Lesson summary "Population. Political map of South America"

About 300 million people live. Racial and ethnic composition population is very complex. This is due primarily to the history of the settlement of the mainland.

The indigenous population, which the Europeans called the Indians, belongs to the American branch. They came, as they say, from about 20 thousand years ago. Gradually, numerous Indian tribes populated the entire mainland. In they created a state with a developed economy and high culture - the Inca Empire. European colonialists took away from the indigenous population the best lands, destroyed and plundered the monuments of the ancient Indian civilization. Millions of Indians were destroyed, the rest were pushed back into impenetrable forests and high mountain regions. To date, there are few Indians left in South America, less than 10% of the entire population of the mainland.

Over the course of three centuries, in the 16th-19th centuries, millions of Negro slaves from were brought to work on the plantations. In the 19th century in, mainly on the southeastern coast of the mainland, a stream of immigrants from Europe poured. Among the population of the mainland, there was a constant process of mixing of races, languages, customs, traditions, mores. As a result, new peoples and nations were formed, in whose life European, Indian and African cultures are combined.

Currently, South America is dominated by a mixed population. The descendants of European settlers are called Creoles; mestizos - descendants from marriages of Europeans and Indians; mulattoes - descendants from marriages of Europeans and blacks; sambo - descendants from marriages of Indians with blacks.

On a linguistic basis, South America, together with Central, is called. The predominant part of the population of the mainland speaks the languages ​​​​of the Romance group (of Latin origin). In most countries, especially in the west South America, the official language is Spanish, in - Portuguese, in Guyana - English, in Suriname - Dutch, in Guyana -. Only in 1975, for the first time in the entire colonial and post-colonial history of the mainland, the language of the Peruvian Indians Quechua was adopted as the state language, along with Spanish.

South America is extremely unevenly populated. On the coast and in the Pampas, the average population density is from 50 to 100 people per 1 km2, in many inland areas of the mainland it does not even reach 1 person per 1 km2. This distribution of the population is associated with the peculiarities of the history of settlement, development and the specifics of natural conditions in the regions of the mainland.

For three centuries they were colonies and. They achieved political independence in early XIX century, but then found themselves in economic dependence, first on European states, and then on

This material is a summary of a geography lesson in grade 7 on the topic: "Population and political map South America". The lesson is aimed at familiarizing students with the continent of South America: its racial and ethnic composition, the ways of settling this continent, as well as the political map of South America.



Lesson summary on the topic "Population and political map of South America" ​​Grade 7

Lesson Objectives:

1. Determine the ways of settling South America;

2. Determine the racial, ethnic composition of the population;

3. To identify the territories where the indigenous population of the mainland lives, the way of life of the Indians;

4. Establish how the modern population of the mainland was formed;

5. Using the maps of the atlas, determine the distribution of the population on the continent;

6. Get acquainted with the political map of the mainland, identify groups of countries in South America.

During the classes

1. Study motivation new topic. No fossil sites found in South America primitive people, there are no remains of great apes here. How did man penetrate South America? - the population of the mainland is alien.

2. When and where could they come to the mainland? - consider the drawing of the textbook)

The first people appeared 15-7 thousand years ago - the ancient Indians. - came from North America, could from Africa, Oceania).

Gradually, the Indians settled the entire mainland - formed numerous tribes

Map diagram (fill in on the board, together with students)

Using the maps of the atlas, name the Indian peoples: Quechua, Aymara, Guarani, Arawaks, etc.

Mark on the map with hatching the territories inhabited by Indians

In what natural conditions are the territories inhabited by Indians? How can this be explained?

Within what states do the Indians live? (Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile)

Students make a presentation about the traditions, customs, situation of the Indian peoples (5 min.)

Conclusion: indigenous people occupy a small part of the mainland. Who are the rest? - mark on the map-scheme 2, 3 the stage of settlement

Conclusion: representatives of three races live on the mainland with a complex ethnic composition (mixed marriages).

Diagram: Peoples of South America:

Indians - Europeans - Negroes

Mestizo mulattoes


Most of the population speaks Spanish Portuguese. Population 280 million (2001)

Stage 3. Using the atlas map - population density to reveal:

1. Densely populated areas

2. Areas with low population density

3. Give reasons

Reasons: - the history of the settlement of the mainland

natural conditions

Stage 4: political map of South America. Look at the political map

select large countries by area:

Brazil (Brazilia)

Argentina (Buenos Aires)

Venezuela (Caracas)

The smallest country is Surina.

According to the position on the mainland, countries are distinguished: East (plains)

Andean countries:

Colombia (Bogota)

Ecuador (Quito)

Peru (Lima)

Bolivia (La Paz)

Chile (Santiago)

Landlocked: Bolivia and Paraguay.

Stage 5 Subscribe to contour map countries, their capitals

Stage 6 Summarizing.

Answer the questions:

How was the settlement of the mainland

What is the composition of the population of South America

Show on the map the states of South America

Geography in 8th grade

Subject: Population. Political map.

1) to form an idea of ​​the modern political map of South America, the peoples of the mainland;
2) to continue the formation of skills to work with the text and maps of the atlas;

3) culture education mental labor.

Equipment: atlases, wall maps, printouts of the contours of the continents

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

II. Examination homework

A. Frontal survey

    Continue the sentence: natural area- it

    What kind natural areas is on the mainland? Show on the map

    Which of them occupy the largest area?

    What is selva?

    On the map of the atlas, determine the soils of the selva.

    What are the features flora selva?

    What are mangroves?

    South America stands out among the continents with its originality organic world. There are endemics here. What are endemics?

    Give examples of endemic flora and fauna of South America

    What is a savannah? Show on the map. Name the representatives of flora and fauna.

    From the proposed list, select representatives of the animal world of the savannas: deer, pigs - bakers, armadillos, anteaters, Nandu ostriches, jaguars, anacondas, tapirs, howler monkeys, sloths, opossum, ocelot, capybara.

    What is a pampa? Llanos? Campos?

    Name the animals of the pampas

    What is Patagonia?

B. Working with atlas maps.

Imagine that you are crossing South America along the route of J. Verne's heroine "Children of Captain Grant" at 38 degrees south latitude. Describe your observations of plant and animal life.

III. new material

South America is a wonderful country!

I would be a magician

I went there.

1. Mainland population

A. Settlement history


Columbus wrote in 1492 from America to the king and queen of Spain: “... I swear to Your Majesties that there is no better people in the whole world. They love their neighbors as they love themselves." Before the advent of Europeans, South America was inhabited by numerous Indian peoples. They were at different stages of development. Some of them lived in a primitive communal system, were engaged in hunting, fishing, gathering. Others were at a very high level community development, as evidenced by the Inca empire in the Andes, whose population knew crafts and agriculture. From the beginning of European colonization, Spaniards and Portuguese began to settle on the mainland, and later immigrants from other European countries. Already in the seventeenth century Negro slaves are imported from Africa to work on plantations. These three racial and ethnic components have played a significant role in the formation of peoples and nations in the countries of South America.

B. Interracial mixing
Already in the colonial period there was an interracial displacement, as a result, the so-called mestizos, mulattoes and sambos appeared.

Work from fig.93 to p.180

Europeans+ Indians= mestizos
There are especially many of them on the Pacific coast of the mainland in Colombia and Venezuela.
Europeans+ black people= mulattos
There are many of them on the islands caribbean and the Atlantic coast.
Indians+ black people= mestizos

B. Population density

Working with an atlas map
- Name the most densely populated regions of the mainland.
What is the reason for the high population density in these regions?

What are the factors affecting population density?

2. Political map

After the discovery of South America, the mainland became the object of a sharp struggle between European countries. Most of the mainland country names are either Spanish or Portuguese in origin.
On the modern map South America more than 35 states.

The teacher introduces the origin of country names:
Honduras- "depth";
Nicaragua- the name of the local leader;
Puerto Rico- "rich port";
Montevideo(Uruguay) - "I see the earth";
Rio de Janeiro- "January River";
Argentina- "country of silver";
Bolivia named after the leader of the liberation movement against the mother country;
Chile- translated from the local dialect - "it's cold there";
Haiti- "mountainous island";
Venezuela- the discoverers saw buildings on piles and named them by association with Italian city- "Venice"

Brazil- the name is given from the breed of mahogany pau-brazil, the wood of which during colonization played a significant role in trade.

Working with a political map

What American states located on the islands of the same name do you know?
- Name the largest states of the mainland by area.
- Name the countries that do not have access to the sea.
- Name the southernmost city in the world. What country does it belong to?
- What kind European states had the largest colonies in South America? Compare them with the area of ​​the states themselves.
- List the Caribbean countries.
- Name the countries located on the Pacific coast.
- List the countries located on Atlantic coast.

IV. Anchoring

Assignment: by the contours of the state or by the oral description given by the teacher, guess the country, fix its contour on a magnetic board and, thus, collect a political map of South America.
1. When Columbus in 1492 first saw this island - a country with lush vegetation and mountains descending to the sea, he, according to legend, exclaimed: "This is a miracle." In 1804 Negro slaves put an end to French rule and founded the first independent Negro republic. (Haiti.)

2. This country is the fifth in terms of territory and the seventh in terms of the number of inhabitants in the state of the world. The territory of the country is about 48% of the entire territory of South America. It is larger than the territory of the United States (without Alaska). 12 thousand species of vegetation are peculiar only to this country (dairy trees, Buriti wine palm and chocolate tree, bottle tree etc.) Name the state, past and present capital, (Brazil. Former capital Rio de Janeiro, the current capital of the country- Brasilia.)

3. The Spanish conquerors, who named the country from the Latin word for “silver”, did not find the precious metals they were hunting for in it. They also dubbed the La Plata River that way, believing that they were sailing along it to the fabulous country of El Dorado ... The capital of the country means "a good fair wind." What country are we talking about? What is the name of the state capital? (Argentina, capital is Buenos Aires.)

4. This country is located on the equator. The area of ​​the country is 284 thousand km2, the population is one of the most “motley” in Latin America. The country has the second largest oil reserves in Latin America after Venezuela. “A diamond on the ring of the world” - this is how one of the poets figuratively called the country. The name of the country comes from the Latin word for equalize. What country are we talking about? (Ecuador.)

5. This state has the longest and narrowest territory in the world:
4300 km long and 15-355 km wide. What state are we talking about? Translated from the Indian name of the country means "snow", "cold". (Chile.)

6. Country Latin America is famous for its oil reserves. there is no energy crisis for her, since she is the owner of large reserves of black gold”; but the country lacks water supplies. Often it is sold at the price of gasoline. What country is it? (Venezuela.)

V. Homework: par.49

Main questions. What explains the uneven distribution of the population of South America? What are the features of the political map of South America?

Population. About 400 million people live in South America. Children and adolescents under the age of 15 make up about 40% of the population. The rapid growth of the population was reflected in its density. In 1950, the population density was 8 people per 1 km2. At present, the population density of South America is from 10 to 30 people per 1 km 2.

The bulk of the population is concentrated on coast of the Atlantic Ocean, some areas of the Andes. At the same time, the hinterland remained underdeveloped. A feature of the settlement of people in South America is that a significant part of the population lives not only on the plains, but also on the highlands, in the Andes at altitudes from 1000 to 2500 m, in the belt of "eternal spring". In Bolivia, at an altitude of 3300-3700 m above sea level, half of the country's population lives. The city of La Paz - the capital of Bolivia - is the highest mountain capital in the world, the only millionaire city at such a height.

In South America, the average life expectancy is approaching 70 years (for comparison: in Africa - less than 50 years). The number of literate people in the countries is high, about 85%.

South America is one of the most urbanized areas in the world. Large cities and the number of urban population are growing rapidly (78%). Cities form huge agglomerations - Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires area, reflecting "false urbanization".

Ethnic composition the population is a motley mixture of tribes, nationalities, nationalities. The historical development of the mainland played a big role in its formation. Before the arrival of Europeans, the continent was inhabited Indian tribes at various stages of development, Incas, Guarani and etc . The modern Indian population has preserved the material and spiritual culture, many ancient traditions of their glorious past. (Fig.1,2) The state of the Incas arose in the tenth century. n. e. on the modern territory of Peru and over five centuries of existence has become the greatest civilization of America, located at an altitude of about 3000 m. The capital was the city of Cuzco (means "navel", i.e. center), which had in early XVI v. more inhabitants than London. The remains of grandiose temples and palaces, magnificent roads, water pipes, jewelry art, achievements in the field of astronomy and medicine amaze the imagination. From the Indians, corn, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, sunflowers, cocoa and other crops entered the practice of world agriculture. They discovered rubber, invented writing, created perfect calendar systems of reckoning.

The Spaniards and the Portuguese exterminated and exploited the Indians. Their numbers were rapidly declining. There was a need to attract workers from other regions of the Earth. brought to the mainland black people from Africa. Europeans immigrated here mainly from Spain and Portugal. So for a long time in South America there were three racial-ethnic parts of the population: Indians, Europeans, Blacks. Currently, South America is dominated by descendants from mixed marriages ( mestizos- from Europeans and Indians, mulattoes- from Europeans and blacks, sambo- from Indians and Negroes). (fig.3)

Religious composition of the population - 9/10 Catholics, there are Protestants and Orthodox. The Indians retained traditional beliefs and rituals.(Fig. 4) Spanish is the most spoken language on the mainland along with Portuguese and English. The Indian population communicates mainly in Indian languages.

The culture of the peoples of South America is peculiar. Of great interest is modern architecture, a distinctive feature of which is the consideration of landscape features. Architectural forms, taking into account climatic conditions, provide for sun protection devices for houses, the possibility of through ventilation of the premises. The musical culture combined Indian, European and African traditions. Ideas about the music of South America are most often associated with the fast rhythm of dance movements in rumba and samba.

Political map. After the discovery of America, the European countries of Spain and Portugal divided the territory of the mainland among themselves. At the beginning of the XIX century. as a result of the national liberation struggle, 17 independent states. By the end of the XX century. basically all countries became independent. The form of government is republics. Unitary states predominate, with the exception of Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela, where there is a federal state structure.

South America is one of the least populated continents. The modern distribution of the population is associated with historical settlement and natural conditions which influenced the originality of the culture of peoples. The countries are characterized by a common historical and socio-economic development.

1. How is the influence of natural and historical factors on the distribution of the population of South America manifested? 2. Explain why the ethnic composition of the population is very complex?. *3. Make a description of the population of the mainland according to the model plan given in the Appendix. **4. Compare the characteristics of the culture of the peoples of South America and Australia, give an explanation for the differences.