Long narrow kitchen living room. Narrow Kitchen Design: Best Ideas and Useful Tricks

If your house has an elongated, narrow kitchen, then there is no need to despair, because such a rectangular kitchen is not yet a sentence. Using some tricks, you can easily fix all the existing shortcomings of the kitchen, changing it beyond recognition. How to design correctly narrow kitchen you will learn from this article.

Narrow kitchen interior

When thinking about the design of a rectangular and narrow kitchen, remember that not only zoning is important here, but also proper lighting, a competent choice of furniture, as well as the design of the ceiling, floor and walls.

Wall decoration

The best option when decorating the walls is paint or wallpaper pastel colors. Walls of cream, peach, sky blue, milky or white color.

You can also paste over all the walls with wallpaper, but it would be better if vertical stripes wallpaper will alternate with painted areas.

If you want with some kind of pattern, then it is best to choose a small pattern that will be located linearly.

In order to make the room of a very long kitchen more comfortable, you can “break up” the atmosphere with the help of a large bright picture located on one of the walls. Or you can paste over one wall with photo wallpaper with some kind of panoramic image, which will expand the space.


When designing a narrow kitchen, you can use various options lighting. Of course, a window plays a very important role in such a kitchen, which in no case should be curtained. thick curtains. If the width of the window is sufficient, then you can hang transparent and light curtains, and if it is narrow, then you can stop at Roman blinds.

In a long and narrow kitchen, the ceiling should not be in the center of the room. Best of all, it will look over the dining area.

Perfect lamp, which is made in the form of a single ceiling panel, as it is able not only to fill the kitchen with diffused, soft light, but also to give the room depth with its glossy mirror-like surface.

In addition, you can use the option with several hanging lamps that can replace ceiling chandelier. With the help of such lamps, you can easily solve the issue of zoning the room.

For working area it is imperative to use additional lighting, which can be built-in lights or a regular LED strip.

Shouldn't be built-in ceiling lights placed along an elongated wall, as this solution will contribute to the "tunnel" perception. The best option is the arrangement of lamps in two squares, with the allocation of separate zones in the kitchen.

With several lighting options, you can easily create cozy corners in the kitchen, illuminating only the work area or the eating area if desired.


When choosing the design of a rectangular narrow kitchen, an important role is played by the choice of material with which the floor will be finished. For the kitchen floor, you can use tiles, which are best placed diagonally to make a narrow kitchen seem wider.

If you decide, then it is better to do this perpendicular to the long wall. For a narrow kitchen, you need to choose either the most similar to the overall color scheme, or the most contrasting color of the floor.

With the help of dark floors, you can add height to the room, but light ones can give the kitchen more comfort and light, and will also look harmonious with light furniture.


Having a reflective surface, they are great for the design of a long and narrow kitchen. The lower the ceiling is, the lighter it should be. If you have high ceilings in your kitchen, then you can beat them with linear patterns or stained glass patterns that will help you zone the room.

If the ceiling is too low, it is better to just paint it white, as the tension structure will only increase its earthiness.

Proper division into zones

When arranging the working area, it is necessary to remember the "rule of the triangle" - the cutting table, stove and sink should be located very compactly, as if at the tops of the triangle. This solution will allow you to achieve maximum ergonomics and convenience from the kitchen.

The functions of the desktop can be taken over by a wide and long window sill, especially if the window is located at the far wall of the kitchen.

With the help of a long horizontal panel, you can visually expand the far wall, while obtaining a fully functional work area. In addition, you can use the lower part of the wall - the place under the windowsill can be turned into very comfortable cabinets.

It is also convenient to place the work area along one of the walls. This will be a good solution for a narrow kitchen measuring 2x4 meters or more. But this requires specially designed furniture - special narrow cabinets with a shallow depth, which is offset by the height of the cabinets, a stove in which all 4 burners are arranged in one line, and not a square, and a narrow sink.

Design Features

Kitchens with a small area

If a balcony adjoins a miniature kitchen, then it must be used. Instead of a simple window, you can install a stained-glass window on the balcony, which will help hide all the shortcomings of a small room and fill the kitchen with special light.

Instead of balcony door the refrigerator can stand up perfectly, or it can be decorated under general style kitchens. With this decision, one zone will automatically move to the balcony.

It is better to arrange a dining area on the balcony so as not to engage in pulling communications and pipes there. If this does not scare you, then you can take out the sink and stove to the balcony, and leave the kitchen space for dining area.

If the entrance to the kitchen is located on a long wall, then you can demolish the doorway in order to combine the kitchen and the adjacent room with a beautiful arch.

Also, the entrance can be moved from the end wall to a long one, which will help hide the elongation of the room and carve out extra centimeters.

The smaller your kitchen is, the less it should have various little things - souvenirs, pyramids, plates, figurines and other accessories. Such trifles will clutter up the kitchen, taking away already small area at the premises.

It is necessary to start the design of such a kitchen by highlighting the center. A refrigerator is perfect for the role of a “separator”, which can be decorated in an original way so that it fits into the overall style as much as possible and does not resemble a block of ice installed in the middle of the kitchen.

Two zones can be placed on the sides of the refrigerator - in the first, you should install a work table, stove, oven and sink, and the second will make an excellent dining area that can fit a folding dining table, a flat-screen TV and a small sofa.

In addition, the design of a kitchen of this size can be equipped with folding chairs and a transforming table, so that, if necessary, the work area can quickly turn into a cozy corner for relaxation.

Remember that horizontal lines make the room wider, and vertical lines make the room tall, so when designing a narrow kitchen, try to place tall pieces of furniture along elongated walls.

The walls can be decorated with paintings placed in elongated frames. And here end walls it is necessary to designate with horizontal lines - or short curtains, a wide window sill.

Choice of colors

Planning the design of a long and narrow kitchen. Necessary Special attention to give to the elected color scheme. The smaller the area has a room, the lighter colors should be chosen.

It will look ridiculous in a small kitchen the cold color of furniture or walls, as well as a large number of large drawings. Therefore, it is best to opt for pastel colors, and brightness can be added with the help of several accessories of rich, juicy color.

This also applies to furniture. In a rectangular narrow kitchen, furniture in cream, silver blue and peach colors will look better.

There is another win-win and just great option- choose a more saturated color for the lower cabinets, and as light as possible for the upper cabinets.

If your kitchen is small and narrow, then this does not mean that you need to give up bright furniture. Especially if you do not like the coldness of white. With this option, the ceiling, floor and walls must be made in light colors, and for furniture choose warm colors: light red, sunny yellow, coral and juicy orange.

Rectangular, elongated and long kitchen is required, first of all, to give the shape of a square. This can be achieved by highlighting the wall - one long wall must be decorated with plates, various small pictures in funny frames and other accessories. This design will hide the length of the wall and crush it.

To change the perspective, you can wallpaper not the entire wall, but use their alternation with painted sections of the wall. The wall seems to shrink, but at the same time the volume of the room becomes larger, as wallpaper inserts or small objects add depth.

If you have enough space to store a variety of kitchen utensils, then it is better not to use wall cabinets. On one side of the kitchen, you can place a hood, and on the other side you can place several open shelves.


When choosing furniture for a narrow kitchen, you need to focus on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. In a very small kitchen, you only need to place the furniture that you may need for cooking, while the dining area will need to be moved to the living room.

Built-in furniture and appliances are a real treasure for a rectangular narrow kitchen, as it is more functional and takes up little space. In addition, many objects are not visible, which creates a feeling of truly free space.

There are four options for the arrangement of furniture:

  1. Arrangement in one row, while using only one wall. For a small kitchen, this layout is ideal, where it is simply impossible to install a dining table in a different way. A free wall can be decorated with a bright art object or a large mirror.
  2. Location in two rows. Furniture in this option is located along long walls, and the end walls remain free. This option is far from the best, but it is better to use it in a long and narrow kitchen, which has a large quadrature.
  3. An excellent solution for rectangular kitchen is considered an L-shaped arrangement. With this arrangement, you can use a wall with a window so that one long wall remains free.
  4. For a kitchen with a large quadrature, you can use a U-shaped arrangement. At the same time, the kitchen will turn out to be very cozy, but without a dining area. Therefore, you can use this solution in a private house or in a large apartment that has a separate dining room.

The weightless and lighter the furniture will seem, the better it will be, so pay attention to the material that was used to create the furniture. For example, it is better if the work surfaces and doors are glossy.

It is better to use sliding doors, rather than hinged ones, so that they do not hide space and you can install necessary items near them, such as a toaster or coffee maker.

A real find for a small narrow kitchen can be folding chairs and tables, folding bar counters and various retractable tabletops. Such devices can appear only at the right time, and the rest of the time they can be removed and not clutter up the space.

Decor elements

For the design of a long and narrow kitchen, Scandinavian, rustic style or minimalism is best suited, as they are characterized by the absence of sharp corners and soft colors.

Also, the design of a rectangular narrow kitchen can be designed in a high-tech style, since in this case it will not be necessary to hide communications that will be used as decorative elements if they are painted in metallic color. In addition, it implies the use of transparent and glass surfaces, and this is a mandatory requirement in a narrow kitchen.

On a free wall it will be possible to place open shelves, which will house indoor flowers, various souvenirs and other little things.

But you don’t need to litter the room, you should use only a few accessories that unusual shape And bright color will give your kitchen even more originality.

A free wall can be turned into a green corner by placing your favorite violets or cacti on open shelves. In this case, the walls and furniture should be neutral tones.

To create a volumetric room, you must use large mirror, which should be placed above the dining table or opposite the window. If such a solution may seem pretentious to you, then you can get by with a few mirror inserts on furniture facades or an apron.

An excellent find for a narrow kitchen would be bright bar stools installed instead of stools. They do not take up much space and are able to add color to the kitchen.

As can be seen from the above, the competent design of a long and narrow kitchen can make it practical, ergonomically verified and as elegant as possible.

You don't have to be afraid to experiment. Any kitchen can be turned into a kind of island of comfort, where it will be convenient for both the household and the hostess.

Be the hostess of a spacious kitchen that allows you to install many functional items household appliances and sit comfortably at the dining table - the dream of many women. Most of the old layouts and some modern new buildings are far from ideal. A narrow long kitchen makes it difficult to harmoniously place furniture, but the secrets of design art make it possible to smooth out inconveniences as much as possible and equip the room in accordance with the principles of ergonomics.

Room layout

A competent approach to planning the situation can visually hide the disproportionate dimensions of a narrow long room and turn the kitchen into a cozy corner for family communication. Depending on the size of the room, the furniture is completed in several ways:

Advice ! When planning, the principle of the "triangle" should be taken into account, when the sink, refrigerator, and stove form corners geometric figure. This arrangement contributes to significant savings in the time and effort spent on cooking and, with the exception of linear method, allows you to use in all design options for a narrow kitchen.

Surface decoration

The priority task of design is to visually expand the narrow space. The correct color scheme of the walls will help to solve the problem. Whatever the choice finishing material to the kitchen, whether it's wallpaper, paint or tile over the worktop, it's important to stick to light shades. Optimal solution- a plain background, but the presence of a small pattern on the wallpaper is also allowed. With low ceilings, it is appropriate to use a vertical pattern on the walls. Experts strongly do not recommend using dark colors in the design.

A special approach to the linear layout of a long kitchen requires opposite wall. To balance the space and get rid of the effect of the tunnel will help big picture, photo wallpaper with 3D pattern or panoramic view. It looks advantageous in a narrow kitchen with a wall design that imitates brickwork. Similar tricks apply to corner layout long kitchen. A narrow table allows you to shift the emphasis from disproportionate sizes. small sizes installed in front of the headset.

The next step is the design of the ceiling. Haute cuisine gives room for ideas to transform a narrow space. Multi-level and embossed surfaces are popular, which at the same time help in delimiting zones. Plaster decor or architectural elements is another trick to form smooth transitions. The standard height is not an obstacle to solving the problem of a narrow kitchen. The mirror ceiling will perfectly increase the space.

The final stage is the right floor design for a long narrow kitchen. The choice of color scheme depends on the goal: dark shades will visually lift the room, and the environment, matched to the tone, contributes to the formation of a light, light space. Another nuance that allows you to achieve a visual expansion of the room and hides a disproportionately long kitchen - laying the flooring:

  • tiles are glued diagonally;
  • the laminate is perpendicular to the long wall;
  • drawing on linoleum has a transverse direction.

A bright rug that contrasts with the overall look will help divert attention from the long narrow space.

Proper organization of lighting

Good light always contributes to creating the effect of a spacious room, so first of all, you should take care of maximum accessibility. natural light. Do not clutter up the kitchen with heavy curtains. If the window is on a narrow wall, best option- short curtains that form an additional horizontal line and conceal the shortcomings of a long room. For these purposes, French blinds, Roman blinds or English curtains are ideal.

Remark ! Required condition disproportionate room - several sources of artificial light.

Design rules for narrow long kitchens offer the following lighting options:

  • the ceiling chandelier should not be installed in the center of the room, it is better to move it closer to the dining area;
  • if there are several lamps on the ceiling, you cannot place them in one row, this will enhance the effect of the tunnel in a narrow kitchen;
  • it is recommended to equip the working area with spot lighting mounted in cabinets;
  • it is advisable to additionally arrange a sconce with soft light in the place of eating, if there is a free corner, put a floor lamp.

Convenience and originality in a narrow long kitchen will provide a lamp that allows you to adjust the direction of the horns.

Headset selection

An important design principle for small spaces is to stick to minimalism. The most suitable for these purposes would be high-tech or Scandinavian style. You should think about the package in advance. It is very problematic to choose a standard set for a disproportionate kitchen; custom-made furniture will help solve the problem of a long room. In this case, pull-out shelves and reclining countertops will ensure a comfortable stay in a narrow kitchen. The bar counter will perfectly cope with the zoning function.

The design of a room consists of many different details: the choice of materials for decorating walls, floors and ceilings, functional and comfortable furniture, the distribution of light, the use of important techniques that can give the room a special style. It is important to use the full potential of a small space, including work areas. Design elongated kitchen(12 sq. m., 8 and 15 sq. m.) depends on the goals pursued by the owner of the apartment.

Style design

Popular design options for a small elongated kitchen include:

  1. The classic style will not lose its special charm and popularity. This type of design is able to give the room elegance and calm beauty.
  2. Minimalism. In such a situation, it is worth thinking about choosing minimalism seriously, due to the lack of frills, many serious problems can be avoided: lack of space (due to the lack of a large amount of furniture and decorations) and the issue of placing work areas (such areas become hidden, combined with other interior items) .
  3. Retro. In this case, a small space becomes a certain advantage. Stylized objects give the kitchen a cosiness. In such a room, only the necessary things are placed: a stove, a refrigerator, work surfaces and cabinets for dishes. Help complete the look decorative elements: figurines, paintings, watches.
  4. High tech. An excellent solution for those who are used to combining sound practicality and beauty. It is typical to use objects that combine several functions (work surface with drawers, drawers).
  5. Fusion. One of the most difficult styles to perform. It is a certain combination of several styles, calm saturated tones prevail, often the use of bright details that seem “out of place” to many. It is difficult to deal with the nuances on your own, it is recommended to contact specialists.

The style determines the direction in which subsequent actions will be taken in favor of the choice of materials.


Choosing the right color scheme can create the effect of a visual expansion of an elongated kitchen. Experts recommend:

  1. Choose light colors and shades. Suitable white, peach, blue, light green and pink colors. They will create the necessary effect of increasing space.
  2. Dark shades and black color should be avoided, it is he who eats up useful space, depresses the psyche. It is recommended to use similar shades as additional details.
  3. In order for the kitchen space not to seem too sterile, add a few bright elements: colorful refrigerator, bright Appliances, paintings, lamps, curtains. It's important not to overdo it.

The use of dark colors is allowed when decorating the floor or some elements of work areas.


Recommended use natural materials(stone, wood), combination with plastic, coating with a special varnish, the presence of steel or iron parts is allowed. The choice of material for work surfaces should be based on practicality (moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical stress).

For wall decoration, it is recommended to choose:

  1. Wallpaper. It is advisable to choose a special washable surface. In this case, the wallpaper will not be afraid of pollution and moisture, which can be considered an indisputable advantage.
  2. Plastic panels. Not resistant to various mechanical damage, this is the only drawback that is compensated by other quality characteristics.
  3. Ceramic plates. One of the more popular options. The only negative can be considered the loss of the original appearance after certain period time.
  4. Painting. High-quality painting can solve the most important issues. The main thing: to maintain an atmosphere of comfort, avoiding the appearance of cheapness.

Floors are recommended to be covered ceramic tiles, laminate or linoleum. Choose surfaces that are easy to clean.


Lighting can give the surrounding space the necessary volume. Here are some useful ideas:

  1. Using multipath lighting. The use of built-in lamps can solve many different inconveniences. Highlight the main work areas.
  2. It is recommended to place several lamps on the ceiling. It is advisable not to place them in the same row, this mistake can lead to the creation of an additional effect of an unnecessarily narrow space.
  3. When using a large amount lighting fixtures reflective surfaces are allowed, this is what will give the room additional space.
  4. Do not interfere with the penetration of natural light, use light transparent curtains.

It is advisable to use additional light sources in work areas.


It is worth paying attention to the choice of a kitchen set, as well as other furniture. The important thing is what material you decide to use, as well as the location of the main items to extract the most practical benefit.

Choosing a kitchen set:

  1. Measure the size of the kitchen and headset in advance. The main mistake is that ready-made headset eats up too much space, choose the most practical models. The best option would be to use a headset made specifically for the kitchen.
  2. Tall cabinets are allowed. You can use them to your advantage: to visually increase the space, use cabinets with transparent doors. Open shelves are allowed.
  3. Use lockers with doors that open vertically. In this case, you do not have to worry about the occurrence of traumatic situations.

It is worth considering the need for a dining area. small space The apartment provides for a dining space only in the kitchen, so you should take care of this in advance:

  1. Use folding tables or chairs. This will provide convenience, such an area is easy to move or remove.
  2. It is allowed to combine the working and dining areas. In this case, the work surface becomes a table at which you can eat.
  3. It is recommended to use a small rectangular table (rather narrow and elongated). With its help, a full-fledged dining place is created.
  4. Can be used unusual options: get a retractable table or bar counter.

When planning a narrow kitchen, you need to resort to important tricks that will help simplify the further use of the kitchen space.

How to save space?

When such a question arises, you should turn to simple tricks:

  1. Use pull-out work surfaces.
  2. An extended window sill can act as a working surface. In some cases, it can serve as a dining table.
  3. Drawers play a big role.
  4. Combine multiple zones.
  5. Use glossy surfaces that reflect light. This technique will help visually expand the space.
  6. Multi-level and spot lighting will be useful if the goal is to create the effect of visual expansion of the room. Moreover, with sufficient illumination of the workspace, it is much more convenient to work.
  7. It is not recommended to use heavy fabrics and dark colors, it is they who become insidious eaters of the usable kitchen area.
  8. A sufficient number of drawers and shelves will help to avoid finding household items on visible surfaces. This will help you avoid feeling cluttered.
  9. If the room has access to a balcony, you should arrange it in the style of the kitchen itself. You should think about combining a balcony with a room, such a solution will be very useful: a real area will be added on which you can place a fairly large table or sofa.

It is these techniques that will create desired effect and will allow you to use the space of a narrow kitchen to the fullest.

When planning a small kitchen, pay enough attention to the placement of furniture and the choice of colors - these are the factors that become decisive. In case of difficulty, contact the experts.

Unfortunately, the layout of most apartments greatly limits the possibilities of its interior design. Often, for some unknown reason, apartment designers create such plans that you wonder: why did they do it - for show, that the plan has been completed?

One of the many “miracles” of planning is a problem that many face. What to do and what is the way out?

Furniture for a narrow kitchen

To make your kitchen seem spacious, try to purchase a set in which the upper (hinged) cabinets are equipped with glass doors. In any case, one wall can be decorated with shelves instead of mezzanines.
Another trick that you can use is this: furnish one side of the room with standard cabinets, and the other with narrower ones. Thus, your space will be visually expanded.

Since it is almost impossible to build a dining area with a large table in a narrow kitchen, a folding table or a bar counter will be an ideal way out.

Wall and floor decoration in a narrow kitchen

To achieve a visual expansion of space, you can use light colors for the walls. It is best if they are performed in the same tone. When you want to decorate the wall with wallpaper, try to choose options with a small pattern or a horizontal stripe. And here dark wallpaper- not your option at all. To create a linear perspective, use modern photo wallpaper with 3D effect.

As for the floor, any material is suitable for covering it. The main thing is to choose the right pattern and lay the coating. If your choice fell on tile, then it is better to lay it diagonally. This effect always works to visually expand the room.

When choosing a shade for the floor covering, you need to look for it to be in contrast with the background color of the kitchen or exactly the same.

Color scheme for a narrow kitchen

Most often, white furniture is selected for narrow kitchens, which looks light and does not clutter up the space. But this color is not the only right decision!

Designers advise to pay attention to cream, beige and light gray tones. Besides, quite good option the choice of light green is considered either blue color which are ideal for walls and furniture. These shades create a feeling of spaciousness and airiness of the room.

A few visual tricks to widen a narrow space

  • doors- this functional element should open outward, since for a small kitchen this is the most suitable option space saving. original solution becomes sliding or glass models that will not load the room.
  • Mirrors- above the dining table, try to place an oval mirror or rectangular shape, or decorate the wall with a mirror apron. This technique works "with a bang", therefore, more often than others, it is used in the design of a narrow space;
  • Lighting plays an important role. If you have a narrow kitchen it is better to abandon the standard chandelier in the center of the ceiling. Designers are advised to give preference to several small lamps located on both sides of the kitchen. As an additional light source, use backlit zoning. When a suspended ceiling is installed in the kitchen, in the best possible way lighting become built-in spotlights.
  • Appliances for a small kitchen try to purchase compact household appliances that fit perfectly into the space. If possible, a refrigerator washing machine it is better to place behind the kitchen.

A variety of accessories for a narrow kitchen

The final stage of designing a narrow kitchen is the choice of suitable accessories that will not clutter up small room. If the kitchen standard sizes can be decorated by decorating it with many accessories, then the wall space calls for adherence to a certain measure.

Try to match the tablecloth, towels, potholders and other textiles to match your tulle so that they do not attract all the attention to themselves. In addition, do not use small decorations, as they will only create a feeling of cluttered space.
In general, in order to be distinguished by its zest, it should be designed as functionally and conveniently as possible. Let our tips help you!

The secrets of the design and interior of a narrow kitchen from professionals, the layout and selection of furniture for a long narrow kitchen and dining room - in this article.

Sometimes one gets the feeling that when designing houses, architects test future residents for their ingenuity and imagination. And how else can one explain the appearance in our apartments of narrow and long kitchens, in which it is difficult even for two people to miss each other? However, if you approach the issue of planning and interior design wisely, then even such a seemingly hopeless room can be turned into a fairly cozy and functional corner of your home.

Disadvantages of an elongated kitchen

Before embarking on correcting the flaws of designers, you should find out why a long and narrow kitchen is so bad. Naturally, its main problem is the limited space, which:

  • makes it difficult for owners to move;
  • prevents the creation of a full-fledged dining area;
  • as a rule, it does not involve ergonomic placement of furniture and the implementation of the principle of the "working triangle".

In addition, staying in it causes a certain psychological discomfort. A person in such a room feels out of place, as if he was in a small tunnel.

Therefore, the main task of the owners of narrow kitchens is to maximize the expansion of space. At least visually. Alas, the demolition of walls and an increase in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen due to the balcony or adjacent rooms are far from always possible. Although such an option would undoubtedly good decision existing problems. Therefore, you will have to look for other ways: replace the door with an arch, move the entrance from a narrow wall to a wider one, or use other design tricks that allow you to correctly organize the space and visually expand the narrow kitchen.

Features of the layout of a long kitchen

A competent layout of a narrow kitchen can create a real miracle with a “trailer” room. Designers recommend considering one of the following furniture arrangement options:

With which kitchen set is located along one of the long walls so that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "working triangle" is respected: the refrigerator and stove are placed on opposite sides of the sink. With this approach, there is still room for passage, and the area by the window or free wall can be used to organize a dining area. Suitable for very narrow kitchens.

Assuming the arrangement of furniture along two adjacent walls, it allows you to make a long kitchen more proportional and get an additional work surface by equipping the window area accordingly. So, the window sill can be extended, combined with a common countertop, and the resulting space can be used as a dining table or installed here, for example, a washing machine. Good decision if you have a small kitchen.

It also has the right to exist in an elongated kitchen. True, it is not suitable for very narrow rooms, since between two rows of cabinets there should be free space from 90 to 120 cm.

The option is acceptable, but with some reservations. It is important to keep in mind that this option for arranging furniture will “eat up” almost the entire free area. With this solution, the kitchen will have enough storage space, and it will be quite convenient to cook on it - everything is at hand. However, when planning with the letter P, you will have to abandon the dining area in the kitchen and move it to the room: with cabinets around the perimeter, there is hardly a place for a table and chairs.

Zoning should be given special attention. The narrow kitchen should be visually divided into two halves - in one there will be a kitchen set, in the opposite - a dining area. This will balance and balance the space.

In such a kitchen, it is very important to use the window area and make the window sill as functional as possible by expanding it and combining it with the countertop. Often there is a dining area by the window, if the area allows - with a TV and a small sofa.

A great option for an elongated kitchen is to buy a narrow transforming table that unfolds, or order a kitchen set with a retractable worktop that can be used as a dining table. Alternative option- make the window sill part of the work area. For example, install a sink here.

Which headset to choose?

In a narrow and long kitchen, in no case should there be a lot of furniture, especially if it is massive and not very functional. Typical headsets often sin with such flaws, but their custom-made counterparts will take into account all the features of your non-standard kitchen. This will allow not only to use every millimeter of precious space, but also to visually enlarge it.

For a cramped rectangular kitchen are ideal:

1. "lightweight" headsets, in which the upper modules are placed only on one wall or are completely absent (they can be replaced with open shelves). If there is not enough space for storing kitchen utensils with this approach, then tall, ceiling-mounted cabinets with glass transparent or translucent facades can become an alternative. If you want blank facades, it is very desirable that they be light color- white and beige.

2. lockers with doors that open up - they do not interfere with movement and do not clutter up the space.

3. retractable tabletops, folding tables, bar counters and others original designs, capable of serving as both a work surface and a place to eat.

4. light tables made of glass and chrome steel, bar stools that will become worthy replacement classic dining group.

In furniture designed for a narrow kitchen, everything that allows you to add space to the room is welcomed - concise design, simplicity of forms, glossy reflective surfaces, the absence of unnecessary decorative elements. For such headsets, it is preferable pastel shades (different shades white, cream, light gray), creating a feeling of lightness and weightlessness. Although sometimes the contrast game works great, when the facades of the upper modules are made light, and more saturated colors are chosen for the lower cabinets.

Finishing and decor

When repairing a narrow kitchen, do not forget to pay attention to finishing, as miscalculations in this area can negate all efforts in planning and selecting furniture.

  1. Visually pushing the walls of a narrow elongated room is capable of their design in light colors. For this purpose, different variations of white are perfect, as well as cold shades of beige, blue, olive. You can enhance the effect by highlighting the narrow end walls, painting them in a darker color, laying out decorative brick, pasting over with photo wallpapers or hanging posters with a horizontal pattern.
  2. The feeling of additional space will be provided by floors where tiles or laminate are laid out diagonally or perpendicular to a long wall.
  3. If the ceiling in a narrow kitchen is high, then it is better to “lower” it a little by painting it not with white, but with light beige or light gray paint. To smooth out the disproportionate dimensions of the room, zoning the ceiling with the help of drywall constructions or designs in contrasting colors.
  4. The mirror is an invaluable ally in creating the illusion of a spacious room. Usually it is placed opposite the headset, above the dining area or even on the ceiling. When such a solution seems somewhat unusual for the kitchen, then you can limit yourself to small mirror elements on kitchen apron or cabinet fronts.
  5. The more natural light there is in the kitchen, the more spacious it will appear. For this reason, do not drape windows with heavy curtains, but give preference to light translucent curtains, Roman blinds or blinds. Proper organization of artificial lighting is also important. Lamps on flexible arms, Spotlights above the work surface and the dusk will be dispersed, and will help to zone the space.

And the last. The narrow kitchen does not tolerate clutter, it should reign here perfect order. However, this does not at all exclude the presence of decorative elements on it. Bright kitchenware, flowers in pots, an original panel on a free wall - these are the very accents that will not only attract the eye, diverting attention from the disproportion of the room, but also give the elongated kitchen the warmth and comfort of a real home.