We equip and decorate the student's study corner (51 photos). Children's corner in a one-room apartment - we equip the working and sleeping area Schoolchildren's corner near the window in a small room

School is a difficult stage in the life of a child, and parents should try to organize the place for their classes as conveniently as possible. In any apartment, even with the most modest footage, a student must have his own work . This is one of the indispensable conditions for a good study. permanent place, for classes, disciplines the child, accustoms him to independence; he quickly realizes that he is the master in this corner and must keep order here himself.

1 Schoolboy's corner

2 School furniture

3 Desk student

4 Desk lamp

Consider several accommodation options schoolboy's corner in modern apartment depending on the number of rooms.

If your apartment has only one room, and you can allocate only small space, then the student’s corner must be separated from the common area with through shelving, a decorative flower wall, etc. But since the room is still shared, the very good option partitions - a tall cabinet; in this case, the child will be maximally focused during classes, since his peripheral vision will not be distracted by what is happening in the rest of the room.

FROM two-room apartment much simpler: either a corner for classes is allocated to the child in common room, thus, the bedroom is given to parents; or (more preferably) a smaller room is provided to the child. In the first case workplace can also be separated from the rest of the space with all sorts of furniture and decorative designs. In the second case, zoning can be conditional, since the entire room is at the disposal of the student.

In a three-room apartment (even if the rooms are small), as a rule, there are no problems with arranging a workplace for a student at all: one of the rooms is allocated to the child. But this is the case if there is only one child in the family. If there are two children, and their class times coincide, then it is advisable for each to arrange a separate workplace, for example, one in the nursery, the other in the bedroom. When children are in different age groups (schoolchild and kindergartener), it will be preferable to separate the space for the older child from the play space for the younger child in the nursery.


Each element of the environment home office» the student needs to be carefully considered. It is important not to overload the ceiling or room, either in terms of object or style. Furniture should be as practical and functional as possible and not stand out from the overall interior ensemble. In addition, do not forget that your student is developing, not only intellectually, but also physically, which means that you should “grow” with him and his work space.

AT recent times doctors are sounding the alarm: most children preschool age there is a violation of posture, and by the time of the end secondary school Almost half of young people suffer from scoliosis - curvature of the spine. Therefore, if you care about the health of your child, make sure that the body of the child has the correct position during classes.


There are hygienic standards for matching the height of the seat of the chair and the cover of the desk student desk the growth of the child; compliance with these standards will save the student from violation of posture. And these standards are as follows: with a height of 110 - 119 cm, the child does not - go around a chair with a seat height of 31.5 cm and a table with a lid (tabletop) height of 52 cm from the floor level; a height of 120-129 cm corresponds to a seat height of 34 cm and a table top height of 56 cm; when the child grows another 10 cm (130 - 139 cm), then the chair and table should "grow" to 38 and 62 cm, respectively; the next height gap of 140 - 149 cm fits a chair with a seat height of 41 cm and with cover height 68 cm; with a height of 150 cm or more, furniture for classes should have the usual "adult" standards (43 cm - chair seat, 73 cm - desk cover).

You can determine whether this furniture is suitable for your child by height without having at hand measuring tools. Seat the child on a chair: if his hips rest freely on the seat, his feet completely (and not with his toes!) Touch the floor surface, and the angle between the thigh and lower leg is very close to a straight line, then the chair is chosen correctly.

Now let's check if the height of the cover of the table you have chosen corresponds to the height of your child. d Seat the child at the table in the "correct" chair, while the apron edge of the seat should go under the table cover by 4 - 6 cm (approximately the same

it should be the distance between the edge of the table and the baby's chest. Let the child fold his hands on the table as he will sit at school desk. If at the same time he has to raise his elbows and shoulders, then the table is too high for the child. If he bent his back and leaned towards the table, then the table is too low.

Often, a student's worktable has an adjustable tilt cover; reading and writing at such a table is much more convenient, since this ensures the same distance of 35-40 cm from the child's eyes, both to the bottom and to the top of the page of a book or notebook, for writing (reading) classes, the slope should be set to 7 -15, for drawing classes - at 15 - 30, and for drawing - at 60 - 75 °. The dimensions of the table top can vary from 50 x 90 to 60 x 110 cm. As for the finish of the working surface of the table, it should be matte so that light rays do not reflect from it, and the color should not contrast strongly with the color of white paper.

It is preferable to choose a chair with a hard or semi-hard seat; it can be either exactly horizontal or slightly concave. Well, if the back of the chair has a kink at the level of the waist, and its top part- a slight tilt back, the width of the seat can vary between 38 - 42 cm, and its depth is 35 - 38 cm.


Whatever your home, remember very important rule: the place where the student is engaged should be well lit table lamp. First of all, you need to make the most of natural light. Firstly, desk it would be wiser to place the child near the window. Secondly, instead of tulle with a dense pattern that does not transmit daylight well, it is best to curtain the window with tulle of a rare weave. Thirdly, it is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of window panes, because in conditions big city they are very quickly covered with a layer of street dust and burning from automobile exhaust gases.

For an evening or cloudy weather local light sources are needed: floor lamps, sconces, . The leaders among local light sources are table lamps. The designs of table lamps can be very diverse, but the most convenient of them are those that allow you to adjust the distance from the light source to the illuminated place and the direction of the light rays. An example of this kind of lamps are table lamps with a flexible stand. Modern table lamps are not mounted on the tabletop, but are attached to it with a clothespin clip.

Often, floor lamps are used to illuminate the working surface of the desk. however, floor lamps whose supports pass through the center of the lampshade are not suitable for illuminating the work surface. Here you should give preference to those floor lamps in which the lampshade is on the side support leg and can rotate and move along the vertical axis.

Sconce wall lamp - is used as a local light source above the desk quite rarely, for example, to illuminate the working surface of a secretary; in this case, the sconce is mounted on its side or back wall. The same design can be applied if the desk is built into cabinet furniture.

Each of the listed lamps creates the necessary level of illumination only for small area, therefore, the source of the light flux (lamp) should be located at a distance of no more than 90 cm from the illuminated area. At the same time, make sure that the light flux is directed not into the eyes of the child, but onto the working surface of the table. A properly selected lampshade or lampshade will help protect your eyes from direct rays of light.

Now about lamps. In principle, both incandescent lamps and halogen lamps and fluorescent lamps can be used as local lighting. The main thing is to create the necessary brightness of the light flux; 60 watts of power is enough for reading and writing.

Fluorescent lamps give the luminous flux a purple hue, which extends to all objects illuminated by such a lamp and has a depressing effect on the psyche. In addition, “blinking” is often observed in fluorescent lamps, and this causes significant damage to vision. The only advantage of such light sources is their cost-effectiveness, but is it worth saving on health?

Where to place a table lamp, a floor lamp, a sconce, and on which side of the window should a desk be installed? The textbook truth that the light source should be located on the left is true only if your child's "main" hand is right. But among people there are many who have the main left hand. If your child is left-handed, then, accordingly, the light source must be placed with right side. By the way, about left-handed people: doctors strongly advise against trying to “retrain” left-handed people. Firstly, these attempts are usually fruitless, and secondly, they are very traumatic for the fragile child's psyche.


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The student's room is a multifunctional space. It should be comfortable to study, play, sleep, meet friends, be creative and store a lot of things. At the same time, I want it to be cozy and easy to change as the child grows up.

From this material you will learn how to equip a student's room from scratch or transform an already existing interior, as well as get ideas from a selection of 60 photos of rooms for boys and girls 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 years old.

It is advisable to plan the student's room so that the play, sleeping and study areas are visually and / or physically separated from each other. This is necessary so that, firstly, the child is not distracted from classes, and secondly, so that the interior looks orderly.

Below are a few examples of how you can divide the space into working and "living" parts.

Another way to create a feeling of privacy at the study table is to simply equip it with a partition. back side partitions can be used as a platform for drawing.

In the following photos, you can see the interior of the schoolboy's room, in which the play area is isolated by a partition with sliding doors, and the table and bed are placed in the same space.

If you don’t want to share a room, place a game corner at the desk or on the side, but not too close. So the child simply will not see his favorite toys, which means he will be less tempted.

This technique is a win-win if you want to decorate a student / schoolgirl's room for growth. When the time comes for a change, you can update the interior without making repairs, but only by replacing furniture, curtains or decor. In addition, neutral shades are good because they do not interfere with study, games, or sleep. Well, so that the room is not too boring, you just need to dilute the interior with color accents.

  • The most versatile wall color is soft white. Other great colors are beige, light grey, grey-green, grey-blue.

This selection of photos shows the interiors of the rooms of schoolgirls and schoolchildren, decorated in neutral colors.

Tip 3. Decorate the work area with colors that promote concentration and brain activity

Here is a list of colors that will decorate the interior and help in studies:

  • Yellow;
  • Green (not too bright);
  • Orange;
  • Blue;
  • Brown.

It is not advisable to use all of the listed paints (except green) in large quantities or throughout the room. So, for example, yellow and orange begin to irritate with prolonged exposure, and blue risks “freezing” the room.

How to use this advice correctly in practice? Just hang a calendar, map, class schedule or other on the wall near the table the right materials in the colors listed above. You can also put a colored organizer for stationery on the table, and boxes for papers on the shelves.

It is very important to choose work furniture for the student's room according to height. And since schoolchildren grow up very quickly, it is most rational to buy a transforming table with adjustable height and tilt of the tabletop, as well as a chair with adjustable seat height.

Below is a table to help you choose the table height.

If you already have a table, but it does not match the height of the child, buy a children's "office" chair, and put a stand under your feet (it can be built from thick books and increased if necessary).

  • The correct height of the countertop is just below chest level (2-3 cm). Please note that the hands should lie on the table freely, without tension. Below in the memo are other tips on arranging the student's study table.

You can read more about arranging a student's workplace in our article:.

Tip 5: Create even lighting and choose the right table lamp

When equipping a student's room, it is important to plan the lighting correctly. It should be uniform, not dull and not too bright. Ideally, the central chandelier should be supplemented or completely around the entire perimeter of the ceiling.

If the repair has already been made, then floor lamps and table lamps will be able to complement the chandelier.

  • Remember that reading and studying only in overhead lighting is harmful to the child's eyesight. On the desktop, there must be a lamp with adjustable height and tilt, as well as with a ceiling / lampshade. light bulb in table lamp desirable LED with a white matte coating (so that the light does not blind the eyes) and a power of 60 watts.

The light source should be on the left if the child is right-handed and on the right if the child is left-handed.

The same rule applies to daylight, so ideally the table should not be placed parallel to the window, but perpendicular.

Children up to about 10-12 years old still need games, so the design of the play area also needs to be given a lot of attention. Moreover, it is games that help children best learn knowledge. Here are some ideas for arranging a developing play space:

  • whiteboard/easel/drawing wall and very useful role playing into a teacher.

  • A magnetic board on which the child will be able to put words from magnetic letters. When the child grows up, the board can be used to display drawings, letters, photographs, etc.

  • A table for playing chess, assembling constructors, modeling, drawing, assembling mosaics, needlework.
  • Mini theater with curtain and stage.

  • Railway.
  • Toy piano.

And so that the child can relax, stretch and arrange a “change” for himself, it would be nice, namely:

  • Swedish wall;
  • Home climbing wall;
  • Basketball hoop;
  • Gymnastic ball.

The globe, geographic map, interior numbers and letters, pictures from botanical or ethnographic atlases, model solar system, reproductions of great paintings - all this will be useful for the education of the child and, at the same time, decorate the interior. True, you should not overdo it with educational decor either, because the student's room is not only an office, but also a bedroom.

Below is a selection of photo examples of how you can decorate a student / schoolgirl's room.

Do not put certificates, medals and cups in a box, it is better to collect them in one place and arrange them beautifully. especially important diplomas, diplomas and certificates are best framed.

Achievement Corner can be arranged on top shelf above a table, on a bookshelf or above a bed.

It's good when a child has his own library and a nice reading corner - it becomes easier to instill in a child an interest in reading.

  • You can pick up a bookcase narrow so as not to take up much space in the room, and in addition to books, it should be decorated with cute gizmos - figurines, favorite toys, photo frames, etc.

Tip 10. Organize a storage system for school things and clothes

Here are some tips to help you organize the storage in the student's room and teach your child to keep things in order:

  • Distribute notebooks, textbooks, stationery, reference books, etc. school items according to the principle “the more you need, the closer”. Thus, notebooks and textbooks should be in the top drawer of the nightstand or on the nearest shelf. If the child is right-handed, then the working locker / bedside table should be placed on the right, if left-handed, then on the left.
  • The most convenient wardrobe for a child is narrow (about 40 cm deep), with a bar installed at eye level, drawers that close smoothly and do not pull out completely. It's great if the wardrobe has a backlight.

  • The wardrobe can be replaced with a chest of drawers (it is more convenient for a child) and supplemented with a cute hanger for clothes that cannot be wrinkled, including school uniforms.
  • When setting up the play area, get rid of toys that the child has already outgrown and organize a storage system for the remaining things: divide them into categories and store them in labeled containers / baskets.
  • Teach your child to put things in their places, not to accumulate rubbish, and also to put things not in piles, but ... folded into rectangles or at least rolls and arranged vertically. Check out our article about and learn other useful tricks.
  • In a small student room, you need to use non-standard places storage and multifunctional furniture. So, for example, a bed should be chosen with drawers or a headboard with shelves. Instead of a bedside table, you can hang a pocket for a book and a bottle of water on the side of the bed. Also, a couple of shelves will be useful (they can be hung above the bed, desk, above the door and even above the window).

Psychologists strongly advise furnishing a work area for a child, starting from preschool age. There is a reason for this: having your own table with a bedside table for writing materials, shelves for books and toys teaches you to order, psychologically sets you up to work in one place, whether it's drawing, modeling or reading. How to make a schoolchild's corner with your own hands so that it is comfortable at any age? It is enough to know a few nuances.

Furniture for a student: what does the work area consist of?

The very phrase "schoolchild's corner" evokes persistent associations. Imagination immediately draws a set of furniture, consisting of a table with a built-in cabinet, two pencil cases with shelves and a hinged open shelf. In general, the presentation is correct. If you decide to make a schoolchild's corner with your own hands, you will definitely need to provide:

  • Sufficient length and width of the working area. According to accepted ergonomic standards, the width of the table should be about 600mm (500-700 for a complex rounded shape) and at least 1000mm long (typically standard desks are offered with a table top length of 1200-1300mm). Corner tables are the most comfortable and functional.
  • A place to store writing and other supplies. Pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, paints, rulers, various educational devices, albums and notebooks are most conveniently stored in drawers. But now there are many attractive organizers on the market that will allow you to easily arrange all this on open shelves, in special containers, “business cases” and boxes, and there is no longer such a need for boxes.
  • Storage space for oversized creative kits, crafts, toys and books. Hinged shelves, which can be both open and closed with facades, perfectly cope with this role. It is also possible to provide a low pencil case or cabinet in the furniture set for the student.

What material to choose for the corner of the student

School furniture can be made from laminated chipboard, MDF and solid wood.

  • chipboard(laminated chipboard) - the most a budget option. You should not be afraid of it, with proper processing of the ends and the laminated surface, the material is absolutely safe for the nursery, if elementary hygiene requirements are observed in the room: the nursery should be ventilated, the air humidity should be maintained at a level of no more than 50%. The accumulation of water and other liquids on the surface of the furniture is not allowed!
  • MDF as a material most often used to decorate the facade of furniture, countertops and open shelves. The body of the school corner (the base of the table, the frame of pencil cases and pedestals) will still be made of chipboard. MDF is considered completely eco-friendly material because it does not contain resins. Due to the fact that MDF is denser than chipboard, the material shows the best performance characteristics. It can be lined with plastic, film, veneer, painted with enamel, and can be milled. But it also costs more.
  • array needs no "introduction". Not a single parent will refuse to buy solid wood furniture for a nursery. The only question is that even a do-it-yourself schoolchild's corner, made of solid, well-crafted wood, will cost a lot. What to say about ready-made options offered in workshops and furniture stores.

What material to choose for the corner of the student is up to you. Well-made furniture with your own hands or purchased ready-made will last the same long time if it is made with high quality and accurately. And it doesn't matter if it's chipboard or an array.

DIY school corner: table drawings

When choosing a work area or deciding to make a school corner with their own hands, parents often pay attention to expensive transformable furniture that can be adapted to the child's height. In fact, this is not so important: the mismatch problem is easily solved with a good height-adjustable child seat. So that the legs do not hang out, but rest on a hard surface when sitting at a high table, you can use a bench.

The best option is to implement the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba "double table", which can easily be converted into a corner table as needed. Or even “roll back” to the bed or the other end of the room. As practice shows, it is very convenient if two children live in one nursery, so they can each do their own thing and not interfere with each other.

Such a double table will help save space in a small nursery. In addition to the pencil case, it can be supplemented with combined shelves and a cabinet on wheels.

A do-it-yourself drawing of such a table for a schoolchild's corner will look like this.

It is better to place not standard thrust bearings, but adjustable ones, under the standing ones of the upper table. The lower table of the schoolchild's corner rolls out and turns due to furniture upright adjustable supports.

Every child dreams of his own personal corner where he can spend time doing his homework or just doing his favorite things. Such a place can be a schoolchild's corner, which, if desired, can be equipped in almost any, even small apartment. This requires only a competent approach to space planning.

The choice of furniture for arranging student space depends on the area of ​​​​the apartment, the number of rooms and children in the family.

Writing corner options

The main focus, as a rule, is on a desk with hanging shelves or desktop cabinets for placing textbooks and notebooks. And you can show imagination and translate into reality the most interesting options furniture placement.

Modern designers have developed a number of modular designs that perform several functions at the same time.

Such models represent a schoolchild's corner with a bed, in which the study area is combined with a sleeping place, shelving for books, wardrobes for clothes and toys. In the niche of the bed there can be additional drawers for bed linen.

Furniture for a girl's children's room can be made in gentle pastel colors and have an interesting configuration: with elements of a castle of a princess or other fairy-tale characters.

Furniture set for a boy, aged in marine shades, may remind pirate ship with porthole doors and other "marine" details.

The furniture in the nursery for a teenager-student looks more seriously and stylishly. As the child grows, the interior also undergoes changes. It could be concise design in high-tech or minimalist style.

A functional corner table is placed by the window, and the bed can be replaced by a classic sofa. If there are two children in a family, then practical option there will be a bunk bed that saves space.

If the child does not have a separate room, the student's corner with a closet is located in the common room. It can be a small modular design with functional space.

To date, there are many companies involved in the manufacture of furniture to order. If pick up suitable option of those presented for sale is not possible, use the services of specialists. They make furniture individual design according to the required dimensions and configuration.

If the student's corner is a costly purchase for family budget, take advantage of the installment payment that many provide furniture stores. After all, it is not always a short time it is possible to accumulate the amount necessary for the purchase.

Decorating a student's corner

Regardless of what kind of interior you want to embody in the children's room, it should contain the main elements of the student's workplace, which help to comfortably and fruitfully complete school assignments:

A desk or computer desk with a wide work surface that allows you to sit comfortably when doing written work. The table for the child is selected in accordance with his height. It is best to buy a table together with the student, so that he sits at the table, decides how much it suits him.

In addition, listening to the needs of the student when choosing furniture means making a purchase that he will be happy with, which will provide a desire to network for completing the lessons.

A computer chair that provides the formation of the correct posture. The backrest of the chair should be adjustable in height, ensuring that the back is properly supported in the desired position.

Shelves or modules for placing books, notebooks, stationery and other educational supplies.

The child must be taught to order in the workplace. It is clear that order in things cannot exist if there are no places for their storage and convenient location. Auxiliary furniture should be easy to use, so it is better to place it so that the student can reach everything he needs without getting up from his chair.

All furniture should be of high quality and practical, because it is purchased not for one year. Drawers should be equipped with reliable fittings, slide smoothly and easily. After all, any shortcomings in the best way affect the concentration of the student when doing homework.

The design of the workplace can be done together with the child, let him mark everything as he wishes. In case of location bed in another room, a schoolchild's corner without a bed is set up.

If there is only one room in the living room, you can purchase a compact corner computer desk with add-ons in the form of various shelves and small boxes. Another option for a rational layout is the location study place under the loft bed.

In case of an acute shortage of free space, a folding table located against the wall will be a saving option. Above it, you just need to hang a couple of shelves for school supplies. Or you can use the place near the windowsill, which gives natural bright light, by placing on it a wide tabletop, suitable for two children.

Favorable shades in the design of the training place

For children, an emotional atmosphere is very important, conducive to calm, concentrated work. The right one will help organize it. color design premises. Green color has calming properties, and yellow - activates mental activity.

Remember your school youth, where green was always the predominant color in the classroom. It gives positive energy and creates a working atmosphere. It is worth remembering that busting green causes excessive relaxation, so do not overdo it with the design.

Yellow is a great option, it has a tonic effect, which is necessary for a schoolboy who is at home. It is best to make yellow accents on furniture and school accessories.

Bright colors, a combination of blue with red or orange, on the contrary, excites and makes it difficult to concentrate. In this connection, it is better not to use them in the design of the working area. In general, the interior should be restrained, creating favorable conditions for the working environment.

Equipping the corner of the student, add home comfort, making the design not only practical, but also comfortable. Incorporate those elements into the decor that remind you of something pleasant and joyful, such as souvenirs from various trips and framed family photos.

Location selection

The key aspect in choosing the location of the student's corner is the presence natural light. The window opening should be located to the left of the desktop - for right-handers, or to the right - for left-handers.

The main thing is that the light falls on the written plane from the side. If there are several children in the family, and there is no possibility of creating a couple of corners, then it is best to put a table in front of the window so that everyone has enough lighting.

At the onset of darkness, along with ceiling lights it is necessary to organize additional lighting of the workplace. A table lamp or luminaire with a bright but soft light can be placed on the side of a table or placed on a wall.

It is good if the artificial light source is equipped with a swivel design that allows you to adjust its height and direction of light incidence.

It is advisable to separate the workplace from the rest of the room so that the child is not distracted by foreign objects when doing homework.

Psychologists do not encourage the complete separation of the working area, as this creates a closed space, negatively affecting the child's psyche and suppressing working capacity. A rational option may be a screen that creates zoning space.

As it became clear, creating a schoolchildren's corner is not an easy task that requires a special approach. However, from her right decision depends on the future of the student. The rational organized corner the student will not only cope well with the assimilation of school material, but will also be able to maintain his health and always be in a good mood.

Photo of a schoolchild's corner

small area living quarters, in this case a one-room apartment, leaves very few options for redevelopment when parents combine one room with a child. However, changes should only occur because new life brings with it a lot of responsibilities on the part of the parents and a lot of impressions on the part of the child.

But do not be upset in advance, because today experienced designers the most successful techniques have been created that are easy to implement even in small apartment. The main goal of redevelopment is to use every meter functionally so that each family member finds his own place to his liking.

Efficient Zoning Rules

To combine an adult zone and a children's corner in one room, it is important to know the laws of ergonomics, because sometimes they are simple, but effective ways able to expand the space. Let's look at a few rules efficient zoning and a visual increase in space:

  • The use of arches, podiums, shelving, mechanical partitions perfectly copes with the task of zoning. At the same time, they perform the role of separation and beneficial functionality;
  • Mirrors are often used by designers in their projects to expand a room. Thanks to the mirror, the interior objects are mirrored due to this, the room seems larger. Even better is to use bright hues walls and ceiling;
  • Furniture module. The choice of furniture should come from its mobility and compactness, especially with the current choice of goods from European manufacturers this is easy to do. For example, the bed is better to replace folding sofa which has a hidden place for linen.
  • Make a coup on your balcony or loggia. By glazing and insulating this part of the apartment, you can lengthen and increase your area.

Properly designed interior depending on the age of the child

Children grow and their interests change with age, what was interesting in infancy is no longer impressive at four years old. Therefore, differences must have their original history from birth to school years.

Children's Corner in one-room apartment in the first two years of life, it cannot be firmly called the property of the child, since at this age the main furniture is a crib and a changingtable combined with chest of drawers.

Further more. How older child the more you have to change your priorities. Starting from the age of two, it's time to look at furniture that is more interesting for children: bright shelves, pictures of animals in frames, crafts and more. More important feature is illumination.

There should be a lot of light, so it is advisable to place the crib near the window, but not right next to the windowsill. Very often, the children's area, when the child is still very small, merges with the adult one due to the fact that the crib is placed next to the adult's bed. In this case, just separate the area with a comfortable small chair and a bright rug.

Preschooler and his apartment

Here you can no longer get by with a crib and a chest of drawers, a preschooler needs a table, a full-fledged place on a teenage bed, shelves for stationery.

Here are a few tips for using Odnushkawhen zoning a room:

  • Opt for beds with drawers;
  • Closet great idea for a common dressing room, it can be mounted in a niche;
  • Fence off the part of the room where the child will be located with decorative curtains.

The question of the style of the room worries most residents who have children. Properly decorate a room in a classic and modern style. devoid of superfluous items Scandinavian style also suitable, in view of its simplicity and lightness, every year it is chosen by more and more designers to create a warm and calm interior.

7 years - new changes

To equip a schoolchildren's children's corner means to make it as independent as possible from the spaciousness of the parent's corner. Children grow up and they need more and more personal space. You can create a partition in several ways:

  • Raise a rack;
  • mount sliding doors or heavy curtains made of durable textiles;
  • Put a closet on the border between the parent sleeping sofa and the children's corner.

In the arrangement of interior items and furniture, one thing can be said - mobile and compact designs operate here. For example, a bunk bed with a table below to save extra square meters for another purpose. As for the decoration of the walls, you can safely give the choice to the child, since the wallpaper with mini bears or some other animals from infancy will no longer interest him. The personal furniture of the child is a manifestation of his individuality, so give him the full right to choose.

Mistakes to avoid in a child's room when decorating

A nursery in a one-room apartment, even if there is nowhere to roam to realize the desired fantasies, can be made multifaceted and functional, look at the photos in which the zoning of the room between parents and the child organically combines interior items. However, there are some mistakes to be avoided:

  • Electric lighting. Avoid cold light as it makes you feel cold and restless. The warm tone of the lamps will give the room coziness and warmth.
  • Too much bright colors. Making a room defiant is not excusable if you decide to combine all the colors of the rainbow in one room. In such a room, not only is it difficult to be in it, it will be impossible to concentrate.
  • Most dear parents often ready to buy for the arrangement of their children. But do not rush and think about whether it is rational to make wall cladding with excessively expensive wallpaper. Those with children know it's best to wait until the child's preschool age, as there is a good chance the walls can be painted, scuffed, and painted. Create a beautiful atmosphere with crafts such as inexpensive light wallpaper will become an object of impression if they are decorated with butterflies. They can be painted or glued on by purchasing them from a stationery store.

  • Placing a bed near a window. A window, even the most reliable one, is often a place of drafts, so it is better to step back from it at least a meter.
  • Floor covering - carpet. Carpet no doubt warm material, not slippery, but spilling water from paints or compote on it, you are unlikely to be able to clean it completely.
  • Heavy curtains near the window. Do not decorate the window with voluminous curtains, they take up free space.

Safety in the children's room

Creating the comfort of a child's room, it is important to foresee all possible dangerous corners in advance. In an effort to make the nursery bright and colorful, do not forget that often children are mobile and swift in assimilation of a new space, so it is very difficult to keep track of them.

Sports corner for a child

Every child is gifted with certain abilities and everyone is talented in their own way, but almost every child loves sport games, which include: climbing stairs, a rope, a horizontal bar, etc. In order for the design of a one-room apartment to combine a sports corner, work zone must be properly designed, because often the wall bars are a sports corner.

It would be logical to install this corner opposite the bed against the wall, and put a voluminous mat down, this moment is especially important if you will teach the child with early age. Very often for small children they offer small slides and swings. In our case, they can be bought removable, which are then removed and hidden in a secret place.

To date, manufacturers of sports corners offer their consumers special wall mounts, on which a bicycle or scooter can be easily hung.

Space for a child is an important component in the holistic surroundings of the room. Interior design is not an easy task, but it can be solved. Thoroughly prepared parents have all the powers to develop their child as a worthy person, the main thing is not to infringe on his personal space. Check out the photos of designers who offer to skillfully combine the lives of parents and the younger generation.