The first Soviet government. What was the national composition of the first government of the Bolsheviks

(on a note to the rhinoceros):

Prime Minister - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin(Russian, from nobles)

Ministry of Internal Affairs - Alexey Ivanovich Rykov(Russian, from peasants)

Ministry of Agriculture - Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin(Russian, from the townspeople)

Ministry of Labor - Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov(Russian, from the burghers-Old Believers)

Ministry of Defense - Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko/ Pavel Efimovich Krylenko/Nikolay Vasilievich Krylenko(Ukrainian / Ukrainian / Russian; from the nobility / from the townspeople / from the peasants)

Ministry of Industry and Trade - Viktor Pavlovich Nogin(Russian, from the townspeople)

Ministry of education - Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky(Russian, from nobles)

Ministry of Finance - Ivan Ivanovich Skvortsov(Russian, from a family of employees)

MFA — Lev Davidovich Bronstein(Jew, from a family of landowners (landowners-landlords))

Ministry of Justice - Georgy Ippolitovich Oppokov(Russian, from a family of a priest)

State Reserve - Ivan Adolfovich Teodorovich(Polish, from the nobility)

Ministry of Communications - Nikolai Pavlovich Glebov-Avilov(Russian, from the townspeople)

Minnats - Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili(Georgian, from artisans)

Rospotrebnadzor - Eduard Eduardovich Essen(Russian, from nobles)

Ombudswoman — Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai(Russian, from the nobility, the first female minister in history)

*Extremist and terrorist organizations prohibited in Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah ash-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra ”, “Al-Qaeda”, “UNA-UNSO”, “Taliban”, “Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people”, “Misanthropic Division”, “Brotherhood” Korchinsky, “Trident them. Stepan Bandera", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (OUN)

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Having a majority of votes at the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets and having met with a decisive rejection of the socialist revolution by the Mensheviks and Right Social Revolutionaries, the Bolsheviks formed a one-party government - the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom, SNTS). To a large extent, this was a forced step: on the eve of the opening of the congress, the Bolsheviks offered the leaders of the socialist parties to enter the government, but they refused. In the name of the government - "workers' and peasants" - its class character was indicated. True, there were no workers and peasants in the composition of the Council of People's Commissars. All its members were professional revolutionaries, the majority came from the intelligentsia, but, like their party as a whole, they claimed the role of true representatives and defenders of the interests of the working people, especially workers.

In the very first days, the government, as well as the leadership of the Bolshevik Party (its Central Committee), found itself in a state of crisis caused by a split in its composition. Several members of the Council of People's Commissars and members of the Central Committee of the party (G.E. Zinoviev, L.B. Kamenev and others) agreed with the demand of the All-Russian socialist" government with the inclusion of the Mensheviks, Right Socialist-Revolutionaries, People's Socialists. This would be the realization of the idea of ​​a multi-party democratic socialist government, hatched: in 1917 by the left part of the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries and met with the sympathy of a number of Bolshevik leaders. The weight of Vikzhel's demands was also ensured by the difficult internal political situation. In Moscow, the transfer of power was clearly delayed, and units of Krasnov-Kerensky were located near Petrograd. The civil war was becoming a reality.

However, the majority of the members of the Central Committee, headed by Lenin, refused to accept the demands of the Vikzhel, believing that this would transfer the revolution to the rails of bourgeois-democratic, and not socialist development. In response, People's Commissars V. P. Milyutin, V. P. Nogin, A. I. Rykov and I. A. Teodorovich left their posts. Instead of those who resigned, the Bolsheviks A. G. Shlikhter and G. I. Petrovsky were brought into the government. This episode was a continuation of the pre-October dispute in the Bolshevik party itself on the question of the readiness of an agrarian-peasant country to make the transition to socialism, about the possibility of one party to realize its socialist program in a state where the proletariat constitutes a minority of the population.

Negotiations on a political bloc between the Bolsheviks and the Left SRs began during the days of the armed uprising in Petrograd. The Left SRs sought to create a homogeneous socialist government from the Bolsheviks to the People's Socialists. A stage on the way to the conclusion of the bloc was the approval on November 17, 1917 of the "Order", which consolidated the agreement between the Bolsheviks and the Left SRs on the relationship of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (All-Russian Central Executive Committee) and the Council of People's Commissars, and a document on a partial change in the composition of the Council of People's Commissars and People's Commissariats. On the night of December 10, an agreement on joint work was signed. The Council of People's Commissars entered as people's commissars: I. 3. Shteinberg - justice, P. P. Pro-shyan - post and telegraph, A. L. Kolegaev - agriculture (since November 25). New people's commissariats were also formed, which were headed by members of the Left Socialist-Revolutionary Party: V. E. Trutovsky - for local self-government, V. A. Karelin - for the property of the Russian Republic. V. A. Algasov, who joined the work of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, received the status of "People's Commissar without a portfolio, but with the right to a decisive vote." The seventh member of the government from the Left Social Revolutionaries was M.A. Brilliantov, who was appointed on January 19, 1918, a member of the board of the People's Commissariat of Finance.

Other Left SRs were also involved in the work in the Council of People's Commissars: Deputy People's Commissars N. N. Alekseev (Narkomzem) and A. A. Shreider (People's Commissariat of Justice), as well as members of the collegiums P. E. Lazimir, L. E. Kronik, M. A. Levin and others.

A two-party Soviet government existed from December 1917 to March 1918, when the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries withdrew from the Council of People's Commissars in protest over the conclusion of the Brest Peace. By that time, unanimity on a number of problems no longer existed, and disputes at the meetings of the Council of People's Commissars were taking on a sharp character. Nevertheless, only in November-December 1917, at 37 meetings of the Council of People's Commissars, more than 460 issues related to the political, military, economic and cultural life of the republic were considered.

IN Lately Vladimir Putin entertains his beloved subjects not only with brutal aphorisms like “we will soak in the toilet” and “you are tormented by swallowing dust”, but also with outstanding discoveries in the field of history. According to the president, the Russian army in the Seven Years' War was commanded by the deceased thirty years before it began. Peter I. The garrison of the Brest Fortress, in which even Chechen researchers at a stretch find barely three percent of their fellow tribesmen, consisted of proud Vainakhs by a third. The Bolsheviks, hushing up the First world war, introduced chapters about it into the school history course, and published in thousands of copies the works of its participants, such as generals Andrey Zayonchkovsky And Alexey Brusilov, and even larger - the work of modern researchers such as Barbara Tuckman And Nikolai Yakovlev

The last historical revelation of Vladimir Vladimirovich was noted during a visit to the Moscow Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center operating under it, where, at the suggestion of the head of state, over 60 thousand old books and documents from the library of the head of the Hasidic Jewish religious movement "Chabad" were transferred Josef Schneersohn. To emphasize his generosity, the president reminded the grateful rabbis of those who had taken away their precious books and subtly mentioned the nationality of the expropriators.

“The decision to nationalize this library was made by the first Soviet government, and about 80-85 percent of its members were Jews. - Putin denounced the Bolshevik Council of People's Commissars. - But they, guided by false ideological considerations, then went to the arrests and repressions of both Jews and Orthodox, representatives of other faiths, Muslims. They all rowed under the same brush. And these ideological blinders and false ideological attitudes, thank God, collapsed. And we are indeed today, in fact, handing over these books to the Jewish community with a smile. I congratulate all of us on this event.”

It is unlikely that Putin is aware of where the 85% came from in his report, but since the referents still won’t say, this is not the first time I have to fill the gap in presidential education, a sinner. I inform you: the ominous figure is taken from the book of the émigré writer Andrey Wild (Zankevich) “Jews in the USSR”, where such a composition of the Council of People's Commissars is given.

"Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom, SNK) 1918: Lenin- Chairman, Chicherin— foreign affairs, Russian; Lunacharsky- enlightenment, Jew; Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - nationalities, Georgians; Prothian- agriculture, Armenian; Larin (Lurie)- economic council, Jew; Schlichter— supply, Jew; Trotsky (Bronstein)- army and navy, Jew; Lander- state control, Jew; Kaufman- state property, Jew; W. Schmidt- labor, Jew; Lilina (Kniegissen)- national health, Jewish; Svalbard- cults, Jew; Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) - internal affairs, Jew; Anvelt- hygiene, Jew; Isidor Gukovsky— finance, Jew; Volodarsky- seal, Jew; Uritsky- elections, Jew; I. Steinberg- Justice, Jew; Fengstein- Refugees, Jew. In total, out of 20 people's commissars - one Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 Jews.

According to Zankevich, Jews are indeed 85%, but even a cursory glance at his list irrefutably proves that the author is lying. His "first Council of People's Commissars" was pulled from several subsequent ones, and the names and nationalities of the commissars were mixed up. Thus, the Left Socialist-Revolutionary Isaac Steinberg was indeed a Jew and People's Commissar of Justice, but only from December 10, 1917, when his party decided to enter the government. Another Left SR, the Armenian Prosh Proshyan, from the same day took the post of People's Commissar for Posts and Telegraphs, and not for agriculture. In the ranks of the Jews, Zankevich enlisted the Estonian Jan Anvelt, the Russian Anatoly Lunacharsky, the Germans Karl Lander and Vasily Schmidt, of which only Lunacharsky actually entered the first Soviet government. Jews Grigory Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) And Moses Volodarsky (Goldstein) the first Council of People's Commissars were not included, but the people's commissars were Jews Kaufman, Lilina (Kniegissen), Fengstein And Svalbard did not exist at all.

Meanwhile, who was who in the first composition of the Council people's commissars, formed on October 26 (November 8), 1917, immediately after the October Revolution, has long been known from the corresponding decree published in the 35th volume complete collection writings of the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and a quarter of a Jew - Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin). In addition to him, the government included:

People's Commissar for Internal Affairs - Alexey Rykov, Russian.

People's Commissar of Agriculture - Vladimir Milyutin, Russian.

People's Commissar of Labor - Alexander Shlyapnikov, Russian.

People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs - a committee consisting of: Vladimir Ovseenko (Antonov), Pavel Dybenko And Nikolai Krylenko(the first two are Ukrainians, the third is perhaps half or a quarter Jewish, but with the same success his grandfather, foreman of the volost administration Abram Korneevich Krylenko, could also be Russian, who received a name at baptism from a priest according to the calendar).

People's Commissar for Trade and Industry Victor Nogin, Russian.

People's Commissar of Public Education - Anatoly Lunacharsky, Russian.

People's Commissar of Finance - Ivan Skvortsov (Stepanov), Russian.

People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs - Lev Bronstein (Trotsky), Jew.

People's Commissar of Justice - Georgy Oppokov (Lomov), Russian.

People's Commissar for Food Affairs - Ivan Teodorovich, Pole.

People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs - Nikolai Avilov (Glebov), Russian.

People's Commissar for Nationalities - Joseph Dzhugashvili (Stalin), Georgian.

The Wild Brad was popular among the dwarf-type patriotic hangouts in the late 80s/early 90s. of the last century, but subsequently they ceased to refer to it, since there were already enough documents about the exorbitantly high proportion of Jews in the ruling and punitive bodies. But Putin's referents are probably too lazy to once again get into the Internet, and they, taking advantage of the historical naivety of the boss, once again fed him a fake.



Read the documents below and complete the tasks in them.. Document 1


The All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies resolves:

Educate to govern the country, until the convocation Constituent Assembly, the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' Government, which will be called the Council of People's Commissars. The management of individual branches of state life is entrusted to commissions, the composition of which should ensure the implementation of the program proclaimed by the congress, in close unity with the mass organizations of workers, working women, sailors, soldiers, peasants and employees. Government power belongs to the board of chairmen of these commissions, i.e. Council of People's Commissars.

Control over the activities of people's commissars and the right to remove them belongs to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies and its Central Executive Committee.

At present, the Council of People's Commissars is composed of the following persons: Chairman of the Council - Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin).

People's Commissar for Internal Affairs - A.AND. Rykov. Agriculture - IN.P. Milyutin.

Labor - A.G. Shlyapnikov.

For military and naval affairs - a committee consisting of: IN.A. Ovseenko (Antonov), H.IN. Krylenko And F.M. Dybenko. For trade and industry - IN.P. Nogin.

public educationA.IN. Lunacharsky. Finance - AND.AND. Skvortsov (Stepanov).

For foreign affairs L.D. Bronstein (Trotsky). Justice - G.AND. Oppokov (Lomov).

For food - AND.A. Teodorovich. Post and telegraph - H.P. Avilov (Glebov).

Chairman for Nationalities - AND.IN. Dzhugashvili (Stalin).

The post of People's Commissar for Railway Affairs remains temporarily unfilled.

Document 2


The Workers' and Peasants' Government, created by the October 24-25 revolution and relying on the Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies, proposes to all warring peoples and their governments to begin immediately negotiations for a just democratic peace.

A just or democratic peace, which the vast majority of the emaciated, exhausted and war-torn workers and laboring classes of all the belligerent countries yearn for—the peace which the Russian workers and peasants demanded in the most definite and persistent manner after the overthrow of the tsarist monarchy—is the Government’s view of the immediate a world without annexations (that is, without the seizure of foreign lands, without the forcible annexation of foreign nationalities) and without indemnities.

Such a peace is proposed by the Government of Russia to be concluded immediately by all the belligerent peoples, expressing its readiness to take immediately without the slightest delay all decisive steps until the final approval of all the conditions for such a peace by the plenipotentiary assemblies of people's representatives of all countries and all nations.

According to the legal consciousness of democracy in general and of the working classes in particular, by the annexation, or seizure, of foreign lands, the Government understands any accession to a large or strong state by a small or weak nationality without the express, clear and voluntary consent and desire of this nationality, regardless of when it is forcible. the accession is made, also regardless of how advanced or backward the nation being forcibly annexed or forcibly retained within the borders of this state is. Finally, regardless of whether this nation lives in Europe or in distant overseas countries.

If any nation is held within the borders of a given state by violence, if it, contrary to its expressed desire, does not care whether this desire is expressed in the press, in popular assemblies, in the decisions of parties or in revolts and uprisings against national oppression - the right is not granted by free vote, with the complete withdrawal of the troops of the annexing or generally stronger nation, to decide without the slightest coercion the question of the forms of state existence of this nation, then its accession is an annexation, i.e. e. capture and violence.

To continue this war over how to divide the weak nationalities captured by them between strong and rich nations, the Government considers it the greatest crime against humanity and solemnly declares its determination to immediately sign the terms of peace ending this war on the specified, equally fair for all without the withdrawal of nationalities conditions.

At the same time, the Government declares that it by no means considers the above peace conditions to be an ultimatum; agrees to consider all other terms of peace, insisting only on the promptest possible proposal by any belligerent country and on complete clarity, on the unconditional exclusion of all ambiguity and all secrecy in the proposal of peace terms.

The Government abolishes secret diplomacy, for its part, expressing its firm intention to conduct all negotiations completely openly before the whole people, proceeding immediately to the full publication of secret agreements confirmed or concluded by the government of landowners and capitalists from February to October 25, 1917. The entire content of these secret agreements Since it is aimed, as in most cases, at delivering benefits and privileges to the Russian landlords and capitalists, at keeping or increasing the annexations of the Great Russians, the Government declares it unconditionally and immediately canceled.

Addressing the proposal to the governments and peoples of all countries to begin immediately open negotiations on the conclusion of peace, the Government, for its part, expresses its readiness to conduct these negotiations both through written communications, by telegraph, and through negotiations between representatives of different countries or at a conference such -th representatives. To facilitate such negotiations, the Government appoints its plenipotentiary to the neutral countries.

The government proposes to all the governments and peoples of all the belligerent countries to immediately conclude an armistice, and, for its part, considers it desirable that this armistice be concluded for no less than three months, i.e. for such a period during which it is quite possible both to complete peace negotiations with the participation of representatives of all, without exception, nationalities or nations drawn into the war or forced to participate in it, as well as to convene plenipotentiary assemblies of people's representatives of all countries for the final approval of the conditions peace.

In addressing this proposal of peace to the governments and peoples of all the belligerent countries, the Provisional Workers' and Peasants' Government of Russia also addresses in particular the class-conscious workers of the three most advanced nations of mankind and the largest states participating in the present war - England, France and Germany. The workers of these countries rendered the greatest service to the cause of progress and socialism, and the great examples of the Chartist movement in England, a series of revolutions of world-historical significance, carried out by the French proletariat, finally, in the heroic struggle against the exclusive law in Germany and exemplary for the workers of the whole world long, persistent, disciplined work of creating mass proletarian organizations in Germany - all these examples of proletarian heroism and historical creativity serve us as a guarantee that the workers of these countries will understand the task now assigned to them of freeing mankind from the horrors of war and its consequences, that These workers, by their all-round decisive and selflessly energetic activity, will help us to successfully carry through to the end the cause of peace and, at the same time, the cause of the liberation of the toiling and exploited masses of the population from all slavery and all exploitation.

Signed by Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)


1. What was the name of the first Soviet government and why were its powers proclaimed temporary? 2. What state authorities determined the composition of the Soviet government?

3. What was understood by the Soviet government under the proposal « democratic worldwithout annexations and indemnities»?

4. What role did the Soviet government assign to the workers of the belligerent states in the immediate cessation of the war??

1. The first Soviet government was called Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR. It was created temporarily until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly. After the death of Nicholas 2, the right to inherit passed to Mikhail Alexandrovich, who agreed to take power only after popular elections about the final power in the country, Simultaneously with this, the Soviets developed. As a result, dual power was established in the country.

2. Control over the activities of people's commissars and the right to dismiss them belongs to the All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' Deputies and its Central Executive Committee.

3. " those. without the seizure of foreign lands, without the forcible annexation of foreign nationalities) and without indemnities.

A large strong state has no right to annex a small and weak nationality, without the consent of the nationality itself, no matter how backward it is, no matter where it is located. The state has no right to determine the form of state existence of the nation, this accession is annexation.

4. Immediate conclusion of peace. The task is to liberate mankind from the horrors of war and its consequences, and by their vigorous activity the workers will help bring things to peace and free the working masses from all slavery and exploitation.

Document 3


In case of refusal to give the food detachments "surplus" stocks, the peasants are arrested in droves, their property is confiscated - both from the rich and the middle ones. And even the poor. Such confiscations, allowing peasants around the world, take place in most districts of the Tambov province. Usually the soldiers force the peasants themselves to load carts with grain, goods and utensils, agricultural implements, and the confiscated property is taken to the nearest provincial or county town, where both the cart and the horse are most often left, and the peasant returns home poor if he is not arrested.

In Kirsanovsky district... the following method of punishment of peasants is practiced: all their property is confiscated, adults are taken to forced labor camps, and children are taken to shelters. Encountering no resistance from the terrorized population, the representatives of the Soviet government in choosing punitive measures crossed the boundaries of everything human. In the winter of 1920, the provincial food commissar Goldin ordered that the peasants hand over potatoes no smaller than an egg to the workers, threatening that if they were smaller, the cart and horse that would deliver the crop would be confiscated. This decree was not just a threat: the horse and harness of Roman Molodtsov, a peasant in the village of Tokarevka, were confiscated for delivering small potatoes to the Tokarev warehouse. In Bolshe-Lipovetsky Uyezd, a peasant who refused to turn in his bread was buried up to his waist in the ground, and he was kept in this position until he agreed to part with his last bread.

Before Easter, the Tambov provincial food detachments received from Moscow, from the People's Commissariat of Food, a telegram with an order to send a carriage of geese to the Central Committee of the RCP (b) in Moscow. The order was executed. The Tambov Committee did exactly the same, and party members and their relatives received 30 poods of geese.

All this, of course, could not but arouse protest on the part of the peasantry. At first, these were requests and complaints to those commissars and bosses who seemed to them more just, to those who did injustice and excesses.

In response, however, a wave of repressions and terror rolled in, ultimately causing a peasant war (compared to which Razinism or Pugachevism look like child's play).

Document 4


All the peasants of Soviet Russia took up field improvements in agriculture with a vengeance.

Only in the Tambov province, where the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, the party against the working class and the peasantry, has made its nest, has banditry developed, which threatens to completely destroy the already ruined agriculture of the Tambov province ...

The Workers' and Peasants' Government decided to the shortest time eradicate the Socialist-Revolutionary gangs in the Tambov province by implementing the most decisive measures.

In pursuance of this, by order of the Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, I order:

1. The troops of the Tambov province with the reinforcements they received, quickly destroy the bandit gangs.

3. Families of bandits who did not appear should be strictly arrested, and property should be confiscated and distributed among peasants loyal to Soviet power.

Troop Commander Chief of the General Staff

Tukhachevsky Kakurin


1. Characterize methods, which carried out surplus appraisal in the Tambov province. 2. What was the excess of their powers by workers of food detachments?

3. What, In your, became the cause of mass discontent of the peasants in the Tambov province?

4. What methods were used to suppress the peasant revolt of 1921 in the Tambov province?

1 .Confiscation of property from all segments of the population; In the Kirsanovsky district, all the property of the peasants is taken away, adults are taken to forced labor camps, and children are taken to shelters.

2. Due to the fact that the Soviet government did not meet any resistance among the population, punitive measures were tightened “In the winter of 1920, the provincial food commissar Goldin ordered that the peasants hand over potatoes no smaller than an egg to food workers, threatening that if it was smaller, a cart and a horse, who deliver the harvest will be confiscated. This decree was not just a threat: the horse and harness of Roman Molodtsov, a peasant in the village of Tokarevka, were confiscated for transporting small potatoes to the Tokarev warehouse. For not handing over the bread, the peasant was buried waist-deep in the ground.

3. the facts provided in the document about the excess of authority by the workers of the food detachments, about the bullying of the peasants, they say that the discontent of the peasants began to grow and ultimately caused a peasant war that cannot be compared with the Pugachevshchina.

4. storm suppression methods: 1. The troops of the Tambov province with the reinforcements they received, quickly destroy the bandit gangs.

2. All peasants who have joined gangs must immediately appear at the disposal of the Soviet government, hand over their weapons and hand over their leaders to be tried by a revolutionary military tribunal. Voluntarily surrendered bandits the death penalty does not threaten.

3. Families of bandits who did not appear should be strictly arrested, and property should be confiscated and distributed among peasants loyal to Soviet power.

4. Arrested families, if the bandit does not appear and does not surrender, will be relocated to remote regions of the RSFSR. 5. Bandits who did not show up for surrender should be considered illegal.

6. Honest peasants should not allow the mobilization and formation of bandit gangs in the villages and report all gangs to the troops of the Red Army.

7. Without exception, to all military units of the Red Army to support the peasants and steadily protect them from the attack of bandits.

8. This order is the last warning before decisive action and will be enforced strictly and steadily.


Define the following terms and decipher the abbreviations.

food detachment- during the period of war communism (it is important to note that the first food detachments appeared in the summer of 1917, under the auspices of the Provisional Government) an armed detachment that participated in the food appraisal. The food detachments consisted mainly of workers, soldiers and sailors.

combo- Kindness Committee, an organ of Soviet power in rural areas during the years of "war communism". They were created by decrees of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of June 11, 1918 and the Council of People's Commissars of August 6, 1918 with the aim of:

"War Communism"- Name domestic policy Soviet state, held in 1918 - 1921. in conditions civil war. Her characteristic features there was an extreme centralization of economic management, the nationalization of large, medium and even small industry (partially), the state monopoly on many agricultural products, food appropriation, the prohibition of private trade, curtailment of commodity-money relations, equalization in the distribution of material wealth, militarization of labor. Such a policy was consistent with the principles on the basis of which, according to the Marxists, a communist society should have arisen.

Labor mobilization

Food dictatorship- the system of emergency measures of the Soviet government in 1918-21 for the organization of food supply (centralization of the procurement and distribution of food, the monopoly of the grain trade, the requisition of bread, food requisitioning, etc.). It was carried out by the People's Commissariat for Food and caused mass demonstrations of the peasantry. Canceled with the introduction of the New Economic Policy.

"Deprived"- the unofficial name of a citizen of the RSFSR, the USSR, in 1918-1936 deprived of voting rights in accordance with the Constitutions of the RSFSR of 1918 and 1925.

Prodrazverstka- in Russia, a system of state events carried out during the periods of war and economic crises, aimed at the implementation of procurement of agricultural products. The principle of surplus appropriation consisted in the obligatory delivery by producers to the state of an established ("deployed") norm of products at prices established by the state.

CHON- special-purpose units, “communist squads”, “military party detachments”, created at factory party cells (party cells), district, city, county and provincial party committees on the basis of a resolution of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) dated April 17, 1919 to provide assistance to the organs of Soviet power in the fight against counter-revolution, guard duty at especially important objects, etc.

VOKhR- (troops of the internal security of the republic) - troops of the Cheka, OGPU, NKVD of the RSFSR (USSR), whose task was to guard and defend critical facilities, escort cargo, guard places of detention.

ChekaAll-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage under the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (1917-1922). Formed on December 7 (20), 1917. Liquidated with the transfer of powers to the State political management(GPU NKVD RSFSR) under the NKVD RSFSR February 6, 1922. The Cheka was the body of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" to protect the state security of the RSFSR, "the leading body in the fight against counter-revolution throughout the country." The Cheka had territorial subdivisions for "fighting the counter-revolution on the ground."


Fill the table.

First Soviet government

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars IN AND. Lenin

Drug addicts and drug addicts

Names People's Commissars

Choose from the given solutions, action , sign , which characterize :

a) "emergency" b) "war communism"

1. Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the transformation Soviet Republic to a military camp.

2. Mass terror as the physical destruction of opponents, intimidation of the population.

3. Introduction of combos.

4. Creation of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense. 5. Refusal of terror against the masses.

6. Extraordinary bodies operating outside the law, using special powers and dictatorial methods.

7. Limiting the actions of the governing bodies within the framework of revolutionary legality.

Answer: a) 1 b) 6

Fill the table.

History sometimes gives people surprises that were hard to expect. One of them was the coming to power of the Bolsheviks, carried out by them on October 25 (according to the old style), 1917. Hardly anyone believed in the reality that the branch of the Social Democratic Labor Party, which was then unpopular in the country, would seize power.

The birth of the Bolshevik Party

The ideological base of the Bolshevik Party began to take shape as early as the 80s and 90s of the 19th century. It was founded by members of the populist movement, who saw the main way of reorganizing society in solving the agrarian issue and redistributing land. After the fallacy of this trend became apparent, its former theoreticians and leaders, such as Axelrod, Zasulich, Plekhanov and a number of others, found it expedient to take as a basis the experience of the proletarian struggle in Western Europe.

This was facilitated by a noticeable increase in the activity of the working class in Russia itself. When developing theories of the social reorganization of society, they relied on the works of K. Marx and F. Engels. In 1898, on the basis of the ideological platform developed by them, the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) was created. Five years later, as a result of disagreements that emerged between the delegates of its II Congress, the party was divided into two branches - the Bolsheviks, headed by V. I. Lenin, and the Mensheviks, headed by Yu. O. Martov.

The course outlined by the III Congress of the RSDLP (b)

The rise to power of the Bolsheviks armed uprising was not spontaneous, the plan was outlined by them during the congress held in London from April 12 to April 27, 1905. In the same period, the Mensheviks, who called only for legal ways of struggle, gathered in Geneva and worked out their tactics. Even then, Lenin's supporters planned to overthrow the regime that existed in the country by organizing an uprising in military units and undermining the economy. To implement their plan, they organized the supply of weapons and explosives to Russia, and their agitators urged the population to evade taxes and withdraw their bank deposits.

From the decisions of the same congress it is clear what exactly the coming of the Bolsheviks to power promised Russia. Briefly, this was formulated by the “minimum” and “maximum” programs adopted at that time. The Bolsheviks sitting in London sought at least to carry out a bourgeois revolution and overthrow the autocracy, to introduce a shortened working day (no more than 8 hours) and to establish all kinds of democratic institutions, such as freedom of speech, local self-government, direct elections of government bodies, etc. Ideally, they saw the victory of the proletarian revolution and the establishment of the dictatorship of the working people in the country.

It should be noted that the coming to power of the Bolshevik Party through official means failed in the pre-revolutionary years. Refusing to participate in the work of the first State Duma, in the second they managed to get only 15 mandates, which was significantly less than that of their ideological opponents - the Mensheviks. But even those who managed to join the Bolshevik faction of this deliberative body were soon arrested for trying to raise an uprising in the St. Petersburg garrison. By the way, the Duma itself of the second convocation was then dissolved.

Problems that opened the way to power for the Bolsheviks

The reasons for the coming to power of the Bolsheviks in 1917 were largely due to the economic and political problems that provoked the First Russian Revolution and were not resolved in subsequent years. One of them was the agrarian question. The reforms carried out in this direction by the tsarist government turned out to be ineffective, which caused a further increase in social tension.

In addition, hyperinflation, caused by a series of defeats during the First World War and the transfer of hostilities to the territory of Russia, also played a significant role. Its consequence was interruptions in the supply of food to cities and famine in the villages.

An army that didn't want to fight

The coming to power of the Bolsheviks in Russia was also possible because of the catastrophic disintegration of the army caused by the war, which was extremely unpopular among the overwhelming majority of the population. Suffice it to say that almost 3 million Russians died in it, a third of whom were civilians. The mobilization carried out, which involved at least 15 million people, replenished the ranks of the army mainly with peasants who were sympathetic to the Socialist-Revolutionary ideas about the gratuitous transfer of landlord lands to them. They did not want to fight for interests alien to them.

In addition, due to such a massive recruitment, no ideological and patriotic work was carried out with conscripts, while the Bolsheviks conducted continuous agitation in military units, calling for disobedience to commanders. This led, in particular, to the refusal of the Cossack units to suppress the popular unrest that broke out in 1915-1916.

A king unable to rule a country

The reasons for the coming to power of the Bolsheviks also lie in the fact that by the beginning of 1917 the regime created in the country by the tsarist government was extremely weak both economically and politically. For a number of reasons, the initiative in solving the most pressing issues passed from the hands of the ruling monarch to the adventurers, who were often replaced in ministerial posts. This created the inevitable chaos in such cases.

Nicholas II was deprived of the opportunity to exercise effective leadership of the country, largely because at the final stage of his reign he had very few supporters. In opposition to him were the majority of the then existing political parties. These powerful, but disparate forces were not able to achieve the overthrow of the tsar earlier only because of the disagreement and mutual enmity that reigned in their ranks, but by their strife they hastened the coming to power of the Bolsheviks.

The king could not find support even in his personal guard. Most of its former, pre-war staff, participating in hostilities, died at the front. They were replaced by recruits from different social strata of society. Many of them, having fallen under the influence of Bolshevik propagandists, shared anti-monarchist views.

Variety of political currents

After the Bolsheviks came to power and established the so-called proletarian dictatorship, the country for many decades lost many civil liberties, without which no modern society can develop normally. The power of the people was replaced in it by the arbitrariness of the party-bureaucratic elite, which pursued its own selfish interests and neglected the needs of ordinary citizens.