How to clean the kettle from scale with folk remedies and chemistry. Choosing effective ways to descale your kettle

A beautiful teapot cooker always pleasing to the eye. But it can only be beautiful if it is pure. Clean not only on the outer walls, but also inside the container. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that scale from water can spoil not only the attractive appearance of dishes, but also the taste of the drink prepared in it. Many recommend purchasing a water filtration system, after which scale will not form on the dishes. I would like to believe in this miracle, but no - it does not work. Filters cannot independently cope with the substances that are responsible for the formation of lime. Sooner or later, you will still have to see such a sad picture on the inner walls of your favorite kettle or on the heating element of the boiler, which will be covered with a dirty yellow coating.

Clean kettle in the kitchen or how to remove scale in the kettle

But do not be upset, because you can remove lime from the kettle yourself, without resorting to exposure chemicals. Moreover, regular cleaning procedures will allow you to forget that unpleasant look. limescale, thanks to which you have already managed to throw away more than one of your favorite set of dishes. Before we learn how to remove scale in a kettle at home, let's try to figure out why it needs to be dealt with.

  1. Limescale gives our cookware an unsightly appearance. appearance. Moreover, in the process of preparing or boiling water, pieces of plaque peel off from the walls of the kettle and fall into the mug when preparing coffee or tea. Agree that drinking such a " flavored drink thick gray color' is not very pleasant. Moreover, this garbage enters the stomach, which can adversely affect the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The second reason that obliges to clean the walls of the kettle from plaque is the delay in the heat transfer process. And if for an enameled teapot it's not so important problem, then an electric kettle in such "conditions" may simply refuse to work. That is, burn!

Today on store shelves there are many excellent and effective chemicals available that can overcome limescale in a matter of minutes.

But everything is not as simple as the contents of the liner annotation promise the consumer. And it's not about quality. household chemicals, and when purchasing such a cleaning agent, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • composition of tap water
  • thickness of the limescale layer,
  • the material from which the dishes are made,
  • dosage compliance, etc.

But back to the question of how to remove scale in the kettle on your own with improvised means that are completely harmless to health and cannot damage the surface of the dishes.

Safe means in the fight against limescale

The following improvised means will help us to cope with scale in the kettle:

  1. Lemon acid.
  2. Baking soda.
  3. Apple vinegar.
  4. Peel of an apple or lemon.
  5. Pickle brine.
  6. Drinks Sprite, Coca-Cola, Fanta.

As you can see, our favorite fizzy drinks have gained a high honor, and with "proud" have joined the ranks of home and safe cleaning products.

Option 1

Scale in an electric kettle - remove citric acid

So, scale in the kettle - how to remove limescale with citric acid? I would like to immediately note that such a tool as citric acid is suitable for cleaning both an enameled kettle and an electric kettle, the walls of which are made of plastic or glass. Due to the gentle effect of the acid, it is possible to easily cope with small raids. Scale in an electric kettle, first of all, is superimposed in layers on heating elements, so it must always be dealt with in a timely manner. Moreover, citric acid will help with this.

Pour about 500 ml of water into the container of the kettle and bring it to a boil. As soon as the kettle turns off, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dry citric acid and dip it into boiling water. Close the lid of the kettle and wait until the water in the kettle has completely cooled down. Attention! The reaction of citric acid and water forms a kind of "hiss" and "foam". Therefore, when using acid, be careful not to let boiling water get on the skin.

After 1 hour, pour the citric acid water down the sink and rinse the kettle thoroughly. If the limescale was not old, then after such a procedure it will leave the walls and bottom of the kettle on its own. Otherwise, you will either have to repeat the procedure again, or make a little effort and remove the remaining scale with a washcloth for washing dishes.

Option 2

Lemon peel in the fight against scale in the kettle

Can you guess how to remove scale with lemon slices? By the way, this method is less effective and can compete with those who have learned how to remove scale in the kettle with citric acid. So, cut the peel of a lemon or the whole citrus into pieces and put them in a kettle filled with water. Let's boil it.

When the water is completely cool, without removing the lemon pieces, rinse the kettle tank with a dishwashing sponge. As a result, we get perfectly clean inner walls and bottom of teapots. Housewives often use this washing method if they need to remove scale from an electric kettle.

Option 3

Apple Cider Vinegar - An ardent enemy of limescale

Apple cider vinegar is found in every kitchen. And this is wonderful, because nothing can cope with the old scale on the walls of metal, enamel and glass teapots. Naturally, it can also be used to clean electric kettles, but manufacturers do not recommend doing this. We will be obedient and listen to the manufacturer's recommendations, which will extend the life of our favorite electric kettle.

So, scale in the kettle - how to remove old lime deposits with vinegar? Fill the kettle with water and bring it to a boil. Then add a glass apple cider vinegar, stir with a spoon and leave overnight. In the morning a surprise awaits us - the entire plaque crumbled from the walls in sheets. It remains only to thoroughly wash the kettle clean water to thoroughly remove all residues of vinegar and plaque. The container is clean, so we can continue to enjoy the taste of aromatic tea prepared in our favorite kitchen kettle.

Option 4

How to remove scale in an enameled kettle

It should be noted that enamelware is afraid of exposure to aggressive substances. And if your favorite enameled teapot is covered with plaque, then it’s not worth the risk, but it’s better to learn about a more gentle method and substances that will allow it to return to its former beautiful view. Let's find out how to remove scale in an enameled kettle? The task is not an easy one, because you want to clean the walls and bottom of the kettle as much as possible, while not harming it with chemical aggressive agents. But a familiar remedy will rush to our aid, and we will try to remove scale in the kettle with soda. Yes, yes, ordinary baking soda, from which we will skillfully prepare a soda solution. By the way, this method is suitable not only for enameled teapots, but also for teapots made of stainless steel, aluminum and electric kettles.

So, we need to prepare a tablespoon of soda ash and 0.5 liters of water.

Please note that proportions are approximate. In our case, the main thing is that the solution can cover all the limescale on the walls of the dishes. So, we prepared a soda solution and poured the container of the kettle with it. Put a container on the stove and boil water. Then we continue to simmer the solution in the kettle for another 1 hour. Remove from the stove and let the water cool - the limescale should leave the walls of the kettle on its own. If not, then you can help him by cleaning the walls with a dishwashing sponge. Now the plaque, in any case, has already become soft, and getting rid of it will no longer be difficult.

Option 5

Clean the walls of the stainless steel teapot

We understand that now many are waiting for how to remove scale in a stainless steel kettle. After all, such teapots were at the peak of popularity at one time and have already become our favorite for many of us. But to act on them with aggressive means means to spoil their appearance. But get rid of scale detergents very difficult and not possible.

Don't worry. In this case, skilled housewives stocked up with another way, and they know perfectly well how to remove scale in a kettle at home in the most gentle way - potato peels or apple peels. By the way, this method is ideal as preventive measure for any type of dishes, which will help to keep its walls and bottom clean for a long time.

So, you will need potato or apple peels, which we carefully put in the kettle. Pour in boiling water and bring to a boil. Set the kettle aside and let the water cool completely. As a result of such exposure, the plaque becomes soft, and it can be easily cleaned with a regular kitchen sponge designed for washing dishes. Well, here we have already discussed with you the most effective and affordable methods that will help you deal with scale on the kettle.

Option 6

But besides this, I would like to mention our favorite carbonated drinks, which equally effectively cope with scale, dissolve lime layers and rust in sewer pipes.

Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite - ideal remedy from scale

Meet Coca-Cola!!! By the way, it is successfully replaced by Sprite and Fanta. That is why, if you are descaling a white teapot, we recommend taking a colorless drink. In our case, Sprite. As you understand, having removed the plaque with Coca-Cola or Fanta, as a result, you will have to deal with the colored plaque that this “noble drink” will leave behind.

So, we clean the electric kettle with a carbonated drink. Before proceeding with the procedure, you must carefully remove all gases from the drink. To do this, we will open the bottle in advance and leave it aside for a few hours. It is best to leave it overnight and start the cleansing process in the morning.

Pour the drink into the reservoir of the kettle, bring to a boil and leave the water to cool completely. You will be surprised, but the tank will be clean, and you will only find traces of plaque on the bottom of the tank, which you can remove with a light movement of a kitchen sponge.

As you can see, you can easily get rid of plaque on the walls and bottom of the kettle by resorting to homemade and completely safe means. As a result, the dishes in the kitchen will always be clean and tidy.

Electric kettle - almost indispensable household appliance. With it, you can quickly and easily boil water for making tea or coffee. It does not need to be monitored, after boiling it will turn itself off and will not waste electricity. But even the most modern electric kettle requires care and regular cleaning.

Causes of scale

The electric kettle seems to be a device that requires absolutely no maintenance. But if the technique is not given enough attention, over time it may begin to work less efficiently or even break down.

most common cause breakdowns is the accumulation of excessive amounts of deposits. They cover the walls a heating element, reducing the rate of water heating.

Scale in an electric kettle is salts and compounds contained in water and precipitated when heated. It is impossible to completely get rid of this phenomenon. But a set of care measures will allow using various means as little as possible.

It is important to understand that deposits on the bottom of the kettle are not only a cosmetic problem. They significantly reduce the rate of heating and, if ingested, can cause the formation of sand in the kidneys or aggravate an existing disease.

current care

Proper daily care of the electric kettle will allow global cleaning to be carried out very rarely. In order for salts to be deposited as little as possible, it is important to observe the following requirements:

  1. The container should be cleaned regularly, preferably every evening. Simply drain the water and wash with a sponge inner surface.
  2. Do not boil more water than necessary. Salts from the liquid remaining after heating in the kettle will compact the layer.
  3. Use purified water. This will save the technique, and it is more useful for health.
So that maintenance is not too laborious, and the household appliance lasts as long as possible, it is important not only to know how to remove scale in an electric kettle, but also to do it regularly. A thin layer of deposits is much more easily affected and special tools can not be used to remove it.

Virtually any acid-containing products effectively remove deposits. For cleaning electric kettles, you can use both industrial compounds and improvised means.

Special funds

With scale on the walls and heating elements of electric kettles help to fight ready-made formulations, which can be purchased at the store in the household chemicals department. It is quite simple to recognize them, the manufacturer puts an image of equipment on the packaging, the name usually corresponds to: “Anti-scale” and the like.

They should be used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, do not exceed the dosage and exposure time.

Usually the scheme is simple: the product must be dissolved in water in a certain proportion, poured into a kettle, boiled and left for a while. After that, wash the equipment and use it as usual.

The composition of industrial products contains several types of acids and auxiliary substances that successfully fight salt deposits. It is important to know how to clean the electric kettle so as not to harm the health of the family. You can also use improvised tools that are in every home.

Lemon acid

As part of special means is an essential component. It can be used to clean your equipment quickly and efficiently. And what is especially pleasant, such care will not cost at all.

For one treatment, you will need 1 sachet of acid containing 25 g of the substance.

You should act according to the following scheme:

  1. Take a full kettle of water and pour the contents of 1 sachet.
  2. Bring water to a boil and turn off the appliance. Care should be taken, as the solution may begin to foam when boiling.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes to take effect. After drain the composition.

The effect is based on the chemical reaction of converting citric acid into acetic acid.

After cleaning, thoroughly wash the equipment and boil in it clean water. This will help get rid of the smell. If necessary, repeat all manipulations.

food vinegar

The food grade vinegar found in every kitchen is acetic acid diluted to a safe concentration. With it, you can clean the kettle quickly and efficiently.

Pour vinegar solution into the kettle (1 part 9% vinegar to 2 parts water). Bring the composition to a boil and turn off the device. Leave until completely cool. After draining the active composition and thoroughly wash the container with a moderately hard sponge.

The acid will soften the scale and can be easily removed.

After cleaning, the equipment must be thoroughly washed and boiled with clean water several times. This will help get rid of the specific smell of the acid composition.

Baking soda

Soda is a fairly active substance, which can remove even a large layer of scale. It is worth turning to if a milder effect does not bear fruit.

Pour water into the kettle and add a tablespoon of soda to it. Boil and leave the composition to act for several hours. The alkaline solution will soften the deposits and they can be removed with a sponge.

If this action is not enough, you can repeat the procedure or add citric acid to the water instead of soda at the rate of 1 sachet per 1.5 liters of water. Boil the solution and leave for an hour.

After that, traditionally clean the surface with a sponge.

Carbonated drinks

Most carbonated drinks contain citric acid. It is she who will help to cope with scale in the kettle. The method of removing deposits with drinks is passed from mouth to mouth and is considered effective, but it also has features:

  1. Choose colorless drinks. Dyes, especially bright ones, can leave stains that are more difficult to clean off than salt deposits.
  2. Partially degas the liquid before use. Otherwise, in the process of boiling, the drink will foam, pouring everything around.
  3. The drink should be poured into the kettle, boiled and left to act. In just an hour, the scale will begin to move away in layers and it can be removed mechanically.

Before cleaning the electric kettle, it is important to warn all family members about it. Liquids and compounds used for such work are colorless, they can be confused with ordinary water. A few sips of citric acid solution will not bring significant harm, but negative emotions guaranteed.

In order for the electric kettle to continue to remain an indispensable assistant, it should be cleaned regularly, preventing the formation of a significant layer of scale. It is enough to boil the acid composition every few weeks, and the heating elements of the equipment will shine with cleanliness.

How to descale a kettle with vinegar? Pour water into it, as in the previous case, by 2/3, and table vinegar with the calculation of 0.5 cups per liter of water. You can replace vinegar with vinegar essence. It needs to be taken less, with the expectation of 3 teaspoons per liter of water. Boil the water, let it brew for an hour and drain it.

Old plaque will not go away on its own, so be prepared for the fact that you will need to rub some places with a soft sponge. After the dishes are cleaned, fill them with clean water and boil it. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

When boiling water with vinegar, you may encounter an unpleasant odor. Therefore, deciding to use this method, make sure that the room is well ventilated.

Kettle cleaning soda

Suitable for regular, enamel and electric kettles.
Pros: safe, affordable, very cheap way to get rid of old scale.
Cons: can lead to scratches on the surface, in order to get rid of stubborn scale, you will need to carry out the procedure several times.

How to remove scale in a kettle with baking soda? Take half a teapot of water, add a tablespoon of soda, put on fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and let the water boil for 20-30 minutes. Turn off the kettle and wait for the water to cool, then drain it and wash the inside of the kettle well.

Clean the kettle with vinegar and baking soda

Suitable for metal and enameled teapots.
Cannot be used for electric kettles.
Pros: Affordability, simplicity and efficiency.>
Minuses: bad smell.

How to remove scale in a kettle with vinegar and soda? Fill the kettle with water 2/3, add soda at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Bring it to a boil and boil for 30 minutes. Pour out the boiled water and draw in a new one, but now add 0.5 cups of vinegar per liter of water to it, bring it to a boil again and boil for half an hour.

After draining the water, walk with a soft sponge in places where plaque remains, if necessary. Then rinse the dishes well.

Vinegar, baking soda and citric acid

Suitable for all types of kettles except electric ones.
Pros: gets rid of old, stubborn plaque.
Cons: time-consuming, unpleasant smell.

If the kettle is not electric, then, in my opinion, this is the most effective way to deal with scale. But it is better not to run the kettle to such an extent that you have to resort to it. In order to clean the kettle, you will need to boil water in it three times for 30 minutes. The first time - with a tablespoon of soda, the second time - with a tablespoon of citric acid, the third time - with a half glass of vinegar. For each case, water should fill the dishes by 2/3.

The use of baking soda, citric acid and vinegar can remove scale of any degree. If it remains in a small amount on the walls of the dishes, you need to rub this place with a soft sponge. But it is better to refuse the use of hard metal brushes so as not to damage the surface of the dishes.

How to descale the kettle with Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite?

Suitable for all types of kettles except electric ones. Care must also be taken when cleaning enameled models. The fact is that most drinks contain dyes that can eat into the surface of the dish and ruin it.
Pros: effective, affordable method.
Cons: not suitable for all kettles, dyes can eat into the surface of the dishes.

I think that no one will be surprised by the fact that the drinks that children and adults love to drink so much are used to clean dishes from scale. I’ll deviate a little from the topic, but have you ever thought about what is contained in the composition of these drinks, if they are able to clean plaque, which is not always possible to get rid of with the help of substances with an aggressive composition? I hope that most of us are wise people. They do not buy these drinks, and even more so do not give them to children.

They contain citric acid, so these drinks can be used to get rid of plaque.

How to descale the kettle with Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite? In order to do this, fill the kettle halfway with one of the listed drinks and put it on fire. Wait for the liquid to boil, turn off the kettle and leave it for 20 minutes, and then pour out the contents and rinse it with water.

Apple or potato peels

Suitable for enameled and metal, electric kettles.
Pros: availability.
Cons: does not help to get rid of old plaque.

How to remove hard salt deposits in a kettle using apple or potato peels and is it possible? Apple and potato peels contain acids that can be used to clean dishes from plaque. True, in the case of old scale, this method will be ineffective.

If you notice traces of plaque that have just begun to appear on the dishes, place washed apple or potato peelings and fill them with water. Boil water and leave it for 2 hours in a bowl. Drain the cooled water, get rid of the cleanings. If necessary, wipe the inside of the dish with a soft sponge, rinse well.

Cucumber pickle and tomato

Suitable for all types of kettles.
Pros: Affordable.
Cons: an unpleasant smell after heating the brine.

It turns out that there are people who use our brine to remove scale in the kettle. To be honest, I would never use it myself. But someone, perhaps, will like it for its accessibility and wastelessness. Well, we all react differently to smells.

You need to use the brine that contains citric acid or vinegar, so remember the recipe for preservation, and if you purchased preservation in a store, look at the label. Acid and vinegar do an excellent job with plaque and rust, which appears from iron salts.

How to get rid of scale in the kettle? Fill a bowl halfway with brine, bring it to a boil, wait for it to cool, and drain. Clean the dishes with a soft sponge, wash well.

And now I suggest watching a video on how to clean the kettle from scale at home.

I do not like different chemistry, so I use natural remedies whenever possible. Of all the above methods for removing scale, I most often use lemon or citric acid and soda. I chose them for myself for the reason that they are always at hand, clean plaque well and are safe for health.

Descaling chemicals

Despite the safety and availability natural remedies, it is impossible to ignore the chemical ones, which are often used by housewives. And it is worth noting that they are also very effective.

Of the most effective and affordable chemicals, Cinderella and Antinakipin can be distinguished. Their use is not much different from the natural remedies mentioned earlier. They should also be added to water according to the instructions, boiled, allowed to cool and rinsed well.

How to prevent limescale

In order for the preparation of tea or coffee to bring only pleasure, and not thoughts about how to clean the kettle from scale, let's figure out how to prevent it from appearing. You can do this if you follow some recommendations:

Refuse to use tap water, or at least use the one that has settled. Running water very tough. If possible, install a filter that will soften it. Well if you are using spring or melt water(or buy bottled);
Pour as much water into the kettle as you need for one time. No need to re-boil the water, replace it with fresh water;
Rinse the dishes every time after or before boiling water. This will allow you to get rid of plaque as it appears.
Now we know how to clean the kettle from scale and prevent its occurrence. I am sure that each of you will choose for himself the appropriate way to deal with plaque, which not only spoils the look of your favorite dishes, but can also harm our body.

Dear readers, what methods do you use to remove scale? I would be glad if you share it in the comments.

In this video you can clearly see the whole process of getting rid of scale.

If after boiling there is still a little scale left, believe me, the kettle will still look much better than before. So hurry up to try this method.

Every housewife should know how to clean the kettle from scale. Unfortunately, sufficiently effective methods have not yet been devised to prevent the appearance of limescale on the walls and heating element of a functional apparatus. By filtering the water, as well as regularly rinsing the container with a weak solution of soda or citric acid, you can only slightly reduce the rate of scale formation. Fortunately, there are many cleaning methods that allow you to restore the device even at home. Before you change the old device to a new one, you should try one of them.

Causes and consequences of scale formation

Limescale is equally actively formed in teapots of all types and designs. Only if it electrical appliance, the scale layer covers mainly the heating element. In a stainless steel container or its enamelled counterpart, the sediment covers the bottom and walls to the level to which water is poured. The harder the water is used (high salt content), and the more often it is boiled, the sooner the problem becomes apparent.

If you do not try to wash the container, then very soon you will have to face the following consequences:

  1. An electrical apparatus from such an impact can become unusable. This is due to the fact that plaque blocks the contact of the heater with water and the steel is constantly heated to prohibitive temperatures. In the end, the element just burns out
  2. The lime composition, getting into the human body, begins to cause negative reactions. If you do not remove scale in the kettle in a timely manner, you can provoke the development of a disease of the excretory system.
  3. Under the action of high temperatures in the composition of the scale constantly occur chemical reactions, due to which the taste and smell of boiled water deteriorates over time.

Tip: Regardless of which teapot cleaner was used, after handling the container, boil clean water at least twice. Only then will it be possible to use the device for its intended purpose, without risking spoiling the taste of the drink or earning indigestion.

Of course, to get rid of scale in the kettle, you can purchase special chemical products that are offered by household goods stores today. And yet, practice shows that the problem can be solved with the help of folk remedies. Moreover, the result will be no less qualitative, and the risk unpleasant consequences- minimal.

Simple yet effective ways to remove scale

When preparing to work with citric or acetic acid, baking soda and other popular reagents, you need to take into account the type of material from which the kettle is made. Among the most gentle exposure options at home, approaches based on the use of such products are especially popular:

  • The use of citric acid. This tool can be used when working with any materials, even with plastic. Dilute 1-2 teaspoons of the reagent in 1 liter of water. For larger containers, the same proportions apply. Fill the kettle with the resulting solution and turn it on. The composition should be boiled no more than 1-2 times. During this time, the plaque will depart, and the surface of the product will be renewed.

  • Cleansing with Coca-Cola and other carbonated drinks. This method known to many, but not everyone observes the subtleties of the manipulation. First of all, the container with the drink must be opened so that most of the gases come out of the composition. Then we fill the kettle with Coca-Cola to about half (traces of scale should be completely covered) and bring the contents to a boil. It remains only to wash the walls with a soft sponge. It is worth considering that an electric kettle may break from such an impact. And for cleaning light-colored products, you should not use Coca-Cola or Fanta, they can stain the metal.

  • Soda treatment. The best option for processing enameled and metal containers. Just fill the kettle with water, pour a tablespoon of soda into it and bring to a boil. The mass must be boiled for another half an hour, using a very weak fire. Then the device should be removed from the stove and cooled naturally. It remains only to drain the liquid and clean the container manually. You can do no more than 3 approaches. If the procedure does not help, other options for exposure are used.

  • The use of brine. A simple and affordable method. To remove scale in the kettle, you need to fill it with brine from under pickled tomatoes or cucumbers and boil the contents.

  • Purification based product. To remove a light whitish coating, you should use apple or pear peels, and a denser one - potato peels. We put them in a container, fill with water and boil, then remove from the stove (disconnect from the mains) and insist for two hours.

The above methods are considered the most gentle at home. However, they should only be used if emergency. It is better to simply wash the device regularly inside and out with a solution of citric acid (1 sachet per 1 liter of water). There is no need to boil the liquid!

Aggressive limescale removal methods

In cases where the recipes described above do not help, you have to apply more drastic ways to solve the problem. Before you clean the kettle from scale with vinegar, it is worth considering that if it has a plastic or glass body, the consequences can be the most unpredictable. It is better not to take risks and use such approaches only when working with metal products.

  • Vinegar cleaning. For 1 liter of water, take half a glass of vinegar, pour the solution into a kettle and bring to a boil over low heat. After that, we evaluate the degree of plaque removal and, if necessary, extend the manipulation for another quarter of an hour.

  • Use of vinegar, baking soda and citric acid. If the methods are over, and the removal of the plaque did not lead to anything, the following should be done. Alternately boil water in a kettle with soda (a tablespoon per liter), citric acid (a tablespoon per liter) and vinegar (0.5 cups per liter). The exposure time in each case is half an hour. Treatment with soda, lemon and vinegar will at least soften the scale, which will allow you to wipe it off with a sponge.

How many housewives, so many recipes for cleaning teapots. Some are ready to clean the product with the help of Whiteness, after that spending a lot of time to eliminate the persistent chlorine smell. The approach, of course, is effective, but it can lead to permanent damage to the material.


Health 05.02.2017

Dear readers, every housewife always keeps her kitchen clean. There is always enough to worry about. Today we will discuss important point, which should not be missed - we will clean our kettles. How often do we open the lid, look, and what happens there? And even if you have wonderful filters installed, you use purified water, these problems still arise from time to time.

I propose to talk about how to safely, effectively and quickly descale the kettle at home using the tools that are in every home. And to begin with, I propose to discuss why we all need to pay special attention to this.

Why you need to get rid of scale

I am sure that seeing a plaque on the dishes, each of us understands that this is not good and tries to get rid of it. It is not always possible to get the desired result the first time. Yes and purchased funds, which are used to combat scale, can harm our health no less than her own. Therefore, today we will consider safe ways cleaning the kettle, which are all inexpensive.

What is scale and why is it harmful? Most of us use running water to make tea or coffee, which can be hard due to the concentration of salts in it. When water is heated, salts decompose into carbon dioxide and a precipitate that does not dissolve, but is deposited on the walls of the dishes. Over time, a decent layer of plaque forms.

If the dishes are not cleaned on time, this will lead to the fact that it will take more time to heat the water in it. The reason for this is flying. It settles on the material from which the dishes are made, and due to this, its thermal conductivity is lost.

Plaque in the kettle is salts, insoluble metals and harmful impurities. If they enter the body regularly for many years, a person may develop gout, osteochondrosis, and stones will appear in the urinary system. In a word, all this is reflected in our health.

How often should our kettles be cleaned?

It is enough to carry out such cleaning once a month. The simplest citric acid will help us prevent the appearance of plaque. To do this, it is enough once a month (if the water is of medium hardness and once every two weeks if the water is hard) to boil a kettle completely filled with water with a tablespoon of citric acid.

How to descale a kettle quickly and effectively

There are many ways to clean the kettle from plaque at home. But are they effective? Today we will consider several of them, we will figure out which ones are suitable for electric kettles and which ones are for ordinary ones. What are the pros and cons of each method?

Cleaning the kettle with citric acid

Fits for simple and electric kettles made of stainless steel or glass
It is forbidden
pros: efficient and economical way.
Minuses: Citric acid can only be used when it is required to clear small scale.

How to descale the kettle with citric acid? To do this, fill the kettle to 2/3 cold water and add citric acid with the calculation of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Boil water with citric acid and wait until it cools down. This may take 2 hours. Pour out the cooled water. If the plaque is not old, did not have time to eat into the surface, then it will disappear on its own. Otherwise, you need to make more efforts - rub the places where plaque remains with a soft sponge, and repeat the procedure if necessary.

After the kettle shines clean again, fill it with water, boil it and pour it out, then wash it thoroughly. I myself do this procedure usually 2-3 times. Now you can fill it with fresh water, boil and brew your favorite drink.

Be careful. Do not pour citric acid into hot water, because a reaction may follow (the acid will begin to hiss and foam).

How to remove scale in the kettle with lemon?

Fits for simple and electric kettles made of stainless steel or glass.
It is forbidden use for metal, enameled teapots.
pros: removes plaque of any degree, gently affects the surface of the dishes.
Minuses A: only if you feel sorry for the lemon on such a procedure.

How to descale a kettle with lemon? Cut the lemon into small slices and put in a kettle, fill it 2/3 with water and put on fire. When the water boils, you can reduce the fire and “boil” the lemon for half an hour, let it brew until it cools completely. Then the water is drained, the remaining scale is removed with a soft sponge. In my opinion, one of the most pleasant ways to clean the kettle.

Cleaning the kettle with vinegar

Fits for metal teapots.
It is forbidden use for electric kettles.
pros: effective and easy way.
Minuses: unpleasant smell, to remove old scale, the procedure will need to be carried out several times.

How to descale a kettle with vinegar? Pour water into it, as in the previous case, by 2/3, and table vinegar with the calculation of 0.5 cups per liter of water. You can replace vinegar with vinegar essence. It needs to be taken less, with the expectation of 3 teaspoons per liter of water. Boil the water, let it brew for an hour and drain it.

Old plaque will not go away on its own, so be prepared for the fact that you will need to rub some places with a soft sponge. After the dishes are cleaned, fill them with clean water and boil it. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

When boiling water with vinegar, you may encounter an unpleasant odor. Therefore, deciding to use this method, make sure that the room is well ventilated.

Kettle cleaning soda

Fits for ordinary, enameled and electric kettles.
pros: a safe, affordable, very cheap way to get rid of old scale.
Minuses: May cause scratches on the surface, in order to get rid of stubborn scale, it will be necessary to carry out the procedure several times.

How to remove scale in a kettle with baking soda? Take half a teapot of water, add a tablespoon of soda, put on fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and let the water boil for 20-30 minutes. Turn off the kettle and wait for the water to cool, then drain it and wash the inside of the kettle well.

Clean the kettle with vinegar and baking soda

Fits for metal and enamel teapots.
It is forbidden apply to electric kettles.
pros: accessibility, simplicity and efficiency.>
Minuses: Bad smell.

How to remove scale in a kettle with vinegar and soda? Fill the kettle with water 2/3, add soda at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Bring it to a boil and boil for 30 minutes. Pour out the boiled water and draw in a new one, but now add 0.5 cups of vinegar per liter of water to it, bring it to a boil again and boil for half an hour.

After draining the water, walk with a soft sponge in places where plaque remains, if necessary. Then rinse the dishes well.

Vinegar, baking soda and citric acid

Fits for all types of kettles, except for electric ones.
pros: removes old, stubborn plaque.
Minuses: time-consuming, unpleasant odor.

If the kettle is not electric, then, in my opinion, this is the most effective way to deal with scale. But it is better not to run the kettle to such an extent that you have to resort to it. In order to clean the kettle, you will need to boil water in it three times for 30 minutes. The first time - with a tablespoon of soda, the second time - with a tablespoon of citric acid, the third time - with a half glass of vinegar. For each case, water should fill the dishes by 2/3.

The use of baking soda, citric acid and vinegar can remove scale of any degree. If it remains in a small amount on the walls of the dishes, you need to rub this place with a soft sponge. But it is better to refuse the use of hard metal brushes so as not to damage the surface of the dishes.

How to descale the kettle with Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite?

Fits for all types of kettles, except for electric ones. Care must also be taken when cleaning enameled models. The fact is that most drinks contain dyes that can eat into the surface of the dish and ruin it.
pros: effective, affordable method.
Minuses: not suitable for all kettles, dyes can eat into the surface of the dishes.

I think that no one will be surprised by the fact that the drinks that children and adults love to drink so much are used to clean dishes from scale. I’ll deviate a little from the topic, but have you ever thought about what is contained in the composition of these drinks, if they are able to clean plaque, which is not always possible to get rid of with the help of substances with an aggressive composition? I hope that most of us are wise people. They do not buy these drinks, and even more so do not give them to children.

They contain citric acid, so these drinks can be used to get rid of plaque.

How to descale the kettle with Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite? In order to do this, fill the kettle halfway with one of the listed drinks and put it on fire. Wait for the liquid to boil, turn off the kettle and leave it for 20 minutes, and then pour out the contents and rinse it with water.

Apple or potato peels

Fits for enameled and metal, electric kettles.
pros: availability.
Minuses: does not help to get rid of old plaque.

How to remove hard salt deposits in a kettle using apple or potato peels and is it possible? Apple and potato peels contain acids that can be used to clean dishes from plaque. True, in the case of old scale, this method will be ineffective.

If you notice traces of plaque that have just begun to appear on the dishes, place washed apple or potato peels in it and fill them with water. Boil water and leave it for 2 hours in a bowl. Drain the cooled water, get rid of the cleanings. If necessary, wipe the inside of the dish with a soft sponge, rinse well.

Cucumber pickle and tomato

Fits for all types of teapots.
pros: available medium.
Minuses: bad smell after heating the brine.

It turns out that there are people who use our brine to remove scale in the kettle. To be honest, I would never use it myself. But someone, perhaps, will like it for its accessibility and wastelessness. Well, we all react differently to smells.

You need to use the brine that contains citric acid or vinegar, so remember the recipe for preservation, and if you purchased preservation in a store, look at the label. Acid and vinegar do an excellent job with plaque and rust, which appears from iron salts.

How to get rid of scale in the kettle? Fill a bowl halfway with brine, bring it to a boil, wait for it to cool, and drain. Clean the dishes with a soft sponge, wash well.

And now I suggest watching a video on how to clean the kettle from scale at home.

I do not like different chemistry, so I use natural remedies whenever possible. Of all the above methods for removing scale, I most often use lemon or citric acid and soda. I chose them for myself for the reason that they are always at hand, clean plaque well and are safe for health.

Descaling chemicals

Despite the safety and availability of natural remedies, it is impossible to ignore chemical ones, which are often used by housewives. And it is worth noting that they are also very effective.

Of the most effective and affordable chemicals, Cinderella and Antinakipin can be distinguished. Their use is not much different from the natural remedies mentioned earlier. They should also be added to water according to the instructions, boiled, allowed to cool and rinsed well.

How to prevent limescale

In order for the preparation of tea or coffee to bring only pleasure, and not thoughts about how to clean the kettle from scale, let's figure out how to prevent it from appearing. You can do this if you follow some recommendations:

  • Refuse to use tap water, or at least use the one that has settled. Running water is very hard. If possible, install a filter that will soften it. Well, if you use spring or melt water (or buy bottled water);
  • Pour as much water into the kettle as you need for one time. No need to re-boil the water, replace it with fresh water;
  • Rinse the dishes every time after or before boiling water. This will allow you to get rid of plaque as it appears.

Now we know how to clean the kettle from scale and prevent its occurrence. I am sure that each of you will choose for himself the appropriate way to deal with plaque, which not only spoils the look of your favorite dishes, but can also harm our body.