Figs - fig tree: useful properties and contraindications. Amazing fig and all its secrets

Fig tree, or fig (lat. Fícus cárica) is a bright representative of the genus Ficus of the Mulberry family. The Latin name comes from the name of the birthplace of figs - ancient Kariya in Asia Minor. It has many different names, the most popular of which are "common fig tree" or "wine berry". Figs are widely distributed in countries with a subtropical climate, in Georgia, South Ossetia, in the mountains of Armenia, on the Absheron Peninsula, in the central regions of Azerbaijan, in the Carpathians, on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, Crimea and Abkhazia, as well as in countries mediterranean.

A curious fact about the fig tree: its fruits, the familiar fruit - figs, are not a fruit at all, but a flower. Some other varieties of ficus bloom in a similar way.

In fact, the fruits of the fig tree are flowers, not fruits, as is commonly believed.

properties of fruits and leaves

The fig tree is recognized as one of the most ancient cultivated plants, the first mention of which is contained in the Bible.

Figs (otherwise fig) are widely used as fresh food, canned and dried form. Also from the fruits of figs very tasty and healthy jam is obtained.

Thanks to its rich medicinal properties, figs have been used since ancient times as a remedy for colds. Fresh fruits are used as a remedy for coughs and sore throats. Fig pulp has an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.

Figs are also high in iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. In addition, figs are indicated for heart palpitations, as well as for bronchial asthma. Dried fruits have a laxative effect on the body.

Dried figs are very useful for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Outdoor cultivation

Throughout history cultivation figs, many varieties and varieties of this plant have been bred. For its cultivation, amateur gardeners are advised to choose self-pollinated varieties.

In addition, when choosing a variety, it is important to pay attention to how one or another variety will be adapted to the conditions of a particular region.

For example, in regions with a temperate climate, it is better to plant winter-hardy figs. This variety will survive the winter and frost in open ground without any problems.

Popular varieties among amateur gardeners include:

  • Brunswick;
  • Kadata;
  • Crimean black;
  • Dalmatian.

Landing: soil, location and lighting

The fig tree is a subtropical plant. This means that the plant loves the sun, heat, and does not like cold and strong winds. These features must be taken into account when choosing a place for planting in open ground. A well-lit place on the south side of the garden is best suited for this purpose. It is important that there are no tall buildings, buildings and trees with a lush crown nearby.

Figs are not capricious in the choice of soil. Suitable for almost any soil. The only requirement is sufficient moisture content. Therefore, drainage at the bottom of the landing pit is done only under the condition of heavy clay soil. However, a light, sandy substrate or perlite is ideal for figs.

The prepared substrate can be fed with organic fertilizer. After that, the soil is poured in the form of a hill and the roots of the seedling are placed on top, and then they are covered with earth. The root neck is located on the surface.

In those regions where winter frosts are quite severe, it is recommended to plant the fig tree in trenches. The north side of the planting trench should be vertical. To protect it from shedding, you can use a film or polycarbonate. The southern slope should be gentle to allow direct sunlight.

You can plant a fig tree in open ground in autumn, as well as in spring. In winter, the tree must be covered, and in case of severe frosts, “relocate” to the greenhouse. This also applies to winter-hardy varieties.

Outdoor fig care

Outdoor care activities include the following procedures:

  1. Watering should be regular and plentiful. When the soil dries out, there is a high probability that the plant will not bear fruit. The approximate frequency of watering is 8-12 times per season. In one run, at least 1-2 buckets of medium size must be poured into the soil. If drip irrigation is used, soil moisture levels should be checked regularly.
  2. Crown formation. Among gardeners, standard crown formation is popular. The crown is formed from 3-4 uterine branches. In this case, the trunk usually reaches a height of about 60 cm. Shoots are cut off during the season (this also applies to stem). For 2-4 years after planting, the ends of the shoots and conductors are cut a little. This causes the tree to have more side branches. At the end of spring, tweezing should be carried out on a shoot length of 50–70 cm. After that, once every 3-4 years, you need to remove the root growth and cut off the old branches.
  3. Fertilizer. In spring, the fig tree can be fed with mineral fertilizers. To apply fertilizer to the soil, it is better to use the surface loosening method. You can also fertilize with manure infusion.
  4. Shelter. In the autumn, when the temperature begins to drop, and in the spring, when the temperature has not yet risen, the tree should be covered with a greenhouse. For this purpose, a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate is perfect. It retains the desired temperature and humidity well, and is also quite durable. On especially warm and sunny days, it is recommended to open the greenhouse.

You can prepare figs for wintering in the following way:

  • Remove autumn greenhouse;
  • Press all branches to the ground;
  • Put the board on the trench and cover it tightly with a film;
  • The entire structure must be covered with a layer of earth, about 15 cm thick.

Growing and care at home

For growing a fig tree at home, not all of its varieties are suitable, but only undersized and self-pollinated. These include:

  • Shuisky;
  • White Adriatic;
  • Moisson;
  • Black Pearl ;
  • Seedling Oglobin;
  • October gift;
  • Dalmatic;
  • Kadata.

Each of them is able to bear fruit twice a year, even at home. If you provide the necessary lighting and proper care, the fruits will be quite large and tasty.


Having chosen the desired variety of figs, you must also choose the right capacity for planting and soil.

As mentioned earlier, the fig tree is not picky about the choice of soil. For planting at home, the most ordinary soil is suitable. You can mix it with ash or lime, but this is not necessary. As a fertilizer, you can use crushed eggshells or add a little peat.

Before planting the plant, the soil must be prepared. It needs to be steamed. You can do this in the microwave. You also need to steam river sand. They are advised to lightly sprinkle the topsoil after planting.

It is better to take a small pot. At the bottom of the pot, you need to make high-quality drainage and put a part in it in advance prepared soil. The soil must be moistened with water and make a deepening. Further, a seedling is “seated” in a small hole and covered with the remaining soil and sand from above.


During the first years of life, indoor figs are actively engaged in the development of a powerful root system. That is why it is recommended to transplant the plant into a larger pot every year for 7 years. This is best done in the spring before the leaves bloom.

Further transplantation can be done once every 3-4 years. Also, do not forget about high-quality drainage at the bottom of the pot. and abundant watering after transplants.

Temperature, lighting and level humidity v indoors

Everything specifications figs and peculiarities care per this plant they say O volume, what figssouthern plant and very loves solar light and increased humidity. Healthy plant and good fruiting 1 2 times v year can provide only thanks to compliance these two points.

V room need to arrange tree on the southern side and put pot closer To window. If such opportunities No, then good lighting necessarily need to create artificially With help phytolamp.
Humidity v indoors also recommended support artificially With help humidifiers.

It is best to place the fig pot on the south side of the room next to the window.


Home fig tree loves not only abundant and regular watering, but and frequent spraying trunks and leaves. For this fit warm water, but not hot. If allow drying out soil, tree maybe reset all leaves.

Important decrease intensity and frequency glaze in time fruiting tree. redundant moisture maybe do fruit watery and tasteless.


fig tree Okay reacts on the pruning. So at neat and timely molding tree can without labor give any desired form.

Via correct technique pruning fig tree can be given any shape.

Period rest

Practically each subtropical plant It has mine period rest. figsnot an exception. For him period rest account for on the interval With november on January.

V period rest tree throws off foliage. Tree need to put away v dark and cool place. Temperature v indoors should dress about from +15 before 0C. Also necessary gradually decrease number irrigation before minimum.

spring starts awakening and transition v active period. After appearance first kidney plant need to endure v more illuminated place and start off renew regular watering.

Top dressing and fertilizer

When plant passes To active vital activity, a kidneys start to swell, v soil are made alternately With two weeks gap phosphoric fertilizer and infusion manure.

Can on one's own cook mixture for fertilizer. For this need to dissolve 3 grams superphosphate v 1 liter water and boil solution on the throughout 20 minutes. Bring number liquids before 1 liters, using boiled water. After this v mixture need to add 4 grams urea.

Two times v year, v early spring and v early summer, can spray leaves tree special solution. This will allow save leaves aesthetic brightlygreen coloring. Solution for spraying getting ready from 1 liters boiled water and 2 grams iron vitriol.

Front start fruiting not will superfluous add top dressing v form nitrogen fertilizer. Such procedure will promote intensive appearance major fruits on the tree.

Problems and disease

fig tree though and not especially capricious plant, but often susceptible various diseases and attacks pests.

TO most frequent diseases figs relate:

  1. Gray roton the fruits figs appears White or grey plaque With interspersed watery spots.
  2. Fusariumdecay fetus from within.
  3. Crayfish branchesill plot trunkor branches covered cracked and exposed. Gradually this region dying off.
  4. Anthracnoseon the fruits figsappear spots dark colors, and they wither.
  5. souringfruit figs change mine colorfrom pink before brown.
  6. Mosaic -on the leaves and fruits are formed brown spots various size, fruit and leaves die off and fall off.

Pests, striking fig tree most often:

  1. Firebug:appearance butterflies gray colors leads To decay fruits and leaves.
  2. moleleaflet: yellowcaterpillars, a v furtherbutterfly brown colors, hurts all tree (leaves turn yellow and fall off, fruit rot).
  3. Ploshka: small insect With white little body and transparent wings sucks all juices from fruits and kidney, lichen plant vital forces and hinders his growth.
  4. beetle: bug oval odds brown colors hurts bark tree, and she gradually dying off.


Home figs can successfully multiply two ways


cutting for rooting is selected so way, to on the German It was near 3 4 kidney. Lower half cutting wetted stimulant rooting and placed v in advance prepared pot With sand or water. If for rooting selected sand, then his necessary previously steam v microwave ovens.

On the first time, bye cutting not take root, can do for him hothouse from glass banks or cut plastic bottles. V room must be enough heat and light. Periodically recommended take away hothouse and ventilate room, to plant « breathed» fresh air.

At successful rooting and subsequent landings plants v permanent soil figs will start fruit already v flow 6 months.

The most popular method of propagating a fig tree among gardeners is cuttings.

Seminal way

seeds need to to choose from most major and beautiful fruits tree. After collection seeds necessary Rinse water and dry v flow 24 hours.

planted seeds v early spring. Spread seeds v capacity With soil on the depth near 2 3 cm and slightly moisten upper layer soil. Further do hothouse from glass banks or plastic cup. After appearance first sprouts necessary ventilate plant, removing hothouse on the some time.

When sprouts enough grew up and got stronger, their can transplant v more suitable pot With soil.
Seminal way not especially popular among gardeners and lovers, So how desired result have to wait for a long time. Fruit tree, propagated seed way, will start not before, how across 4 5 years.

Seeds must be collected from the largest and most appetizing fruits.

Where buy

Buy ready seedlings for cultivation fig tree v garden or Houses can v horticultural stores or nurseries, a also across the Internetthe shops. Price seedling will strongly vary v dependencies from varieties figs. scatter prices per 1 seedling will about such:

  • Crimean black, Dalmatian (Russia) from 220 rub.;
  • Brunswick (Russia) from 600 rub.;
  • Brown (Turkey) from 790 rub.;
  • White Adriatic, Kadata from 375 rub.

seeds also there are v wide access. Approximate price per packaging seeds (5 pieces.) is 60 rub.

Fig fruits will become a decoration for the garden and a favorite delicacy on the table.

Large green leaves and right formed crown will become spectacular addition interior spacious living room or office. Delicious and useful fruit fig tree will be permanent source joy and subject pride for domestic.

Figs ( fig tree) is not just an ordinary plant, it has been revered by many peoples at all times. The ancient Greeks considered the fig fruit a symbol of fertility, the Italians recognized the fruit as the personification of abundance. This is due to the unusual structure of the fruit - only 1 fruit can contain about 1000 grains. And in Rome, the fig tree has a sacred meaning, since it is believed that it was under it that the founders of the empire were grown.

In Russia, such a fruit is not so common, since it can only grow in regions with a warm climate. Nevertheless, everyone knows about this unique fruit.

Plant features

Figs have several other names: "ficus karika", "vine berry" or fig. In nature, it is a multi-stemmed tree with a spreading lush crown, curved branches and large foliage. The height of the trunks reaches 10 meters, their bark is quite smooth and has a light gray tint. Since figs belong to ficus plants, they have a specific caustic juice.

The skin of the fruit itself is quite tender and soft. Inside, the ripe fruit is filled with sweet red contents with many small grains. If the figs are overripe, then fermentation processes can begin in it even on the branches. That is why the fruits are called "wine".


To get a better idea of ​​this unusual plant, we give its detailed biological description.

  • Family- Mulberry.
  • Genus- Ficus.
  • Leaves. The foliage of the tree is rigid, has large sizes and falling stipules. Small shoots are born in the leaf axils, which in the future give inflorescences of figs and caprifigs, bearing flowers of both sexes.
  • Fruit. Ripe fruits are juicy, outwardly resemble a pear, have a pronounced sweet taste. Their length is up to 8 cm, and the weight is about 50-70 grams. From above they are covered with the thinnest skin with small villi. The skin can be yellow, yellow-green or dark blue. It depends on the variety and maturity. On top of the fruit there is a small eye covered with scales.
  • Pollination. The plant blooms and fertilizes in a very specific way, since heterosexual inflorescences appear on different trees. For pollination of figs, wasps of a certain rare species are needed.

Figs contain a large amount of pectins, organic acids and other useful substances:

  • vitamins B, C, PP;
  • beta carotene;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus, etc.

By the way, in terms of the presence of potassium, figs are superior only to walnut crops, and there is much more iron in it than in apples.

Regular consumption of figs can prevent blood clots, maintain optimal blood sugar levels, and lower cholesterol levels. The fruits of this tree are used as an effective antipyretic, diuretic and diaphoretic, antioxidant agent. This fruit is very useful for women because it can reduce pain during menstruation, as well as a positive effect on the formation of the baby during pregnancy.

However, apart from positive properties, figs have a number of contraindications. Let's list the main ones.

  • Individual intolerance. If you do not know for sure whether you are allergic to figs or not, then you should not immediately eat it in large quantities. Eat just one small fruit and see how your body reacts over the next few hours. If none negative consequences(rash, itching, redness, etc.) was not found, which means that in the future you can use this sweet and tasty fruit without fear.
  • Gout. Since figs contain oxalic acid, they can harm people suffering from this disease.
  • Urolithiasis and abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract. If you suffer from such problems, then it is worth limiting the use of figs, as they can provoke an aggravation of the situation.


Figs are the oldest fruit plant. Presumably, it began to grow in Arabia, and later in Syria, Egypt and Phoenicia. Such a tree came to the USA only at the end of the 16th century.

Such a plant is found in a zone with a subtropical climate and has a fairly wide distribution. So, figs grow in the Caucasus, in the Carpathians, Central Asia, in the Caribbean and Bermuda, in the Crimea. The climate of these regions allows plants to fully develop in open soils. In addition, figs grow in the Mediterranean, Transcaucasia, on the shores of the Black Sea, in Krasnodar, India, Australia and the Iranian Highlands.

The area of ​​distribution of such a plant is extremely large. But the tree really grows well only in the tropics. And on the territory of the Black Sea coast there are frosts that can harm plantings.

Under what conditions are they grown?

Despite the fact that the plant gives such beautiful harvest, it is quite unpretentious in care. Figs are able to grow and bear fruit even on poor soils. Moreover, sometimes a tree grows even on stone screes. This means that before planting such a plant, no special treatment and fertilizer is required. Even from insects and pests, it does not need to be protected.

The tree tolerates cold very well, which means that low temperatures will not affect the yield of sweet fruits. The tree can be cut and cut without fear at absolutely any age.

However, there are still some nuances in cultivation. The fig tree does not do well in excessively damp soil. In addition, pollinating wasps are not as resistant to frost as the plant itself, this should not be forgotten.

The fig tree is propagated by seeds, green shoots and suckers. The fruiting period begins 2-3 years after cultivation. This is considered very early for fruit plants. At the same time, from about 7 years old, the tree begins to produce a consistently high yield.

The approximate life span of a fig tree is about 100 years. But there are cases when the plant lived up to 300 years.

When is the harvest?

If the tree has already reached fruitful age, then you can start harvesting the first crop. It usually ripens in June or July. But at this time it turns out to collect only a small amount of fruit. While in autumn (September and October) comes the time of harvesting the main harvest of figs.

It should be understood that these terms refer to plants that are characterized by more than one-time fruiting. And not to undersized plant varieties, the fruits of which, on the contrary, ripen much faster than ordinary crops.

Interesting fact: the ripe fruits of this season and the rudiments of the future can be on the tree at the same time. This feature allows the kidneys to swell already in the last May days of the next season. At the same time, the fruits of them are very large and early ripening.

To find out if the fruit is ripe or not, you can touch it. Ripe figs are quite soft to the touch, with some dryness near the stalk. But in order to be 100% sure of the ripeness of fruits, you need to try them. There is no more accurate method. Cut the figs at the base with a sharp knife, scissors or secateurs.

The first harvest must be collected selectively, focusing on external signs maturity. You should not pick unripe fruits, because they contain a bitter dangerous substance. If you plan to dry figs in the future, you can take your time with the collection and hold the fruits on the branch longer. In this way, optimal natural drying can be achieved.

Since the fruit has the most delicate pulp and thin peel, it needs to be sorted out only by hand. It is important to perform such work in the first hours after collection. The sooner the better. Therefore, you should not immediately collect a lot of fruits if you are not sure that you can immediately eat or prepare them.

It is important to start picking fruit early in the morning. Clothing for such work should be long-sleeved to avoid dermatitis. It can be formed as a result of the fact that the villi of the leaves of a fig tree are exposed to solar radiation exude a caustic substance. Its effect is similar to a nettle burn, so protect your hands with sleeves and thick gloves before you start picking the fruit carefully.

After the fruits are harvested, they must be placed in a suitable container, such as pallets, and taken to a dark, cool place where they will await further processing.

How can you use?

Figs can be used different ways: dry, freeze, eat fresh, add to various desserts and pastries. Let's take a closer look at each method.

  • Fresh. Freshly picked fruits are stored very little - only a few hours. After that, fermentation processes begin in them. This is due to the fact that the composition of juicy fruits contains at least 30% sugar. For this reason, it is important to eat fruits no later than 6 hours after cutting.
  • Frozen. After the figs have been harvested, they must be sorted, washed, dried, sorted into bags and frozen. It is better to use the flash freeze function for this to save everything beneficial features fruit.
  • Dried. Most often, light fruits are chosen for drying, the size of which is approximately 5 cm. Such fruits have the highest price, but their quality is appropriate. By the way, the more grains in the fig, the better its variety.

You will be interested to know the following.

  • Figs could not be cultivated in the United States for a long time, since there were no pollinating wasps in the country. And only after the removal of these insects, the Americans were able to enjoy sweet fruits.
  • Alexander the Great took figs with him on campaigns, since such a fruit took up little space, but at the same time perfectly restored strength and satisfied hunger.
  • Cleopatra simply adored figs, because he helped her maintain youth and beauty. Legend has it that the snake she used to commit suicide was brought in a basket with this fruit.
  • According to popular belief, the fig tree brings good luck at work and happiness in family life. Try to plant such a plant in your garden plot and see the result!
  • The beneficial properties of figs were noticed by Avicenna. The legendary doctor successfully used this fruit to treat and prevent many diseases.
  • Hundreds of varieties of figs have been described by botanists since before our era.
  • According to some reports, the biblical fruit of knowledge was replaced by an apple, since this fruit is more famous and simpler. Whereas the real tree of paradise was the fig plant. It was the fig leaves that served as the first clothes for our ancestors - Eve and Adam.

  • If you are obese or diabetic, you should limit your intake of figs as they are quite high in sugar.
  • Sweet, nutritious fruit goes well with any cereal. It is great for making sauces and desserts. Use it as an alternative to white sugar, it will benefit your health.

When buying figs from the market, make sure they are fresh. Feel free to ask the seller a lot of questions, otherwise you risk paying for the fermented fruit.

See the following video for growing figs.

Not everyone is lucky enough to live in the Mediterranean. The fig tree is also called the fig tree or fig tree - growing at home has been practiced in Europe since the 16th century. benefits of fruits healing composition leaves does not depend on the place of cultivation. How indoor plant, with proper care, figs look decorative and bear fruit twice a year.

Conditions for the cultivation of figs on the windowsill

When grown at home, adult figs in summer period requires abundant watering and spraying. If the plant lacks moisture, it can shed its foliage at any time of the year. When creating a humid microclimate around a tree, there is no reason for the spider mite to start up - one of the main pests of flowers on the windowsill.

A plant native to their subtropics needs to provide wintering. From November to January, a dormant period is created for the fig tree. He is arranged in a bright, cool place with a temperature below +15 degrees. In additional illumination, top dressing at this time, not a tree does not need.

If the tree does not fall asleep, watering is reduced for it so that the leaves fall off. Water the earth with slightly cool water at a temperature of 18 degrees.

Water the plant moderately so that the clod of earth does not dry out. As the buds began to swell, light, watering, and top dressing are required. It is necessary to create conditions for rapid vegetation. Two crops per season can be harvested with good care for figs at home. The first time the fig tree blooms in March, bears fruit in June. The following berries ripen from the beginning of August to the end of September. In summer, trees can be transferred to the ground, they will be comfortable there, but in the fall they will need a larger pot.

A sign of fruit maturity is their softening and the release of nectar from the eyes. Ripening lasts 2-4 weeks.

Growing a fruiting fig tree on a windowsill

How to grow figs at home? Several methods are used:

  • they harvest cuttings by asking for a twig from good friends;
  • buy a seedling in a specialized store;
  • seed material is used.

In any case, the first thing that is required is to pick up dishes and an earthen substrate. The soil is prepared from equal proportions of steamed, calcined ingredients:

  • leaf humus;
  • sod land;
  • river sand, wood ash.

Processed expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the bowl. A layer of sand is poured on top. It is a good idea to use sphagnum moss on the surface to control humidity.

Dishes for figs are selected at first small, but for 5 years, young plants are transplanted annually. You need to know that while the roots in the pot feel at ease, flowering is delayed. An adult tree needs 8 liters of substrate. A fig tree lives up to 30 years.

Growing figs at home from cuttings is the most effective method, preserving parent properties. The stalk is taken only from a fruitful plant. The most adapted to indoor growing conditions are considered varieties:

  • Shuisky;
  • Dalmatic;
  • White Adriatic;
  • Sochi -7;
  • Black Pearl;
  • Kadata;
  • Seedling of Ogloblin.

The stalk is chosen with 3-4 buds, with the lower cut 2 cm below the eye, and the upper cut 1 cm higher. On the rooted part, the bark must be scratched in longitudinal strips to the cambium, this will accelerate root formation. Pour the finished substrate mixed with sphagnum into a glass, moisten and immerse the cutting in the second kidney. Pre-treat the cutting with root or heteroauxin.

To form roots, we cover the planting from above with a cap made of PET bottles, put it on diffused light, use additional lighting for up to 12 hours. Watching the figs grow. After 2-3 weeks, the first leaves will appear, it is necessary to ventilate, accustom the leaves to the air of the apartment, and spray with warm settled water.

When the plant gets used to the surrounding air, it is carefully transferred to a liter pot with a substrate. Two weeks after transplanting, the fig tree is fed with nitrogen fertilizers or a composition for indoor plants.

The seeds of figs are small, the properties of the mother plant are not always inherited, not all germinate. But it happens, except from seeds, at home, there is nothing to breed figs from. The seeds are deepened into the soil by 2-3 cm, the soil is regularly moistened, the pots are covered from evaporation of moisture, and after 2-4 weeks sprouts appear, which are allowed to grow, and rooted in separate cups. Gradually changing pots, seedlings are grown for 4-5 years, until flowering. By this time, the young tree should already have large dishes, preferably a wooden box with a bucket of fertile soil. Whether indoor figs will be fruitful, time will tell. But even without fruits, the tree is very impressive and will live up to 30 years.

Feed for figs

During the growing season, both growing and mature plant needs organic and organic fertilizing. Once every 2 weeks, the compositions alternate. The fig tree gratefully accepts the mullein and the fermented infusion of herbs - nettle, dandelion, midge. Once a season, you need to give the plant iron sulfate and a complex composition with trace elements. Figs require potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. They can be made independently from bags, in packaging for feeding seedlings of outdoor plants.

Pest and disease control

From insect pests, you need to protect the tree from spider mites, or do 2 treatments in a week with Actellik insecticide. It is difficult to cope with a pest without chemistry.

A common fungal-type disease in figs is one - coral spotting. A sign of infection is the appearance of a reddish rash on the stem. All areas with affected shoots must be removed. Sections are treated with copper-containing preparations, and watering is carried out with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Growing indoor figs - video

However, this fig tree is not only famous for its leaves - its fruits are so tasty and healthy that they are widely used in cooking and winemaking. You will learn how to care for a fig tree at home, and which varieties are most suitable for this, by reading this material.

What tree is a fig: homeland and names in different countries

Homeland figs or fig tree (Ficus) are the countries of the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea. Figs were cultivated in ancient times, according to some archaeological data, 5000 years ago. It was bred in ancient Egypt, in Ancient Greece.

Currently, figs are cultivated in many countries with a subtropical climate. Largest areas fig orchards are occupied in Turkey, Algeria, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, USA (California), Georgia, Azerbaijan. In Russia, only the southernmost regions of the European part are suitable for growing figs, especially the coasts of the Black and Caspian Seas.

The plant in question has many names, each country has its own. The Russian version is a fig tree, because its fruits are figs. In another version, they are called figs, and the tree, by analogy, is called a fig tree. The most famous and common name for him is figs. In the scientific world, this is the Carica ficus (Fícus carica). It is believed that the birthplace of the plant is ancient Kariya, which existed before the Trojan War. For a long time there are no Carians or Kariya, only the ficus that bears her name remains. Craftsmen make wine from figs (or figs). Therefore, another name for the plant is wine berry.

Fig trees live up to 100 years (30-60 according to some sources). Some specimens are up to 200 years old. In India, there is one fig tree, a fig tree, which, according to local residents, is three thousand years old.

Fig-fig tree - the first fruit tree which is mentioned in the Bible. As you know, Eve's first clothing after being expelled from paradise was a fig leaf. The Talmud says: "The fig is good for eating, pleasing to the eye and adds to the mind." According to one of the myths of ancient Greece, figs appeared in the following way. Zeus began the fight against the titans, the sons of the Earth. He hit them one by one with lightning bolts. So Sikeus, the beloved son of the Earth, was also defeated. Not wanting to come to terms with the death of her son, the mother turned him into a fig tree.

See photos of figs (fig trees) in their natural habitat:

How figs bloom: a description of the shape of leaves and flowers (with photo)

common fig (F. carica) is a deciduous tree or branched shrub. The height of the plant in nature is up to 12 m. It grows on rocky and rocky slopes, mainly on limestones. Indoors reaches 1 - 1.5 m, begins to bear fruit from 2 - 3 years of age. Fig leaves are solitary, large, petiolate, lower ones entire or slightly notched. The shape of the upper leaves of figs is three- or five-lobed, heart-shaped

As you can see in the photo, the upper side of the fig leaf is green, rough, the lower side is gray, finely hairy:

The flowers are small, unisexual, collected in peculiar, pear-shaped, hollow inside inflorescences (figs), opening with a narrow hole; some inflorescences; ripening early by the end of winter, so called "grossi" or "orni", are placed in the upper part of last year's branches above leaf scars (such inflorescences in wild F. tree contain mostly male flowers, in bred female flowers); other inflorescences are placed in the axils of the leaves, of which the lowest ones ripen before leaf fall and are called "forniti" (they contain female flowers and only a few male flowers or not at all), the upper ones, called "cratiri" remain for the winter (almost do not contain male flowers ).

Pay attention to the photo - the male fig flower consists mostly of a three-five-separate perianth and 3-5 stamens:

The female flowers are twofold: barren, so called "nutty", developing mainly in the wild F. tree (caprificus) and fertile, so called "seed", developing in a real, cultivated F. tree. V female flower the perianth is also three to five separate, and the pistil either with a short style and stigma without papillae (in nut flowers), or with a long style and papillae on the stigma (in seed flowers).

Here you can see a photo of how figs bloom:

The ovary is superior, one-celled, one-seeded; the fruit is a drupe. When the fruits ripen, the entire inflorescence (and perianth) becomes fleshy and represents the seed, so they call the fig (vine berry, fig). Fertilization is cross-fertilization, which takes place with the help of nut-workers (Cynips psenes, otherwise Blastophaga grossorum), which lay eggs in the ovary of nut flowers, since these nut-workers cannot pierce the ovary of seed flowers with their short ovipositor. A new generation of nutcrackers hatched from the testicles crawls in the same inflorescence, gets dirty on the pollen of the male flowers that had developed by that time, flies out with the pollen, finally, out; flies to other inflorescences, and in those where the seed flowers are located, produces their pollination and fertilization. This significance of the wild fig tree (caprificus) for the fruiting of the real fig tree was known in ancient times. Even then, in order to get figs, branches of a wild fig tree were hung on the branches of a cultivated fig tree; this operation was known under the name "caprificatio", it is mentioned by Pliny and Theophrastus. In recent times, the significance of caprification and pollination methods have been studied in detail by Westwood, Delpino, Solms-Laubach, Fr. Muler, Keane and others. It is curious that the inflorescences of the wild fig tree are not the same, namely one of them, the so-called. "mamme", contain only nut flowers, in which the nutcrackers hibernate, others, the so-called. "profichi", contain nut and male flowers.

The fig is rich (up to 70%) in sugar, eaten and as a delicacy in raw or dried form (“wine berries”, “figs”). In trade, several varieties of figs are distinguished (many varieties of F. tree are known in culture), for example, small - Marseilles, large - Genoese; Levantine figs are considered the best (delivered from Smyrna); dried figs (Kalamatian figs) come from the seaside town of Kalamata, the harbor of Messina. S. R.

When describing the fig plant, it is worth noting that its shoots and leaves secrete white thick juice - latex, which is characteristic of all representatives of the genus Ficus.

Pollination is carried out by blastophage wasps. In the presence of pollinators and favorable conditions interior plant is able to bear fruit. Contain the plant on a light, warm metho.

As shown in the photo, the fig plant sheds foliage for the winter, and it can be placed in a dark, cool room:

The fig, or fig tree, can grow outdoors in a sheltered location, such as next to a sunny wall. V warm countries it grows into a short, spreading tree, but near the south wall it develops into a thinly branched shrub. In a container, the figs will remain small and graceful, especially if you leave about approx. five main branches. Cultivate the plant in a very large container with light, highly nutritious soil. In summer, it needs a lot of water and fertilizer. In winter, it should be stored in a frost-proof place and kept almost dry and, if necessary, in the dark. In this case, the leaves will fall off. If the plant is growing successfully, it should be repotted every three years. In this case, it is desirable to replace the entire soil or as much of it as possible. You can also shorten a few thick roots to give more room for the root system to expand. There are many varieties of figs suitable for growing in containers.

What does the fig tree fruit look like (with photo)

The fruits of the fig tree are yellow to black-blue in color, depending on the variety. Yellow-green fruits are more common. In shape, they resemble a pear, the size of a walnut or twice as large. Unripe fruits contain caustic milky juice, therefore they are inedible. The fruits contain many very small seeds, the taste of the fruits is sugary or moderately sweet.

You can see how the fruits of figs look like in the photo below:

Fresh figs are tender, cannot be stored for a long time, depending on the variety and degree of maturity, they contain: 12–23% sugars, 0.5–4.2% pectin, 3.4–7.4% fiber, up to 1% acids. Fig fruits are rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, carotene, calcium, iron and phosphorus. They are used both fresh and for processing (drying, jam, jam, compote). Dried figs are high in calories and contain 50–77% sugars.

As a remedy, figs are recommended for cardiovascular diseases, vascular thrombi (it lowers blood clotting), anemia, diseases urinary tract, kidney stones, oncological diseases. It is also used as an emollient, expectorant, mild laxative, diuretic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Figs boiled in milk are good for diseases of the upper respiratory tract (drink 1/2 cup warm 2-4 times a day). A decoction of fruits and jam from them have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, improve digestion and have a slight laxative effect. Fig fruit syrup is given to children as a mild laxative. Due to the high sugar content, figs are contraindicated in diabetes, obesity and acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The milky juice of figs is used to treat wounds, acne, and skin cancer.

Description of indoor varieties of figs

V room conditions the following varieties bear fruit: Kadota, Dalmatsky, Oglobsha, Violet Sukhumi, Sochi-7, Solnechny.

Kadota. The fruits are pear-like, convex, ribbed, large, weighing up to 100 g, very tasty. The fruits of the second harvest are formed on the shoots of this year.

Sukhumi purple. Gives one harvest a year - in August-September. The fruits are blue-violet, almost black, the flesh is red, not very sweet.

Sochi No. 7. The fruits are large, up to 55–60 g, yellow, with a matte coating. The pulp is dark burgundy, with thick sweet juice. When ripe, some fruits crack. figs of this variety bears fruit once a year, the fruits ripen at the end of August.

Seedling Oglobin. Fruits are medium in size, yellow-green. When propagated by cuttings, it begins to bear fruit in the 2nd or 3rd year.

White Adriatic. Fruits twice a year, in June and late August. The fruits are yellow and sweet.

Black Crimean. Very productive variety, bears fruit twice a year. The fruits are quite large, dark purple, almost black, pleasant to the taste.

Dalmatic. Fruiting annual, twice a year. The first time - in July, the second time - in September. Forms large infructescences weighing from 60 to 150 g, pear-shaped, expanded at the top and narrowed towards the base. The color of the inflorescences is grayish-green, the pulp is dense, fibrous, sweet, light red. The surface is ribbed, slightly pubescent.

Reproduction of a fig tree fig cuttings (with video)

Temperature requirements: in summer, figs easily tolerate heat; in winter, before the start of the growing season, the best temperature is 3–10 °C, but figs easily tolerate significant deviations from the optimum.

Figs are thermophilic, not demanding on the soil and adapt well to dry room air. Figs are propagated by cuttings, root suckers and seeds. In the first case, it is better to do this before the leaves begin to bloom, but cuttings can be rooted by the end of spring and summer. Lignified or green cuttings 0-15 cm long should have 3-4 buds.

An oblique lower cut is made 1–1.5 cm below the kidney, an even upper cut is 1 cm higher than it. For better rooting of the cutting, several longitudinal scratches are applied to the lower part. After cutting, the cuttings are kept for 5–6 hours in a cool, dry place so that the milky juice released at the cut site dries up, and then placed for 10–12 hours in a heteroauxin solution (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) and planted in pots.

Fine expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the pot with a layer of 1 cm, then a pre-steamed nutritious earthen mixture (leaf humus - 2 parts, turf - 1 part, sand - 1 part) with a layer of 6 cm. Pure calcined river sand is poured over the earth mixture with a layer of 3-4 cm, moisturize it well and make holes in it 3 cm deep at a distance of 8 cm from each other.

The lower part of each cutting is dipped in wood ash, and the cuttings are placed in the holes. Around the cuttings, the sand is pressed tightly with your fingers, and then both the sand and the cuttings are sprayed with water. Plants planted in pots are covered with a glass jar, and those planted in boxes are covered with a special wire frame covered with a transparent plastic film.

Sand in boxes and pots should be constantly moderately moist. A prerequisite for growing figs is to ensure the temperature in the room at the level of 22-25 ° C. As a rule, after 4-5 weeks, the cuttings take root, and after another month they are planted from the box in separate pots with a diameter of 10-12 cm.

Figs planted by cuttings usually begin to bear fruit in the 2nd year. Sometimes shoots grow from the root - they can be separated and planted in separate pots, on which a transparent plastic bag is put on. Usually after 3-4 weeks the process takes root. Then the film is slightly opened for a while, accustoming the plant to the outside air. Gradually, this period of time is increased.

For growing figs at home, cuttings can also be rooted in water, but this method is used extremely rarely when there is no prepared land or sand in February-March. The cuttings are placed in a jar of water, and their ends should be immersed in water by about 3 cm. After 2–3 days, the water is changed. If this is done less frequently, the cuttings will rot. After 3–4 weeks, when good roots appear, the cuttings are planted in pots with a capacity of 0.5–0.7 or covered with plastic bags on top.

The video "Reproduction of figs by cuttings" shows how this agricultural technique is performed:

Growing figs from seeds at home (with video)

If it is not possible to purchase cuttings from fruiting figs, then they can be grown from seeds. Fig seeds for a very long time (even after 2 years) retain their germination capacity. Seeds are sown in pots at a distance of 1.5–2 cm from each other to a depth of 2–3 cm. To grow figs at home from seeds, the soil mixture is made up of humus and sand in equal parts. After sowing the seeds, the ground is well moistened and the pots are covered with glass or transparent plastic wrap. The earth must be constantly kept moist. The air temperature in the room should be 25–27 °C. Shoots appear in 2-3 weeks. Monthly seedlings are seated in separate pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm.

Seedlings begin to bear fruit in the 4-5th year, although there are cases of earlier fruiting. It is better to transplant figs before the start of the growing season. Young plants are transplanted annually, and 4-5-year-olds - as the root system grows. For ease of planting and caring for figs, you can grow trees in wooden boxes.

Compared to citrus fruits, figs require more capacity, but before fruiting, they should not be planted in large pots: they will grow strongly, and the fruiting period will be delayed, and caring for large plants will become much more complicated. And when the plant begins to bear fruit, its growth will slow down.

With each transplant of young plants, the capacity is increased by about 1 liter. So, for a 5-year-old fig bush, a 5-7-liter container is required. In the future, with each transplant, its volume is increased by 2–2.5 liters. The figs are transplanted by transshipment, although a slight destruction of the earth clod, removal of the old soil and replacing it with a new one is allowed. When transplanting, a soil mixture is prepared from soddy soil, leaf humus, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1:1; The pH of this mixture is 5–7.

This video shows growing figs from seeds:

How to care for a fig tree indoors

When caring for homemade figs, keep in mind that this plant is light and moisture-loving, so during the growing season it is better to keep it in a bright room and water it abundantly. With a lack of moisture, twisting of the leaves is observed, and then their partial fall; when the clod of earth is dried out, the leaves can crumble completely, and although new leaves subsequently grow with abundant watering, this is undesirable.

In room conditions, figs bear fruit twice a year: the first time the fruits are tied in March and ripen in June, the second - in early August and late October, respectively. For the summer, it is advisable to take the plant to the loggia or garden.

In early November, the fig sheds its leaves and goes dormant. At this time, it is placed in a cool place (in the cellar, basement) or placed on the windowsill closer to the glass and fenced off from the room. warm air polyethylene film. It is watered very rarely, not allowing the soil to dry out completely. The water temperature for irrigation should be no higher than 16–18 ° C, so that the buds do not grow. If in autumn the fig stands with green leaves, then a dormant period should be artificially caused: a deciduous culture needs rest, even if it is insignificant. To induce a dormant period, reduce watering and allow the soil to dry slightly - then the leaves will begin to turn yellow and crumble.

If in winter the plant was in the room, it begins to grow in December - early January, if it was in the basement or cellar - in February.

If necessary (if the fig grows only upwards, without giving side shoots), the crown of the plant is formed by pinching the top of the central trunk. Lateral shoots are also pinched, and long ones are shortened. Thus, conditions are created for the growth of side shoots. For good development and fruiting, the plant is fed with organic and mineral fertilizers but not during the dormant period.

During care when growing figs, when buds begin to bloom after winter rest, the plant is watered with manure infusion, and after 10–15 days they are fed with liquid nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer. You can use the following solution for irrigation: Dissolve 3 g of double superphosphate in 1 liter of water and boil for 20 minutes, then add boiled water to the original volume and add 4 g of urea. During the growing season, figs are regularly (2 times a month) fed with organic fertilizers (infusion of slurry, wood ash, infusion of herbs). To make the leaves have a bright green color, twice a year (in spring and summer) the plant is watered with a solution iron sulphate(2 g per 1 liter of water) or spray the entire crown with it. In spring and summer, it is fed with microelements.

The most common pests in open ground are fig moth, fig psyllid (branch), and fig beetle. In room conditions, they are extremely rare. Of the diseases, brown spotting, anthracnose and gray rot should be mentioned that affect its leaves. However, due to the fact that figs shed their leaves every year, these diseases do not cause significant harm to this plant. If necessary, the same control measures are applied against pests and diseases as for indoor citrus crops.

For indoor gardening, the most suitable varieties of figs are Kadota purple, Dalmatsky, Smyrnsky, San Pedro, Chapla, Sukhumsky, Sochi No. 7, etc.

Dried figs are superior in taste to dates. In addition, figs serve as an excellent raw material for making jams, jams and other confectionery products.

Pruning and caring for home figs (with video)

In the southern regions of central Russia, figs can be grown in warm areas in a low-stem form as a wall crop.

Shoot formation in figs is very active, but when pruning figs from a plant, only those shoots that can fill the space between the main skeletal branches should be preserved. In the first year of formation, the main conductor should be shortened to 40 - 45 cm. Throughout the growing season, growing shoots must be tied up regularly, leaving skeletal shoots at least 35 - 40 cm apart from each other.

When caring for figs during pruning in the second year, in the spring, the skeletal branches preserved from last year are shortened by about half. In the period from May to September - at the time of intensive growth of figs - growing side shoots regularly tied up with a distance of at least 40 cm from each other. All extra and weak shoots are cut out. Similar work carried out in the third year of formation. Such a formation should be carried out in winter garden or greenhouse, stopping it in the fourth year.

In adult plants in the fall, after the leaves fall, the fruiting branches are removed and only one strong bud is left. spring next year cut out all the branches that thicken and are damaged by low temperatures. The distance between the remaining shoots should be at least 15 - 20 cm. At the end of June, all the continuation shoots on the fruiting branches are pinched for 4 - 5 buds, and after pruning, the resulting new shoots are tied up at a distance of 10 - 20 cm from each other.

In the autumn, after the end of fruiting, it is necessary to remove all diseased and damaged branches. Old skeletal branches are also cut out to replace them with new growing shoots.

The tenacity of fig roots is endless. Small fig plants can be found in the Caucasus on the trunks of poplar or oak, in the crevices of vertical walls and stone screes.

Watch the video "Pruning figs", which shows how to properly perform this agricultural technique:

Botanical name: Fig or Fig, or Fig tree, or Fig tree (Ficus carica) - the genus Ficus, the Mulberry family.

Homeland of figs: Mediterranean, India.

Lighting: photophilous.

The soil: light, nutritious.

Watering: abundant.

Max Height: 10 m

Average lifespan of a tree: 200 years.

Landing: seeds, cuttings, layering.

Description of the fig plant: fruits, leaves and seeds

Fig is a subtropical or large shrub 8-10 m high with a low wide crown and thick branches. The bark of the trunk and branches is light gray, smooth.

The leaves are large, arranged alternately, 3-7-lobed, almost entire, rigid, dark green above, grayish-green below, pubescent, up to 15 cm long, up to 12 cm wide. Attached to a thick, long petiole. In the axils of the leaves there are inflorescences - syconia, shaped, hollow, with a small hole at the top. This hole is intended for blastophage wasps that pollinate the tree. Male inflorescences are called caprifigs, female - figs.

The fruits are sweet, juicy, pear-shaped, up to 8 cm long, up to 5 cm in radius, weighing 30-70 g. Inside they contain small seeds-nuts. Fruit color, color and size depend on the variety. The most common are yellow, yellow-green, dark blue figs.

During the growth period, the fig tree often blooms. However, male inflorescences are formed only from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, and figs - only in summer and autumn.

What a fig looks like can be seen in the photo in the gallery below, after this article.

How and where figs grow: what it looks like in photos and videos

The wild fig tree is distributed in the Mediterranean countries, in India, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Asia Minor, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. In the mountains it grows at an altitude of 500 - 2000 m above sea level, more often on the southern slopes, as well as along the banks of rivers, forming thickets. It is cultivated in many countries with a subtropical climate. Large areas of fig plantations in Turkey, Tunisia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, America. In Russia, it is grown in the southern regions of the European part. The countries where figs grow have a warm, humid climate. Severe frosts, below -12 ° C, the plant does not tolerate.

The culture is also grown indoors as an ornamental tree. In this case, its height reaches no more than 3-4 m.

Figs bloom 2-3 years after planting. Brings a high yield from 7-9 years.

The culture is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. In nature, the fig tree reproduces with the help of blastophage wasps, which penetrate through the opening of the seed. The females of these insects lay their eggs in underdeveloped female inflorescences. Wasps appear in male inflorescences. Leaving the inflorescence, the wasps get dirty with pollen. In the wild, they are attracted by the aroma of female inflorescences. Getting into female inflorescences, wasps leave pollen brought on the body. Flowers, on the stigmas of which pollen has fallen, tie fruits.

You can learn more about figs by watching the video:

Fans of this culture will be interested in the answer to the question “how does a fig grow?” Fig trees are unpretentious, successfully grow and bear fruit on any soil, including poor and depleted ones. Blooms often throughout the year. The fruits are tied 2 times a year - in summer and autumn. The fig plant is drought-resistant, and some varieties can withstand low temperatures down to -17-20°C. and is not affected.

One tree bears about 70-90 fruits per year. The life expectancy of wild individuals is 150-200 years, trees grown at home - 30-60 years.

Below you can see a photo of how figs grow:

What is a fig

The fig fruit is yellow, black-blue, purple and black, depending on the variety. It has high taste qualities, contains a lot of valuable substances. Despite the sweet taste of this fruit, its calorie content is low. 100 g of fresh berries contain 49 kcal. Dried figs decrease in weight and volume, but at the same time sugars accumulate in it. 100 g of dried fruit contains about 95 kcal. Dried figs are highly nutritious. They contain 4.5 g of protein, 1.4 g of fat and 64 g of carbohydrates. In addition, figs are a source of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and dietary fiber. The main vitamins that make up its composition are vitamins A, B, B1, C, E, PP, beta-carotenes, fiber, pectins. Among the minerals in the pulp of the fruit contains iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium.

The fruit of the fig tree is eaten fresh, canned, dried. Jam, jams, marshmallows, compotes and wines are made from it, for which the fruits of this plant are called "vin berry". However, fresh figs are not transportable, so only unripe or dried are transported.

The beneficial properties of the fig tree have been known since ancient times. Today, wine berries are used not only to prepare various dishes, but also to compensate for the lack of vitamins, strengthen bones, restore vitality, removing toxins from the body. Fig fruits are used to treat coughs, colds, diseases of the liver and kidneys, and the cardiovascular system. In addition, this fruit increases male potency, fights sexual impotence. Fresh fruits are low in calories, which helps in the fight against excess weight. There are "fig" unloading days, when 100 g of dried fig tree fruits, 1 kg of any other fruit and 500 g are eaten per day.

Wine berry is recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Figs help prevent iron deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman and prevent fetal anemia. When breastfeeding, it enhances lactation, serves as a preventive measure for the appearance of mastopathy, saturates breast milk useful to the child vitamins and microelements.

Figs have been proven to improve brain function, increase immunity, and prevent many diseases.

Unripe fruits are inedible, as they contain caustic milky juice.

Figs are a useful fruit

Fresh figs do not harm a healthy body. However, this fruit is contraindicated in gout and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sun-dried fruits are not recommended for consumption due to their high sugar content. overweight and diabetes.

Wine berries should be excluded from the diet during pregnancy, if a woman is gaining weight quickly, or suffers from diabetes.

In spite of minimal harm figs, you can not use it in large quantities. healthy person 3-4 berries per day are recommended.

How to use figs correctly

Everyone knows what a fig is. However, not everyone knows how to properly consume this tasty and healthy berry.

In the absence of any diseases, the fruit of the fig tree can be eaten in any form. This fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, replaces chocolate and other sweets. Dried fruits are used as dried fruits. Before use, they are poured over with boiling water and allowed to swell. You can soften the figs for a couple, so they retain their shape and taste. Dried fig tree is added to compotes, used for filling cakes, pies and other confectionery.

Fresh figs are used as desserts, as well as an additional ingredient in meats, salads and snacks. Figs give exotic taste and delicate aroma to any dish.

Unripe fruits are inedible, but they can be baked after cutting, putting nuts in the cut and pouring honey. Such a dessert is not only tasty and nutritious, but also very healthy.

When choosing a fig, pay attention to its color, size and softness. It is better to give preference to the same size, soft light yellow fruits. Firm flesh and a sour taste indicate the immaturity of the fruit or the expiration of its shelf life.

fig leaves

The leaves of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. They contain organic acids, furocoumarins, essential oil, steroids, flavonoids, tannins.

Raw materials are harvested from June to October. The leaves are not plucked, but cut with a knife. Cut leaves are laid out on a flat surface in a thin layer. Drying is carried out on outdoors. For quick drying, they are turned over 2-4 times a day. During harvesting and drying, the leaves should be protected from getting wet. So that the raw materials do not get wet from the rain, they are covered with a tarpaulin, cleaned under a canopy or in a ventilated room. In clear, sunny weather, drying lasts 5-6 days. Dried leaves turn brown and lose their qualities.

Store raw materials in a dry, ventilated area. Shelf life 2 years.

Infusions and decoctions of the leaves gargle with colds, rub the eyelids with trachoma, treat scabies, cystitis, kidney stones, furunculosis. In scientific medicine, the drug "Psoberan" is obtained from raw materials, which is prescribed for alopecia areata, as well as to restore skin pigmentation in vintiligo.

Fresh fig leaves are applied to wounds. They draw out pus and promote the speedy healing of the wound.

Leaf extract is used in skin and hair care products.

In addition to the leaves, fig seeds are used for medicinal purposes. They are used for constipation, 10-12 pieces at a time. Seed oil is valued for its moisturizing properties, so it is used to make creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos.

Economic importance

The fruit of the fig tree is used as a substitute for coffee. The wood is used to make handicrafts and also as fuel.

Attractive and unusual outwardly trees serve as decoration garden plot. A plant grown in a pot makes the interior of the room unusual and pleasant.

Photos of figs are presented on this page, after this article.

The history of the fig

The story tells that humanity has long appreciated the benefits and taste of the fig tree. Archaeologists claim that the age of this plant is more than 5000 years. The first description of figs was compiled in the Bible, the Koran and ancient Egyptian writings.

As the ancient legend says, its leaves were the first clothes of Adam and Eve. In ancient Greece, slaves wiped their masters' lips with them after a meal. Participants in the Olympic Games used figs in large quantities before the performance. There was a belief that this fruit gives strength and courage. That is why warriors always took this delicacy with them on military campaigns.

In Buddhism, the fig is considered a symbol of insight, because it was under this tree that the great Buddha realized the meaning of being. In ancient Rome, the plant was sacred, as it saved Romulus and Remus (the founders of the Roman Empire) from death. At Egyptian queen Cleopatra's fig was a favorite delicacy.

The ancient Greeks revered figs as a symbol of fertility, and on holidays dedicated to the god of fertility - Dionysus, they supplemented the basket with dishes and wine drinks with the fruits of this plant.

Interestingly, at the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, instead of medals, the winners were awarded fig fruits.

Figs were sung in their creations by the great writers and poets Leopardi, Dante, Pascoli. The plant was credited with miraculous properties. So, the famous Roman physician Dorante believed that almost all diseases could be treated with a decoction of figs. However, over the years, this statement was not confirmed in practice, so the fig began to lose its popularity, turning over the years into an ordinary tree.

The fig tree is a close relative of indoor ficus and distant relatives of mulberry. Knowing about their relationship, scientists have spent many years to cross figs with frost-resistant mulberries. In America, the well-known scientist Luther Burbank tried to implement this idea. However, the Crimean naturalist Ya.I. Bomyk. In the harsh winter of 1950, when frosts reached -20 ° C, the common fig died out, only the Bomyk fig-mulberry hybrid survived.

The gallery below shows photos of a fig tree, in which all characteristics of this amazing and unexplored plant.