What are the countries of South America. Extreme points of continent Africa. South America nature

South America is the fourth largest continent on Earth. Its length from north to south is more than 7000 km, from west to east - about 5000, and the total area reaches 17.8 km². Most of the mainland is located in the Southern Hemisphere. The total number of inhabitants is more than 385 million people: according to this indicator, South America ranks fourth among continents. But if we discard the dry facts, we can say one thing: this is a whole world, unknown, bright, alluring and frightening at the same time. Every country on this continent deserves the closest study, the most curious tourists and the most enthusiastic reviews.

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How to get there

Airfare to South American countries varies significantly on regular days and during sales. If a regular ticket can cost an average of 1700-2000 USD, then sale and promotional tickets can be bought with a discount of up to 50%. The most profitable thing for Russians is to buy a ticket to Venezuela (the cheapest one can be bought for 500-810 USD on the days of maximum discounts). Or fly to the relatively massive countries of the Caribbean, such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic, from where by domestic flights to the mainland.

If you have the time and money, you can arrange for yourself an unforgettable ocean trip: the journey by boat to Buenos Aires will cost 1500-2000 EUR. Such a voyage will take much more time than a flight, because most often it is not just a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, but a full-fledged cruise with a call to the ports of Europe and Central America.

Transportation in South America

Air travel inside the continent is quite expensive, but cruise travel by sea is widespread (the cost depends on the class of the liner). Railways used mainly for cargo transportation - very few passenger trains, but bus service is very common. Traveling by bus, of course, is less comfortable, but very economical (prices vary depending on the country and destinations - tourist or domestic). In addition, car rental is very cheap here.


The climate is different in different parts of South America. In the north - the equatorial zone with the highest temperatures in January, in the south - the frosty polar zone. This is where you can meet New Year in a bikini under the scorching sun, and then head to a more familiar climatic zone to a ski resort in the highlands of the Andes. In the south of the mainland, well-fed king penguins are walking with might and main - Antarctica is close!


If you are visiting South America for the first time and are used to the international class of service, choose large hotel chains (preferably international). Rooms in them cost from 50-90 USD per day. Students and exotic lovers often settle in small hotels or private apartments - the cost can start from 15-20 USD per day. Appearance and the convenience of accommodation will depend on the country, proximity to popular resorts, and personal luck. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Iguazu Falls

Countries of South America

Venezuela- a state in the north of South America, washed by Caribbean and Atlantic Ocean... The capital is the city of Caracas. Here there are conditions for a beach holiday - the luxurious beaches of the Caribbean coast, a luxurious secluded vacation on the island of Margarita, and for the active: the Avila National Park near Caracas, the Amazonian jungle, the highest waterfall on the planet - Angel, the world's longest cable car with a length of 12, 6 km and the highest mountain peak in the country - Pico Bolivar (4981 m).

Guyana- a state on the northeastern coast of South America. The capital is Georgetown. Almost 90% of the country is wet jungle. It is because of the unfavorable conditions for tourism in the traditional sense that Guyana is visited primarily by ecotourists. They were chosen by the waterfalls of the Guiana Highlands, the Pakaraima mountains, the Kaieteur and Ivokrama national parks, where visitors learn the wisdom of rafting, as well as make hiking and horseback trips along the savannas of Rupununi.

Guiana(or French Guiana) is the largest overseas region of France, located in the northeast of South America. A French visa is required to enter Guiana. The administrative center is the city of Cayenne. 96% of the country's territory is occupied by tropical forests - this region is one of the most wooded and ecologically clean in the world. Tourist centers and settlements of local residents are concentrated in the coastal strip, the central regions are practically deserted.

Colombia- a state in the northwest of South America, named after the great traveler. The capital is Bogota. For Russians, visa-free entry to Colombia is allowed for up to 90 days. This country is famous for its historical heritage, many museums and amazing confluence European culture brought by the Spanish conquistadors in the 15th century, and Indian, still carefully preserved in some parts of the country. Colombia has stunning natural surroundings: national parks, the peaks of the Sierra Nevada, the Amazon basin, palm valleys and coffee plantations.

Paraguay called the heart of America, because this country is landlocked. Its population has retained its originality: the Guarani Indian dialect is here the state language along with Spanish. The capital is Asuncion. "Guiana" is translated from Guarana as "great river" - meaning Rio Paraguay (the third largest river in the continent for the full flow and length), dividing the country into the arid plain of Gran Chaco and humid regions between the Rio Paraguay and Rio Alta Parana. The country was chosen by ecotourists and connoisseurs of perfectly preserved architectural monuments period of the Jesuit state.

Peru- a state on the west coast of South America. The capital is Lima. Lovers of antiquities know Peru as a place of Inca settlement - the Inca state of Tahuantinsuyu was the largest empire of pre-Columbian America and still remains a mystery to ethnographers and archaeologists. Here is the famous Machu Picchu, which has become one of the new wonders of the world, and landscapes with mysterious Nazca lines, the origin of which scientists still cannot explain. In total, Peru has more than 180 museums and many archaeological parks lost in the Andes valleys.

Visa-free travel to Peru is open for Russian tourists for up to 90 days.

Suriname- a state in the northeast of South America. The capital is Paramaribo. People come here in search of ecotourism in unusual places: rainforests, waterfalls Atabru, Kau, Uonotobo, Ghalibi reserve, Sipalivini region, which occupies most of the territory, reservations of the Trio, Akurio and Huyana Indians.

Uruguay- a state in the southeast of South America. The capital is Montevideo. If you want to relax on the beach, come to Uruguay between January and April. Connoisseurs of colonial architecture will surely enjoy the sights of Cologna and Montevideo. Every year, a month and a half before Easter, two days before Lent, Catholics in Uruguay hold a colorful carnival.

Visa-free travel to Uruguay is open for Russian tourists for up to 90 days.

Chile- a state in the southwest of South America, occupying a long strip from the coast of the Pacific Ocean to the highlands of the Andes. The capital is Santiago. Balneological tourism is widespread in Chile (33 sanatorium bases with water and mud therapy), beach vacation(districts of Arica, Iquique, Valparaiso), as well as trips to the national parks of La Campana, Torres del Paine, to Lake San Rafael, to the towns of Altiplano and San Pedro and, of course, to the famous Easter Island. For lovers alpine skiing- 15 resorts with slopes ranging from the most extreme to the easiest.

Ecuador is located in the northwest of the mainland and gets its name from the Spanish "equator". The capital is Quito. Particularly noteworthy are the Galapagos Islands, famous not only for their fauna, but also for their fantastic beaches, Oriente National Park and a trip along the Amazon, the El Qayas region with 200 lakes and lagoons, a monument ancient culture Ingapirca and museums of the colonial and pre-colonial eras in Quito.

For Russian tourists, a visa-free regime has been introduced to visit Ecuador for up to 90 days.

In addition, South America includes the disputed island territories of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, as well as the Fokland (Malvinas) Islands, which the United Kingdom and Argentina are still arguing about. Tourists arrive on the islands as part of cruise tours. The most common activities are mountaineering, hiking and kayaking and kayaking. The Fokland (Malvinas) Islands are almost forgotten by tourists. In terms of climate, their territory is close to Iceland: cold, strong winds, and not only seagulls scurry along the coast, but also well-fed king penguins.

South America nature

After the disintegration of the mainland of Gondwana at the end of the Cretaceous period into Africa, Australia, Antarctica and South America, the latter remained a separate continent. The Isthmus of Panama, which connects the present North and South America, appeared about three million years ago, significantly influencing the flora and fauna of the continent.

Variety of landscapes and climatic zones boggles the imagination of a tourist. The Andes, the world's longest mountain range, is also called the "ridge" of South America, stretching almost its entire length for 9 thousand km. The highest peaks - Aconcagua (6960 m) in Argentina and Ojos del Salado (6908 m) are covered with snow all year round... Continuing movement to this day crust in this region causes earthquakes and eruptions of active volcanoes.

The famous Amazon River flows here, the second largest river on the planet, always full of flow thanks to its numerous tributaries. On its shores, the endless Amazonian jungle rises, so dense that some of its parts remain unexplored to this day.

The Amazonian jungle is called the "lungs of the planet."

In contrast to the rainforests of the Amazon on the mainland, there is one of the driest places on the planet - the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Argentina and Uruguay have hot and dusty pampa steppes.

There are vast lakes, high waterfalls, and rocky islands in South America. From the north, the continent is washed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, while its southernmost point - the island of Tierra del Fuego - is subject to frequent storms from the cold Atlantic Ocean.

South America is the fourth largest continent belonging to the group of southern continents: the map shows that most of it is located in the Southern Hemisphere, and only a small region of it is in the Northern. On a total area of ​​17 800 sq. km there are 12 countries in South America, as well as 3 independent territories, and each of the countries has its own state language, flag, currency, culture and customs. Let us consider in more detail which states are part of South America.

general characteristics

South America is characterized by an amazing variety and indescribable flavor of absolutely all countries located on the continent.

Before the conquest of the mainland in the 16th century by the Spanish conquerors, Indians lived here. After a while, the Portuguese and Spaniards brought immigrants from Africa to the continent as work force... Subsequently, many regions of South America were settled by immigrants from Western and of Eastern Europe... Despite the great differences in culture, religion and general way of life different nations live in a common territory surprisingly calmly, without serious conflicts.

Rice. 1. Population of South America

By racial the entire population of the mainland can be divided into three main types:

  • Indians;
  • Europeans;
  • black people.

In Colombia, Venezuela, Paraguay and Ecuador, the local population is mostly represented by mestizos - the descendants of Indians and Europeans. In Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia, there are a lot of representatives of the Negroid race, and in Chile, Uruguay and Argentina - the advantage over the Europeans. And only in Peru and Bolivia, the indigenous people of South America form the majority.

The most common languages ​​are Spanish and Portuguese. However, the population of South America is so diverse and diverse that you can hear English, French, German, Italian speech here - these foreign languages are the most popular and are taught in school. Only tourists and immigrants from the countries of the former Soviet Union... Quite often on the streets you can hear the colorful speech of the native Indians: Aymara, Quechua, Guara, Araucanian.

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Rice. 2. South America on the map

Table "List of countries in South America and their capital"

The name of the country Capital Language Currency Area of ​​South American countries, sq. km
Argentina Buenos Aires Spanish Argentine peso 2 766 890
Bolivia La Paz, Sucre Spanish, Quechua, Aymara, Guarani and 33 more languages Boliviano 1 098 581
Brazil Brasilia Portuguese Brazilian real 8 514 877
Venezuela Caracas Spanish Venezuelan bolívar 916 445
Guyana Georgetown English Guyanese dollar 214 970
Colombia Santa Fe de Bogota Spanish Colombian peso 1 138 910
Paraguay Asuncion Spanish, Guarani Paraguay Guarani 406 752
Peru Lima Spanish, Quechua New salt 1 285 220
Suriname Paramaribo Dutch Surinamese dollar 163 270
Uruguay Montevideo Spanish Uruguayan peso 176 220
Chile Santiago Spanish Chilean peso 756 950
Ecuador Quito Spanish U.S. dollar 283 560
Dependent territories
French guiana Cayenne French Euro 86 504
Falkland Islands Stanley English Lb Falkland Islands 12,173
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Grytviken English GBP 3 093

Brief overview of the countries of South America

Each country on the continent has its own characteristics.

  • Brazil - the largest country in terms of area and population. It is known all over the world for its first-class beaches and carnivals in Rio de Janeiro.

Rice. 3. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

  • Argentina - notable for its capital Buenos Aires, where the famous carnival procession is held annually.
  • Bolivia - Sucre is officially considered the capital of the country, but the local government prefers the largest and beautiful city in Bolivia - La Paz.
  • Venezuela - the country in which the north comes into its possession. On the outskirts of Caracas, there is a National Park with untouched tropical nature.
  • Guyana Is a land of constantly humid jungle. Up to 90% of Guyana's territory is occupied by dense forests.
  • Guiana - despite the fact that this is the territory of South America, however, it is impossible to get to this French region without a visa.
  • Colombia - is different big amount museums, which have collected the richest cultural and historical heritage. This country is a symbiosis of two cultures - Indian and European.
  • Paraguay - a country that does not have its own access to the sea. In the capital - Asuncion - there are many original architectural monuments.
  • Peru Is a mountainous country located in the Andes on the west coast. She is full of mysteries and amazing stories, because it was here that the Inca civilization developed at one time.
  • Suriname - the smallest state in South America, which has preserved a unique colonial style.
  • Uruguay - the country is famous, first of all, thanks to its traditional carnival, which is in no way inferior to the Argentinean in its significance and scope.
  • Chile - the country is located in a very picturesque place along the Pacific coast, partly in the highlands of the Andes.
  • Ecuador - an equatorial country with preserved monuments of ancient culture, museums.

All the states of South America emerged as a result of liberation wars and revolutions directed against former colonialists such as Spain, Portugal and Great Britain. The history of the formation of countries Latin America no less interesting than the European one, and much more expressive.

States of South America

The modern political map of South America has thirteen states and two dependent territories, one of which - the Falkland Islands - still cannot be divided by Great Britain and Argentina. Because of this dispute, there was even a war in 1982, as a result of which control over the islands was finally established in Great Britain. Argentina, however, did not recognize this fact and continues to call the islands Malvinas, which should emphasize their belonging to the South American republic.

Brazil is the largest state in South America both in area and in population. The territory of Brazil was colonized by the Portuguese, who ruled these lands until 1822, when the country's independence from the mother country was proclaimed.

However, the new state inherited the Portuguese form of government - the monarchy, and the new country began to be called the Brazilian Empire, which was headed by the son of the previous monarch. However, the monarchy ended in Brazil in 1889 when Emperor Pedro l was overthrown in a military coup. Since then, Brazil has been a republic.

List of countries in South America

Every state that exists today in South America is a republic by the form of government, and in many countries this is enshrined in the official name. In the name of some states, even National composition as, for example, in Bolivia.

Here is a list of all the states of South America and the territories that traditionally belong to it:

  • Argentine Republic;
  • Plurinational State of Bolivia;
  • Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela;
  • Guyana;
  • Republic of Colombia;
  • Republic of Paraguay;
  • Republic of Peru;
  • Republic of Suriname;
  • Eastern Republic of Uruguay;
  • Falkland Islands, owned by Great Britain but contested by Argentina;
  • Guiana - French Overseas Territory;
  • Chile;
  • Republic of Ecuador.

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands undoubtedly belong to the United Kingdom, but they do not have a permanent population, or the population does not exceed twenty people.

North America

Both American continents are connected by a thin, but very important isthmus, which in the pre-colonial period ensured the connectivity of the various cultures that existed on the two continents.

Some scholars believe that it was along this isthmus that the Indians who belonged to the ancient cultures of South America and ultimately ended up in Mexico made the transition.

In addition to common ancient roots, the states of North and South America have another common origin, closer to modernity: they are all the fruits of European colonization, aggressive and merciless towards the local population, as a result of which many millions of people died and entire cultures and civilizations were destroyed. such as the Incas and Aztecs.

Rich North and Poor South

However, there are also many differences between countries such as the United States and Canada and the states of Central and South America.

All Spanish-speaking countries and former Portuguese colonies are now classified as emerging economies. There are frequent political and economic crises, and there are also difficulties with public administration and an excessive level of corruption in the state apparatus.

In addition, cocaine is industrially produced in South America, which is then transported to the United States through Mexico. All this creates an environment for all kinds of abuse by the authorities and maximally comfortable conditions for running a criminal business, the victims of which are thousands of people every year.

Additional tension between the states of South America and the United States is created due to illegal migration caused by the natural desire of people from the south to improve their living conditions.

    North America is a continent, together with South America, constituting a part of the Americas. V North America there are 23 states and 20 dependent territories. Ten states of North America are in the continental part, the rest ... ... Wikipedia

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    Colonization of the world 1492 modernity This article contains a list largest empires in world history, as well as large mono-ethnic states with a monarchical form of government until 1945. Countries with other forms of government, ... ... Wikipedia

    List of state and national anthems. The names of states with limited international recognition, dependent territories, regions are given in italics. Contents: Beginning 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N ... Wikipedia

    Below is the alphabetical list countries of the world, which includes 260 countries, including: 194 independent states(193 UN member states and the Vatican (see also List of states)) States with undefined status (12) ... Wikipedia

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  • World Atlas. Political and physical maps, A. Sharonov (ed.). Detailed color illustrated encyclopedia contains physical and political maps all countries of the world, indicating their administrative division into regions, provinces and regions .. Edition ...

North America: Canada, USA, Mexico…. South America: Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, Guiana, Uruguay, Paraguay….

Canada, USA, (North America); Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Guyana, Guatemala, Grenada, Honduras, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru , El Salvador, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Yamaaaaaika)), (Latin America).

Chile Peru Brazil Guyana Venezuela Well, my favorite is Peru

North America Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda - a state on the islands of the same name and the island of Redonda in the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean) group in North America Bahamas Barbados Belize Haiti Guatemala Honduras Grenada Dominica Dominican Republic of Canada - Canada (pronounced English, French. ) - a state in North America, ranks second in the world (after Russia) in terms of area. It is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans and borders the United States in the south and northwest Costa Rica Cuba Mexico - Mexico - official name The United Mexican States (Spanish Estados Unidos Mexicanos) is a state in North America, bordering the United States in the north, Belize and Guatemala in the southeast, washed by the waters of the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean in the northwest, and the Gulf of Mexico in the east and the Caribbean Nicaragua Panama El Salvador Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Kitts and Nevis USA Trinidad and Tobago Jamaica Latin (South) America Argentina - Spanish. Argentina is the official name of the Argentine Republic (Spanish República Argentina) - the second (after Brazil) in terms of territory and population in South America. Aruba - Aruba - not big Island in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Venezuela, an autonomous territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Bolivia Brazil, the Federative Republic of Brazil - Brazil (port República Federativa do Brasil) - the largest state in South America in terms of area and population, the capital is the city of Brasilia Suezuela Gaiyárina Párguyna Coluvalla Islands (disputed Great Britain and Argentina) French Guiana (France) Chile Ecuador Peru

Ecuador peru chile south america brazil usa canada argentida

Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda - a state on the islands of the same name and the island of Redonda in the group of the Lesser Antilles (Caribbean) in North America Bahamas Barbados Belize Haiti Guatemala Honduras Grenada Dominica Dominican Republic of Canada - Canada (pronounced English, French) - state in North America, ranks second in the world (after Russia) in terms of area. It is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans and borders the United States in the south and northwest Costa Rica Cuba Mexico - Mexico - the official name of the United Mexican States (Spanish Estados Unidos Mexicanos) - a state in North America, bordering the United States in the north , in the southeast - with Belize and Guatemala, in the northwest it is washed by the waters of the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean, in the east - by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Nicaragua Panama El Salvador Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Saint Kitts and Nevis USA Trinidad and Tobago Jamaica Argentina - Spanish. Argentina is the official name of the Argentine Republic (Spanish República Argentina) - the second (after Brazil) in terms of territory and population in South America. Aruba - Aruba - a small island in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Venezuela, an autonomous territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Bolivia Brazil, the Federal Republic of Brazil - Brazil (port República Federativa do Brasil) - the largest state in terms of area and population in South America, the capital is Brasilia Venezuela Guyana Columbia Paraguay Suriname Uruguay Falkland Islands (disputed Great Britain and Argentina) French Guiana (France) Chili Ecuador Peru

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The extreme point of the mainland is where the mainland ends and the ocean begins. Geographical coordinates extreme points of all continents are shown below.

Extreme points of the continent Eurasia

The continent of Eurasia includes two parts (they are also called parts of the world) - Europe and Asia.

Political map and list of all countries in South America with the names of the capitals

The names and coordinates of the extreme points of Europe and Asia are as follows:

Extreme points of Europe

North - Cape Nordkin, coordinates 71̊ 08 ′ north latitude, 27̊ 39 ′ east longitude;
South - Cape Marroki, 36̊ north latitude, 5̊ 36 ′ west longitude;
Western point - Cape Roca, coordinates 38̊ 46 ′ north latitude, 9̊ 29 ′ west longitude;
East - Polar Urals, the extreme point is considered to be 67̊45 ′ north latitude, 66̊ 13 ′ east longitude.

Extreme points of Asia

North point - Cape Chelyuskin, coordinate 77̊ 43 ′ north latitude, 104̊18 ′ east longitude;
South - Cape Piai, 1̊ 16 ′ north latitude, 103.3 east longitude;
Western - Cape Baba, coordinates 39̊29 ′ north latitude, 26̊ 10 ′ east longitude;
Eastern - Cape Dezhnev, 66̊ 04 'north latitude, 169̊ 39' east longitude.

Extreme points of continent Africa

North - Cape El Abyad, coordinates 37̊ 21 ′ north latitude, 9̊ 45 ′ east longitude;
South - Cape Agulhas, 34̊ 49 ′ south latitude, 20̊ east longitude;
Western - Cape Almadi, coordinates 14̊ 44 ′ north latitude 17̊ 31 ′ west longitude;
Eastern - Cape Ras Khafun, 10 deg. 25 "North, 51̊ 21 ′ East.

Extreme points of the mainland North America

North - Cape Murchison, coordinates 71̊̊ 50 ′ north latitude, 94̊ 45 ′ west longitude;
South - Cape Maryato, 7̊ 13 ′ north latitude;
Western - Cape Prince of Wales, coordinates 65̊ 35 ′ north latitude, 168̊̊ west longitude;
East - Cape St. Charles, coordinates 52̊ 24 ′ north latitude, 55̊ 40 ′ west longitude.

Extreme points of the mainland South America

North - Cape Galinas, coordinates 12̊ 25 ′ north latitude, 71 deg. 35 ′ West longitude.
South - Cape Froward, 53̊ 54 ′ south latitude, 71 degrees. 18'W.
Western - Cape Parinyas, coordinates 81̊ 20 ′ west longitude;
Eastern - Cape Kaabu Branco, 34̊ 46 ′ west longitude.

Extreme points of mainland Australia

North - Cape York, coordinates 10̊ 41 ′ south latitude, 142̊ 32 ′ east longitude;
South - Cape Yugo-Vostochny, 39̊ 11 ′ south latitude, 146̊ 25 ′ east longitude;
Western - Cape Steep Point, coordinates 26̊ 09 ′ south latitude, 113̊ 09 ′ east longitude;
Eastern - Cape Byron, 28̊ 40 ′ S, 153̊ 34 ′ East.

The extreme point of the Antarctic continent, Cape Sifre, is located at 63̊ 13 ′ south latitude and 57̊ east longitude.

Political structure of South America

South America is only 24 countries. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Chile and Ecuador. The countries of South America are developing countries. Main economies: Brazilian and Argentine. Countries of South America

Country Capital Cities Country Capital Cities
1. Agrentina Buenos Aires 13. Mexico
2. Belize Belmopan 14. Nicaragua Mexico City
3. Bolivia La Paz 15. Panama Managua
4. Brazil Brasilia 16.

South American countries in the table


5. Venezuela Karakos 17. Peru Asuncion
6. Guyana Georgetown 18. El Salvador Lima
7. Guiana (France) Cayenne 19. Uruguay San Salvador
8. Guatemala Guatemala 20. Chile Montevideo
9. Honduras Tegucigalpa 21. Ecuador Santiago
10. Greenland Gothob 22. Suriname Quito
11. Canada Ottawa 23. Falkland Islands (UK) Paramaribo
12. Martinique Fort-de-France 24.South Georgia (UK) Port Stanley

South Georgia is a colony of Great Britain. From 1982 to March 2001, there was a small English military garrison (23 people). It is relocated to the Falkland Islands. A research center operates on the site of the military base. The island has no economic significance, it is under the control of the Falklands Administration.

Political structure of the countries of South America

Country Capital Cities Head of state Form of government
1. Agrentina (Republic of Argentina) Buenos Aires Parliamentary republic
2. Antilles Willemstad (Netherlands)
3. Belize Belmopan Queen of Great Britain (Governor General) + Prime Minister + 2-chamber Parliament Nat. Meeting A constitutional monarchy
4. Bolivia (Republic of Bolivia) La Paz President + 2-chamber National Congress Parliamentary republic
5. Brazil (Federative Republic of Brazil) Brasilia President + 2-chamber National Congress Federal Republic
6. Venezuela Karakos
7. Guyana Georgetown The president Parliamentary republic
8. French Guiana (Department of Guiana) (France) Cayenne Overseas territory of France
9. Guatemala Guatemala
10. Honduras Tegucigalpa The president Parliamentary republic
11. Greenland Gothob (Denmark)
12. Canada Ottawa
13. Martinique Fort-de-France (France)
14. Mexico Mexico City
15. Nicaragua Managua The president Parliamentary republic
16. Panama (Republic of Panama) Panama President + 1-chamber Legislative Assembly people's representatives Constitutional democracy
17. Paraguay Asuncion The president Parliamentary republic
18. Peru (Republic of Peru) Lima The president Parliamentary republic
19. El Salvador (Republic of El Salvador) San Salvador The president Parliamentary republic
20. Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (UK) Port Stanley Queen of Great Britain + Governor On South
21. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (official name South Georgia) (UK) - (No) Controlled from the Falkland Islands by British specials. authorized On South
22. Uruguay (Eastern Republic of Uruguay) President + 2-chamber parliament Parliamentary republic
23. Chile Santiago President + 2-ward Nat. Congress Republic
24. Ecuador (Republic of Ecuador) Quito President + 1-chamber Nat. Congress Republic
25.Suriname (Republic of Suriname) Paramaribo President + 1-chamber Nat. Meeting Constitutional democracy

The largest states in Latin America are Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile, Peru.

Brazil is not only the largest area in the South American region, but also has the first place in terms of population. Brazil is federal republic with a presidential form of government. In this it is similar to Russia. Incidentally, there are special partnerships between Russia and Brazil, since both of these states are among the five BRICS countries.

One of the tiny states in Latin America is Bahamas... This state is still formally a British colony. Therefore, a little more than 300 thousand residents of the Bahamas call themselves subjects of the British Crown. Despite the tiny size of the state, here very high level life... For comparison, we can say that it is several times higher than the standard of living of countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. Therefore, of all the countries included in Latin America, the Bahamas has the highest economic performance.

In the immediate vicinity of the Bahamas, the poorest state is located Haiti... It ranks among the countries in Latin America with the lowest living standards. Haiti is considered to be one of the poorest countries on the planet. Particular damage to the economy of this Latin American state is caused by frequent destructive earthquakes and a high level of corruption.

The area of ​​the territories of the large countries of Latin America(slide) indicated for countries with an area of ​​more than 100 thousand km2, and for small countries(slide)- the area of ​​which is less than 1 thousand km2.

The ratio of territories in Latin America v % (slide 17) takes into account only countries whose territories constitute more than 1% of the joint territory. The rest of the countries with less than 1% of the total area are listed under “Other”. Their combined weight in the total area is only 5.9%.

Home / Regions / South America / Geography of South America

Geography of South America. Geographical Description of South America

Geography of South America
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South America is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the north, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, northeast, and southeast. In the west, the continent surrounds Pacific Ocean... In the northwest, the Isthmus of Panama connects South America with North America.

Which countries are located in the south of South America?

On the territory of South America, you can find a very diverse landscape and relief - from deserts to rain forests, and from plains to hills.

Geographic features of South America

Amazonian lowland

The Amazonian Lowland (Amazon) is covered by the largest rainforest in the world and runs through its heart the Amazon River and over 1,000 tributaries, seven of which are over 1,600 kilometers long. On average, it rains here 200 days a year, and the total rainfall is over 250 centimeters annually.

The lowland drains about 7,000,000 square kilometers, and covers about one third of all of South America. Originating high in the Andes, this river system irrigates almost half of the continent, and when it comes to the amount of water eventually poured into the ocean, it is second to none.

Andean Cordilleras (Andes)

This jagged mountain system, about 7,240 km long, stretches from the southern tip of South America to Panama.

These mountains are the source of most of the continent's rivers, and many of their chains include dozens of peaks with heights of more than 6,000 m. high peak is Aconcagua in Argentina (6 960 m.). In addition, these mountains are home to some largest volcanoes planets, while in the far south, along the coast of Chile, large glaciers and ice blocks are common.

Brazilian highlands

This magnificent area of ​​southeastern Brazil is almost 1,300 kilometers long and contains a variety of mountain ranges, notably the Serra de Mantiqueira, Serra do Paranapiataba, Serra Guerral, and Serra do Mar. The approximate highest point is 2,245 m.

Brazilian shield

This shield is a geological formation south of the Amazon. Hundreds of rivers and streams flow through this region on their way to the Amazon. These rivers contain a large number of migratory fish species.

Guiana highlands

This upland, which is over 1,600 km long, stretches from southern Venezuela to the northern border of Brazil. It is a vast plateau marked by deep gorges, rainforests, numerous rivers and waterfalls. It is famous for the highest waterfall in the world (Angel Falls), 979 m high. high point highlands - Mount Roraima on the border with Brazil, Guyana, and Vesezuela, with a height of 2,810 m.


Located in the eastern and central regions of Colombia and the central and southern regions of Venezuela, this large and very fertile plain is drained by the Orinoco River and many of its tributaries. Its approximate size is 582,000 sq. Km.

Cape Horn

The southernmost point of South America, which remains a maritime legend to this day, because sailing past this remote point and through its brutal waters is one of the most dangerous sea routes on the planet.

Tierra del Fuego

Located at the southern tip of South America, the Tierra del Fuego archipelago consists of one large island (48,100 sq. Km in size) and a number of smaller islands. Presumably, the archipelago was named Portuguese traveler Fernand Magellan, the first explorer to go around Earth... The path he chose through the Strait of Magellan turned out to be the fastest and in a safe way move from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean for seaworthy commercial and research vessels.


Known for its many cattle ranches, this great plain in the southern part of the continent (in central Argentina) it stretches for almost 1,600 km. and covers a distance of 761,460 sq. km.


The Pantanal is the largest swamp in the world. It is located mainly in southwestern Brazil and covers a distance of approximately 140,000 square kilometers. up to 195,000 sq. km. An amazing number of aquatic plants grow on its territory, and a large variety of animal species live.


Situated between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean, and about 1,600 km long, Patagonia stretches south from the Rio Negro River to Tierra del Fuego and the Strait of Magellan. It is mainly a rocky, lifeless land known for its beauty and amazing mountain landscapes.

Atacama Desert

Sparsely populated and located high in the Andes of Chile, this small desert (or plateau) is a cold place, and is one of the few deserts on Earth that does not rain at all. Its width is approximately 160 km and its length is 1,000 km. The relief of the desert is completely lifeless, and is covered with small borax lakes, remnants of lava flows, and salt deposits.

Waterfalls of South America

Other images of South America


Map Largest Islands

  • Greenland- (840,004 sq mi) (2,175,600 sq km)
  • New Guinea - (303,381 sq. Miles) (785,753 sq. Km)
  • Borneo- (288,869 sq mi) (748,168 sq km)
  • Madagascar
  • Baffin- (194,574 sq mi) (503,944 sq km)
  • Sumatra
  • Honshu- (88,982 sq mi) (225,800 sq km)
  • United Kingdom
  • Victoria- (85,154 sq mi) (220,548 sq km)
  • Ellesmere- (71,029 sq mi) (183,965 sq km)

NOTE: Australia is widely considered as a continental landmass, not an island. In reality it is, of course, the largest island with a size (2,941,517 sq mi) (7,618,493 sq km).


  • Indonesia- (735,358 sq mi) (1,904,569 sq km)
  • Madagascar- (226,917 sq mi) (587,713 sq km)
  • Papua New Guinea- (178,704 sq mi) (462,840 sq km)
  • Japan- (143,939 sq mi) (372,801 sq km)
  • Malaysia- (127,320 sq mi) (329,758 sq km)
  • Philippines- (115,831 sq. Miles) (300,000 sq. Km)
  • New Zealand- (103,883 sq mi) (269,057 sq km)
  • United Kingdom- (88,787 sq mi) (229,957 sq km)

NOTE: Great Britain is an island that unites the countries of England, Scotland and Wales, and is part of the country of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", usually called Great Britain.

  • Cuba- (42.804 sq mi) (110.861 sq km)
  • Iceland


  • New Guinea- (16,503 feet) (5,030 meters)
  • Hawaii, USA- (13,796 feet) (4,205 meters)
  • Borneo, Indonesia- (13,698 ft) (4,175 meters)
  • Formosa, China- (13,114 ft) (3,997 meters)
  • Sumatra, Indonesia- (12,484 feet) (3,805 meters)
  • Ross, Antarctica- (12,448 feet) (3,794 meters)
  • Honshu, Japan- (12,388 ft) (3,776 meters)
  • South Island, NZ- (12,349 feet) (3,764 meters)
  • Lombok, Indonesia- (12,224 feet) (3,726 meters)


  • Sumatra, Indonesia- (171,069 sq mi) (443,066 sq km)
  • Honshu, Japan- (87,182 sq mi) (225,800 sq km)
  • Java, Indonesia- (53,589 sq mi) (138,794 sq km)
  • North Island, NZ- (43,082 sq mi) (111,583 sq km)
  • Luzon, Philippines- (42,458 sq mi) (109,965 sq km)
  • Iceland- (39,769 sq mi) (103,000 sq km)
  • Mindanao, Philippines- (37,657 sq mi) (97,530 sq km)
  • Hokkaido, Japan- (30,395 sq mi) (78,719 sq km)
  • New Britain, PNG- (13,569 sq mi) (35,145 sq km)
  • Halmaherea, Indonesia- (6,965 sq mi) (18,040 sq km)


Manitoulin, Lake Huron - (1,068 sq mi) (2,766 sq km)
Vozrozhdeniya, Aral Sea - (888 sq. Miles) (2,300 sq. Km)
Rene-Lavasseur, Manicouagan Reservoir, Quebec, Canada
- (780 sq mi) (2,000 sq km)
Olkhon, Lake Baikal - (282 sq mi) (730 sq km)
Samosir, Toba - (243 sq mi) (630 sq km)
King's Island, Lake Superior - (209 sq mi) (541 sq km)
Ukerewe, Lake Victoria - (205 sq mi) (530 sq km)
St. Joseph, Lake Huron - (141 sq mi) (365 sq km)
Drummond, Lake Huron - (134 sq mi) (347 sq km)
Idjwi, Lake Kivu, DRC - (110 sq mi) (285 sq km)


Hawaii, Hawaii - (4,037 sq mi) (10,456 sq km)
Kodiak, Alaska - (3,672 sq mi) (9,510 sq km)
Prince of Wales, Alaska - (2,587 sq mi) (6,700 sq km)
Chichagova Island, Alaska - (2,085 sq mi) (5,400 sq km)
Saint Lawrence, Alaska - (1,710 sq mi) (4,430 sq km)
Admiralty, Alaska - (1,649 sq mi) (4,270 sq mi)

Which countries are in South and North America?

Baranof, Alaska - (1,636 sq mi) (4,237 sq km)
Nunivak, Alaska - (1,625 sq mi) (4,210 sq km)
Unimack, Alaska - (1.606 sq mi) (4,160 sq km)
Long Island, NY - (1,401 sq mi) (3,629 sq km)


United Kingdom - (88,787 sq mi) (229,957 sq km)
Iceland - (39,769 sq mi) (103,000 sq km)
Ireland - (33,342 sq mi) (83,766 sq km)
West Svalbard - (15,200 sq mi) (39,368 sq km)
Sicily - (9.807 sq mi) (25,400 sq km)
Sardinia - (9,189 sq mi) (23,800 sq km)
North East Land - (5,792 sq mi) (15,000 sq km)
Cyprus - (3,572 sq mi) (9,251 sq km)
Corsica - (3,367 sq mi) (8,720 sq km)
Crete - (3,189 sq mi) (8,260 sq km)