What email marketing to do for your business. From one-time mailings to email marketing: an example of a communication scenario in an online store

Do you often wonder what emails should be in your mailing list? We analyze all the subtleties and details in this article + video.

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Greeting Series

A greeting is 1-2 letters where we get to know our audience, join them and show that we understand and know their problems. In this chain, it is important to show that you understand the pains and challenges our audience faces.

In these letters, we get to know each other and say what will be useful in the mailing list. Avoid outright self-promotion. It is important to show your expertise in the first emails. But do it in terms of benefit and benefit to the reader. Then your letters will be opened and read with pleasure.

Usually, if you have a sales funnel built, then this series of greetings consists of 2 letters. The first email is sent immediately after registration. In it, you talk about yourself, get to know each other and say that the requested material will come after a while (usually 10-15 minutes). In the second letter, you give the material that your readers have subscribed to (lead magnet).

To summarize, the welcome series includes the following items:

  • what will be in the mailing list
  • who is author
  • what's the benefit
  • why you need to read
  • link to download free material.

Selling Series

Selling series are used almost throughout your entire auto funnel. The selling series consists of at least two letters.

Selling series sometimes reach 15-20 letters, i.e. we build interaction and warm up the audience in such a way as to subsequently sell them a certain product or service.

A selling series involves the inclusion of various triggers, for example:

  • the desire to belong to some community, if you have a group training
  • a logic trigger when you show the results of clients on numbers, on some specific cases and examples.
  • loss trigger when offer ends.

Without selling series, there is no financial result of the auto funnel, no matter how cool the whole mailing list is. You can sell not only to a new base, but also to those who have already established themselves as a client. Write sales letters to give you the opportunity to buy your other products and materials. This builds repeat sales.

Content, trust & expertise

These are the emails where you are not selling anything. And if you sell, then you do it on the principle of "sales without sales." It is important to provide useful content, build trust with the audience and show your expertise.

To do this, you must have a very high quality avatar of the target audience. As a rule, there should be several of these avatars. Under each avatar, you should write the pains of the target audience. It is under these pains that you need to prepare content that will help solve problems.

You can release such a newsletter 1-2 times a week. Also, content series work well as a warm-up before launching your products or services. How it works? You collect a preliminary list with a certain number of subscribers. Then you build trust with them through a certain chain of content. This is how you prepare the subscriber for a future purchase.

At the same time, you are not selling "on the forehead", but are preparing such a useful series.

You can send this content once a week throughout the database, post it on social networks, etc. When you post such helpful content on social media, be sure to include a call to action at the end and motivate people to subscribe to your free content. Thus, you will not lose an interested audience, you will collect a fresh base. A properly built auto funnel will bring you sales.

Client letter series

The customer series is overlooked by virtually most internet entrepreneurs. You've made a sale, and you're not selling anything to an existing client.

This is a marketing error.

In addition to sales, the client series helps to bring people to the result. If there is a result, there are subsequent sales. If you do not have customer results, then you cannot confirm your expertise in any way.

A customer series is created in order to help people get a result and subsequently make an additional purchase within this series.

What are these letters? Imagine that you are leading an 8-week training session. During the first week, a person has a huge charge of motivation. The training has begun, a lot of emotions, everything is cool.

In the third week, as a rule, a small rollback occurs, skipping classes begins. Tasks somewhere are not completed or are not completed to the end, work begins carelessly. After a certain amount of time, people become less actively involved in the program.

To prevent this from happening, you need a client series.

Perhaps you can record a couple of motivational videos that will tell you how the best way get a result. Perhaps you will give some additional materials in the client series.

Throughout the training, several times a week, you can give additional bonus mailings exclusively for the audience that is undergoing the training.

What to write in such a newsletter? Not necessarily only letters on the subject. Let's say you have traffic training. As soon as your students start getting clients, the question may arise of how to get everything done, organize projects, and not miss anything. A cast about how to manage time or how to get the maximum result in the minimum time will be very useful.

Follow-up sales of related materials, trainings, programs, services, products, and so on can be built into the client series.

For example, let's say you're teaching watercolor painting. You have created a client series, told a lot of useful things, and at the end, after completing the training, you can offer the second step.

Let's say a person has completed your basic watercolor or pastel op program, and then receives an offer to go to the advanced second stage for those who passed the first stage. The second option is to offer a set of materials for skill courses: brushes, paints, paper, etc. Think about what you can sell as a "trailer" within this series and how you can give the maximum result in this series.

Resuscitation series

A certain number of people during a given period of time stop opening your letters, reading your newsletter. Every 3 months it is optimal to send 3-4 letters to this segment of the base to reanimate the base.

What does it mean to revive subscribers?

This means getting people to read your emails and open your newsletter again. They will be able to move into some new funnel, during which they will become customers again.

What are these letters?

Letters are sent in a wave, according to not opened each time.

The first letter is sent to everyone. This is a soft format. Topic: “Welcome”, where we remind you what kind of project we have and give some kind of gift (lead magnet to enter a new or old car funnel). Why do we write "Welcome" in the topic? Because a person thinks he signed up somewhere, and we can interest him.

The second letter is sent to those who did not open the first letter. Subject: Are you okay? Inside, we ask the person if they want to continue receiving our newsletter. Here you can recall the benefits and benefits of receiving your letters. In the same letter, we repeat the link to the gift. You do not repeat with gifts and new offers, because you only send an email to those who did not read the first one. So - I did not see your link to the gift.

The third letter is sent to those who did not open the first and second letters. It is tougher and here we can work more assertively. Ask if the person signed up just because it was free? Or maybe you've lost interest? Say that if the letters are not interesting, you can unsubscribe, or you yourself will remove the reader from the database.

The wave is that we do not send three letters to everyone in a row. Letters each time go only to those who did not open the previous ones. So you don't burn out the base.

For three letters, we are working to get as many people involved and involved as possible.

Highly important aspect base hygiene.

When people do not read you, you can filter out in any mailing service those who do not read your letters in the last 3-6 months and do not respond to the resuscitation series. And yes, it will be difficult and you will be sorry to delete them. But this must be done so as not to spoil your statistics.

Selling mailings. Boosting Sales with Email Marketing Brody Yang

Planning automatic series letters

Planning an automatic series of emails is a bit like plotting a movie or a book. Typically, everything starts with a general theme or plot, as well as ideas for key scenes in a movie or chapters in a book. Then the film is storyboarded: new ideas are generated by brainstorming, the sequence of episodes is determined. In the case of email autoresponders, this process can be improved indefinitely.

In fact, this is an extended version of the development of short campaigns, which we covered in the previous chapter. Decide what goal you want to achieve with the series of emails, i.e. what action your subscribers should take (for example, buy a certain product or make a personal call).

Then analyze the ideal client's needs map and write down all the goals, aspirations, problems, tasks and factors of knowledge and feelings associated with the chosen goal.

This will give you ideas for subject lines for emails in the series. The knowledge and feeling factors will need to be illustrated in the stories, examples and anecdotes with which you plan to cover each topic.

Review your existing resources. Think about what your articles, videos, audios, infographics, previous letters, etc. can be associated with or described in this message, thereby providing subscribers with useful information and revealing the topic. Perhaps some of your stories can be written as letters.

You probably already have a decent list of possible topics that could be included in the automatic series. And potential resources have been selected for many topics. When creating your first series, don't overdo it: plan around 6-12 emails first. You can always add.

You can also follow the example of MindValley and balance the email series by alternating between informational, entertaining, selling, and inspiring. And if the messages are quite concise, subscribers will get used to perceive them as light reading. Later, when your emails become associated with useful information presented in an engaging way, you can afford to send much longer emails if you need to.

Once you've planned your main email series, you can start working on the content of each email. First, define a call to action that is the same for all emails, and then choose the subject of the email and the corresponding content.

Below in in general terms describes a short series of letters for new subscribers, which could be organized by a business coach.

Common goal. Encourage new subscribers to order a personal call on the topic "Business Breakthrough".

Schedule. Submission begins as soon as the user registers to receive a free copy of the Growth Growth Survey. The dispatch frequency is once every two or three days.

Letter number 1. Have you received the Breakthrough to Growth review yet?


Make sure new subscribers get the review and read it;

Set a friendly tone of conversation and encourage interaction;

Push people who are ready for a personal call to order it.

Call to action. Request a call on the topic "Business breakthrough".

Letter number 2. What is the most important task for your business?


Teach subscribers to act;

Identify subscribers who have encountered significant difficulties and are ready to discuss them.

Call to action. Tell me about your most important task and I will send you mine. best ideas by her decision.

Letter number 3. Hope is not a strategy.


Show how important it is to act, and not just passively consume information.

Call to action. If you want to take the first step towards accelerating the growth of your business right now, contact me to arrange a free call on Business Breakthrough.

Letter number 4. My path to increasing cash flow.


To evoke empathy, since I was in their position;

Show that I know how to quickly solve problems with cash flow.

Call to action. If you're having the same cash flow issues, I can certainly help you. And quickly. Just reply to this email and we will discuss briefly possible ideas and practical steps.

Letter number 5. 7 barriers to small business growth.


Demonstrate knowledge of the key approaches required for small business growth, as well as the ability to simplify the problem and get to the bottom of it;

Give examples successful work with clients from different areas activities (services, retail, finance, manufacturing, etc.).

Call to action. If you'd like to analyze your business and your ability to overcome obstacles, call me to schedule a complimentary Business Breakthrough meeting.

Letter number 6. I have to ask you.


Encourage subscribers to engage and collect information on key topics of interest to them by asking them to take a survey.

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Appendix 6 Automated Email Examples A: Subscription Bonus B: Bonus Reminder C: Welcome e-mail D: Request for Feedback E: 2nd Incentive

Ekaterina Poluektova

customer service specialist telephone sales chirp

Almost every day, each of us receives letters with offers to use the service, buy a product or invitations to trainings, webinars. Among them come across both good and bad, and bring a lot interesting examples not difficult.

I would like to make a small series of articles about mistakes in the preparation and design of sales letters and attachments. In order to somehow announce the beginning of this work, I will try to collect key errors in one article, which will be devoted to subsequent articles.

So here are five common mistakes:

1. “Catching headline”

Let's start with the title. All copywriters have such a phrase as “catchy headline” on their tongues. This is the number one rule for sales texts. Depending on the experience, ambitions and creativity of the writer, the “stickiness” of the text may be in reflecting the relevance of the problem or in its unusualness. With enviable constancy, I received bad examples of “catchy” headlines until I canceled my subscription to one agency - my patience snapped. I bring them here:

“Catherine, do not open this letter...”

“Ekaterina, your last 10 centimeters”

"Catherine, aren't you ashamed?"

“Catherine, are they laughing at you too? “

And here, just a brilliant example: “Ekaterina, B ****, this is sad (+18)”.

I can't help but agree, it's really sad...

Of course, it's hard to get a client to open an email. But for what target audience calculated these headings?

So, the first mistake is not to assume that customers have the time and mood to read emails with defiant headlines. With a high probability, they immediately fall into the category of spam for their rude attitude towards the addressee and low humor, because the client we work with is a smart business person. How to avoid common mistakes when compiling the title, we'll talk in the first article.

2. Address by name and style of conversation

Sound own name(except for rare exceptions) is really nice to hear. But there is a problem: the sound is difficult to convey in a letter. Therefore, the classic trick does not work when managers periodically insert the client's name into various parts text, and even in the title (examples can be seen in the first paragraph). An association appears - if the subject has a name, it is spam.

The client gradually develops immunity to monotonous headings and texts of letters, and he stops opening and reading them.

As for the text, it seems successful when it is built as a conversation with the client. During a conversation, you do not insert before each new thought the name of the client, the appeal is natural. Also, of course, it should be placed in the text. To the greatest extent, this applies to periodic mailings to which the client is subscribed.

An example of a good letter:

The style of the conversation and the analysis of successful and not very good examples will be the subject of a second article.

3. How not to make a joke out of a letter

No one is immune from errors in the text. Misprints are found even in newspapers, where, it would seem, the text goes through a multi-stage check. What then to say about the texts of mailing lists? But a typo should not become feature letters - this creates a negative opinion about the company: “What a mess they have, they didn’t even check in the Word.” A perfect example from a recent email:

Does anyone know what "Wikipedia" is? Options, please, in the comments.

Another example is a storehouse of errors. I singled out only one sentence, where there are three errors at once:

We will also talk about what to do when there is no philologist at hand.

4. Design is more than just color font

Create individual design It is possible to send letters, but it is not always possible to spend time and money on this. So many managers try to make do with their own efforts. Given the limitations in tools and, perhaps, in the idea of ​​​​what design is, it is not uncommon to get bright letters in every sense. For example, having opened a letter about the delivery of water, she closed her eyes as if from a bright light, was horrified and quickly closed them. I didn't even think to read it.

The text of the letter should be visually pleasing. To focus the attention of the client on certain points, it is enough to use different italics and compose the text into lists.

5. Deceived hopes and bad investments

Often letters come with an offer to register for a webinar or training, after registration for which they promise a digest of a very useful book or a video of an interesting training. In reality, this digest is nothing more than a presentation in a standard Power Point, and a video training is the same presentation, only with sound.

Once customers will believe, the second time they will give a chance, but there will be no third time. Therefore, promises should be kept with high quality so that customers read your letters with pleasure and interest. After all, writing a good book digest is always helpful.

With deceived hopes, bad investments are associated: an unsuccessfully issued KP, an invoice for payment, from which details cannot be copied. Ultimately, all this is perceived as a banal disrespect for the client, who, as we remember, is a smart business person.

Summarizing. With so many letters every day, it's so nice sometimes to find one really well written. Beautiful, neat, human.

Good luck with your sales letters!

Ekaterina Poluektova,
telephone sales customer service specialist

Information about new promotions, sales, product updates, gifts and discounts - all this can be contained in a sales letter. It helps to attract more new customers, strengthen relationships with old ones and increase sales.

A regular customer can be immediately informed about loyalty programs, discounts and new products - he will forgive, understand and follow the link. But unlike him new subscriber- not yet a client. And he may never become one if he gets intrusive advertising immediately after the subscription.

Your task is not to frighten and anger the subscriber, but to earn his trust and arouse interest in the newsletter. To do this, start with a greeting and a content chain of emails:

The TexTerra Internet agency blog has a case of the Aromatny Mir wine supermarket chain. The entire database was conditionally cold, but the result was successful: the Open Rate was 28.4%, and the number of unsubscribes was only 0.5%.

Welcome letter from the Aromatny Mir chain of stores

If the mailing list had started with an offer to buy a case of wine, there would have been more replies. At the initial stage, try to start a confidential conversation with the subscriber: tell about why you are doing the newsletter, what will be in it. And let the reader decide for himself whether he needs it or not. So you get an active and responsive base.

Continue mailing with interesting information, life hacks and other useful content until you see interest from the subscriber. It is expressed in link clicks and directory views. We noticed such activity - make a commercial offer, spice it up with a special price, time limit and hit right on target.

Maxim Ilyakhov, a well-known journalist, editor and creator of the Glavred service, in an article on the Medium blog platform:
– The best and first segmentation is segmentation by engagement. If a person responds to your posts, give them 100% marketing. If not responding  -  30%.

The main elements of a sales letter for a cold base

Before you write a sales letter for the newsletter, work through each element: subject, headline, text, call to action. Miss something, and the subscriber will not open the letter, and if he does, he will not go to the site.

Subject and preheader (preheader)

The SendPulse email marketing service conducted a study among 120 online store subscribers. Result: The majority of recipients (62%) open and read email only if it has an interesting topic.

The preheader, also known as the preheader, complements the theme. These are the few words you see in your email client to the right of the subject line. Often, without a preheader, the topic looks incomprehensible and needs to be continued.


The “header is required” rule does not apply to email newsletters. Often it is replaced by a subject, and the letter begins with the name of the reader and a salutation. Email with a name better disposes the subscriber and sets up a dialogue.

If you use only the name: make sure that it is written without errors and in the correct declension.

If using a heading: make it 4U. It should be useful, unique, ultra-specific (contain numbers) and urgent (with a time limit).

4U header example:

Slim waist in 2 months according to the program of Ekaterina Usmanova. When registering before December 10, the sports menu is free.

If the title is too long, the last parameter (urgency) can be removed.


The selling text for a cold base, which you want to read to the end, looks like this:

  • it is informative and not loaded with unnecessary details;
  • corresponds to the topic;
  • easy to read;
  • well structured (there are subheadings, lists, highlighted blocks);
  • does not contain incomprehensible abbreviations and terms;
  • not overloaded with images - just one picture is enough.

It is necessary that the reader from the first seconds understand what exactly you are offering him, why he needs it, and how he can get it. If he is distracted by bright pictures, slogans and abstract language, he will close the letter, and next time he will have to work hard to arouse interest in the newsletter.

Let's take as a sample a sales letter for sending email from the online accounting department "My Business":

  1. They talked about WHAT they offer: a series of webinars;
  2. told WHY to watch the webinar: there is a program;
  3. showed HOW to register - placed a clear CTA button.

Below letters - Additional Information, links to social media, contacts, unsubscribe button.

Call to action button

This is the main element of the sales letter. A bright theme, title, text, cool design - all this to get the user interested and go to the site / place an order / register.

The call to action button should be clear, contrasting, with a short and motivating phrase.


  • "Get Free Coupon";
  • "Select stockings for the stock";
  • "Buy grape seedlings with a 20% discount";
  • "Purchase 14 demo lessons";
  • "Download the book in one click."

So that the reader immediately sees the button, place it at the top of the page. If the email is long, there may be 2-3 such buttons, but don't overdo it.

Letter from the coach English language— Alena Privenetseva

Selling email with an offer to sign up and pay for a food freezing training. Initially, the messages were informational: ready-made options menus, recipes and helpful tips for housewives.

There is a discount and a time limit. First came newsletters describing the history of lingerie: stockings, corsets, bras.

M A C cosmetics online store newsletter

M A C offers free shipping with a promo code. Valid for 1 day - great motivation to quickly make a purchase. There was no content mailing, they immediately sent interesting, bright letters, introduced them to the assortment. If the store is well known, it can do without the informational chain of letters.

New subscribers and those to whom you have not written for a long time are a minefield. Walk on it carefully: send welcome letters, then content letters, and only after that - promotional ones. And when you receive orders from the site, you can record them in: the program itself will appoint a responsible manager, set him the task of contacting the client and will give hints at each stage of the sales funnel.

Good day, blog readers. In today's article, we will continue our acquaintance with e-mail marketing. We recently wrote about ways to collect e-mail addresses. Now let's talk about what kind of mailings your business must have if you have already taken up email marketing. In particular, we will talk about online stores. These mailings can also be applied to other types of business, and not just to online stores.

There are several mandatory mailings in the online business: a welcome series, trigger letters, informational ones.

Welcome series or welcome chain

This is the first series of letters that the subscriber begins to receive after his contact is in your database. The number of letters in this series is usually 3-5. In them you greet the subscriber, thank him for leaving you his contact, you can write letters to the director of the company, send 2-3 reviews, company history, licenses and certificates, etc. With this series of letters, you should win over the client and increase the level of trust even more. The main thing is that in this series of letters do not sell anything. These are not sales letters. In the welcome chain, the main task is to consolidate long-term relationships. And if you start selling from the first letters, then most people will unsubscribe from you.

For the welcome series, it is best to set up automatic mailing. You will spend only 1 time of your time on it, but in the future it will work on full automatism at any time of the day. It turns out that part of your business will be on autopilot. Therefore, the welcome chain is indispensable in online business.

Trigger mailing

How does trigger mailing work? As I already wrote, this mailing list is aimed at certain actions your visitors. Therefore, the principle of operation is built precisely on the actions of your users. To make it clear, let's look at an example. Let's say you have an online women's clothing store. The user who entered the site was already authorized earlier, so you can calculate his actions through the CRM system. So, the female user went to the page with the dress and added it to the cart. I spent some time on the site, but did not make a purchase, leaving the site. What do you do in such a case? Through CRM, you set up a reminder for this user through the mailing list. In the letter, write that the user has not completed the purchase of a particular product, so you are sending a reminder. Be sure to include bonuses in such letters: discounts, gifts.

In addition to a forgotten cart, users often do not place an order, even when they are on the checkout page. Such users should also be returned to make a purchase through a reminder that they did not complete the checkout. The reasons for not placing an order can be different. But if you remind them, most will make a purchase.

In addition to the mentioned actions, trigger mailing should also be applied to those who have repeatedly viewed the same product. Agree, just like that a person will not be interested in a certain product 2-3 times. If he shows such interest, then he wants to buy it, but, most likely, at the moment there are some reasons that stop the user from buying. Your task is to help him and push him to buy. Send him an email with this product and offer a discount. With a high probability that the user will buy this product immediately after receiving the letter.

Trigger mailing should also be used in order to make the so-called additional sales (cross-sell). They are good because they significantly increase the average check. How it works? After making a purchase, after a certain period of time, you send a letter to the client with an offer like “They also buy with this product” and several products to choose from. For example, a client bought an iron from you. After 2-3 days, you send a letter and offer to buy additional special liquid and a non-stick nozzle. Agree, the goods are necessary and useful, which means that most people will buy these goods.

Also, trigger mailing is well suited for activating and returning those users who have bought something from you for a long time and in recent times did not show themselves. Remind them of yourself. Offer them a discount, bonus, or gift.

Information letters

Type of emails that involves sending to your subscribers useful information no offer to buy anything. Through this type of email, you should show your expertise and bring real benefits to your subscribers. For example, you sell women's clothing. For your subscribers, you can send a letter 1-2 times a week with information on how best to wear this or that clothes, what colors go best, how to visually reduce seem slimmer, etc., that is, carry maximum benefit for their clients. In return, they will buy from you.

In general, these are the main types of mailings that should be used in online business. The cost of mailing is minimal, but the efficiency is very high. In your newsletters, 70-80% should be newsletters, the rest should be sales. Don't mess with letters. If you email too often, people will start unsubscribing. Optimal 3-4 mailings per month, not counting automatic mailings. In general, for each business these parameters are different and you need to test everything. Spend 2-3 months identifying the best email marketing strategy to keep both you and your customers happy.

If you have any questions about this topic, ask them in the comments. Also if you need to customize the basic e-mail newsletter write in the comments and we will contact you.