Pavel Globa's horoscope for the year teleseven. In the year of the Rooster, representatives of this zodiac sign will not be able to grab stars from the sky financially. There will be promotion, but it will not affect life drastically. The most likely period for the growth of monetary

The period when the Rooster ascends the throne of government is for some reason considered by many to be a time of decline in strength and curtailment of all important matters.

Of course, 2016 was a busy year, because nature itself is resourceful, energetic and enterprising. But the Rooster is quite an interesting bird. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at Globa's horoscope for 2017, which vividly describes the main points prepared by the owner of the year for all signs of the Zodiac.


In 2017, Aries will be full of unpredictability. A lot of amazing prospects will open before you, from which you cannot refuse. Act decisively, and then any undertaking will be crowned with success. Try to always be on the alert, because luck loves attentive and dexterous. If you make friends with her, then no obstacles will stand in your way.


In 2017, Taurus will undergo dramatic changes in their personal lives. Those who have not yet found their soul mate will definitely meet a dear and beloved person who will stay with them for a long time. But family Taurus should be attentive to their loved one, otherwise, after all, it’s not far from a divorce. AT professional activity everything will work out in the best way- a promotion or change of position is coming.


Representatives of this sign in the new year will act decisively and stop at nothing. Every action you take will be right. So, if your plans have long been ripening the decision to change jobs, break off relations with some people, or just leave the city for a while, then feel free to take on this venture. The only requirement is to think carefully about your actions. Do not get involved in various kinds of adventures and dubious events, otherwise you risk getting into an awkward situation.


This year for representatives of the Cancer sign will be quite difficult. You will be overcome by depression, a breakdown will come, in general, you will feel complete disappointment in life. Fight such feelings throughout the year so as not to harm your body. Avoid conflict situations, relax more and join the beauty: go to exhibitions, theaters, museums. In the middle of the month, Cancers will meet a person who can bring them out of a dull state.

a lion

Everything that you have dreamed of for so long can finally come true in 2017. Good luck will accompany everywhere and everywhere. The main thing is that the Lions skillfully distinguish between a really worthwhile undertaking and one that can be abandoned. Free signs will find a reliable and worthy person. This means that closer to the end of the year, a marriage union is possible that can last more than one year. In the second half of the year, you may receive a travel offer. It would be better for the Lions to refuse it.


From the first days of 2017, Virgos will feel a powerful surge of strength and energy. This time will be an ideal period for changing priorities and life positions. Maybe you find mistakes in your behavior and want to correct them in order to become a better person. This desire will allow Virgos to improve their professional, social and human qualities. In personal life, everything will be emotional and stormy. Perhaps this fact will play a cruel joke with the representatives of this sign and the long-established relationship will break.


Libra in the coming year will not be sweet. Their inherent indecision will cause many problematic situations. With all this, support from loved ones will not come. That is why people of this sign must gather all their will into a fist and heroically withstand all the attacks of fate. Yes, and to overcome indecision also does not hurt. Despite all this, Pavel Globa prophesies a rapid career for Libra, and the proposed positions will be well paid.


This year will be even and prosperous. Scorpios will be able to realize the most extraordinary ideas that have long been lurking in the depths of the soul. Those who are not yet married will be able to find a soul mate and put on wedding rings as soon as possible. The period under review is perfect time to change residence. It can be not only a city, but even a country. The rooster promises to accompany in all important matters and give such necessary luck.


With the advent of 2017, Sagittarians will wake up with confidence and the desire to change their lives. You will learn to enjoy small successes and simple things. With maximum perseverance, representatives of this sign will be able to take leadership positions that will bring both material benefits and pleasure. True, you will have to give up long-distance travel, because they will not bring the expected result.


Practically, the next year, Capricorns will spend in an attempt to strike a balance between personal life and work. In order to quickly achieve harmony in these areas, it is necessary to rethink some values, define new goals for ourselves and translate into reality some long-standing ideas. Despite the fact that 2017 will be difficult for Capricorns, they will be able to find positive aspects in it.


It will bring many new discoveries to the representatives of this sign. First of all, you will realize that you are able to experience emotions that you were not aware of before. We can say that Aquarius will have a reassessment of values ​​​​and priorities. Trust your intuition - it won't let you down. In addition, you should not listen to the opinions of others, because they are not always right, and their suggestions can negatively affect your life.


Without vigor and charisma in 2017, Pisces is nowhere. These two qualities will help you cope with the difficulties that have long hung over you. cardinal change life priorities very important for Pisces. That is what needs to be done in the coming year. In addition, the owner of the year will definitely like this behavior, and he will give you generous gifts, not skimping on their number.

Leap year The monkey was quite heavy for all zodiac signs. The famous astrologer Pavel Globa promises that this year all signs of the zodiac can breathe easy. The period of troubles and incomprehensible upheavals ends and the period of growth of well-being begins. Finally!

We are all a little tired from this difficult year.

A cockerel grain by grain will give everyone! A detailed horoscope from Pavel Globa (and he, by the way, is never wrong) read in this article.

Aries- a born winner. This is a person who loves and knows how to start new things, strive for new achievements. Aries are such natures that can stay at one moment in good mood, and in a second in the hardest depression. However, if the representatives of the sign are obsessed with a new idea, then they will not stop until they realize their plan.

The horoscope for 2017 for Aries portends many changes in career and personal life. The rooster will push the already active Aries to new achievements. People around will not always understand and adequately respond to the actions of Aries, but due to their excellent communicative qualities, they will still be able to achieve indulgence. In the new year, there is a high probability of disputes and bets. After all, Aries is vital to prove his case. 2017 will be favorable to those Aries who are engaged in creativity. All roads will be open to Aries, even the most risky projects will succeed. They have real opportunity advance on career ladder.

Taurus, pretty tired of a series of worries, in 2017 they will finally be able to see the fruits of their labors.

The Year of the Rooster brings you only positive change. Worries, of course, will not decrease, but these will be pleasant worries that hardworking and domestic Taurus like so much.

The first month of 2017 will challenge the Taurus to strengthen their rear. Moreover, attention should be paid to both physical and psychological health. Taurus is recommended to start going to the gym immediately after new year holidays, it will not be superfluous to visit a psychologist. If you follow all the recommendations, in 2017 health will not let you down.

February-March 2017 is a great time to work. There are chances to improve financial condition, learn something new. And in April it will be possible to have a good rest. This time is ideal for business trips and travel. It is better to go on trips with your family.

If you belong to the category of single Taurus, it is on the journey that there is a chance to meet your soul mate.

The harmonious combination of business and romance will continue in May 2017. The only thing to consider in your plans is that at the end of spring you don’t need to lend or make expensive purchases, there is a chance that the money will not be returned to you, and the purchase will turn out to be an ordinary “dummy”.

At the beginning of summer (June), worries about younger family members will come to the fore. Perhaps it is this month that one of the Taurus will learn about the upcoming fatherhood, motherhood. Perhaps you will go on vacation with your children or you will solve the problems of one of them. June will be a great time to create your own nest, it's time to start renovations or buy a house.

The most successful month for Taurus will be July. This month there is a possibility of concluding promising contracts, implementing business proposals that will turn into good earnings for Taurus. Do not be afraid to take risks, everything will go like clockwork. In August, Taurus will sharpen their intuition. The timing is perfect to start building. However, during this period, difficulties may arise in relations in the Taurus family.

Autumn will be associated with caring for children and parents. They will need your help and attention, do not refuse them. You can help everyone and resolve difficult situations. The ability to solve the problems of loved ones will bring you joy and faith in own forces.

Twins- people who are used to double-checking everything and weighing their every decision. In 2017, the time will come when you will need to act more decisively, only in this case success awaits you.

In January 2017 Gemini may have to rethink their plans for life. There is a possibility that personal circumstances will make you forget about work.

Maybe you want to try something new, an area that you previously brushed aside because you were afraid to fail.

In February, disputes with colleagues or superiors are possible, but they will not be able to lead you astray if you strive for your goal and do your job as well as possible.

By spring, the chaotic period in the life of Gemini should end. In March, the romantic period will come. Many Geminis have a high probability of starting a relationship that can develop into something serious. Fate may be waiting for you at the end of March or the beginning of April of this year.

Already in May, you yourself will ruin everything, as the questions will come to the fore: “Do they really love me?” Excessive desire to keep everything under your control can ruin everything. Main lesson spring - trust people, do not try to control everything. In May, you should relax, walk more, go out into nature.

You need to take a rest, because in the summer you will find quite a busy period. You may feel like you want to change careers.

There is a possibility that you will want to change your place of residence and move abroad. August will be calm, romance will again prevail in life. For unmarried Gemini, this is a great time to get married.

In September, the Gemini will again have to work hard. The authorities will finally notice you, there is a possibility of career advancement.

October is a good time to make a pleasant and useful purchase.

November and December will be marked by financial success.

Cancers who are accustomed to backing away, this year will have to learn to stand their ground. You should show perseverance and all your skills in the struggle for success, profit, career and love.

The stars advise the representatives of this sign from the new year to start living in a new way. Changes can start as early as January. During this period, there is a high probability that Cancers will change their place of permanent work.

In February, you may have to think about unpaid debts and unfulfilled obligations. Everything that you promised should be fulfilled, otherwise the glory of an unreliable person with a bad reputation may be attached to you. Business advances are expected in March. There is a chance to get some bonuses.

The workload will be heavy, but it's worth it. Already in April, thanks to your efforts, you will feel like a financially successful person. In May, Cancers will be able to take a break from hectic work activities. Lonely Cancers during this period can meet their soul mate. End of spring the best time to fully immerse yourself in a romantic relationship.

At the beginning of summer, the theme of home improvement will come to the fore. There is a possibility that Cancers will begin repairs.

July is the month of dreams. This is also the best time to search new work or start studying.

In August, there is a possibility of conflict situations both at work and in personal life. Cancers need to stand their ground, the only way they can achieve the truth.

In September-October, Cancers will be able to afford to rest. Things will go well, you may go on a trip or travel.

Good news and changes await you in November. However, there is a possibility that unexpected expenses will arise. During this period, you need to spend more time with loved ones, they will repay you with love and support.

lions- excellent specialists in making an impression on others. But this year you will have to show your true colors. You need to learn to be, not to seem. Remove the mask, and it turns out that people can love you for who you are.

Significant changes in life will begin in early January. During this period, you should be ready for decisive action. This applies to both work and personal life.

You are in good physical shape, but the stars advise you not to overexert yourself and take care of your health. Compared to 2016, 2017 will seem like a period of relaxation. All things will go like clockwork. Lions will require a minimum of effort both at work and on the personal front.

In March, the Lions will have to solve several difficult issues. The stars do not advise you to go ahead, you need to weigh everything carefully. But in April, the Lions can afford an adventure. If you carefully consider your intuition, then bonuses are provided to you.

Summer will begin with a flurry of romance that will fall on you. Single lions will find their soul mate. Family will be able to experience a new round of romance in their couple. In addition, during this period, Lions are encouraged to spend more time with children.

In July, Lviv may be covered by a certain energy decline. This will be a sure sign that you need to relax. Feel free to travel.

After a good summer holiday, you can return to work in August. However, you should be careful with colleagues or business partners, it is likely that they will want to appropriate the fruits of your labor. If you do everything right, you will be promoted in September. The financial gain that will come to you during this period is best spent with your family.

In 2017, Leos need to learn to control themselves. Do not try to quit the things you have started, as soon they will pay for themselves with their heads.

The past two years have changed a lot in my life. Dev. A lot of things happened, fate tested you for strength. And now in 2017, we can say with confidence that you passed the test with a bang.

In January 2017, something from the past may return to the Virgo. There is a chance that you will be offered to return to a project that you left a long time ago.

In February-March 2017, romantic relationships will come to the fore. Moreover, a surge of romance for you will be sudden. Perhaps an old friendship or working relationship will grow into love. The candy-bouquet period will last until April, then the time will come to seriously think about improving your financial situation. Romance will have to be relegated to the background, otherwise you risk being left without a livelihood.

May will require maximum diplomacy and delicacy from you. Try not to get into arguments during this period. The conflict that arose at this time may drag on for long years.

In June it will be time to pay the bills. If you owe something to someone or promised, then it's time to repay the debts and fulfill the promises.

July is a great time to start new partnerships. There is a chance that old partners will look at you in a new way. This month is also favorable for finding your soulmate.

August 2017 will be calm and measured. Things will go well and do not require additional attention from you. This is the best time to go on vacation.

September and October are marked as difficult months at work. You will have to work for four to prove your aptitude.

In November, you will need family support. Perhaps someone in the family will need your help. And already in December you will be repaid a hundredfold, since during this period serious prospects will open up before the Virgo.

Scales! All last year you had to demonstrate your endurance to others. Libra, you are great, did not break! In 2017, you can finally relax and enjoy life.

The best time to start 2017 is with a break. The first three weeks of January you should not be disturbed by any household or work problems. Try to devote this time to active rest.

The forces will be useful to you by the end of January, it is likely that you will be offered to participate in some very good project.

In February, you will again have the opportunity to relax. Now it is important to prepare for new achievements, analyze the available information, and draw up a plan for further actions. This is about your professional activities. If we talk about the personal, then you will find a revival of previously broken relationships. What to do with it, you decide, listen to the call of your heart.

March will bring changes to your life. Perhaps you decide to change the field of activity or get a second education, go to courses. True, this will not happen immediately, at first you will have to survive April, when the personal will again come to the fore.

April 2017 is a favorable time to solve all problems with your soulmate. You will have to work with redoubled energy. Intuitively, you will feel that it's time to start new things.

In the summer, you will be lucky, even in those areas that you have already forgotten about. Summer is a great time to buy a home. And in July, many lonely Libras can improve their personal lives, you will meet your soul mate. August is also the best time to devote to rest, but in September-October the time for work will come. The more effort you put in, the more income you will get in the end.

The money received is best invested in home improvement. All purchases will be successful.

2017 for scorpions promises to be a turning point in many areas. The reason is simple - you are tired of the problems of the previous year and you want to relax and enjoy life.

Already in January you will feel a significant surge of strength and vigor. Do not hold back if you want to start something new, get training or go on a trip.

Do not hold back your emotions, and this applies to both work and personal relationships. If you really like someone, tell him about it. Honestly, you should admit if someone is pretty fed up with you.

In February 2017, the stars advise scorpions to clean up their affairs. It is necessary to distribute debts, to fulfill the given promises. After all, all these unfinished business, pull you back. Having finished with them, you will feel like a free person, ready for new challenges. At the end of February

Scorpios are at risk of falling in love. However, the stars warn that the relationship will not last.

Spring 2017 will be marked as a time joyful events that will happen in the life of Scorpions. Work projects will go uphill, you will be able to conclude profitable deals with partners, for which you can get a promotion or an increase in salary. As for personal life, the month of April will be marked by a surge of love and romance. And in May, Scorpios will have a chance to meet a person who in the future may become their legal spouse. Your business activity will also increase this month. However, the stars do not advise you to be too zealous in matters of work, as your health may fail you. Change the scenery, go to the countryside for a weekend, this will allow you to relax and rejuvenate.

The beginning of summer will be marked by the fulfillment of some old dream. July and August will be successful in terms of personal implementation. Things will go well. In the same period, you will have pride in one of the younger members of the family.

In September 2017, the stars advise you to take a break and relax. The best solution will go on vacation. However, be careful with finances, as there is a possibility of making rash spending. In addition, fraudulent actions may be taken against you.

In October, the stars are advised to devote themselves to their hobbies. You should take care of your health. Get tested, maybe you should drink a course of vitamins.

In November 2017, the family will come to the fore. Your loved ones may need your financial help. Be sure to help them. Try to spend more time with your family, as you give them very little time, which your relatives may be offended by. December - will be excellent, you will be busy with work, there will be no special loads, you will feel successful and calm.

Sagittarius! The past year has been very difficult for you. But it couldn't bring you down. In the new year 2017, you may have to work a little more. But you will accept new tasks with enthusiasm.

January will be full of communication with family and friends, and this will undoubtedly benefit you. In February, you will be able to move towards new horizons that will open up in your career. However, you will not be able to immediately understand that new opportunities are opening up before you.

At first, you will only observe an unrealistic amount of work that has fallen on you. Understanding the opportunities that have opened up will come to you a little later.

April can hardly be called a fruitful month in terms of work, during this period a romantic mood will reign in your life.

May is a great time to set new goals and dreams. Now is the time to see what you need to move on for. Mentally draw a picture of a dream, then they will get every chance to come true.

June is a good time to put things in order. It's time to sort out the rubble at work, pay off debts, do what you always put off for later. Then came the time to fully surrender to new achievements.

If you are not too lazy, then in July you will have a lot of free time. And you will be accompanied by rare luck. Whatever you undertake will succeed!

However, already in August you will have to work for your luck. During this period, many things will fall on you. But, despite the workload, in your personal life things will go uphill, you will be able to meet your soul mate. Family Sagittarius experience a new surge of feelings for their soul mate.

Autumn will be at work. But you will succeed in everything, you will even have a talent to work for ten.

Already in February, such performance will have a good effect on the financial situation.

Capricorn- multi-faceted personalities who know how to have great fun and be serious when necessary.

February is the best time to pay off old debts, ask for forgiveness if you offended someone. Some Capricorns will have to admit their mistakes, this is not easy, but it will have to be done. The beginning of March will return your optimism and self-confidence, and this applies to both your work relationships and personal ones. Capricorns should learn to express their feelings more frankly, then people will be drawn to them.

April will inspire you with a rise in strength, everything around will delight. Family Capricorns will feel harmony in relationships, and singles will finally meet their soul mate. Capricorn parents will be able to find mutual language with kids.

May will please Capricorns with absolute order both at home and at work. In addition, you can make yourself happy with a long-awaited gift. If your dreams are pretty solid, such as a car or an apartment, then the stars even allow you to borrow. Since you can return it quickly and painlessly.

June and July are great times for hard work. In addition, during this period it will be good to reflect on whether you are doing the right thing. Maybe it's time to change careers. The stars are advised to talk about this topic with friends and relatives. There is a possibility that your professional happiness is hidden in a completely different area. The period is also good for new beginnings.

August is a time of change in personal relationships. An excellent time to decide what you need. Feel free to go down the aisle if you have wanted this for a long time, make your choice, or ask for freedom from a former lover. If you are not ready for changes in your personal life, the stars advise you to change something in the house, you can start with cosmetic repairs.

In September, housing problems will come to the fore. This is the time of repair, purchase of household appliances, furniture. Try to save money by this time.

October is the month of romance and dreams come true. If you have been looking for your soulmate for a long time, then this is the most favorable period to meet her / him.

In November and December, harmony will come into the life of Capricorns. Try not to spoil everything with random conflicts.

Aquarius- talented and creative personalities, in 2017 these abilities will manifest themselves doubly. Your head will be full of creative ideas. Do it, but don't lose your head. You really have a chance of success.

The month of January will be marked by the appearance in your life of people and facts from the past.

You will have a chance to fix everything, perhaps re-start relationships with your former lovers.

February is a great time to head straight to work. The stars do not advise you to start new projects, but the results that have already been achieved can be consolidated. This will become a kind of foundation for the future breakthrough.

March will be a month of renewal. And they touch both personal life and work. Possible new acquaintances. The whole month will be filled with meetings, and some of them can significantly affect your life. A person dear to your heart may appear in your life, and this will not necessarily be a person of the opposite sex. There is a chance that you decide to adopt a child or take custody of a person in need.

April is the month that will show where to go next. Do not ignore the signs of fate, they are full of clues.

May is best spent communicating with family. Get out with the whole family to nature, relax in a sanatorium. This period is well suited for establishing family relationships.

In June, personal relationships will come to the fore. In July and August, maximum attention should be paid to the house. Maybe it's time to start renovating, buy household appliances. All changes will be quick and easy.

September is a good time to head to work. Work will help you achieve good results that will become a springboard for future achievements. At the same time, Aquarius has every chance to meet their soul mate.

October is a time for active growth and development. You will be able to draw new knowledge from various sources. This time is suitable for obtaining a new profession, attending courses.

November will be the month of showdown. He will be rich in conversations with the second half.

The New Year will give you the opportunity Pisces take a break from the stresses that haunted them all of 2016. You will have a chance to get everything that you have been dreaming about for so long. Try not to miss your chance.

It is likely that in the new year there will be an irresistible desire to change your life. However, before moving on to action, you need to audit your life.

All problems should be settled, things should be put in order.

In the spring, changes will overwhelm your life. First of all, the changes will affect personal life. In March, new people will appear in your environment. But old acquaintances will show themselves not from the best side. Therefore, the stars advise Pisces to be careful, you should not tell family secrets to friends, even if you consider them verified.

In April, lonely Pisces will be able to meet their soul mate. And those representatives of the sign who are already in a relationship will find a way to refresh them. The horoscope advises you to walk more, spend time with your soulmate and get a generous reward.

May is the best time to pay off debts. And in June, creativity will come to you, new horizons will open. You will have a chance to realize an old dream.

In summer, Pisces needs to pay more attention to their health. If there is a tingle somewhere, immediately consult a doctor. July will be calm, nothing significant will happen during this period. August will be the month of change.

The end of summer is a good time to develop a plan for further action, to set goals correctly. In September, a lot of work will fall on you, you will literally get bogged down in work affairs. However, do not get carried away too much, because behind the working enthusiasm you can forget that your loved one is waiting for you at home.


Who calls him the strongest predictor of modernity, and someone, grinning, will call him a charlatan. A very controversial person is Pavel Globa. He is a historian astrologer, a person who has a very developed critical and abstract thinking. In addition, Globa took over the gift from his deceased closest relative, and with it the old astrological books. He made horoscopes for politicians and businessmen, worked as a TV presenter. His horoscopes are still popular today. It is not for nothing that, upon request for horoscopes for the current year, search engines put it in the first places.

And after all, it costs nothing to check the veracity of the prediction, because the year of the earthen Pig is very soon. Of course, no one wants some kind of super negative unrest, and simply negative ones to be less. It is clear that you can’t get away from them at all, following the worldly philosophy of life as a zebra. But if something does not happen as we would like, a rhetorical question always arises - And why is this all happening to me? Am I worse? No, just at the same time someone is better off. Like the water and energy cycle. Therefore, when we do not understand well that all the same, this black grayness will someday end. That is why we so want to look at the horoscope, expecting all sorts of pleasant surprises that life and the stars are preparing for us. We are waiting for a miracle, in which we, however, with a large particle of irony, but still believe.

The coming year is the Year of the Pig.He is a dreamer, a dreamer, a good family man, a big poser. Hardworking, but without this it is impossible. After all, feeding the family is the responsibility of the main man in the house. Therefore, in current year money, a rise in a career will have hardworking personalities regardless of the sign of the zodiac. Persistence is a priority.Horoscope from Pavel Globa for 2019 for all signs of the zodiacwelcomes such qualities as diligence, diligence and perseverance.

Aries has strategic abilities, can truthfully assess the consequences of their actions. He has only a couple of true friends, there are also enemies, and he relies only on himself. He does not live according to a stencil and does not compromise. Aries protects its independence and therefore it can not be overlooked. He is not without imagination and intuition. There is some cynicism in the life philosophy of Aries, but he is not afraid when they gossip about him.

The current year will create all the conditions for the development of this sign. And Aries will hear the hints of the patron of the year of the Pig. You are a self-sufficient, strong-willed person. It's a good time to start from scratch and start your own business. You will succeed. You will not feel the lack of funds throughout the year. The state of health is not bad. Just start exercising if you haven't already. Or walk in the evenings at a brisk pace along a certain section of the path.

Lonely Aries can find their happiness in April or November. It will happen completely unpredictably.

You are a little stubborn and irritable. Try to take control of your emotions a little, and then everyone in the family circle will feel comfortable.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2019 from Pavel Globa

Talented, fast, but a little dreamer. In his life, a lot of things depend on the environment. Abilities are revealed only when Taurus finds sympathy and understanding of others. And the sociable Pig will provide such an environment. He has young people in mind, whom he will be able to unite tightly and firmly for many years to come. Therefore, go out with your albeit beautiful, but shells and look at the wonderful world around. He's not at all hostile.

You are an executive worker and the administration of the enterprise will not leave this behind its attention. Show that you hate to stagnate and can expect a promotion. You are shown rest in the forest or mountains. By autumn, you may feel some fatigue, blues. Develop them faster not by reading a book or watching TV, but by going out to people.

Horoscope for Gemini for 2019

He is intelligent, has a penchant for artistry. Developed intuition and imagination.He is not very responsible for love and creating a family, and if he has to choose between a loved one and duty, he will choose the latter. He is even of little interest in creating a family, but flirting is a good thing for him. There is always some duality that does not allow you to focus on one thing. If Gemini starts a business, he often switches to another occupation. People say about such people "semidelka".

You have been planning to correct your appearance for a long time. By autumn, the best time will come for procedures. After going to the professionals, your appearance will radically change for the better. But the figure remains on your conscience. So do your own editing.

As an executive employee, you will be adequately assessed. During the year you will receive material rewards more than once, and this will give you wings. Because you are such a flower person. Lower your leaves without attention. Chronic diseases will not forget you this year. Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases can be expected in spring period. To prevent this from happening, sit on a diet for a while.

Horoscope for Cancers for 2019 from Pavel Globa

Emotional, not always elegant and without any sense of moralism. Betrayed and hurt.Satisfied with little in life. Cancer is a bit lazy and passive. He does not like to make any decisions on his own, because he is constantly unsure of himself. Inert and a little spineless, possessing a heightened intuition. He can engage in any activity, but best of all he manages to comprehend himself in the field of art. Kind and responsive. He feels good surrounded by numerous comrades, but he does not have so many devoted friends.

The Cancer man will have a hard time this year. There will be financial difficulties, so already in March it is necessary to look for a more profitable job. You are well versed in all kinds of technology. And the phone can be repaired and the car. Maybe try opening your own appliance repair shop or giving private lessons on your favorite instrument? And you should also review the circle of your comrades and try to change it if you want to enter a new qualitative stage in your life. Bypass any illegal operations.

Horoscope for Lviv 2019 from Pavel Globa

Impulsive and courageous man. Frank and kind. But in the family can be a tyrant. Only his opinion takes precedence. And this applies not only to the interior of the apartment, but even to the clothes of the household. Very hardworking. Get a job not where the soul wants, but where you can earn more. He would rather infringe on himself in something, but those close to him will not feel any need. The Leo woman is brave, temperamental, a good hostess.

These are the people the Pig really likes. Therefore, he will arrange "fasting days" for his wards. Trips abroad are possible in autumn. On a planned vacation, you can go not to the inland seas of the country, but to the clear emerald waters of the Maldives or Goa. The lion is greedy for money for trips, but if his wife or girlfriend asks, then this “king of beasts” will not refuse. Expect a promotion in the spring. And even chronic diseases this year you will be left behind. Therefore, you deserve it - rest on your laurels.

Horoscope for Virgo for 2019 from Pavel Globa

Communication with the Virgin is pleasant, there is a feeling of spiritual comfort. She calmly relates to her interlocutors, listens with sincere attention. This sign has a very developed sense of ownership. Jealousy, and often for no reason, is a constant companion of the family Virgo. A very dual sign. Among Virgos there are both real workaholics and loafers who are used to living at the expense of others. Among them there are a lot of petty and stingy, but there are many individuals who calmly part with material wealth in favor of people close to him.

Horoscope for 2019 from Globawarns that the first quarter of the year will be very uncomfortable for this sign. Financial difficulties will appear, scandals are brewing in the family. Ask for help from people close to you. In the second half, everything will go back to normal, and you will be able to repay debts. A brilliant period for cardinal changes. Look for another job. But if you find it, then do not break right off the bat. Find out if the conditions and salary suit you, if there are any delays in payment. And only then leave the former. Single Virgos have a positive period for dating in July, November. A traumatic situation is possible in December.

Horoscope for Libra for 2019

Constantly in search of compromise solutions with a bare sense of justice. And although aggressiveness is alien to them, they can attack for their ideals. They are cute and able to speak beautifully and fluently, attracting the opposite sex with this quality. Of course, they are trusted to tell secrets, and most Libras will never give them away. But there are individuals who can use the resulting material for gossip. Libras are hardworking and diligent. They value the family and the balance of values ​​​​in it. As always, not without tar: even among such sedate personalities one can often meet frivolous and unfair ones.

The year is stable in all spheres of life. Just try not to make large purchases and not get into debt. Troubles at work may arise in the second half of autumn. But everything will work out. Management will make their own opinion about you. It will be positive. This will allow us to hope for an improvement in the financial situation by the autumn period.

Horoscope for Scorpions for 2019 from Pavel Globa

Individualists.In a conversation, they can afford sarcasm and irony, occasionally lose their temper and then it is better to get away from an angry Scorpio. Very stubborn. Everything they say a priori should not be questioned. Scorpios are good and very loyal friends who will do anything to help a friend. Very jealous and do not forgive any offense. Therefore, among such couples there are many divorces. If they have chosen a job to their liking, and creative professions are suitable for them, then they completely surrender to it. They can sit at the workplace until late, forgetting about their family and children. If so, then very good. Parents are trying to send their children to their class, but Scorpio sorely lacks time for their kids.

The stars are smiling at you kindly. During the year, your salary will increase at least three times. By the beginning of summer and an award for Good work receive. It is better for you to rest not in the hot sun to the sound of the surf, but in a pine forest. Occupational diseases may manifest themselves in October. In October, a sightseeing trip around the country is possible.

Horoscope for Sagittarius for 2019 from Pavel Globa

They are slightly different in character - Sagittarius men and women. The woman is calm and carefree. She can sit for hours with a book. Temperamental, but they have slightly overestimated requirements for partners, so they cannot find a life partner for a long time. Men are more sociable, very talkative, cheerful. Representatives of this sign are very active and therefore cannot tolerate routine work. They are open and never allow themselves to communicate with a note of superiority, no matter who they are talking to. They think big and have their own strategy.

Sagittarius Pig will coexist quite peacefully.One thing the vociferous bird will not like is that disagreements may begin in the Sagittarius family in the spring. And there won't be any reason. And quarrels will start from scratch. Therefore, the Sagittarius man needs to part for a few days with his soul mate, asking his leadership for a business trip. Sagittarius woman, arrange a romantic home date with candles and other entourage for your beloved man. At work, everything goes on as usual. Quietly warring factions may appear in the women's team, but scandals will not affect you.

Horoscope for Capricorns 2019 from Pavel Globa

Endowed with creative talent, hardworking. Honest, fundamental and serious.They do not accept disorder, chaos. But a little pessimists and therefore depression spoils the days of life. Very homey. The priority is always the family - beloved half and children. The Capricorn woman is consistent and very loyal. She often closes in on herself, sometimes she is a little cruel with those who walk with her through life next to her. The man is often cautious and capricious. He's hard to please.

These are the house-wives and loves the symbol of the year. Therefore, the protection of this sign is provided. Trips, castling at work, new relationships will spin Capricorn, throw him into a pool of happiness and tranquility.

Horoscope for Aquarius for 2019 from Pavel Globa

An optimist who lives in a world of illusions he has created. Very restless and loving.Their mood changes dramatically, and there are nervous breakdowns. Calm, hardworking. Everything in life is achieved by themselves without anyone's help. Many friends and girlfriends. But Aquarius constantly feels lonely. Esthete. If something catches his eye, it is only appearance. It takes a long time for him to begin to delve into the content. In his personal life, only his person is a priority. Has a penchant for discipline and obedience.

For lonely Aquarius, the Pig has prepared unforgettable meetings. You just need to choose very patiently. Meaningful. A good period to get a new profession. Whatever you have in mind will be easy to implement. But only a couple of months - in March and October. The rest of the time, the smooth flow of days will even put you to sleep a little.

Horoscope for Pisces for 2019 from Pavel Globa

Faithful and kind.A Pisces man can easily fall under the influence, a sensual, good family man, loves his children very much and is unrealistically kind to them. But completely inactive, he just wants to lie on the couch. The Pisces woman is a good wife and a good mother. But it requires a careful and intelligent attitude towards yourself. With major discord in the family, she does not try to get to the bottom of the matter, to take part of the blame on herself. She can pack up and just go to work in a neighboring region or even abroad, leaving her children to her husband.

Horoscope for 2019 from Pavel Globadoes not promise this sign of the zodiac stars from the sky. You need to fight for your place in the sun in this life. First of all, try to find a job to your liking and with decent pay. You don't have to start your own business this year. Borrowing money is also not recommended. Your nerves will loosen up a little, so do not forget to go to a specialized doctor so that the disease does not smoothly flow into the chronic stage.

what will be the year of the rooster for each zodiac sign

Famous astrologer Pavel Globa believes that the next year will be prosperous and fruitful for almost all signs of the zodiac. The leap year, which has been particularly difficult for many, is coming to an end. So, all the troubles are left behind and only good things await us ahead. What does the astrologer promise for each zodiac sign?


For those born under this zodiac sign, the coming year will be interesting and a bit unpredictable. New prospects will open before Aries, but luck will accompany only those of them who show determination and ingenuity. At the same time, one should not forget about restraint and carefully control every word or action.

2017 is a good time to gain new knowledge and master a new profession. Any information obtained at this time will definitely come in handy in the future.

But money in 2017 should be spent with caution. It is better to postpone large purchases until the summer, and not take a loan at all. In general, in terms of money, the year will be calm, and many representatives of this zodiac sign will even be able to pay off all debts and loans, if they have any.

For lonely Aries, the Fire Rooster promises to pick up a soul mate, and for family ones - to improve living conditions. In the summer, you should be careful: conflicts in the family or among friends are not ruled out. But in the fall, the honeymoon will not keep you waiting.


Taurus in the year of the Rooster will have more than enough energy. Chronic sores and depression will no longer bother, serious illnesses will bypass. For almost the whole year, Taurus will be able to maintain energy and efficiency, but it will not be superfluous to take care of the rest in the summer.

In 2017, representatives of this zodiac sign can change their profession, try themselves in a new field, discover own business.

Family Taurus should pay more attention to children, and single Taurus should start an affair with a person to whom they have been indifferent for a long time. Marriages created in next year, promise to be strong and promise a large offspring.

Useful meetings, promising acquaintances, original ideas and amazing performance will provide Taurus with a good income next year.


For representatives of this zodiac sign, 2017 should be a year of change. The twins will finally find the strength to change their boring jobs, end relationships that have become obsolete and start a new life. However, you should be careful in everything and not rush into the pool with your head.

For free Gemini, the year of the Rooster promises bright novels. Family should pay more attention to their older relatives, listen to their requests and advice. It is very important next year to correctly prioritize, not to waste on trifles and focus on the most important thing. A little patience - and the result will not keep you waiting. 2017 will be especially successful for representatives creative professions.

As for health, it will depend on mood. Tired? Go on vacation and have a good time. The most suitable time for rest is the end of autumn or the beginning of winter. And most importantly, don't doubt yourself. Fortune favors the determined.


Enough difficult year waiting for Rakov. Disappointment, depression, loss of strength, conflicts with friends and work colleagues lie in wait for representatives of this zodiac sign in the first half of the year. Therefore, the astrologer advises Cancers to “go underground” for a while, but the end of the year will bring prosperity and harmony in all areas.

You should also pay attention to health. Emotional experiences and overloads can make themselves felt in the spring. Cancers should save their strength and rest more often.

The Year of the Rooster is ideal for self-education and self-development. In family terms, Cancers need to be more decisive. Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to find a soul mate. But the choice of a spouse must be approached responsibly: the possibility of unrequited love is not ruled out.

a lion

Luck will become a constant companion of Leo next year. Circumstances will develop in the best possible way, because the representatives of this sign will be lucky in work, creativity, and family life. Health will also not fail, and all year Leo will feel cheerful and energetic.

The Year of the Rooster is a good period to gather your team and start your own business. But if you continue to work not for yourself, then be careful in communicating with superiors and colleagues.

For those Lions who have already managed to create their own family, the Rooster promises harmony and prosperity in the house. Lonely Leos will also be able to meet their soul mate. Most likely this will happen in August, but here it is very important not to miss the moment and recognize your one or only in the crowd of faces.


In the year of the Rooster, Virgos will want to change and become even better. Representatives of this zodiac sign should be prepared for a radical change in prejudices and principles.

The first months of 2017 promise changes in your personal life and success at work. But, in the pursuit of prosperity, you must not forget to take care of yourself and find time to look back and rest.

Not excluded, especially in the first half of the year, conflicts at work or school. But if the Virgo manages to keep peace of mind and faith in the best, any negative consequences can be avoided. Restraint will not hurt in your personal life either: you should not make unreasonable demands and claims to your soulmate.

And those Virgos who have not yet had time to build a family should not be afraid to get rid of loneliness and make promising acquaintances.


A difficult year awaits Libra, however, if they can be decisive in some matters, then it will be possible not only to avoid problems, but also to achieve significant success. More independent decisions, courage and faith in a bright tomorrow - and everything will work out.

In the first months of the year, Libra will suffer from a lack of stability and therefore be irritable and nervous. But this time should just be lived through. By summer, everything will be fine and spiritual harmony will return.

Those who want to achieve significant career growth at work should sort out their relationships with colleagues and settle old problems.

Do not forget about health in the year of the Rooster. Walk more on fresh air rest, drink herbal teas and spend time with health benefits. Problems with pressure and headaches, which can be eliminated without resorting to medical help, are not ruled out.


Pavel Globa promises the representatives of this zodiac sign enough quiet year. Scorpions will be able to realize their plans and ideas, so you can start any global changes, change jobs if it does not suit you, and solve housing issues. It will not be superfluous in 2017 to listen to your intuition, be honest in everything and boldly go towards the implementation of your plans.

Health will not fail Scorpions if they learn to control their emotions. In the summer you should take a little trip. It would be a good idea to go sailing.

In the family of Scorpios, everything will not be so simple. Loud scandals and violent showdowns can be avoided, but omissions can be felt especially acutely. It will not be easy for Scorpios to find a new permanent partner in the year of the Rooster, but if the relationship already exists, they can be maintained.


A huge number of opportunities will give Sagittarius the year of the Rooster. You just need to be able to use them, showing purposefulness, diligence and patience. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to gain confidence, harmony and meaning in life, achieve their goals and fulfill their cherished dream. In family terms, Sagittarius will be able to strengthen relationships, and singles will be able to find their other half.

In the summer, Sagittarians will have so much energy that they can work for three. It is possible to climb the career ladder, especially in the first half of the year. Those who have not yet found themselves professionally should try to find a dream job - the Rooster will certainly help in this.

Regarding health, exacerbations of chronic sores and colds are not excluded, therefore, you should monitor your well-being and take measures in time.


Capricorns in the year of the Rooster need to rethink their lives and be ready for change. It is very important to determine for yourself what is really important, and discard everything unnecessary as unnecessary. It is extremely important to find a balance between personal (family) life and career.

The year promises to be productive and eventful. New opportunities will open up before Capricorns, and as a result, they will be able to get a promotion or a solid profit. There are problems that can be safely resolved if you show perseverance and purposefulness.

In family terms, the Rooster guarantees mutual understanding and harmony to Capricorns. Single representatives of this zodiac sign need to be prepared for a stormy relationship that can grow into a strong family.


The time of discovery awaits Aquarius in 2017. It will be possible to discover something new not only in the outside world, but also within yourself. Therefore, it is very important not to rely on the opinions of others, but to listen to your inner voice.

Aquarians should reconsider their principles, change their views and learn to feel when the body's reserves are depleted. Periods of excitement this year will be followed by periods of fatigue and weakness, so don't forget to rest.

There will be stability in the professional sphere, only in the spring some problems may arise. In personal life, small difficulties are also possible, which can be overcome by joint efforts. The coming year will be promising for single Aquarius, who will have a stormy and passionate romance at the beginning of the year. It is possible that it can develop into a strong marriage.


In the coming year, the astrologer advises Pisces to forget about absent-mindedness and indecision. Only energetic and collected representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to achieve the desired success. In 2017 there will be many chances to change your life, but you need to take advantage of them.

New prospects in work are likely, the opportunity to engage in creativity or your favorite thing. Career growth awaits those Pisces who will be active and courageous and forget about laziness. At the beginning of the new year, interesting acquaintances, flirting, romantic relationships are expected. But closer to summer, you should already decide and play a wedding.

In terms of health, Pavel Globa strongly advises Pisces to forget about bad habits. Otherwise, already in the summer, every cigarette you smoke or a glass you drink can remind you of yourself.

In order for 2017 to become a truly productive period and all the hopes placed on it come true, it is important to know what the Stars favor. The recommendations of the astrologer Pavel Glob will help you properly distribute your forces and achieve all your goals.

According to Pavel Glob, the year 2017 of the Red Rooster will be very favorable for any undertakings, as well as for the implementation of long-planned plans. It will be especially easy for some Zodiac Signs to succeed: first of all, this applies to those who were born under the auspices of fire element. However, with due effort, Fortune will smile on representatives of other constellations.


In accordance with the forecast of Pavel Glob, 2017 for Aries will be a time of large-scale positive changes. Changes will primarily affect the business sphere: you can leave fears and boldly act, moving in the desired direction. If you are planning to change jobs or take on a new and challenging project, go for it. Active actions will be the key to your success not only in your career, but also in your personal life. The main thing is to always find time and energy to communicate with family and friends. In the year of the Rooster, family and friendship ties are very important.


With due diligence, Taurus expects career growth and an increase in material wealth. Pavel Globa advises to abandon the wait-and-see position - waiting for a favorable moment, you may miss a good chance that Fate will send you. Leave doubts and take on any business that seems profitable to you: in 2017, luck will smile on the brave. If you doubt your abilities, draw up a rough plan of action at the beginning of the year, but be ready to change it in time. The Red Rooster is unpredictable, therefore the ability to adjust one's actions in accordance with the circumstances will be the guarantor of both professional growth and personal happiness.


According to the horoscope of Pavel Glob, 2017 will give Gemini many opportunities for self-realization. Do not be afraid to try yourself in any business that interests you: the more different skills you acquire, the more valuable employee you will be. In addition, the chance of finding exactly the area in which the work will bring you joy will increase. Show your talents, do not miss good opportunities, take risks - and happiness itself will float into your hands. By avoiding risks and showing lack of initiative, you will maintain stability, but will not achieve the desired heights.


For Cancers, the year of the Rooster will be a time of serious leap forward, but only if they decide to change their lives for the better. Pavel Globa warns: passivity and the desire to "sit out" in a shelter in anticipation of a miracle is a losing position in advance. The stars will be favorable precisely to those who not only desire, but also do. Fate will provide many opportunities to prove themselves - Cancers only need to notice them and start acting in time. Personal happiness in 2017 will also depend directly on your determination and willingness to change.

a lion

Pavel Globa predicts a favorable period for Leo in all respects. Perhaps the representatives of this Sign will even have to choose between what to devote more time to, because profitable offers and projects will come from all sides. The horoscope warns only against manifestations of excessive pride and pride: the Red Rooster does not like these qualities, and luck can turn away from selfish people. And in relationships with loved ones, this will become a catalyst for quarrels and conflicts. If success does not turn Leo's head, then in 2017 all their aspirations will come true.


In accordance with the horoscope of Pavel Glob, Virgos in 2017 will be helped by their best qualities: calmness, a rational view of the world, diligence and the desire to support others. This will provide good relationship colleagues, harmony in the family and good luck in your career. Just be yourself and show your natural talents more often, then the whole world will help you go towards your goal. 2017 is not the best time to withdraw into oneself and give up: this is a time for activity, and everyone who does not sit still can achieve what they want.


Pavel Globa recommends that you correctly distribute forces between work and personal life. Try to leave all business matters in the workplace and not solve them at home so that your loved ones do not experience a lack of attention. In 2017, it will be important not only to work, but also to relax - otherwise, you may simply not have enough strength, and even for the most diligent workers, the situation will begin to deteriorate. Watch your health, do not allow overwork, and then the year of the Red Rooster will be harmonious and full of new achievements for you.


For Scorpios, 2017 will be a search for ways to move forward. Pavel Globa advises not to limit yourself to the usual framework and more often let in novelty into your life: this is the only way you will achieve success both in personal relationships and in your career. Do not be afraid of change: you can start with small things, and this will be the first step towards global favorable changes. Remodeling, moving, acquiring new skills - all this will have a beneficial effect on your life. Do not hold on to the old - it interferes with development and closes the path to a dream.


Pavel Globa predicts that all the efforts made by Sagittarians to achieve material well-being, in 2017 will bear their first fruits. The main advice of an astrologer: do not be blinded by momentary success and do not stop there. In order not to start a period of stagnation, you need to consolidate the result and move on, conquering new heights. Inaction can become a factor that crosses out all previous merits and undermines your happiness. So get strong and move on.


Capricorns in 2017 expect a period of balance and rest. Enjoy the results of your labors and do not try to jump above your head to deserve even more: do not forget about the old woman who wanted too much, and ended up with nothing. Act to the best of your ability, do not grab onto risky projects, and what you have acquired will not only remain safe and sound, but will also increase. The same applies to personal life: do not rush things, let them develop naturally.


In 2017, Pavel Globa advises Aquarius to devote more time to self-development: this will guarantee your professional success, and, consequently, increase your earnings. Do not neglect the advice of loved ones, and, on the contrary, treat the recommendations of acquaintances with caution - among them there may well be a person who claims to be in your place. Do not lose vigilance, take on responsible assignments - and everything will turn out well.


In 2017 the most important factor to achieve success, there will be the ability to soberly assess the world, be critical of the words and actions of the people around, and also predict the development of events several steps ahead. Try not to retreat into the world of illusions - in reality there are also a lot of interesting things, and most importantly - useful for personal growth. Do not hesitate to ask for help and support from your family circle - loved ones will show you the right path to your goal.

2017 promises to be a busy and dynamic year. Try not to miss the opportunities that he will provide you. Follow