Original ideas for a startup. Startup Ideas That Failed. The best startups in Russia include

A platform for teaching programming in English with 16 million registered users (!). In 2012, the creators of Codecademy announced the launch of the Russian-language version, but they did not finalize it: only a few menu items and tasks were translated.

There are no video lectures on Codecademy. Each lesson consists of a short funny text and a small assignment. The student enters the resulting code into a special field and proceeds to the next module.

There are no educational projects similar to Codecademy in Russia. Creating its analog is not an easy task, but the result will be worth it: in 2016, the company attracted $ 42.5 million in investments.

When a developer launches an English-language application, he knows exactly where to start promoting: on the site. It is an incredibly authoritative resource for finding apps and services: 100-200 votes on Product Hunt can attract thousands of new users. In addition, Product Hunt - important source information for foreign media.

When a developer launches a Russian-language application, the question of promotion remains open. The Product Hunt community is English-speaking and is not interested in local projects. So why not open a similar platform for Russian-language services and applications?

We all made mistakes of varying severity on the Internet: 18+ photos from parties, obscene comments on Facebook. How to find and hide all the dirt?

For example, using - a tool for managing personal reputation on the Internet. The service helps you keep track of mentions of your name on the Web and shows you a step-by-step strategy for improving search results.

The problem is that the service does not track content in Russian and does not take into account search results in Yandex. If you close these gaps, you can create a new useful product for Russian-speaking users based on BrandYourself.

This is the Uber for hairdressers and makeup artists. Instead of calling salons or looking for a master on the Internet, US residents can now order makeup and styling at home through the app.

StyleBee was believed by the investors of the famous Y Combinator, and the company received $ 1.2 million from them.

Women in Russia face the same problems finding hairdressers and makeup artists as American women. And we need help from Russian developers.

5. Eden

Imagine that all the computer masters from the ads near the entrance are gathered on one site. They will not only fix your equipment, but they will also bring friends with them to clean the floor and paint the ceiling. This is exactly what Eden offers - a service for ordering technical support, cleaning and minor repairs to offices.

Eden is office-oriented and based in San Francisco. But nothing prevents us from adapting such a service for apartments, retail premises, cottages or warehouses in any region of our country. Go for it!

New business ideas are the engine of progress. But there are advantages to using the experience of other projects: the existing product is definitely needed by someone and a monetization model can be found for it. In addition, the team can focus on development rather than thinking about the concept. After all, the main thing is not to boast of a new concept, but to create a demanded product and develop it in the direction that is interesting to users.

Apple, Facebook, Google, SpaceX - all these projects started as simple experiments- these ideas seemed just crazy, but they still tried to bring them to life. Here are 20 more successful projects, which their founders were engaged in in addition to the main activity.

For many people, a change in course is also a sign of weakness. This is tantamount to admitting that you don't know what you are doing. This seems particularly strange to me. I believe that a person who cannot change his point of view is dangerous. Steve Jobs has often changed his views depending on the situation, and I do not know anyone who thought he was weak, "- writes Ed Catmell in his book" The Corporation of Geniuses. How to manage a team of creative people ”.

The founder of Apple (and 20 other people, which we will discuss below) were not afraid to follow their ideas. Even Y Combinator - the most successful business incubator in the world - asks candidates to submit their side project idea when they apply (and many are chosen to implement their idea, instead of a company idea).


Do I need to have technical knowledge to start a business in this area? How about a business that deals with the discovery of new technical products? For Ryan Hoover, founder and CEO of ProductHunt, this has never been a problem. ProductHunt is a platform and community that helps people discover new tech products and interact with their team. Instead of worrying about the technical aspects of his side project, he just decided to do what he knew how to do:

“I was not an engineer, so I wasn’t going to invest time or money in building an entire site from scratch, but I could easily put together an email list. And so I did. Using the mailing list, I invited several hundred investors, founders and my friends who, in my opinion, would like my project and who had a nose for technical products. "

A few years after launching the startup, ProductHunt has grown into a community of hundreds of thousands of users. AngelList recently bought ProductHunt for $ 20 million.


How did a social network for activists become a collective discount service for 45 countries and is estimated at $ 1 billion? And all this happened in just two years after the launch. Groupon's path to success is a bit odd and twisted. However, it defines the spirit of this startup.

The project was originally called The Point. The platform was aimed at bringing people together around certain action... One day, the founder of the platform, Eric Lefkofsky, saw how users united in a large group to buy a product and get a discount. After that, the company began to develop as Groupon. The 2008 economic crisis pushed Lefkofsky to launch Groupon in Chicago, and we already know the rest.


Now almost everyone has it. Previously, Twitter was a small side project of the Odeo company. It was originally used as an SMS service for a small group of employees. The project did not seem interesting to the press and investors at the time, despite the support of CEO Evan Williams. Here's what TechCrunch wrote about him ten years ago:

“What is this company doing to make their offer attractive? How do their shareholders feel about side projects like Twttr when their main product is sheer boredom? Only the design is really good. "

Then they could not even imagine that the founders of Odeo built a new business that changed the way of communication on the Internet.


Craigslist (the American equivalent of Avito) is immortal. Let him not be included in the list of top tech companies However, it is worth saying a few words about the platform, which has enjoyed great success in the American market for 20 years. But where and when did it all start? In the early 1990s, Craig Newmark, a newly relocated IBM employee to San Francisco, compiled a list of email addresses for local events (Craig's list, you know?). Craig thought the list would help him meet new people. The idea was picked up, the list became popular. People began to use it for more than just meetings. This inspired Craig in the future, and he quit his job and took up the development of Craigslist. Today this company is worth $ 1 billion.


What do you do with the leftover photos after your landing page photo shoot? Building a repository for royalty-free photos, of course. When Canadian startup Crew hired a professional photographer to take pictures, the photos came out more than they needed. But instead of letting the photos get lost somewhere on the hard drive, employees posted them on the site and gave them away for free. Then - one post on HackerNews, scattered all over the Internet - and the photo was downloaded more than 50,000 times. Today, Unsplash has tens of thousands of great photos available for free download. Unsplash has become the place to go for free images.


You don't need a lot of money to create your side project. Take a look at AppSumo, a site for daily transactions in digital goods and services. The site was launched for a negligible amount of $ 50. Noah Kagan, founder of AppSumo, in an interview, shared his story about how he learned about the need to create a discount site for online companies. Then he was marketing for mint.com. He invested his own money (plus $ 20 in cash from his mom) to create a landing page and collect email addresses. In the first year, the company's value reached $ 1 million.


There are many stories about how famous companies started their way in garages: Apple, Google, Amazon, HP. And Oculus. After a long day at the Mixed Reality Laboratory (MXR) at California State University, founder Palmer Luckey walked into the garage to try and build the future of virtual reality. After one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns, Lucky quit his job, dropped out, and sold Oculus to Facebook for $ 2.4 billion, $ 400 million in real money, $ 2 billion in Facebook stock (before they even had a product).


If you're looking for something related to home renovation or décor, chances are you will come across a Houzz listing. The community serves more than 40 million monthly users and has about 1000 employees worldwide. However, they started very modestly. Once the founders of the company, the family of Adi Tatarko and Alon Cohen, while doing renovations, faced a lack of resources for home improvement. This prompted them to create their own. Their first users were twenty parents from the school where the children of Adi and Alon went, several architects and designers. Today the company is worth $ 4 billion.

Khan academy

While teaching his relatives, the founder of the educational platform Khan Academy Salman Khan received a slightly ambiguous compliment: his students suggested that he meet online, rather than in person. Khan did not ignore this remark, it just stuck in his head. So he started filming ten-minute YouTube videos about subjects ranging from biology to art. At the same time, he worked as a hedge fund analyst. As the Youtube activity began to gain traction, Khan quit his job and now has over 100 employees under his leadership.


How do you know that you've got a killer side project idea? If you dropped out of college, somehow became the fourth employee at Pinterest, then quit your job to pursue that idea, this is definitely it. The same thing happened with Sahil Lavinha. While working as a designer at Pinterest, he realized that selling digital products online was unreasonably difficult. He tweeted his idea for approval, and then created his own side project, Gumroad, over the weekend. Now the platform for selling digital products (from mailings to generating discount coupons) in the West is used by everyone - from Eminem to Tim Ferris.


"It all started with a domain, a cheap server from Slicehost, and some stock art." Before GitHub became a $ 1 billion company, founders Chris Vanstras and PJ Hiett were building websites for the computing technology portal CNET. They didn't like the fact that it was so difficult to make changes to open source. So they created their own repository, working at night and on weekends. To date, their side project has hundreds of millions in venture capital and approximately 20 million users.


One of the most important startups in the world may not have appeared at all. Prior to founding WeWork, Adam Newman sold baby clothes with knee patches in a small building in Brooklyn. According to Newman himself, at that time he was "mistaken and directed his energy in the wrong direction."

As an additional income, Newman and his partner rented space in the same building for little money and opened a "green" coworking there. With the proceeds from the sale of their stake in Green Desk (the original coworking company), they set up a new coworking space. Today it is worth $ 20 billion and is coming to Russia this year.


How many happy IT consultants do you know? Most likely, in your circle either they are not at all, or they are all unhappy. When Gagan Biani wanted to leave the consulting company Accenture, he took a side job - Udemy, where he was one of the founders. It is a platform where anyone can create and sell their online course. He's probably happy today, with Udemy offering 42,000 courses and costing over $ 170 million.


Remember Slack, which created its own messenger within the company, because nothing that existed in the market suited them. Or the founding family of Houzz, who built their network because they couldn't find the resources they needed to renovate. Whatever you choose, there will be a few people who will think the same way as you do. Don't give up on a side project idea just because you feel like you're the only one who needs it.

2. Listen to the market

When Twitch first started, the gaming community was never a priority. But when the founders saw that more and more people were streaming their games every day, they realized: this is what people want. In the early days, Groupon, then The Point, never set itself the goal of making money. He just wanted to unite for some kind of social action. But once users came together to get a discount on a product, Groupon's creators saw the full potential.

3. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty

WeWork, Buffer, HubSpot, Imgur and Oculus - their founders weren't one hundred percent sure what they were doing, but they took the risk anyway.

The truth is, you just have to try - then any startup mistake can be prevented. Start small and see if your idea works. Create, for example, a landing page or blog, send cold emails to 100 potential buyers and see if they like your idea. Side projects are a great way to test the waters before getting serious about your next idea.

4. Colleagues and partners can validate ideas as well as users

Startup founders are often advised to get approval from real users for an idea. This is, of course, important. But when you're looking for ideas for side projects or just want to figure out if you're on the right track, it's also important to listen to the insider's opinion as well. Talk to your team, employees, or partners about the problems they face, even if those problems are not related to your company.

For Planio, as a company that creates a project management tool, it is very important to be even more productive and efficient. Therefore, they made it a rule to themselves: seek confirmation from within the company before developing and releasing new features.

5. The moment is important

What's great about side projects is that there is usually no pressure from the outside. They can be launched at any convenient time. But this does not mean that you can just sit and wait for the "right moment".

Side projects are a chance to explore the future. This is a chance to use modern tools to create such applications and products, the need for which, perhaps, no one knows yet. Think of Instagram, which was only created because of the hype around location services like Foursquare. Subsequently, Instagram became the most popular social network for sharing photos.

Or even Oculus. Taking advantage of advances in technology and people's imaginations, they relaunched an entire industry. All this happened because the founders were looking to the future. However, they did not forget to follow the course of events. It was important for them to know that they were channeling their energy into the right side project, that it would not be wasted.

So what does this all mean?

Side projects are an incredible source of inspiration, a way to experiment. Often, the business ideas behind side projects are better and more interesting than your current activity. Why not give it a try?

Hello dear readers and subscribers of the business magazine site. Today we have prepared for your attention a useful article analyzing the best ideas for a business, namely, we will consider startups with a minimum investment of money at the start.

From the article you can find out:

  • How and where to start your business with a minimum investment?
  • What are the most profitable niches available to beginners?
  • What projects have been successful in Russia and abroad?

If you are planning to find a suitable idea, then we have already prepared everything for you. The rest is in the text.

Startup: which ones are the most successful today?

- what it is in simple words: definition of the term and its essence

Startups, what are they? For the first time in common use the term "Startup" was introduced by the American entrepreneur Stephen Blank. Literally translated from of English language, in simple words "startup" means " process start, start, start ”, But in relation to a business idea, a startup is a temporary project that is created in order to implement a larger-scale business model in the future.

All classic startups (regardless of country of origin) have common features: all of these are projects with minimal investment and they are all built on the basis of an original (exclusive) idea and never repeat an idea that has already been proposed by someone earlier.

Startup topics can be very diverse: From food to space exploration, the main thing is that it is a fresh and bright idea. At the beginning of development, the project may not even be legally formalized. This can be done later, in the event that the project becomes successful and begins to bring the first profit.

Unfortunately, startups, like any business idea, have their positive and negative sides, and the negative ones include an acute lack of funding, weak market positions and lack of serious support. Although, if the idea works, then it can bring its creators really huge fees.

An example of a successful startup is the launch of Facebook, since at that time the idea Mark Zuckerberg was new, it had no analogues in the world, and perhaps it was this fact that helped Zuckerberg become such a successful and outstanding entrepreneur in the future. You can also mention Wikipedia, YouTube, Skype and other software solutions - after all, they were all once someone's ideas that worked.

Startups with minimal investment: TOP-11 popular ideas for starting your own business

The best business ideas with minimal investment.

Startup # 1. Work "Husband for an hour"

Husband for an Hour is a service that can be ordered when a repair is required or minor repairs... It can be anything: installing a switch or socket, replacing and installing a light bulb, fixing plumbing, repairing small (and sometimes large) household appliances etc.

This idea will be especially in demand in megalopolises and large cities, where the rhythm of life is so frantic that it is sometimes difficult to allocate even half an hour of extra time for repairs, so it is easier to call a master who will fix everything in the shortest possible time.

In order to launch this idea, you will need to make an advertisement in thematic groups or in social networks... A personal car will also significantly facilitate the work, as it will allow you to come to the departures faster, but if it is not yet available, it is also not scary, it will help public transport... Over time, if things go uphill, you can hire an additional 2-3 more people, thanks to which you can take more orders.

The competition in this market is not so great, but, nevertheless, it is there, so the main emphasis should be on the quality of the services provided. Better to do well and ask for a higher price, but still earn praise and future recommendations. People are arranged in such a way that they are mentally ready to pay right away. more money, but then forget about this problem than save 50 rubles and call the master every other day. That is why the idea of ​​"Husband for an hour" is an excellent start of a business with a minimum investment.

Qualified specialists can earn 40-60 thousand a month, and an entrepreneur who organized the launch of a business, being a skillful manager, can receive at the initial stage up to 150,000 rubles a month.

Startup # 2. Breeding dwarf animals at home

Animal breeding can become a fairly profitable business with the only condition that this business, of course, must lie in the heart. If a person, in principle, does not like animals, he will have to constantly overpower himself, and, ultimately, everyone will suffer from this.

But if a person adores animals and clearly understands the scale of work and responsibility, then later short term, this idea will begin to bear fruit.

To begin with, of course, you need to decide what kind of animals you need to breed: it can be kittens, puppies, guinea pigs, hamsters or newts. The main condition for successful implementation is to find a “sales market”. There are special groups on social networks that unite animal lovers, it will be possible to post ads for sale there, at least for the first time. Later, when funds become available, it will be possible to make a good advertisement so that as many people as possible know about the sale.

As for the earnings, they can be very worthy.

For example, purebred kittens and puppies with a good pedigree can cost anywhere from $ 300 to $ 2,000. Also, over time, if space permits, you can open a veterinary store where related products for animals will be sold - so there will be even more people willing.

In short, home breeding is definitely worth considering.

Organization of a cargo transportation business.

Startup # 3. Carriage of goods

Per recent times, with the development of the Internet, online trade or online stores have become widespread, where a person can buy almost anything without leaving home. Naturally, with the growth of sales of such goods, the need for cargo transportation has increased, allowing you to quickly bring the ordered goods to the specified address. This is what makes the cargo transportation niche so attractive for potential investors and is included in the category of "startups with minimal investment."

You can start by opening small agency, which will employ 3-4 people. While there is no own car fleet, it will be possible to look for the same drivers with personal cars who want to earn money and use them to go on orders. It is better to set prices not too high, but also not to work at a loss.

Before making a price list, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the current prices of companies already existing on the market for transportation and offer customers more attractive conditions... There are many examples of how a person who has only one gazelle carries out transportation on more favorable terms, and then hires a few more people on the staff, after which the work is in full swing.

But in a good scenario, a small company of 4 people and two cars can bring 170,000-300,000 rubles a month. Of course, you will need to get started, you may have to, but it's worth it.

Startup # 4. Tutoring from home

Tutoring is not easy profitable job, it is, among other things, also difficult. After all, not only just to have some kind of knowledge, you need to be able to somehow convey this knowledge to others and try to make sure that a person passes it through himself and assimilated. That is why good and talented tutors are now worth their weight in gold.

If tutoring is a vocation, then you can turn this vocation into a decent income, however, before that, you yourself need to answer a few questions. First, it is necessary to decide whether this work will be aimed exclusively at schoolchildren who are going to enter universities, at those who simply want to learn something new for themselves or for children. Based on this, a different training program is chosen, that is, completely differentiated teaching methods are used.

A tutor is a job that needs to be given entirely, because any neglect is always felt, both by the student and by the parents (if it is a child). If you prove yourself as a competent and qualified specialist, satisfied students will recommend the tutor to their friends and acquaintances, setting themselves and their results as an example. And such advertising works the most efficiently.

The cost of a tutor's services can be different, it all depends on age, experience and city, but average prices start at 500 rubles per hour.

Startup # 5. Massage at home or on-site

In order to become a professional massage therapist, whether you like it or not, you will have to get a specialized education. It is not necessary to graduate from a medical school, but obtaining a nursing diploma or taking specialized courses is still a requirement. And then you can start developing this service sector.

Today it is difficult to find a beauty salon, fitness club or swimming pool that does not have a massage parlor. What does this mean? The fact that massage is in great demand today, regardless of age, field of activity and social status of a person. Someone is prescribed massage for medical reasons, and someone just wants to relax - so why not give people that opportunity? Moreover, you can offer different kinds massage: therapeutic, sports, prophylactic, anti-cellulite, hygienic and others.

A massage room can be opened at home, or you can work with a visit to the client's home. As for the cost, the average price for 1 half-hour massage session ranges from 400 to 1500 rubles.

If you plan to visit the client, you will need to add travel costs to the cost of the procedure.

Startup # 6. Online customer consultations

The Internet has truly destroyed all existing boundaries between people, cities and countries. Today, for example, you can engage in consulting and training without leaving your home - why not startups with minimal investment? Thanks to Skype, Viber and other programs that support video communication, this has become possible.

Online consultation of clients via computer.

To make online consultations a full-fledged way of earning money, you need to choose a specific niche for yourself. This can be teaching foreign languages, conducting legal or medical consultations (if there is a specialized education, of course), psychological trainings, business trainings, webinars designed to teach some kind of lesson (conducting master classes), drawing up individual horoscopes and many many others. Naturally, medical consultations will cost an order of magnitude more expensive than horoscopes, but they also require more knowledge and professionalism.

The possibility of fruitful communication via the Internet is suitable for both parties, as it saves money on travel. And if you also be an excellent specialist in your field and make sure that consultations bring real benefits to people, then there will definitely be no end of clients. All that is needed for online consultations is the availability of a stable Internet and a personal computer or laptop (although a tablet or smartphone will also work).

At current rates, average cost One hour of consultation with a doctor costs about 1000 rubles, with a lawyer 700-800 rubles, with a business coach from 500 to 1500 rubles. Monthly earnings directly depend on the number of clients and each one is individual.

Startup # 7. Confectionery to order

Making desserts to order is a great example of how a hobby can turn into a livelihood, and, moreover, not bad. If a person loves to bake, but does not know where else this talent can be applied, this business idea will suit him.

To start the process, you need to take several important steps: create a catalog, find customers, organize a sales channel. People who have never made an order to this pastry chef will definitely want to look at the work already done, so you have to spend a little time and money to create a beautiful album with works, a kind of "portfolio".

Then you need to start looking for clients, and at first, you can do it through friends and acquaintances, as you know, word of mouth works very well. You can also advertise about yourself on social networks - this will create even more opportunities to attract customers.

And finally, if the business goes uphill, you need to look for distribution channels. An excellent solution will be renting a place in a supermarket or a small pastry shop, but for this you need to do something truly original and memorable.

A huge advantage of this business is the fact that it is not seasonal, but permanent, that is, people celebrate and celebrate something all year round. As for the price, then we must proceed from the cost of products, as well as the amount at which the pastry chef evaluates his work and creativity.

On average, making 2-3 cakes of average complexity per week, you can earn about 15-20 thousand rubles a month.

And only later, when the cakes become a work of art, the price for them can rise sharply, and this is already a direct road to success and financial independence. Some pastry chefs have only one the wedding cake costs 20-50 thousand rubles.

Startup # 8. Sale of hand-made products

As in the case of custom-made cakes, handicrafts are another example of how a hobby can generate tangible income and. Hand - made covers the whole industry, which is difficult to limit to any one type of product. This includes the manufacture of bijouterie (jewelry, earrings, rings, bracelets, brooches and pendants), handmade dolls (tilde, etc.), sewing children's clothing, making Christmas tree decorations and decorations. And also, speaking of hand-made themes, it is worth mentioning also figurines, decorative knick-knacks, interior decoration items and much, much more.

The most important thing is to find customers who will order some things. First, you should think about posting several of your works in thematic groups dedicated to needlework, since there are enough of them now, both on Vkontakte and on Facebook or Odnoklassniki. Over time, if things go uphill, you can open your own online store, where you can place products in stock, as well as accept orders for manufacturing.

At first, a beginner master can earn about 8-15 thousand rubles a month, but an already well-known master with his own online store can earn from 100 thousand rubles a month, minus overhead costs.

For online store or to issue an individual entrepreneur, but it's not difficult. Therefore, we can conclude that making handmade items can be very profitable, but only if you put your heart into it!

Atelier at home: a lucrative business for women.

Startup # 9. Atelier at home

There are people who sew perfectly, and they do it by themselves, they do not apply any special efforts... So why don't they start their own business from scratch and start a home-based atelier. Atelier at home is very convenient, since the client always has somewhere to come and in a calm atmosphere, without haste, try on a thing.

Before starting work, you need to decide what format of the atelier to make: whether it will be just alteration and minor repairs of clothes or individual tailoring. You can start with altering clothes, because services such as stitching a dress, adjusting the width of trousers or trimming jeans will always be in high demand. And if opportunities allow, you can immediately offer customers to sew clothes to order. If a dressmaker knows his job perfectly and can make a pattern and then sew any outfit that the client wants, over time, many will learn about such a master.

For example, there is a fairly large category of people who want no one else to have such a second thing, and who, besides a seamstress, can give them such a guarantee? Moreover, it should be noted right away that professional dressmakers take very decent money.

To open an atelier, you will need to take care of acquiring a good sewing machine, which, by the way, are also not cheap, find a supplier of good fabrics and accessories, but also be patient, of course. Cutting and sewing is a monotonous and sometimes routine occupation, it requires special perseverance and increased concentration, but the result will not be long in coming.

Experienced and talented dressmakers can earn from 70-80 thousand rubles a month.

Business ideas for starting a business in your garage.

Startup # 10. Own production in the garage

The world does not stand still and a lot of enterprising people came up with the idea of ​​using their garage not only as a place for a car, but were also able to open it in the garage. own business... If there is a free garage, then it can be slightly refurbished and used for business purposes. For example, you can open dry cleaning or laundry: you only need to purchase a couple of machines, laundry equipment and more.

Another garage can be used as place for renovation household appliances , that is, a small repair shop can be opened in the garage. This idea will be especially useful for those who are versed in the repair and already have a certain, accumulated work experience. The advantage of a workshop in a garage is the fact that this activity can be used as additional part-time work and carry out repairs in their free time from the main work.

And finally, the third option: in the garage mushrooms can be grown, namely oyster mushrooms and mushrooms. In order to establish mushroom cultivation in the garage, it is enough to install ventilation system, take care of lighting, buy compost and mycelium.

According to average estimates, the initial costs will be about 20 thousand rubles, but the first income from the sale will be about 50 thousand rubles. If we develop marketing channels for mushrooms, it will be possible to raise this price point.

Startup # 11. Aquaprint at home

Aquaprint is an immersion print, which is an image on a hard surface that imitates various natural structures such as wood, stone, animal color and others. The advantage of aqua printing is that it can be applied to various types of surfaces, up to plastic and glass.

To open an aqua printing business, you will need to purchase an immersion film, an activator, a bathtub, car varnish and consumables. And of course, you need a person who will know how this process takes place.

The market cost of applying aqua printing, for example, on a car - a sedan, is about 13 thousand rubles, for oversized furniture 3000-4000 rubles.

Therefore, monthly earnings depend solely on the number of clients and personal professional skills.

Popular startups in Russia and America + Video

We can talk about the importance of developing and introducing new ideas into existing industries for a very long time, but to better understand it, we can give several illustrative examples of how a small team of people took a risk and ... remained a winner. Below are examples of how startups with minimal investment have paid off over time and made their founders famous and wealthy people.

Successful projects in the USA

In America, the number of startups dramatically exceeds the rest of the country, but, unfortunately, as elsewhere, only a small fraction of them become commercially profitable. Here is some of them:

Project # 1: Checkr

Checkr is a project that sells verified jobseekers' profiles to companies such as Warby Parker, Instacart, Uber, etc. A specially developed application generates API reports, which are then recognized by the data processing systems of the aforementioned companies. Checkr's founders are Daniel Yaniss and Jonathan Perichon, and the company's current investment package is $ 50 million. The revenue that the company received in 2016 was $ 150 million.

Project # 2: BitSight Technologies

BitSight Technologies is a project that allows you to analyze and compile a security rating for companies that can threaten the computer security of its partners. In their work, they use complex algorithms that work with large amounts of data. Founders of BitSight Technologies - Stephen Boyer and Nagrjuna Venna, the company has about $ 95 million in investments, and profit for 2016 was $ 30 million.

Successful startups in Russia

There are also many people in Russia who have shown by their example that nothing is impossible and that you can always find the desire and strength to do something new and interesting. Like these guys from below.

Project # 1: Gvidi

An application that, in fact, is an analogue of the famous Foursquare, but more adapted for Russian users. Prompts users to select a nearby restaurant or cafe based on feedback from users who have already visited the location. Currently, the application has been downloaded and installed by more than 40 thousand people.

Founders Anton Baranchuk and Alexander Dorzhiev, profit was $ 1.5 million.

Project number 2: YouDo

A very interesting startup is a project that allows you to order a specific service, most often a one-time one. For example, the most popular services are dog walking, furniture assembly, shopping, minor repairs. There is a geolocation function that shows exactly who will take up the task and where this person is at the moment. Now the application has been downloaded over 1 million times. Developers Denis Kutergin, Alexey Gidirim. The company's investment volume in 2016 was $ 6.2 million, and the profit was $ 2.1 million.

Watch examples of some more startup ideas in the video clip:

Ideas for startups: the “freshest” ideas from all over the world - 3 keys to success + TOP-5 ideas from around the world + 3 startup ideas from Russian developers.

Why startup ideas are becoming more and more popular in the business field and bring owners whole capitals?

First of all, because they offer completely new, innovative solutions to pressing people's problems.

Therefore, it is quite logical that in search of inspiration for creating your own startup you should not rush "deep into history."

Follow trends, fashion trends, what is actually in demand now.

This article will also help you with this, which has brought together the main business trends and forecasts regarding future discoveries in the entrepreneurial "art" market.

What is a startup?

Before talking about startup ideas, it’s worth defining what they mean.

Most have only general idea about startups. Because someone thinks that this is the name of new resources on the Internet, others - that this is a business created by young people without experience.

There is some truth in this. However, the concept itself is broader.

Startup Is a business idea that is based solely on the use of innovative technologies or the introduction of completely new products.

That is, the composition of the team and the format of the company does not matter (often startups begin to develop without being officially registered).

The main thing is for the team to help solve some problem of humanity by proposing something unique.

Also distinctive features startups are represented by:

  • limited money to start;
  • getting started from scratch;
  • most often, startup partners were previously linked by some kind of relationship (worked together, studied).

And although the world learns about such companies at its very first steps, when the market position is not yet strong, only those companies that have already manufactured a product can be called startups.

A development or a "raw" project is only the basis for creation, but not the startup itself.

What is the key to the success of a startup idea?

When you analyze the ideas behind a startup that have proven particularly successful, you can identify several common traits.

Conventionally, they can be called "secrets of success."

Factors on which the success of a startup idea depends:

    What exactly do you think of an idea that became a startup?

    Do you think she can make a lot of money?

    Or do you actually “burn” and are sure that this business will be useful to people and become innovative?

    Only in the second case does the startup really have a chance of success.

    If you do not have a genuine interest, you can quickly "burn out".

    Moreover, startups rarely bring instant profits.

    Much depends on the team.

    It is obvious that a team of like-minded people working on the same wavelength can do more than one person.

    You should not strive to shoulder everything only on your own shoulders.

    You should not count how many people will have to divide the profit, but take care of perfect quality fulfillment of every detail.

    Youth is a plus.

    Let this statement sound like discrediting.

    But the fact remains: investors are more focused on investing in the young and ambitious.

    Let experienced people go about their business - running large organizations and sharing knowledge with others.

For those who no longer consider themselves a "young man", but are on fire, let us clarify: success in business has no age restrictions.

Doubt? Take a look at this picture:

TOP 5: global startup ideas

As a rule, startups are concentrated in the field of IT technologies. We decided to create a selection of ideas that were created and implemented by ordinary people.

This step is intended to inspire you to implement your own ideas, even if you do not have a special education or many years of work experience.

1. Eco-friendly idea: special shampoo

Nephentes looks like an enema or something like that.

In fact, this startup idea can have a significant impact on the preservation of the environment.

Few people think, but ordinary plastic bottles from under "" are harmful to environment product. One bottle can take hundreds of years to decompose!

Do you remember how much you use them during your life?

According to the idea of ​​this startup, manufacturers manufacture products in huge containers, filling the necessary portions into the buyers' Nephentes bottles.

Curiously, the design does not even involve the use of a cover! The neck simply folds and slides into the compartment.

Another plus: you can finally use the product 100%, including what usually remains at the bottom.

2. Indian Startup Idea

If you think that India can only dance and make films, then you will be surprised - there are quite a few ideas for startups created in this country.

Interestingly, there is even a kind of analogue of the American Silicon Valley.

In addition, India is really interested in the huge amount of garbage on the streets. Innovative ideas come up regularly.

For example, an edible spoon - great alternative plastic appliances. After eating, you can use it as a dessert or, of course, just throw it away.

It is obvious that such "material" as flour decomposes as quickly as possible and is absolutely harmless to nature.

The creators also assure that vegetarians can safely eat the product. And in the future, it is even planned to develop a gluten-free version.

3. Idea for junk food lovers

How many of us are not familiar with such a misfortune: you carefully take chips or something else greasy, and your fingers get dirty so that you have to go to wash them.

And you must be extremely careful not to catch or stain anything!

A startup has appeared in Italy, the idea of ​​which is to create fingertips. They are very thin, but the latex fits snugly around the fingers.

Thanks to this, consumers can safely feast on goodies, and then just throw away the "baits".

It is assumed that these devices will not be sold independently, but complete with chips, nuts or similar food for which they were invented.

4. Startup: "folding" napkins

But the idea of ​​this startup is designed for a higher cuisine - that is, for restaurants. It appeared as a reaction to the fact that conventional napkin holders are already becoming an obsolete part.

But napkins pressed into a small round "washer" are another matter. To use such a thing, visitors must submerge the "pill" in an antiseptic solution.

And then the fabric unfolds, acquires a pleasant smell, and even becomes a "weapon of killing" harmful microbes on your hands.

Do not immediately estimate the increased costs for owners: these towels are not disposable. So the idea of ​​a startup will not harm either the wallet or the environment.

5. The idea of ​​a startup with social value

Often, startups are called upon to solve global problems, and not just improve the already comfortable life of consumers.

For example, in Denmark a special supermarket was created - "WeFood". Its concept is that they sell goods here that cannot be put on the shelves of "decent" ones.

Incorrect labeling, torn packaging, an approaching expiration date or even a delay in general - all these are usually reasons for writing off, returning or even disposing of goods.

Meanwhile, even in Denmark there are many people who have to save on everything.

The supermarket idea not only helped lower-income people eat more nutritiously. There was also a 25% reduction in food waste across the country!

Here is such a useful and, oddly enough, profitable startup.

What about Russia: 3 domestic ideas for startups

While the words “conditions of economic decline” have already become classics for texting in the realities of Russian entrepreneurship, things are not so bad in the field of startups.

The buy-and-sell benchmark is gradually giving way to an innovative approach.

Original solutions still do not have such strong government support as in other countries.

Nevertheless, their number is increasing, and investors are ready to invest their funds. This is especially evident in the variety of startup ideas in 2016.

1) The startup you've definitely heard of

Have you seen the original processing of a photo on Instagram, which turns an ordinary frame into an artistic canvas? Chances are you already know what this is about.

For the rest, let's clarify - the "Prisma" application - a service that allows original processing of users' photos.

For many, it will come as a surprise that it was Russian programmers who developed Prism. Moreover, its creator - former employee well-known mail.ru.

The peculiarity of the program is that it does not just overlay some filters on top of the card.

Thanks to the use of neural network algorithms (which you may have heard a lot about too), Prism analyzes the frame and then creates it from scratch. But already in the form of a picture.

The fact that almost everyone now knows about this application is already an indicator of success. It remains to add that the Facebook administration banned the use of the program on its network only because it considered it to be competitive.

2) Idea for a startup on cards

It is believed that various savings and discount cards are gradually becoming a thing of the past. At least because no one wants to carry dozens of options with them, not knowing which one they need.

The developers of the "Cardberry" startup came up with the idea to create a device that can accommodate all kinds of cards.

We will not go into technical details. The bottom line is that any user cards are, as it were, entered into the memory of this electronic device.

Every time a person needs a certain card, he goes into a special application and selects it.

"Cardberry" adjusts to the choice and becomes a full-fledged replacement for the required card.

For your attention, we offer a cool video

about the 10 most successful startups in the world:

3) The idea of ​​a startup for a comfortable life

Perhaps you are not familiar with the SVET company yet, but you have every chance to hear about them.

As the name suggests, the team offers lighting equipment. What is the innovativeness of this startup idea?

The fact is that the bulbs of this company are designed to simulate ordinary natural lighting.

Moreover, the settings of the device can be regulated (for example, in accordance with the time of day or night).

This startup idea is not only original and adds more comfort to everyday life. But it also has a beneficial effect on human health.

There is, perhaps, only one minus to the idea: at the moment one device is estimated at $ 70. The amount is too significant for Russians. However, the startup is in demand overseas.

Collected above ideas for startups only emphasize: everyone can create a business based on an innovative idea. Startups are not limited to IT.

The main thing is that you bring something new and useful to the world.

And if the idea is worthwhile, and the implementation is diligent, it can make you rich, no matter how trite it may sound.

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Contrary to popular belief, a startup is not just any nascent project. This is a special type of business, the main features of which are minimal investment and a non-standard approach to solving the problem. Biznes.ru figured out which startups are relevant now and whether it is possible to learn how to generate ideas for startups from scratch.

How to find an idea for starting a business

To understand the hottest startup ideas, you need to understand what separates a startup from a regular business. Here are the main criteria for a startup:

  • minimum starting investment;
  • fast business start-up;
  • prospect of rapid development;
  • innovative creative solutions;
  • lack of an adequate alternative on the market.

If you look at successful ideas for startups from scratch, one thing can be highlighted. important condition- the idea must be really needed. That is, the main business idea of ​​a startup should help the interested audience clearly and quickly solve a specific problem.

Have you been nurturing a startup idea for a long time, but don't have enough time to implement it? Untie your hands by outsourcing some of the paperwork of bookkeeping to service specialists

Actual startup ideas for business

You don't have to reinvent the wheel to find a startup idea. It is enough to look at what is important at the moment to potential clients and consumers. Regardless of social status and degree of wealth, for any person there are common important areas of life:

  • health;
  • quality nutrition and maintaining physical fitness;
  • comfortable living conditions;
  • the ability to quickly resolve any issues;
  • education and professional achievements;
  • beauty and appearance;
  • movement, travel;
  • comfortable permanent and temporary housing;
  • Fixed salary.

The motto of a startup idea is: if you see a problem, find a way to solve it quickly and easily. Considering the basic requirements of people's lives and modern technologies, the most actual types fast business.

Online consulting

Services with online consulting of specialized specialists are now at their peak of popularity, the help of doctors and lawyers is especially in demand.

When creating a service by medical advice, it is better to initially set certain narrow specifics. For example, online consultation with a doctor on children's health or cardiovascular diseases. Many people do not have time to visit a doctor, so when health problems arise, most users search for information on the Internet.

The same can be said for legal advice. The majority of citizens sometimes simply do not know where and to whom to contact. Fast and high-quality online consultation will save them from wandering around forums and tedious attempts to google the answer.

Production and delivery of ready meals

Despite the fact that in the sphere modern services catering companies are quite widespread, the demand for quality food never falls. An important factor This idea for a startup from scratch stands for quality, assortment and organized delivery.

The advantage of this type of business is minimal investment, equipment for cooking and purchasing products do not require large financial costs and quickly pay off. Starting with the delivery of lunches and lunches to the nearest offices, you can increase the reach of clients and diversify the types of services - off-site banquets, corporate events in nature, organization and service of weddings.

Computer repair and maintenance

Computer repair today - is it large service centres with a high price list, or private masters, whose honesty is sometimes questionable. The start-up idea in this area is to create a democratic team of hardware-savvy computer scientists and programmers. You can start working with home services, and in the future, the development prospects depend on the degree of ambition and correct organization work.

Help in solving household issues

“Husbands for an hour” and “wives for an hour” did not just appear in the life of modern townspeople. Increasingly, we do not have enough time for the simplest household actions: clean, cook, fix a leaking tap.

Take a look at the ad feed, study the demand. Many people constantly require services for minor household repairs, maintenance of household appliances, cleaning of premises. Companies that provide repair services for plumbing, furniture, household appliances never remain without work and clients. The same goes for cleaning services, household help. This small business startup idea never loses its relevance.


Educational reforms are taking tutoring to a very high degree demand. Help for children and future graduates is most often required in the Russian language, mathematics and specialized subjects, knowledge of which is necessary for admission to a university. Adults need tutors in foreign languages, which is associated with the need to communicate with foreign partners.

Sports apps and online classes

Good physical shape in modern world- not only a requirement for health, but also an important aspect of success. And here again the problem of time arises - not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym, therefore, online classes with the advice of a professional trainer, personal complexes are beginning to be in great demand. An additional bonus when promoting this idea for a startup is the sale of related products, equipment and accessories for sports activities.

Production, sale, delivery of building materials

Building materials are always in demand, and if there is a possibility of independent production, taking into account the wishes of the client and an oriented pricing system, the demand will only grow.

Development of mobile applications

Many types of services - counseling, tutoring, sports, diets and nutrition systems - can be created as a mobile application. High-quality applications for smartphones, despite the large number of proposals, will always be of interest.

Development and launch of browser games

Browser game is not only an opportunity to get away from everyday affairs and worries, but also a way to find a circle of friends with the same interests, to get certain achievements. If there is an opportunity to assemble a team of professional programmers, web developers and graphic designers, then the creation computer games can be effective idea for a startup with subsequent development.
