Description of common and European spruce: what the culture looks like. Spruce - the queen of forests European spruce area

Spruce is the "queen" of the forest, leading the popularity rating among masters of landscape art. This sacred tree, acting as a guardian of the site and a powerful source of bioenergy, is valued not only for its unique healing properties, but also for its extraordinary decorativeness. Needle foliage of emerald, dark green and even blue shades can transform plant compositions, giving a unique zest to the landscape design of the site.

Spruce applications in landscape design

Rarely can anyone remain indifferent to the luxury of color and the frozen beauty of conifers' needles. It is not surprising that spruce is often used in landscaping a plot. It looks great as container plantings to frame garden paths and when decorating rocky gardens.

Ephedra is ideal for creating multi-level compositions, harmoniously combined with low-growing shrubs and flowering perennials

Trees with needle-like foliage of a rich green hue look interesting in combination with bright flowers of annual and perennial plants. Perfect for creating compositions: Japanese anemones, pansies, aquilegia, phlox and hosts. Conifers are the ideal basis for creating evergreen sculptures that can make the garden look richer and more colorful.

Among the main advantages of using spruce in the design of the site, it is worth highlighting:

  1. The ephedra will delight with the saturation of the shades of needle-like greenery in the summer, without fading under the sun's rays, and in the winter, contrasting with the whiteness of the snow.
  2. The phytoncides secreted by the plant are able to productively purify the air, providing a healing effect on the human body.
  3. Spruce is great for any style of landscaping.
  4. Fluffy branches are convenient to use when making crafts: creating paintings, herbariums, New Year's compositions.

But spruce, like any other plant, has its drawbacks. For example, this ephedra is capable of growing strongly, darkening the territory and depleting the soil. Therefore, for the decoration of gardens, types of spruces are used that have a dwarf shape.

Spruce is also convenient because it is easy to prune. Thanks to this, even an experienced gardener does not have problems with giving the crown a unique shape.

It is advisable to plant spruce along the fence. In a short period of time, the ephedra grows lush forms, and its thick paws form a solid and dense wall.

Varietal variety of decorative forms

There are more than 20 types of fir trees in modern parks and gardens. The main thing when choosing a type of ephedra is the configuration of its crown and the size of the plant in adulthood.

IN landscape design most widespread got 3 types of firs:

  1. Ordinary - a typical species represented by more than 50 garden forms. Low-growing forms created on its basis reach a height of 1.2 m, and medium-sized ones - 3 or more meters. A wide palette of color of needles, starting from golden and ending with rich green, on the branches collected in pyramidal or pillow-shaped crowns, makes this type of conifers welcome guests on garden plots.
  2. Prickly - more than 70 varieties are represented in the culture. Most of them are medium and tall trees up to 40 meters high with a beautiful cone-shaped crown. Although there are also dwarf forms up to 2 m high. The needles are very prickly: hence the name of the species. It can be bluish white, steel blue, silver, and bluish green.
  3. Sizaya - has more than 20 decorative forms. The species got its name due to the ash-gray color of the bark and the bluish shade of the needles. Dwarf forms of this species have a spherical and nest-shaped crown, and tall ones have a conical crown. The color palette of needles is quite wide, starting from yellowish-golden and gray-blue and ending with bright green.

Ate, like any plants, are divided into three groups: dwarf, medium and tall. When landscaping household plots the most popular are dwarf and medium-sized representatives of conifers.

Among all the variety of conifers ornamental plants in landscape design, creeping and dwarf varieties are especially popular

Dwarf varieties

Low-growing forms include plants, the size of which in adulthood is several times smaller in comparison with the original parent species. For example, in natural conditions, the common spruce, referred to as Picea abies, is a 50-meter beauty with a neatly shaped crown, the width of which reaches 8-10 meters.

The decorative form of this tall ephedra, known as Picea abies "Nidiformis" or "pillow-shaped" spruce, reaches no more than two meters in height with a crown width of 2-3 meters.

The main advantage of the dwarf forms of conifers is the minimum annual growth of young shoots, which in most cases is limited to 10-15 cm

Among the modern varieties created on the basis of ordinary spruce, conifers are famous for the greatest decorativeness, the crowns of which have a nest-like or spherical shape.

The miniature shrub Picea abies "Nidiformis" is perfect for shaping low curbs and decorating rocky gardens.

The dwarf spruce "Nidiformis" in adulthood reaches a height of only 40 cm, forming a spreading crown with a diameter of up to one meter

The thin graceful shoots of "Nidiformis" arranged in a fan-shaped manner are decorated with soft and short needles of a delicate emerald shade.

Little Gemm is no less attractive. Shoots extending from the middle of the crown, framed by dark green thin needles, form a neat hemispherical "pillow". It looks especially interesting in the form of a standard form, planted in a floor container or flowerpot.

The branches of the miniature beauty Picea abies "Little Gem" are surrounded by soft short needles of a rich dark green hue

Picea abies "Will's Zwerg" has a beautiful narrow-conical dense crown shape. The plant is interesting due to the soft green shade of young needles that covers the milk shoots, which contrasts favorably against the dark green of old needles. Evergreen shrub well suited for small backyard gardens.

Spruce "Will's Zwerg" looks interesting in group compositions and as a tapeworm when arranging small gardens

Glauka Globoza bred by selection is famous for its extraordinary decorativeness. Dwarf plant does not have a clearly defined trunk. Its spreading branches, dotted with millions of fine needles in an elegant silver-blue hue, form a beautiful spherical crown. The cones that form on the branches, reminiscent of New Year's decorations, give the tree a special appeal.

Blue beauty "Glauca Globosa" is often used to decorate city landscapes, often acting as an elegant addition to park alleys

You cannot ignore the picturesquely creeping undersized varieties on the ground. The miniature "Nana" resembles a soft pillow, and the "Echiniformis" is identified with a kolobok, whose round forms act as an original frame for garden paths.

Most types of spruce are shade-tolerant in themselves, but often their dwarf forms are very sensitive to a lack of light.

Medium-sized species

When creating a home design, it is also customary to use medium-sized conifers, the height of which reaches no more than 15 m. A small single tree with a clearly outlined crown looks picturesque against the background of a lawn "carpet" or walls of a house. A spectacular driftwood or white stone will help to complement the picture.

Spruce trees with spreading crowns are able to create a shady area for relaxation, filled with a special atmosphere. home comfort and unity with the wild

Blue spruce is one of the most popular types of ephedra, revered by designers not only for its unpretentious care, but also for the mesmerizing change in shades of needle-like foliage throughout the year. Only 20% of the representatives of this species have a pronounced color of the sky, the rest are rich in green and gray tones.

Blue beauties are not able to withstand temperature fluctuations in the northern regions and only feel comfortable in temperate latitudes. Spruce with blue needles looks advantageous along the garden paths, against the background wooden buildings or stone buildings.

A bright representative of this species is Picea pungens "Blue Diamond", which means "blue diamond".

The graceful beauty "Blue Diamonds" with a tall, thin trunk and neatly formed conical crown is often used for mixed mixborders.

Weeping types of firs will help to diversify the collection. Given their aspiration to the aquatic environment, ephedra can be safely used when decorating the banks.

Full-size weeping spruce trees reach a height of 10-15 meters and a width of 2-3 meters. Thin branches, hanging, bend around the curved trunk of the plant, giving it a weeping shape.

Serbian spruce "Glauka Pendula" with flexible thin shoots hanging along the trunk - a win-win when incarnating non-standard solutions in garden compositions

The Canadian spruce is more adapted to our climate. is famous for its frost resistance and unpretentious care. It is interesting for landscape design in that it has a decorative conical crown shape, gives a small increase in a year and harmoniously fits into the design of even very small areas.

"Piccolo" - a bright, elegant variety with emerald-green needles, shimmering in the sunlight with a light bluish tint, looks spectacular in group plantings

Picea pungens "Maigold" stands out against the background of monochromatic green "sisters", which added to the collection of varietal beauties in 1988. It will look great as a tapeworm.

Young shoots sparkling in the sun's rays make the coniferous beauty "Maygold" look like a queen, wrapped in a golden robe

The crown of the tree, reaching a height of 6 m, has a loose pyramidal shape. The creamy yellow needles on young shoots gradually change color after a few weeks, acquiring an equally attractive bluish-green tint.

Combinations of ephedra

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe site allows, then it is better to use spruce to create a picturesque and original picture different types and varieties.

The material on coniferous compositions in garden landscaping:

Tall trees fit well into any landscape as tapeworms, more compact forms of conifers can be safely combined with other plantings

In order for the conceived composition to turn out harmonious and attractive, the masters of landscape art advise taking into account a number of main points:

  • The composition should not be too colorful. For a group of three conifers, use two colors. When composing a composition of five evergreens, use only three colors.
  • When composing a multi-level composition, including 20-30 plantings, place the elements in groups, matching them by color.
  • The fir-tree and shrub ensemble requires a competent placement of accents: the foreground is occupied by undersized plants, the back - by medium-sized conifers.
  • Arrangement of ordinary or conifers in the near-trunk area will help to avoid the feeling of the density of Christmas tree plantings.

Luscious needles of a dark shade will emphasize the beauty of the flowering shrub located nearby. Besides flowering plants shrubs with unusually colored foliage will be a good addition to the coniferous beauty:,.

Ate goes well with others coniferous varieties and flowering perennials, creating a picturesque picture that looks elegant at any time of the year

Proper planting and care is a guarantee that coniferous beauties will delight with their presentable appearance almost all year round.

Wanting to decorate your site with one or more fir trees, experienced gardeners are advised to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Landing time. Ephedra is better to plant in early spring or at the beginning of autumn, when the plant has not yet entered or has already passed the phase of vigorous growth. To save young shoots from frost and rodents, it is advisable to mulch the near-trunk zone with peat for the winter.
  2. Placement location. Under natural conditions, spruce develops well near the river valley, where it gets enough moisture to nourish a powerful root system. But at the same time, she does not like wetlands, and therefore needs to be equipped with drainage.
  3. Soil composition. All types of firs love fertile alkaline and acidic soil. They are intolerant to heavy soil types. When planting ephedra in depleted soil landing pit it is previously worth enriching by introducing 100 g of complex mineral fertilizer. With a lack of oxygen and nutrition, the plant may even die.

It should be borne in mind that the spruce strongly affects the flowers and shrubs surrounding it, so it is better to place it at a short distance from sun-loving plants. You should not plant conifers close to each other, since with their branches they will restrict access to sunlight.

Observing these simple rules when selecting varieties and drawing up plant compositions, you can create a cozy and picturesque design on your site that will delight the eye throughout the year.

Video instruction: we equip a hedge of fir trees

(Picea obovata), and the northern ecotype of common spruce - (Picea fennica) from Norway and Finland, which is more winter hardy, has a smaller size and grows more slowly.

Young shoots and cones of Picea abies

Description of the species.The tree in natural conditions is 30-50 m high, rarely 60 m. This is the tallest local tree in Europe. The trunk diameter is 1-1.8 m, the crown is 6-8 m. In Belarus, the largest spruce is located in Belovezhskaya Pushcha (300 years old, height 42 m, trunk diameter 1.4 m). The dominant crown shape is cone-shaped, with somewhat drooping branches; it remains sharp until the end of life. Due to its extensive range, the species is heterogeneous in appearance, mainly on the basis of various types of branching and some others (for example, different periods of the beginning of the growing season).

Blooming female cone Picea abies

The apical bud is 4-5 mm long, 3-4 mm wide, ovoid-conical, larger than the rest and covered with needles bent over it. Each such bud is surrounded by 2-3 lateral buds, sitting almost annularly, due to which the shoot, and then the branches, are arranged in the same order by whorls. Almost always, singly scattered buds develop between the whorls, due to which the branching is loosely whorled, with lateral intermediate branches, which gives the crown a densely branched appearance. The trunk is smooth, full-wood. The bark is thin, gray-copper in color, scaly, little flaking, in old trees it departs in rounded plates, fractured.

Shoots drooping or almost horizontal, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, greenish-reddish or yellowish-brown, thin, dull, by autumn they take on a red-brown hue. The buds are dark brown, oval, more or less conical, slightly pointed or blunt-pointed, non-resinous, surrounded by numerous dry, filmy, yellow-brown scales. The kidney scales are dull triangular, light or reddish brown. Under the outer scales, internal ones, light brown or colorless, are found, under them there is an embryo of a shoot with a rudiment of needles. In developed apical buds, the scales curl downward, forming at the base of the young shoot something like a beautiful rosette.

The needles are weakly curved to crescent, whorled, implicitly two-row. The needles in relation to the shoot are directed forward, somewhat spaced from the shoot, less often erect, tetrahedral in cross section, length 10-35 mm, width 1.5-1.8 mm with 2-4 stomatal lines on each side. They are dark green, shiny, with inconspicuous ostatic stripes, between which the green rib of the needle clearly stands out; end with a conical, subulate, lighter, yellowish tip, slightly tapering towards the base. On a cross-section through a magnifying glass, resin passages are discernible; in the center of the sheet there is a vascular-fibrous bundle. The needles are kept in favorable conditions for 6-7 (12) years.

Flower buds are larger than leaf buds, up to 8 mm in length, 4 mm in diameter. It blooms in April - May (when the bird cherry blossoms). Male microstrobila are spherical-oval, purple-red, similar to strawberries, 20-25 mm in length, when flowering at the base are surrounded by light green bracts, on the branches there are collected several on one axis. Female cones are located higher, they are bright red or green, several pieces on top of the crown, erect during flowering. In early summer, they are light green, later dark purple.

General view of an adult Picea abies tree with mature cones

When seeds ripen, they become fusiform-cylindrical, not narrowed at the base and apex, shiny, with large, relatively hard, woody-leathery, elongated seed scales, light brown, woody, 10-20 cm long, 3-4 cm wide. Seed scales are rhombic obovate, convex, narrowed from above, sometimes truncated along the edges, dentate or wavy-notched, sometimes truncated. Covering scales are oblong, much shorter than seed scales.

The seeds spill out at the end next winter, they are oblong-ovate, matte, dark brown, lighter on one side, with an elongated, long, bent to the side tip, 4-5 mm long, 2 mm wide, with a yellow-red, easily separating, shiny wing in 3 times longer than the seed (15 mm).

The ecological property of the species.It grows in central and northern Europe (in the mountains of the Pyrenees, Alps, Carpathians), in the north from Scandinavia to the south-forest zone (Belarus) and from the Alps to the Urals in the east. It rises 800 m in the mountains, where it is the dominant species. In nature, it forms spruce forests or participates in admixture with linden, maple, birch, oak. Thanks to cultivation, it is found everywhere. Lives 300, only 500 years. Up to 10-15 years it grows slowly, then quickly. Annual growth 50 cm in height and 15 cm spread.

Possesses increased frost resistance, suitable for cultivation within USD zones 1-8 (frost-resistant up to -45 ° C), but is sensitive to early spring frosts, especially in depressions and micro-hollows of the relief, in closed glades, in connection with which there is a species ibberation with late terms of vegetation. It is very shade-tolerant, demanding on air and soil moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture, does not grow on raised sphagnum bogs, does not tolerate salinity and dryness of the soil. It is reconciled with excessive flowing moisture.

The best soils are fresh, medium-fertile acidic loams and light moist sandy loams. Does not tolerate compaction and near groundwater, salinization and dryness of the soil. In urban plantings - a rarity, as it is sensitive to gas and dust. The breed is shallow rooting (the root system is superficial), therefore it is prone to windfall. Forms raw humus on loose, humus, freezing soils. Therefore, in monoculture it leads to soil acidification. It attracts mushrooms.

Reproduction and cultivation.Seed germination rate is 60-80%. In a hermetically sealed container, it remains up to 5 years, germinates without seed preparation, but cold stratification (2-8 weeks) or soaking in water (18-22 hours) increases germination. Like other types of spruce, it propagates by cuttings. It grows slowly until 10-15 years old, then the annual growth increases (50 cm in height and 15 cm in width). Seeds from 25-30 years.

Purpose and application.The wood is white with a yellowish tint, soft and light. It is used for sawing, is a good building material, a valuable raw material for pulp production, as well as for manufacturing musical instruments, containers, sleepers, telegraph poles. Tannins are obtained from the bark. Valuable forest-forming, field-protective and water-protective species.

Landscape construction. Norway spruce - this is our native forest-forming breed, known to every inhabitant of Europe, is often used in reforestation and field-protective plantings, along railways, as well as decoration of parks and squares. The gardening culture gave some decorative forms of the crown of the common spruce (weeping, columnar, spherical) and the color of the needles (golden, silver).

Sometimes in the parks of Belarus norway spruce (picea oirgata) with long, slightly branched branches. In forest parks, it is cultivated in group plantings, groves, massifs, alleys or used in hedges. Wild forms of common spruce, growing in forests, differ in the nature of branching, structure of the bark, color of female spikelets and other characteristics. Of these forms, the most decorative is spruce with a comb type of branching, in which branches of the first order hang down in long lashes. Fine century old specimens of these spruces have been preserved in the Nesvizh park.

It should be borne in mind that not all specimens are highly decorative, sometimes the shape of the crown is uneven, so it is better to take seeds from selected producers. At present, common spruce is almost never used in urban plantings, since it was believed that this breed does not tolerate gas and dust. Meanwhile, with moderate air pollution, spruce grows successfully, maintaining high decorativeness. Light brown cones up to 6-12 cm decorate the tree very much during fruiting. It is successfully combined with larch, fir, pine, birch, maple, ash, narrow-leaved oak and other shrubs.

In contact with

Norway spruce (European) - Picea abies (L.) Karst. (Picea exelsa (Lam.) Link.). Pine family - Pinaceae - evergreen conifer tree, growing in the northern hemisphere: from a strip with a temperate climate to the tundra. Spruce can reach a height of 50 meters and 1.5 meters in diameter. Spruce lives on average 100-150 years.

Spruce age

There are also centenarians among the spruces, whose age is about 500 years. In Russia, spruce also grows in the Caucasus, here it grows certain kind ate: Caucasian or Eastern. Spruce usually grows in mixed forests along with pines and birches, but spruce forests are also found: dark dense forests of one spruce in which there is practically no undergrowth.

Spruce description

Norway spruce (European) - has a pointed conical crown. The trunk of the tree is covered with red-brown or gray bark, peeling off with thin scales.

Spruce shoots

Branches branch off from the trunk in whorls, thorny leaves-needles are dark green, tetrahedral, up to 3 cm in length, stay on shoots up to 6-7 years, sometimes up to 12 years. The spruce tree is monoecious, male and female strobili ("inflorescences") are located on the same plant:

Male spikelets from anthers collected on one axis are located in the axils of the needles in the lower part of the shoots and are usually located in the lower floors of the crown, female ones in the form of cylindrical cones are located at the ends of the shoots in the upper part of the crown. Spruce occurs in two forms: green-fruited, in which the cones are green before ripening, and the wood is softer and lighter, and red-fruited, in which the cones are red before ripening, and the wood is harder. Old spruce in some cases.
Mature cones of spruce are brown in color, drooping, up to 15 cm long, with tiled covering scales. In their sinuses there are two ovules, from which seeds with lionfish develop. Pollination occurs in May - June, seeds ripen in autumn and disperse at the end of winter. Thanks to lionfish, they are carried by the wind at a great distance from the mother spruce plant.

Types of spruce

There are 50 species on earth, united in the genus of spruce - Picea (pine family - Pinaceae), distributed only in the northern hemisphere. Some of these species form spruce forests, occupying vast territories both in Eurasia and in North America... One of these species is common spruce, or European - P. abies (L.) Karst. (P. exelsa (Lam.) Link.). Its range covers the territory from the eastern part of the Pyrenees in Spain and France to the central regions of Russia, as well as Scandinavia, the Alps, the Balkans, the Carpathians and the north of the European part of Russia.
Spruce wood is lighter than pine and prickles well. In the past, it was widely used to obtain chipped roofing materials: shingles and shingles. Spruce is superior to other wood in flexibility conifersexcept for juniper. Therefore, its wood is used for the production of bent products (arches, sledges, hunting skis, etc.). Young Christmas trees have been widely used in the past for knitting rafts. Spruce wood is rather soft and light. Density 400-450 kg / m3. At the same time, spruce branches, of which there are a lot in the tree trunk, are very hard and greatly complicate the processing of wood. Despite this, spruce, along with pine, is one of the main types of wood,

Used in construction. The great length of the tracheids makes spruce wood a valuable raw material for papermaking.

Spruce application

Spruce is used to make a bar, a board, as well as profiled products: lining and imitation of a bar. Sometimes spruce is used to build log cabins. According to their inhabitants, living in such a house is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Spruce wood is light yellow. The sapwood and kernel are almost indistinguishable. Growth rings are clearly visible. The grain of the wood is almost straight. Due to its structure, spruce wood has been considered better for the production of musical instruments for its acoustic properties for a long time.

The fact is that parallelly located wood fibers, having different densities, seem to resonate. At the same time, the sound of the instrument is deep and slowly decaying. This is especially true for slowly, over decades, drying spruce wood, which can be found in structures of old wooden houses... This wood is especially appreciated by craftsmen. Spruce is used to make guitars, violins, cello. Usually, if the top deck is made, which is responsible for sound propagation, the bottom deck and sides are made from valuable exotic breeds, such as bubinga.

Ice Age Stradivarius violins

The secret of the unique sound of Stradivarius violins is revealed.

American dendrologist Henry Grissino-Mayer and climatologist Lloyd Burkele hypothesized about Stradivarius violins. This hypothesis explains the unique acoustic qualities of violins and other musical instruments made by the great Italian master. It is known that from the mid-15th century to the mid-19th century, Europe went through a steady cooling, which is often called the Little Ice Age. The cold snap peaked in 1645-1715. Grissino-Mayer and Berkle believe that the harsh climate influenced the wood structure of the alpine spruce that Antonio Stradivari used to make stringed instruments. In their opinion, this wood was denser than usual, which favorably affected the sound quality.

Later, according to the same principle, using the Boomslang skin, the famous Stradivarius drum was created.

Growing spruce

Landing. Like all conifers, spruce is best planted on the site in late April - early May. But, if the weather is not hot, planting is possible after August 20 and until the end of September. Spruce trees are planted at a distance of 2-3 m in pits 50-70 cm deep.A drainage from broken bricks 15-20 cm thick is poured at the bottom and two-thirds filled with a nutritious substrate consisting of turf soil, leaf mixture, peat and sand in a ratio of 2 : 2: 1: 1. Add 100-150 g of nitroammofoska there and mix thoroughly. The tree is planted so that the root collar is at ground level. In the future, they make sure that it is not exposed and does not deepen due to soil subsidence.

After planting, a hole is made, watered and covered with peat with a layer of 6-7 cm.

Planted trees do not tolerate dry soil and air, therefore, in hot weather, they need weekly watering (10-12 liters of water per plant) and sprinkling of crowns. After each watering, the soil in the near-trunk circle is loosened, weeds are weeded and mulched with peat.

Top dressing and watering.

It is not necessary to feed the spruce, but in early spring (before the start of shoot growth) it is useful to add trunk circle 100-120 g kemira-wagon. Some types of spruce do not tolerate excessive dryness of the soil and need watering in hot weather.

If the spruce is planted as a hedge, then they need a special formation. Achieved the effect of an impenetrable green wall by trimming. In all other cases, in spring or autumn, only dry, broken or diseased branches are removed from Christmas trees, since the formation of the crown quite successfully occurs naturally. If two tops began to grow at the same time, one of them must be removed by cutting out at the base.

Preparing for the winter. Young Christmas trees, newly planted and some decorative forms need protection from sunburn, early spring and late autumn frosts. Under such plants, the soil is mulched with peat, and the needles are covered with non-woven material, spruce branches or kraft paper.
Reproduction. Spruce species are usually grown from seed, and created by breeders garden forms - from cuttings or by grafting, since many of them lose their decorative qualities during seed propagation.

Spruce seeds

Fir cones ripen in different time, but usually they are harvested for breeding in late autumn. Nuts (seeds) from cones, which are stored in a dry and cool place, are taken out 2-3 months before sowing and placed on stratification to soften the shell and increase germination. First, the seeds are dipped for 30 minutes in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate, then washed with clean water and soaked for a day to swell. Then they are placed in nylon bags with wet sand and stored in a snow pile or refrigerator until sowing. Sow in the second decade of April in a greenhouse. Sawdust is poured onto the loose sandy loam soil with a layer of 2 cm, seeds are placed on them and sprinkled with fresh coniferous sawdust with a layer of 1-1.5 cm. Then it is abundantly watered and covered with foil or frames.
You can also sow spruce seeds in spring and in open ground. Then the sowing site is covered with a layer of twigs so that the wind and rain do not blow off and wash away the sawdust. To protect from direct sunlight, a non-woven fabric or cotton fabric is pulled on top. In mid-August, the frames from the greenhouses and the covering material are removed, closer to winter, the plants are covered with dry leaves.
When growing seedlings, the soil is kept in a moderately moist state. In hot weather, the frequency and volume of watering are increased. To avoid waterlogging, which can cause rotting of seeds, greenhouses or shelters are periodically ventilated. In summer, seedlings are fed three times with a 0.1% hydroponic solution or mullein diluted with water 1: 5, combining top dressing with watering. You can sow the seeds of spruce trees in boxes in which the seedlings are left for 2-3 years, while creating the above conditions for the seedlings.

Spruce seedlings

Regardless of the place of cultivation, after 2-3 years, the grown seedlings are transplanted in the spring, placing them every 30-50 cm.

During the transplantation period, damaged and too long roots are cut. At the same time, they should not be shaken in order to preserve the mycorrhiza present on the roots, which is necessary for the good growth and development of conifers. Before boarding, preferably root system dip in a mash of garden soil and humus in a 2: 1 ratio. In the new place, the seedlings grow on average for another 4 years. They are watered once a week, followed by loosening of the soil, weeds are weeded, organic or mineral fertilizers are applied. They are fed in the second year after transplanting in the spring (before the swelling of the kidneys). A mixture of 500 g of manure, 25 g of superphosphate, 10 g of potassium nitrate is applied to 1 m2 of the garden. Fertilizers are evenly scattered over the soil, covered with a hoe to a depth of 10 cm and watered. 6-7-year-old Christmas trees grown from seeds are planted in a permanent place in spring or early autumn. Due to the shallow location of the root system, they usually respond well to transplantation.

Spruce cuttings

Decorative forms of spruces, like many other conifers, are propagated by stem cuttings. They are cut at the end of April (such spring cuttings take root in the year of planting); in June, when there is an intensive growth of shoots (June cuttings in the first year form a callus, and take root in the second year); in August, when the growth of the shoots stops and the lignification of the shoots begins (such cuttings are most preferable for spruces); in September - November (lignified, or winter cuttings). Spring and summer ones are planted immediately, and lignified ones are stored in a cool place with a temperature of 1-5 ° C and high humidity until spring planting.

Cuttings from young 4-8-year-old plants take root best. Only annual shoots are cut. Moreover, completely, sometimes even with 2-year-old wood at the base. The needles are removed only at the bottom of the branch to a planting depth (2-6 cm). Usually the length of spruce cuttings is 10-25 cm.

For cuttings, shoots from the upper half of the crown are used, since those cut in the middle or at the bottom can subsequently give a one-sided or incorrectly branching crown with a curved trunk, moreover, they root poorly.

Cuttings are planted in a greenhouse. It is better if it is heated and with a fogging installation, but such summer cottages not enough, so we will focus on a cold greenhouse that every gardener can build. Drainage from small stones or crushed stone is laid on the bottom with a layer of 4-5 cm, then sod soil is poured with a layer of 10-12 cm, and washed river sand with a layer of 5-6 cm is placed on it.Top cover with a film so that the distance to the sand is no more 30 cm. For shading, put burlap on top of the film. In a greenhouse, the soil temperature should be 21-27 ° C, and the air temperature 5-7 ° lower. In this regard, in early spring, additional heating of the soil substrate is needed.

Before planting, cuttings half the length are immersed for a day in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in any diluted root growth stimulator (for example, root). They are planted in the sand at an angle of 30 degrees to a depth of 2-6 cm, placed at intervals of 10 cm, and immediately watered abundantly.

Subsequently, in the spring they water it, sprinkling from a watering can with small holes, once a day, in the summer - up to four times. In August, when the roots appear, watering is reduced to daily and shading is removed.

After the start of rooting nice results gives a spraying of cuttings with a mineral nutrient mixture. For its preparation, 8 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of simple superphosphate, 1-2 g of magnesium sulfate, 16 g of potassium nitrate, 30 g of sucrose, 60 mg of indoleacetic acid (IAA) are diluted in 1 liter of water. For the winter, cuttings are covered with sawdust or dry leaves. Transplanted into open ground in April next year and are grown in the same way as 2-3 year old seed plants.

Spruce grafting

So spruce is rarely propagated and only decorative forms. 4-5-year-old seedlings are grown from the seeds of the Christmas trees growing in the district, and silver, blue, weeping or any others you like are grafted with cuttings.
Cuttings harvested in November (winter) are grafted from late April to mid-June; cut in spring (before bud break) - from late April to mid-May.

Spruces (and other conifers) are most often grafted by copulation, combining oblique cuts made with a copulation knife on the stem of the seedling (rootstock) and on the handle (scion). It is also not bad to master improved copulation, in which an additional incision is made in the upper third of the rootstock and in the lower third of the scion. The resulting thorns, when the slices are folded, enter each other and hold the scion more firmly on the stock.

They also use grafting with wood on cambium. With this method, lateral branches and needles are removed on a handle 8-10 cm long, leaving only at the apical bud. The cut is made so that a one-sided wedge is obtained. On the rootstock, 3-4 cm below the apical bud, the needles are first removed, and then the bark is removed with a thin layer on an area equal to the cut of the cutting. Connect both parts.

When inoculation with butt cambium on cambium on the stock (below the apical bud or at the base of the one-year shoot), the bark is cut along the cambial zone. Cut the bark on the handle of the same length and combine both parts.
Vaccinations must be tied with sterile plastic tape (first with rare turns, and then with a continuous layer) and covered with garden pitch.

After splicing, the harness is loosened or removed completely and the grafted cutting is shaded.

In the second year, at the grafted Christmas tree, the branches of the rootstock are shortened by one third and at the same time the top above the cutting is removed. On the 3-4th year, the branches of the stock are shortened more, and on the 4th-5th - they are cut into a ring.

In the first year, the scion forms from 1 to 4 shoots 1-5 cm long, and after 6 years the grafted plant can be planted in a permanent place.

Diseases of the fir trees

The yellowing of the needles of firs can be caused by the appearance of a pest on its branches - spruce-fir hermes. Its white wool-like colonies are usually found on the underside of the needles. To get rid of this pest, it is necessary to spray the branches in April with a working solution of antio or rogor preparations (20 g per 10 l of water).

If young shoots look like burnt ones, then a common spruce sawfly has probably settled on the tree. When its caterpillars appear, treat the branches with fufanon (20 ml per 10 liters of water).

The appearance of brown spots on the needles, followed by yellowing or browning, is a sign of a disease called ordinary shyute. To stop the development of the disease, in the spring and in July-September, spray the Christmas tree with colloidal sulfur (200 g per 10 l of water), or zineb (50-100 g per 10 l of water), or Bordeaux liquid (100 g per 10 l of water).

The same drugs are used to treat branches from rust (orange spots on the needles, swelling on the shoots). With a strong development of the disease, the affected branches must be cut off or even uprooted to stop the infection of other inhabitants of the garden.

Spruce needles

IN medical purposes spruce buds (apical shoots), spruce cones, and tree needles are widely used.

The chemical composition of Norway spruce The buds and cones of Norway spruce contain an essential oil (up to 0.2%), which includes bornyl acetate, tannins (up to 6.7%) and resin. Essential oil (up to 0.15-0.25%), vitamin C (up to 860 mg%), carotene, tannins (up to 10%) were found in the needles of the tree.

Diterpenoids were found in the resin of common spruce: cembrene, geranillinalool, isocembrol, abienol, neoabienol, etc.

Spruce turpentine contains pinene (up to 32-40%), limonene (8.9%), dipentene, boryl esters and resin acids.

The essential oil of boiled twigs contains pinene, karen, cadien, fellandren, dipentene, santen, bornyl acetate (up to 10.6%) and aromatic alcohols (up to 13.6%).

Recently, tocopherols (vitamin E) and polyprenols, biologically active substances, have been found in the needles of common spruce.

All these active ingredients form the basis chemical composition and determine the healing properties of common spruce or, in other words, European spruce.

Collecting buds, needles, spruce cones and harvesting them

The medicinal raw materials are buds (apical shoots), spruce needles and cones, which are harvested in spring.

Spruce tapping

Spruce is a resinous breed. In Russia, spruce has been planted since the 17th century, but about a century ago they switched to tapping pine.

In Germany, spruce still remains the main resin-producing species. It gives a large yield of resin. Tapping it is easier than tapping pine. But the sensitivity of the spruce to trunk wounds sharply reduces the duration of tapping and leads to a massive defeat of the spruce by rot, which forced the switch to tapping the pine. In Siberia, spruce has not been sown on an industrial scale and is not sown. By tapping spruce, spruce resin is obtained, containing up to 33% turpentine and rosin. Unlike pine resin, it quickly loses its turpentine and turns into the so-called spruce sulfur, which contains up to 85% rosin and 2-15% turpentine. Due to the difficult collection of spruce whisk, spruce tapping was not widespread.

Bark ate

Spruce bark is used for tanning leather in industry.

The use of spruce cones, buds and needles in medicine. IN traditional medicine spruce has long been used to treat various diseases. Spruce pine baths were used to treat rheumatic joint lesions, skin diseases and gout. For the treatment of boils, ulcers and other skin lesions, an ointment was made, which was prepared from spruce resin (sulfur), wax, butter or pork fat, mixing in equal amounts. The needles in the form of infusion were used as an antiscorbutic agent. Spruce bark contains up to 8-12% tannides.

Infusion of kidneys and cones of common spruce In medical practice, infusion of kidneys and cones of ate is allowed for use. This infusion is used for tonsillitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, vasomotor rhinitis (with a runny nose), as well as for chronic pneumonia and seizures bronchial asthma... Prescribe an infusion of spruce in the form of inhalations and rinses.

The infusion is prepared at home from chopped buds and ate cones at the rate of one part of the mixture to five parts of boiled water and boiled for 30 minutes, stirring, then cooled for 15 minutes and filtered through three layers of gauze. For inhalation, the infusion is heated to 80 ° C. Rinsing is used by heating the solution to 35–40 ° C for angina, tonsillitis and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract 2–4 times a day; for sinusitis, the maxillary cavity is washed with infusion. In case of rhinitis, a heated infusion is instilled into the nose to body temperature, 5-10 drops in each nostril. The infusion of buds and spruce cones is a liquid brown color, astringent taste, with the smell of needles. The finished infusion of spruce is stored in a dark container in a cool place protected from light for no more than three days. The drug is low-toxic and has antimicrobial, antispasmodic and desensitizing effect. The active ingredients of the infusion are essential oil and tannins.

Natural coniferous extract

Approved for use in medical practice is a natural coniferous extract in the form of a brown-black liquid with a characteristic smell of coniferous essential oil. The extract is prepared from coniferous paws of spruce and pine by extracting extractives with water with the addition of essential pine oil. It is prescribed in the form of baths for functional disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system: for various neuroses, neurasthenia, radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis, overwork, weakening of muscle tone, with polyarthritis, as well as in the treatment of hypertension stages I and II. To prepare a bath for 200 liters, take 100 g of coniferous extract. The water temperature is not higher than 35–37 ° С, the duration of the procedure is 10–15 minutes.

The drug "Pinabin"

The drug "Pinabin" is also made from the needles of spruce and pine. It is a solution of 50% heavy fraction of essential oils from spruce and pine needles in peach oil. Pinabin has antispasmodic and some bacteriostatic effects. How antispasmodic affects the muscles urinary tract and therefore the drug is used in the treatment of urolithiasis and renal colic. Pinabin can be used only as directed by a doctor, since an overdose causes pain in the stomach and intestines, and impaired blood circulation. Materials used:

Tatiana Dyakova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Since childhood, at Christmas and New Years, people have become accustomed to smelling spruce branches. Mixing with the scent of tangerines, this fragrant coniferous aroma was a harbinger of a miracle, gifts, new experiences and the New Year.

For many centuries, the Spruce has personified a symbol of a new cycle. In ancient times, while remaining evergreen, Spruce was an allegory of eternal youth and immortality, longevity and fidelity.

For the same reasons, Spruce “spruce branches” were and remains in many villages a sign of a bygone life. During the funeral procession, spruce branches are thrown underfoot, saying goodbye to the departed. Their age is over, but has passed into eternity.

In Scandinavia, Spruce was used for ceremonial fires. Resinous firewood gave the fire a unique strength.

spruce names

The word "Fir" comes from the old Slavic word "jedlъ", which means "prickly".

The first mention of this tree in Russian writings appeared in the XI century. Single-root words are found in all languages \u200b\u200bof the Slavic group.

The Latin name for Spruce is Picea, which means "resinous".

Where does the Spruce grow?

Spruce forests are found throughout Russia. These are mainly dense, dense thickets with a small amount of undergrowth.

Despite the fact that the Spruce grows best in an open place, its shade-tolerant counterparts are found.

The most common type of tree is the Common Spruce. It is found in the European part of Russia, in Finland and northern Europe... Spruce groves are found in Siberia and the Urals.

The brothers of the Common Spruce can be found in the Caucasus and the Far East, in Kuril Islands and on Sakhalin. Even in North America and China, some species of this thorny fragrant tree grow.

What does a spruce look like?

Spruce is a tall, stately tree with a straight, strong trunk and a dense crown. The branches are arranged in the form of a pyramid and have spiny needles. Spruce bark is dense and covered with scales.

Spruce can be up to 30 meters high, while the trunk volume of many species exceeds 1.5 meters.

The average lifespan of a tree is 250 - 300 years. There are long-livers 600 years of age.

After 10 - 15 years of life, the tree changes its root system, getting rid of the main root. That is why in the forest you can find these giants uprooted by the wind.

When does Spruce bloom?

Female flowers form small cones, which, after pollination, turn into the very spruce decorations.

The male flowers form elongated earrings that scatter pollen in May.

In October, seeds ripen in cones and become prey for forest rodents. Fluffy proteins strive to prepare seeds for the winter.

The healing properties of Spruce

For medicinal purposes, spruce cones, needles and resin are used.

Daily use of 3-4 spruce needles for a month can restore immunity and increase resistance to a number of viral diseases.

Several branches of spruce branches, placed in a vase in a room, can kill harmful bacteria indoors, leaving a pleasant scent in the air.

Spruce cones are rich in tannins and essential oils... They also contain copper, manganese, aluminum, and iron.

Essential oils are used in the fight against acute respiratory infections and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Kidney syrup Ate is prescribed for microinfarctions.

A decoction of pine needles is used for inhalation to treat angina and sinusitis.

Eli resin or sap has antiseptic properties and can be used in ointments to heal wounds and ulcers.

Spruce Applications

Spruce wood - the most common material for construction and fuel. Wood is also used to make paper.

Spruce wood very soft and straight grained. Despite its widespread use in construction, untreated timber is short-lived and quickly decays. That is why spruce wood is treated with antiseptics and mordants.

At the same time, Spruce wood is a part of many modern materials, such as fiberboard, chipboard, glued beams and others.

The musical properties of spruce wood have been noticed for a long time, so decks, bodies and other parts of musical instruments are made from this fragrant tree.


Despite the huge number of useful properties, preparations from Spruce have contraindications. Inhalation from spruce needles is contraindicated for patients with asthma.

If you have an individual intolerance to the substances contained in spruce cones and needles, you must be careful when using Eli for medicinal purposes.

Too frequent consumption of decoctions and drinks from the Eating can be dangerous for the kidneys.

In ancient times on new year holidays The spruce was hung with its roots up, and not installed in the corner, as in modern times.

In Scandinavia, spruce branches cover the paths followed by the corteges of rulers.

Blue Spruce has become widespread in cities not only because of the beauty of the needles, but also due to its resistance to gassed air.

Young shoots can grow from the dead root of the Spruce, which later become real trees. Thus, the tree clones itself.

A similar tree grows in Sweden, whose age is approaching 10 thousand years.

Spruce cones are often depicted on flags different countries... This fruit symbolizes a high goal and peak.

, or european (Picea abies)
Norway spruce is valued as an important forest-forming species. It is widely used in reforestation and protective plantings along railways, as well as decorative tree for decorating landscapes. This view spruce is heterogeneous in appearance, due to different types its branches. These types are inherited.
The soft and light wood of common spruce is used for sawing, and is also a good building material and a valuable raw material for cellulose production.

The bark is gray, thin, in old trees it flakes off with small scales. Shoots are brown, reddish, bare or sparsely salty. The buds are pointed, brownish, non-resinous. Seed germination rate is 60-80%. Keep germinating in a hermetically sealed glass containers up to 5 years. They can germinate without pre-sowing preparation, but cold stratification (from 2 to 8 weeks) or soaking in water (18-22 hours) increase their germination. Like all other types of spruce, it can propagate by grafting and cuttings. Annual growth is 50 cm in height, 15 cm in width. Grows slowly up to 10-15 years, then quickly. Tolerates a haircut well. Recommended for hedges where trees are placed every 40 cm.

Area In the North and Central Europe... On the territory of Russia - from the western borders to the Urals.
Size of an adult plant A tree 30-50 m high, crown diameter 6-8 m, trunk diameter up to 1.8 m.
Decorativeness Not all specimens of this species are decorative. Sometimes the shape of the crown is uneven
Needle shape Needle needles tetrahedral 10-35 mm long and 1-1.5 mm thick, with a sharp tip, shiny, dark green, keeps on shoots for 6-7 years. In autumn, the color of the needles does not change.
Time and form of flowering In May-June, red oval spikelets and red or green female strobili, collected on one axis, appear on the branches.
Cones Cones are cylindrical, 10-16 cm long and 3-4 cm wide, reddish-brown, shiny, with large or elongated seed scales. Unripe buds are light green or dark purple. The seeds spill out at the end of the next winter. Seed production begins at the age of 25-30.
Soil requirements Loam, sandy loam light soils, does not tolerate soil compaction, near groundwater, salinity and dryness of the soil, pH \u003d 4.0-5.5.
Attitude to light Very shade-tolerant, in spring it can suffer from sunburn.
Resistant to urban conditions It is sensitive to smoke, gases and dust, therefore it is rarely used in urban areas.
Frost resistance The species is characterized by increased frost resistance (up to -45 ° C), but is sensitive to spring frosts.
Shelter for the winter Young plants in the first year of planting.
Life span Lives up to 250-300 years.

Recently, dwarf (from 0.3 to 1.5 m) forms of European spruce have been in demand: "Gregoriana", "Ehiniformis", "Clanbrassiliana" and some others. The characteristic features of these forms are dense crown, slow growth, short shoots. Dwarf forms of European spruce are especially attractive when landscaping small confined spaces: rocky gardens, alpine slides etc. All decorative forms must be propagated by grafting.