Elongated kitchen design 12. Linear layout type

We all want the house to be cozy and warm. After all, this is not only a place of registration, rest, or a common living area with relatives. A house is an absolutely special world, in which the most incredible worldview ideas, stylistic experiments and psychological aspects of its owner are embodied in an amazing way. It is in the design of their own home that everyone can maximally show the individuality of their personality and artistic and architectural talent.

Most often, the kitchen becomes a platform for creative self-realization - a sacred place in the whole house. And this is not surprising!

Since a person spends most of his time on it, cooking and eating food, communicating with friends or family, and simply indulging in philosophical reflections over a cup of tea.

And if more than one person fits in the kitchen, then you can safely experiment with interior design.

The most optimal in size kitchen space is a room with an area of ​​12 sq. meters.

Such a square allows you to conveniently and without prejudice to the footage to place all the furnishings necessary for the kitchen and household appliances.

In addition, there is also always a place to organize a full-fledged dining area or relaxation corner.

However, to achieve the maximum combination of ergonomics and aesthetics in the kitchen, you will have to work hard.

Design features of a 12-meter kitchen

When thinking, designing, building and decorating a kitchen, it is important to adhere to several useful recommendations by its design:

Remember, there must be enough room in the kitchen for easy movement. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out zoning of a room only if there is sufficient free space in it. Considering the wide variety of stylistic and compositional ones, it is necessary to make the final choice in accordance with the entire potential of the room.

Types of kitchen layouts

The presence of sufficient space in the kitchen makes it easy to use any type of layout. However, the most important in determining suitable type placement of the working and dining areas will act - the location of the window in the room and its structural features, for example, the shape of the room is square, rectangular, round. The most common options for a 12-meter kitchen are:

  1. Linear or straight... Very compact and handy. The work area is located along one wall, leaving space for the dining room. Maximum functionality is achieved through optimal placement kitchen furniture- a sink in the center, a refrigerator and a stove - on the sides of it. In addition, to increase the spaciousness of the room, it is advisable to use high wall cabinets, and in the dining area of ​​the rectangular table.
  2. Two-line or double-row... Runs along parallel walls and has a fairly spacious work surface. Furniture and household appliances are also arranged according to the “zone triangle” principle: a sink and a stove on one side, a refrigerator and a dining table on the other. It is in this type of kitchen that there is unique opportunity use of large floor-standing cabinets.
  3. L-shaped or angular... Most giving enough space for a dining area. The work space is located between the sink and the stove, and furniture and appliances are located along adjacent walls, forming a conditional angle. This type of kitchen is also good in that it allows you to solve the issue of the location of the necessary household appliances in the most appropriate way.
  4. П - or U - shaped... A very flexible and functional kitchen. When arranging the space, a continuous row is formed, which makes it possible to rationally use the entire area of ​​the room. Furniture in such a kitchen is installed along three walls. The working area is very convenient, as it allows you to move around the perimeter of the room.
  5. Peninsular... Divides the kitchen space into dining and work areas. It is an ideal design technique for conditional room zoning. But in the presence of a small footage, the use of the peninsula (bar or ledge) is impossible.
  6. Ostrovnaya... Assumes the placement of a dining table, stove or sink in the center of the room. In addition, it acts as an original design solution for the design of the kitchen work area.
  7. However, whatever the layout, in the first place, this is a figurative division of the kitchen space in order to achieve maximum convenience and the functionality of the room.

    Therefore, when equipping the kitchen, it is important to pay attention not only to the aesthetic side, but also to the practicality of using the entire space. After all, your mood and well-being will depend on how pleasant it is to be in it.

    Stylistic highlights for 12 meters

    The character of the hostess is easily recognized by the style of the kitchen. After all, it is created in accordance with her taste preferences and inner worldview. Therefore, to make your stay in the kitchen a pleasure, it is necessary to correctly determine the ideological direction of the interior and the stylistic nuances of its design.

    Today there is a fairly wide variety of decor designs. Which of the options to prefer depends only on the imagination and financial capabilities of the owner. However, even with a minimal budget, you can create a stylish and functional kitchen a certain concept.

    The most accessible and understandable for most styles will be:

  • - assuming use natural wood and strict designs, ornate chandeliers and heavy curtains. It makes it possible to visually expand the footage and rationally organize the available space;
  • - unobtrusive, modern with ideal proportions and dominant colors in the decor. A built-in option is used for the distribution of appliances and kitchen items. Interior textures and materials - imitation of natural raw materials;
  • retro- compliance with a certain historical period in the fashion of interior design. It is possible to use old things and objects in the decor of the kitchen. A wide field for the embodiment of any creative ideas.
  • - practical and comfortable, assumes the presence of only the most necessary in the interior. Volumetric and horizontal furniture, built-in type. Headsets - floor, lighting - spot. Distinctive feature style - the use of three bright colors;
  • minimalism- maximum purity, correctness of lines and geometric shapes... The use of monochrome colors, a large amount of light, creating the illusion of space and infinity, a minimum amount of furniture. The latter acts rather as a functional addition to the technique, and not as a dominant element. The main features are ergonomics, reliability, lightness and simplicity.

However, when decorating a kitchen in any style, it is necessary to pay Special attention... Here, it is better to give preference to calm and non-irritating shades, leaving variegated colors for another occasion.

Country style kitchen decoration

But if the desire to use bright accents in the decor is still overpowering, try to do this very carefully and without unnecessary fanaticism. Remember, being in the kitchen should be both enjoyable and comfortable.

Thus, with just a little imagination, creativity and individual expression, you can easily create a beautiful, modern and functional kitchen.

Kitchen 12 sq. m is a luxury that few can afford. At the same time make correct design such a room is quite difficult, there are many details invisible at first glance.

Below are photos of new kitchens 12 sq. m. 2017, where you can see many variations of projects.


Architectural features pose many challenges for the design of a 12 sq. m. Let's consider a possible layout:

Single row. The work surface and equipment is located in one line near the wall, and the table is either by the window or opposite front door... This placement - perfect solution for narrow rooms;

Double row. Kitchen cabinets are located along two walls. Do not forget that you should leave a space for the passage of at least 1.5 meters. The disadvantage of the layout is the location of the dining table by the window, and in some design solutions, he is taken out into the living room.

The advantage is the convenient location of the work surface and equipment, all items are at hand. The main law of ergonomics is fulfilled: less movement, more comfort;

Corner layout. A fairly common option for the location of appliances and kitchen sets. Wherein kitchen zones clearly divided into work and rest areas.

U-shaped layout. Suitable for a square kitchen or a kitchen - dining room. The rule of the triangle should be taken into account, where the working area and rest should be comfortable for all household members.

C - shaped layout. This layout is suitable for modern kitchen 12 sq. m. For small rooms, this solution will be inconvenient, because the interior of the kitchen takes up free space to the maximum.

Island layout. The arrangement of the work surface is separate from all other pieces of furniture and equipment. In this case, the island can be two-level. The first level acts as a work surface, and the second is a dining table.

Note! Provence style kitchen - photo 120 ideas for a cozy design!

This layout is more suitable for a square shape. To place a sink on the island, take care of the communications in advance.

Kitchen style

Modern kitchen design 12 sq. m. - not just painting walls or pasting wallpaper, first of all - a project that will embody your desires. That will make the decor in the kitchen fashionable and comfortable.

Classic style is the most popular trend that is found in modern apartments... The combination of comfort with the elegance and sophistication of the interior is the basis of the design that most people want to see in the kitchen.

  • For a kitchen set, it is preferable to choose furniture made of natural wood or MDF imitating wood;
  • Pay attention to the fittings, they should be not only modern, but also convenient for constant use.
  • The fronts of the lockers can be carved;

  • For the embodiment of classic kitchen design ideas 12 sq. m. use color range pastel colors;
  • Hide kitchen appliances behind beautiful facades;
  • For lighting, choose luminaires with a variety of pendants.

Minimalism for the kitchen interior 12 sq. m. is an ideal solution. Less furniture and more space- the main rule of the style is minimalism.

  • The range of colors in this area: black, white, pastel shades;
  • It is better to exclude curtains, you can use blinds.

High-tech - problem solving modern man... This style was created to make it comfortable for a person to be not only in the recreation area, but also in the working area of ​​the kitchen.

High-tech features:

  • Chrome plated surfaces;
  • Glass;
  • Smart technology.
  • All details that can create comfort in the room should be present in the kitchen.
  • From finishing materials give preference to tiles, granite.
  • For lighting, you can use point Led lamps that will perfectly complement the interior.

Retro for kitchens 12 sq. m. - an option for lovers of antiquity. At the moment, there are no problems with buying retro equipment and furniture. Modern manufacturers took care of solving this problem in advance.

Antique lockers and appliances will not leave indifferent any retro lover.

Below are options for a photo of kitchens 12 sq. m., where you can choose the options that suit you.

Photo of kitchen design 12 m²

12 sq m is a spacious kitchen where you can place whatever you want. The challenge is not to clutter up the free space. The main elements of the furniture are a kitchen set, a table and a soft zone. We have collected a photo interesting options designs that are carried out on these squares.

Modern kitchen, in white-brown... Minimalism, clean lines, gallant interior. The dining area combines the dining and living areas. White sofa perfect for this interior.

This is a variant of a more "home" kitchen. She gets this look thanks to a large pile carpet and a beige sofa.

Kitchen with bright purple accents. The sofa is separate from the dining table.

The soft zone is a harmonious part of the kitchen interior. Orange inserts add summer freshness.

Shown here is the kitchen-living room. Zoning due to the bar, which also serves as a snack area. The living room is designed in a simple style, a combination of white-black-brown colors.

Rainbow bright kitchen in country style. Multi-colored decorative elements make it "airy". Light green hues give a summer look.

Classic cuisine in beige... The interior is diluted with green colors.

Narrow kitchen with a table. Combination of pastel colors, white kitchen, stretch ceiling.

It takes ~ 2 minutes to read

The 12 m2 kitchen can comfortably accommodate everything you need. Such an area will allow you to create a high-quality design without compromise and comply with all the recommended standards with a large number of options for arranging furniture.

Kitchen design 12 m2


Let's consider popular planning schemes and analyze their nuances. The basic principle of organizing a kitchen space is the placement of a kitchen set. Its location and dimensions are determined by the economic necessity and the individual characteristics of the room. Often these two parameters conflict with each other, but you can always find the best option.

And if you cannot independently combine what you want with reality, then do not despair, but seek help from an interior designer - perhaps this will require additional costs from you (insignificant in comparison with the cost of materials for repairs), but you will have a long-term feeling of comfort. will be guaranteed.

Planning schemes: pros and cons



  • Saving space.
  • The ability to put a full kitchen table, which can be moved away from the wall if necessary using chairs on all sides.
  • There is a place for additional furniture - a wardrobe, a small sofa or an armchair (described in more detail in the article).
  • Free access to the window (balcony).
  • Small work area.



  • Increased working area.
  • The free center is comfortable to walk around.
  • Divided cooking zone - unnecessary fatigue during repeated walking from one tabletop to another.
  • The dining area adjoins the working area - you will either have to spread the countertops according to the heights, or violate the comfort standards (the height of the dining table is 75 cm; the height of the kitchen is 90 cm).



  • Possibility of zoning with the allocation of a dining area with a separate dining table (see also the article).
  • Daylight kitchen countertops out of the window.
  • Convenient arrangement of cooking surfaces.
  • No direct access to the window.



  • Large countertop area, additional storage cabinets.
  • Natural illumination of the table, a pleasant view from the window during a meal.
  • No direct access to the window.



  • Possibility of additional zoning.
  • Convenient serving during serving.
  • The cramped dining and kitchen areas.



  • Convenient cooking space.
  • Lack of dining area.

Kitchen set

Suitable kitchen set and additional furniture blocks you can find it in a store or order in a specialized workshop. In the first case, you will have to focus on the sizes of standard modules and figure out how to fit them into your interior design. In the second option, the dimensions can be whatever you want, and you will not be bothered by any random inconsistencies. But still it is worth focusing on the dimensions that have developed and proven over the years: the depth of the sections of the lower tier is 60 cm, the upper tier is 30 cm, the width is from 20 cm (standard block is 60 cm); worktop height 80-90 cm.

Kitchens: photo in the interior






In addition to the zoning by the arrangement of furniture, twelve squares can be visually divided using the following design techniques (more details):

  • Combination on the floor of various floor coverings, the use of different directions of their installation or simply the color contrast of surfaces can give clear lines of demarcation that harmoniously organize a space with different functions.


  • By combining different wallpapers on one wall, you can visually separate the dining and work areas.


  • A tiered ceiling can delimit space in a tangible way. Do not take it only as a decorative element.


  • Light can also have a zoning effect - separate groups lighting fixtures, and with the help of the switch it will be possible to combine or divide the space.


Moving walls with color

Tips for choosing colors were discussed in detail in the article. If your room is narrow and you don't like the feeling of a pencil case, then long walls can be made light (along with the facades of the headset), and the short ones darker. This design technique visually compensates for the elongation. Combined with partition walls different wallpapers, you can achieve a harmonious volumetric-spatial design of the room.

For high-quality conduct renovation works take care of accurate drawings. Even if you do everything yourself, in a room with twelve squares it is easy to get confused in size.


The location of sockets and switches, as well as the location of the water supply system, must be taken into account even at the stage of interior design. The layout of the kitchen set and the rest of the furniture must be made in conjunction with all communications, the places of removal of which will depend on the location of the main consumers of electricity and water - dishwasher, electric stove, microwave oven, kettle and others.

On an area of ​​12 meters, you should not save on sockets. Add a couple to the calculated ones, and they will definitely come in handy during operation. Think carefully about the lighting - a lot of time is spent in kitchens, a lack of light during cooking can adversely affect your health. Placing additional lamps above the working area, combined in a separate group, will add comfort when using the premises.

Finishing materials in the kitchen 12 m2

Such a kitchen can no longer be called very small (in comparison with kitchens 6 and 9 square meters). Therefore, when choosing finishing materials, you can remove some restrictions.





Take the time to make an estimate. The price of facades for a kitchen set, especially if you have a two-sided type of layout, may surprise you. When you have all the numbers in your hands, you can confidently argue whether you will meet the budget or not. And if necessary, you can timely adjust the project. Otherwise, the unfinished room will spoil your mood for a long time.

Keep in mind that prices for the same materials in different stores, even in the same region, can vary significantly from each other. Therefore, do not despair when you get inflated numbers, but look for more profitable purchase options. Online retailers or small vendors often sell at more affordable prices.


The sequence of finishing work

If you do not have free storage space, make sure that the kitchen set and other furniture are delivered to you after the repair work is completed. To do this, when choosing a store or workshop, find out about the availability of a storage service finished products and its cost.

The trick of execution finishing works is not to spoil the work that has already been done. Therefore, they usually adhere to the following sequence: free the room from furniture; clean the walls, floor and ceiling from the old cladding; then they do engineering networks; after that they are finished in order - the walls (first of all, if used stretch ceiling), ceiling, floor; further cleaning and installation of furniture and equipment.

Repair of the kitchen 12 square meters in the photo (stages)

    Choosing a kitchen design 12 sq. meters, for example, 3x4, you can take on board any style of interior, explore options for planning and different photos successful projects.

    A kitchen with an area of ​​12 square meters is considered average for urban apartments. You can place in it required amount furniture and household appliances, put a dining table, and there will also be a place for aisle. Equip kitchens 12 sq. m is easy, since there is no need to look for any non-standard modules. The only question is in choosing the idea of ​​design and layout, which will help this article and photos of interiors.

    Arrangement of furniture

    When developing a design project for a 12-meter kitchen, it is important not to overdo it with decorative elements and additional wardrobes. Still, the size of the room is rather average than large, so there is a great risk of overloading the space and creating a feeling of clutter. To prevent this from happening, you need to decide on the arrangement of furniture even before the repair. It will not cause any particular difficulties, since there are practically no restrictions here.


    Such an arrangement will help to correct the space of a narrow kitchen-pencil case. Linear headsets are not very roomy, so it is worth taking a closer look at the models of tall wall cabinets or organizing additional shelves under the ceiling. with such a layout will have opposite wall, but the table for it needs an oval or rectangular.

    But a well-designed kitchen design of 3x4 meters with a single-row arrangement of the working area allows you to turn the entire room into a spacious dining room. The leading role will go to the dining group, and the furniture wall will fade into the background, becoming compact and useful addition... How it will look in the interior, you can understand from the photo.


    An excellent option for a kitchen with a wide passage to the living room or for a studio apartment, where the working area is outlined by three walls. There is enough free space in the center for lunch group with a round or square table.

    Alternatively, the U-shaped headset can be improved with radius corner modules. Then the line of cabinets will acquire smoothness and a soft U-contour.


    Suitable for square or similar in shape rooms, while freeing up a maximum of free space for a full dining area. Kitchen set can be recruited from a large number of modules - they all fit along the adjoining walls. In general, create practical design 3x4 kitchens are much simpler due to the optimal aspect ratio of the rectangle. And thanks to the hostess corner layout you do not have to run from end to end of the kitchen to get, clean and cut food.

    The freed up space will completely go to the dining area with convenient walkways to the table. Here you can even organize a cozy corner with a sofa instead of traditional chairs, as in the photo.


    Of course, you won't be able to form a full-size island on 12 squares, but general idea the layout will be given by the bar counter in the center. Such a project is not designed for family meals, so this option remains the prerogative of bachelor apartments. But if you really want to acquire, albeit compact, but your own island, dining area will have to organize here. At the same time, you can, if during the repair you demolished the partition between them.

    The kitchen design of 12 square meters does not allow experimenting with a separate arrangement of modules - this option looks good only on large areas.

    There are some restrictions for two-row furniture arrangement. It is necessary to make sure that there is a passage of at least one and a half meters between the lines of the headset. The dining area will have to be taken out of the main room at all (see photo). This is possible if, during the renovation, you connect the kitchen with an insulated balcony or living room.

    Design secrets

    Even a relatively spacious kitchen of 12 meters sometimes has an unsuccessful shape. It is possible to place furniture and appliances in it, but the feeling of incorrectness of the space will still remain. To solve such problems, you need a well-thought-out design of a 12 square meter kitchen and knowledge of some secrets.

    Kitchen-pencil case

    Long and narrow, it does not leave large selection when planning. The furniture set has to line up in a continuous row along one of the longitudinal walls, which makes the room seem even narrower. To neutralize the created effect, you need to visually bring the far wall closer, highlighting it with a darker and more saturated finish. Side surfaces You can also "push it apart" by picking up light, blending tones, as in the photo.

    It is important to unload here upper part walls - from eye level to ceiling. To do this, you will have to get rid of wall cabinets or choose glass facades... Will make its contribution to the interior floor tiles or laminate laid diagonally.

    Empty kitchen

    Such a feeling arises when the room itself has the correct shape, but the furniture in it is supposed to be minimal, or the space during the renovation process was combined with a large living room. To prevent the kitchen from looking empty, the walls need to be given a matte peach or sandy hue. Although these colors are light, they "compress" the room, giving it a sense of intimacy.

    Cramped kitchen

    And on 12 squares, with an unsuccessful layout design, a feeling of pressing walls can be created. In this case, numerous lamps at different levels will help out. In general, always consider orientation. kitchen window to the cardinal points. From the west and north daylight rather sparse, and the kitchen seems dark, even gloomy. To prevent this, use a light palette and add some sunspots to the interior.

    If there is enough free space, the design of a 12 square meter kitchen can be created on the basis of saturated and dark colors... But here you need to strictly monitor the balance and balance the palette. light tones. White ceiling will make the interior in black and lilac tones lighter, and the "aggression" of the red headset will remove the snow-white household appliances and countertops. You can see an example in the photo.

    Restore the color balance between large interior elements (walls and furniture set) a protective apron will help. It does not have to be the same color as the rest of the furnishings, so it is easy to use it to even out the skew in the palette.

    When planning, do not forget about space zoning. A kitchen of 12 meters can be given an unusual and modern look, if we divide it into working area and a dining room.

    Choosing an interior style

    The first thing to do is determine the mood that you would like to "settle" in your kitchen. Simply put, work out her basic style. After that, it will be easier to choose furniture and finishes. You also need to correlate your idea with financial capabilities - maybe you will have to correct something.

    Take for example classic style from his wooden facades, heavy curtains and gilding. With a lack of funds, it can turn into a tasteless cartoon if the furnishings are made of cheap materials. You can preserve the right feeling by replacing the demanding classics with a more frivolous interior in the chebby-chic style or loyal Biedermeier (pictured).

    It's the same with modern tech interiors. If for a real hi-tech you cannot buy ultra-modern household appliances, turn to minimalism, hiding "inappropriate" units behind laconic facades. The minimum of things - the minimum of costs.