Fig (fig tree). How figs bloom: unique features of the southern beauty

One of the most interesting plants in the world, perhaps fig tree. It is unusually ancient. Even the biblical ancestors of humanity - Adam and Eve - covered their intimate parts his fig leaves. In Greece they say that if a fig tree grows in the yard, the family will not starve, its fruits are so nutritious. That is why travelers always took dried figs with them on the road. What kind of fruit is this and what are the benefits of it?

Why is the fig tree?

The plant in question has many names, each country has its own. The Russian version is a fig tree, because its fruits are figs. In another version, they are called figs, and the tree, by analogy, is called a fig tree. Its most famous and common name is fig. In the scientific world, this is Ficus carica. It is believed that the homeland of the plant is ancient Caria, which existed before the Trojan War. For a long time there have been no Carians or Caria, only the ficus that bears her name remains. Craftsmen make wine from figs (or figs). Therefore, another name for the plant is wineberry.

Where do fig trees grow?

Wherever there is no severe frost in winter. There are a lot of figs in the Balkans; they are found on the Black Sea coast (Georgia, Abkhazia, Crimea, Krasnodar), in Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Nobody takes special care of him there. The fig tree is completely unpretentious and grows on its own not only in the garden, but also along roads, near fences, in vacant lots, and on mountain slopes. Root system it is strong and powerful, capable of gaining a foothold in stones and seeping into any crevice. Since there is a lot of sun in the south, figs there have no shortage of light and therefore always bear fruit beautifully. They are not afraid of droughts, but with sufficient moisture, the yield is much higher.


Some have never seen what a fig tree looks like. In nature, it reaches a height of 7-8 meters. Its branches are spreading, the crown is thick, and the bark is light brown. Sometimes figs grow as a lush, tall bush. Its leaves are hard, quite large, vaguely reminiscent of maple. According to its biological rhythms, the fig tree is deciduous. In regions with a subtropical climate, where in winter average temperature does not fall below +5 +10, the plant may not shed leaves at all or shed them only for a couple of months. This phenomenon is also observed in other deciduous plants, for example, poplar. In Russia, it bares branches already in October, and in the south of Greece only in December, only to be covered with young foliage again in February. Fig trees live up to 100 years (according to some sources, 30-60). Some specimens live up to 200 years. In India there is one fig tree, which, according to the locals, is as much as three thousand years old.


Figs are blooming, but few people mistake their flowers for such. Outwardly, they look like small immature fruits - round or pear-shaped, dark green, hard. The expression “get a fig,” that is, “get nothing,” according to one version, was born precisely because half of these “fruits” that abundantly strew the branches fall off. These are actually fig flowers. More precisely, the structure of the inflorescences. Real fig tree flowers can only be seen if the fruit is cut in half. Inside there will be dozens of inconspicuous small flowers, which will later turn into grains on whitish fibers, immersed in a sweet, viscous pulp. The fig, or common fig tree, has flowers of both sexes. The female ones, called figs, have five tiny petals and a pistil that looks like a snake's tongue. The male ones, called caprifigae, have three petals and three stamens.


In the fig tree, pollination is complex and is carried out by a single species of insect - a small (up to 2 mm long) blastophagous wasp. The females of these wasps have wings and fly freely. The males are wingless and spend their entire lives in the fig flower. How is this possible? The fact is that three types of inflorescences grow on a fig tree, as already noted: male, female and mixed. Female figs inside have flowers with long pistils, while mixed ones have short ones. They are not used to obtain seeds, but to feed wasps. All three inflorescences appear on the tree 2-3 times a year, in autumn, spring, summer, or spring and autumn. Autumn ones do not fall off. Having laid eggs in them, the wasps die. The eggs develop into male and female larvae. Grown-up females crawl out through a small hole and fly away, while the males remain in place. Their raison d'être is to fertilize. After mating, the females leave the flower occupied by the male and look for a free one, climbing into all the fig inflorescences. At the same time, in male and mixed flowers, pollen gets onto their bodies from the stamens. They do not lay eggs in female figs because the long pistils get in the way. Of course, nature did not come up with this for us, but to prevent wasp larvae from eating ripening seeds. Once in a female flower, the wasp involuntarily pollinates it and leaves to look for a more suitable one. Clutches are obtained only in mixed and male clutches. New larvae hatch from the eggs and the cycle repeats. There are self-pollinating varieties of figs (“date”, “Magarach”) that are suitable for growing plants in apartments and in gardens in the northern regions.


The fruit of the fig tree when ripe is soft and very sweet, but not juicy. Its pulp is densely filled with tiny seed grains, of which, according to some people, there are up to 900 pieces. The outside of the pulp is covered with a peel. They don't eat it. The fig tree has many varieties, but popularly there are only two of them - green (green-yellow) and black (dark purple). In both cases, the fruits are small and quite large. The latter are not as sweet, but have a better presentation.

What's in figs

Figs - very useful plant. The fruit of the fig tree in its ripe pulp contains:

Microelements (calcium, iron, magnesium, a lot of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and sodium);

Vitamins (A, B1,2,3,6,9, C, E, K);

Alimentary fiber;

Disaccharides, monosaccharides, oligosaccharides;

Flavonoids, glucosides;

Citric, quinic, oxalic, malonic acids;


Amino acids;


Figs in cooking

The sweet fruits of the fig tree are eaten in fresh and dried (dried) in the sun. Chilled figs are much tastier than warm ones. The fruits are used to prepare liqueurs, preserves, and jams; they are used for fillings in pies and added to meat dishes as an exotic ingredient.

Sun-dried and dried fruits until hard are ground. This makes powdered fig coffee. Unripe figs are not eaten because they contain a sticky, bitter milky juice. Some consider it poisonous, others advise baking unripe figs to obtain a particularly valuable product.

...and in medicine

The beneficial properties of figs were known to the ancients. The ripe fruits have been used for hundreds of years to treat bronchitis and liver disease, as a diaphoretic and antipyretic. Boiled in milk, they help reduce dry cough, and rinsing with figs treats sore throat and hoarseness. The high iron content in figs allows it to be used effectively for anemia, and the high potassium content for heart diseases.

The milky juice of unripe fruits also comes into play thanks to the ficin it contains. ethnoscience uses it to treat warts (they are smeared with juice). Ficin, in addition, has the ability to curdle milk, so figs were used in the production of cheese and meat dishes. This enzyme has also found itself in cosmetics. It is added to preparations after hair removal (reduces hair growth), to creams that stimulate skin cell renewal, and to products for oily skin. And another important ability of ficin is that it prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. The average fruit of a freshly picked fig contains approximately 120-150 mg of ficin.

Fig tree leaf is used to treat certain skin diseases. It is part of the Psoberan ointment. Healers use the leaves for scabies, cystitis, furunculosis, and inflammatory processes in the throat. Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from them. The leaves are collected after the berries have ripened, laid out in a thin layer and dried in the shade.

Mashed fresh leaves can be used to treat vitiligo and wound healing. Paired with orange juice, figs are eaten to relieve fatigue and improve tone.

How to grow a fig tree in an apartment

Everyone can have figs on their windowsill or in their garden. This miracle plant is grown as follows:

1. Seeds. This is the most accessible method, since the seeds are easy to obtain from store-bought figs (even dry ones). Before sowing, they are washed, disinfected (in a weak solution of potassium permanganate) and dried. The land for sowing can be prepared by mixing leaf soil with sand in equal parts. Those who don’t want to bother can buy a ready-made soil mixture for seedlings. The seeds will sprout just as well in it. They are sown to a depth of 1.5-2.5 cm, watered and covered with film. The box with the sown seeds should be kept warm, but not in the sun. You need to wait 3 weeks for germination. Grown seedlings are transplanted into pots. Such figs will bear fruit in about 5 years.

2. Cuttings. This method is more profitable, since home-grown figs begin to bear fruit already at next year. Before planting the cutting, place its lower end in water and wait 2-4 hours until the juice stops releasing. Next, the wet end is cut in several places and planted in the ground (prepared in the same way as for seeds), watered and covered with a jar. Leaves emerging from the buds indicate rooting. Cuttings are prepared in the fall and planted in the spring. They can be kept in the refrigerator in the vegetable drawer all winter.

3. Layering. This method is practiced if the fig grows in open ground. Make a small depression (up to 25 cm) near the main plant and add good soil there. A twig from an old plant is tilted so that it is in the groove, and the top remains outside. It is secured in this position and the landing site is mulched. After about two years, a new plant will develop, which is planted in the desired location.

Growing in open ground

It’s hard to believe, but even in the gardens of the northern regions of Russia you can see figs. Growing it in these conditions is associated with certain difficulties. Figs are planted in the ground as ready-made seedlings (with roots). Cuttings are prepared at home, for which they are first placed in water with honey. It helps the formation of roots. It is most convenient to place cuttings in plastic bottles. Cut off about half empty bottle, fill with soil and place the cutting there. The earth around it is being compacted. It should be damp all the time, but without excess water. Such improvised containers are placed on the windowsill, where there is no direct sunlight. The roots can be seen through the transparent plastic of the bottle or guessed about them by the blossoming leaves. When planted in the ground, the bottle is cut, and the lump of earth is preserved.

Seedlings should be planted only in sunny, windless places in specially prepared holes or trenches. Their depth is calculated as follows: the depth of soil freezing in your area + 50 cm. Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the hole. Figs sprout branches quickly. As they grow, they need to be tilted towards the ground and secured so that our fig tree does not grow upward, but rather spreads along the ground. When the air temperature drops to -3-5 degrees, the figs are covered. There are several ways (see photo).

One of the tested ones is this: throw twigs or other mulch on the figs (some throw a blanket), cover with polyethylene, and sprinkle a layer of earth on top. In the spring, when the temperature reaches above zero, the shelter is removed. You can do this earlier, when the days become warm and there are still frosts at night, but in such cases a greenhouse is installed over the figs.

General rules for growing figs

1. A potted fig tree needs to be replanted regularly (once a year). New pot should be slightly wider and deeper than the previous one.

2. Figs produce more fruits with regular watering and living in sunny windows.

3. In the fall, you need to give the plants a rest, for which you place them in a cool place for 2-4 months and reduce watering. In such conditions, figs shed their leaves.

4. Both in the house and in the garden the plant needs to be fed. In spring these are nitrogen fertilizers, in summer - phosphates, in autumn - potassium. Regularly - microelements.

5. The fig tree needs pruning and crown shaping.

6. Pests of figs - gray rot, mosaic spotting, spider mite. The fight against them is the same as on all other plants.

It is difficult to find fruits or vegetables that a professional gardener does not have. His garden is sure to contain many exotic fruits and berries, including the well-known and lesser-known ones. And, of course, you can find a fig tree there; in our country it is better known as a fig.

As a rule, it is more difficult to find a fig tree in our country than plants such as lemon, pomegranate, and tangerine. But if the tree takes root, it bears fruit very well. There is a variety of fig tree - homemade figs, in my own way appearance it is very similar to the ficus, the same lush tree that can grow up to 2 meters. To keep the tree crown in a healthy state, it is necessary to regularly perform shaping.

How to grow figs - fig tree

Indoor varieties of fig trees also have many differences and varieties, the most famous of which are “Oglobsha”, “Kedota” and “Purple Sukhumi”. All these varieties are capable of producing wonderful fruits. large sizes(little more than Walnut), moderately sweet. Once you eat the fruits of this tree, it will be difficult to forget about their taste characteristics.

Growing figs at home does not require excessive effort. This plant is quite unpretentious. During its growth, figs prefer to be warm, but at the same time they can easily tolerate cool temperatures. In our apartments, where the air is usually quite dry, we get along without problems. IN winter period It is best to place a pot of figs on the southern windows of the apartment, but in summer you should give preference to the eastern side.

Fruiting. On average, it takes about six months before the first fruits appear. Initially, foliage appears on the plant, then fruits set and ripen, after the fruits are removed from the tree, it sheds its foliage and a rest period begins (this period takes approximately 3 months). When creating for a plant proper lighting it is capable of bearing fruit throughout the year, only occasionally shedding leaves and resting.

Watering. Regarding watering, the main thing here is not to overdo it: water should be in moderation; excessive watering is just as harmful to this plant as its insufficient amount. In the winter months of the year, watering can be done using a special tray. When active tree germination or fruit set occurs, it is worth fertilizing the soil with complex mineral fertilizers. But if it was not possible to fertilize the soil, then there is no need to worry - the fig tree can cope quite well without it.

The soil. When choosing soil for growing a fig tree, it is recommended to pay attention to something lighter and more nutritious. If you do not understand soil, then consult with sellers in flower shops, they will be happy to help you.

Reproduction. If you have a desire to propagate figs, then doing so is very simple. It is necessary to select fig tree cuttings that have 3-4 buds. Next, these cuttings need to be carefully cut and the bottom side dipped in a previously purchased root formation stimulator, then these cuttings are rooted in damp sand or water. There is also the option of propagating figs using seeds, but this method of propagation is not popular, since the plant begins to bear fruit only in the 4-5th year after planting. If you use cuttings, the first fruits appear within 6 months.

Molding. The plant responds remarkably well to pruning, so it can be transformed into any shape, the main thing is that there is desire and imagination.

It is worth noting that fig fruits are not only excellent taste qualities, but quite useful. Moreover, if the tree is grown with my own hands, then there is no doubt about the benefits of the fruits. Fig fruits contain a large amount of potassium, so if you eat several fruits of this tree during the day, you can improve the condition of blood vessels.

The plant is also capable of thinning the blood, so patients with blood clots must have this plant in their diet. Eating figs is recommended for those people who have anemia or have diseases associated with the urinary system or kidneys. Some doctors claim that fig fruits can even cure cancer (of course, if the disease is in early stage).

This plant is also suitable for people with problems in the upper respiratory tract. You need to boil the fruits of the tree in milk and drink this drink three times a day, the drink should be hot, and the dose is 100 grams. In addition, if you have problems with digestion or metabolism, it is recommended to eat fig jam. If young children have constipation, then fig jam should be diluted with water and given to the child; it has a wonderful laxative effect.

Fig fruits are not the only thing that can help people treat diseases: the sap of this tree is also used. Fig tree juice is needed to treat acne, treat wounds, pustules, and even cancer skin.

Figs are a plant that is not only an excellent remedy for treating diseases, but also a wonderful creator of home comfort.

Figs - tropical plant with a unique healing composition. In different regions it is also known as fig, fig tree, fig, fig tree, wineberry. Figs were especially popular in ancient times. If you believe the interpretations of the Bible, then it was with its sheets that Adam and Eve covered their private parts. And in Greece they say that if a fig tree grows in the yard, then the family does not starve. Its fruits were considered so nutritious that travelers always took dried figs with them. long journey. Many have heard about this culture, but few know about its beneficial properties.

General information

This is a large shrub that grows up to 8-10 meters in length. Its branches are smooth and thick, and its crown is wide. The trunk diameter can reach 18 cm, and the root system - 15 meters (the roots go deep up to 6 meters). Fig leaves large and hard with uneven teeth along the edges. The color of the leaves is from dark green to green-grayish. They can reach 12 cm in width and 15 cm in length.

All fig bushes are divided into female and male individuals, which in nature are pollinated by blastophagous black wasps. These insects do their job very well, the main proof of which is big harvest. There are small holes in the inflorescences of the plant, and it is through them that pollination occurs.

The fruits are pear-shaped and grow up to 10 cm in length. They can be from dark to purple to yellowish-green color. The fruit is a kind of fleshy vessel with small scales. The color and size of the fruit depends on the variety. The most common color of the fruit is dark blue or yellow (yellow-green).

Unripe berries should not be eaten as they contain inedible latex. The number of seeds in a fig depends on the variety, so it can contain up to 16 thousand small and 30 large seeds. If a fig grows in favorable climatic conditions, it can bear fruit for 200 years. The tree blooms several times a year, but fruits are formed only in warm weather (from summer to autumn).

IN wildlife the fig tree is growing in warm regions with a humid climate: in the Mediterranean and Asia Minor, in India, Georgia, Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia. In Russia, the fig tree can be found in the Caucasus and the Crimean Peninsula.

Useful properties of figs

Figs are not highly enriched with vitamins, like raspberries or currants. It contains vitamins B, C, PP and carotene. But the mineral composition is very rich. There's a lot in it calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. This combination of minerals makes figs the healthiest among all southern fruits. All these beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on the body.

Fresh fruits are of great value. They contain:

  • sugar -12−25%;
  • organic acids - 0.39%;
  • glucose - 3.2%;
  • sucrose - 1.7−3.8%.

The amount of sugar in dried fruits reaches 70%.

Benefits and properties the fruits of the fig tree are as follows:

Fig tree cultivation

Of course, figs are cultivated much less frequently than tangerines, lemons or pomegranates. When growing figs, you should take into account some of their growth and fruiting characteristics. This the plant is considered cold-resistant, some varieties can withstand even temperatures of -20 degrees.

Growing in an apartment

Even a novice gardener can grow this useful plant at home. Growing is carried out in two ways:

Outdoor cultivation

The fig tree can grow not only in the southern regions, but it is also successfully cultivated in the northern regions of the country. But growing in these cold regions comes with some challenges.

Should be planted in the ground seedlings already with roots. Preparing cuttings is easy. To do this, they are first dipped in water with honey, this solution helps the formation of roots. After which the prepared cuttings are planted in a container. It is most convenient to plant in plastic bottles. You need to cut off half the bottle, fill it with soil and place the cutting. The soil around it is watered (the soil should always be moist). These improvised containers are placed in a bright place where there is no direct sunlight. Through the transparent plastic it is easy to see whether the cutting has taken root or not. As soon as the first leaves appear, the seedling is planted in the ground along with a lump of earth.

In open ground, seedlings are planted in a sunny and windless place, where trenches or holes have been previously prepared. The bottom of the pit must be covered with a layer of drainage. Fig tree quickly sends out branches. As they grow, they should be tilted to the soil and attached. This is done so that the figs do not grow in height, but spread along the surface of the ground.

It is better to cover the fig tree for the winter. To do this, you need to cover the plant with a layer of mulch from branches (some cover it with a blanket), then cover it with polyethylene on top and sprinkle it with a small layer of earth. In the spring, when the frosts have subsided, the shelter is removed.

General rules for caring for figs

Like all plants, figs need proper care. If all requirements are met, the fig tree will delight you with its beneficial fruits for many years. Main rules of care:

Diseases and pests

The fig tree is considered a fairly resistant plant to diseases and pests, but there is still a predisposition to certain ailments. The most common diseases of figs:

Insect pests that most often attack fig trees:

  • moth - a butterfly that leads to rotting of leaves and fruits;
  • leaf roller moth - harms the entire tree(the fruits rot, then the leaves and fruits fall off);
  • psyllid is small insect, which sucks all the juices from the buds and fruits (deprives the bush vitality and prevents its development);
  • pine beetle - brown bug, damages the plant bark, and it slowly dies.

Figs are a shrub of the subtropics and tropics. Of course, to obtain fruits, it can be grown both at home and in open ground. Or you can make the task easier by buying dried figs, which have the same high concentration of nutrients as fresh fruit.

Therefore, most often it is not available fresh, but dried or other processed form. But there are varieties of figs that grow and bear fruit even in an apartment, and can please lovers of both sweets and home flora.


Fig, or figurine, fig tree is a subtropical deciduous tree with a wide spreading crown and large lobed leaves. In nature it grows up to 10 m and lives up to 300 years. There are male and female trees: male inflorescences are called caprifigs, female inflorescences are called figs. The inflorescences look similar, but only the figs (female) turn into fruits. Pollination is carried out only by small blastophagous wasps. It is for them that the holes in the hollow inflorescences are intended. Trees, in turn, help wasps reproduce.

The fig fruit is pear-shaped, sweet and juicy, with many seeds inside. It is believed that the more seeds inside (more than 900), the better and more tender the fruit. This fruit is dried, canned, made into jam, and even made (figs are called wine berries).

Thanks to their rich chemical composition, figs have many health benefits. They are part of some medicines. They are used in the treatment of many diseases, even early stage cancer. The seeds, leaves and sap of the tree are also medicinal. Figs are very high in calories, especially dried, and satisfy hunger well. They replace chocolate and candies. It was not for nothing that the famous Cleopatra loved figs more than other sweets.

In the wild, the fig tree grows in warm countries with a humid climate: in the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Black Sea coast Crimea and the Caucasus. Cold-resistant varieties have already been developed that can grow in colder climates.

Open ground or home conditions?

To decide where to plant a fig tree, in open ground on the street or in a pot in an apartment, you need to take into account the characteristics of your climate zone and how figs grow. Although this is a heat-loving plant, some species can withstand severe frosts. The tree may freeze, but in the spring it will come back and bear fruit. IN natural conditions the fig tree is almost bearing fruit all year round: spring, summer and autumn. How north region, the shorter the warm season, which is why the fruits do not have time to ripen.
In cold areas, it is best to grow figs, if not in an apartment, then in a greenhouse, on a glassed-in terrace or loggia (it is warmer there than outside). If it grows not in open ground, but in a pot, it can be taken outside for the summer and brought indoors for the winter. In warm regions, figs grow safely in open ground and do not require special conditions.

Important! In Ukraine, the climate is perfect for growing figs in open ground, but they still need to be protected from frost for the winter.

Varieties for home cultivation

Indoor figs outwardly resembles its relative - a lush and low plant 2-3 m high. Unlike wild varieties, indoor figs do not need the services of blastophage wasps, since they are self-pollinating and produce tasty fruits even in an apartment. Figs - unpretentious plant, so growing it at home does not require special effort. It loves warmth, but can also withstand coolness. In an apartment, in summer it is best to place the pot near the window on the east side, and in winter - on the south. Indoor varieties There is a wide variety of figs.

Sochi 7 and Sochi 8

As the name suggests, these two varieties of figs were bred in the city of Sochi and have similar characteristics. Without artificial pollination, they bear fruit once a year and produce juicy, sweet fruits weighing 60 g. Recommended for growing indoors.

This wonderful variety brings harvest twice a year, in summer and autumn, without caprification. Fruit Green colour with red flesh, large, up to 130 g; at the first harvest they are larger than at the second.

White Adriatic

This variety of fig tree produces very sweet yellow-green fruits at the beginning and end of summer. small size, weighing 60 g. Does without artificial pollination.


The variety is named after the scientist who developed it from other domestic fig varieties. It is distinguished by the fact that the fruits appear on it in the fall, in winter the growth stops and the fruits overwinter on the tree as small green ones, and in the spring they begin to grow again, and in the summer the harvest is ready.

Growing and care

Growing a fig tree in an apartment is as easy as growing a ficus tree. A little effort in caring for it will certainly be rewarded with a bountiful harvest. First, you need to learn how to grow figs correctly so that at home they take root well and bear tasty fruits twice a year.


There are certain rules on how to plant figs. Planting should be done in the spring, before active growth begins. A glass for seedlings or small flower pot(no more than half a liter) must be filled with a substrate of sand and (1:1) with the addition of. Or you can add coarse sand and a little peat to the leaf soil and mix. The starting material for planting figs can also be root shoots.
You can sow several seeds in one bowl and then choose the strongest one. It is enough to sprinkle the seed with damp soil, without compacting it, then cover it with glass and leave it warm. After 2-3 weeks, sprouts will sprout. And after waiting another 5 weeks, the seedlings can already be replanted. Figs planted in this way will produce their first fruits only after five years, so growing a tree at home from seeds is used only in the absence of cuttings.

If a sprout emerges from the root, it can also become new. To do this, you need to bend it to the ground, sprinkle it and secure it. The roots will appear in 3-4 weeks, and the seedling is ready for planting in a pot. More often planting material are cuttings. Trees planted in this way bear fruit in the second year. To do this, you need to follow some recommendations on how best to grow figs from cuttings. It should have at least 3-4 buds. From below you need to make an oblique cut 2 cm below the last bud, from above - a straight cut 1 cm above the first. To speed up the appearance of roots, the leaves can be cut off and a few scratches made on the bottom of the cutting, which will be covered with soil. It is advisable to moisten the oblique cut in a root formation stimulator and immerse the cutting in the moist bud second from the bottom. The soil must be compacted and the cup covered plastic bottle or in a transparent bag. Roots will appear in about 3 weeks.

The soil

Be sure to lay a layer on the bottom of the pot and fill it with soil on top. You can use purchased soil and mix it with ash and sand. Or you can take a regular one from the garden, generously add sand and water to improve water permeability.


Figs are propagated in the same way as planting: by root shoots. You can root root shoots at any time. But it is impossible to grow a new fig from seeds if they are taken from a seedling from a nursery. They grow there female plants. If there was no male tree nearby, then pollination did not occur and the seeds were infertile. Nothing will grow from them.

The following trees are also propagated by cuttings: plum, thuja, blue spruce, hawthorn,

Features of care

To determine how to care for figs at home, you need to remember that the tree loves warmth, light and moisture. Solar lighting and a warm climate (air temperature within 22-25°C) are needed for proper flowering and timely ripening of fruits. The domestic fig tree bears fruit in June and October. After this, it sheds its leaves and “rests” in winter at a temperature not exceeding 10°C.

Indoor fig is a fruit-bearing plant. In order not to lose this ability, he needs plentiful and regular. Adult plants can tolerate a long break in water, but for young trees this is detrimental. In winter, during the dormant period, on the contrary, you need to water less. The main thing is to make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out. If at this time the leaves on the tree are still green, you need to dry the soil so that the leaves turn yellow and fall off. At the end of February growth begins again and frequent growth should be resumed.

Figs, also known as figs or fig trees, are one of the most ancient cultivated plants, belongs to the genus of ficus and has a Latin name - ficus carica (Ficus carica). Historically, the fig is a subtropical plant, but having become widespread, the fig also grows well in the tropics, being a deciduous tree.

The fig tree grows small and when mature can be from 3 to 9 meters in height, with numerous spreading branches and a trunk up to 18 centimeters in diameter. The plant contains an abundance of milky latex liquid. The root system of the fig is quite branched and often covers a circle up to 15 meters wide; fig roots can go up to 6 meters deep.

Large fig leaves are divided into 3-7 segments with irregularly toothed edges. The leaf plane reaches a length and width of 25 centimeters. The leaf is quite thick with a rough upper surface and a soft, fleecy underside, with light veins. Fig leaves are used in India as green fodder for livestock and are collected immediately after the fruit harvest. It is known that fig leaves are used in France as a raw material for producing perfumery material with a herbaceous-woody odor, which is involved in the creation of forest aromas.

The latex found in fig trees can be very irritating to the skin if it is not removed immediately. It contains rubber, resins, albumin, sugar, malic acid, renin, proteolytic enzymes, diastase, esterases, lipases, catalase and peroxidases. Fig latex is collected in the early morning at the peak of plant activity and has many uses from medicinal and food to use in household chemicals.

The fruit of the fig tree is a fleshy, hollow vessel with a small hole at the top, partially covered with small scales. Fig fruits grow obovate or pear-shaped from 2.5-10 centimeters in length, and their color varies from yellowish-green to dark purple.

Tiny fig flowers are located in large numbers on inside future fetus. In most varieties of figs, the flowers are female and do not require pollinators. However, some species have flowers of both sexes and require visits from tiny insects to produce seeds.

The skin of fig fruits is thin and tender, the fleshy walls are whitish, pale yellow or with a purple tint. When ripe, the fruits are juicy and sweet; unripe fruits contain sticky, inedible latex. Depending on the variety, fig seeds can be large, up to 30 pieces per fruit, and vary to very small - up to 1600 pieces per fig.

Figs grow and thrive in tropical areas with hilly terrain at 800-1800 meters above sea level. In winter, the tree can withstand up to 20 degrees of frost in places that are favorable according to other natural indicators. When growing figs for the production of fresh fruit, the area should have a dry climate with light spring rains, since the abundance of moisture during fruit ripening contributes to their cracking and rapid spoilage. Semi-arid tropical and subtropical regions of the world are ideal for growing figs if water sources are available. However, very hot dry periods cause fruit to drop even when irrigated.

Figs grow in a wide range of soils. Even light sand, rich loam, heavy clay or limestone are suitable, as long as sufficient depth and drainage are provided. Sandy soil containing lime is preferable when the crop is to be dried. Very acidic soils unsuitable for growing figs, the pH value should be between 6.0 and 6.5 units. The trees are fairly tolerant of moderate salinity.

Figs typically bear fruit twice a year. At the beginning of the season, the fruits are inferior in quality and are often too sour. The main one is the second harvest, which is of decisive importance. Fig trees bear fruit abundantly for the first 12-15 years, and then the gardens require renewal due to reduced yields and the development of diseases, although figs can grow to a very old age.

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