Options for pasting with different wallpapers. Examples of gluing walls. Pasting walls with different wallpapers: combining wallpaper in the photo of rooms

Any room, decorated by pasting two types of wallpaper, looks more bold against the background of standard interiors, since diverse materials and shades give dynamism and internal energy to its surfaces.

One of the many advantages of this method is the presence of several universal techniques that allow you to decorate any size, shape, and color scheme, highlighting its features and best features. You will find out how you can glue two types of wallpaper to create a positive effect right now.

Which wallpaper to choose?

So, you are interested in the idea of ​​pasting walls with wallpaper of two types, but you can not decide which type of materials to give preference to? First of all, pay attention to the practical possibilities of wallpaper for walls... If in rooms such as or, almost all the wallpaper will remain intact for a long time, then the wet conditions or the bathroom can easily damage their structure, spoil the colors and appearance.

Fortunately, today manufacturers are not limited to the release of one type of wallpaper, and the market range is overflowing with many heavy-duty and resistant external factors wallpaper coverings.

For combination are widely used:

  • - suitable for rooms with dry conditions in which it is planned to create a temporary design of permanent shades (living room,). Due to the possibility of purchasing multilayer paper coverings, the use of wallpaper of this type for combination is possible even in areas with a high threat of mechanical damage. Combine with almost any type of wallpaper;
  • - have increased practical properties: they are not only strong enough, but also characterized by additional elasticity compared to other finishing materials. And thanks to the special protective properties, the threat of moisture ingress into the bathroom, or even not terrible for materials of this type. The best option for combining with vinyl is paper wallpaper;
  • - most often used in areas with insufficiently prepared surface. Scratches, dents and other defects on the walls are ideally masked with elastic interfacing. And the relief texture of some types of such wallpapers helps to emphasize the individualism of the design. Due to the possibility of permanent non-woven wallpaper, it is perfectly combined with paper and vinyl coverings of absolutely any shades;
  • - are among the most spectacular and expensive. Most products of this type are not characterized by moisture resistance, which means that textiles are best used for decoration or. Soft and pleasant to the touch texture allows you to combine such wallpaper with paper and non-woven;
  • , which are analogous to decorative plaster- they can be used almost everywhere. But do not forget that the ingress of moisture will provoke additional difficulties when cleaning the walls from such materials. Due to the embossed texture, stylish combinations are possible liquid wallpaper with non-woven and.

Advice: with such a combination, try to use wallpaper with similar shades, since the different nature of the materials will create an accent on the wall.

You can choose the width and size of wallpaper stripes yourself. In addition, no one forbids combining wallpaper not through one, but with a greater frequency. But remember that a large number of alternating materials will create visual imbalance in the interior of your room.

Some ways of gluing two types of wallpaper allow you to highlight the main wall in the room. For example, to create such an accent, you can decorate the entire surface of the wall with a different type of wallpaper.

If your room has niches and ledges, you can use a bright shade or more pronounced relief. to create an emphasis on the features such designs. For example, such niches will be a great addition in the bedside area, and in the living room - in the fireplace or TV area.

The original idea of ​​gluing two types of wallpaper, characteristic of old interiors, is creation of small picture inserts from bright or textured wallpaper framed by moldings... The shape of such inserts is chosen arbitrarily depending on the style of the room and the shape of the furniture.

Fit patchwork combination for which you can use. However, it is not always possible to create a harmonious composition, since small fragments of wallpaper of different types on the same wall are very difficult to combine. If you don't know, two kinds using the patchwork technique, choose materials of delicate and maximally similar shades.

Practical issues of combination gluing

Having decided on the option of sticking wallpaper of two types and preparing the materials for such decoration, you can start planning the main stages of decorating your walls. First of all, keep in mind that different wallpapers suggest their own characteristics of care and gluing, and even one type of glue is not always suitable for all selected rolls. For example, gluing paper, textile or vinyl wallpaper carried out using different types of glue.

Another important question when wallpapering two types of one surface is masking seams... If the same wallpaper of some varieties can be pasted without visible joints, then with such a problem can not be avoided. Therefore, calculate the required length in advance - and stock up on moldings, ribbons, slats or borders that are suitable in style.

Advice: some types of wallpaper can be glued on top of each other: with a slight approach to neighboring materials, the seams will be less noticeable, and as an additional bonus, you can emphasize smooth transitions between shades.

How, you can understand from the list of the main stages of such procedures:

  • putty, cleaning and priming of walls;
  • kneading glue and applying to wallpaper or walls (depending on the type of materials);
  • gluing the main wallpaper in the interior;
  • if necessary - trimming excess parts of the canvas;
  • gluing wallpaper of a different type next to background or overlapping;
  • using camouflage devices (frames, frames, moldings, borders) or trimming materials to create the correct shape.

Thus, combining two types of wallpaper is quick, easy and interesting: in just a few steps, your interior will become no worse than the famous design masterpieces.

Comfortable, pleasant-looking and unusual room will become the main feature of your home, and you will certainly want to repeat interesting techniques in other living areas.

Combining several types of wallpaper is great design solution for any room. In this article, we will tell you more about how to glue two types of wallpaper, and also give a few useful tips.

It is becoming very fashionable to make a combination of wallpapers. Such photographs can often be seen in various magazines and programs. Of course, in the picture it looks just great. But can you do this at home yourself? Of course! Following simple rules and using different methods, you can bring to life almost any design solution related to the decoration of rooms.

Why is this needed?

This technique of wall decoration is used in several cases. With the help of different types of wallpaper, you can make the zoning of the room, which is especially useful in small apartments... In order to visually expand, narrow or stretch the room, different wallpapers are also used. Each type of visual correction of a room has its own techniques. In addition, this room design looks much more interesting than just regular wallpaper... Of course, in order to give a room a decent look using this technique, you need to have a certain sense of style. If you have problems with suitable ideas, you can use ready-made solutions and previously created designs.

Combine plain and patterned wallpapers

A common mistake is trying to combine wallpaper on a different basis. Since it is difficult to glue two types of wallpaper if they differ greatly in thickness and other parameters. Problems can also arise during the process of pasting a room, because different bases are needed for different ones. In addition, there are now many series of wallpapers that are created so that they can be combined without problems. You just need to choose a color and shade, and already in this category there will be 4-5 variants of these wallpapers with different textures and different patterns.

In addition, it is important to choose wallpaper for the existing furniture. If you have a sofa solid color, then you can still experiment. If the upholstered furniture is covered with a pattern, then you need to very carefully select future wallpaper so as not to spoil general form rooms.

Types of combining wallpaper by color

If you decide on the basic tone of the room and want to adhere to a given direction, then a combination of wallpaper with different textures and patterns, within the same basic color, is perfect for you. There are several types of combinations. For example, you can take a single-color wallpaper, choose a couple of others for them, but already with an applied pattern or pattern. With this combination, it is especially good to play around with the different texture of the wallpaper. For example, wallpapers are produced with a pattern that is made using a matte velvet application. Instead, glossy or matte surfaces can also be used for the pattern. Such combinations are more characteristic of the classic style in the interior.

How to glue two types of wallpaper using different colors? The second option for combining using color is combining several types of complementary wallpapers color combinations... These can be both close and widespread combinations (beige and brown, for example), and contrasting (purple-yellow). With this type of wallpaper combination, you can also apply technology with different textures. The main thing in this case is "not to overload" the general view of the room.

Wallpaper for the hall

Wallpaper for the hall

The hall, which is also the living room, for most of us is a place for receiving guests and relaxing in the evening. Naturally, I want to make this room so that it is not only beautiful, but it would be equally comfortable to spend quiet evenings and fun meetings with friends in it. And since two types are possible, using a variety of methods, then you have the opportunity to make a very interesting room.

If you want to decorate the hall in a style close to the classic, select wallpaper pastel colors... They can be combined with dark soothing shades. These include chocolate, dark blue, dark burgundy colors. It is advisable to use plain wallpaper in combination with floral ornaments or patterns. You should not make too bright combinations, as your eyes will get tired very quickly from this, and, most likely, you will feel tired from being in such a room for a long time.

For more modern styles you can use bright saturated shades orange, blue, light green and other colors. Here, both floral ornaments and geometric patterns can be used. Do not forget about the possibility of creating wide stripes by combining wallpaper. For youth rooms, this is one of the best options.

If you plan to decorate a room in high-tech or modern style, it will be relevant to use plain wallpaper in conjunction with a geometric pattern. In such an interior, black, white or gray colors... In the case of modern, it is highly desirable to add bright accents from pure red, yellow and blue flowers.

Wallpaper for the kitchen

Wallpaper for the kitchen

For the kitchen, it is preferable to choose cheerful shades. You can use everything here available options mixing wallpaper. In addition, bright colors and unusual patterns are available not only in the category of ordinary wallpaper, but also in washable, which is very convenient for the kitchen. Since glue the wallpaper of two types in small space is more challenging task, you need to carefully plan your project. Of course, the wallpaper should be selected for that kitchen set, which you already have or the one that you plan to order. Very often, wallpapers of yellow, orange, green and pink shades are chosen for the kitchen. Blue and Blue colour undesirable to use, as it significantly reduces appetite. If you want to make your kitchen visually more spacious, it is recommended to take as a basis White color and combine it with other colors.

Vertical combination method

How to glue two types of wallpaper vertically? This method means a combination of different stripes of wallpaper. It can be as alternation one after one, and one after three, for example. For a more relaxed atmosphere, it is worth choosing different shades of the same color, and, on the contrary, to create more bright image it is better to combine bright colors to create more contrast.

The same methods include a combination of wallpapers from one series, when one canvas is completely monochromatic, and the second is similar, but already with a printed pattern.

This method is more commonly used in living rooms, children's and work areas.

The strip expands the room visually

How to visually expand a room?

In this case, a simple and efficient method... It is necessary to symmetrically paste over the walls along the long side of the room. You can do this using wallpaper more light color or by making wide stripes of bright wallpaper. In this case, the room will not only expand, but also appear taller.

Glue wallpaper asymmetrically

In case you need to visually shorten and simultaneously expand the room, you can use this method... It consists in the fact that it is necessary to paste over one wall with wide stripes, and the opposite one - with strips of various widths, including narrow ones. This method is not advisable to use in bedrooms, but for kitchens and halls it will be a real boon.

Horizontal method

Ideal for rooms with high ceilings. Since it is quite simple to glue wallpaper of two types with this method and you can visually compensate for the height of the ceiling relative to the walls. This is done, including using borders.

The wall is conventionally divided into three parts. Wallpaper is applied to the lower part dark color, on the top (two-thirds) of a light-colored wallpaper. You can smooth and decorate the transition between them both with the help of a border and with the help of stucco molding. In general, the method is more inherent in classic interior styles, especially when it comes to the use of wallpaper with patterns and patterns. Characteristic feature is the use of narrow stripes on the bottom of the wall, instead of plain wallpaper.

However, if you use plain wallpaper in unusual juicy shades, then this is just as well suited for creating more modern design rooms.

Horizontal combination


If you need to focus on some part of the room or divide the room into several separate zones, this method will work very well. If you need to create several zones, for example, one for the workspace, the other for relaxation, you can use wallpaper in different shades. One type of wallpaper is glued to one part of the room, the second to the other. Moreover, one of the types can be patterned, while the other should be monochromatic.

If you plan to make an emphasis, then first of all you need to achieve contrast. Since you can glue wallpaper of two types, using plain wallpaper as a base and wallpaper of a different shade with a pattern or pattern to create the accent itself, you should pay special attention to the selection of a combination of wallpaper by color. There is an option when, on the contrary, it is the wallpaper with a pattern that is taken as a basis, however, in this case, the accent from the plain wallpaper will be less contrasting.

A fairly popular option for decorating the surface of the walls in the room is the combination of two types of wallpaper. This design allows you to correct existing surface imperfections or highlight the main areas. It is a modern way to make any room stylish and modern. The article will consider options for gluing wallpaper of two types and give recommendations on how to independently carry out this work.

Since the combination of wallpaper implies a combination of not only the color of the canvases, but also textures, this process has its own rules that must be adhered to when working.

Ceiling height

This indicator largely helps to determine the wallpaper. With ceilings no higher than 2.5 meters, then light canvases with a small pattern and a small texture are suitable for such a room. If the ceilings are too low in height, then decorating with light wallpaper with a dull pattern or vertically arranged stripes can help to visually raise them. You can also place on the walls alternately canvases of different, close to each other colors.

Premises with a height of more than 3 meters require wall decoration according to a different principle. In this case, a contrasting large drawing is needed, located in horizontal plane... Also, in this case, dividing the walls in a horizontal plane with wallpaper with different design pattern or texture. But to make it look modern, you will have to try very hard with a choice, since this interior is classic.

Room area

In addition to the height of the ceilings, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room when choosing wallpaper for it. If the room is spacious, then you can use deep dark shades in the design to visually make the interior more comfortable. If plain wallpaper does not suit the owner of the house according to his mood, then you can choose a similar one, but with a pattern. As a rule, dark canvases with light abstract, geometric or floral patterns are most often used.

For small rooms, this rule does not apply. Here, on the contrary, light wallpaper with a small pattern is needed, which is not very pronounced.

It is very important to look at the geometry of the room. In the case of a narrow room, which is long, it is worth pasting with dark and light wallpaper. So canvases of a light shade fit on short walls so that some of them go over the long wall. In this way, visual alignment of the geometry can be obtained.

If the entrance to the room is located at long wall, then the surface parallel to it is pasted over with wallpaper in a contrasting color with the condition that the edges of this wall will be decorated with the same canvases as the rest of the room. This way the room will not seem too long.

Texture and color of wallpaper

If it is decided to glue the room with wallpaper of two types, then the choice of texture and thickness of the canvases should be taken very carefully. When combined, panels similar to each other will look best, so that there are no noticeable transitions. If the docking is planned only in the corners, then it is not necessary to pay attention to the texture.

In the case of gluing wallpapers of different types, the appropriate glue for each type is selected. If you do not want to purchase several formulations, then you can buy one universal one.

In the case of a room that is located on the south side and is constantly flooded sunlight, you do not need to make it completely dark. You can use deep shades of wallpaper on the wall that is parallel to the window, and paste over the rest with light ones. So the room will not be too monotonous, and the dark color will not press on the psyche of the person inside.

This trick can be applied to the room on the north side as well. Here it is worth covering the wall opposite the window with light wallpaper. In this case, the room will look brighter.

Wallpaper layout options

Designers offer a huge number of options for the layout of two types of wallpaper, and several techniques can be used in one room at once. In order to harmoniously emphasize the merits of the room and hide the flaws, you need to clearly imagine what needs to be achieved in the end.

Vertical combination

It has long been known that vertical stripes visually increase the height of the ceiling. And it is not necessary to use only striped wallpaper. So one wall or part of it can be made in a striped design, and the rest of the sections are pasted over with canvases without or with a dull pattern.

The bands can be completely different. This includes differences in color or design.

Important! The texture of the wallpaper with such a combination must necessarily be identical.

Since now manufacturers offer collections of companion wallpaper, it is not at all difficult to pick up fabrics that are identical in texture. They will be combined with each other as correctly as possible, harmonizing in color or design.

In vertical combination there is a technique that allows you to visually increase the height of the ceiling with the help of two types of wallpaper. To perform this option, you need a canvas glued to the wall, continue to glue it to the ceiling. In this case, the border will be erased, and the room will become visually higher.

For a better understanding of how to perform vertical combination, special schemes have been created that will work flawlessly with any shade of canvases. Many designers are working on these examples, and every time they come up with a great result.

Horizontal combination

As previously mentioned, horizontal combination is one of the classic interior design options. This technique has been used for a long time, but with the modern assortment of colors and textures, it has acquired a new sound. Most often, a horizontal combination of wallpaper is used in small rooms with high ceilings.

If there is no need to glue several canvases at once from above and below, then the surface of the walls can be zoned with a horizontal strip, which is usually performed at the level of the window sill, but can be located below or above.

To decorate a corridor or hallway, the strip can be placed right at eye level, which also looks very good.

The division is also done from above. Usually, the upper section is made in a light color, and the lower one is dark, but it is quite possible to break this rule.

The traditional ways to create a horizontal division are the following:

  • 1/3 of the lower part of the wall is pasted over with striped wallpaper, and the rest of the surface on top with monochromatic canvases harmonizing in shade.
  • 1/3 of the bottom is pasted over with wallpaper in a small pattern, and the rest of the wall with canvases with a large image.
  • 2/3 of the bottom of the wall is in a large pattern, and the rest is plain.

Create room zoning

Several wallpaper colors in one room are often used to decorate functional areas. This can often be found in studio apartments. The same design is used for children's rooms, when it is necessary to separate the recreation area from the work area, or several children of different genders are accommodated in the room at once.

Usually, this design implies joining only in the corners, so that the joints are invisible, and there is no need to decorate them with moldings.

Making decorative inserts

In those days, when wallpapers were made only of fabric and were expensive, people who did not have enough money for them took pieces and framed them on the wall. Since then, the design of wallpaper in the form of a panel has gone.

Today, this design is inherent classic interiors where you can see embossed wallpapers or those canvases that are made using the silk-screen technique on the walls.

If possible, the elements of the wallpaper are decorated with a molding frame. This design will look beautiful in classic style, as well as country and Provence interiors. This panel can also decorate a living room or bedroom in the Art Nouveau style. But in this case, the frame is made from the same wallpaper as the main part.

Advice! If there is a niche in the room, then another version of the wallpaper can be glued inside it, which will be in harmony with the main background. You will get a kind of panel.


At the moment, there are several principles for using this technique. The first involves distracting from some detail that does not look advantageous indoors. This, for example, may be the unevenness of the walls. In order that the gaze does not fall on this drawback when entering the room, opposite wall stands out with wallpaper of a different color with or without a pattern. It is very important that the glued surface attracts attention.

The second option is to highlight an important place in the room. In the bedroom it is a bed, in the kitchen it is a work or dining area. Each room may have its own subject that needs to be accentuated. In part, this design is also considered zoning.

Usually accents are created by vertically arranged canvases, but in rooms with high ceilings, you can use the option of horizontal accent. Often there are protrusions in the premises, which are mainly trying to disguise. But this is not necessary, since by selecting this element, you can get a zest that will be inherent only in this interior.

Combining wallpaper depending on the purpose of the room

Depending on the function of the room, the wallpaper can be combined in different ways. We will look at the most interesting ideas for creating such a design.

In the bedroom

Not all colors and textures are suitable for this room. In the bedroom, a person relaxes and rests, so flashy shades of wallpaper will not work, although modern interiors are often done in bright colors.

The main object in any bedroom is the bed. It is she who is accentuated. This can be done in several available ways: pasting the wall behind the headboard with a contrasting wallpaper color, placing several canvases on the ceiling, creating a unique panel in a molding frame. It is not necessary to use only two types of wallpaper, there may be more. The main thing is to adhere to harmony and create a design that will promote relaxation.

In the living room

The living room is the hallmark of the house, since this is where guests gather and most often the whole family spends time. That is why the creation of an interior in this room must be approached with all responsibility.

Often the walls in the hall are decorated with niches or ledges. Since such elements are decoration in themselves, their decoration should be done very carefully. They are pasted over with contrasting wallpaper in dark shades.

Accents look advantageous in the living room, but there should be few of them. It is appropriate to zone the large hall different wallpapers... They will help to highlight functional areas or the main interior items.

In the children's room

This is the room in which zoning with different types of wallpaper is most often used. Here it is very important to highlight the area for recreation, games, learning by pasting, and also create a corner for everyone if the room is inhabited by several children. The design of a room with this design is shown in the photo.

In the hallway and corridor

Favorably hide the imperfections of the room wallpaper different colors in hallways and corridors. As a rule, these are cramped and dark rooms that, when correct selection designs are transformed before our eyes. Here, wallpapers of different texture and appearance will ideally be combined. Originality can be achieved by making horizontal stripes on the walls.

On the kitchen

A combination of calm and bright shades is appropriate for the kitchen. Beige or white wallpapers in combination with turquoise or orange, as well as photo wallpapers will look perfect here. Wallpapers of different color and texture in the working and dining area make the room assembled and as comfortable as possible. To distract attention from the food preparation area, the dining area is designed in the most original way.

In the now fashionable studio apartments, there is no distinction between the kitchen and the living room, so the wallpaper will help to create the correct design.

Now in building stores the assortment of wallpapers is quite wide, among which you can choose those that will combine with each other as well as possible. As we said earlier, there are special collections with similarly designed canvases that fit together. In order to start combining on your own, you need to practice in this art.

To do this, you can create a panel from the wallpaper you want in terms of design and make a frame for it from molding. You can make a similarity patchwork quilt from wallpaper scraps. To do this, there is no need to buy expensive canvases, even those that are left over from previous repairs will be enough. Moreover, you can even ask your friends and relatives for shreds. To complete, you need to fasten the finished squares or rectangles of wallpaper together with glue or tape with back side and decorate with them a certain section of the wall.

In order to combine wallpapers of different shades with each other, you do not need to be a designer. Fashionable repairs are easy to do with your own hands, you just need to show a little imagination and creativity. Some gluing ideas various premises wallpapers of two types are presented with a photo in this article. You can repeat them or add something of your own to the design.


Pasting rooms with two types of wallpaper - perfect option for those who want to update their interior, but want to move away from the traditional design. This method of wall design will give the room a touch of originality and make it as stylish as possible, meeting all modern requirements.

In the modern design of wallpapering, different color, textured combinations, combinations of patterns and patterns are used. It is not difficult to create an interesting design if you know about the current trends in interior design.

Major trends

Color solutions

Bright colors and pastel shades are in fashion. Light-colored wallpapers allow you to expand the spatial boundaries of rooms, are an excellent background for creating accents, and add additional illumination to the room. Green, blue, light blue, turquoise and brown colors... Contrasting and monochrome combinations are popular; colored “spots” are often used in decoration. These ideas look spectacular in the photo below:

Drawings and patterns

Modern design tends to be drawn and patterned in a variety of colors. The environments of popular prints are ancient Greek (meander), animals (zebra, Dalmatian, leopard), geometric (stripes, rhombuses, cells, squares), plant (flowers, trees), printing (old inscriptions). The photo shows the pasting of walls with geometric patterns.


Photo wallpaper is used in the interior to decorate a separate wall or area to attract attention. Themes of this type wall coverings diverse: natural (images of mountains, waterfalls, flowers), urban, space. Take a look at how these ideas are implemented in design.

Textured wallpaper

Embossed surfaces in combination with monochromatic coatings look luxurious and rich, most often used to highlight an accent wall in a living room. Among this kind of canvases, textured wallpaper for painting and canvases with imitation of wood, stone, brick are distinguished. See how it looks in the interior in the photo.

Combining wallpaper

The most popular methods for gluing combined wallpapers are:

  • vertical zoning;
  • wallpaper inserts;
  • highlighting an accent wall;
  • design of niches, ledges;
  • pasting with rags.

What does the combination of different types of wallpaper look like in the interior?

How to organize the space in the living room

All types of wallpaper combinations can be used in the decoration of the hall. The two-color horizontal design is popular. The design uses coatings of different textures and shades.

To increase the area in the room, you should choose discreet ornaments, large patterns visually reduce the space. To decorate small rooms, a great option is to use small patterns on the walls. Take a look at the photo:

You can raise the ceiling using vertical stripes... Ideas for vertical zoning of space:

Symmetrical pasting used for elongated rooms. Look at the photo.

Central gluing of wallpaper in wide stripes, contrasting in color with pasting of the end sections.

Asymmetric pasting in narrow stripes in one part of the room, wide in the other. Look at the photo.

Horizontal zoning, on the contrary, contributes to the visual reduction of the walls in height and expands the spatial boundaries of the hall. Distribution to horizons is most often used for decoration narrow rooms... Diamonds and squares give the same effect. Take a look at the photo.

Other ideas for pasting the hall

To create contrast in the living room, you can select one wall. large pattern or original ornament... The highlighting of the surface with stripes of plaster or polyurethane looks interesting. See what an accent wall looks like in a hall design.

Use variegated patterns to design beams, niches, ledges. You can disguise or highlight some part of the room with the help of patchwork pasting. See what a modern patchwork looks like in the photo.

An interesting idea of ​​gluing wallpaper in the hall is decorating with embossed canvases with images of spots, drops, scuffs. It looks original and lively, and also hides the imperfections of the walls. Curly inserts are often separated from each other by moldings. How this idea for gluing wallpaper in the hall looks like, see the photo.

Interesting ideas for gluing wallpaper in the bedroom

In the bedroom, it is customary to use a minimum decorative elements so as not to clutter up the space. Therefore, for the decoration of bedrooms, plain wallpaper of light colors is most often used.

To add variety, we offer several ideas for pasting walls. You can add dynamics to the interior using contrasting patterns. Bright wallpaper will be appropriate on the wall near the sleeping area, add brightness and create interesting accents. For pasting, you can use photo wallpaper.

Symmetrical segments, decorated with wallpaper of active colors and moldings, do not overload the interior and give it a special charm.

On the background light wallpaper a bright palette of bedside niches will look good. Colorful elements will add dynamism to the bedroom and refresh the room. See how this wallpapering idea comes true in the bedroom.

How to decorate a bedroom in a modern way

Interesting options for pasting the sleeping area.

Dark mint wallpaper with gold embossed will create royal interior... Accessories for such a room will be brocade curtains and a gilded chandelier.

Wallpaper with metallic luster look harmoniously with leather bed upholstery, dark curtains.

The small ribbed pattern on the canvases in the bedroom goes well with the light furniture ensemble.

Dark gray textile fabrics with silk embossing will create coziness and comfort in the sleeping area.

One of the trends in modern bedroom design is the combination of white and green.

Interesting solutions for kitchen pasting

In the decoration of the kitchen, the combination of wallpaper with furniture, textiles, ceiling and floor decoration, and kitchen accessories plays an important role. Natural neutral tones and subtle colors are used to create a traditional setting.

Bright floral print is used for pasting accent walls... A floral or floral pattern is essential to freshen up a room. Such an interior will be complemented by glass chandeliers or curtains with repeating motifs. Canvases with large daisies will add a touch of frivolity to the kitchen. The floral print with tree trunks looks interesting. See how this idea is implemented in the design in the next photo.

Geometric patterns in a square, stripes give the kitchen coziness and comfort, the meaning of strict lines in the interior depends on the style of the room.

Embossed textile wallpapers go well with dark wood, chrome surfaces household appliances... Purple canvases of this format are perfect for snow-white furniture.

Wall murals in the kitchen are a great idea for creating a bright and dynamic interior. Most often, drawings of natural themes are used in decoration (images of a forest, a river). The floor and ceiling in such rooms must be made of natural materials... Better to furnish a kitchen like this wooden furniture... What does this wallpapering in the interior of the kitchen look like?

Nursery decoration: new trends

Coverings with horizontal zoning look good in the nursery space. A simple rule: wallpaper with a pronounced texture and pattern should be placed at the bottom, the upper part of the wall can be pasted over with plain canvases or wallpaper with the same type of images. The horizontal joint, as a rule, is formed with borders or decorative skirting boards.

Patchwork-style wallpapers on the walls of the nursery look interesting and original. To create an imitation of a patchwork quilt, cut out figurines from the remnants of the wallpaper and glue them in a certain sequence, end-to-end or overlapping.

Another idea is to glue appliqués onto a base created using pastel monochromatic wallpapers or canvases with a small pattern. Favorite cartoon characters and heroes of fairy tales can decorate the walls of the nursery. Take a look at the following interior design.

The building materials market offers a wide range of finishing materials, the use of which allows you to translate into reality an unlimited number of variations in the design of the walls of the room.

Wallpaper is still the leader among wall decoration materials, but their production technology does not stand still.

The new era requires a creative approach from manufacturers and the invention of new and original finishing methods. This is how not only new types of wallpaper appear, but also different ways sticking them.

Traditional methods are still used, but a way of combining wallpaper is rapidly becoming fashionable. Moreover, the combination process takes place not only in colors, but also in terms of combining wallpaper of different type and structure. Therefore, for example, now no one will be surprised by the pasting of two types of wallpaper in the living room or in the hall.

Why are we citing this particular room as an example? Everything is very simple. After all, she is the main one in the house. She meets and receives guests. It is the living room that becomes an excellent platform for family holidays and get-togethers with friends. Therefore, it is this room that everyone is trying to design as creatively as possible.

Options for gluing two types of wallpaper in the hall, photo

The very process of combining wallpaper in the living room is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This or that interior looks very beautiful and creates the impression of lightness in its creation. But in order to do something like this, you need to know how to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall, which rules are the basis in this process.

Without knowing the rules, you can make certain mistakes, then not only the appearance of the room will suffer from this, but also the degree of comfort, the perception of the size of the room.

Therefore, you should approach the combination of wallpaper with all seriousness and pay attention to the layout of coatings with different textures and patterns.

Wallpaper gluing design in the hall of two types, photo

Combination in the gym: defining goals

Before gluing two types of wallpaper in his room, each of the inhabitants thinks about whether he needs such a solution, what combination fit better, what will be the result, etc.? Questions like this are completely obvious. Let's try to give answers to them.

First, you need to realize that the main purpose of such a decision is to obtain a certain decorative effect ... And he will always be. It all depends on what is closer to your liking. For example, calmer and more discreet wallpapers will help create more interesting and bright accents and motifs in the room. And the dark ones not only steal space, but also quite often depress, morally oppress, create a feeling of discomfort.

Secondly, the combination of the two types of wallpaper is a wonderful possibility of space zoning... Having picked up the desired shades, you can very easily divide the living room area into sectors (zones). Traditionally, contrasting wallpapers are selected for such purposes. Companion wallpapers from the same collection are often used.

As an option, and it will also be good, you can choose wallpaper similar in color. "Zest" will bring different patterns depicted on the stripes.

Thirdly, the presence of two types of wallpaper in the living room is a good chance to hide flaws in the interior... The combination will help to create a distracting design, "hide" a defect that is undesirable to see the prying eye. In such a situation, wallpaper with a relief structure will help.

The main thing - take into account the lighting and choose the right shade of wallpaper... At different lighting each shade will behave differently. Therefore, in order to cope with the task at hand, be sure to take these nuances into account.

After reviewing the main goals, we understand that various options gluing two types of wallpaper in the hall carries a solution a specific task... therefore combined wallpaper for the audience - very a good option wall decoration.

How to glue two types of wallpaper in the hall: basic rules

Imagine that you have studied everything about pasting two types of wallpaper in the living room, consulted with experts, selected the right material and pasted the room, but you understand that something is wrong, as if you got a slightly different result than you expected.

The situation is not the best, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance and follow the basic rules for gluing two types of wallpaper:

Note! You have no skills at all in planning the design of the premises, and the advice of experts does not help? Is the combination of selected shades in doubt? Do not be discouraged: there is a way out. Use photo wallpaper.

It is desirable that their color scheme of the selected photopanel include a set of several shades that are in harmony with each other.

Combining color and pattern

Is it easy to find a good wallpaper combination of two colors? In fact, it all depends on you. If you have a sense of taste, then it will not be difficult to do this. If you doubt that you are on the right track, then it is better to turn to specialists.

Since the combined wallpaper for the hall is designed to focus attention (make accents) on a certain surface or area, it is worth considering in advance which area you plan to allocate to attract attention. Give preference to wallpaper with bright background shades or catchy patterns.

Sticking wallpaper of two types in the hall, photo

But, having chosen a catchy wallpaper, remember that you need to somehow dilute the overall atmosphere in order to muffle the contrast. The room should not turn into a bright booth. The most optimal and easiest option is to choose a calm shade.

Note! We do not recommend using different elements on the walls of the hall. They should be similar. Something radically different will ruin the overall look, and perfect combination wall coverings cannot be achieved. Therefore, you can choose patterns of the same or similar theme, similar texture of the surface, close tones from the same range of shades.

Let's take a closer look at thematic patterns. There are three types of ornaments:

  • classical;
  • geometric;
  • floral.

Any of these types go well with wallpaper of the same tone or wallpaper light shades in a barely noticeable strip.

It is good to combine wallpaper with a plant or floral composition with wallpaper that imitate, for example, wood, plaster or stone, that is, natural materials.

If you prefer wallpaper with geometric patterns / patterns or stripes, then pair them with wallpaper with abstraction.

Combined wallpaper for the hall will look great if you alternate them with each other - wallpaper strip # 1, wallpaper strip # 2, wallpaper strip # 1, etc. So you will not create an emphasis on a certain area, but will bring a kind of "flavor" to the overall perception of the room.

Vertical combination of wallpaper is ideal for ledges and niches in the living room. different color... In addition to this option, photomurals with landscapes are often used in the hall.

If you decide to combine the wallpaper horizontally, then use a darker shade of the wallpaper for the bottom part. In this case, the separation of wallpaper is very often done using skirting boards or moldings.

In order to easily choose the shade of wallpaper for the living room, consider the following points: the layout of the living room and its area, the style of the room and the degree of illumination of the room.

A warm atmosphere in the room will help to create soft shades: yellow, beige, blue, light green, peach.

Blue or light blue, light purple or gray will help you relax. Overflows, for example in sand, blue or pink flowers will help to emphasize the harmony and airy lightness of the room.

Considering the above, it becomes clear that the design of wallpapering in the hall of two types will depend only on the choice of the home owner. But that's not all about the combination of wallpaper in the living room. Further we will talk about textured coatings.

We advise you to study the basic rules and see - all the secrets and subtleties of creating spectacular and beautifully combined combinations for walls in rooms.

Read about wallpaper that expands the space in the interior, and see the photo: original decoration for stylish and modern rooms.

Combination and textured coatings

IN recent times textured coatings that are intended for painting are gaining in popularity. Such materials are widely used. Such wallpaper, for example, is very easy and convenient to use in work, not only for pasting walls, but also for ceilings. The result, of course, is the perfect combination.

Note that in the case of using textured coatings, there will be fewer problems with their replacement than with ordinary wallpaper, since their "life" is much longer. And it's easier to repaint than to glue it again.

Today, the most common patterns of textured wallpaper are stripes of different thicknesses and orientations (diagonal, horizontal, vertical or chaotic), classic patterns, abstract strokes, floristic and plant motifs.

Note! Good in duet with textured coating liquid wallpaper that matches the color will look. Use "texture" to design various ledges and niches, columns.

Using textured wallpaper and liquid wallpaper is a good option, but remember that the most practical is to combine regular wallpaper.

Sticking and types of materials

We ended the previous small section on what is best to use regular wallpapers for combining. But what about combining different types of wallpaper? For example, non-woven wallpaper made of paper, vinyl or fabric covered.

First, such a combination will require more attention from you. Secondly, gluing different types of wallpaper will take more time, because each type has its own characteristics when gluing, including the time of impregnation and drying.

Wallpaper sticker of two types in the hall, photo

As a result, we need glue for sticking different types of wallpaper. You can use and universal type glue, but before making a final decision and buying such glue, consult a specialist. Universal things aren't always that universal. Maybe you should buy a specialized glue after all?

The most difficult duo when gluing two types of wallpaper will be a pair: standard wallpaper + textile coverings. Joints with this combination cannot be hidden, so you should use moldings, curbs and skirting boards.

Combining, we create harmony

The main task of combining two types of wallpaper, like any repair in general, is an excellent result. This means that as a result, we must create a harmonious environment. It will be a little more difficult to achieve this result, but it is real. Additional accessories and details will only help you complete your plan.

Small summary

Combining wallpaper is a fun activity, but there is something to think about. BUT different kinds wallpaper only fuel interest. Many have already managed to be convinced of the originality, practicality and beauty of the hall's interiors, decorated with combined wall coverings. Make sure you too!

The point in our article will be put by a video that will demonstrate various options for combining two types of wallpaper. Look carefully, can the video give you a suitable idea?

If the ideas from the video did not seem enough for you, below in the gallery are presented 28 more photos with options for combined wallpapering in the hall: