Living room and bedroom zoning: design ideas. Zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room

Living room zoning is a popular design technique that can make a room more functional, cozy and comfortable to stay. If the area of ​​your apartment is small and the number of rooms is limited, then rational use available square meters by zoning the living room is the best solution of this issue.

Living room zoning types

Room zoning is absolutely necessary thing in studios, one-room apartments or apartments with a very spacious layout. Indeed, if the rooms are very large in area, it will also be advisable to divide them into several functional areas.

Most often, the living room is divided into two, less often into three zones. What should be combined with a living room? Here are some of the best options:

  • Living room and dining room / kitchen;
  • Living room and bedroom;
  • Living room and children's room;
  • Living room and study.

Zoning the kitchen and living room

This option is very much in demand in studio apartments or one-room / two-room apartments, if, according to the layout, the kitchen has a large enough area.

You can zone the kitchen and living room in a studio apartment using corner headset, which will separate part of the room. Its seamy side can be painted in the color of the walls or pasted over with wallpaper.

The bar counter is perhaps the most popular way of zoning the kitchen and living room. Usually it serves as a dining table and at the same time is the border between the two zones.

A simple solution is to zone the room using color contrasts. You can make the kitchen area light, and the living room in richer colors. By the way, such a design solution visually increases the space, and even when zoning a living room of 18 sq m, you will not be cramped in the room.

Living room and dining room

There is a clearly expressed need for zoning the dining room and living room in old apartments with a very small kitchen, the area of ​​which is only a few square meters. In this case, the living room is combined with the dining room. In such a room, there must be dinner table and chairs, as well as a more comfortable seating area.

To zone the dining room and living room, it is not at all necessary to resort to radical measures, such as the construction of partitions or bulky walls. An excellent choice is color or stylistic zoning, as well as the use of different light sources in each zone. An aquarium, a light transparent rack or chest of drawers can physically divide a room.

Bedroom zoning

The living room often serves as a bedroom in small apartments ah and families with children. Then, as a rule, separate rooms are given to children, and the adults themselves try to make a cozy corner in the living room for themselves, while maintaining a place for the whole family.

Zoning a living room of 20 sq m and more is not such a difficult task. In such a room, you can even install a separate bed, and not huddle on a sofa bed. True, choosing a sleeping place will be tedious with passion. Let the bed be multifunctional, with pull-out drawers for storing linen and clothes, shelves for books, etc. You may have to make such a model to order.

To make the bedroom cozy and intimate, it needs to be physically separated from the living room. You can zone the bedroom with curtains, fabric, tulle or Japanese, it depends on your interior.

A good and simple option is to separate the bedroom with a double-sided shelving unit. In the living room, it will act as a shelf for books, and in the bedroom - as a wardrobe for clothes.

The glass partition looks modern and stylish, but to create a cozy atmosphere it is better to combine it with curtains, a folding screen or a small shelving unit.

If your living room is 18 square meters or less, then its zoning with a bedroom hardly implies a separate bed for sleeping. In this case, it is best to purchase an expensive and high-quality folding sofa that will be comfortable for a good sleep every night. Or you can make a custom-made modern transforming bed, which will turn into a table or wardrobe during the day.

Children's zoning

The living room, which at the same time plays the role of a children's room, should be comfortable and functional. Think in advance where children's toys and things will be stored, and in what place your children will be able to play and practice.

If the living room is 20 sq m or more, then zoning can be done by installing a partition with curtains or sliding doors.

It is more difficult to come up with a design for a living room, the zoning of which needs to be done on small area... Here a shelving for toys and children's books can become a divider.

Remember: The zoning of the nursery and the living room should be carried out so that the child's area is located by the window, and for the hall, use the darker part of the room.

Study area in the living room

The easiest task is to highlight working area in the living room. For this purpose, a corner by the window is suitable, computer desk and a chair. To make the office more private, install a light shelving or partition, a tall flower rack, etc.

Basic zoning techniques

When thinking over the design of a living room and its zoning, one of the following methods is often used. These are the most comfortable and modern options for dividing the space into several residential areas with different functionality.

Partition with sliding door

This option is ideal when zoning a living room. large area when you need to separate the sleeping area from the guest area. The sliding door is inexpensive, easy to install and does not take up space at all. Such a design can not only divide your room into two parts, but also make its interior more stylish and thoughtful. pay attention to sliding doors with frosted glass - they perfectly transmit light, but hide everything unnecessary from prying eyes.

Furniture items

For zoning the living room and dining room excellent a sofa will do turned back towards the dining table.

A wide bar counter clearly delineates the space between the hall and the kitchen.

A light shelving unit will make your office just yours.


Curtains are a great option for zoning the living room and bedroom or children's corner... Which curtains to choose - dense and heavy, hiding everything from prying eyes, or light translucent, creating an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation - it's up to you.


The advantage of this option is that it does not reduce the area of ​​the room by a centimeter, but it clearly divides the room into two zones. Of course, this method of zoning a living room is only suitable for apartments with more or less high ceilings.

Wall and floor decoration

This is an unobtrusive zoning that will not allow you to close in your part of the room, but visually it will still divide the living room into two parts. This method is suitable for rooms with a small area.

Example: A striking example is the zoning of the living room and kitchen. Putting in the kitchen area tile on the floor, finish the living area with laminate or parquet.


Different light sources in each part of the room are more likely additional way zoning, which should be in all of the above options.

To make the room comfortable and practical in its use, several techniques are used and design solutions, with the help of which a universal design of an apartment is created. A common design option is zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room.

To arrange it for all living comfortably and functionally, look at the many photo examples by which it is as simple as possible to cope with this problem.

After the division, the premises receive practical and comfortable living spaces, in which each meter is distributed rationally and functionally. This attitude to distribution is well suited for private and apartment building, and for studio apartment this decision is one of the ways to improve your living conditions.

Relevance of the issue

Combining or dividing into zones is a practical and necessary solution for most one-room apartments or with a lack of space. The purpose of combining space is to create a multifunctional and comfortable room in which they have competently located: a place for sleeping, for receiving guests, a wardrobe and a corner for possible work or cooking. After evaluating numerous examples of photos with a competent arrangement of furniture and lighting, it is possible to create coziness with a minimum number of square meters of area.

You need to start differentiation in the living room with careful planning of where the furniture will be located, how to mount competent lighting and that will help expand the space visually. For a harmonious improvement, dividing a room into more than two is not necessary.

Pile of items and combination different designs will make the room heavier, and it will become uncomfortable to be in it. It is possible to combine any zones with each other, the main thing is not to contradict the functions and so that it is convenient for you.

It is good when the tastes and preferences of all family members are taken into account when creating a design, then everyone will feel comfortable in every corner. The main reasons for zoning are the small amount of space in the apartment. There are usually several goals when planning a design. It all depends on the number of people and on how comfortable and functional you plan to create it.

Common methods of zoning

Here are some common techniques for creating this kind of interior design.

Another plus will be mirrored sliding doors, because the mirror visually enlarges the room.

Multifunctional furniture is one of the most comfortable and practical ways solving the problem. It should be noted that this method is not cheap and is not always suitable for people with limited time. Such furniture saves space, where during the day the room completely looks like a living room, and at night it turns into cozy bedroom for relax. However, folding and unfolding furniture perpetually takes a lot of time and effort.

Functional connection of space

If the number of people in the house is greater than the number of rooms, the question of delineation arises by itself. Several practical examples developed for this by interior designers.

In the first case of a practical way out of the situation, it is possible to use the location of the bed. After modifying the back with a lattice or an additional wall, a place appears above the bed - a TV stand. In this case, the bed will automatically become a place for the owners to rest, and the wall will divide the area.

Another method is suitable if the bed is located by the window. Make the divider large enough to separate the headboard so that natural light is not lost.

Another example, separation occurs by differentiating the sleeping and living areas with a rack. The design of the rack is varied, it is created with a drawer for a bed or equipped in the form of shelves for books and things. The rack is made monolithic and opaque or with shelves through and through, which can be used from either side.

Original solutions

In the case when it is necessary not only to divide, but also to create a unique and original atmosphere, techniques are used, as shown in the photo, that can significantly decorate without taking up additional space.

Curtains - inexpensive and original version for zoning. If necessary, it is possible to remove them, change the texture and ornament, creating a unique atmosphere.

  • Floor coverings of different colors or textures will favorably emphasize the design performance, expand and divide the space visually.

Dividing a zone using wall designs

Not only by decorating the floor or ceiling is it possible to create visual and functional separation. Most often, wallpapers are used for this. Wallpaper zoning occurs in two ways:

  • horizontal zoning;
  • vertical zoning.

In the first case, part of the room (lower part) is pasted over in more dark color, and the top one is a few tones lighter, the other part is done in the same way, but with different shades of color.

The second is more common, with it choosing two colors, in which the walls are pasted. For example, the bedroom area is performed in softer and light colors, and the living room - in rich and dense shades. Photos of such options are widely presented on the Internet. The choice of such a division delimits and expands even a small space.

Wall hangings are also a great way to divide up a room. Decorating the interior and creating additional coziness, they favorably distinguish one of the zones located in the same room.

The right lighting provides ample scope for experimentation and imagination for the owner of the house. Diode tapes, lamps, table and wall lamps, made in different designs, can clearly and unobtrusively divide the guest area into a sleeping area. The luminous flux of different directions is able to create a unique design and visually delimit the room. The successful combination of light creates a unique interior.

Any of the above differentiation methods will be ideal for your home. Changing the choice of partitions, combining furniture different sizes and style, playing with color and light, everyone will create comfortable atmosphere even in a small room.

The presented photos serve as an excellent visual example of how it is possible to form an idea and present a division without prejudice to the area. A wide range of options, with the help of which the combination of zones in one room does not create inconvenience to the owners. Harmonization of free space by rearranging furniture and correct lighting- a way to create the perfect atmosphere.

It must be remembered that the bedroom, in any case, should remain a privacy zone and, choosing a suitable method of separation, you should try to leave it not a walk-through. Minimalism in the choice of furniture and accessories will help not to clutter up the space and optimize the functions of the furniture. Consider the number of people living in the house, try to take into account all their addictions, while allocating a corner for everyone.

Zoning a room into a bedroom and a living room: 40 options

Living space zoning is a very close and urgent problem for all small apartments. And this is not surprising, because in one small room you need to place several zones at once, without limiting the comfort of the owners. But there are often such full-size apartments where you just don't want to build walls. An example of this are lofts - ideally zoned "open-space", in which with the help of different techniques designers manage to achieve the integrity of the entire apartment at the same time as privacy zones for all residents of the apartment. Armed with these ideas, we have prepared techniques for the competent zoning of living rooms.

Most popular living room zoning:

  1. Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, since by definition the sleeping place should be farther from the entrance.
  2. Living room and kitchen - placement of both zones is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that the hostess is comfortable and light enough to cook food.
  3. The living room and dining room are two complete units that should have enough space and space in a single room.
  4. Living room and office - the office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install an additional light source.
  5. The living room and the children's room are the most unconventional combination, since, as a rule, parents give up their room to the child, but this still happens. In this case, you need to think over everything well and it is better to separate the children's part with partitions so that the child has the opportunity to fully rest.

Living room zoning techniques

There are several of the most common living room zoning techniques, which we will discuss in detail below.

Furniture zoning

This is the simplest and affordable way combine the functions of several functional areas in the living room. Large and comfortable corner sofa will accommodate guests during the day, and in the evening it will become a cozy bedroom. For more intimacy, you can use screens or mobile partitions... This is especially convenient where, in addition to the sofa, there is also a seating area made of armchairs and a table, and when someone is tired and wants to sleep, he can safely go to rest while at the table you can continue to chat and sit down. Of course, we are not talking about soundproofing, so those who are awake will have to speak more quietly than usual.


Zoning with partitions and mobile walls

These tricks are great for separating a small bedroom around the living room. You can order special mobile structures, which will be very easy to fold and unfold, thereby "forming" the walls at the right time. Of the materials for these purposes, glass, plexiglass and plastic are best suited. In order to hide the excess from prying eyes, you can hang light curtains on the partitions.

We also included another zoning technique in this category - the use of small island walls. Their length is usually 1.5-2.5 m. As a rule, a TV stand is placed on one side of such an island, or another wall structure - a wardrobe, a rack, shelves, pictures. With the help of such a small wall, there is a clear zoning of the room.

Openwork partitions

This group of construction is more decorative in nature, but nevertheless gives a clear sense of the boundaries of the space. Such partitions can be made of wood, metal, plastic and any other materials, and are more like designer small architectural forms, but often openwork partitions form an ensemble beautiful shelves or whatnot.

Niches and wardrobes

These pieces of furniture help very well to zone the space. According to the principle - the higher the cabinet, the more obvious the separation. That is, if you decide to split the zones with small niche or curbstones, put some long objects on it - vases with flowers, desk lamp or a statue. In combination living room - kitchen the best separator will be the bar counter.


One of the most successful ways divide the space into zones. Of course, it is only suitable for rooms with high ceilings, but where it is, the boundaries of one and the other zone are immediately clear. If a bed is installed on the podium, inside the podium can be arranged drawers for storage bed linen and various seasonal things, ventilation and other communications can also be hidden on the podium. The podium idea works very well in large, spacious apartments, where the designer conceived to create a single space.



Various finishing materials

Usage different materials finishing gives a clear idea that we have two different zones. That is why designers often use this technique for zoning, because here, according to the principle of stands in furniture store, two independent parts of one whole appear at once - the living room. There is another interesting technique - you can lay the same material in a different direction, but this only applies to tiles and floors made of small components. To further isolate one area from the other, place different types of rugs on the floor.

Light zoning

Light plays a key role in final finishing interior and that is why, the separation of light will immediately emphasize the border of the zones. For example, in the evening you are sitting at a table over which a large chandelier is burning, and at this time the bedroom area is not illuminated, which means you can relax there. And it is immediately clear that if only one light source is hung in the living room, it will not be enough for a room in which there are several zones, or in one part there will be not enough light, and in the other there will be an overabundance. Spotlights in the case of zoning rooms, they will be a good help to you. Hang a chandelier over the main area, and place a composition of spots in the additional area, or vice versa.

False columns

False columns are a convenient attribute of the zoning of any premises, but most of all they are suitable for the living room - all because of the somewhat solemn significance of this room. You can install copies of antique columns, after passing through which the second zone of the room will open to your attention. Or build a large column that will resemble something like a chimney, or a small false wall. In any case, you can win some space, which will give you the opportunity to place another zone.

In the photo below, the column technique is successfully applied. It is neither large nor small, but just such a size that allows you to hide the dining area a little.


Arrangement of furniture

Place furniture from different areas with backs to each other. One of the most cost-effective, simple and quick ways to delimit the living room was and remains the arrangement of zonal furniture with backs to each other. Or in other words, so that people in different areas sit with their backs to each other. This technique is based on basic knowledge of psychology - “if I don’t see, then I don’t.” That is, if you do not see people who are doing something nearby, you do not even notice them. In this way, you can place about three different zones in one room. Naturally, the distances must be observed, and between the zones there must be boundaries of at least one meter. The back arrangement is also well suited for large open spaces in open-space lofts and apartments.

Zoning gives you the option of a small one- or two-room apartment make a full-fledged space for relaxation, receiving guests and even sleeping.

The owners of one-room apartments sometimes need to divide the space into individual sites- the psychological comfort of the inhabitants, convenience in Everyday life and the aesthetic perception of the interior as a whole. You can zoning the room into the bedroom and living room different ways, and the photos and recommendations collected on our website will help you to choose the best one.

Zoning rules

Delimiting common room into two parts, it is important to adhere to certain design principles. First of all, you should pay attention to tips for small rooms - neutral colors, clear lines and techniques for visually increasing the area will be very useful.

For the arrangement of the bedroom, it is customary to choose the far corner, as a rule, closer to the window. If the source natural light there is only one in the room, the partition must let in the sun's rays. In this case, transparent and translucent glass panels, all kinds of racks, shelves, sliding curtains are suitable.

It is good if the style and color scheme of the design of the guest and sleeping areas overlap with each other - this allows you to preserve the visual integrity of the room. The unifying factor can be similar textures of finishes, interspersed with certain colors, furniture from the same series.

In each of the areas, you need to take care of the correct electrical lighting. So, bright lamps are appropriate in the living room - a large chandelier, spotlights or LED strips on the ceiling, sconces on the walls. For a bedroom, a dim light from a floor lamp or one or two night lamps is quite enough.


V modern design for zoning, thin partitions are most often used, which in themselves are a real decoration of the interior. The choice of materials for them is simply huge - there are products made of glass, plastic, drywall, forged metal, particle boards, wood. Depending on the size and installation method, the panels between the bedroom and the living room can be stationary, sliding and movable (mobile).

It is worth mentioning separately sliding sliding doors... During the daytime they can be left open to provide access to the sun and fresh air from the bedroom window to the guest area, and close it in the evening, instantly isolating the sleeping area from the noise and light prevailing in the next room. If several people live in the apartment, it is better to stay at semi-matte and opaque versions - so the glare from the TV working behind the wall will not interfere with the night's rest.


Curtains. One of the fastest and budgetary ways dividing the room into two parts are curtains. Thanks to an incredibly extensive catalog of fabrics and design options, this type of zoning is suitable for any interior style. Turning to a specialized curtain salon, you can choose textiles of any color and texture, determine the direction of the folds, find a convenient mechanism for attaching and moving curtains.

Blinds- a good alternative to fabric curtains. Made of a more durable and rigid material, they do not need periodic washing, do not accumulate dust and allow you to easily adjust the light transmission. It is absolutely not necessary to choose boring "office" options - there are a large number of blinds for the home, which are distinguished by bright colors and unusual textures. As for the location of the elements, in order to visually increase the height of the room, it is worth giving preference to vertical structures.

Japanese curtains are canvases of fabric fixed on sliding panels like compartment doors. Perfectly flat surface and high decorative qualities can make textile panels a highlight of any interior.


The use of dimensional furniture for zoning rooms is always practical and functional. Almost all objects with pronounced vertical lines: wardrobes, shelves, high chests of drawers, bedside tables, TV niches. Sometimes they can be combined with other structures, all kinds of partitions.

Low stand often shares a living room with a kitchen, but this option is also quite acceptable for a bedroom. Such a mini-wall with a height of about 1 m can become a convenient stand for books, indoor plants or decor.

Rack with a lot of open shelves, it is suitable for those who like to keep things easily accessible. This item furniture will perfectly transmit light and sound, so it will not work to isolate the bedroom from the living room with it, but as an addition to the interior, it will look quite appropriate.

Cupboard- a universal way that allows you to simultaneously solve the issue with the dressing room and divide the room with a full-fledged wall. It is most rational to leave the doors on the side of the bedroom, and in the back you can install a niche for the TV, make open shelves or decorate the surface for a regular wall.


Arrangement of a "stage" raised above the floor level - perfect solution for small rooms where there is often not enough storage space. As a rule, a bedroom is placed at a height, sometimes separating it with additional partitions. The space inside the podium remains free, so that drawers for clothes can be placed in it, bedding and other necessary items, or hide another bed there.

Zoning of the bedroom-living room - photo

You can see even more interesting ways of zoning space in a one-room apartment or studio for the bedroom and living room in the gallery on our website. Creative examples of design will help you navigate the types of partitions and choose the option that is right for your interior. The correct division of rooms will not only give your home a stylish look, but will also help create a cozy atmosphere in both the guest and sleeping areas.

Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to place zones for sweet dreams or relaxation and a living room in one living room. What is the right way to divide one room into two spaces, which, it would seem, are not quite compatible? Probably one of important methods dividing the design of an apartment or a house is the division into zones of the room. For example, one bedroom can be used to make a living room and a bedroom.

The division into functional zones in this case will allow placing several places in one room where you can rest, as well as a workplace.

Photo ideal zoning in the bedroom you can see in any interior design magazine. Visual division is also done in order to create an optical illusion (visual increase in the area of ​​the room), as well as to increase the attractiveness of the interior.

Two zones in one room

For the correct zoning of the bedroom into two parts, you need to know general rules division into zones, and also do not forget about the style of the entire room.

How can a room be divided into many zones? To do this, you can use best ideas bedroom zoning, namely, use the following techniques:

  • arches;
  • falsity of the partition;
  • sliding doors.

The separation when using arches is considered a classic. Thanks to this design, you can make each of the zones private. The arch is not bulky. If you use plasterboard structures, you can make quite interesting visual effects.

If the room and funds allow, you can use decorative designs for zoning the space. For this, builders will definitely install niches, plasterboard shelves, glass partitions. There are sometimes quite attractive options when a fireplace or an aquarium is used instead of partitions.

The podium is enough practical solution for zoning space. Inside the podium structure, they often equip a storage space for various things. Occasionally, there are options for storing a small bed inside the podium. Its height can be about 20 centimeters. In order to clearly distinguish the podium from another space, a lighting solution is used - backlighting.

Falsity of the partition - perfect solution for a studio apartment. Using such a partition, you can visually create the illusion of a wall that gives privacy and secrecy.

Sliding doors are the best helpers in dividing a room into several functional areas. Using correctly selected furniture, it is also possible to organize several separate zones in the room. In the kitchen, the most common option for organizing different zones in the room is the bar counter.

The bedroom can be zoned from the living space and using the most ordinary curtains... Thanks to their use, you can quickly and easily organize a cozy corner for relaxation.

When is a visual division of a room used?

Dividing a room into several zones is necessary in order to divide the space into zones that have different purposes: visual separation sleeping place from a worker, for example.

Zoning helps to cope with the problem of a one-room apartment - when one room needs to be divided into a common area and an individual one.

The space can be divided in order to different time For days, the room was used for its intended purpose, for example, during the day the room is used as a dining room, and at night it is used as a room for sleeping.

Using zoning, you can create optical illusion, which can make the interior more attractive, and can also add or trim the area of ​​the room itself.

If you, at the stage of construction or renovation, decided for yourself that you will separate the bedroom using separation, try to think immediately how to perform zoning and at the same time take care of lighting in different zones.

Let's say in the sleeping area you planned to divide into two absolutely different zones(by function) - do not lay one overhead lighting (meaning one chandelier on the ceiling). The ideal solution to this problem can be the installation of a floor lamp, sconce.

For small room the use of very bright floor or wall finishes is not recommended. Avoid painting the floor in different colors... For example, if the floor is painted with a single color paint, this will help to visually make the room larger. Forget about plain, contrasting wall art.

To enlarge the room will help a light solid color on the wall. Ceiling - it is better to install multi-level or stretch.

If you have a combined sleeping room and living room, this is perfect option in order to convert it into a studio bedroom. To do this, you need to remove absolutely all partitions in the room. Zoning is necessary only with the help of a variety of furniture and different design walls.

For example, kitchen area must be decorated using tiles. The dining and living areas should be separated with plastered and painted walls in colors that match the tiles in the kitchen area.

We recommend placing a table in the center of the room. round shape... It is best to hang a hanging lamp above the table. In the corner, you can comfortably place a TV and a corner sofa. Thus, you immediately get a relaxation area and a bedroom.

A transforming bedroom is when the room itself is enough small size, but I want to place several zones there at once. Furniture with transformation mechanisms will come to your aid. That is, the bed in the morning will become a wardrobe, and in the evening it will again turn into a place to sleep.

Such items are usually designed in a specially equipped podium, which is easy enough to turn into the furniture you need. If you want to visually highlight the living area, put a small table for magazines in the corner. Soft chairs will not be superfluous.

The transforming bedroom option is ideal for young people - bachelors or couples without children. Elderly people are unlikely to fold and unfold furniture with such mechanisms every day.

Bedroom zoning photo