Little flying browns. Small brown bug in the apartment: how to deal with it

August 7, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Insects in the bathroom are always an unpleasant surprise, because this room must be kept especially clean and hygienic. In addition, their appearance, as a rule, disgusts people, not to mention the fact that many arthropods are far from harmless. Therefore, in this article I will tell you how to get rid of these little “uninvited guests”.

We remove insects

First of all, consider which insects live in the bathroom, since different types of insects require a different approach. So, most often in this room you can find the following types of insects:

  • silverfish;
  • woodlice;
  • butterfly flies;
  • centipedes;
  • spiders;
  • cockroaches;
  • mosquitoes.

Below we will take a closer look at these insects, their habitat, as well as ways to get rid of them.


Silverfish are extremely unpleasant in appearance, but at the same time absolutely harmless insects. They are easily recognizable by their elongated body with three antennae on the tail and two in front. They reach one centimeter in length.

As a rule, silverfish are painted in dark gray color. However, recently molted individuals are almost white in color. Therefore, if you notice that small white insects live in the bathroom, then this is probably them.

Silverfish feed on all kinds of organic matter:

  • mold fungi;
  • rags;
  • all kinds of garbage under the bedding;
  • toilet paper, etc.

These insects do not spread microbes and dirt, however, in any case, they do not belong in the apartment. Fighting silverfish is very simple - in most cases, a folded newspaper or slipper is enough, since they do not breed in large quantities.

If you notice that silver insects are crawling in the bathroom in large numbers, which is extremely rare, you can use any household insect spray. After the use of such means, silverfish will certainly not survive.


Woodlice, like silverfish, are also a frequent guest in bathrooms. Strictly speaking, these are not even insects, but small terrestrial crustaceans, although when it comes to fighting them, this does not really matter.

Woodlice in length reach one centimeter. They are easily recognizable by their characteristic armor-like chitinous coating, as well as their habit of curling up at the sight of danger. Like silverfish, they can be white in color, although they are more often gray.

Like all crustaceans, wood lice love moisture, so they appear in places where water is constantly leaking. Thus, they serve as a kind of indicator that something has formed in your bathroom. If the room is dry, then wood lice will never appear there.

Therefore, before you kill insects, troubleshoot the water supply or sewerage system, and also ensure the tightness of the junction of the wall and the bathtub to get rid of dampness. Our portal describes in detail how to do this.

It must be said that woodlice also do not tolerate germs and do not bite, therefore, in general, they are quite harmless. To get rid of them, you should treat the places inhabited by them with insecticides, such as Karbofos, Lambda Zone, etc.


Butterflies are another insect that loves dampness. They have gray wings, clearly defined by a fringe. Thanks to the many hairs, the butterfly seems to be velvety.

Butterfly larvae develop on damp walls and other places where dirt accumulates and is damp. All sorts of organic remains serve as food for them.

It should be noted that the toilet for butterflies also often becomes a favorite place. However, neither in the bathroom nor in the toilet, they are not numerous. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will meet more than one or two flies.

It doesn't make sense to deduce them specifically. It is enough just to slap a butterfly at a meeting and ensure the cleanliness and dryness of the room. After that, you will never meet this insect in the bathroom.

If necessary, of course, you can treat the room with a household aerosol.


Millipedes exist in different species that differ in appearance. The only thing is that all these invertebrates have a long body and a large number of legs. Therefore, if you notice that strange long insects have settled in your bathroom, then most likely these are centipedes.

Often, at the sight of danger, they curl up into a spiral and emit a foul-smelling liquid. To get rid of them, it is enough to ensure cleanliness and dryness in the bathroom, as well as crush the individual that caught your eye.

Centipedes such as centipedes are poisonous. Its bite causes irritation and even burns. True, it does not cause serious harm to health.


Flycatchers also belong to the centipede family. However, they are not tied to humidity, so they can equally meet both in the bathroom and toilet, and in other rooms.

They are easily recognizable by their long body and the presence of many long legs. It should be noted that these insects are quite fast, so slamming them with a slipper is often not easy.

Flycatchers settle where there are small insects, such as:

  • butterflies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • scales, etc.

It should be noted that flycatchers due to large sizes and high speed of movement often inspire horror in residents. However, in reality they are quite peaceful insects.

However, in self-defense, the flycatcher can still sting, like the centipede. Her sting is comparable in pain to a bee sting.

Flycatchers can be removed with any insecticidal means. However, like other centipedes, they are found singly. Therefore, a slipper is quite enough to forget about their existence.


Mosquitoes rarely live in the bathroom permanently. Their larvae can breed here only if the room is dirty and damp, and also if there are jars or other containers with water under the bathtub.

Most often, they appear in the bathroom to bite people. Therefore, use on windows mosquito net and keep the room clean.

To make the mosquitoes already living in the apartment disappear, you can use special tools like Raid.


Everyone knows cockroaches. These are extremely unpleasant bugs that multiply at a tremendous rate.

Moreover, they live not only in the bathroom, but also in other rooms, especially where there are food residues, i.e. in the kitchen. Unlike wood lice and centipedes, cockroaches are carriers of various diseases and intestinal infections.

I must say that it is quite difficult to get cockroaches out, however, it is quite possible. The instruction looks like this:

  1. first of all, destroy in the usual way individuals, which you can only, for example, slippers;
  2. further cracks and other places of accumulation of cockroaches should be processed by special means from cockroaches. Most often they are sold in special syringes, making it convenient to work with them;
  1. 3333 after a few days, wash the places where insects accumulate with 72% laundry soap;
  2. treat those areas where cockroaches sat or were crushed with your own hands with a solution of bleach;
  3. be sure to remove all debris, dust, mold and other contaminants from the room. At the same time, wash all surfaces with laundry soap;
  4. Fix leaks in faucets and pipes.

To get rid of cockroaches, you must perform all the above procedures, not only in the bathroom, but also in all other areas of the apartment.


Spiders tend to live in dry places where there is good ventilation. By themselves, these arthropods are harmless, however, they create cobwebs in the corners that spoil appearance premises.

Fortunately, spiders are not numerous - there can be 3-5 of them in the bathroom. Therefore, to get rid of them, it is enough to use a slipper, in addition, it is necessary to remove the cobwebs that have appeared in a timely manner with a broom.

Boric acid is good prophylactic from insects

How to prevent the appearance of insects

Finally, I will tell you about some preventive measures, thanks to which insects will never appear in the bathroom.

So, for this you must follow the following rules:

  • never let dampness and dirt build up in the bathroom. In the event of a leak, it must be promptly eliminated. In addition, ensure that the bathroom is well ventilated;
  • often insects crawl from basements to houses and first floors apartment buildings. To prevent this, it is necessary to eliminate any gaps in the floors;
  • as a prophylaxis under the bath, you can pour a small amount boric acid. Insects such as cockroaches, silverfish, wood lice, etc. will die after the first use of acid in food.
  • Wormwood repels insects well

    • often insects crawl from neighbors through ventilation ducts. To prevent this, tighten the ventilation windows with a mesh, and lay scare sections in the channels themselves.

    Subject to all these rules, insects will bypass your bathroom and the apartment in general.


    Insects in the bathroom in most cases appear for a reason increased dampness and dirt. Therefore, in order not to face such a problem, maintain the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions in this room. If arthropods have already wound up, the tips above will help get rid of them.

    The video in this article contains Additional information. If you didn’t manage to “overcome” insects or have other questions, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

    August 7, 2016

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Insects can start in any house or apartment, even a very clean one. Moreover, they are almost everywhere - sometimes there are only a few individuals, people may not even be aware that they have neighbors. These insects are not always harmful and dangerous, although in large numbers they can cause a lot of anxiety. Beetles in the house are also found. Which of them can be found in the home and why are they dangerous? In order to get rid of insects in a wooden house, you need to know the enemy in person.

Destruction Zhukov from 3500 rub.

Types of beetles in the house

The following types of beetles can start in houses:

  • beetle grinder (furniture, grain, bread, etc.) - damages food stocks, wooden crafts, wallpaper, etc.;
  • springtail - damages indoor plants;
  • silverfish - a safe, but unpleasant tenant that lives in wet areas of the apartment;
  • small flour beetle - damages cereals, pasta;
  • kozheed beetle - damages carpets, clothes;
  • book louse - a rare guest in apartments, damaging old books and products in which there is a paste (for example, wallpaper);
  • shashel - damages wood;
  • bark beetle - damages wood;
  • beetle woodworm - damages wood.

Each type of beetle in the house is worth considering in detail.

grinder beetle

These bugs pose a serious danger to furniture. They can destroy wooden structures, cardboard, plywood, books. It is popularly believed that grinders are all beetles that harm wood, but they must be distinguished, for example, from the same bark beetles that are fought in other ways.

Grinder beetles are a large family of small beetles that may or may not pose a threat to furnishings. Furniture (house) grinders - can destroy an entire wooden house. In the old days, they terrified the residents with a sound made similar to the ticking of a clock - they were even called the "clock of death." The fact is that grinder beetles in large numbers can undermine wooden structures so much that the house collapses, burying people under it. They are also capable of a short time destroy dear wooden furniture, parquet, books, door and furniture frames, picture frames, etc. Bread and grain grinders damage not only the corresponding food products, but also spices, books, zoological collections, herbariums.

It is easy to suspect the presence of grinders in the house - when they gnaw through wood, they make a characteristic ticking sound. Outwardly, they are discreet, black or brown, ranging in size from 2 to 9 mm. The body is elongated, cylindrical, the head is tilted down and covered by a projection of the pronotum.

Read our article: Ticking sounds and clicks in the house - what to do?

It is necessary to use highly toxic substances in well-ventilated areas. It is important to remember that their use can harm a person with prolonged contact.

Much easier to accept preventive measures- treat wood and wooden furniture with special antiseptics that protect wood from various insects.


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One of the oldest inhabitants on Earth, the barbel beetle has many varieties. The size of the insect can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Whiskers often exceed body size by 10 times. The larvae are up to 3 cm long. In our area, you are likely to meet a mustachioed black beetle with a green-blue tint. During its development, the barbel goes through several stages - an egg, a larva, a pupa and, in fact, a beetle.


Shashel often means beetles that damage furniture. Often all these insects are designated by one term, although in fact the shashel is a black tree barbel. Outwardly, barbels differ from other grinders in appearance. They are black with whitish patches, have a large head with antennae and wings. Body length - 15-40 mm.

Their difference from other insects that infect wood is that they prefer coniferous trees- fir, spruce. They live mainly in coniferous and pine forests.

The methods of struggle are the same as with other beetles that damage wood. They love fresh wood, they can start in warehouses, from where they get into houses.

bark beetle

Read more about it in the article: how to get rid of bark beetle typographer

These beetles are often found in wooden houses, presenting a serious danger. These black-brown bugs, no larger than 1 cm in size, gnaw many moves in the wood, destroying the product.

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They enter the house along with building materials or from neighboring trees. Bark beetle larvae are so voracious that just one infected board in a house is enough for them to destroy the entire log house - this will take only a few years.

If single passages are found, special insecticides (“Antizhuk”, “Wood Doctor”) can be injected with a syringe directly into the passages, and then cover the holes. Then everything wooden elements at home, in order to get rid of the insects remaining in the undetectable passages, it should be treated with antiseptics.

If the affected area is large, you need to stick a knife or awl into the damaged area. If the tool enters easily, then the damage is significant. In this case, the affected material must be removed and burned along with the pests. Then treat healthy wood with an insecticide and an antiseptic and place a new bar in the place of excavation. If the wood is strong enough, but the area of ​​damage is large, insecticide treatment should be repeated several times.

Getting rid of bark beetles is quite difficult, so it is better to take preventive measures. First of all, you need to buy proven wood treated with an antiseptic. Also, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to periodically treat all wooden elements of the structure (both external and internal) with antiseptics (Senezh, Aquatex, Ecolan, Woodpecker, etc.), and if after the last treatment a lot has passed time - and insecticides.

wood beetle

More detailed description in the article: Woodworm - how to get rid of?

Small dark winged bugs are often confused with common harmless flies. But they can destroy wooden structures in just a few years.

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They spend almost all the time in the passages they have carved inside the wood and fly only during the mating season. That's when they can be seen - flying around light bulbs in the evening and crawling on surfaces during the day. The larvae live in wood for up to 17 years, and during this time each larvae makes passages up to 40 km long in the wood.

To destroy pests, special insecticides are used that are able to penetrate inside the treated surface. Light preparations, after spraying on damaged surfaces, destroy insects on the surface and lure the rest out of the shelter. More powerful preparations quickly destroy even large colonies of pests, but after treatment with them for several hours you cannot enter the room - they are toxic.

In order not to have to fight with various beetles that destroy wood, it is better to take preventive measures - the same as in the case of bark beetles.

flour beetle

These are small reddish-brown bugs a few millimeters long. They spoil cereals, flour, dried fruits. Usually get into the house along with contaminated products.

If a beetle is found, it is necessary to throw away all stocks of cereals, pasta and dried fruits in the house. These bugs can also live in baseboards, window frames, so after eliminating the products, you need to thoroughly rinse all surfaces with a solution of vinegar. Skirting boards and other surfaces not in contact with food can be treated with chemicals.


These small bugs gnaw on carpets, fur, various natural materials(leather, hide, wool), fabrics, grain. They pose a danger not only to things, but to people and animals, as they bite painfully and can carry infections and cause allergies. The bite site must be treated with alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

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In appearance, they resemble grinder beetles. But unlike them, they pose a threat to humans. Therefore, if they were discovered, urgent action must be taken - it is advisable to call our specialists who are professionally engaged in the destruction of insects.

Kozheeds love dry and warm places, so they are usually found under baseboards near radiators, on window sills, in floor crevices, and cabinets. It is difficult to get rid of skin-eaters, so it is better to take preventive measures - for example, put sections from moths with the smell of lavender, which they do not like, in cabinets. Also, these bugs can not stand the smell of tobacco, wormwood, tansy.

To get rid of kozheedov it is necessary to use special chemicals . Infected things should be taken out to the balcony - these beetles and larvae die at temperatures below +7 degrees.

book louse

Also called book hay eater. They have a long body and a large head. They love heat and high humidity, so it is recommended to lower the humidity in the room when they are detected.

Book lice are common in nature - they live in bird nests, rodent burrows. It is rarely found in homes - mainly in libraries and museums. These insects feed on the remains of plant and animal origin, as well as paste. In the old days, they caused a lot of anxiety, since paste was used in the production of books. Modern books do not interest them, as they began to be used synthetic glue. They do not pose a danger to humans and animals.


Sometimes on the windowsills you can see small insects. These are springtails that strike flower plants. In large quantities, the roots of plants are severely damaged. Found either in flower pots, or nearby them, as a rule, do not spread around the room. They do not pose a danger to humans and pets.


Silverfish are often confused with wood lice. They have an elongated flat body, with long antennae. Covered with scales, body length up to 19 mm. Safe for humans and animals, but can damage books, clothes and food. They live more often in the bathroom, as they like dark and damp places. During the day, they prefer to hide in the crevices of skirting boards, frames, cabinets, etc.

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If there are few silverfish in the house, you can try to install a sticky shovel - for example, for cockroaches. To attract silverfish, you can put a piece or other starchy product inside.

You can also fight silverfish with insecticidal aerosols based on pyrmethrin.. It is important to remember that they cannot be used in food storage areas. You can also sprinkle diatomaceous earth on places where silverfish are often found at night, and then vacuum. It is important not to let children and animals into the treated room.

Professional bug extermination

Homes can start different kinds Zhukov. Determining exactly which species of beetles settled is often quite difficult. Moreover, in each case, the methods of struggle are different - one drug is effective against one type of beetle, the second - against another.

Therefore, if you cannot cope with the bugs on your own, you should contact a specialized insect extermination company - you see the phone numbers on the page.

Specialists will be able to accurately determine the type of bugs that disturb residents of the house and quickly get rid of these insects.. It is especially difficult to deal with wood-damaging beetles (it is difficult to accurately determine their species) and book lice. It's not worth delaying- even if most of the beetles do not directly threaten human life, they can cause serious damage to property.

The help of specialists is especially needed if the beetles have managed to populate the entire house, and complex processing is required for their destruction. Also, do not hesitate if there is a suspicion that leather beetles started up in the house - such a neighborhood poses a serious threat to human health and animals.

Domestic insects are so diverse that there are not enough fingers to describe even the main species. However, you can still try to classify them: for example, according to the degree of danger and harm to people. And so that you can determine exactly who you saw in your apartment, below is a description of domestic insects, photos and names.

Names and appearance of domestic insects

Cockroaches are probably the most common household pests. Naturally, the first place is occupied by one of the well-known household domestic insects - the red cockroach (which is also called "Prusak").

The next, rather familiar view for our apartments is black beetle. It's pretty big domestic insect, which gradually disappears under the onslaught of the Prussians (the red cockroach actively eats its eggs).

The last type of these insects is american cockroach. At first it was quite rare for our latitudes, but with the development of trade, this species began to conquer stores and warehouses. major cities, and only then - the apartments located in the neighborhood.

The key to successful "capture" of housing by these insects lies in their biology. Cockroaches are pests that feed on absolutely any food waste, and some household items - for example, paper, shoe cream, various adhesives. In addition, they can simply go without food for quite a long time - sometimes even up to a month.

Cockroaches breed quite quickly, and the life span of an adult insect is about 10-15 months.

In addition to the obvious harm that insects cause to various food products (contaminate, eat them), they are also carriers of various infectious diseases, as well as eggs of a number of helminths. Therefore, the fight against cockroaches must be carried out without fail.

Bed bugs

It is much more difficult to poison these pests than cockroaches, since the bulk of the insecticidal preparations on sale are not effective against them. As a rule, special dusts, sprays, aerosol insecticides.

house ants

Speaking about the harm caused, it can be noted that these domestic insects - like many of their main counterparts - can spread various infections and spoil food.

Theoretically, fleas can carry a large number of deadly diseases - from brucellosis and encephalitis, to typhoid and plague, and therefore it is necessary to deal with them especially carefully. But even when there is no infection in the insect, it directly the bite is very painful, can cause severe itching and the formation of pustular inflammation on the skin.

In general, removing fleas is not so difficult if you act correctly:

  • To begin with, you need to poison the insects on pets, in their resting places and bedding.
  • Then it is necessary to process all the premises, since flea larvae can be observed on the baseboards, and in the crevices of the floors, and in the floor cloths.


This is a very large group of insects, which also includes several varieties of domestic pests. Some eat cereals and groceries, spoiling food, and some harm clothes, preferring, as a rule, woolen and fur things ( coat moth).

Adult moths are butterflies. They can be active pests in the apartment at the caterpillar stage, but adult moths may not eat completely.

That is why, by killing a single butterfly that flies near the closet with clothes, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the destruction of the pest population - most likely, the adult moth has already laid eggs, and the subsequent “battle” should be directed against the caterpillars, which will hatch approximately 2 weeks after laying .

Fur coat moth is destroyed insecticides, and also, when possible, elevated temperatures (up to 75C) or, conversely, freezing clothes.

Folk ways based on lavender and different fees, alas, they will not rid the apartment of moths, they can only be used to prevent infection. The fight against food moth is primarily aimed at the destruction of infected products.

Home woodlice

Woodlice cannot be attributed to insects that live in an apartment - these arthropods are a type of higher crayfish.

Big they do no harm to humans.: only occasionally woodlice can damage vegetable stocks or damage young shoots of house plants. However, meeting with these miniature cohabitants is not always pleasant.

Most often, wood lice live in those rooms in which it is stored all the time. high humidity or there are water leaks: as a rule, these are toilets and bathrooms. Dark secluded shelters are also in abundance here (insects do not like bright lighting), and a source of food - for example, a bucket of garbage, where you can eat various food residues.

The vital activity of wood lice is to a certain extent associated with water, and therefore getting rid of them is quite simple. Typically, this only requires eliminate moisture: for example, fix a leak in a tap, dry a bathroom. If these measures do not bring the desired effect, then you can get rid of wood lice with any insecticidal preparation (Delta-Zone, Get, Good FOS, Tsifox, etc.).

Leather beetles

They are one of the most striking examples of insects in an apartment, the cohabitation with which the owner most often does not even suspect. The reason is very simple to explain: adults barely reach the size 3 mm, and larvae - 1.5 mm.

All in all, different types There are quite a lot of skin beetles, in the natural environment they almost always settle in places where there are some organic remains of the vital activity of birds or animals in abundance. If we consider an apartment, then in it these insects settle in places where there is clothing, leather or paper.

In residential areas, these insects eat books, wardrobe items and so on. It should be noted that kozheedy in their food addictions are real "generalists": they can be seen, among other things, in herbariums, cereals. They can even feed on debris in the dust and multiply behind skirting boards for a long time.

But damage to household items and food is not the worst thing you can expect from skin eaters. Since these domestic insects are able to be cause of injury to people helminths and even a number of infectious diseases, therefore their timely destruction is very important.

As a rule, kozheedov are taken out in different aerosol insecticides, but also folk ways, in the case of these pests, can help a lot. So, for example, the larvae of these insects cannot stand the smell of wormwood and lavender.


These are probably the most "quiet" and almost harmless insects. According to their way of life, they can be compared, for example, with wood lice: these tiny cohabitants also love warmth, darkness and moisture.

These pests feed on various organic matter, which is found in dust, bread crumbs, sugar on the table, and sometimes everything that skin beetles love.

Silverfish do not breed in large numbers and you can meet them most often in the evenings, when the owner of the apartment, turning on the lighting, takes the pests by surprise. Silverfish are rarely purposefully fought and, as a rule, they are bred simultaneously with other insects. For this, various aerosol insecticides are most often used.


Their eggs are called nits and they can significantly ruin the look of the hair. As a result of the fact that lice eat human blood and thus bite all the time, their presence causes intense itching. Today there is a huge arsenal of special preparations for lice:

  • combs;
  • sprays;
  • pediculicidal shampoos.

Spiders at home

On the contrary, spiders can be called some helpers in the fight against other insects, since their main “task” in the house is to catch mosquitoes, cockroaches and flies. That is, when spiders do not drag the entire room with their nets, then they can be considered more useful.

Spiders are infrequently numerous in an apartment, and therefore it is very easy to remove them: as a rule, they just get caught, for example, with a broom and at the same time throw out the cobwebs.

Summing up, it must be said that it is necessary to fight domestic insects from the time they are found in the apartment. To exterminate many insects, numerous manufacturers produce special preparations in various forms.

These preparations can be presented in powders, sprays, gels, solutions, adhesive tapes, traps, and also in compressed or tablet form.

At any time of the year, uninvited guests in the form of annoying insects can start up in your house. They appear due to dampness, lack of sanitary conditions, and can also enter the room through open windows and doors, or through manholes in walls or risers.

White insects in the apartment - who is it?

How to deal with white insects in the apartment?

Prevention of the appearance of small midges and bugs in the apartment

  • firstly, avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt in the room, since small bugs most often start in dusty places. To protect furniture from pests when wiping dust, you can use a polish, such a preparation has a double effect - it removes dirt and repels insects with a specific smell;
  • Secondly, monitor the condition of pipes and risers in the apartment, eliminate the manifestation of condensate on windows and glass-ceramic surfaces, it is moisture that attracts wood lice and other types of silverfish;
  • third, periodically thoroughly ventilate the room, in this way you saturate your living area with oxygen and help eliminate all insect egg clutches laid by this time, since pests do not tolerate cold;
  • fourthly, to protect your apartment from the invasion of small pests, it is worth using harmless products such as soda while cleaning the premises, laundry soap, lemon, - these components do not have negative impact per person, but they do an excellent job with insects;
  • fifth, an excellent means of preventing the appearance of insects in kitchen and wardrobe cabinets, as well as among books, is the use of herbs. Rosemary, lavender, walnut, eucalyptus have a pleasant smell for humans, but many insects do not tolerate this aroma. You can use dry bunches of herbal preparations, laying them out on shelves and under tables, for the same purpose it is permissible to lay out unpeeled garlic cloves in kitchen drawers.

By taking precautions, you will not encounter the problem of removing insects from your apartment, so you should not neglect them, especially since all the proposed means are very simple and accessible to everyone without exception.

Various types of insects often appear in apartments - ants, bugs, cockroaches and many others. They cause great inconvenience, spoil furniture, plants and products. Man has learned to successfully deal with these pests. About the most effective ways fight against bugs and will be discussed in the article.

brown bugs

Brown bugs in the apartment live in wardrobes, under the baseboard, in products, they climb into the carpet and upholstered furniture, live on indoor plants. Most often, kozheeds and anthrenuses start up in the dwelling. Caterpillars of kozheedov are very tenacious, unlike adult bugs, they can do without food for several weeks. The larvae hide behind back walls cabinets and baseboards, developing first into caterpillars, and then into adults.

Insects enter the room through open windows that do not have a grid, through ventilation holes, and also together with old furniture, cereals, books and spices purchased by weight.

Small bugs in the apartment prefer dry places, because they do not like moisture, so the bathroom is not included in their habitat. Kozheeds feed on any organic matter, eating skin, fur, down, flowers, feathers and food. They are very fond of destroying books whose bindings are glued together with a composition containing starch. Insects reach from two to four millimeters in length and have a brown, dark brown and black color.

Varieties of brown bugs

One of the frequent uninvited guests in the apartment is a grain kozheed who loves nuts, cereals, bran, grain and flour. And also - ham kozheed, eating any meat and fish products. This bug also destroys stuffed animals, leather goods and furs. Kozheedy calmly endure sudden changes in temperature.

They go from larva to adult in 6 to 12 months. Females of all varieties of these beetles lay more than a hundred eggs, which develop in inconspicuous places. For example, brown beetle larvae in an apartment are most often found in dark corners, as they do not tolerate sunlight very well.

Anthrenuses are small pests and reach a size of one to four millimeters, have a brown or black color. They live in carpets and upholstered furniture, prefer to eat particles of the epidermis and any organic matter. They often cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in humans.

Little black bugs in the apartment

Black bugs enter the apartment in the same ways as brown bugs. The main problems with the appearance of these insects in the house are damage to food, furniture, human bites, as well as the rapid reproduction of pests. Some species of black bugs are resistant to various species infectious diseases. There are quite a few varieties of black bugs.

Let's consider some of them:

  • Black cockroaches that reach a length of two to three centimeters. They have a dense black coat. The main danger of these insects is that they are carriers of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, to which they themselves are not susceptible.
  • Flour beetle. These insects reach a size of two to four millimeters and are black in color. Such small bugs in the apartment prefer to settle in the kitchen, since their main food is flour, cereals, grains and legumes. They do not pose a danger to humans, but spoil food.
  • Carpet bugs. This species prefers to settle in carpeting, bedding and clothing. Usually it is also not dangerous to humans, with the exception of some cases when an allergic reaction is possible.

white bugs

White bugs in the apartment most often live in the bathroom or toilet, as they love wet rooms. The most common white bugs that live in our homes are silverfish or wood lice.

The silverfish, growing up, reaches a length of about one centimeter, has an elongated body and a light gray, white or translucent color. vigorous activity leads at night and moves very quickly with the help of numerous paws. It feeds on organic food, wet paper, mold, synthetic fibers and dead relatives.

Woodlice also prefer to settle in bathrooms and toilets because of their love of moisture. They have a gray, white or brown color, and the body is divided into segments, each of which has a pair of legs. These animals cannot do without water, as they are related to the species of land crustaceans, and their breathing is carried out with the help of gills. They eat any organic matter and are distinguished by good fertility. The females of these babies lay about a hundred eggs in an apartment, and after 25 days a fully formed individual appears.

flying bugs

Very often flying bugs start up in houses. In most cases, this is a mosquito. They have small size and, growing, reach a length of about three millimeters. Great harm midges do not bring, but they get into food and drinks, get into a person’s ears and crawl into their eyes.

Some types of flying bugs in an apartment can bite, and also cause the death of plants and flowers in the house. Most often, midges appear in expired products, in stagnant water and in the soil of house plants oversaturated with water.

Some types of skin beetles and black bugs can also fly around the apartment. From time to time, aphids may also appear, which feed on the juice of representatives of the room flora. In addition to discomfort, aphids cause dangerous diseases in plants. In length, it reaches about three millimeters, and only some species are from five to seven millimeters in length. These insects have different colors: green, gray, dark brown and black.


In the kitchen, you can often find another pest - this is a weevil beetle or, as it is also called, an elephant beetle. These small brown bugs in the apartment start directly in the products themselves. They got their name because of the peculiarities in the structure of the calf. In front of the head they have a long tube, with which weevils feed.

Weevils are one of the largest families of beetles, in apartments, in most cases eight species are found. Cereals are considered the most harmful of them. These insects cause damage agriculture, reducing the yield by 40%. Weevil larvae are omnivorous, they eat the stems and leaves of house plants, buds and shoots, as well as cereals, grains and legumes.

After weevil bugs related to cereals have started up in the apartment, they begin to lay eggs inside plants or fruits, in which the larva develops in the future. Eating and destroying its "home", it turns into a chrysalis, and then into an adult bug.

Another type of weevil

Another common type of weevil is the rice beetle, which is just as dangerous to food as the grain (granary) beetle. He is a beetle Brown color three to four millimeters long. It has small wings and a lighter color than

He also eats almost all types of cereals, cereals and beans, and even eats tobacco found in cigarettes. In the apartment, rice weevil bugs settle in the cracks of the floor, walls and hide among old books. The female lays 150 to 300 eggs. At home, eight to ten generations of these pests can appear per year.

In addition to spoiling food, weevils are a cause in humans. They also pose a great danger to grain stores and flour mills. Grain with weevils, which gets into the food after the preparation of bakery products from it, can cause serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in humans.

Weevil control methods

When small bugs appeared in the apartment, it is urgent to take measures to destroy them. If you find a weevil beetle or its pupae in the products, you must immediately discard these products, having previously packed them carefully in plastic bags. If this pest did not have time to spoil the food supplies, you can get rid of it in the following way.

Cereals, legumes and grains in which bugs have been found must be placed in a refrigerator in which, at zero temperature, adults will die in two months, larvae in one month, and oviposition in three weeks. Weevil can be frozen at -15°C and will die after 24 hours.

And there is also an option - to calcine the products in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees for 48 hours. You can also use the numerous insecticidal agents that are widely represented in retail. You should choose exactly the drug that is right for your case, in a good price-quality ratio.

Ways to deal with brown bugs

More brown bugs in the apartment are displayed using folk remedies and chemicals. The difficulty in dealing with this type of insect lies in the fact that you will have to process a fairly large amount of territory in your apartment. If it turns out that there are a great many brown bugs in the dwelling, then in this case it is recommended to call the pest control service. Its representatives in short time and at a relatively low price for their services, they will effectively deal with insects.

Fighting black bugs

The bugs in the apartment, living in carpets, can be destroyed very simply. It is enough to give the carpet to dry cleaning, and after it has been treated with special compounds, all bugs and their egg-laying will die. Tree bugs and skin beetles, which often live in bedding and clothes, can be destroyed by heat treatment of these things.

But it is not easy to deal with black bugs and cockroaches, since these insects tolerate various types of poisons and insecticides well. Moreover, over time, this type of bug adapts to the poison, and it becomes immune.

And it is also likely that after you process your apartment with special means, some of the bugs will move to the neighbor's living space, and after some time will return back. It is for this reason that it is recommended to contact the insecticidal service in order to quickly, competently and efficiently deal with uninvited guests.

Removal of flying bugs and prevention

Flying bugs in an apartment will cause much less trouble compared to black bugs. Midges or aphids can be easily removed with insecticidal sprays and powders. They are very sensitive to chemicals and unable to resist them. It will be enough just to choose a means for their destruction from the assortment available in specialized stores.

It is also important to search your apartment for the presence of midge or aphid eggs, and if found, destroy it mechanically, and treat the place of insect deployment with a pest control composition. After baiting small bugs in the apartment, it is necessary to make a wet general cleaning and ventilate the room well.

An important aspect in the fight against insects that have settled in your apartment is prevention. It is necessary to periodically sort out food in the kitchen, especially cereals, legumes and grains. View carpets, bed sheets and clothes. Pay attention to secluded places in the bathroom and toilet. If bugs reappeared in the apartment, then it is necessary to immediately take measures to combat them.

In order to prevent the appearance of insects in the apartment, it is also necessary to cool the room in winter. When the temperature outside is minus 10 degrees, open the windows wide open for at least four hours, leaving the room yourself for this time. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once a month. This will help prevent the appearance of various pests in your apartment.

It is necessary to keep the house clean and tidy, once a month to do wet cleaning with disinfectants. Clothes and bedding in the summer - soak in the sun, and in winter - freeze on the street. This will help prevent the appearance of bugs and destroy them if they are present on things. Following these recommendations, you can effectively deal with insects that have appeared in your apartment, as well as prevent them. reappearance along with the problems they cause.