On the influence of environmental factors on the development prospects of pharmacy organizations. Environmental factors of the organization

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Examples of technological factors:

    • R&D Trends
    • New medications, parapharmaceutical products, etc.
    • Technology development

The indicators of the external environment are the following categories:

The fluidity of the environment is the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the organization. Around pharmaceutical companies external environment especially mobile. Given the complexity of the organization's functioning in a highly mobile environment, manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacies or their structural units must rely on a variety of information to accept effective solutions relative to their internal variables.

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit consideration of the external environment only to those aspects on which the success of the organization depends to a large extent. One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to divide them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence. One of critical factors direct influence are the suppliers.

Distinguish between suppliers of materials and finished goods, capital and labor resources. The multifaceted activities of pharmaceutical organizations also require relationships with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on suppliers of capital or financial resources. These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors.

To implement the tasks related to achieving the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed. Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to resolve the issue of the company's profitability. Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the labor market and the structure of positions in pharmaceutical organizations have expanded.

The survival and existence of an organization depends on its ability to find consumers of the results of its activities and satisfy their needs. Consumers, deciding what goods and services are desirable for them and at what price, determine the program of its activities for the organization. Thus, the need to meet the needs of consumers affects the interaction of the organization with suppliers of materials and labor resources. Consumers like external factor affect virtually all other organizational variables. Pharmacy enterprises different forms property of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include treatment-and-prophylactic and health-improving institutions, outpatients and inpatients, organizations and institutions of a non-medical profile.

2.2. Analysis of the elements of the external environment

The external environment analysis diagram is shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Analysis of the external environment

Once corporate, goals, and corporate policies have been established, working marketing goals are developed that cover the same areas as corporate goals: profit, profitability, market share, etc. As with strategic planning, work begins with market analysis.

Market analysis is carried out in two main areas:

1. Analysis of the environment

2. Analysis of competitors

The analysis of the environment should take into account various characteristics of the health care system:

    • Total health budget
    • Price control system
    • Permissive and restrictive lists
    • Encouraging competition
    • Social insurance system
    • Co-payment system for drugs
    • Pharmaceutical protocol system
    • New entrants to the pharmaceutical sector (health care management organizations, pharmacy service management organizations, private insurance systems)
    • Socio-cultural level of consumers.
    • Political situation
    • Centralized social actions of the municipality, etc.

The model of the influence of the external environment on the organization is presented in Appendix 2.

2.3. Methods for analyzing the external environment

There are the following methods for analyzing the external environment:

PEST analysis or STEP analysis is designed to identify political (Political), economic (Economic), social (Social) and technological (Technological) aspects of the external environment, which to a greater or lesser extent affect the activities and effectiveness of any commercial organization, including including the pharmacy.

The political situation is being studied, and at present it is quite active. The direction of social and economic programs with the establishment of mandatory priorities depends on political decisions and trends. The influence of this factor of the external environment is clearly visible on the functioning of large companies, at the same time, in this case, pharmacy organizations fully feel the influence of this factor (introduction of a list of vital and most important medicines(VED), etc.).

The main reason for studying the economic situation is to create a picture of the distribution of finances at the state level. No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST analysis.

The last factor is the technology component. The purpose of his research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the reasons for changes and losses in the market, as well as the emergence of new products and technologies for their implementation.

The analysis is performed according to the "factor-pharmacy" scheme. The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a "matrix", the subject of which are the factors of the macroenvironment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, assessed in points, ranks and other units of measurement.

The version of PEST analysis is PESTLE analysis, it is extended by two factors (Legal and Environmental). Sometimes other formats are also used, for example, SLEPT analysis (plus the Legal factor) or STEEPLE analysis, which includes: socio-demographic, technological, economic, environmental (natural), political, legal and ethnic factors.

The Porter five forces analysis is the second most common method for analyzing the influence of environmental factors in modern entrepreneurship. A methodology for industry analysis and business strategy formulation developed by Michael Porter at Harvard Business School in 1979. Porter's analysis of five forces includes three forces of "horizontal" competition:

    • the threat of the emergence of substitute products (online pharmacies), the threat of the emergence of new players, the level competitive struggle;
    • the two forces of "vertical" competition: the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of consumers.

This analysis is used in a qualitative assessment of the strategic position of a company in the industry and is most interesting in the planning of opening or expanding a company in a competitor's territory. The applicability of the analysis requires conditions: buyers, competitors and suppliers are not connected, do not interact or collude.

As a result of the analysis, the attractiveness of doing business in this industry is revealed; in this context, attractiveness means the profitability of the industry. An “unattractive” industry is one in which the combination of forces reduces profitability. The most “unattractive” one is the industry that is approaching perfect competition.

As mentioned above, this analysis is used in a qualitative assessment of the strategic position of a company in the industry and is most interesting in the field of planning the opening or expansion of a company in the territory of a competitor. However, for most, this technique is only a starting point in the list of tools or techniques that they can use. As with all generalizing techniques, an analysis that does not take into account exceptions and particulars is considered oversimplified. The model is not intended to be used for a group of industries or any part of a single industry. A company that does business in one industry must develop at least one Porter Five Forces Analysis for that industry.

A schematic representation of the five Porter forces is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Schematic representation of the five forces of Porter

SWOT analysis is the definition of strengths and weaknesses organization, as well as opportunities and threats emanating from his immediate environment (external environment). The use of SWOT analysis will allow you to systematize all available information and more clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages of the organization, will allow you to choose the best path of development, avoid dangers and make the most efficient use of available resources.

2.4. Factors of direct and indirect influence of a pharmaceutical organization

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit consideration of the external environment only to those aspects on which the success of the organization depends to a large extent.

One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to divide them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence.

Direct factors

Suppliers are one of the most important direct influencers. Distinguish between suppliers of materials and finished goods, capital and labor resources.

Domestic suppliers of medicines and medical products to the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation are pharmaceutical enterprises, pharmaceutical factories, as well as enterprises and associations of medical equipment, glass and plastics, etc.

In addition, over 700 foreign companies - suppliers of pharmaceutical products - operate on the Russian pharmaceutical market. Decentralization of supply has contributed to a significant expansion of the network of suppliers of pharmacy enterprises.

The multifaceted activities of pharmaceutical organizations also require relationships with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on suppliers of capital or financial resources. These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors. To implement the tasks related to achieving the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed.

Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to resolve the issue of the company's profitability. Today, talented managers, economists, programmers, information systems developers, etc. are needed.

Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the labor market and the structure of positions in pharmaceutical organizations have expanded.

In the conditions of market relations, the state is required to conduct an active social policy: the provision of social benefits to young specialists, the definition of basic social guarantees, mechanisms for their implementation and the function of providing social support to persons who are released during the restructuring of enterprises.

The survival and existence of an organization depends on its ability to find consumers of the results of its activities and satisfy their needs.

Consumers, deciding what goods and services are desirable for them and at what price, determine the program of its activities for the organization. Thus, the need to meet the needs of consumers affects the interaction of the organization with suppliers of materials and labor resources. Customers, as an external factor, influence practically all other variables of the organization.

With the development of the pharmaceutical market, the structure of consumer organizations of pharmaceutical enterprises has changed. Among them are wholesale and intermediary firms, pharmacy warehouses and bases, economic wholesale and retail associations (utilities, joint stock companies, holdings, concerns, corporations, etc.), individual pharmacies, medical institutions, etc. At the same time, the advantages of marketing pharmaceutical products through wholesale structures are preserved and should be preserved.

The peculiarities of consumer organizations of foreign pharmaceutical companies' products confirm this. In the UK, 80% of all medicines are sold through wholesale companies, in Sweden - wholesale through a state warehouse is 80% of medicines and through the private sector - 20%, in the United States, wholesalers account for 50%, pharmacies - 27%, medical institutions - 12%, government organizations - 8%, private practitioners - 3%.

Pharmacy enterprises of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include treatment-and-prophylactic and health-improving institutions, outpatients and inpatients, organizations and institutions of a non-medical profile.

The direct exposure environment is presented in Appendix 3.

Indirect factors

Laws and government agencies are equally important factors of direct influence. Each organization has its own legal status, which determines the procedure for its activities, the types and amounts of taxes transferred. But in fact, the operating mechanism of management in an organization is determined by the knowledge and correct use of laws in specific conditions and at different levels of management. Taking into account the action of objective laws, a strategy and tactics for managing an organization are developed, which are based on the compliance of a law or a set of laws in their relationship.

Short description

Purpose of work: to study the external environment pharmaceutical organization.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:
1. Conduct theoretical analysis data on the problems of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization
2. Give a description of the external environment and the classification of the external environment
3. Consider the external environment of the pharmaceutical organization,
function tax system Russian Federation
5. Consider state regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization


Introduction 4
Chapter 1. External environment of the enterprise 6
1.1. general characteristics external environment 6
1.2. Environmental classification 8
Chapter 2. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization 10
2.1. General characteristics of the external environment of a pharmaceutical organization 10
2.2. Analysis of the elements of the external environment 14
2.3. Environmental Analysis Methods 15
2.4. Factors of direct and indirect influence of a pharmaceutical organization 19
Chapter 3. State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization 22
3.1. Government Regulatory Authorities 22
3.2. State regulation of the activities of a pharmaceutical organization 23
Conclusion 25
List of used literature 27
Appendix 1 28
Appendix 2 29

The concept of "organization" in management is used in two meanings: organization as a management function and organization as an enterprise, institution. In the last statement, she must meet the requirements: Having at least two people who are considered part of this group. Having at least two people who are considered part of this group. The presence of at least one goal, which is accepted as common by all members of a certain group. The presence of at least one goal, which is accepted as common by all members of a certain group. The presence of group members who purposely work together to achieve a meaningful goal for all. The presence of group members who purposely work together to achieve a meaningful goal for all.

That is, an organization is a group of people whose activities are deliberately coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals. Organization - specific social education systematically focused on the production of goods and (or) services. Organizations are classified according to different criteria: the method and purpose of education, the number of goals, the size, legal status, forms of entrepreneurship, the nature of adaptation to changes.

For legal status legal entities legal entities non-legal entities non-legal entities For the forms of entrepreneurship, enterprises, enterprises, societies, investment funds, etc. investment funds, etc. For the nature of adaptation to changes, mechanistic mechanistic organic organic

2. Organization as a social education. An organization is a system, and it is characterized by the following features: many individuals or sub-organizations; many individuals or sub-organizations; common goal activities that are known to everyone involved in it; the general purpose of the activity, which is known to everyone involved in it; a certain structure and order of interaction between its components and employees; a certain structure and order of interaction between its components and employees; division of labor; division of labor;

General, mutually agreed aspirations aimed at achieving specific goals; common, mutually agreed aspirations aimed at achieving certain goals; hierarchy, conscious coordination of internal and external activities; hierarchy, conscious coordination of internal and external activities; replaceability of personnel (an organization does not disappear if someone leaves and another joins it); replaceability of personnel (an organization does not disappear if someone leaves and another joins it); exclusivity in relation to the environment, which turns out to be in a special ritual of joining the organization, signs of belonging to it, symbols, titles, traditions, accessible only to those who belong to the organization. exclusivity in relation to the environment, which turns out to be in a special ritual of joining an organization, signs of belonging to it, symbols, titles, traditions, accessible only to those who belong to the organization.

Success in the activities of any organization depends on such conditions: profitability; profitability; capital investment; capital investment; survival; survival; entrepreneurial initiative; entrepreneurial initiative; development of communications; development of communications; effectiveness (efficiency); effectiveness (efficiency); performance performance ability to practical implementation; ability for practical implementation; the ability to self-development; the ability to self-development; the ability to effectively use investments; the ability to effectively use investments; the ability for self-improvement in the management system. the ability for self-improvement in the management system.

The development of each organization is cyclical, that is, it goes through certain stages life cycle: "Birth", "Childhood", "Youth", "Early maturity", "Final maturity", "Aging", "Rebirth" (or "Decline") Different stages life cycle of the organization have their own characteristics:

1. "Birth" of market penetration; market penetration; ensuring survival; ensuring survival; provision of sufficient amounts of capital investments to start the organization's activities; provision of sufficient amounts of capital investments to start the activities of the organization 2. "Childhood" consolidation in the market; consolidation in the market; ensure break-even activities ensure break-even activities

3. "Yunost" significant expansion of target market segments; significant expansion of target market segments; ensuring high rates of increase; ensuring high rates of increase in profits; arrived; development investment on a self-financing basis. development investment on a self-financing basis. 4. "Early maturity" further expansion of the market segment; further expansion of the market segment; focus on regional diversification; focus on regional diversification; ensuring stable growth of profits on optimal level ensuring stable profit growth at an optimal level

5. "Final maturity" of the formation of the company's image; formation of the company's image; balanced growth; balanced growth; focus on sectoral diversification in order to maintain the level of competitiveness; focus on sectoral diversification in order to maintain the level of competitiveness; ensuring that profitability is maintained at an optimal level; ensuring that profitability is maintained at an optimal level

6. "Aging" maintaining positions or partial reduction of production volumes; retention of positions or partial reduction in production volumes; curtailment of activity; curtailment of activity; decrease in profitability, financial strength decrease in profitability, financial strength 7. "Revival" (or "Recession") significant renewal of forms, types and areas of activity; essential renewal of forms, types and directions of activity; providing conditions for increasing profitability; providing conditions for increasing profitability; attracting significant volumes of investments attracting significant volumes of investments

3. Factors of influence on the organization. An organization's performance depends on a variety of factors. Factors influencing the organization - driving forces that affect the production and economic activities of the organization and provide a certain level of results obtained. Factors determine the course of all organizational processes (supply, production, sales, etc.).

4. Characteristics of the factors of the internal environment of the organization. The internal environment of the organization is a complex of variable parameters that characterize the situational state of the organization, are formed and controlled by the management or arise under the influence of the external environment, processes in the middle organizations and require appropriate active management actions.

Objectives are the specific end state or expected result of an organization's activities that the group wishes to achieve by working together. In the course of the operation of the enterprise, management develops goals and communicates to all members of the organization. Objectives are the specific end state or expected result of an organization's activities that the group wishes to achieve by working together. In the course of the operation of the enterprise, management develops goals and communicates to all members of the organization. The main goal of a chemical and pharmaceutical enterprise is education, industrial production and wholesale of medicines, pharmaceutical enterprises - to meet the needs of the consumer and medical and prophylactic enterprises in medicines.

For the period of establishment: Strategic, Strategic, tactical, tactical, operational operational For the timeliness of setting: Relevant, Relevant, insignificant, insignificant, Secondary. Secondary. Behind the hierarchy: Main Main who ensure the execution of the main; Which ensure the fulfillment of the main ones; organizational goals organizational goals divisional goals divisional goals

Structure - the relationship between levels of management and types of work (functional areas) that are performed by services or departments. It combines horizontal and vertical division of labor in an organization, that is, two concepts: a specialized division of labor (assigning a certain job to a specialist) and a sphere of control. Structure - the relationship between management levels and types of work (functional areas) that are performed by services or departments. It combines horizontal and vertical division of labor in an organization, that is, two concepts: a specialized division of labor (assigning a certain job to a specialist) and a sphere of control.

Head of the Pharmacy Head of the Prescription and Production Department Head of the Non-Prescription Drug Dispensing Department Head of the Inventory Department Pharmacists for taking prescriptions and dispensing drugs for taking prescriptions and dispensing medicines Pharmacist-analyst Pharmacist-analyst for the manufacture of intra-pharmaceutical preparations, concentrates, semi-finished products for the manufacture of intra-pharmaceutical preparations, concentrates Pharmacists

Directors by directions Technical Director CFO Science Director Commercial Director Heads of production supply departments, technological, energy, transport, financial, economic labor and wages, accounting department, research laboratory, Departments: supply; sales; marketing; Heads of production departments: ampoule, tablet, phyto-chemical, etc. Warehouses: Raw materials; taro packaging materials; Finished products

Tasks - Types of work that need to be done in a certain way and on time. On the technical side, tasks are offered not to the employee, but to his position. The tasks of the organization are traditionally divided into three categories: working with people, objects (machines) and information. At an enterprise, the work of an apparatus operator regarding the manufacture of a medicinal product consists mainly of working with objects. The task of the head of the shop is to work with people, the technological department with information. In pharmacies, the work of pharmacists in relation to the manufacture of extemporaneous medicines consists primarily of handling objects. The task of the head of the pharmacy is mainly work with people, the pharmacist of the first table is information. The tasks of the organization are traditionally divided into three categories: working with people, objects (machines) and information. At an enterprise, the work of an apparatus operator regarding the manufacture of a medicinal product consists mainly of working with objects. The task of the head of the shop is to work with people, the technological department with information. In pharmacies, the work of pharmacists in relation to the manufacture of extemporaneous medicines consists primarily of handling objects. The task of the head of the pharmacy is mainly work with people, the pharmacist of the first table is information.

Technology is a means of converting incoming elements (materials, raw materials) into initial ones (products, products). Technology is both an internal factor and a significant external factor, which is considered within the framework of scientific and technological progress. In recent decades, there has been a trend towards a significant acceleration in technology change. In pharmaceutical technology, there are developments regarding an increase in the yield of active substances from raw materials (plantain extract, sea buckthorn oil), biotechnology, the creation of drugs based on liposomes.

On the basis of the level of organization of the production of technology, the technology is divided into groups: On the basis of the level of organization of the production of technology, the technology is divided into groups: technologies of small-scale and individual production; technologies of small-scale and individual production; technologies of mass or multi-series production technologies of mass or multi-series production

Personnel is the most important internal situational factor of the organization. The situational approach to management considers three main aspects of the human variable: the behavior of individuals in groups, the nature of the leader's behavior, the functioning of the manager as a leader, and its influence on the behavior of individuals and groups. But they are united by the fact that human behavior in society and at work is a consequence of the complex behavior of the individual characteristics of the individual and the external environment. The most important of these characteristics are: abilities, qualifications, talents, education, needs, perception of the corporate spirit, knowledge, behavior, attitude to work, position, understanding of values, environment, the presence of leadership qualities; personnel is the most important internal situational factor of the organization. The situational approach to management considers three main aspects of the human variable: the behavior of individuals in groups, the nature of the leader's behavior, the functioning of the manager as a leader, and its influence on the behavior of individuals and groups. But they are united by the fact that human behavior in society and at work is a consequence of the complex behavior of the individual characteristics of the individual and the external environment. The most important of these characteristics are: abilities, qualifications, talents, education, needs, perception of the corporate spirit, knowledge, behavior, attitude to work, attitude, understanding of values, environment, the presence of leadership qualities

5. Characteristics of the factors of the external environment of the organization The external environment of the organization is a set of economic entities, economic, social and natural conditions, national and interstate institutional structures and external conditions and factors relative to the enterprise. They are divided into factors of direct (have a direct impact on the activities of the organization and depend on this activity) and indirect (affect not directly, but through certain mechanisms and relationships) influence. The external environment of an organization is a set of economic entities, economic, social and natural conditions, national and interstate institutional structures and external conditions and factors relative to the enterprise. They are divided into factors of direct (have a direct impact on the activities of the organization and depend on this activity) and indirect (affect not directly, but through certain mechanisms and relationships) influence.

The complexity of the external environment is the number of factors that an organization must respond to, as well as the level of variability of each factor. For an indicator of factors in more difficult conditions there will be an organization that uses multiple and different technologies, has many vendors that are developing faster than the organization itself. The complexity of the external environment is the number of factors that an organization must respond to, as well as the level of variability of each factor. Behind the metric of factors in a more challenging environment will be an organization that uses multiple and different technologies, has many vendors that are experiencing faster growth than the organization itself.

The mobility of the environment is the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the organization. The external environment around pharmaceutical companies is particularly fluid. Given the complexity of an organization in a high-turnover environment, a pharmacy or department must rely on a variety of information to make effective decisions about its internal variables. The mobility of the environment is the speed with which changes occur in the organization's environment. The external environment around pharmaceutical companies is particularly fluid. Given the complexity of an organization in a high-turnover environment, a pharmacy or department must rely on a variety of information to make effective decisions about its internal variables.

Uncertainty of the external environment acts as a function of the amount of information owned by the organization and confidence in the reliability of this information. If the information has doubts about its accuracy, the environment becomes more uncertain than in a situation where there is adequate information, and there is reason to consider it reliable. Uncertainty of the external environment acts as a function of the amount of information owned by the organization and confidence in the reliability of this information. If the information has doubts about its accuracy, the environment becomes more uncertain than in a situation where there is adequate information and there is reason to consider it reliable.

Environmental factors are divided into factors of direct and indirect influence. Environmental factors are divided into factors of direct and indirect influence. Environmental factors of organizations of direct influence Consumers Consumers For chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises these are LPZ, pharmacy bases, pharmacies; for pharmacies, these are medical facilities, patients and the population. It is necessary to develop and offer for sale goods for which there is a demand. It is necessary to study the demand and consumption of drugs, carefully study your consumers; make flexible pricing policy; provide additional services

Suppliers. Suppliers. Suppliers provide organization of supply medicinal raw materials, packaging materials, pharmacies - ready-made medicinal products. Late deliveries, price increases, and supplier non-compliance reduce the efficiency of the organization. The organization must carefully monitor the dynamics of prices for the objects of supply, the regularity of supplies. It is advisable to apply a diversified approach to suppliers, to have a "fallback" option for suppliers. Suppliers ensure the organization of the provision of medicinal raw materials, packaging materials, pharmacies - ready-made medicinal products. Late deliveries, price increases, and supplier non-compliance reduce the efficiency of the organization. The organization must carefully monitor the dynamics of prices for the objects of supply, the regularity of supplies. It is advisable to apply a diversified approach to suppliers, to have a "fallback" option for suppliers.

Competitors Competitors These include organizations that are engaged in similar activities. Competition makes advances to the organization to constantly improve its production and distribution activities, in order to achieve the required level of competitiveness. It is necessary to comprehensively and systematically study their competitors, to offer customers competitive products. Business leaders must understand that in order to survive, it is necessary to satisfy the consumer as effectively as competitors do. Therefore, as a rule, not consumers, but competitors determine the consequences of the organization's activities. They can fight for labor, materials, capital. Such reactions to competition depend on internal factors as working conditions, wage and etc.

Organs state power Public authorities This legislatures, various state institutions representative and executive power ( The Supreme Council, The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the State Tax Administration of Ukraine), which monitor the observance of laws and orders and issue the necessary normative acts. certain proposals according to the activities of the authorities, to appeal against individual instructions, etc.

Legislative acts are an equally important factor of direct action. Each organization has its own legal status, which determines the procedure for its activities, types and amounts of taxes. But in fact, the operating mechanism of management in an organization is determined by the recognition and correctness of the use of laws in specific conditions and at different levels of management. Legislative acts are an equally important factor of direct action. Each organization has its own legal status, which determines the procedure for its activities, types and amounts of taxes. But in fact, the operating mechanism of management in an organization is determined by the recognition and correct use of laws in specific conditions and at different levels of management.

Environmental factors of the organization of indirect influence. International events- any political, economic, social events that occur in the world and concern more than two countries of the world community International events are any political, economic, social events that occur in the world and concern more than two countries of the world community International environment International environment Characterizes the economic , the political, social situation of the countries with which the enterprise cooperates. If one of the countries with which the company cooperates has applied economic sanctions to our country, then in response there may also be introduced economic restrictions.

Scientific and technological progress Scientific and technological progress Covers the process of development of science and technology, which predetermines profound transformations in all strata of society. For example, the company purchased a new "Glat" processing line for granulation in the tablet making process. This made it possible to dramatically improve the quality of tablets, to become a competitor for other organizations that are engaged in the manufacture of tablets.

Efficiency of labor organization in pharmacy enterprises. The activities of pharmacies include social and economic aspects, therefore, a systematic approach is used when assessing their effectiveness. But this indicator is not entirely perfect for assessing efficiency, therefore, it is determined by factors that do not depend on the efforts that pharmacy teams make to fulfill planned targets. This is the level and structure of prices, the range of pharmaceutical products and the like. Therefore, the main indicator of the effectiveness of the pharmacy service is the most complete drug supply of the population and medical and preventive institutions. The activities of pharmacies include social and economic aspects, therefore, a systematic approach is used when assessing their effectiveness. But this indicator is not entirely perfect for assessing efficiency, therefore, it is determined by factors that do not depend on the efforts that pharmacy teams make to fulfill planned targets. This is the level and structure of prices, the range of pharmaceutical products and the like. Therefore, the main indicator of the effectiveness of the pharmacy service is the most complete drug supply of the population and medical and preventive institutions.

At the pharmacy service efficient organization labor, along with the above general criteria, must fulfill two main tasks: 1. reducing to a minimum the time spent on purchasing medicines and other medical goods with a relative level of service, 2. reducing the cost of living and materialized labor in the manufacture of medicines.

The main directions of increasing labor efficiency in pharmacy enterprises are: improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces, improving the organization and maintenance of workplaces, rationalizing the means and methods of labor, which accelerate and make easier the process of manufacturing and dispensing drugs and other goods, rationalizing the means and methods of labor. , which speed up and make easier the process of manufacturing and dispensing drugs and other goods, improving working conditions, developing optimal work and rest regimes, improving working conditions, developing optimal work and rest regimes, rationing labor costs when performing certain production operations, rationing labor costs when performing certain production operations,

Improving the cultural and technical level of pharmacy workers and training qualified personnel, improving the cultural and technical level of pharmacy workers and training qualified personnel, improving the forms of division and cooperation of labor, combining professions, specialties and functions across the pharmacy departments, improving the forms of division and cooperation of labor, combining professions, specialties and functions across the pharmacy departments, improving labor discipline, increasing the creative activity of employees, improving labor discipline, increasing the creative activity of employees, improving the organization of work support staff, improvement of the organization of work of auxiliary personnel, improvement of forms and systems of remuneration and economic incentives, improvement of forms and systems of remuneration and economic incentives, improvement of the work of management personnel. improvement of the work of management personnel.

First of all, it should be noted that the strategy of Pharmacor LLC can be characterized as a development strategy of the company. It is necessary to analyze the external environment of Pharmacor LLC to assess possible options optimization strategy. Environmental analysis is the process by which developers strategic plan control factors external to the organization to determine opportunities and threats to the firm. Analysis of the environment is very important for the development of an organization's strategy and is a complex process that requires careful monitoring of processes occurring in the environment, assessment and establishing links between the factors, strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the opportunities and threats that are contained in the external environment.

Threats and opportunities of the environment of indirect impact faced by the organization can be distinguished into PEST factors:

P - political factors.

E - economic factors. Economic environmental factors such as inflation, ruble stability and tax rates need to be constantly diagnosed and evaluated.

S - social factors. These include the changing expectations, attitudes and mores of society.

T - technological factors. It is necessary to constantly monitor changes in the technological environment. Analysis of this environment can take into account changes in production technology, the use of computers in the design and provision of goods and services.

Using the method of compiling a profile of the macroenvironment and the immediate environment, it is possible to assess the relative importance for the organization of individual environmental factors. Individual environmental factors fit into the matrix of the profile of the external environment, each of which is given the following assessments by an expert:

  • Importance for the industry on a scale:
    • 3-large, 2-moderate, 1-weak;
  • Influence on the organization on a scale:
    • 3-strong, 2-moderate, 1-weak, 0-lack of effect;
  • Direction of influence on the scale:

1 is positive, -1 is negative.

Further, all three expert assessments are multiplied and a general integral assessment is obtained, showing the degree of importance of a particular factor for the organization. According to this assessment, the company's management can conclude which of the environmental factors have relatively more essential for the organization and, therefore, deserve the most serious attention.

Table 6 Matrix of the profile of the external environment for LLC "Farmakor"

Environmental factors

Importance for the industry

Impact on the organization

Direction of influence

Degree of importance


Management components

1 . Enterprise management

Availability strategic planning

Leadership worldview

Personnel motivation system

* Organizational structure

4. Marketing

Functioning of the marketing information system

* Sales network

Working with the product

* Pricing policy

* Age

* Qualification


6. Finance

Financial stability

Liquidity, solvency

* Turnover

* Profitability

The process of choosing a strategy for Pharmacor LLC, as one of the stages of strategic planning, consists of the stages of development, refinement and analysis (evaluation). At the first stage, strategies are created to achieve the set goals. Here it is important to develop possible more alternative strategies. At the second stage, the strategies are refined to the level of adequacy to the development goals of the organization in all their diversity and a general strategy is formed. On the third, alternatives are analyzed within the framework of the overall selected overall strategy firm and are evaluated according to the degree of suitability to achieve its main goals. At this stage, the overall strategy is filled with specific content.

When analyzing the microenvironment, Pharmacor LLC should also study its competitors. There are two organizations in the city with the same type of activity as LLC "Farmakor", the average monthly gross volume of sales of which is approximately 1,000,000 rubles, which is 15-16% compared to the volume of LLC "Farmakor". The main advantage of the organization is the presence of a vast territory of premises, for companies selling pharmaceutical goods, this factor is of particular importance, since the products are voluminous and require a lot of space in the warehouse. But, as regards the branches, this process is still in the processing stage, since it is quite difficult for the management to assess this moment due to the remoteness of the cities from the head office.

Assessment of the internal environment of a firm - its strength and weakness, as well as external opportunities and threats is usually called SWOT - analysis. SWOT analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (external environment).

We will conduct a SWOT analysis of Pharmacor LLC, making a list of weaknesses, strengths enterprise, threats and opportunities for it.


  • The presence of branches - work with suppliers throughout Russia
  • Closeness to Moscow - knowledge of the main trends, exhibitions
  • Relatively low fixed costs - working more profitably
  • Extensive work experience - avoiding mistakes
  • 1C 8th version - better planning, reporting and control of work
  • An ambitious team - striving to improve performance

Weak sides:

Lack of space for further growth - search

According to 2008 data, the area of ​​the premises is 1600 sq. m.

Lack of planning logistics costs - debugging new work

According to 2008 data, transportation costs amounted to 3,000,000 rubles, which is 20% of the gross profit.

  • · Weak control over the work of branches - prescribing procedures.
  • Lack of a strategy, a common vision of the medical products market - creating a strategy
  • · Absence financial plan- creating a financial plan
  • Large illiquid assets - deliverance

According to 2008 data, the monthly volume of illiquid assets amounted to 1,300,000 rubles.

· Personnel "hunger" - training of employees.


  • · Increase in branches - increase in sales volumes, monthly growth by 10-15% - 150,000-200,000 rubles, by attracting new customers; getting better conditions from suppliers, an increase in deferred payment, accounts payable, price reductions
  • Exit to neighboring regions, deeper market penetration - increase in sales by 5-10%
  • · Growing requirements for the quality of packaging - the use of more expensive advertising, offering customers additional services.
  • Localization of production of medical products - working with local suppliers offering lower prices

Entering the regions of large Moscow and expanding regional suppliers - debugging common system work, compliance with the requirements of firms of the all-Russian level

When developing strategies, it should be remembered that opportunities and threats can turn into their opposite. For example, an untapped opportunity can become a threat if a competitor exploits it. Thus, LLC "Farmakor" needs a strategy where the internal forces and external capabilities of the enterprise will be increased, and where weak inner sides firms and, if possible, soften Negative influence external threats.

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The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is all the conditions and factors that arise in environment, regardless of the activities of a particular organization, but having or capable of influencing its functioning. The external environment in which the organization has to work is in constant motion and subject to change.

One of the most important ingredients for an organization's success is its ability to respond and cope with changes in the external environment. The external environment of an organization includes elements such as customers, competitors, government agencies, suppliers, financial institutions and sources of labor resources. The external environment of a pharmaceutical organization is subdivided into the environment of indirect and direct impact.

The external environment of indirect impact - includes political factors, i.e. the change legislative framework, economic factors, level of technology, etc. The indirect impact environment refers to factors that may not have a direct immediate impact on the organization's operations, but, nevertheless, affect them.

The external environment of direct influence is competitors, suppliers, consumers, i.e. those objects, on the action of which the profit of the pharmacy organization directly depends. The direct impact environment includes factors that directly affect the operations of an organization and are directly influenced by the operations of the organization. External and internal environment organizations are schematically presented in diagram 1:

Rice. 1.

Examples of political factors:

Changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation (adoption of a new edition or additions / amendments to laws and regulations governing the circulation of medicines, consumer protection, approval and revision of VED lists, etc.)

State regulation in the industry

State regulation of competition

· Changes in regional legislation

Examples of economic factors:

GDP dynamics


Ruble exchange rate dynamics

Employment dynamics

· Changes in the purchasing power of the population

Market and trading cycles

Pharmacy costs

Examples of social factors:

Changes in core values

· Changes in style and living standards

· Attitude towards work and rest

Demographic changes

Religious factors

Influence of the media

Examples of technological factors:

R&D Trends

· New drugs, parapharmaceutical products, etc.

Development of technologies

The indicators of the external environment are the following categories:

The fluidity of the environment is the speed with which changes occur in the environment of the organization. The external environment around pharmaceutical companies is particularly fluid. Given the complexity of an organization's functioning in a highly mobile environment, manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacies or their structural units must rely on a variety of information in order to make effective decisions about their internal variables.

Given the diversity and volatility of the external world, leaders should limit consideration of the external environment only to those aspects on which the success of the organization depends to a large extent. One way to identify and take into account the factors that affect the organization is to divide them into two groups: factors of direct influence and factors of indirect influence. Suppliers are one of the most important direct influencers.

Distinguish between suppliers of materials and finished products, capital and labor resources. The multifaceted activities of pharmaceutical organizations also require relationships with suppliers of various auxiliary materials, electricity, heat, water, packaging materials, equipment, marketing, consulting, utilities and transport services.

The growth and development of a pharmaceutical organization also depends on suppliers of capital or financial resources... These include banks, insurance companies, shareholders, investment funds, sponsors.

To implement the tasks related to achieving the goals of the organization, qualified specialists of different profiles are needed. Without personnel capable of skillfully using complex technology, capital and materials, it is impossible to resolve the issue of the company's profitability. Currently, there have been changes in the formation of labor resources, the market has expanded work force and job structure in pharmaceutical organizations.

The survival and existence of an organization depends on its ability to find consumers of the results of its activities and satisfy their needs. Consumers, deciding what goods and services are desirable for them and at what price, determine the program of its activities for the organization. Thus, the need to meet the needs of consumers affects the interaction of the organization with suppliers of materials and labor resources. Customers, as an external factor, influence practically all other variables of the organization. Pharmacy enterprises of various forms of ownership of the Russian Federation have their own circle of consumers, which include treatment-and-prophylactic and health-improving institutions, outpatients and inpatients, organizations and institutions of a non-medical profile.