Melting ice of greenland. Greenland is the world's largest island

The new technology is helping scientists look beneath Greenland's vast ice sheet and find important clues to predicting future sea-level rise.

The block of ice covering Greenland accounts for approximately 10% of the Earth's ice cover. If all of it melts, then the sea level can rise by more than 6 meters. To understand what to expect from this icy desert in the future, scientists looked into its past.

Using Newest technologies mapping the under-ice space, researchers have found huge river systems, unexpected ice movements and disturbing melting trends. The bulk of Greenland's ice exploration has taken place as part of Operation IceBridge, sponsored by NASA for ten years and based on aerial photography. polar ice our planet. The planes, loaded with the most modern equipment (including a special "under-ice" radar), from 2008, spent two months a year over Antarctica and Greenland, exploring everything that touches the ice and the surface of the earth beneath it.

Powerful radar has discovered huge ancient riverbeds beneath the Jakobshavn Glacier in Greenland. The red line shows the main channel. Altitudes range from 300 to 1300 m above sea level. Above all the territory is white and brown, below - green and yellow.
The map above is one of the most recent findings from these studies. It shows the land beneath the Jakobshavn Glacier, Greenland's largest outlet glacier and one of the fastest moving glaciers in the world. New data has revealed an extensive network of ancient riverbeds beneath it.

These rivers flowed on the site of the current glacier more than 3 million years ago and their total catchment area was approximately the area of ​​the Kama River basin. The channels of the largest of these rivers were 11 km wide and 1.3 km deep!

The channels have a V-shaped profile, which proves their origin precisely from rivers, and not from glaciers, which usually leave a U-shaped canyon. The main constituent rocks of Greenland are solid metamorphic gneiss, so the rivers, apparently, took at least 2 million years to cut through these channels. The study also shows that ice moves faster over the largest watercourses. Mapping the subglacial continent allows scientists to more accurately predict ice behavior in the future.

The map shows where Greenland ice melts at the base (red) and where it is frozen to the ground (blue)

Another team of scientists, led by glaciologist Joe McGregor, examined the bottom of the ice sheet to identify areas that were completely frozen and thawed. Comparison of such data is critical to assess the speed of ice movement and how it might change with climate warming. Scientists used radar data, satellite readings and several computer models ice configuration - in the end it turned out new card(see above), published in July in the Journal of Geophysical Research, showing thawing areas of the Greenland ice sheet.

A thick layer of ice protects the ground from low temperatures air. At the same time, the heat rising from the bowels of the Earth heats up its surface. In some places the ice is firmly frozen to the ground, but sometimes, especially around the thinnest layers of ice, its base thaws and the bottom lies on wet ground. In the presence of sufficient moisture, ice begins to move much faster, which, in turn, can greatly affect the rate of melting and sea level rise.

Another study by McGregor's team mapped the dynamics of the Greenland ice sheet. The radar sent signals into the ice and recorded the strength and time of arrival of the reflected signals. Each layer of ice “responded” differently on the radar due to its different thickness and other characteristics (for example, the amount of atmospheric dust contained in the ice). Using this data, scientists were able to map all of the buried layers of ice.

The maps show how the speed of ice movement in Greenland has changed over time. Shown on the left average speed ice currents over the past 9000 years. On the middle map - the current speed of movement (red - high speed, blue - low). The map on the right shows the difference between the two, where the slowdown zones are shown in blue.

Scientists have analyzed the ice layering to understand how the ice cover has changed over the past 9,000 years. This made it possible to determine the behavior of ice in different climatic conditions, and then predict its behavior in the future. And what they found is truly amazing.

Although Greenland ice is melting faster than new ice forms, it moves more slowly than in the past. This decrease in current velocity is visible on the maps above. The left map shows the average ice flow rate over the last 9000 years (the highest speed is marked in red); the map in the middle shows the speed from 1995 to 2013; the map on the right shows the difference between the two, with blue areas highlighting areas where slowdown has been noted.

Scientists believe the slowdown is due to the fact that older ice is softer than later formed. This “new” ice has formed a dense “hat” that slows down the movement of the rest of the ice. The slowdown in speed, together with an increase in the accumulation of solid precipitation (snow), eventually led to the fact that the central part of the ice cover became thicker. True, this still does not negate the fact that Greenland is losing ice, and melting is increasing along the edges of the ice sheet. 2015 saw a record rate of melting of Greenland ice.

Scientists have used high-resolution satellite imagery to map melting water courses on the surface of Greenland. The picture shows the topography of the ice cover in colors - high places are shown in red, low places are shown in blue.
Scientists are also closely watching the surface of the Greenland ice sheet and its glaciers. In particular, beyond rivers with melt water, which are formed in summer on the ice surface of the island. Scientists have used digital elevation models to locate and map these rivers. The picture above shows the network of these rivers superimposed on the DEM.

The researchers found that this river network on the surface of the ice is very similar to the network of channels that was found under the ice. What the ancient rivers of the under-ice channels did for 2 million years, the current rivers on the ice do in one season.

The two systems are so similar that scientists believe it is possible to use the formation of watercourses on ice sheets as a testing ground for hydrological studies of how rivers form and behave on the earth's surface.

Mapping the geometry of these “supra-glacial” rivers from melt water on glaciers will also help scientists understand how quickly the Greenland ice is melting and how this will affect sea level. This becomes especially important in light of the annual records for the rate of ice melting and ice movement. The map below shows how much warmer the Greenland ice sheet was this April compared to April 2001 and 2010.

Rice. 1. The name Arctid on the Mercator map

However, while working on the article, I was able to get acquainted with the image of the Wikipedia article "Greenland", where this island was depicted without ice. It seemed to me that Greenland in this form has inland water body and it really consists of 4 parts. True, there are no straits between them, however, they could later be brought in by various layers. In any case, it seemed to me not too significant. And then the question arose - is it possible to consider Greenland, free of ice, a real Hyperborea, that is, Arctorus, consisting of 4 Arctids? To do this, it was necessary to conduct a study consisting of reading inscriptions on Greenland without ice, and this article is precisely such a study.

Rice. 2. Greenland, ice-free (Wikipedia)

Greenland map.

Several interesting sites can be seen here. So, in the extreme south, mountains are visible (shown in red), forming, as it were, an image of a man's face. And on the left side, on the plain, you can see the face of a man without a mustache and beard, but with a very long nose and narrow slits in his eyes. The mountains are visible on the right side. The lowest part of the plain is in the center, going down to the inland sea. The northern part is the smallest and also quite mountainous.

Rice. 3. My reading of the inscriptions

My reading of the inscriptions.

First, I read the inscription on the southern part, where you can see a man's face from the front. The inscriptions are not clearly visible due to the ice cover above them. Therefore, they seem to be slightly blurred. First, I try to read the inscription at the level of the mouth and below. It seems to me that in big letters words are written here YARA RUS... On the Mercator map in Fig. 1.Arktida Yar must correspond to this phrase.

If so, then the second Arctida, on the right on the map of Greenland, should be called Makosh. I highlight the mountain fragment where I suspect the inscription, rotate it so that it is horizontal, and read the inscription. The words are written here MAKE UP(the letter M is very blurred, the letter A is superimposed on the letter Zh from above) ARKTORUS(in two lines, the first letter A is superimposed on the letter Ж of the previous word). Thus, my expectation was justified, although the specific inscription turned out to be slightly different.

The third Arctida, to the left of Yar, in that case should be Mara. I select the fragment corresponding to the narrow-eyed face and read the inscription over the eyes. it MARA... This assumption is also confirmed.

Then the last area should be Arctida Yar's Mask. Therefore, I select a section of the northern territory and read there an inscription on the plain in two lines. On the top line the word TEMPLE is read, on the bottom - MASKS. On the right, on the top line, you can read the word YARA. So, before us TEMPLE OF THE MASK OF YAR.

All the names Arctids generally agreed. Arktida Yar corresponds to the name YARA RUS, Arktida Makazh - MAKAZH ARKTORUS, Arktida Mask Yara - TEMPLE OF MASK YAR, Arktida Rus Mary - MARA. Such small discrepancies are perfectly acceptable.

Search for the city of Polo.

The city of Polo had an approximately circular structure, and Mount Meru was located in the center of its reservoir. If you look at the inland sea /, elongated vertically, then its Northern part forms not so much a ring as a very elongated oval. But its southern part consists of three parts. Top part closes through a small island, but forms a kind of elongated section. It can hardly be considered a ring. The middle part has, in some approximation, the shape of the letter Z. It also cannot be considered a ring. But the lower part does not form an ideal circle, but looks like a kind of blot. However, what is surprising is that the bays are approximately the same distance from one center. Moreover, in this center there is a small point - a mountain. Isn't it Meru?

I tried to copy this place and see if there were any inscriptions there. In fig. 3 I showed that the northern part of this third fragment seems to contain 4 letters that form the word POLO... This is the name of the capital city of Arctorousi, which is located in the north of the third fragment. And in the south the words are read WORLD OF YARA MAKAZHI.

So, it seems that all four Arctids have been found, and even the capital of Arctorusi, the city of Polo. That's enough for now.

Rice. 4. Correspondence of the location of Hyperborea to the real Greenland

About Hyperborea on the Mercator map.

If you compare the location of Arctids on the Mercator map, you can understand that the map is strongly rotated compared to the real Greenland. In fig. 4, I tried to rotate his map and stretch it somewhat in height, but I still didn't get a complete resemblance. Nevertheless, it became clear to me that Mercator was adjusting the image of Arctid to the North Pole, that is, not knowing about the displacement of the North Pole, he was making a "geographical remake", a kind of "geographical fiction." Perhaps he himself did not anticipate this. But, regardless of his personal desires, he (if Hyperborea is Greenland) greatly distorted both the position and form of Arctid.

Rice. 5. Identification of fragments at the southern promontory

Search for Cape Krumia.

On the Mercator map, I found Cape Krumia, which was located towards America. When converted to the real position of Greenland, it should be located in the very south. It is not difficult to check this point of view, it is enough to look at the southernmost cape of Greenland from space. I chose a picture from a height of 71 km above the ground.

Now, in a screenshot of the current Greenland from the Google Earth program, I show the southernmost cape of Greenland, measuring 63 km in width. As you can see from this image, it is almost entirely covered with snow and ice, and only part of the coast is free from them.

It is clear that the areas where, as it seems to me, there are inscriptions, I outlined with frames. In fig. 6 I read these inscriptions.

Rice. 6. My reading of the inscriptions on the southern cape

My reading of the inscriptions on the southern promontory.

The inscriptions are clearly visible. Especially on the largest fragment on the right. The impression is that the letters are duplicated. I consider the largest ones and read: CRUMIA... This is the very word I am looking for (in one place the letters U and I are written on the top line, the letter M is on the bottom, the letter P is written in reverse color). In addition to this word, there are three more words, which I have circled in smaller frames. In total, they give the inscription CAPE RUS YARA... Indeed, both on the Folsom stone and on the Mercator map, Cape Krumia is located on Arctida Yar.

So it was confirmed not only the name of the cape (which has nothing to do with the modern Eskimos and their language), but also its belonging to Arctida Yara.

By the way, the inscriptions on the Greenland screenshot turned out to be a real test and the strongest proof that it was Greenland that was Arctorus (or, in the Greek sense, Hyperborea).

It was also clear to me that if Cape Krumia was so popular in ancient world, then several temples should have been located next to it. So I started looking for these temples in the screenshot. And, of course, I found it. I have outlined one of them with a black frame. It shows the head of a lion from the front, with a slight tilt to the right. The eyes of the beast are closed. To the left of the head and ending at the tip of the nose is the word RODA, and just below - the word TEMPLE.

I find the second temple just below and to the left of the first. On it you can also see either the head of a lioness full-face with a narrowed eye (left half), or the head of an old woman (right half) with a turn to the left by 3/4, which I show separately. At eye level, I read the words TEMPLE OF MARA.

I believe that in this screenshot you can find a number of faces and inscriptions, but I do not set myself such a task.


Finally, we can put an end to the search for Hyperborea - Hyperborea was understood as the present Greenland, which was called Gray's Rus by the Russians some time ago, and which by consonance began to be called Green Land. However, in Greenland, which with the help of georadars turned out to be cleared of ice and snow on the map, such geoglyphs were found in this article that unambiguously testified to the correctness of the names I found on the Mercator map. Namely, listing from north to south hourly: Arctida Mask Yar, Arctida Makosh, Arctida Yar and Arctida Mara.

At the same time, it turned out that Mercator, who on his maps depicted Arctorus along with Greenland, made Arctorus much larger than Greenland. Thus, I noticed the first nonsense, noting in my early articles on this problem the presence of the doubling of Scandinavia by Mercator. Now I state the doubling of Greenland, which appears both as Greenland (not much like modern outlines and shallow), and as Hyperborea (even less similar to Greenland). Moreover, in this article, in addition to a discrepancy in size and shape, I also found a discrepancy in orientation. Thus, as I expected, the Mercator map can only be used as an allusion to Arctorus, but not at all as an accurate depiction of it.

At the same time, the division of Arctorusi into four parts can be made by several different ways depending on where the bays that separated them passed. I made an attempt to draw them where the ground level on the map of the ice-free Greenland is minimal. The result is the view shown in Fig. 7.

Rice. 7. Possible variant dividing Arctorusus into four Arctids

True, with such a division, it turns out that each of the Arctids has its own area. The largest is southern Arctida, Yar. The second turns out to be Mara, while the Mask of Yara and Makosh are about the same, and are small.

Arktida Yar turns out to be the most convenient for contact with Europe, and there is nothing surprising that Russia Yar appears just along the path of the shortest distance to Europe. But it is more convenient to contact with Russia from the eastern Arctida, from Mokosh. The closest to the islands of Canada is from Arctida Mary, and from the Mask of Yar, the closest is, perhaps, to Alaska. So geographical position can be the reason for resettlement.


However, having found Arctorus (Hyperborea), one should not dwell on what was discussed in this article. It makes sense to study modern Greenland for the search for the faces of the gods and inscriptions in the form of geoglyphs.


  1. Chudinov V.A.... Russian inscriptions on Dutch maps. Website site dated January 14, 2013
  2. Chudinov V.A.. Geographic Maps Temple of Yar.

The Greenlandic Inuit language has a large number of words to describe ice and all its types. The selection of photographs taken by Associated Press reporter Brennan Linsley on the vast Arctic island is a kind of visual dictionary of the forms that ice can take. The Greenland ice sheet is melting under the influence of global warming, and as a result, streams of water and huge blocks of ice enter the ocean. Researchers around the world are trying to calculate how much ice will melt and how long it will last. The most beautiful icebergs break away from the huge Jakobshavn glacier, near the town of Ilulissat, off the west coast of Greenland. First, these icebergs slide into the 40-kilometer Ilulissat fjord, and then float into Disko Bay and Atlantic Ocean... The ice, which is tens of thousands of years old, forms an ice sheet of 1,716,000 km², covering almost 80% of Greenland.

(21 photos total)

1. Researcher Karl Gledish returns to after installing a GPS seismometer that will track the movement of ice on the Jakobshavn Glacier, near the city of Ilulissat, Greenland. Researcher David Holland hopes to install dozens of instruments that will calculate ice losses in Greenland. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

2. A melting iceberg floats down a fjord from the edge of the Greenland ice cap, off the coast of Nuuk, on July 26, 2011. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

3. Icebergs, breaking away from the Greenland ice sheet, pass along the coast of the city of Ilulissat, July 18, 2011. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

4. In their spare time, the researchers gathered near the Summit Station, a remote research center located at an altitude of 3200 meters above sea level, at the top of the Greenland ice sheet. Research teams from around the world are studying and predicting the impact of global warming on Greenland's glaciers. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley) (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

5. Stripes blue ice frozen on the surface of an iceberg that broke away from the Greenland ice sheet, not far from the coast of the city of Ilulissat. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

6. Two icebergs, breaking away from the Greenland ice sheet, float off the coast of the city of Ilulissat, July 18, 2011. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

7. A melting iceberg floats down the fjord from the edge of the Greenland ice cap off the coast of Nuuk. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

8. Greenlandic Inuit, who hunts and swims by boat past a melting iceberg off the coast of Nuuk, Greenland. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

9. On the summit of the Jakobshavn glacier, which is located at the edge of the Greenland ice sheet, a lake of melt water was formed. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

10. Researcher Carl Gledish of New York University hammers steel racks into ice to record a newly installed GPS seismometer designed to track ice movement at the edge of the Greenland ice cap on the Jakobshavn Glacier, near the town of Ilulissat. Researcher David Holland hopes to install dozens of instruments that will calculate ice losses in Greenland. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

11. A fishing boat sails between icebergs that have broken away from the Greenland ice sheet, off the coast of the city of Ilulissat. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

12. Researcher Brandon Strellis of Georgia Institute of Technology emerges from a small work booth at Summit Station, a remote research facility located 3,200 meters above sea level, atop the Greenland ice cap. Research teams from around the world are studying the impact of global warming on Greenland's glaciers. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

13. An iceberg floats near the town of Qeqertarsuaq on Disko Island, Greenland. Greenland is the object of research by many scientists who are trying to determine how much the water level in the ocean will rise after the glaciers melt. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

14. Melt water formed a turquoise lake at the summit of the Jakobshavn Glacier, at the edge of the Greenland ice cap, July 19, 2011. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

15. Researcher Brandon Strellis of the Georgia Institute of Technology processes ice samples at the Summit Station, a small research facility located in the heart of the Greenland ice sheet, July 15, 2011. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

16. Summit Station's small, sensor-equipped laboratory is located 3,200 meters above sea level at the summit of the Greenland ice sheet. Summit Station is one of the research centers of the National Science Foundation. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley) 19. Ice, left over from icebergs that have broken away from the Greenland ice sheet, lies on the waterfront in the city of Ilulissat on July 18, 2011. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

20. The ship is slowly sailing among the ice floes left by icebergs that broke off the Greenland ice sheet, off the coast of the city of Ilulissat. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

21. Water drips from a melting iceberg near Nuuk, Greenland. Greenland is the object of research by many scientists who are trying to determine how much the water level in the ocean will rise after the glaciers melt. (AP Photo / Brennan Linsley)

Greenland without ice

Chudinov V.A.

The search for Hyperborea as Arcturus led me to a map of Mercator, where I was able to establish the names of each of the Arctids. The southeastern one, but incomplete (probably partially sunken), was called the Mask of Yar. The northeastern one was called Rus Mary, the northwestern one was Yar, and the southwestern one was Makosh. This arrangement is shown in fig. 1, where the image with captions is transferred from.

Rice. 1. The name Arctid on the Mercator map

However, while working on the article, I was able to get acquainted with the image of the Wikipedia article "Greenland", where this island was depicted without ice. It seemed to me that Greenland in this form has an internal reservoir and very realistically consists of 4 parts. True, there are no straits between them, however, they could later be brought in by various layers. In any case, it seemed to me not too significant. And then the question arose - is it possible to consider Greenland, free of ice, a real Hyperborea, that is, Arctorus, consisting of 4 Arctids? To do this, it was necessary to conduct a study consisting of reading inscriptions on Greenland without ice, and this article is precisely such a study.

Rice. 2. Greenland, ice-free (Wikipedia)

Greenland map... Several interesting sites can be seen here. So, in the extreme south, mountains are visible (shown in red), forming, as it were, an image of a man's face. And on the left side, on the plain, you can see the face of a man without a mustache and beard, but with a very long nose and narrow slits in his eyes. The mountains are visible on the right side. The lowest part of the plain is in the center, going down to the inland sea. The northern part is the smallest and also quite mountainous.

Rice. 3. My reading of the inscriptions

My reading of the inscriptions... First, I read the inscription on the southern part, where you can see a man's face from the front. The inscriptions are not clearly visible due to the ice cover above them. Therefore, they seem to be slightly blurred. First, I try to read the inscription at the level of the mouth and below. It seems to me that the words are written in big letters here YARA RUS... On the Mercator map in Fig. 1.Arktida Yar must correspond to this phrase.

If so, then the second Arctida, on the right on the map of Greenland, should be called Makosh. I highlight the mountain fragment where I suspect the inscription, rotate it so that it is horizontal, and read the inscription. The words are written here MAKE UP(the letter M is very blurred, the letter A is superimposed on the letter Zh from above) ARKTORUS(in two lines, the first letter A is superimposed on the letter Ж of the previous word). Thus, my expectation was justified, although the specific inscription turned out to be slightly different.

The third Arctida, to the left of Yar, in that case should be Mara. I select the fragment corresponding to the narrow-eyed face and read the inscription over the eyes. it MARA... This assumption is also confirmed.

Then the last area should be Arctida Yar's Mask. Therefore, I select a section of the northern territory and read there an inscription on the plain in two lines. On the top line the word TEMPLE is read, on the bottom - MASKS. On the right, on the top line, you can read the word YARA. So, before us TEMPLE OF THE MASK OF YAR.

All the names Arctids generally agreed. Arktida Yar corresponds to the name YARA RUS, Arktida Makazh - MAKAZH ARKTORUS, Arktida Mask Yara - TEMPLE OF MASK YAR, Arktida Rus Mary - MARA. Such small discrepancies are perfectly acceptable.

Finding the city of Polo... The city of Polo had an approximately circular structure, and Mount Meru was located in the center of its reservoir. If you look at the inland sea /, elongated vertically, then its northern part forms not so much a ring as a very elongated oval. But its southern part consists of three parts. The upper part closes through a small island, but forms a kind of elongated section. It can hardly be considered a ring. The middle part has, in some approximation, the shape of the letter Z. It also cannot be considered a ring. But the lower part does not form an ideal circle, but looks like a kind of blot. However, what is surprising is that the bays are approximately the same distance from one center. Moreover, in this center there is a small point - a mountain. Isn't it Meru?

I tried to copy this place and see if there were any inscriptions there. In fig. 3 I showed that the northern part of this third fragment seems to contain 4 letters that form the word POLO... This is the name of the capital city of Arctorousi, which is located in the north of the third fragment. And in the south the words are read WORLD OF YARA MAKAZHI.

So, it seems that all four Arctids have been found, and even the capital of Arctorusi, the city of Polo. That's enough for now.

Rice. 4. Correspondence of the location of Hyperborea to the real Greenland

About Hyperborea on the Mercator map... If you compare the location of Arctids on the Mercator map, you can understand that the map is strongly rotated compared to the real Greenland. In fig. 4, I tried to rotate his map and stretch it somewhat in height, but I still didn't get a complete resemblance. Nevertheless, it became clear to me that Mercator was adjusting the image of Arctid to the North Pole, that is, not knowing about the displacement of the North Pole, he was making a "geographical remake", a kind of "geographical fiction." Perhaps he himself did not anticipate this. But, regardless of his personal desires, he (if Hyperborea is Greenland) greatly distorted both the position and form of Arctid.

Rice. 5. Identification of fragments at the southern promontory

Search for Cape Krumia... On the Mercator map, I found Cape Krumia, which was located towards America. When converted to the real position of Greenland, it should be located in the very south. It is not difficult to check this point of view, it is enough to look at the southernmost cape of Greenland from space. I chose a picture from a height of 71 km above the ground.

Now, in a screenshot of the current Greenland from the Google Earth program, I show the southernmost cape of Greenland, measuring 63 km in width. As you can see from this image, it is almost entirely covered with snow and ice, and only part of the coast is free from them.

It is clear that the areas where, as it seems to me, there are inscriptions, I outlined with frames. In fig. 6 I read these inscriptions.

Rice. 6. My reading of the inscriptions on the southern cape

My reading of the inscriptions on the southern cape... The inscriptions are clearly visible. Especially on the largest fragment on the right. The impression is that the letters are duplicated. I consider the largest ones and read: CRUMIA... This is the very word I am looking for (in one place the letters U and I are written on the top line, the letter M is on the bottom, the letter P is written in reverse color). In addition to this word, there are three more words, which I have circled in smaller frames. In total, they give the inscription CAPE RUS YARA... Indeed, both on the Folsom stone and on the Mercator map, Cape Krumia is located on Arctida Yar. So it was confirmed not only the name of the cape (which has nothing to do with the modern Eskimos and their language), but also its belonging to Arctida Yara.

By the way, the inscriptions on the Greenland screenshot turned out to be a real test and the strongest proof that it was Greenland that was Arctorus (or, in the Greek sense, Hyperborea).

It was also clear to me that if Cape Krumia was so popular in the ancient world, then several temples should have been located next to it. So I started looking for these temples in the screenshot. And, of course, I found it. I have outlined one of them with a black frame. It shows the head of a lion from the front, with a slight tilt to the right. The eyes of the beast are closed. To the left of the head and ending at the tip of the nose is the word RODA, and just below - the word TEMPLE.

I find the second temple just below and to the left of the first. On it you can also see either the head of a lioness full-face with a narrowed eye (left half), or the head of an old woman (right half) with a turn to the left by 3/4, which I show separately. At eye level, I read the words TEMPLE OF MARA.

I believe that in this screenshot you can find a number of faces and inscriptions, but I do not set myself such a task.