Where is rio de janeiro located. Where is Rio

Rio de Janeiro from A to Z: map, hotels, attractions, restaurants, entertainment. Shopping, shops. Photos, videos and reviews about Rio de Janeiro.

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Rio ... Doesn't some traveler's heart tremble at the mention of only the first syllable? FROM Portuguese the name of the city of Rio de Janeiro is translated as "January River" - it was at this time of the year that the Portuguese navigator Gaspar de Lemos discovered Guanabara Bay, mistaking it for the mouth of the river. Somewhat later, when the mistake was discovered, and it turned out that it was not a river at all, but the name had already taken root, so the city that grew up in those parts began to be called that.

Today, Rio is the second largest city in Brazil with breathtaking scenery, a developed beach culture and, of course, the famous annual carnival. Rio's unique "river-like" harbor is known for Sugarloaf Mountain and Cocovardo Peak, as well as the Tijuca Hills. All this makes it one of the natural wonders of the world. But there are still the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanemi and the very famous statue of Christ. It is not surprising that many are mistaken in believing that Rio is the capital of Brazil (it really was, but only until 1960).

How to get to Rio de Janeiro

There are no direct flights from Russia to Rio de Janeiro, you will have to make at least one transfer. It is most convenient to fly from Moscow with a connection in Paris, Frankfurt am Main, Amsterdam or Rome. This direction is served by Lufthansa, KLM, Air France, Alitalia, there are joint flights with Aeroflot. The minimum travel time, including a stopover, is almost 17 hours. Sometimes it's a little cheaper to get to Sao Paulo first, from where about 10 flights fly to Rio every day, taking only an hour.

Since 2010, the Agreement on visa-free entry of Russian citizens to Brazil for a period not exceeding 90 days within six months has been in force. So at the border it is enough just to present a passport, return tickets and confirmation of a hotel reservation or a certain amount of money. A visa is now only needed if you are traveling for the purpose of volunteering, studying or running a business.

From airport to city

Rio is a hilly city, so the funicular has become one of the convenient modes of transport. Two three-minute ascents lead to Sugar Loaf Mountain, and an intermediate stop is located on Mount Urca. The lower station is located near the Praia Vermelha beach, from where the cabins depart every 20 minutes.

Rio has many rental stations and a network of city rentals with orange bikes. You will need a local number to register mobile phone. The main plus of "orange rental" is that the first hour you can ride for free, and each next one costs 5 BRL. It is important to return the bike before 22:00, after which the parking lots are closed, and in the morning you will have to pay a fine of 40-45 BRL.

You can identify a free taxi car by a raised red flag. It is better to sit in the back seat, and at the end of the trip it is customary to tip the driver - about 10% of the amount on the counter. A ride around the city costs 30 BRL.

Rio de Janeiro Hotels

Most of the popular hotels are located in the tourist South Zone, along the beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana. The cost of rooms, relative to other cities in Brazil, is very high. A place in a hostel costs from 35 BRL, a double room in a modest three-star hotel will cost from 88 BRL, and for luxurious accommodation in a five-star beach hotel you will have to pay from 240 to 2300 BRL. In addition, houses and villas are often rented out in Rio, which is beneficial for large companies (from 4 people), an excellent house can be rented for 300 BRL per day. Due to the fact that inexpensive options are few, it is better to book them in advance.

Prices go up during the New Year and Carnival. During these periods, most of the hotels in tourist areas only sell 4-day packages, and even if you only want to stay for a couple of days, you will have to pay for the package in full.


Rio de Janeiro is a huge city that has not lost the charm of a seaside resort. The beaches here are very different, not all of them are good in terms of coverage, but all are very picturesque.

The most famous is Copacabana. This is a 4-kilometer sandy beach, which has become the personification of Brazil itself. Holidays, concerts and festivals are held here, sand sculptures are built, cafes, restaurants and clubs work. For those who want to have an active holiday, football and beach volleyball matches are held, and there is also a surf rental.

The second most popular is Ipanema beach, more elite, calm and safe, there are no raging waves. There are also many vacationers, entertainment and sports activities here, but families with children love this stretch of coast more. The Atlantic Ocean often storms, there are reverse currents, so kids should not be allowed to swim unattended.

Between Copacabana and Ipanema is Apoardor Beach - narrow and rocky, but less crowded and noisy. And the most beautiful, but also the most inaccessible part of the coast is Joatinga, a sandy and deserted place surrounded by large, dark rocks.

On all beaches, many sunbathe right on the sand, on a towel. But you can rent a sunbed, a set for two with an umbrella costs 20-30 BRL.


Rio de Janeiro is Brazil's best shopping destination. Here you can buy everything: from elite branded clothing, known throughout the world, to the products of young designers. Boutiques are located on the central streets of rua de Alfandega, rua Uruguayana, rua Buenos Aires and rua Gonçalves Dias. From the point of view of shopping, the Ipanema district is interesting, where clothes, shoes and leather products coexist with porcelain and records of Brazilian musicians.

To feel the atmosphere of local markets and buy summer clothes, paintings and souvenirs, you can go to the so-called "Hippie Fair". She works for Prasa General Osorio on Sundays from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

In the markets and shops it is customary to bargain, you can throw off up to 20% of the cost of the goods. The exception is fashion boutiques, where you can save money only on sales. The annual season of discounts starts a week after the end of the carnival - in the second half of February.

Brazilian coffee is considered to be the main souvenir from Rio. The most popular brands are Cafe do Ponto, Cafe Brasileiro and Pele. Coffee should be bought only in beans, so the taste will last longer. In addition, you can buy cane cachaça (Brazilian rum) and tonic mate, as well as accessories for it: bombillas and calabash. Spices are very popular: it is better to choose ready-made sets, since it is not easy to understand herbs, more than 11 thousand plants are used for cooking in Rio.

Friends with a good sense of humor will like a figurine in the form of a fig or a fig, it is interesting that in Brazil this gesture has a completely different meaning - it attracts good luck to life. Figurines are often made of wood, precious or semi-precious stones. Rough stones are also sold at every turn. Music fans can bring a disc or record with bossa nova or samba. Another symbol of Brazil is football, fans will be happy with the attributes of their favorite teams or other football-themed souvenirs.

Rio de Janeiro

Cuisine and restaurants in Rio de Janeiro

Throughout Brazil, the cuisine is a symbiosis of the culinary traditions of the Arabs brought here from Africa, European settlers and local native Indians. One of the most popular dishes in Rio is "feijoada", a goulash made from dried meat, beans, spices and smoked meats, the rest is determined solely by the richness of the chef's imagination, so if you decide to try it, it is better to do it in a good restaurant.

Of the drinks, first of all, of course, you should pay attention to coffee, it is brewed here truly masterfully, obtaining unusual tastes and aromas. For many, Rio de Janeiro is associated with a mug of foam, considered one of the best in the world, a popular variety - "Brahma". However, beer is far from the most interesting Brazilian alcohol, if you decide to study the issue, be sure to pay attention to "cachaça" - strong alcoholic drink from sugar cane. The most valued is the “cachaça from the hacienda”, which is not exported abroad. A very popular caipirinha cocktail is made from the drink.

You can also try local wines and smoke a cigar. You can buy both at Trinidad Tabacaria and Cafe e Charutaria Lollo stores, and tastings are held at Planeta Sonho.

Food in Brazil is elevated to a special cult, and therefore there is plenty of food. Most budget travelers they usually go to eateries, where they serve not only sandwiches, but also local fast food - pies with various pasta fillings. For dinner, you can go to a local restaurant, and have lunch at the Akilo cafe, where everything is sold by weight, prices are usually lower there. Meat lovers will like the so-called "shurrascaria", where almost all dishes consist of this product. Dinner in a restaurant for two with moderate alcohol will cost 70-120 BRL.

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Geographic location of Rio de Janeiro: southeast of Brazil, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Guanabara Bay
city– 5.6 million
urban agglomeration– 10.2 million
Leading Industries: sewing, textile, footwear, woodworking, leather, mechanical engineering and metalworking, electrical engineering, chemical, oil refining, food
Attractions: Church and Monastery of the Benedictines, Monasteries of Santo António, Sao Bento, Misericordia, Churches of Nossa Senhora da Gloria, Nossa Senhora di Candelaria, Royal Palace, Arcusda Carioca Aqueduct, Opera House, Maracana Football Stadium ( about 200 thousand viewers)

Cariocas (as the natives of the city call themselves) assure that “God created the world in six days, and dedicated the entire seventh and not without reason consider their city the most beautiful in the world. In these words, one can see the manifestation of local patriotism, but one cannot but admit that Rio de Janeiro, squeezed between the ridge of granite mountains and the Guanabara Bay dotted with islands, is really very beautiful.

Located in the southeast of Brazil, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Guanabra Bay, Rio de Janeiro is the capital of the state of the same name, the second largest (after Sao Paulo) city in the country and one of the most important metropolises. The Greater Rio de Janeiro includes the metropolitan cities of Nova Iguaçu, Duqui de Caxias, São João de Meriti and Nilopolis, connected to the metropolis.

From the side of the mainland, Rio de Janeiro is surrounded by hills overgrown with tropical vegetation, and a strip of sandy beaches stretches along the sea. This in no way contributes to the spatial development of the city, whose inhabitants, sandwiched between water and mountains, are constantly fighting with nature in order to win back new building plots and protect themselves from the wrath of ocean waves. For this reason, the city is penetrated by a network of tunnels, many quarters have grown on drained swamps, and the slopes are reinforced with retaining walls.

Rio de Janeiro consists of three dissimilar parts - a modern center with high skyscrapers, a southern region of rich villas and recreation areas, and a vast northern region, where industrial enterprises and poor quarters are concentrated. For the business core, occupying an area of ​​approx. 10 km², characterized by wide alleys, where ancient monuments (mostly baroque churches) side by side with high skyscrapers lined up along the main artery of the city - avenue Rio Branco.

Southern residential areas stretch along the coast and along the shores of the Rodrigo de Freitas lagoon. The most densely populated area is the famous area - the center of Rio's nightlife, where luxury hotels, cinemas, trendy restaurants and nightclubs are concentrated.

In the northern quarters (favelas) scattered along the steep slopes of the mountains, the poor make up approx. 20% of the inhabitants of Rio. Among the hills surrounding the city, Pan di Azucar (Mount Sugar Loaf 395 m high) is the most famous, as well as Mount Corcovado (704 m) towering at the entrance to the bay, crowned with a gigantic statue of Christ the Savior.


The Portuguese captain Gaspar de Lemos, who discovered Guanabara Bay on January 1, 1502, mistook it for the mouth of a large river, which he named Rio de Janeiro ( janvarskaya river). In 1555, the Huguenot settlement of France-Antarctic appeared in the bay.

In 1565, the Portuguese organized a military camp here, which in 1567 gave rise to the modern city. FROM late XVII in. it began to develop as a seaport serving the sugar cane plantation region.

The flourishing of the city contributed to " Golden fever- at the beginning of the 18th century. the gold mines of the state of Minas Gerais were flooded with prospectors from all over South America. Until the middle of the XVIII century. Rio de Janeiro was an important center of the slave trade on the continent, and in 1763 became the capital of the Viceroyalty of Brazil, which had the status of a Portuguese colony. In 1808-21. here was the residence of the Portuguese royal court, who fled to Brazil from the French troops.

Until the end of the XIX century. Rio de Janeiro remained largest city South America, and after the separation of Brazil from Portugal (1822) became the capital of the country and the residence of the emperor (until 1889). In 1960, the city of Brasilia became the new capital, but Rio de Janeiro still remains the center of tourism and one of the main cities in Latin America.


Rio de Janeiro is, first of all, one of the most important seaports in South America. However, many other industries are actively developing in the city, incl. sewing, textile (primarily cotton spinning), shoe, woodworking, chemical, food, leather, mechanical engineering, metalworking and oil refining.

In addition, Rio is one of the most important transport hubs of the continent (2 international airports, a major railway junction). Leading scientific, cultural institutions and universities (including 2 academies of sciences, 4 universities), research institutes, libraries and museums (history of Rio de Janeiro, painting, contemporary art, ethnography) are concentrated in the city.


In the center of Rio de Janeiro lies the main Praça Florianu Square. A special revival is observed here at lunchtime and in the late afternoon, when numerous open-air cafes are filled with visitors, and incendiary rhythms of samba and rumba are heard from all sides.

In the center, on the territory of the park, designed by the famous landscape architect Marx Robert Burle, there is the Museum of Modern Art. special attention tourists deserve the hill of Largo da Carioca, on top of which rises the monastery Santo Antonio- the oldest religious building in Rio de Janeiro (1608), the sacristy of which is decorated with magnificent carvings on jacaranda wood and blue patterned tiles "azulejos" (1745)


The visiting card of Rio de Janeiro is the mountain Pan di Asucar) - dominates the entire city and Guanabara Bay. Sitting in the cable car trailer on the Praça Generale Tiburciu square near Praia Vermelha, you can climb to its top. On the way up, the trailer stops on the lower hill, where you can have a bite to eat at a restaurant and listen to Brazilian musicians play.


The mountain is located in national park Tizhuk. From its top there is a beautiful view of the whole city, ocean beaches, including the famous Copacabana, the world's largest stadium " », international Airport and countless islands scattered in the bay of Guanabara.

From the top of Corcovado, with a wide gesture of outstretched arms, it embraces the city (height 30 m, 7-meter pedestal, weight over 1000 tons). A huge monument was erected to commemorate the centenary of Brazil's independence according to the project of Héctor da Silva Costa, approved in 1921. The installation of the gigantic monument was completed on October 12, 1931 - since then it has been a symbol not only of Rio de Janeiro, but of the whole of Brazil .


Rio de Janeiro owes much of its fame to luxurious ocean beaches. The most beautiful are those that are located southeast of the center - Flamenco, Botafogu, Lemy, Copacabana, Aproador, Ipanema, Leblon, Vidigal, Pepinu and Bara da Tijuca.

The most famous beach is Copacabana, located in the eponymous area of ​​Rio. Ipanema- a favorite vacation spot for local rich people and tourists. The Indian name of this beach means "dangerous abyss". Indeed, the ocean waves here are high and formidable, especially at low tide. Young people prefer to relax on the beach in front of the Cesar Park Hotel.


one of the most important holidays in South America. Beginning before Lent, it lasts 5 days and ends at midnight Tuesday. The key moment of the carnival is the parade of 48 competing official samba schools, which takes place on “ Sambadrome”, designed by Oscar Niemeyre (1983).

Throughout the year, schoolchildren are diligently preparing for the procession, trying to impress the audience with their skill and splendor of costumes. Every year, a carnival queen is chosen and a competition for the best costume is held. Many tourists enthusiastically dance samba on the streets of the city and participate in carnival processions along the main street of Rio Branco, in order to then bring home an unforgettable experience of the famous carnival in Rio.


The biggest problem in Rio de Janeiro is rampant crime, which is why the city is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Most crimes are committed during carnival days, weekends and holidays. The victims of attacks are often tourists who do not know either the language or the city, but they carry expensive photographic equipment, money and credit cards.

Therefore, when going to the city, it is better to leave all valuables in the safe hotel (precisely in the safe, because the rooms are also often robbed). And be sure to think over a clear route for your movement around the city. Some neighborhoods in Rio, ruled by local gangs and drug dealers, are advised to tourists to bypass Route 10.

Guanabara Bay cuts deep into the southeast coast of Brazil. Its width near the entrance is 1.6 km, the length is 30 km, and the depth reaches 50 m. One of the world's largest sports complexes "Maracana" was built in 1949-51. on a plot of approx. 200 ha. In 1950, the final of the World Cup was held here. Erected in modern style Cathedral of San Sebastian looks like a pyramid. In the ultra-modern center of Rio de Janeiro, crowded high-rise buildings made of glass and concrete, and luxury cars rush through the streets. At the top of Corcovado is a 30-meter statue of Christ the Redeemer. As conceived by the author of the project, Christ spread his arms, as if blessing the whole city. A funicular goes to the top of Corcovado. The beautiful snow-white beaches of Rio de Janeiro have firmly entered the daily life of every carioca.

Rio de Janeiro has been the real heart of Brazil for almost 4 centuries, as well as the generally recognized capital of beauty, fun and tourism throughout South America.

“God created the world in 6 days, and on the seventh day he created Rio de Janeiro,” this is what the Brazilians say about this fabulous city, which is surrounded by huge beaches and picturesque mountain slopes. In addition, the locals love their city so much that they called it the “City of Wonders” (“Cidade Maravilhosa”), and consider themselves the luckiest people, as they were born in the most beautiful city on the planet. However, no one argues with them, because the many-sided and friendly Rio de Janeiro is one of the most attractive cities in the world and a real pearl of South America.

Climate and weather

In Rio de Janeiro weather forms a tropical climate characterized by hot summers and warm winter. Humidity in the city is always quite high, from mid-November to the end of March the city has hot sunny weather (30-33 C°), and from April to September it is relatively cool (23 C°) and it rains quite often.

You can come to Rio de Janeiro throughout the year, as the weather here is always excellent.


Rio de Janeiro is located right on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, not far from the Tropic of Capricorn. The city was founded right at bays of guanabara, which is crowned by the Corcovado and Pan de Azucar mountains, which have become its real "calling card". In the south of Rio de Janeiro lie the beaches of Ipanema, Copacabana and Leblon, in the north - hills and small rocky mountains, and in the west - picturesque mountain ranges.

Separately, it should be said that nature was truly unusually generous to this southern city, rewarding it with emerald green tropical forests, blue rivers and lagoons, as well as beautiful snow-white beaches.


Rio de Janeiro is full of historical buildings and monuments, as well as a variety of museums and galleries, so you should take at least three days to see all the local attractions.

It is recommended to start exploring the city with its most important "visiting cards" - the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer, which rises on Mount Corcovado, and picturesque Pan de Azucar mountains. Also a very popular place is Sugar Loaf Mountain, which can be climbed both on foot and by cable car.

Speaking directly about architectural monuments, then, first of all, you should go to Largo di Boticariu Square, all the buildings of which were erected no earlier than the 18th century. The main decoration of this square is rightfully a beautiful pyramid-shaped fountain. A very unusual building is the Tiradentes Palace, which for a long time was a prison, and now it has become the seat of the Legislative Assembly. In addition, the area boasts the building of the City Hall, the Imperial Palace, the Bank do Brasil and the old customs building.

Preserved in Rio and many religious monuments. The main one was the Archbishop's Cathedral (1808), striking the imagination with its elegant stained-glass windows, sparkling dome and exquisite decoration. Among other religious buildings, it is worth highlighting the Cathedral of St. Joseph, the Church of the Intercessor of Merchants Lapa, the monastery of San Bento and the Church of Candelaria.

In addition, an interesting and informative event can be a walk through the city museums, of which there are quite a few in Rio de Janeiro:

  • Indian Museum,
  • National Museum of Fine Arts,
  • National Historical Museum,
  • Museum of the Republic, etc.


Numerous restaurants in Rio de Janeiro are always ready to offer their guests as their national cuisine, and the menu of any other country in the world. However, it should be said that Brazilian cuisine is considered one of the most exotic and savory, therefore it is very popular. It is distinguished by the spice of Indian dishes, the sophistication of European culinary traditions and African spiciness.

In the gastronomic establishments of Rio, you can always try such interesting dishes how "takaka but tukupi" (binder mix pasta and shrimp sauce), munguzu of corn kernels with coconut and fried green bananas. Their more exotic dishes are popular tortoise stew, crocodile roast and oxtails. Moreover, a large amount of olive oil, salt and pepper is added to absolutely all dishes.

However, the most popular and sought after Brazilian dish is "feijoada". It is an unusual mixture of beans, different types of meat, cassava flour and spices, which is served with cabbage. Moreover, a drink is always offered with this dish. "caipirinha" consisting of cane vodka, sugar and lemon.

But the most popular Brazilian drink is black coffee, the preparation of which has long been elevated to a cult here. It is worth saying that any average Brazilian drinks about 20 cups of this drink per day.

Also, Rio de Janeiro is often associated with the famous Brama beer, the most popular in Brazil. Of the stronger drinks in Rio, they most often drink cachaca(sugar cane vodka) and local dessert wines.


In Rio de Janeiro, a huge number of hotels and inns for every taste and budget are provided for guests of the city. Here you can find luxurious five-star hotels, fairly inexpensive middle-class hotels or economical apartments.

In the Copacabana area, hotels of the middle price category (from $50 to $95) are mainly concentrated, for example, Tulip Inn Copacabana Hotel or Orla Copacabana Hotel.

There are more luxurious hotels in the Ipanema area, and the prices there, of course, are much higher: Ipanema Plaza - from $ 115, Sheraton Barra Hotel & Suites - from $ 150, Copacabana Palace Hotel - from $ 280.

Entertainment and recreation

In Rio de Janeiro, fun and noisy holidays are held throughout the year, but the most important of them is considered to be the Carnival at the end of February, which is famous all over the world for its colorful parades, incendiary samba and platform competition.

Also, undoubtedly, fans of beaches will like Rio, of which there are an unmeasured number here (about 90 km). Of these, the most famous are Copacabana, Leblon and Ipanema. On these beaches you can not only sunbathe or swim, but also go diving, rafting, surfing and beach volleyball, as well as fly on a hang glider. In addition, fans of sports and outdoor activities will appreciate golf courses, tennis courts, stadiums and sports complexes.

Vacationers with children are advised to visit the city zoo with rare animals and exotic plants or head to one of the many amusement parks.

Well, fans of nightlife will be pleased with the abundance of all kinds of nightclubs, bars and other establishments that simply captivate with their festive atmosphere.


Shopping is an integral part of tourism in Rio de Janeiro, as here literally everyone can pick up great purchases and unique souvenirs.

First of all, it is advised to visit the grand city fairs Hippi and SAARA.

At the first of them you can buy original souvenirs self made, musical instruments, traditional local dishes, etc., and on the second - luxurious carnival costumes and exotic goods.

After the fairs, the most interesting place is Rua Visconde de Piraja, where a wide variety of shops and street tents are concentrated. It is also worth visiting the largest shopping centers RioSul, Barra Shopping, Rio Fashion Mall and Forum de Ipanema, offering an incredibly large selection of branded boutiques, inexpensive clothing stores, cosmetics and perfumery stores, as well as shops household appliances and interior. Separately, it is worth mentioning the Shopping Casino Atlantico shopping center, which is a combination of exquisite boutiques, jewelry stores and antique shops.

Of the souvenirs in Rio, the most in demand are:

  • figurines made of stones in the form of a fig that attract good luck;
  • uncut gems;
  • bikini;
  • coffee;
  • disks with samba;
  • exotic perfumes;
  • wings pictures.

Most shops in Rio de Janeiro are open from 9:00 to 18:30, on Saturdays - until 13:00, and closed on Sundays.


In Rio de Janeiro the main view public transport are buses, the routes of which permeate the entire city. The cost of one trip is $ 0.7, it is paid from the conductor or driver. It is customary to enter buses through the rear doors, and exit through the front doors, all stops are made at the request of passengers.

In the central part of the city, it is convenient to travel by metro, which consists of only two lines here. It works every day except Sunday, from 6:00 to 23:00.

In addition, in Rio de Janeiro, a fairly popular mode of transport is a taxi, which is inexpensive and quite convenient here. There are two types of taxis: inexpensive yellow and blue-red (with air conditioning). The cost of the trip is $0.7 for landing and the first kilometer, and then - $0.25 for each subsequent one.


In Rio de Janeiro, two types of payphones are installed everywhere: yellow ones are for calls within the country, and red ones are for international calls. All calls are paid for with tokens and phone cards, which are sold literally in every store or kiosk.

Mobile communication in Brazil is quite convenient, reliable and profitable. It works in GSM 1800 and iDEN standards. International roaming is available to almost all foreign subscribers.

Internet access in Rio de Janeiro is provided in Internet cafes and some post offices. Wi-Fi is quite widespread.


Brazil is considered to be one of the countries with the highest crime rate. In Rio de Janeiro, this is due to the fact that almost a third of its population lives below the poverty line, and favelas (slums) are often located near elite areas. Therefore, all tourists are strongly advised to be careful and be extremely careful (do not carry large sums and valuables with you, do not wear expensive jewelry, stay on well-lit streets at night, etc.).

It is worth noting that at the moment the government is paying close attention to security issues in Rio, as the 2014 FIFA World Cup will be held here. More recently, CCTV cameras have been installed in many places, making it much safer.

Business climate

Rio de Janeiro, being the Brazilian capital until 1960, became the location of many large companies (Petrobras, Elektrobras, etc.).

However, after the capital was moved to the city of Brasilia, Rio did not stop attracting large companies (Royal Dutch Shell, Esso, EBX) and foreign investors. In addition, very close to the city, in Campo Basinii not so long ago, an oil field was discovered, which further strengthened the authority of Rio de Janeiro as a major economic and financial center of the country.

The key sectors of the city's economy, within which it is quite easy to start a business, are construction, export trade, tourism and entertainment, as well as the service sector.

Real estate

Rio de Janeiro will host the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. Events of such a high level always change real estate prices quite seriously, as well as increase the number of transactions for its purchase and sale. Therefore, now the real estate market in Rio de Janeiro is rapidly increasing its momentum and offers a lot of profitable options so far. According to analysts' forecasts, by 2014 housing prices here will increase by 25%, and for commercial real estate - by 15-20%.

At the moment average cost housing in Rio is $500-1500 per m².

Not so long ago, a decree came into force throughout Brazil, according to which it is allowed to buy antibiotics in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. Given that Brazil is an exotic country with a tropical climate, where various infectious diseases, on a trip, just in case, it is advised to take with you a minimum of essential medicines, including antibiotics.

On the shores of the beautiful Guanabara Bay, the second largest city in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, is located. It is he who is considered the most beautiful in all of South America. Its beauty is primarily due to its advantageous location. Rio de Janeiro stretches along a colorful coastline with amazing beauty beaches, on a total area of ​​1,256 km². Almost all modern people know the names of Copacabana, Leblon, Ipanema - these are the most popular beaches in the city. Two big mountains- Corcovado and Pan de Azucar, which tower over the statue of Christ the Savior, have been the hallmark of this Brazilian city for many years.

Nature has very generously endowed these places: blue lagoons, green tropical forests, as well as white sand beaches make Rio de Janeiro a real paradise on earth. Millions of people from all over the world dream of settling in this colorful city. The population of Rio de Janeiro is 6,323,037 people. Concerning ethnic composition, the population of Rio de Janeiro is quite diverse, most of all in the mestizo region.

Local color and districts of the city

When visiting the city for the first time and seeing the sights of Rio de Janeiro, you will be very surprised by the harmonious combination of exotic nature and modern buildings or business centers. On the hills are poor areas, they are called favela here. It is in poor neighborhoods that almost 20% of the local population is concentrated. The largest of the favelas is called Rocinha and has about 50 thousand inhabitants. This area offers stunning views of the city and beaches, but it should be noted that it is better not to visit these areas on your own.

Local authorities are constantly trying to maintain order in those areas, but all the same, the sanitation of the streets and the criminal situation on them are in a deplorable state. In some agencies, you can buy a special tour that involves visiting the poor areas of the city and communicating with their inhabitants. The favelas also became famous for the fact that it was in the slums that the very first samba schools appeared - the favorite dance of the entire local population.

It is not for nothing that such words as “samba”, “football” and “carnival” were chosen as synonyms for Brazil and Rio de Janeiro. This is a city of perpetual motion, it perfectly combines several cultures with their own traditions, which are reflected in the annual carnivals, known throughout the planet for their extravagance, colorful outfits and amazing shows. For five whole days, the population of Rio de Janeiro turns into dancers, actors and talented jugglers. The spectacle that these people give to guests and tourists is simply amazing and has no analogues. It is during carnivals that almost all tourists try to visit Brazil and Rio de Janeiro, but it should be borne in mind that the cost of housing and other services during the festivals increases significantly.

The history of Brazil's most vibrant city, Rio de Janeiro

The name of the city was invented by the Portuguese, who discovered it in 1502, in translation it means "January River". A rather strange name, but it is explained by the fact that the Portuguese mistakenly took Gunabara Bay for an ordinary river.

Since 1763, the city called Bahia was considered the center of Brazil, but a few years later it lost the championship to Rio de Janeiro. In 1800, when half of Portugal was captured by Napoleon, Brazil became the royal court, and soon the capital of the empire.

In the 1900s, the population of Rio de Janeiro began to grow rapidly due to immigrants from Europe, as well as slaves who came from the northeast of the country. People were added, and residential buildings were stretched further and further along the coast. By the end of 1900, the population of Rio de Janeiro already numbered 700 thousand inhabitants. Today, Rio de Janeiro is no longer the capital of Brazil, but still there are hundreds of offices and state enterprises, as well as the first in the whole Latin America the airport.

Sights of the famous city of Brazil Rio de Janeiro

Among the main attractions of Rio de Janeiro, one can first of all note natural features, of which the city has a huge number. The streets of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro look like they came out of a picture in a fashion magazine, they are just immersed in tropical vegetation, which makes walking a lot of fun. The city also has a huge Botanical Garden, which contains equatorial trees, giant plants, slender palm trees and many exotic flowers. In total, the garden has more than 7,000 plants from all over the world. Here, in the garden, there is the most beautiful alley of palm trees, as well as a large collection of exotic birds.

In addition to the unique exotic beauty, the city boasts large quantity places created by human hands, which probably every modern tourist has seen in the photo of Rio de Janeiro. So, among the main attractions are the following places:

2. Sugarloaf;

3. Cathedral;

4. Sambadrome Marques de Sapucai;

5. Copacabana beach;

6. Ipanema beach;

7. Maracana stadium;

8. lagoon Rodrigo de Freitas;

9. Carioca Aqueduct;

10. Enrique Lage park;

11. Quinta da Boa Vista.

Statue of Christ and Sugarloaf

In numerous photos of Rio de Janeiro, many tourists and travelers saw the image of a huge thirty-meter statue. It is the first of the above attractions of Rio de Janeiro - the statue of Christ the Savior. There is a monument at the very top of a mountain called Corcovado. In general, the statue has a size of 37 meters, Christ the Savior himself is 30 meters and a pedestal of 7 meters.

At the celebration dedicated to the centenary of Brazilian independence, a competition was announced for the best monument, which will become a symbol of the nation and the country as a whole. The winner of the competition was the statue of Hector da Silva Costa, who presented Christ to the public with outstretched arms. The author's idea was to create a vision of how Christ the Savior embraces the whole city with his own hands and takes it into his care. It is in this place that acquaintance with the sights of Rio de Janeiro begins. A special train goes to the foot of the statue, then you can get to the observation deck by stairs. From such a huge height, all areas of the city and its picturesque corners are perfectly visible. Closer to the statue, you can also drive up the freeway along the wooded area called Tijuk. This is the largest nature reserve in the country and at the same time a forest area, which will give the first idea of ​​what a real jungle and tropical forests are.

The Sugar Loaf is not a man-made landmark of Rio de Janeiro, but a natural symbol of the city. The rock reaches a height of 395 meters, and is located right next to Gunabara Bay. To get to the top of the stone cliff, you can take two cable cars. You will get an unforgettable experience with panoramic views from the mountain, as well as a bay full of boats, vibrant sunsets and the mighty statue of Christ the Savior, which the view from this place is simply amazing.

Cathedral, beaches and lagoon

Another interesting place for tourists will be the Cathedral. This Rio de Janeiro landmark has a very interesting modern appearance, resembling a concrete block that is wrapped scaffolding. The building impresses with its beauty and dimensions, it seems that this eighty-meter building is the main one in the whole city. There is also the Museum of Religious Art, which is located in the basement under the cathedral.

The southern region is familiar to tourists from the photos of Rio de Janeiro, which depict bright corners of paradise with sandy beaches. If you calculate the total length of city beaches, you can be very surprised, because it is 90 km. Copacabana Beach is the symbol of the city, it is the widest among the beaches of the planet. Most tourists stay in the nearby first line hotels.

The second beach called Ipanema is located near the beach of Copacabana, and the third Leblon, near the coast of Ipanema. The last two beaches are also amazingly beautiful, but there are always fewer people here and if you want to take a break from the noise, you should immediately go here. These places are preferred by surfers. If you want to try your hand at surfing, you can rent everything here necessary equipment and even find an instructor.

Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon is another attraction of Rio de Janeiro, which is located between Copacabana and Ipanema Beach. It is bordered by parks and bike paths. In the mornings, this is where you can meet a lot of people doing morning jogging, exercising or rollerblading. The bay is very beautiful at night, when the lights from the city districts are reflected in the water of the lagoon. It is very difficult to convey in words all the beauty of what is happening, you need to see it with your own eyes.

Paradise for football fans and book lovers

As mentioned above, football is the hallmark of Brazil and Rio de Janeiro in particular, but what is a game without a stadium? In the north of the city is the city stadium called "Maracana". This is one of the largest stadiums in the entire modern world. 120,000 people can fit in it without hesitation. northern part tourists may know the city because of the royal palace, which was once located here. It should also be noted that in addition to vivid landscapes and chic carnivals, Rio de Janeiro is a cultural center that stores ancient manuscripts and historical documents in its libraries. The National Library alone has 2 million books, 800 paintings by famous painters and other equally important historical monuments.

True to reality famous photo Rio de Janeiro showing the Carioca Aqueduct. This is an incredibly beautiful scenic bridge, which is located in the city center and simply amazes with its colonial architecture. For most tourists and visitors to the city, it is the aqueduct that serves as a kind of guide. Trams pass through the bridge, which connect the city center with other quarters and districts with their flights.

South Park

If you want to take a break from noisy excursions, you should visit the southern part of Rio de Janeiro, namely Enrique Lage Park. A feature of the park is a luxurious mansion located in the center with an elegant cafe where you can have a delicious lunch or relax with a cup of aromatic coffee.

Another park that will distract you from the noisy traffic of the city is Quinta da Boa Vista Park. The landscapes of this Rio de Janeiro landmark include calm ponds, subtropical vegetation and many avenues with fountains. Here you can often see couples with the children who came for a picnic. Spending time in the park is very interesting and informative. It also houses many museums and a zoo.

Modern city of Rio de Janeiro

At the current moment in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is considered the industrial center of the whole country. There are developed industries such as mechanical engineering, chemical industry, shipbuilding, oil, woodworking and pharmaceutical industries. There are also diamond-cutting factories in the city.

The population of Rio de Janeiro always has something to do, because unemployment does not threaten them. Of course, there is an unpleasant situation in poor areas, but the city authorities are trying in every possible way to correct it. Rio has a seaport that receives a large number of passenger ships and cargo ships daily. In Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is the largest transport hub, in addition to the port and highways, there are two airports and three railway stations.

In one day, it is quite possible to see all the sights of Rio de Janeiro from a photo, but if you really want to visit them and see them with your own eyes, you will have to spend much more time. As the locals say, "In order to see all the sights of the city, you have to stay here forever." The city is simply overflowing with picturesque corners, architectural buildings of past centuries, as well as many museums, parks and beaches, each of which will certainly leave an imprint in your memory and give the best impressions.!

Rio is the city that will host the Summer Games in 2016 Olympic Games. For the first time in South America, an event of this format will be held. B is a great attraction.

5 beautiful places in Rio de Janeiro

  1. The statue of Christ the Redeemer is the main city symbol, located on Mount Corcovado. The scale and grandiosity of the monument do not need comments, as its dimensions are enormous. You can get to the foot of the excursion bus, by car or on foot.
  2. Mount Pan de Azucar, or as the Brazilians also call "sugar loaf", is located in the eastern part of Rio. From the top of the mountain, magnificent views open up: the beach, the bay, the bridge and the world-famous monument.
  3. The Sambadrome is a famous carnival avenue. A street fenced on both sides with stands for spectators almost a kilometer long. Brazilian samba carnivals take place on this street every year. Costumed bright performances attract hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world.
  4. Rio Green Garden is the oldest botanical garden in Brazil. You can rest from a hot day and enjoy magnificent views of exotic flowers, shrubs and trees to the sounds of a waterfall or under centuries-old palm trees in this fabulous park.
  5. Copacabana beach is the main symbol of Brazilian souvenirs. Specially designed, the waterfront design is a stone mosaic of black and white waves.

Getting to Rio de Janeiro

Galeão International Airport, named after the nearby beach, is the main airport serving the city. There are no direct flights from Russia to Rio. You have to get there with transfers. With one change if you fly through London, Paris and Dubai, or with several connections in other cities. To save time, you can get to Sao Paulo, and from there by domestic flight to Rio de Janeiro. The total flight time, excluding transfers, is almost 16 hours.

Shopping in Rio de Janeiro

We recommend visiting the varied Hippie Fair in Ipanema. Visiting it, you can buy unique handmade souvenirs, choose and taste local cuisine. In this area, in addition to the fair, there are a great many shops that are also worth a visit.

Rio de Janeiro is famous for precious stones, including diamonds, the quality of which has been at its best for a long time. Those wishing to purchase jewelry should consider the range offered at H. Stern".

The largest mall in Rio, Moll RioSul, combines high-end boutiques with department stores of lesser-known brands. Rio de Janeiro has shopping centers and shops for every taste and pocket. Many of them are open from 09:00 to 18:00, except weekends.

After the carnival, in all shops and shopping malls promotions and discounts begin. The rest of the time, boutiques themselves appoint a discount period, which does not depend on the time of year and some other factors.

Hotels in Rio de Janeiro

There are a lot of hotels in Rio. During the Brazilian Samba Carnival, the city is crowded, so if you decide to visit this wonderful city at this time, we advise you to book a room in advance.

The Copacabana palace is located next to the tourist center and Monkey Island with 24-hour service. The hotel offers its guests all kinds of entertainment and everything necessary for a business visit.

The Protel Rio Flat Service is ideally located in Rio's prestigious Leblon area. Landscaped area with a large number of cafes, bars, restaurants, there is a large shopping center nearby.

The chain of hotels in the Buzios resort offers its guests water sports, discos, bars and restaurants. In this area - the amazing beauty of the beach, crystal water, bay, and plants, all this makes this resort a true paradise. The tourist part of Rio de Janeiro is appreciated for its picturesque views of nature; small islands can be seen while walking on the water.

Carnival Rio de Janeiro

A separate chapter should be devoted to such a world-famous event as the Brazilian Samba Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. The official celebration begins on the last Friday before the start of Lent. The organization of the holiday is undertaken by the Ministry of Tourism and the League of Samba Schools. Each school appoints the topic of costume for its participants and prepares the details of the procession. The parade starts at 21:00 and can last until 10:00. Samba schools perform in small groups, the order of the procession is determined by lot.

The winners are determined on Ash Wednesday, with the winning school celebrating with a delightful salute. Participants who receive first place receive a cash prize. Second and third place schools also receive small cash prizes.