine, clinical blood test, general urine test.
How and what to treat
Treatment includes massage, exercise therapy, magnetic therapy, phonophoresis. From independent methods:

  • for sprains – cold compress, rest;
  • in case of pinched nerves - dry heat on the back, a warming belt made of dog hair, wrapping in a warm scarf, warming ointments, rest;
  • when playing sports - painkillers, warm compress, rest;
  • in case of stress - rest, in case of improvement - change of environment, visit a psychologist.

You need to properly balance physical activity, review your training plan, and improve your physical condition with the help of special exercises.

Infectious and non-infectious inflammations

Due to hypothermia of the body under air conditioning, in a draft, wearing light clothing in chilly weather, or the presence of an infection, inflammation of the spinal muscle of a non-infectious or infectious nature may occur - myositis.

Happening destruction (degranulation) of mast cells, which are found in many organs and systems of the body.

When destroyed, inflammatory mediators are formed - biologically active substances that lead to an increase in temperature, swelling, and soreness in the spinal muscles.

Type of pain, localization
The pain is aching, localized in the spine and neck. Infectious myositis can cause intercostal neuralgia, then the pain becomes sharp, one-sided, localized in the intercostal space of the chest.
Additional symptoms
Swelling, headache, chronic fatigue syndrome (asthenia), and limited mobility appear. As the condition worsens, thickening and changes in muscle tissue to the touch are observed.

Which doctors should you contact, diagnostic methods

You need to visit a therapist. After establishing a diagnosis, he will refer you to a neurologist or rheumatologist.

Diagnostic methods:

  • suspicion of non-infectious inflammation - questioning the patient, examination;
  • suspicion of infectious inflammation - blood test for rheumatic factor and antibodies, taking a biopsy of muscle tissue, electromyography.

Timely treatment will improve your health in a shorter period of time.
We are treated correctly
Some people believe that they can treat myositis on their own. But inflammation can be infectious in nature, which requires the use of drugs that have contraindications and side effects. Only a specialist can correctly prescribe them.

In addition, they use therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.

Presence of a focus of chronic inflammation

Sometimes treatment doesn't help. The reason may be the presence of a focus of chronic inflammation in the body, which, at first glance, has no relation to the back muscles - caries, diseases of the paranasal sinuses, tonsils, pathologies of the small and large intestines, lungs.

Intoxication constantly emanating from the source of inflammation, spreading through the lymphatic vessels, leads to depletion of the immune system. The body blocks the problem with lymphangiospasms, which deprive the site of inflammation of blood and lymph fluid, but this leads to an insufficient supply of necessary substances to other tissues and stagnation of the lymphatic ducts. It is accompanied by severe pain and the formation of scars on tissues deprived of normal blood supply.

Over time, the lesion “breaks through” the blockade and covers the entire body, including the back muscles.

Nature and location of pain
The pain is episodic at first, then becomes continuous, increasingly intense. Depending on the focus of chronic inflammation, it is localized in the lower cervical and lumbosacral regions.
Associated symptoms
Associated symptoms include: trigeminal neuralgia, arm pain (brachialgia). Excruciating pain in the buttocks area may be added, and the muscles of the lower back, back of the thigh, lower leg and back of the foot (sciatica) ache.
Diagnosis and treatment, which doctor will help
It is necessary to identify foci by interviewing and examining the patient, studying the medical history. If you suspect any disease, refer to the right doctor for tests, fluoroscopy, and ultrasound.

Diagnosis and treatment can be complicated by the presence of several inflammatory foci. If at least one lesion is not identified, treatment may not bring 100% results. All fires must be sanitized.

It is also necessary to treat the disease caused by them.

History of trauma

The patient has a history of previous injuries may be a factor in the development of future pain in back. Any new injuries to the spine, even minor microtraumas, “layer” on existing pathological changes and can lead to their activation.
Which doctor treats, diagnosis
In this case, we need a therapist, traumatologist, and neurologist.

It is necessary to ask the patient about all previous injuries, even those that seem insignificant to him. This applies even to injuries in infancy, because back pain is significantly influenced by long-term traumatic consequences (delayed injury). Important are not only injuries to the back and tailbone, but also to the buttocks, head, fractures and dislocations of the limbs, which can cause long time or change conditioned reflex motor reactions for life.

It is necessary to find out the nature of the damage, methods and results of treatment. X-rays and MRI can help with this.

Information about your profession and sports activities is important. Some professions and sports are characterized by an increased rate of injury. The consequences of these injuries can significantly affect the appearance of pain.
Necessary treatment
We need to find out the causes of the pain. This will make it possible to develop a treatment plan by prescribing medications that enhance and complement each other.

At the same time, in order to reduce pain, you can use pain-relieving ointments and creams.

Recent infectious-inflammatory disease

There may be tonsillitis, flu, acute respiratory infections, pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc. Human immunity reduced after fighting infection and viruses, and even the slightest hypothermia or weather change can cause inflammation and muscle tension.
What type of pain is it characterized by, where is it localized?
The pain is mostly episodic, aching, with sharp shooting pains, aggravated by palpation or physical exertion. Localized in the lumbar region with impact in the leg, in various other areas of the spine.
Additional symptoms
At first, the temperature may rise, body aches, dry throat, and watery eyes may appear.

All symptoms are irregular, which is fraught with loss of time and complications.

Which specialist to contact, diagnostic methods
The therapist is responsible for diagnosing and prescribing treatment. The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis, a detailed interview and examination of the patient, and clarification of details about the period of manifestation and the nature of the pain.
Effective treatment
Warming therapy is effective. It is carried out using warming ointments, herbal teas, wrapping yourself in a warm woolen scarf.

Baths, saunas, and hot baths are contraindicated, since an infectious-inflammatory disease that is not completely cured, the symptom of which is high temperature, will put undesirable stress on the heart and blood vessels.

Causes of pain in the trapezius, iliopsoas and latissimus dorsi muscles

Eat on your back very important 3 muscles experiencing constant loads. What is the cause of pain in these muscles?
Trapezius muscle
This is a broad flat muscle triangular shape with the base directed towards the spine, and the apex directed towards the crest of the scapula. The two trapezius muscles, located on either side of the back on the right and left, together form the trapezius shape, hence the name. The muscle that elevates the shoulders and moves the shoulder blades up and down, supporting the weight of the arms.
Cause of pain
The shoulders bear the heaviest loads, most of all when they are under tension. Stress points arise. Overload leads to injury to the trapezius muscle.

Stress points also appear as a result of compression. Example: a tourist carrying a heavy backpack. Another provoking factor can be a sudden movement of the head back and forth, or falling.

This often happens in road accidents.

Nature and location of pain
Pain appears in the neck and upper back. The nature and location are influenced by the locations of stress points:

  1. In the upper group of muscle fibers. The pain in this case is intense, persistent, reminiscent of Mr. Localized on the neck at the base of the skull.
  2. IN middle group. Localization - between the shoulder blades.
  3. In the lower group. Localization - in the lower part of the neck.

Most often, stress points appear in the upper part of the muscle fibers.
Iliopsoas muscle group
Another name is the psoas muscles. Responsible for flexing the torso and hips, supporting the body in upright position. Consist of the following muscles:

  • lumbar – located near the lumbar vertebrae;
  • iliac – located with inside iliac crest of the pelvic bone;
  • psoas minor – located on the anterior surface of the psoas major muscle.

40 out of 100 people do not have the psoas minor muscle.

Cause of pain
Stress points occur due to overload. Tension in the legs allows the torso to flex at the hip. The muscle group is involved when walking, squatting, during sports, dancing, where the legs experience strong overloads.
Type of pain, localization
When the stress points are located in the upper part of the group, the pain, which increases while standing and subsides when lying down, is localized vertically along the vertebrae, on one side.

When stress points are found in the lower part of the band, pain occurs in the intestinal area and on the outside of the upper thigh.

In this condition, it is not easy to keep the body straight.

Latissimus dorsi muscle
This is a wide, thin muscle in the middle and lower back, thickening in the armpit area. Responsible for the movements of the arms - down, back and for pressing the arms to the body.
Cause of pain
The latissimus muscle works actively during sports. Experiences overload and the formation of stress points when holding a large load with outstretched arms.
The nature and localization of painful sensations
The pain appears on the inside of the shoulder blade, affecting the middle back. It may appear on the back, spreading to the hand, to the ring finger and.

It can be so strong that you cannot raise your arm up or in front of you.

When should you urgently consult a doctor?

Sometimes Don't fight pain personally. Urgently go to the clinic or call ambulance, If:

  • after an accident or a fall from a height, limbs go numb;
  • in addition to the back, the lower leg and foot hurt;
  • with pain in the lower back, the buttocks, thighs, groin area, and legs go numb;
  • even when changing body position, the pain does not subside;
  • the pain is so significant that the person cannot care for himself;
  • In addition to weakness in the legs, urination and/or defecation became difficult;
  • a sharp sharp pain is felt on the left side of the body;
  • previously had a back injury;
  • pain syndrome lasts more than 3 days;
  • history of cancer;
  • pain is more pronounced when bending over, in a horizontal position;
  • A pregnant woman in the first trimester of pregnancy developed aching pain in the lumbar region, which goes away at rest or in a horizontal position, and in the third trimester - pain in the lumbar region with bloody discharge from the genital tract.

These options require immediate attention to specialists.

First aid to reduce pain

In the case when pain in the back muscles arose for the first time, due to stress, is not very pronounced, you can try to remove it yourself. It is necessary to accept a state of rest until the alarming symptoms pass partially or completely. Apply cold to the location for a couple of hours. Apply warming ointment to the concerned area. Additionally, you can apply a warm compress, but only if there are no muscle tears or sprained ligaments.

After this, if there is no serious damage, relief should come.

Be sure to watch the following video on the topic

Why do my back muscles hurt? The reasons are varied. Only specialists can diagnose them and choose the right treatment method. Therefore, you should not experiment with your health; it is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Pain syndrome of any origin is an S.O.S. signal that the body sends when there is trouble in one department or another. You can be lenient about such symptoms and not take any action to eliminate their causes, being content with painkillers in various pharmacological forms. However, over time, signs of the disease will return more often and with increasing intensity.

If the back muscles along the spine hurt, this may indicate the following diseases:

  • common osteochondrosis;
  • poor posture (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis);
  • spondyloarthrosis and spondylolisterosis;
  • myositis and intercostal neuralgia;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • a lot others.

For any pathology, timely treatment is necessary, since there can be no spontaneous recovery, and the condition will only progressively worsen. It is possible to answer the question of why the back muscles along the spine hurt only on the basis of data obtained during the examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis and a special examination. As necessary, radiography, tomography, and examination of general and biochemical blood test parameters are prescribed. It is necessary to do fluorography at least once a year. Back pain can be caused by pathologies of the lung tissue and coronary vessels. During the initial examination, vascular and renal pathologies, attacks of acute pancreatitis and hepatic (biliary) colic are excluded. Only an experienced doctor can do this, so you should not diagnose and treat yourself. This may lead to the development of complications.

In our manual therapy clinic, we provide emergency and routine medical care to patients with pathologies of cartilage and bone tissue, and damage to muscle fibers as a result of injury. If your back muscles are strained, massage and physical therapy may be recommended for recovery. To relax muscle fibers and improve the process of their rehabilitation, reflexology and pharmacopuncture can be used.

In the presence of destructive changes in the tissues of the spinal column (osteochondrosis, spondylosis, intervertebral hernia), long-term course treatment using traction, osteopathy, massage and gymnastics is recommended.

The muscle between the shoulder blade and the spine hurts: diseases and their treatment

A variety of diseases require specific treatment, so making a correct diagnosis is the first step towards recovery. Usually a person has pain in the muscle between the shoulder blade and the spine when the pressure exerted on it increases. physical activity. This may be a symptom of curvature of the spinal column in the thoracic region, most often it is scoliosis in an advanced form. There is displacement of the costal arches and compression of the internal organs of the chest. On one side, the muscle fibers undergo dystrophy, and on the opposite side, tension and stretching of the muscle tissue occurs. All this causes a dull, aching pain of a constant nature.

The second most common reason is destruction cartilage tissue intervertebral discs. It occurs with the development of osteochondrosis in the cervicothoracic or lumbar-thoracic region. As the pathology progresses, disc protrusion occurs, in which the pain becomes more intense and cannot be relieved with conventional painkillers and ointments. The apotheosis of the disease is intervertebral hernia, in which part of the nucleus pulposus protrudes and is pinched by the vertebral bodies. This causes severe pain, immobilizes, and disruption of the innervation of controlled organs occurs. In fact, osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia in the thoracic region are relatively rare phenomena. Therefore, differential diagnosis should be carefully carried out. First of all, possible back injuries are excluded, leading to the occurrence of cracks in the bodies and spinous processes of the vertebrae. It is also worth excluding intercostal neuralgia, herpes zoster and many other lesions nerve tissue viral and bacterial microflora. It is important not to miss the signs of renal, hepatic colic and pancreatitis. To exclude them, an ultrasound of internal organs and a biochemical blood test are prescribed. In order to exclude pathology of the coronary vessels and myocardium, an ECG is performed.

We offer treatment for diseases in which the muscle between the shoulder blade and the spine hurts due to poor posture, destruction of cartilage tissue, or spondyloarthrosis. We do not treat diseases of internal organs.

If the muscles of the back or neck hurt, most likely we are talking about myositis. Cervical-dorsal myositis (inflammatory muscle diseases) is a common cause of pain in the back, neck and collar area. The disease is usually long-term. Inflamed muscles are compacted and painful when touched or stretched. Myositis is accompanied by aching pain, sometimes severe, but not as intense as, for example, with lumbago. In patients with metabolic disorders or chronic infections Myositis of the lumbar region is often combined with joint pain.

Why do myositis occur? Our muscles support the spine and protect it from deformation. When certain parts of the spine are overstrained, a persistent muscle spasm occurs, designed to protect it from fatal damage. As a result of spasm, inflammation occurs. Often people do not realize how much unnecessary overload can be avoided in Everyday life. Probably, one of the reasons for the prevalence of back pain can be considered the lack of education in the rules of physical movements at home and at work.

Often, back pain is provoked by work associated with lifting heavy weights or vibration of machines, as well as with prolonged static position of the body. It is no coincidence that myositis sometimes turns out to be an occupational disease. For example, the muscles of the neck and collar area hurt in people whose work involves tilting their heads at the computer, when working with documents, polishers, draftsmen, etc. Athletes often experience muscle inflammation (myositis) due to systematic overload of individual (trained) muscle groups and the spine.

Everyone knows that many professional athletes have suffered severe back injuries. Almost all sports have the potential for harm from overuse and injury. Therefore, training should be regular and well-constructed in order to evenly and harmoniously distribute the load on the spine and all muscle groups. In addition, the chosen sport must take into account the characteristics of the human musculoskeletal system. It is advisable to do even morning exercises with a specialist, then the benefits from it will be more tangible.

What to do if your muscles hurt after training? According to experts, the real cause of pain in athletes and amateurs who train independently is that after severe stress in the joints (training), they assume a bent body position. Typically people relax in a sitting position with their back hunched. This is what causes back pain. It is important to maintain the correct position of the spine, its natural curves after training and in between physical activity sessions.

As an emergency measure after training, you can use simple exercises according to the R. Mackenzie method: 1. Lie face down on the floor. 2. Place your hands in front of you and rise on your elbows, arching your back as much as possible. Perform smoothly, look ahead. 3. Raise your torso with outstretched arms, without lifting your pelvis from the floor. Return to starting position. If the pain is felt on one side, then lie face down, move your hips in the opposite direction from the patient and perform in this position.

If the muscles of the neck and collar area hurt, you need to do the following exercises: 1. Lie on your back, pull your chin to your chest, without lifting the back of your head from the couch. 2. Move to the edge of the couch and carefully hang your head. Shoulders lie on the couch. Slowly turn your head in the direction opposite to the patient, hold for 30 seconds, then turn in the other direction. A relaxing massage (self-massage) is good for the muscles of the limbs. It can be done manually or with massagers. To get the effect faster, you can take tablets for back pain: Nurofen 400 mg, Dexalgin, Ketonal 100 or 150 mg, Movalis. These drugs not only relieve pain, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Muscle pain in the back has another name – myalgia. It can occur for many reasons, but often it appears due to ordinary overvoltage. Physical work leads to severe fatigue, and then to muscle soreness.

The back of the body is a huge anatomical region in which the main muscle masses are located human body. Various diseases and unnatural processes are almost always combined with severe pain.

There are a huge number of prerequisites for the occurrence of myalgia. The most common of them is a disease of the spine - osteochondrosis. The process of vertebral dystrophy itself does not cause complications, but the consequences of the disease, such as hernia, radiculitis and others, are accompanied not only by such unpleasant sensations, but also by strong tension in the muscle corset, which in turn causes the development of myalgia.

If these diseases are absent, then it becomes unclear why the back muscles hurt. Myalgia can occur with a strong cough during a cold, due to the development of bronchitis or pneumonia. In this case, sensations in the muscles arise due to increased work. Pain can also be the cause of gastrointestinal diseases or gynecological diseases. It can be caused by any injury, infection, external influences, metabolic disorders useful substances and tumor.

Diseases causing muscle pain

Pain in the back muscles can occur due to a number of diseases and conditions of a different nature. This could be scoliosis, abnormal load, trauma, myositis, lumbago, hernia.


Painful sensations can be constant, as they can be symptoms of any curvature of the spinal column. Lateral curvature can manifest itself in two variants - structural and non-structural.

Structural is the primary change in the spine. Nonstructural change is secondary, which may be accompanied by pelvic pathologies. In each such condition, severe overexertion occurs and pain occurs.

Excessive loads

The majority of pain in this area occurs due to severe tension and stress on the lumbar region. The tissues are under load, even if the person is at peace: sitting at the computer, lying down, etc. It is at this moment that they hold significant body weight in the required position.

For this reason, during sedentary work it is necessary to take breaks and move periodically. During such periods, the back muscles are unloaded.

Injuries and bruises

Pain in the back muscles can be caused not only by direct blows to this area, but also by stretching, which results in a spasm of the corset. This can happen due to an unsuccessful jump or turn. If a sudden load is applied to tissues that are not heated, then a spasm will certainly occur.


This reason is considered very common. It is a common inflammation, which is accompanied by aching pain. At the same time, the muscle corset begins to thicken and is in constant tension; at the moment of pressure on it, an unpleasant feeling occurs. If chronic myositis is present, then it is almost not felt, but the consequences of such a disease can be dangerous. They include atrophy of certain muscle groups.


This disease causes severe pain in the lower back muscles. The cause of its occurrence is standard overvoltage. As a rule, it occurs after a sudden movement that was made while lifting any weights. Muscle pain in the back in this case may be caused by displacement of the vertebrae. Also, lower back pain with this disease can occur at the time of hypothermia or injury.

Intervertebral hernia

With this complication, the pain syndrome is localized not only in the muscle corset. The reason for the pain is very simple - it is compression of the nervous system of the spinal cord. In this case, the back muscles along the spine hurt, as a strong spasm occurs in them. With this manifestation, the body tries to protect the damaged area and immobilize it.

Also, the cause of this complication is considered to be a degenerative process in tissues. As a result, the spinal disc does not perform its shock-absorbing functions and begins to extend beyond the spinal column. At a specific moment, the disk that has been damaged cannot withstand it and a hernia occurs. Often such a formation puts strong pressure on the tissue, ligaments and nervous system, and a pain symptom occurs.

This disease occurs for various reasons. It manifests itself as muscle-fascial pain in this area. Its development occurs at the moment of improper load, which leads to overwork of the fibers, which is then accompanied by a lack of oxygen.

There are a huge number of reasons for the development of myalgia. These can be not only spinal complications, but also a number of mechanical factors:

  • Short leg syndrome. It is considered the most common cause of spinal curvature. The problem is that the vast majority of people do not pay attention this disease due attention. Shortening one leg by a few millimeters is not considered normal; in childhood, such shortening provokes scoliosis, which increases with age and leads to even more complex problems.
  • Reduction of pelvic size. With this pathology, a person cannot sit straight; as a result, a constant tilt to one side puts strong pressure on the muscle corset. This deviation is often accompanied by short leg syndrome.
  • Greek foot. This pathology represents a significant lengthening of the second metatarsal bone. The shock-absorbing functions of the foot disappear, and a load is created first on the lower limbs, and then on the back. The result is severe pain in the back muscles.
  • Short shoulders. This pathology is extremely rare and represents a shortening of the humerus relative to the size of the body. At such a moment, the tissues receive constant strong tension. People suffering from this pathology say that the back muscles under the shoulder blades hurt a lot.
  • Kyphosis of the thoracic spine. This pathology has another name – stoop. It causes tension in the shoulder and neck area and pain between the shoulder blades and in the neck.
  • Voltage. As a rule, a person experiences such sensations after being in an unnatural position for a long time. In this case, the back muscles hurt in any part.
  • Joint lock. It is considered a very important cause of back pain. Most often, the broad muscle begins to hurt. This block can occur in any part of the spine.
  • Squeezing. The cause is compression, which occurs due to prolonged wearing of bags and backpacks, tight collars and other similar items.
  • Gynecological diseases. Such diseases also cause muscle pain.

The causes of myalgia are most often mechanical effects, which lead to fatigue and cause pain that requires treatment.

Groups of people at risk of cramps

Muscle tissues are in constant voltage, so they are the ones who begin to react painfully to overwork. They are also able to react very sensitively to any slightest load, sometimes a slight draft is enough to cause painful sensations.

Back discomfort is most often felt by people who work in the construction and agricultural sectors and those who are forced to stay outdoors for a long time.

What are the dangers of periodic back pain?

When a person begins to pull in this area and the muscles hurt, this is combined with a bad emotional state. Physical pain is accompanied by limited movement of certain areas of the spinal column. This blockage can spread to other parts of the body and, first of all, the lower back begins to suffer. Such pain requires timely treatment, which will remove not only the spasm, but also the blockage from the muscle tissue.

Treatment methods

Every person prone to this complication is interested in the question of what to do if their back muscles hurt. In this case, it is simply necessary to begin proper and timely treatment. Getting rid of pain in this part includes complex events: drug therapy, physiotherapy, massage and therapeutic exercises.

When there is tension in the back or pain appears, painkillers are used. They relieve spasm and inflammation. But treatment cannot be based only on medicines. After the pain symptom is relieved, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy and massage, which have a relaxing effect, especially if there is pain in the lower back and between the shoulder blades.

Therapeutic exercise helps protect tissues from excessive stress and eliminate painful spasms. Target this method– uniform distribution of the load on the back and its relaxation. Along with these procedures, another may be prescribed curative therapy diseases of the internal organs that caused this discomfort in the back and between the shoulder blades.